breathe deep the gathering gloom watch lights fade from every room bedsitter people look back and lament another day's useless energy spent impassioned lovers wrestle as one lonely man cries for love and has none
How am I supposed to not be Everything is too much
I feel like I have to run away but there's nowhere to run to and nothing to run from I don't think I can do this anymore
Everything Being in bed is too much Not being in bed is too much The light from the screen is too much and the lack of light when I turn it off is too much
alright so i've apparently offended one person in trying to protect another and now everybody's pissed off at me and i can't even talk to anyone fucking get on steam if you want to talk i'm down for that but don't talk to me and run away that's some fucking bullshit
>>153459 can you text notso and tell him to stop being a fucking idiot for two goddamn minutes or something
or if you're still here, notso, then stop being a fucking idiot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>153461 Notso is at work He's not on /moe/ right now
>>153463 he just fuckin messaged me about // nevermind i dont need to publicize that there's serious misunderstanding going on and i'm not keen on being misunderstood and then dismissed
>>153465 a nigga casts mad shade on you and then leaves to go back to work, yeah that's kind of important now i'm going to be irritable and i've already put off plans that i already made to try and sort things out but this dude is being stubborn about a misunderstanding he didn't even allow me the chance to explain because he wants to go onto a different board anonymously and say things that's gonna make me think he's someone else talkin shit about something sensitive to me yeah i'm fuckin pissed and now i'm stuck being upset about it until he, at his leisure, signs back in to hear any response even though i was specifically asked a question directly this isn't fuckin fair to me i've just got off a goddamn 30-hour work shift and trying to relax and then something comes up that i can't relax that actually is important and then it gets overrid by pettiness and then dismissed so i can't even do anything about it
do you have any idea how frustrating that is it's obnoxious
What sorts of things are going through your head right now?
I don't know what I'm feeling I just get stopped I wanna cry I'm angry I'm not angry at anything I'm a fucking mess this isn't normal I'm in the way I have to hurt something I'm tired I can't fucking sleep Something has to take this away
>>153500 thanks for the help by the way fuckin hell certain people can do certain things that cause certain problems you know what i mean
I don't have anything to break It's 3am
I have to go to work tomorrow I can't sleep ill have to deal with people that makes me mad I don't want this anymore I just wanna die there's nothing to stick stoic for anyway it's alla fucking mess and I'll just end up feeling like shit my who live anywhere
There's nothing I can do I wish there were trains this late
What makes you say that you'll feel like shit for your entire life?
I will There's no way forward I'm just gonna be worthless my whole life and there's nothing I'll do about it
This is all a bad idea 8 shouldn't be here talking I should just get shit faxed and wait for å train Ones gotta show up
I can just Stop this tonight and I don't have to anymore
But I'm scared because um a fucking løser I fucking hate myself
I know this is where it ends anyway I don't get it It's not even difficult I can just go right now and it'll be over but I don't and I don't know why and I wish it'd stop
I should be making an effort to get a real job I should be getting back into school I should be less fucking stupid and anxious I should be a normal fucking human being
And none of it is difficult I just don't Because I'm a shit person and that's going to be something I have to live with for the rest of my life and it's going to make me never get anywhere
>>153512 i haven't had a reason not to in like six years but i still haven't what's your point
you should stop being a fucking idiot is what you should do
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you're not thinking straight. seek professional help you can't self evaluate in this state, so find someone who can help you figure it out
I already am My appointment isn't for another fucking month
>>153513 Do you want to work together and come up with a plan to do those things? I think having some structure and short-term goals along the way might help you get to where you want to be.
>>153542 hey if you want to take over a process that's been in the works for several years from square one, be my guest, mister "I know your girlfriend just got murdered but you're being a little too negative for moe, you should take it easier and try to have fun"
>>153541 Wouldn't it be pointless to have a school that doesn't master something? Just take multiple schools
>>153545 don't you remember sending me an email telling me i was being too negative for /moe/ and that i needed to chill out that was 2014, and yeah that's what happened while i was on my bike trip to maine
all i'm saying is that you're probably not always paying attention to what's going on, so several of us have been working with this individual for several years now trying to address his problems and when you come in from square one and try to tell people they're taking the wrong approach, you're missing out on so much information that you weren't there for
i've been working with sk for a long time so has kirara just, you know, try to have some trust that what i'm saying is because there's a deep connection and not that i'm trying to be a dick to him. i'm trying to anchor him to reality -- something i wasn't able to do with asuka because of board-political climates what i'm aggressing is not an action but an idea that he is consciously ignoring he knows these things and consciously ignores them when he has to outlet other things, but simple reminders don't help. you have to make him feel what's real in order for it to have impact that's why i sometimes seem like i'm being harsh or indecent, but it's not without compassionate reason
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i do remember sending that email i was mad or something at the time i don't remember any of the other specifics
>>153544 I think it's pointless to have a school that only trains in such specific areas when the focus is on general self-defense Like what will you do if someone is boxing your face in and you only know grappling?
