I have a right to bitch at them and try to get an earlier appointment, but I am not dealing with that shit I'm doing this a bit relunctantly to begin with
>>147690 Doctor waiting times are such an ass my stepfather had to wait for about 7 months to get a heart surgery Nice for him tolive 7 months with his heart barely operational...
>>147694 Here they have just made the system cleverer Instead of awiting in line for the cheaper state medical care, you can trade in a "doctor ticket" for about 80% of the amount the state would cover your fees, if you used their services and use thati n any private medical faciltiy. Thus cutting the lines way shorter and allowing people to get treated faster, while still benefiting from the system they pay their taxes for.
A lot better than paying yourself sick for quick private or waiting in line untill you are dead Gotta somehow get back the money you pay in taxes afterall.
>>147695 This is what the right wants here and I don't like it Kimoi
You don't exactly get a voucher for everything like dental care or shit but any big medical operation and such can get you one all you have to do is ask >>147700 I am bit conflicted, since it does boost private medicine, but Why not it helps people survive and shortens the public medicine waiting times too And companies still pay their taxes and private doctors make more money and pay more taxes so... In the end the state gets its due anyhow.
Which we don'ät have Our most valuable mines were taken by russia and we are too busy selling our mining rights to foreign companies. EU in dis house we busy cutting our nation in to chunks that are sellable to foreign parties and politicians are too interested in their retirement posts in EU rather than domestic problems or like our current PM, making himself and his family as rich as possible.
You've gotta have SOMETHING you can snatch away from private hands to generate revenue
Fucking globalists
>>147709 WE sold third of our electical grid to a foreign company go figure we sold our digital television network to france go figure Next we sell our roads to private entities
It's either 1 or 2 TB I'm checking right now but because it is failing, it's destroying my PC's ability to actually do anything Right now I have a save file window open in chrome that's locked up Oh there we go It finally save d the image
i got a // i got pressured into a job i didn't want to take i declined it twice but the third time i got the feeling i'd be letting the company down if i wasn't available to take it but i was already overbooked a bit so i had to kind of rush and i guess the client has some different needs than normal clients do that normally wouldn't be needed i'm just really self-conscious about my work i guess and feel like i'm always screwing things up
i think i might lose this contract soon, which i wouldn't necessarily mind, but the thing i don't like is the idea of that confrontation where that would happen
I wonder if some people using regular twitter in their browser rather than tweetdeck And if so, why? Besides the obvious "doesn't know about tweetdeck", I mean
i don't need tweetdeck regular twitter serves my purposes fine
>>147749 I recently saw people in Flat Earth Twitter talking about how they tried browser twitter for the first time and it was so much better than mobile twitter.
>>147748 I definitely understand that feeling of letting them down if you don't take it So now you're overbooked?
Time to start this backup procedure First off: MUH GAEMS
>>147751 i'm always overbooked. that's not new. but the work i did last night, the client said it was the transcript for the wrong file this morning which it wasn't and i don't have the time to sort the problem, so someone else will be
there's some things i really -- nevermind i guess this doesn't seem like an appropriate time
>>147756 >drone delivered cars Wow actually thinking about ti a self-driving car could deliver itself to your door
>>147757 So you sent the file and then the client said you sent the wrong one even though it was the right one?
