i'm trying to summon ika oh look there he is okay lets start
This series gets kids pretty well. Like. last episode they were so gung-ho about running away and living on the lam. And by now they're both back home. Kids are kind of short-sighted like that.
The biggest issue I have with the GranBlue story is that the main villains are just so...cheesy. They're pretty much even less complex than Disney villains.
If they can kinda resolve stuff this episode we may get to see Vira.
Well if they're rolling Rosetta into the story like this, then there's a good chance they're just gonna do a flyover of her island. So yeah, Albion might be the finale.
>>152704 From what we get of his personality in the game--sparing as it is, he's pretty cheery and happy-go-lucky. Would probably be a bit of a dissonance for the fans.
>>152707 A lot of the Dark-element characters aren't really moody or edgelords though. Darkness isn't necessarily evil it's just the opposing force to Light.
this is 22 right >>152706 i guess so but it just doesn't feel right for such a nice guy to use the power of DARKNESS >>152706 that doesn't even make sense anyways darkness is just the absence of light
>>152709 i also don't think that makes sense either to be fair
I mean it does make more sense than the light/darkness match-up. A sufficiently hot entity can make a cold entity entirely irrelevant and vice versa. But light and darkness work under different rules.
>>152711 it's more of a transfer of energy in that case i guess darkness shouldn't exist as an element
How amusingly stereotypical, that one of the climaxing points of this series revolves around a football score.
>andoru thinking about his gf
>>152712 The existence of the light/darkness duality, especially in JRPGs, is strongly rooted in Japanese mythology. It isn't really as closely tied to physical and more tangible concepts like the other elements in games are. Which I personally think is why it's pretty common to see light/darkness put on a different pedestal entirely from the other elements.
I wonder if she can use magic I bet she cant and itll be a dramatic reveal
I don't think either of them have lost their magic.
We saw Ursula reach for a broom and pull back. It's not like she can't ride a broom without going Full Chariot; that sort of thing the normal Ursula should be able to do. The fact that she avoided trying in front of Diana speaks volume.
Ursula looks so much better in Full Chariot. She should really just stick to it.
Oh FUCK the scar on the moon is actually a plot device.
That doesn't entirely make sense though. Diana went to see Chariot's show in the past and she's practically god-tier with her magic.
>>152741 maybe it only absorbs certain kinds of magic
But c'mon then what's up with the moon. You mention like it's some big thing and then you just ignore talking about it.
its weird
akko can still transform too and use magic just not fly
Well her magic isn't all that good to begin with. Like her aptitude in pretty much everything is as low as it can get. She's only good at transformation magic because she try-harded and focused in on it.
Im guessing she had to use the power of people to kill some evil last boss on the moon
I think she was trying to build up magic and probably throw it all in to the Sorcerer's Stone in one go. But the power was too much to handle and she shot it off at the moon by accident.
I wonder if Diana was able to deduct that Chariot was the reason she was bad at magic I doubt it
>>152761 She can't be the only person who sucked at trying who saw Chariot's show as a kid though. It's been mentioned before Chariot was a pretty huge fad during that time; a lot of fledgling witches would have probably gone to see her show. Why is Akko the only one who's so abysmally bad?
I think lots more are as bad or worse than Akko theres been mention of the decline of mages at the school right what if its cause they all got their magic stolen by chariot at the show
I think that has to do with the global decline in magic and disinterest in the public in magic with the advent of technology.
And it wouldn't make sense to blame the global decline in magic on Chariot too since the whole reason she was trying to generate magic was to half -halt the decline in magic.
>halt the decline in magic by stealing magic from people something doesn't compute
i think chariot tried to open the last gate like croix is doing now with the magic probably didnt know that it would have a big effect on the people she used it on and went into hiding cause she was ashamed
Whatever went wrong probably had to do with her inability to get the last word.
I think the reason the show took the most from Akko is because she had the biggest DREAMS of them all. She generated so much that it took too much from her.
I think ursula is a cutie padoodle
>>152768 i'd imagine it'd take the same amount from all of them
>>152773 >>152774 Dude this is Trigger. Dumb and corny is their main act.
>>152775 it sounds a bit much though LWA is actually pretty serious for them
I don't really agree with that at all. It's no more serious than other works they've done.
it's way more serious than their other works
I mean you can repeat your argument all you want but you're not convincing me without explaining yourself.
there aren't any retarded gimmicks to the show it stands on its own feet purely on the virtue of its characters and writing
there aren't any ridiculous tricks or inexplicable plot twists so far either
It's a show where people wave shiny rods and magically do the impossible. They turn into fish and can suddenly flawlessly communicate with aquatic creatures. Magic is by itself a gimmick.
And the latter half of that post isn't even relevant to something being serious at all.
i thought this show was overrated as heck at the start but i like it lots now
>>152782 you're clearly misunderstanding what I mean by a serious show
I don't mean it's edgy and realistic
A serious show isn't inherently edgy either. Or even have to be realistic.
>>152786 I'm glad you understand that LWA is the only serious show trigger has produced
But that doesn't change the fact the Little Witch Academia is not a serious show. It leans heavily on having fun and not caring for keeping within internalized reason and restraint because it's a show that's meant to be frivolous and magical.
you can have fun in a serious show
when has the show failed to keep in line with its internal reasoning
Jan listen sorry I'm gonna be a cunt but I need to go to bed. I can't pick fights at this time of night that go on for hours and hours.