>>153548 >focus on general self defense Well I'm no martial ats expert, but if that's what you want you should sample from everything. However to my knowledge a school like jiu jitsu has a core philosophy which is why it follows what it does. Jiu Jitsu teaches you how to safely defend yourself without seriously injuring your opponent. It has that goal in mind and the grappling is the means that work best for it.
I don't imagine many great martial artists stick to just the one school, and I dunno if they'd reccomend that for practical self defense
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153546 i have been talking to him for a while now too, y'know i don't think i agree with your approach but i understand it better now.
>>153550 ive been on the deep end of the spectrum many times what i'm saying to him isn't actually "pssht i have it way worse than you" it's grounding in reality that i have also found to be significantly powerful and useful in my moments of duress it's not really something you can-- >>153554 i'm not getting anywhere so i'll drop it, but i'll say that i feel like i know what i'm talking about
>>153553 We can go back to the printing press. Or scribes. Feeding some monk is probably easier than troubleshooting printers.
>>153556 Yes, we do have a fax machine and we use it. Well it's built into the printer. The most puzzling aspect of it all is that we often get faxed junk mail.
I was trying to get my new printer to show up on my network because my old printer choked on paper and died. Networking and printers is a bad mix.
I've had pretty good luck with getting my computers to pick up the printer on the house network. I had to get a driver for it for my PC but my Chromebook picked it up and found some manufacturer app that connected me to it without issue.
I had great luck networking my printer. Just searched the network and it was done.
>>153589 I mean sheets and pillowcases and blankets. Once they're done I'll throw my robe and towels in the wash and lay down most likely.
>>153590 I should probably wash my blanket again soon Because there's nothing better than fresh sheets
>>153591 Especially when it's been so long and your dog likes to sleep in your bed, too. And it's been really warm when I wake up... I think they turn the AC off when they leave...
>>153592 My dog sleeps in my bed every night so he's probably gotten dog smell all over it. He also tore one of the sheets in half. Why don't you just tell them to leave the ac on and that you'll turn it off after waking up?
>>153593 Because I'd have to interact with them first off, and second, I'd have to remember to turn it off when I'm already almost late every day.
>>153601 Right here oh shit My memory is not so great...
>>153601 And now for the bad news... I must've tossed or lost it...
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153604 rip in peace android phone ah well time to make a kickstarter i guess
>>153605 Well, I DO have a "slightly" more functional phone... I'm just gonna have to look up what version of Android it'll support.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh neato what model?
>>153607 LG LS670 So... LG Optimus S? Or: Tiny piece of shit that you'll have to root, install a custom recovery on, and flash a more modern ROM, and hope it works. Or I can do that part.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls sounds like it can be done but might be very difficult and broken
>>153609 >Archived I think in the info thread they have in the main section of the forum there are more complete ports up to Jellybean? So it'll definitely work. And this one should be in "better" shape than the other.
oh man i could buy an HTC Evo Shift 4G for 30 bucks used including a ~hardware keyboard~
>>153612 That might come in handy but also kinda get in the way of... Wait, what are you planning on developing?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153613 i will explore the possibility of a /moe/ app hmm this is 2.2 grr
>>153614 Hardware keyboard will be problematic as the main issue with /moe/ is soft keyboards fucking us around. Also, this offer is FREE AS FUCK
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
well yeah i'd test soft keyboards primarily >>153615 pogchamp well if it can be done it'd be a good test bed
>>153616 You know how to email me but do doubt my ability to wake up and get to the post office. Unless they're open on Saturday mornings...
>>153614 Do people have trouble using /moe/ on mobile in a normal browser?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153618 lots of people do ye really maybe if i had an android phone i could just make it work better in the browser... who knows
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153617 um what's your email haha or hey wink at me so i can tell who you are, the anon veil is too much for me
>>153620 Just do what I do when I want to snoop on people. And know that we'll hack your implementation to shit to fit our needs later. When we find an Android developer.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
uh oh now i'm scared i might need to wipe this phone cleanzos
Nah, this phone was my dad's. And then I never used it because it was a piece of shit for my purposes.
>>153630 I get exactly one room, so I figure to make the most of the space, I'll just combine literally everything. And if I have guests, I can pull the table away. Actually.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>153632 big desk o errything sounds good >>153631 this sounds luxurious af
I wish I still had the picture of myo old battle station It was two giant Rubbermaid tubs with a monitor on top and a laptop connected to it next to my mattress in the floor And the lap top was sitting on a box behind the monitor
>>153636 I actually have a dome chair, but back when my computer was on something more like a makeup desk my mother insisted on keeping (in my room), I didn't have room for a bed and chair, so I sat on the mat I slept on. Good times...
>>153637 The only thing missing is a way to put my feet up, but I can just lay in bed instead.