It's super rough that it's one of my 2 2TB ones, too I wish it was my E drive instead It's only 1TB
>>147766 I think there was something lost in translation there's my client, and then my client's client i never know who the client's client is, even though its their file i'm handling so sometimes it's clear that they're, say, a market researcher so it's just an average MR interview but then another time, the same exact kind of MR interview could be sent in, but the client is actually someone from internal auditing in which case the needs for the document being prepared are going to be different than if it was a simple interview
that's not what happened in this case but it's a general example of something that might happen
>my archive folder is 700+GB I can't save all of it ;_;
Wait most of it are my downloads I can just ditch MOST of that and not suffer
My D drive's system is basically what city planning looks like when it's not planned from the start Everything's been used for one thing, then expanded, then CHANGED altogether in usage I had a folder for dropbox, but because dropbox was being a cunt I had to rename it or there would be issues, so I renamed it "whatusedtobedropbox", and I no longer even have dropbox so now it's just my images and a few other things, and that image folder has hydrus, which is software, and also there's a folder called Temp that was only supposed to have images temporarily while I use them and then delete them, but it's got its own OLD folder in it where I put everything because I never delete anything
i don't think a few infrequently is too bad, but can we try to tone down on the multiposting a bit it's been a little ubiquitous this week and a little more palpable rei's holding the record right now at like 11 straight posts it's not much of an issue itself other than how much it's occurring. it might just be me, but i feel it's a little clunky to the threads especially if it's consecutive posts within seconds of each other that you coulda just waited and not closed the other one i'm guilty too though
>>147771 Haha that is happening to me rn with my laptop My desktop is quite well more organised, though
>>147774 I don't think you fully understand how deep this goes This is an HDD that was in a DIFFERENT computer before, so it's got legacy shit from THAT AND THAT COMPUTER HAD SHIT COPIED FROM AN EVEN OLDER COMPUTER FOR ARCHIVING PURPOSES
the archive folder was SUPPOSED to be a folder for you know Documents, save files, that sort of stuff Then it became the default ME folder that everything software isn't handling goes So any file that's mine and doesn't belong to a game or program goes there, including torrents and stuff And then I started putting software in it as well, like hydrus, so now it's just "everything, kinda"
>>147773 i guess i should have added that it becomes troublesome specifcally on time-sensitive things like when they need it by 9am for a quarterly review or something it being time sensitive is what makes it stressful in the first place
Lol as if I have anything that would require that much nuking and as if I know anyone who can restore a HDD after it has been properly emptied that kind of restoring takes quite high end hardware
>>147793 Listen here, /g/ Nobody's running these cardboard computers rivaling the raspberry pi
>>147797 I just said I "have an old HDD lying around since you asked for one, didn't put it to use since Idon't need that small or trust it enough to run it" and he still bought it
>>147772 I really only do this because I closed it before thinking of the next post's content at all
>>147800 yeah that's what i mean just try to think about what you want to go into a post before you close it i don't think it's historically been much of a problem, but i'm starting to see it get really distracting to the threads this week because it kind of devolves into one person flooding it with stream of consciousness when it's not necessary >>147802 uh, okay?
Right, forgot that Nibelungen is for a good reason divided into several parts when performed...
I set up a commandline to do the copying for me, and it's like watching the fucking matrix the speed I made it tell me the full filename and path of every file
>>147819 oh maybe I've confused it for something else
oh wait lol that setting overwrote the copying part, so it actually just infodumped me every file that WOULD be copied if it was copying
Though that allowed me to confirm I'd set up the command correctly otherwise So it's all good
OK well it's working It's way slow, but at least it won't be susceptible to explorer crashing again It's also overwriting everything I already copied, so that's a bit of wasted time
>>147833 sure here you go bud i made you a trophy to commemorate it thank TN for breaking your combo though what a dick move
>>147835 Thanks, also I realized almost immediately after those two posts above that I did it again, but I didnt want to make it even worse by making a post to apologize.
>>147838 oh have you taken it before or something it's not particularly pleasant but it gives me good sleep it makes my blood pressure so low that i almost lose vision
>>147840 I took it like 8 or 9 years ago. But I was mainly talking about how you said it was helping you with your tourettes and some other stuff. >>147841 The "clon" part rhymes with "on" not "clone".
yeah tourettes is pretty troublesome it probably wouldn't seem like it to the general populace that has the general conception of what it means but when your body's tweaking out all day long so bad that you've got muscle cramps because of it and have trouble handling silverware and are afraid to use a knife and stuff it's pretty debilitating
>>147843 Oh yeah, so that line of dolls you mentioned having stuff from. I saw one online for pretty cheap that I may purchase, usually for stuff like that the faces look super weird or whatever compared to normal figurines but these (or the licensed anime character ones) just look like oversized figurines.
>>147851 Then Kirara would have said "Reports of an explosion in the Vatican"
>>147848 Oh you're talking about pureneemo yeah, kuroneko was like 80 dollars on release but it was a specialty release i'd say they have a range of low cost to mid-low cost dolls that are nice additions to a collection
Some models are predicting 8 hurricanes with two being major ones. And 14 named storms that aren't hurricanes.
