>using a browser at all >not posting from the command terminal
When you go to change the default browser on widows 10 a little message pops up, pleading with you >No. Please. try microsoft Edge out. It's really good. we swear. lolno
Me and my friends are going to marathon AoT Season 2 when it's done airing I've never even seen it but I guess I'll bear it just for some social interaction >>152537 Yeah, that's the one, it's still airing right?
speaking of alcohol, ive got like 10 hours of interviews with alcoholics that i've been working on scribing all weekend it's pretty crazy some people's emotional lives are destroyed by like a half a pint of liquor a day other people will down like a handle a day for 15 years and they've been okay the whole time until they face liver problems and almost die
>>152541 Sounds like it might actually be a pretty fun time then.
I think I'll need more for whatever harry potter thing is expected to come out.
>>152542 and then the latter folks are told like "you can never drink again or you'll die" and they're just like oh okay and stop no problem and some people who drink way less end up not even being able to go to the grocery store because they'll sneak open rubbing alcohol and swig it straight weird how different the condition plagues different people
Were there any people who managed to pull off being quite functional in the group? >>152548 Oh I see It would probably be pretty heartbreaking to hear from the people themselves Not that it isn't by itself but it to hear it form them carries a lot more emotion.
>>152547 grats dude >>152546 it's not a group it's clinical settings i'm actually listening to their docs, not the patients themselves but i mean yeah tons of people are functional
>>152545 It's also strange how different people are different levels of susceptible to the addiction in the first place. I used to drink really heavily socially in school but whenever I'm at a place where I have no reason to drink (ie being a loser who works all the time) I really don't feel the need to have alcohol at all. It's been a long time since I've had any alcohol.
>>152550 i really dont have any problem not drinking i drank every day for so long, and pretty heavily, that i read up on what other people were saying about quitting and i got really scared because they were talking about how badly they craved it, so much that they couldn't cope and were spending whole days crying, or it took them months and they couldn't function and lost their jobs i think it's just about the reasons behind the drinking. i never drank to emotionally cope, so i guess that's not such a trigger for me as some people who probably started drinking earlier in their teen years
i mean i still do find myself really wanting to drink, but i'm not having any problems if i dont. i also really want sushi but the worst i get is some self-pity for not being able to have what i want and feel sad about eating a lame sandwich instead of sushi or something big and nice i'm probably going to go buy some as soon as my license arrives, but only because i've been planning on it anyway and i should have a nice fat work break that i can pour some drinks and watch a show i really like all the way through
>>152546 it's pretty much the same to me i don't // i do enjoy the doctors' perspectives generally just because that's what i'm more academically inclined to relate but man ive been doin this job for years including a lot of police interrogations/investigations, courtroom video/audio evidence and stuff ain't gonna rustle my jimmies to hear alcoholics talking about alcohol and their lives too much compared to what all else ive seen by now
A friend told me once that I'm just confused in thinking i have problems with any individual habit and that my actual addiction is binging like, not necessarily alcohol or substance or anything, but that i have to constantly have something to binge on -- either work, self-expression, alcohol, caffeine, sleeping, sleep deprivation, milk, cheesecake, fashion, whatever that i have no stability and that i have to constantly be moving my focus from one thing to the next i hadn't really thought of it that way but i think that describes me pretty well that's probably why i dont really have much difficulty stopping drinking or smoking cigarettes or going back on them or whatever the only thing i can't stand is for my life to sit still for too long or i'll freeze
i'm just blogging because it's pretty quiet anyway
That's a pretty interesting way of looking at it. I wonder if there's people that have what's considered a more standard addiction to something singly that could put that obsession towards a fascination or hobby. And just don't because they lack a similar issue of not being able to sit still for too long.