I like being able to bully rika with a keyboard instead of phone touchscreen
>>153649 Are those tube things on its back funnerus? >funnels to covera wide area and prevent flanking attacks >quad legs for stability >big fuck off cannon in the center >sword for honourable close combat >knee pads for protecting the legs >advanced computer and radar head You've done it, a weapon to surpass metal gear
>>153685 yo chronic migraine sufferer here if you're in the aura phase drink a buttload of water and any CNS depressant you've got (valerian root) if it's already in migraine mode it's too late and the only thing left to abort it is vasoconstriction and adrenaline so get your stims pumpin and drop some caffeine on top
why not slice the bananas and put them in the pasta i know you have the ability
>>153692 that's too many water just a quart should do sugar helps too it's literally the only time i eat really sugary things when i get a migraine i go to the convenient store and buy banana cake and a strawberry cheesecake and a big vanilla fountain drink and just chug all three down instantly but once i got benzos i didn't need to do that anymore because benzos are the best
>>153699 i mean look at that face, ton's asking for his banana to get sliced right now you can see it in his eyes and you're not even gonna help him with it
I just cleared out my temp and screenshot folders so I have nothing to post I must acquire new content
>>153723 No joke though the lime and cucumber gatorade is really fuckin good
>>153726 >>>/watch?v=nXIFZJgB1nc what a fucking morning to have a hangover this is amazing >>153732 the white cherry one is alright gatorade's got them beat though dude >>153734 it's the white one
I don't feel strongly enough about power/gatorade to really respond to that The lime and cucumber is good, that's all there is to say
No I don't think the white one is cherry, though It's just... I don't know what it is, but shouldn't there be a "CHERRY" in bold font on it if it's cherry? Seems like the kind of thing you'd market with
>>153735 you i dunno if they're still doing it but they had the G1 and G2 and G3 that was supposed to be pre/during/post workout i don't remember which one it was, probably the g3, but that shit was really good dude
>>153762 Some Katawa Shoujo fans are gonna be mad Real mad
>patient displaying amputee behavior >six weeks of behavioral conditions hasn't fixed this >linked him to an image about the body growing back and he seemed optimistic
>>153769 yo that girl at dominos near you got really mad at me for trying to order a thin-crust with no sauce or cheese but anchovies as the only topping
The one in the bottom right actually looks edible though I'd try it
when i was in high school, this girl i knew posted on facebook that she was going to start a no-salt diet to try to be more healthy i had to intervene and be like yo, no
What the fuck is on the bottom left? Apple slices?
>>153787 i get the meme but i think this is actually pretty good growing up in a divorced home, the fuckin fighting is traumatizing it's good to have an environment where the kids feel warm and not like they're divided in half
Yeah he seems like a good dude You don't gotta hate your ex
>>153789 >>153788 I understand being on good terms but the flowers seem a bit much because that's usually the sort of thing you give to someone you're still in love with
>>153802 Oh that reminds me A Swede is following me on the twitter and I didn't realize before now Some of my tweets are not very pro-sweden
>>153801 i mean you don't buy a friend a dozen red roses but bringing them some lilacs or something that they particularly like is kind of a nice way to cheer a friend up or make them feel appreciated
the best part of a hangover is that window where the headache is just sharp enough that your nerves are all raw and you just can't do anything but stare at still images for like an hour with an intense passion
it's such a buggy gif too they made it do the animation once then it goes back and is still for like a minute it's so fucked up even ignoring the awful animation, how do you fuck up this bad
>>153816 this reminds me i kept calling cops pigs on the road trip and every single time, tilde would look for a real pig
the shakes feel so good christ this is the kind of stuff people are supposed to hate but i drink just for this moment holy shit i'm so fucked up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>153826 she was literally stupid enough to print a document from a secure computer (top secret document) and leave the building with it it was impossible to get away with it and the document she stole was basically worthless
cyberattack is a poorly defined term at the moment the goverment dealing with cyber warfare is like grandpa trying to sound hip and cool it's so fucked up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>153838 it's pretty much worthless and she logged into a computer using her own login and printed it out and then scanned it at home and electronically transmitted it to a news organization using her own email
>>153840 I bet she didn't even use a proxy >using her own email wow
>>153839 If I ddos a russian election site can I claim that New Zealand hacked the russian election? Is that a cyberattack?
>>153841 forcefully trending information to undo voter suppression tactics from the DNC would qualify as a cyberattack and election interference by current standards
So a thunderclap is a cyberattack?
>>153847 no because that's open and protected expression it's more like exploiting algorithms in aggregate data to artificially bring a concept into trending status
i can't hit done oh no what's gone on i can't close my post help am i disconnected? the done button is greyed out and i can't close it WHAT i guess i'll just reload the page
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>The Intercept said the N.S.A. report had been submitted anonymously. But shortly after its article was published, the Justice Department said that the F.B.I. had arrested Ms. Winner at her house in Augusta, Ga., on Saturday. It also said she had confessed to an agent that she had printed out a May 5 intelligence file and mailed it to an online news outlet.