>>147856 I would love to have a really big doll/anime figure as long as the face wasnt offputting. Unfortunately most of the large ones have weird faces.
Also nice prediction past TN thank you future TN >>147864 Let me stay in yourh ouse during hurricane if it is empty ahaha as if but itwould be neat to experience one.
Oh, I just remembered that the Ika Musume manga ended. Now I'm sad.
>watching THe Great War this week episode >british commander is trying to break through Ypre I almost did a spit take Man WW1 is such a sad case of dreaming commanders
>>147862 yeah dolls are really a labor of love, not just a piece on a stand i've had some larger ones that i wasn't particularly fond of, and redid their faceplates take them apart, some find sanding // fine sanding and pigmentation, adding a little blush coloring to the faceplate stuff like that they're really a lot of work but that's what makes them fun to me
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
>linux doesn't display the fucked up files >all the files I wanted to save are such fucked up files
>>147877 building the right network also, people will really pay a lot for things like custom faceplates, custom wigs and outfits i mean, the people who buy like 500+ dollar ones who will invest another thousand just on wardrobe and accesories and customization i would never be able to afford those, but it'd be really nice to kind of enjoy them vicariously through custom requests
I would certaimly be doing a lot more craft project sorts of tjings if this place werent so cluttered. Altough the basement could probably be organized, it will just take a lot of work.
>>147878 so if you were a good craftsman at that, you could make a good earning well networked eh
On an not quite unrelated note, elevator inspectors make good money.
>>147880 i dont think it's sustainable on its own you'd need really regular business and it's more the once very few months kind of thing but yeah if i had constant workflow i'd be pretty happy
>>147882 I didn't think it as a dayjob, but more like "making your hobby pay for itself" type of situation
Speaking of which theres some guy in the area who cleans and organizes record collections, I'm considering contacting him to see if he'll let me "apprentice" under him.
kinda like selling doujins, so youc an afford to buy more doujins
Why is it that linux doesn't see the files windows does, I wonder I assume it is linux filtering out corrupted sections of the drive or something, to avoid crashing trying to load a corrupted file But linux USUALLY lets you circumvent any safeguards like that if you tell it to
>>147892 the problem isn't that, it is I am 100% reliant on mobile connections
>>147893 Are there multiple partitions on the drive?
No Only one
There are individual files and folders it doesn't see, on the drive
Linux Mint I'm on windows now, though, cause I NEED those files
What distribution are you ysing?
Uggggh, I just remembered I need to sign up for a VPN.
IFthey start enforcing anime stuff here, I will finally have to get a vpn
or get grunchy
>>147900 Oh it's not cause of that, torrenting still isnt against US criminal law. Its because starting in November or December it becomes legal for ISPs to sell your browsing history.
Quite incredible how much space anime nowadays takes when horrible releases take about 6gb per series no reasont o keep their releases around if you have watched it and don't plan to rewatch it especially on a 450gb drive
In hind sight, I should've dissed tha 50€ more for the 1TB model...
Definitely Also I'm going to need to buy another harddrive (internal ir external) if I want to watch the Eva full series Bluray rip encodes.
Also man spotify is poorly optimised nowadays... Just because most people have more powerful computers, doesn't mean you should make the application build the playlist into the RAM memory just do as it did in the past, and make a 10-20gb allocation into temp files for big playlists. >>147921 I Bluescreend this laptop by opening my first 6000 song playlist on spotify it just killed the memory outright
>>147920 You would think so right. But unfortunately tgat is how software has been developed for tgthe past thirty or so years.
And people actually have MORE hdd space compared to memory so... >>147921 Yeah but point is, in the past spotify built the playlist and song images on your harddrive and spared you the resources as best as tyou could and you could even set how much it used HDD space and so on so if you were low, you set hdd allocation to near 0 and then it built on ram I never was low, so I always allocated somethingl ike 20gibs to it
>>147926 27,5k computer with the best parts you could get I bet it hasb een updated since I took that cap of it
Cause unless it has over 128gb of RAM, more than one xeon, liquid nitrogen cooling and industry GPUs and a phi card you could buipd it yourself for less.
