Thread #160755
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eromanga alice granblue twin angel danmachi What do you guys want to start with?
Are you in the middle of veedeeo geems Bang or are you currently free?
Let's just do Twin Angel or DanMachi first.
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okay twin angel okay everyone is orange let's start
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time for PTSD I guess.
Oh she's finally playing her hand.
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Wow, school nurse lady has revealed her identity.
apparently meguru is blind and deaf because she doesnt look any different from the big baddie that killed her friends
>>160772 To be fair, everyone in this show is like that. Veil and her brother looked the same in idol mode as they did in school uniform, and despite having die-hard fans in their class, had to reveal their identity. The villains had to use considerable investigation to realize that MC-chan and her friend were the Twin Angels too.
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>>160772 It's a very clever disguise she wears different clothes and everything.
that butler looks evil
They just have a fighter jethiding on the premises.
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>>160775 He's just hardboiled.
>She still hadn't realized it was her
okay I was doing something embarrassing in FFXIV that kept me how long do you guys have
Were you erotically roleplaying again?
look bitches be all over rikuneko I can't help it
There's only two minutes left in Twin Angel.
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Wow so they're using her as a filter to make the dark coins darker?
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okay so what are we watching now? Is Jan finishing doing whatever he's doing?
watch me
If Bang's free we could do Ero-manga Sensei. Otherwise, DanMachi? Is that something Jan was even watching?
wait danmachi? what the fuck
cant 2gay
>>160789 Spin-off series featuring the autistic blonde girl the main series' guy was crushing on. And her entire guild/family thing.
>>160791 oh no i wasn't watching that
Yeah I think you're normally not here for Friday. We're a whole day behind since Rika slept through all of Friday night.
i wouldn't be heere but i checked moo and there was some stuff i did watch here
>>160793 i slept through all of saturday night
alice danmachi eromanga granblue suki ni haru sono shunkan wo (musical anime thing 1 hour long)
lets do alice and eromanga
if you would be so kind
Alice, GranBlue, Ero-manga, in that order? Do you have that time, Jan?
ok wait im not jan
All right.
>>160799 just alice and eromanga you can watch granblue without me i am quite tired i could probably find the time for it but i want to go to bedddd
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alice okay that's everyone let's start
>>160802 Yeah, it's fine by me. Might upset Rika's comfy autism though~.
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if its too much trouble i'll can simply watch both of them on my own time
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yes, it does disrupt the comfy pyramid maybe you would have more energy if you spent less time yanking it to people's cat avatars
Kagami o kagami
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fuck off i got 5 hours of sleep and worked for 12 hours today i have EARNED the right to wank to people's cat avatars it's not even like they're cats i'm the cat they're crushing on
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It's fine, we'll watch both of your shows. Even if it topples the comfy pyramid.
>>160809 Did you do this week's Saekano yet?
Search [iqdb] (421 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zourok(…).jpg )
>>160811 nope! i'm working first shift a lot recently so i have missed out on anime also i couldn't access /moe/ at home at all for like a week
>>160812 Yeah, a lot of people were having problems with that. If you're able to show up tomorrow or Tuesday we can get it out of the way.
alice is funny
She's a dumb brat. Just one with literal reality-warping powers.
Search [iqdb] (278 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zourok(…).jpg )
>>160813 i work second shift tomorrow and i will be here probably i'm off tuesday but i work first shift on wednesday so i'll be asleep far before anime happens once again pretty much the only days that i can watch anime now are today, tomorrow, and yesterday if i can manage to stay up for 24 hours to do it
>>160816 I guess your new schedule is causing a bit of turbulence, eh. I'll try to remember that.
Oh boy we're even more WANDARANDO than before.
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chrono trigger vibes initiated
Also if you're gonna be around for tomorrow you should get the musical one-hour show Squid was talking about too. It'll be cutesy and fun.
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ill do it if ika says its cool
sanae bumped her head TWICE
She's a cute baka.
all bakas must be respected
Sana isn't a very good intimidator.