Why the fuck would you confess to anything in the US? I wouldn't confess to FOLLOWING the law in the US, much less breaking it
I am shutting my lips until I have a lawyer
Actually what do they do if you don't respond at all while your rights are being read? Like "Do you understand your rights?" you just don't even look at them or anything Do they have to let you go? Is this a cheat code?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe she wants to get internet famous in exchange for living her entire life in prison
she'll be remembered for a while but mostly because of her name
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the thing she leaked is something nobody cared about
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
even mensch didn't talk about it
I only know because I saw a meme about Reality Winner, and I thought it was from some sort of political fiction taking the piss out of the current US political reality I didn't think for even a second that it was a real person until later when PJW linked something and I was like "What the fuck"
>>153852 by invoking the fifth you waive the benefits of a guilty plea but i guess there are none in this scenario
>>153861 uh if you're not already in court then pleading the fifth isn't even a thing you just shut the fuck up and don't say anything, that's different than pleading the fifth in a hearing
I thought the fifth also included questioning by cops
your right is still covered in that situation yes but that's different than pleading the fifth, that's an actual plea
I really like the idea of someone actually using twitter to report a crime Screw just dialing 911, let me get my 4G up and running, open twitter, search up the local sherriff's office, follow them and send a DM, then wait for a reply
>>153872 i'll slice your fuckin corpus collosum so you can never have an internal monologue again you piece of shit if you're not going to think before you talk in the first place then you won't miss it
>>153876 Why I don't follow really large accounts The fucking youtube video
>>153872 it looks like it's from mcdonalds so no surprise they have to make the food as pathetic as their clientele
McDonald's is actually America's punishment for capitalism
>>153890 >$2 Here that gets you a small fries at best
supposedly it's better outside fo // of the states I never try it when I'm outside of the country though >>153884 we have random tests but they're just mouth swabs, you pretty much have to get high right before work for them to detect anything I smoke pretty regularly with no trouble from work >>153883 pull the trigger
That said, I don't ever buy anything other than the $2 burgers they have They're like these small, maybe 90g burgers
They're real good >>153888 WHAT? You get a burger here A little bit more and you get TWO burgers between the buns With a pickle, some cheese and ketchup (this is for both variants)
I thought $2 would get you like a big mac in the US if it gets us a burg
yeah foreign mcd's are great inside the states, if you go to the affluent areas they're really good too because a lot of reasons everyone's rich and rich people complain about shit a lot more, so standards are a bit higher and also rich people don't all go cram into a mcdonalds so they're never as rushed to make your food as they are in the ghetto so they don't fuck everything up as much >>153889 oh okay
we don't really have a lot of people complain about service places here Cause if you're worth complaining about to begin with, the government will make your life hell
>>153890 there's a dollar menu here for a few things I think you can get a double for just a dollar but I'm not sure I think it's been over a decade since I went to mcdonald's
>>153893 the doubles are 2 for 3 or 3 for 5 or whatever it is dollar menu is like single cheese, chicken sandwich, and some other shit for some reason a filet o fish is like five bucks for one
I always wonder about these weird things Nigel Farage is like a well known name right, but his parents named him Nigel And when they were mad at him they shouted NIGEL And it's such a weird fucking name
oh ok he called and i picked up it was like in the 30 minutes in between my two monday/wednesday classes and he's like >i know what you're thinking >huh >you're thinking, how did i know you were out of class right now? >that's not what i was- >well my daughter told me! >ok >have you put any thought into marrying my daughter yet? >no
>>153924 it's nice that he likes you my ex's dad couldn't give a shit less he didn't like me or anyone thai people from that generation are weird
they were super-rich in thailand, like they would have had an estate and servants and he brought his whole family over to the US and he and his wife both had to work in a factory at pretty low wages he did it just so he could brag to his friends in thailand that he moved to the UNITED STATES which means he's super cool
he wants me to marry her so i can manage their family's finances after he dies because he doesn't trust fish or fishmom to be competent enough with money to do it lol >>153930 he also says that yeah
>>153929 it's not a bad idea, i can understand that sounds like a chore too does he have a lot of investments that he wants you to manage or is it just a matter of not squandering things
>>153932 both he's an ex-oil baron and does nothing but investments now he could hire someone to manage the finances after he dies but he says he only trusts family to watch out for family
>>153933 investnig // investing is pretty interesting. a few of my clients are investment firms that do webinars for they VIP investors it's a cushy gig for me to do the transcripts because they order everything rush and i get to access all this stuff that's for their big investors but investing at the 50+ million level is way different than investing a couple million i wish i could do that kind of stuff though you know how much i love information
Does he do capital investments in startups or is it all stocks and bonds type of stuff/REITS and TIPS
i had an appointment in palo alto to talk to people about investing in my business but it got cleared out because important people have busy schedules you should put in a word for me i've got my presentation almost ready and everything
I think he does a bit of it all, I know he's invested in startups and stuff before at least If you want to send me something to send his way I'll do that for you