It's got aspects I can definitely relate too, but I'm pretty sure I'm both not as liable to binge or obsess and a more complacent person overall.
obsession is probably a good word for it, but i really liked the use of binging in my context it's like my personality just tries to connect with something and see if it's found a new home to curl up inside of, so any time there's a new path that i start taking, i have to dive into it as deep as i can without restraint and probe every aspect // every nook and cranny of it until i find some hole that leads somewhere else it can be something as small as fasting for two days straight and then binging on like six pounds of food at once, or it can be something as long-winded as spending six years of my life theorycrafting information until i can't probe any further then i just go off and do other things and come back to the longer-winded things once other new things give me new insight i guess i don't really care that much for stability >>152560 i think a lot of my binging is positive i just have to make sure i overdo it as much as possible and not let it stabilize into a routine as soon as i do that, then i'm kind of stuck i dont like being stuck
people will bond with anyone or anything, that' she the way I see it
>>152559 I understand you don't like to dwell on things, but isn't it better to master one thing? What was with the six years of theorycrafting? If you stuck to just one thing you could get pretty good at it.
>>152559 I think it can be positive too. The same drive that can cause obsessive binging can also bring about dedication to something positive. You have more drive that a lot of people to see something through.
I just got a book back that I lent to a friend, and it's a collection of essays about this guy's life and at one point he starts talking about why he can't take pills any more. He uses subway as analogy. >in this world there are six inch people and there are foot long people >I could never see the point in ordering a six inch. If you are going to do something you have to do it whole heartedly and to the fullest. something like that. I'm paraphrasing. this guy said it better.
>>152562 i think it's a distraction at that point whatever i'm doing is probably something that i am sticking too it's just something that i can't really identify while i'm in the process of doing it who knows man the world is a rich tapestry
>>152563 >white folk be goin to the ocean beach just to sit on a blanket under an umbrella and never go near the water
>>152568 you didn't even intentionally accidentally leave an onahole on the shelf dude what are you doing now i can't even perform the obligatory greentext 'more like butthole station' ritual
I thought about it, but my ona is in the dishwasher right now and I couldn't be fucked getting up
have you been using it as a dish i guess you could stuff baked beans in there and then take it to work for lunch like they did in the brady bunch when they found that native american and fed him baked beans from a flashlight
I mostly use it to store condiments. ketchup and mustard and stuff. it fits in the fridge much better than the big glass bottles the stuff comes in.
yeah, never know when there might be an emergency nuggets situation where youve got no honey mustard dip
>>152576 yeah but would you really waste the opportunity to use something much better to go with the nugs like you're gonna dip it if you only got mayonaisse, eh np but when you got honey mustard or a tangy barbecue sauce you ain't gonna fuss about
>>152585 here in the states we dont really have those kinds of biscuits so we'd use flour tortillas sometimes one of those little debbie, uh, what are they called the pecan spinwheels if we ran out of tortillas
What a fun, quirky twist in a classic game.
*on a
this guy in my ffxiv free company wants me to come to otakon his gf has an art booth
>>152595 i see you haven't played it since your youngster days it's totally different as an adult because alcohol is involved, and that dude is a total lightweight and you know how hard it is to compete when you're drunk at this particular game
Oh that's what soggy sao is
>>152597 I have never had that problem while I was drunk tbh
>>152597 I mean sure natural talent and body size comes into it to an extent. But when you've guzzled as many biscuits as Sugoi has your gameplay just gets to a whole other level. It becomes part of your muscle memory. your DNA it defines who you are.
>>152601 hmm i seem to have some contradicting information from him in near-real time, though it's confidential so i can't share it >>152602 hi we're talking about biscuits would you like to join
>>152610 This image makes NO SENSE. Why would you keep a pen in your shirt pocket if you were wearing a vest over it? The vest would compress the pen and it would poke you and it would look awful under the vest.
>>152612 that's why she's taking the vest off, so she can freely carry the pen
There was a time that I actually did have a biscuit party. It wasn't from scratch though, it was the Pillsbury biscuits. But we didn't make "biscuits", we used it as a easy base to make other things. My friend made a giant empanada. I can't remember the name of the thing that I made. Calzone? No, not a calzone Oh, it IS a calzone, all these other calzone images are lame as hell. I did the thing where you braided the bread on top. >>152620 It wasn't too soggy. I think my friend's was. But mine actually came out well. We used ground beef and took a whole can of pillsbury biscuit dough and molded it into what we wanted and put it in the oven. came out delicious.