>>147928 The cooling system is pretty much the only reason to get it you can get all the parts aside from the motherboard, which is quite hard to get as an individual, separately cheaper. But the cooling system is custom built for the store.
>>147929 Okay, cause without looking at the parts list and assuming it doesnt have the stuff I listed aabove you coukd probably build it yourself for like 10k€, although this is also assuming it doesnt have a bunch of large capacity sssds.
>they havn't updated it >>147930 noope just well back when this was ne was it the motherboards cost more than 10k
>>147931 Oh, nvm you cant probably build it for 10k, that comp is not for gaming or personal use. I have a physics prof who has a few comps like that laying around. Comps like that are mainly used as mini super computers by scientists/engineers/mathematicians
The only bad is the HD space 4x1tb SSD in rad0 and 4x1tb SSD I'd rather have bigger drives
>>147932 It is FOR GAMING it is a joke product I don't think anyone ahs ever bought one.
Also >installing the OS on the 4x4rad drive... I'd get a 100gb ssd for the OS and some programs I throw there and nothing else never install OS on an important drive
Anyways you'd probably want more than a 100gb ssd for os and programs if you want to install games to the ssd.
But anyhow the reading comprehensions >2 pages of txt >10 questions with 3-5 statements on each >each statement is "correct in some way" >choose which statement is most correct just fuck those things >>147944 You miss thep oint you throw the OS on the separate thing and then games, movies, music anything on the everything else in this case, you'd have 1 4TB drive, and 4x1TB drives and then one 100gb drive with the OS and some core programs so if the OS goes wayhire your isk no chance of losing any of the other data
>>147945 Depending on your system's specs the bottle neck limiting performance in gaming can be HD IO. Games will run better from an SSD inder many circumstances.
>>147953 Is this an internal drive ir external drive?
Internal It's one of two in raid, I think
Do you have a harddrive dock?
Cause if there are some not very large files on it, putting the harddrive in a plastic bag and pytting it in the freezer can help sometimes.
Sorta, but I dunno if I can access it without opening the case
>>147959 If you have to open the case then its not a harddrive dock. Unless you mean like a hot swappable one in the front , in a forward facing drive bay.
usb attached hard drive docks are useful as fuck when dealing with failing HDDs or just emptying old one into new computer
>>147961 >>147961 >>147961 Fucking this The only problem I have wuth mine is that it is USB 2.0, although it being USB 2.0 is why I got it super cheap in the first place. The guy I boufht it from meant to buy a usb 3.0 dock and didn't realize he bought a 2.0 one until after he opened it, so he sold it to me gor like $10 or or so. And I also have a usb 3.0 to SATA cable specifically for laptop harddrives, it might be able to work with a full sized one but I dont know for sure >>147967 I borrowed the cavble a few years ago, the guy never asked for it back abd i see him akl the time, i also saw a new one at his house.
>>147962 I don't actually own one, but I borrowed one from my friend then I borrowed it to my roomie he borrowed it to his brother it took a trip to greece and then I finally gave it back to my friend when i mvoed out of that appartment Luckily he didn't need it at all
>>147965 I'm going to give yiu some really good advice right now, make a bootable usb stick with a UBCD ido *ISO on it. >>147969 UBCD is an iso with a GNU/Linux distribution on it specifically made for data recovery, and in addition has a ton of other tools on it for data recovery and testing for hardware failures I carry a USB stick with it almost everywhere I go, it is very very useful.
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
dude I'm on linux right now
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I just have linux installed on an external HDD
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
huh I guess I have a USB here somewhere
http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/download.html Unfortunately the version of PartedMagic on it is a bit old cause the partedmagic guy is kind of a dick and now charges for the ISO's and source code, which incidentalky does not violate the GPL to do.