that would be pretty awesome yeah this move is kind of screwing up my fiscal quarter plans though so maybe the winter quarter i wanted to be underway this spring quarter but man, sudden notice that i have to move is a big setback. that's a lot of money and time wasted on residency logistics i would just live in an office and live my work if i could i'm not about this home life stuff
ideally i'd like to have a proof of concept first, just because i'm kind of anal about business things like an actually delivered product as a proof of concept, but what i have in mind is also a huge potential earner so i dunno, maybe just a logistics blueprint could suffice for proof of concept
>>153944 oh is this the fuckin soy estrogen shit ITS PHYTOESTROGEN THAT ISNT MAMMALIAN ESTROGEN FUCK ITS DIETARY ESTROGEN IT ISNT AN ACTIVE HORMONE it can help with prostate issues though
i always thought it was kind of strange that the image of being courageous, brave, and macho was to be afraid of your feminine side like how big of a pussy do you have to be to be afraid of yourself the fuck generation X
I did an infodump about Qatar on facebook to enlighten all those normies and I made a prediction that oil prices would go up but they went down So I made a follow-up post saying that I was mistaken and the price of oil went down
And someone did one of those like things that are like a face, idk what they're actually called, but it was like, a laughing face or something Laughing at me for admitting a mistake? facebook is retarded, those things don't get anything across
>>153962 like, look at doctor girlfriend he's totally in touch with his feminine side but he's still pretty dang macho i like that kind of shit i wish i didn't grow up in such a fucked up family i'd probably be more well-adjusted with my things
>>153959 what does "track" entail in this legal context
>>153967 yeah, but one of the programmed in ones, like a like button replacement one
>>153966 Track meaning using aggregate data from cellphone towers and stuff to follow them
Yeah, I don't really understand the gender thing
my MMPI-2 score said i was basically as manly as you can be, i was one point from maxing out my masculinity index But I think I'm pretty fuckin feminine
>>153968 >uguu i need a big strong man to move these bookshelves for me i'm pretty feminine but sadly i think i'm the bitchy kind of feminine i think i became a workaholic because everything else is too complicated and it's easier to ignore life and focus on information
>>153972 i kind of draw back to our hierarchical discussion before and think it's kind of a serious // series of layers like, i'll speak kind of openly about this i guess, i consider myself very tomboy-ish i think that encapsulates my personality more than saying that i'm masculine or feminine i'm like the masculine flavor of femininity there's a different base or origin from which you draw meaning from those two words like a domain and a range, not just a line spectrum
I see what you mean I think it's way more complicated than a spectrum too I sort of think of it like multiple qualities on a spectrum that come together to make gender kind of like how color is considered to be like, hue, saturation, and brightness and stuff
>>153977 i told her that she's gotta up her game i know she can she's just being lazy i gotta keep my friends in check you know, be a responsible friend
anyway, you might have noticed a thing and i'm thinking about trying to get a legal name change under the concept that my original name was anglicized too much and i want the old one back but i'm not sure legal name changes are worth the hassle
I found out today that my family has its own shield It's pretty sick it has a sword on it
>>153981 sorry to hear that, i hope it gets better soon
>>153982 I'm afraid it's terminal. That stab wound went pretty deep.
>>153986 yeah, and complicated... i would also like to be able to distance myself from my family and not be searchable by them though so it might be worth it
Why isn't there a good emoji thing for chrome? Every emoji addon thing just makes a button in the top right that you have to click Gimme like a hotkey I can press and a list of emoji pops up under the input field
>>153992 wouldn't you like to be your own new person? i feel like my name is a really long vestigial tail that i can't rid myself of and it's unsightly and is luggage i dont need i'm not those people i'm me and i'm a pretty fuckin good me, too i'd like to start my own legacy, not continue their shitty one
>>153995 I wouldn't personally like to do that since I've got so much riding on who I am now but I definitely see the appeal of doing it Starting your own legacy sounds nice
WHAT THE FUCK Is the password requirements for discord
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I'm changing my name to a cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator
How am I supposed to remember my password when it's not consistent what the rules are
>>153996 that's why i feel urgency with it if i'm gonna do this business thing that i've been planning, i'm completely self-made i don't want to enter into making this when i'm someone i dont want to be i'd like to become me and then start my legacy i don't want this other name to get any credit for what i'm about to do
>>153999 make an app that shows password requirements for each website next to where you type in your password because if it says MUST INCLUDE CAPITAL, LOWER CASE, 1 NUMBER, 1 SYMBOL. YOU HAVE THREE TRIES then i'm not going to waste three tries trying one // several of my passwords that don't meet that criteria i bet it would be a hit among vivaldi users
>>154005 having a two-year psychotic break was really therapeutic to me in a way i'm glad i didn't get medicated for it i came out of it with a lot more clarity than i ever could have expected, for as much trouble as it was
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>154006 >>>154005 (You) having a two-year psychotic break was really therapeutic to me in a way wow thanks /moe/
>>>154005 (You) having a two-year psychotic break was really therapeutic to me in a way i fuckin swear
>having a two-year psychotic break was really therapeutic to me in a way this is such an interesting statement
>>154025 It's a dojikko carrying a plate, in case you didn't see the description. Depiction of a Dojikko (a clumsy girl, that doesn't miss a chance to make a mistake).