Well you know what's even cooler than flying across continents 10,000 feet up in the air cooking chicken for minimum wage which is what I'm going to go do now. So bye.
The power went out last night at some point so it got really hot and I woke up drenched in sweat ugh
>>152798 I usually get startled awake when the power goes out for some reason it seems like I should just keep sleeping maybe there is so much white noise the sudden lack does it
>>152892 Don't worry, being called Lucifer by an SMTfag is basically a compliment
>>152891 As shit my boy I wonder how many jokes he had to deal with since he was dressed like // actually I guess he deals with a lot of jokes anyway He seems like the kind of person who can take them in stride
>>152904 If I didn't sleep so much I'd probably keep doing the same thing I do now. Which is nothing, either because I'm in a deadlock with anxiety or tired.
And speaking of the wonders of sleep, I'm going to go get some. Good night, every/moe/.
>>152897 Maybe, I don't have any solid plans so it could probably work Will you still be in Memphis then?
>>152906 lease ends on the 23st i'll probably be making some trips to/from leading up til then, but once i'm fully out and make my last trip, i could swing out that way or something first and hang out depending on what kind cash i got left i might not have much depending on moving costs who knows
>>152913 Actually sitting in my chair talking about the weather today and eating breakfast
>>152915 That'd be fun, I can show you some of the city We can go get a bunch of food too there are some pretty good places to eat around here Remember I work Sunday-Wednesday though so if you do come around try to make it a Friday or Saturday
the way characters are recruited in fire emblem games is always so weird
Each day I grow in power
>>152957 Did you answer earlier when we were discussing it? How often should you lather when taking a shower? Every time you shower, (5+ lathers a week) every other shower (2-4 a week) or 1-2 times a week
>>152962 As in your hair? There are lots of different opinions on that. Some people say you should only wash your hair like once a year. wait sorry once a week My brain isn't working so good.
>Genny uses Expel but nothing procs >"I expect more like that!" please
Time to shower
>>152972 soaping your body >>152975 we had this discussion earlier. i personally shower everyday but soap every other shower because i don't want to overdo it and dry out all my pores and stuff
I had a great dream I think could be made into an interesting short story I was somehow in space, jumping from planet to planet or, you know, small rocks with people living on them And I met some guy, so we banded together, carrying supplies like food, chemical-based food heaters for when we got to rocks without any option for electricity Had to manage what we carry with us, the works THINGS went down, and I don't remember what at all, but at some point we ended up in a house with 2 other people, who were scared because there were yet 2 more motherfuckers in the house that I and my guy had to fight with guns TURNED OUT they were vampires, and we just saved those 2 people and obviously ourselves But my guy could smell vampires, and said he still smelled some And he looks at me and goes "you're a vampire, aren't you" And I snicker and go "yesssss" And then I woke up
>>152981 well i guess it's split two and two then me and kirara for every other day, you and SK for every day
>>152984 I think the best part of dreams is that literally NONE of this seemed off or weird when he said he still smelled vampires, there was no moment of "he can smell vampires?", it was just "yes. of course. he can smell vampires, and always could"
I was also somehow seeing it from third perspective and I was like a big bug suddenly It got real weird in that last part, probably because I was right about to wake up
I haven't always showered every day, but I have issues with being paranoid about smelling bad and being noseblind to it. So I make sure I'm always showered and smelling nice.