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Alice's first encounter with edge.
Down and down the rabbit hole, Alice fell.
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floop watching as /moe/ has another argument
Gnu gni gnu gnu
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That is a pretty good face.
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okay so it was eromanga sensei on the list next? okay let's start
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rika is going to destroy the comfy pyramid just for me kyaa thank you rika
What kindness and mercy.
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is this what japanese microsoft word looks like
Probably one of the templates for it. A lot of Japanese manuscript is written in landscape.
Wow she gets what's pretty much an author's fanfiction of his own series.
>>160840 novels are typically like that.
>>160840 Also that actually looks like Japanese Google Docs.
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I guess this boring bitch is getting an episode. At least it seems like we'll get some Elf on the side.
A writer's retreat sounds kind of fun.
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>tfw you realize you're the worst girl
Oh she broke.
Hah hah hah. This is omoshiiroi.
shes become better but shes still worst
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>just want to write cool stories and have your NEET imouto illustrate them >get roped into this shit
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She called Elf a yankee. I would have expected her to be European.
yankee in Japanese means delinquent
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>>160858 she's still pretty good but it doesn't matter when elf exists
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>>160861 There's no way Elf could be called a delinquent, though. She must have been using it in the English sense.
>>160861 They're also not saying "Yankee" in Japanese; the subs are taking some other noun and liberal translating it to that.
Oh no.
>>160864 ah i see
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I thought I heard her say "yankee" in english.
Oh no.
Search [iqdb] (442 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
i bet that recording this VA was really fun
masamune is adorable
Do you mean Muramasa? Masamune is the brother/sister family name.
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
no she means masamune masamune is adorable
But there's TWO Masamune.
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>>160874 yeah masamune is adorable
How very traditionally Japanese.
wow I am bullied muramasa
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Legolas is mad.
>implying the king's game can be anything but awkward
>>160880 Someone's got to be the serious business with all these errant teenagers around.
legolas is the best
And one teenager at spirit by the looks of it.
>>160884 >>160884 >>160884
Even if she's done writing she should at least wrap up her current series. It's only fair.
Search [iqdb] (447 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>160889 Is that you?
>>160889 rika after 1 beer
Oh is he gonna get her SECRET NAME now too.
Search [iqdb] (476 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>160890 this is a picture of me and imats
>>160895 That's me taking the picture.
Yeah she's calling Elf an "aajin" or "aijin", not a Yankee.
Or maybe "aejin". Vowels against vowels always mess with me a bit.
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I guess that's probably a shortened version of america-jin.
The plot moments in this series always resolve so quickly. Like,>We're gonna square off in a novel-writing competition for the hand of Eromanga-sensei! Next episode the competition is over and winner declared.>If you can't write a novel that I'm in love with I'm gonna kill you! Before the episode is over the novel is written and she's confessed instead of killing Now this with the "I'm done writing novels".
>>160901 ワイtうぇn FUCK
>>160901 when did she say it again?
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okay granblue that's everyone let's start
>>160915 21:24 has one of the moments. It might even be "ajin". Like I said, vowels kind of mess with me.
>>160918 hmmmmmmmmmmmMmmm i've decided she is calling her aijin which is kind of like calling someone "mistress" implying a girl is having an extramarital affair
? ? ? Are we just moving on from the water island?
We're entering some strange territory here.
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There's no real chance of seeing Vira though.
ygg is cute
emo lyria
Even emo Lyria has nice shoulderblades.
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She shouldn't be so worried. The real threat in the party is Vyrn.
she thought kat was gonna hit her
Yggdrasil getto.
So are they gonna return to Auguste for the finale or just move on?
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I was kind of expecting this battle to be a cliffhanger into next episode but Rosetta kinda resolved it quickly.
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Oh, it looks like Rosetta pulled a tuxedo mask and they're headed back to Auguste.>>161008 you pulled an ika
Akechi's battle clothing looks dumb his mask especially only in the finish screen does it look really good cause you cant see the tengu nose
oops i pulled a rika
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thanks for anime!