what exactly are "impressions" on twitter i posted something and it had 28 impressions within five second of my tweet i don't think that's realistic at all
Any and all interaction, including people seeing the tweet at all
how do i have any impressions at all when i have one follower let alone now 32
>>154047 not that one that one somehow has even fewer impressions i literally tweeted something and clicked the analytic button as soon as i tweeted and it had 11. i refreshed and it had 28 no engagements, but like 50-ish impressions now i don't know what the heck is goin on to be honest, and i'm inclined to believe impressions aren't actually someone seeing the tweet i would imagine impressions being how many weighted factors your post is connected to
this is an old pic but i had it up and never showed it before it's fbi hq in denver
yo i recognize that goofy ass coat nigga you need to let me help you accessorize
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i can't wear that coat anymore anyway it tore shoganai i have a bunch of REALLY nice coats that are like super expensive but i'm afraid to wear them because they were my grandfather's
>>154053 look, your mom didnt teach you right so it's okay next time we try the vegas trip i'ma take you to H&M and i'ma set you straight okay leave it to the gay guys to set you straight cuz you aint gonna do it yourself you gotta impress fishdad and fashion is important in the business world let me help you help yourself
>>154059 actually i guess it's kind of bad in the Jewish community to overdress, isn't it hmm have fish take your measurements i'll handmake you some goods
>>154064 please how old are they? i expect you've gained about six pounds in the last six months or so you gotta retake that >>154069 nigga you can lie to yourself all you want but you're living with a girl now your intake of ice cream and foods you normally wouldn't eat is like quadrupled
>>154067 They're from a year ago, but I haven't gained any weight. I've lost two pounds since then.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't gain weight
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no like i literally can't gain weight i only lose weight i have been trying to gain weight for like 10 years the only thing living with fish has done is stabilize my weight
>>154071 spoken like someone who knows NOT A GODDAMN THING thin people have high metabolism and foods don't do what they need to do to put weight on. you just poop out more nutrients than normal the answer is whole milk it's easily digestible and very quick, so even with a high metabolism you'll build up quickly
when did i start my milk binge? i think it was september. my goal was to gain 17 pounds i achieved that three weeks ago, so about eight months for 17 pounds i actually overshot it a little bit but i was able to remedy that quickly
now, i know your little body won't be able to handle a gallon of whole milk, so you should try like a quart ask fish to add some chocolate syrup to it and mention how much you love chocolate, she'll appreciate that
Look if you want me to take the subversive route and start talking to rika about what she should tell fish then i can do that but you're a reasonable person you just said a moment ago that it's in my hands i think you need a few pounds at least. not a ton, but like if you gained 10 pounds and then worked off five, your physique would be a lot better if you gained five it'd be okay, but i think you should gain some extra so you can really put some extra into that runner's build and not be a skeltin
>>154085 you know, i hated milk until i started this i'm doin a gallon, so a quart ain't much. that's four small cups a day. and i know realistically people dont use eight ounce cups. stims make you thirsty, just pour 12 ounces once in the morning, when you get home, and before you go to sleep. you'll sleep a lot better too because of the htp you've been talking about how you'd like to sleep better
if it's available, try to grab no-homo milk. the proteins are less pulverized and the taste is a lot richer, plus there's cream on top which is a treat imo make sure fish sees that it's no homo milk too to dispel any concerns that she might have about you even if it's a lie, happy waifu happy laifu
>check out twitter on my phone >enlarge a picture of a girl >fish sees it over my shoulder and asks why the girl has push-pins in her cheeks >they're just cheek piercings pfft
>>154086 hmm Okay, I guess I can pick some up at the shop after classes.