>>152990 i think everyone feels that way i can sometimes get this real strange subdermal itch that feels like it's under your skin if i shower and soap too much then go out into fluctuating weather i don't get it anymore but i used to a lot and it's horrifying
>>153008 not if we also eliminate pain pain is a learned behavior we can just get rid of it
>>153009 it's such a fresh perspective to finally understand this i would like to see it used in more disciplines such as diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular health, or multiple scleroses
that reminds me i can legit get trained in hypnotherapy lol
i think there are merits but with some contingencies it's just for extremely suggestive people who are actually able to convince themselves to do what they already wanted to do at the guidance of hypnotherapy they just dun wanna be responsible for it
>>153020 this one isn't that wild, they're only saying that they wish medication wasn't needed which is nice and all, but it's a little bit of a dreamworld which is what this pandering fordyce kind of stuff goads people into it's dangerous to be so optimistic. also inconsiderate and dismissive. >pain sucks, and i wish we didn't need medication, so let me fully embrace any publication that says it's not needed
you know, actually having read a lot of clinical data and interpretations, i honestly feel the problem with pain medication is poor administration of it they generally use rough guidelines and give an estimated amount a real top of the line pain management doctor would do an acetaminophen titration to figure out exactly how much opioid should be prescribed with high precision, and done properly there's almost no tolerance issues or complications of the medication because it's exactly as much is needed and not more but nobody wants to take the time to do that
this one i don't understand at all like i follow the logic until the end when she says that she thinks healthy people should avoid exercise and walking
I'm not experiencing pain but I don't work or social so she's wrong
>>153025 "They will not just have a decrease in pain, but also an increase in wellness. Genius!" oh god what
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i'll make an exception for her because she just got a baby goat and it's really cute
that's great i love goats me and my ex had plans to have a goat farm but then she turned out to be a secret undercover cunt the whole time and i didnt know it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah dude her goat is like 2 weeks old it's so small and cute goats are some cute ass shit
I always drive past this fire station that has their own pet goats they just sit around in their clubhouse thing and atop a crushed car
goats are GOAT tier
>>153032 >the pain leaving the body will negatively reinforce ... people are talkin about pain like it's some sort of mystic spirit man no there's an actual physiological process going on here boys please don't make these swathing assumptions the reason that pain is worse upon cessation of treatment is not a behavioral reinforcement issue or a cognitive issue it's a drug interaction it is very specifically the way that opioids affect nociception ree.
>>153035 >he doesn't know that psychologists are exorcists that remove pain demons from the body
also i like the part where they say people managing pain with medication are actually just trying to get high and then they think they're actually in pain when they're not because of cognitive dissonance
it's like these people have never been in pain in their entire lives
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Well with this traffic I'll probably be late to work anyway
>>153039 it's BIG PHARMA trying to SWINDLE US WITH LIES they're the real cartel, just selling LEGAL HIGHS and calling it TREATMENT, THERAPY when theyre really RUINING LIVES AND FAMALIES
i really hate this particular flavor of ignorance i actually embrace eastern medicine practices just fine but i'm also not fuckin ignorant of what pharmaceutical companies actually do >>153043 haha that's what i was going for sometimes i start typing something wrong and i like it better that way so i leave it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>153042 read famalies like tamales and it made me really happy
but yeah it's really ignorant
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Bro do you even ascend past pain and other worldly concerns?
there has been a trend of lowering oil prices for a little while in mid-May, it was $45 and then it jumped to $51 and then fell to $47 as of a few days ago it's going to jump pretty high today most likely the new york stock exchange doesn't open for another hour and a half right now the only major stock exchanges open are london and russia and those aren't even super important ones so they probably won't influence prices incredibly
This is going to be really bad for the people of Qatar due to its geographic location Saudi Arabia will probably make it more difficult for Qatar to import and export since a lot of the commerce to Qatar goes directly through Saudi Arabia and Qatar is just a small peninsula
Qatari citizens have 14 days to leave the UAE too and Qatar will probably have to facilitate that somehow
Despite that, UAE is suspending all flights to Qatar effective Tuesday morning
looks like there's one airport that will take flights from UAE still Qatar apparently only has four airports, three of which are in Doha and one of those three is a military base
oh i was mistaken it's not just flights from UAE, it's all flights from Emirates Airlines which means people can't use Emirates Airlines to travel to Qatar or leave Qatar from anywhere
I really gotta cut my hair soon WTB body without upkeep costs
I'm considering making a list column for just news accounts like that I could make it public, call it "trusted news sources", and just exclude all journalists
In non political news I can not possibly overstate the sheer usefulness of this USB battery pack It is a goddamn life saver Forgot to charge my phone before going to bed? Battery's got me Headet running low on power, and cable too short to reach an outlet? B A T T E R Y pack
So great It lets me extend the cable too, by using it as a middle man, though I dunno if that's too good an idea over time, might damage it Or so I fear anyway
just curious i bought quarx a melodica and he's been goin mad with the thing
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
it's like all day long haha what a wonderful mistake i can't wait until The Legend of Zelda: Melodica of Ages >>153126 he's pretty dang good he used to always play his guitar and he even has it set up to an amp and everything but i haven't heard him touch it in months now that he's got this
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
has he killed anyone yet
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153125 it seems like a super fun instrument also, butts
>boss and me during noon >wish it would rain proper so the soilw ould get properly soaked and this dry spell would end >7 hours later it hasn't stopped raining even for a second hmm
the first half of a 30+ hour work crunch can be pretty brutal, but once you hit the halfway point, you can coast that second 15 hours without even thinking about it your mind just gets so clear and you're completely productive and not at all distressed by the task at hand or distracted from it
speaking of avoiding work I What's the common term for your boss telling you that you can stay home today?