>>154094 i was going to continue this and say that maybe i could consult R-K to help form a hypothesis but i was struck by the imagery of an oldschool psychologist like jung or freud actually setting up a proper experiment of sucking on women's nipples and diligently writing down whether milk was present and the flavor/texture in a very scientific form and that was more humorous to me
Seeing big time accounts like Woko Haram like my tweets is exciting Sometimes people will throw in an RT a bit after pressing like, too, though I'm not exactly sure why they wait
>>154103 i'm not saying that it's not helpful but it's very pedestrian there are a lot of people that CBT can help, like run-of-the-mill alcoholics from generation X who drank to escape pain
but we're in a different landscape and because i know you, i know that applied sciences aren't really your dream here at that point you're filling a role that can already be done by many
psychology has such a heavy lag period it's unfortunate like people with simple cases of "oh man everything is bad so i'm drinking a lot of alcohol. if i could just stop, things would improve in my life" then yeah, skinnerism can be helpful but these kinds of people are so uninteresting that it's not even science
things like this are a case of resolving ignorance. you don't have to be a psychologist to do that. when i talked down on psychology and CBT that one time, this is what i was talking about it's a field ripe with questions and the pronounced answers are to the trivial questions it's just such a waste. i don't think CBT is bad, but it's like it's not doing anything in the field. it's just a status quo thing. so much more has been teased apart since then, but some people are simple enough that it still produces good effects with little effort
but today you're not going to have any real groundbreaking cases through CBT. it's only what's already established. i feel like it's a broad-spectrum thing that can benefit, but it's hardly a targeted treatment
>>154106 I actually disagree with most theoretic bases behind therapies I think that the therapist should be there to provide the person with tools to make the changes they need themselves and be able to support them in the use of those tools But most therapies are like, "don't go into it thinking the psychologist is the expert" and then direct you to behave like you're the expert It's all about saving people but I don't think psychologists have the power to save people, that's stupid. I think it's about enabling them to save themselves.
CBT is like a band-aid to me it's like >oh just change their underlying schemas ok let's just go in and indiscriminately change the way someone views the world because it doesn't conform to my view of the world they have trust problems because everyone betrayed them in the past? whatever, they don't need trust problems, their past experiences don't matter so let's just make them able to trust people again it's like we act like they don't deserve autonomy they come to us to be "fixed" and we "fix" them but CBT looks like brainwashing to me
those experiences of being betrayed in the past are valuable experiences that make them who they are they need to be able to come to terms with those experiences and make a decision as to how they want to act, i don't want to make the decision for them it's ridiculous
>>154109 yo i'ma let you finish that post but i just wanna say you've come a long way you've really evolved as a psychologist since your undergrad days i'm happy to see that
I see CBT as a compromise. We're talking mostly about generation X, and people's motivations were more directed at functionality. a trade that lets them worry less and function more and support their family so they can raise a child for a future generation that they invest more emotion in than they do their own it was really effective at that that's why i called it a launching point for more developed concepts
i had a personal anecdote about something but i forgot what it was
i think i've learned a lot about myself and the world i used to just think ideas were good because "smart" people had them but that's retarded i didn't know anything four years ago or even two years ago in 4 years i'll probably think i didn't know anything right now lol
i really wanted to get into humanistic psychology but i couldn't get into the therapy training class for it maybe another time i'll get in i think self-exploration is the best way to change
but therapy also isn't something i want to do so i'm not that invested in it when i think about practicing CBT, though, i have to question the morality of it and i think that if i have to question whether or not it's moral to treat someone, it's probably not a moral way to treat them psychology has gotten obsessed with being like medicine but the body is physical and the mind is not so we can't just pretend like we can do them the same way
>>154112 >tfw you realise "smart" people are just ordinary falliable people and not oracles of science
>>154112 my biggest gripe with CBT was interference so many of its applications view -- hold on i'm having a stroke brb so many of its applications view everything as a source towards stagnation rather than a process. history is important to understand with psychology. the idea that someone havnig // having a nervous/mental breakdown then is way different and that's the source of a lot of the data that supports hypotheses that we regard without question nowadays because they're cited
like i said in regards to my psychotic break some things are a processs process* we can interrupt the process and take them a different route, but you have to understand that the 1900s were a paranoid era where we thought there was a central theme to conform to and people with contradictive views were locked up in an asylum psychology during this era was mostly damage control, i feel
>>154114 I think psychology was mainly superstition back then I think people are so terrified of the superstitious nature of psychology that we force ourselves away from anything that could be tainted by superstition we refuse to consider so many things just because they might not be easy to prove we don't like to think and we hate change Psychology as an academic field is very toxic
>>154115 fuck I wish I still had that job selling raffletickets for the SES I'd make so much money
it's nice to be heard i know i still have psychosis issues, but i try to make sure i have logical sound between my thoughts it's a pleasure having you around to talk to in a way that nobody else would understand
Oh shit suicide squad is on netflixx That movie must have tanked hard That's a big budget movie not affiliated with netflix, showing up on netflix HERE
NotSoBot is my favorite thing on discord It's got a tag feature, and it's global So you can make 'tags', and any time someone invokes it, they get whatever you put in there
when she is interested she sits there and watches really intently and doesn't talk too much unless i do
but when she thinks something's bad she'll complain about it the whole time until i tell her to shut up like watching eromanga sensei with her, she gets so mad about how bad it is but she won't drop it
anyhow in eearly season 2, there is a plot line, where the empire takes one of their old spaceforts and makes it into a mobile one and tries to use it to either capture or destroy a fort in a key location by the alliance, which was taken in the early S1
So I justkinda came up with a better solution to the "they have a fort blocking our way" situation, that doesn't cost any lives
Just take the mobile fort drive it past the already existing spacefort and blockade it from getting any supplies
sure your fort will also have a troublesome supply route now, but since your side has the larger military force, it wouldn't be that hard to keep the fortress supplied
and then just wait
eventuially the people inside the original fortress will have to ive up, especially since they not only host the sizeable military garrison, but several millions of civilians inside it unlike the mobile fort, which has only the garrison.
No casualties, no losses and even if the alliance tries to relieve the fortress, they'd have to breakthrough another near impregnable fortress inorder to do it, something they wouldn't be able to do.
Add tot hat, it would also effectively take about third of the alliance space fleet out of action, as it was stationed in the fortress.
>the largest bomb detonated in england since ww2 No that's the largest bomb detonated fucking LITERALLY anywhere with human populations nearby in human history
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
witch burner retweeted my commie tweet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
notifications gonna blow up
>>154178 1,5 megatons not the largest bomb, but yeah would be quite incredible feat to do it non-nuclear
Listen if your bomb weighs 1.5 MEGATONS, and you don't at least level an entire city, you fucked up Also how'd you even MOVE that? DO YOU UNDERSTAND HOW LARGE THIS FUCKING THING WOULD BE?
Fitting this into a van would be like I don't even know How dense would it have to be
This man is suggesting the IRA constructed a bomb that weighed the equivalent of FIFTEEN HUNDRED THOUSAND VANS Loaded it INTO A VAN And drove it into Manchester
>>154242 well I don't think we're going to start now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah i gotta finish watching before we can do it
『sk』 I made it anyway so it's there
Even if we don't do much other than replace subs, you can never be too safe with anime autism
>a prisoner said enemy commander isn't here, was his final breath >maybe this is a trap by the commander to fool us >another prisoner spoke, he sais that it indeed was a command from the commander >maybe this is a double layered trap byt he commander to fool us into thinking he isn't there 4D chess in LotGH
>>154252 but kemono friends just said only the jaguar can swim
>>154253 well I guess the point here is all animals can swim at some level, but some actually are good at it and yeah jaguars are good swimmers well relatively
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
surely anime would never lie to me
Tsuchinoko has to be something interesting in these subs
No wait >snake >symbol of medicine >fat snake PRIVATE MEDICINE
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh no
『sk』're gonna need to watch the show for this, TN
haha yeah and sober even
The construction of the bus is clearly the use of collective labour for a common social good
Also the autism snake isn't actually a snake Closer to a worm really
BUs of progress I wonder could we edit it to look more "comrade"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wait wait wait >Tsuchinoko (ツチノコ or 槌の子?), literally translating to "child of hammer" CHILD OF HAMMER
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Kemonofriends is hidden commie propaganda that's why it fits so well We uncovered a chinese conspiracy to turn Japan red with anime. The reason why it looks poor is actually because chinese animated it
Also continuing about the fortress fight in LotGH since the kaiser was hard pressed for time to take over the world for reasons I'd at that point just smash the two forts together and boom and then flood the space with the main fleet
If the goal is to just cleat the path, then do it to most swiftest and explosive way possible
>>154175 Couldn't Iserlohn just shoot while you're blockading it?
>>154275 Yup but as the situation became a 2 week long deadlock where they didn't really shoota t each other for that matter and also, they can disable each other's gun by causing the liquid metal outer shell to "flood" the cannon
>>154275 and also the getsburck fort can move so it can stay just out of range
and the noble rebels hosted about 200k ships and 30+ million troops inside it for several months so it can stock huge amounts of supplies in it and like I said, Iserlohn has civilians isnide it it would run out of supplies first
And as the imperial fortress blocks reinforcments and supplies, the imperium can just do normal siege actions backed by their fortress against the iserlohn
them trying to rush it was always the weak point of the plan
>>154283 Yeah that would've been a lot cheaper method just attach those same engines to large asteroids and throw those at the fort Yang did the same thing with ice engines+ice against the point defence system
Just do that but with bigger objects and it would work
>>154283 I think the problem is, that alliance never really got to the point of attacking the fort ever they had few attempts at siege or assault, but always were routed and the empire never had to take on spaceforts, since the alliance had none.
IS also fun how wit hthe phezzan, the current leader starts to train his bastard kid to take over after him but then the bastard kid fucks it up later and gets purged Like kid just wait for the old man to die, he is like 60
and he eventually does from braincancer maybe a year after the kid got purged. Though luck
>>154286 Sometimes it takes a while. Just look at Phillip and Elizabeth