Cuz I had that today BLESSEDLY so because I woke up about 4 times in the middle of the night last night and couldn't get a wink of real sleep
I dominated the class discussion I convinced everyone how terrible that article was I started talking shit about it and the professor agreed with me though so they might have just been following suit instead of actually listening and learning why it was bad
>>153156 The one that said pain was a learned behavior
>>153155 Nice! gimme the cliffnotes on how the discussion went i just finished my work about an hour ago you know, that work that i had started working on friday or whenever we first talked about it man i feel energized to be free after all that
Well the discussion started and I was the first one to speak so I just started straight talking shit and listing all of my problems with the article When I said that all they did was teach the participants to be less annoying to physicians instead of reducing their pain, the professor chimed in and said she agreed and felt they were calling people in pain "whiners" So then I went into the difference between neuropathic and nociceptive pain and described some of the differences between them but I mostly discussed how opioids have little effect on neuropathic pain since the article discussed medication and I thought it would be an easy point to make to illustrate that the two types of pain are pretty different So then people kind of started agreeing with me that there's a difference between pain and pain behavior (wow so fucked up that this was even a discussion point i had to make) Then people started talking about how you can't measure pain it's all subjective blah blah blah so I had to correct them that you can in fact measure pain in a meaningful way without relying on self-reports using a method designed at MIT 6 years ago which uses fMRI and a neural network to identify and compare pain response in the brain to a no-pain baseline and apparently nobody had even heard of that before (one person said i blew their mind and they forgot the point they wanted to make) and the professor was surprisingly unaware of that too but she actually asked for details so she could look into it because it's related to her research interests
so then we kind of started talking about how people deal with chronic pain and stuff and people were fairly reasonable with that and didn't say anything particularly stupid although some people generalized their own personal experience with pain to everyone's experience with pain although I decided not to call them out on it
>>153155 Considering the comments, they most likely will just parrot what you say, instead of actually understanding the underlying reasons why the article is bad.
>>153164 >you can't measure pain objectively, so let's just corrupt the subjective measurement we do have >that's how you treat pain! I hope nobody in your class gets a job
I'm pretty sure you're putting words in their mouths now.
No, I'm saying that if you think pain can't be measured objectively, and only subjective measurements are available, you should be even more hostile to a method of treatment which stated goal is to destroy the reliability of that subjective measurement
Because you want some form of reliable measurement of the one thing your job is about?
If the only way to know how much power was being pumped into a household was the subjective feeling of those in the house, would you want to fuck with that feeling and discourage them from expressing it, or would you want to avoid any and all fuckery with that to at least get something vaguely reliable?
I'm pretty sure pain isn't the one thing their job is about.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
One of the arguments of the article was that the subjective self-report measurement of pain intensity was so unreliable that it shouldn't be used and instead, pain should be measured through "pain behavior"
So when people talked about that, I wanted to correct them that although when the study was done this wasn't possible, but now we have more objective measurements of pain
>>153164 sasuga i probably would have just listened to everyone else discuss it trying to tease apart how other people think is more interesting to me than correcting misconceptions
I can't resist an opportunity to assert my dominance in situations like that
>>153173 That seems reasonable to me. It also makes it seem reasonable why, in the frame of reference of this study, why there was encouragement to use the pain behaviour measurement. If you gotta get an accurate measurement, some times you need to use the most accurate tool you've got available, even if in the future better ones come out. The fault lies in not switching from Imperial to metric.
>>153175 yeah but there would have been a whoooole discussion that you've now wiped out of existence to never be datamined again that's the market researcher in me thinking about how you have to prime focus groups just right and don't address their snotty questions when they ask you things fuckin let em figure it out between themselves. don't make bias that data
but then again you were a participant in the discussion i would've probably sandboxed myself so i could observe from afar and participate on a superficial level
When we were told to start discussing it, I waited like a minute and nobody wanted to start, so I lost my patience and just started for them That and my desire to dominate them made me have to go for it shoganai >>153176 I don't think it's reasonable to use that for measurement in any situation. The only time /// There isn't any model of behaviorism that claims pain is a learned behavior because it's a physiological phenomena. The article purported to reduce pain by reducing pain behavior, but that's utterly ridiculous and makes no sense. Their measurement didn't measure pain at all.
>>153179 Someone today asked me for an update on a shooting in Orlando that I made a comment about online so that people would be aware of it, like, instead of just googling it or whatever. They really might be relying on me too much.
i tried making a facebook account today for funsies and part of the signup is UPLOAD A PICTURE CLEARLY SHOWING YOUR FACE and it's mandatory and after you do it they review it before they accept or deny your account >>153189 no, it just autobans the account. that's what i did i had to use a very realistic picture in the first place for it to even accept the image. prior to that it wouldn't even accept it because it didn't recognize a human face and afterwards you know what i actually wanted to fuckin say something and now i can't remember what it was i wish i could finish a goddamned post
Uh, maybe? I didn't watch the whole movie, I got bored of it Maybe it picks up after where I dropped it off or something, but it was really boring for the duration of what I watched
>>153213 Keyboards have been through some serious evolution only to fall squarely back on the typewriter original We've had curved, split, 2 piece, shuffled keyboards None stuck
>>153215 the split is actually in use in some gov ofices here but that I believe traces because, the system they use, is easiest to use with that keyboard. Basically the IT system they have is 20-30 years old and never has been really updated, just made to work on newer machines
Probably because they don't wanna spend money just for the sake of a new set of keyboards
Come to think of it, I wonder what language they speak in LotGH Imperium prolly uses some future german and since Alliance is modeled after both Netherlands and USA, I would figure they speak the same, but bit different Though they do sing their national anthem in english, that might just be for flavour.
In 50 years time they'll have keyboard configurations that actually make sense and you'll find a dusty old keyboard in your attic and your grandkids will be all like "wow how did you use that retarded thing" and then you guys will realize that the world sure has changed and that you're bad at technology now just like any other old person. I say you guys because I'll still have the youthful appearance of a 17 year old.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
they'll get rid of F keys and that top right mess, but I think we're mostly stuck with QWERTY
>>153221 numpads may go the way of the dinosaur too since nobody uses those receipt stenographer thingies that they're based off of anymore. I'm the only person I've ever seen use the numpad properly.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153224 yeah, it'll probably be pretty nice i don't buy keyboards with numpads anymore, i find them un-ergonomic in fact a place i worked had a bunch of people great at numpads and data entry, they'd worked in slightly more old fashioned fields i want to say? before that job
Jesus Christ thanks I was really distressed by that
>>153225 I actually try to seek out keyboards with numpads when I'm looking for keyboards. Whenever I'm entering in a string of numbers that's more than three or four digits long, I find it really annoying to have to use the number line. The numpad is just so much more comfortable for me. I'll be distraught when your kind of people push it out of existence!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153235 time to found the Order of the Numbered Pad
>>153258 can't tell for sure but I think on the photgraph day there was slight overcast or maybe even moderate that fucks up lighting and shading always, no matter how good you are.
yay my driver's license finally came with my actual factual name on it and my actual factual face that's not seven years ago so i won't get strange looks anymore when i show it to people
>>153269 did they fuck up a license and typo it or something? >7 year old pic my license still has the one I took when I got it, so when i was 18... Should've changed it but meh
>>153290 do you usually post images that you like more often or less often e.g. "i like it so i'm gonna post it" or "i like it too much to squander it on every few posts"
I go through waves, though I do that with just about everything
Most of the time lately, I've been posting images from my Temp folder, and really the only thing that guides the image I pick from that folder is what fits my post the most But from my big folder of reaction images, I usually pick the ones I like the most, but try not to post the same one too much Though that also gets affected by what matches my post the most
>>153294 i have some specialty folders if i have something specific to post, but for general posting i have a folder of about 16k images (a little under a fifth of my total image folder) i just scroll through it until i find what suits me for that post it's kind of nicely disorganized because i get to spend time formulating my post while i scroll haphazardly until something strikes out at me as the right image for the occasion a lot of times it ends with me thinking that i don't really need to make the post, so it's a sort of compulsion buffer and a lot of times it helps me articulate myself because i'm consciously rejecting all the things i'm not feeling
it's kind of interesting i think like a really scattered plot functioning as a small networking process
I do that a lot, too But I also hav e the added hurdle of there being a lot of images in my reaction images folder that I don't want to post But sometimes they stand out too much to me in the folder, and I end up just not posting instead
>>153296 i have very few reaction images i think they're too weighted and easy to grab i do grab them for more animated moments but it's the bad kind of shitposting when you start tagging every post with a smug reaction image just because LEARNED HABIT
Really, the only reason the tag exists is for exporting Because no other tag would be good for it I could probably do something like export all images that aren't a set amount of other tags or something Like I'm not gonna list the tags I'd have to exclude, on second thought
>>153307 sometimes i go with the "least unfitting" approach which isn't a very conscious effort, it's just something that kind of clicks because it feels acceptable for the situation i've always been a nervous person so i err on the side of caution for anything that's an interpersonal exchange
i think it's kind of good to treat the network of neurons that are your brain as a neural network and try not to overweight things so that they become destructive
>>153329 Yeah that is bordering on "too big to live alone" with that size it could easily be 3 room place, if the layout was different, though I guess the loft adds what 10-20 square ms to it
>>153334 I think I'd win a sleeping in hot places contest, as long as the objective was to sleep about as long as you normally do. I naturally sleep less than you so it wouldn't be fair otherwise.
>>153347 Maybe if you lived in a colder place your dreamland wisconsin lacks water so that is out great lakes territory is pretty much only zone I'd consider moving
>>153364 No you need to work wiht them to produce more untill there will be enough of you to wage war against the inferior mankin let the new TNkind inherit the earth
>>153364 well whatever they are they're fuckin hard to cook
I do remember one spacegame actually having a "Me" faction as in one guy went and cloned and biomodded himself into an entire new humankind I can't remember what game it was, though
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Narcissist Invaders
Maybe endless space maybe sins of a solar empire maybe somehting else I own so many games I never really played
Fuck I hate the "fandom wikia" site design or engine or whatever complete carbage
>"Incredibly wealthy and only slightly less deranged, Horatio was an Imperial trillionaire who left to discover his own star cluster. Finding a planet sprinkled with labs of ancient cloning technology left by the Endless, the boredom soon drove Horatio to create a race of allies, servants, and slaves who were every bit as gorgeous as the most beautiful person in the universe -- Horatio. Once the planet was repopulated, Horatio the First had only to look up, regard the stars and realize how much more beautiful they, too, would be if they were filled with... Horatios. The rest, as they say, is history."
Woo, Cecelia back to level 40. Now I can ... level up nobody. I didn't get feathers for Offense because i didn't participate at all... always do at least one fight I guess.