I'd prolly still run an extension chord along the batten? something that is either dark like the carpet or just white so it doesn't stick out that bad
just in case I need to use some tool that requires power
Get a cord cover https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01AV8W2VA/ref=mh_s9_acsd_zgift_b7B8g6l_c_x_2_w?pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=mobile-hybrid-6&pf_rd_r=AXTCTFW1PF231QMYSPNB&pf_rd_t=30901&pf_rd_p=f046ef77-7994-5cb8-8b58-e7c3046ae8a2&pf_rd_i=6577538011 HOLY SHIT c Fucking Amazon
>>148026 I don't do anything that would need power there, I only build models there. I have access to a workshop I can use if I really need to use power stuff at my stepdad's house. He's even got a welder.
My biggest fear is finding out that one of those tests you take as a youth actually comes up in my life and I find out that I wasn't smart enough to qualify for something
Tall guys just look so fucking great and nice when they say that they hate girls who make a big deal about height Oh what a great person you are you fucking oooo shit
>>148080 pretty sure it's powered by ground up dinosaur
>>148081 Yeah but considering how small it is the batteryjuice can't really last it that long
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
apparently his backpack is full of jet fuel also apparently it can go to 10,000 feet
>>148083 yeah but will he get down form there is another thing Hmm that makes sense but still with just that amount, I doubt long flights are possible I'd say as a blind guess 30mins is already pushing it.
And then you would still need some liquid to get the jet thrust... yeah...
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>“A typical jet engine is a gas turbine,” says Jeff Defoe, a postdoctoral associate in the MIT Gas Turbine Laboratory. “At its simplest, it’s composed of a compressor, which has blades like wings that spin very quickly. This draws in air and squishes it, making it a high-pressure gas. Then fuel is injected into the gas and ignited. This makes the gas both high-pressure and high-temperature.”
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>This high-pressure, high-temperature flaming flow of gas now goes through a turbine—essentially, another set of blades—that extracts energy from the gas, lowering the pressure and temperature. “The turbine draws the gas through the engine and out the back through a nozzle that markedly increases the velocity at the expense of pressure—the pressure decreases while the velocity increases,” says Defoe. “It’s the force of the expulsion of gas that provides the thrust to move the aircraft forward.”
>>148095 >>148096 basically you could do it without the "fuel" part by just compressing the air but I think that is beyond our tech or beyond any reason to develop it beyond proof of concept, as the basic turbine works.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i don't think the numbers will ever work out until we get anti-gravity woo woo
Yeah the amount of power needed to do it is insane, and the storage capacity too is insane. It would be a good alternative in future, say for landing crafts to planets, since space ships already prlly produce enough power to last forever at that point. No need to carry fuel around but currently just scifi
So this is stupid and excessive but I would totally build a computer with a front panel like that, probably would not do that extensive of a lighting set up though.
>>148112 the key and mainstart buttons would be nice atleast
and having fan control located to manual switches like that would be fun too
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how about a DESKTOP PC that i can fit in my CARRYON my micro atx is just a tad too big ;_;
Why not train a neural network to figure out the private key of a public key by trying to match the processes that made an encrypted string?
You give it one string, you tell it what the encrypted string should look like You give it another, tell it what the encrypted string should look like It eventually figures out a way to do it with very high accuracy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
what if we had a neural network that went around and told everyone how amazing i am
Is there even anything that can be done about people putting stuff on the blockchain of bitcoin? What does it even mean to put something on the blockchain
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>148136 a neural network large enough could not be constructed in this universe
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>148140 not really putting something on the blockchain can be done a few ways AFAIK for one, paying out to an address that is really a bitstring of your data multiple addresses for longer data
i think miners can also leave a message in blocks they mine?
>>148142 oh, so you just dump a fraction of a BTC into wallets that line up to be the full length of whatever file you wanna put up there?
That's a cool idea, and that's the kind of thing where I think I'd likely figure out it could be done if I was big into bitcoin, but also figure nobody uses it for anything
THIS MEANS If you want your art truly immortalized, you put it up there It won't go away cause nobody can remove it and it will always exist in the blockchain that people need
Easy, dedicate a wallet to ONLY output the bits used for that and never anything more In order of appearance, that wallet's output is the file and nothing else
>>148160 Those are good pictures of my wife. I've converted her nendo to swimsuit mode already.
All I can think is that the highlighter smells bad to keep people from getting high with it. But it's enough that I can faintly smell it while using it. I have a sensitive nose though.
feeling like the broke machine meme would do best combined with something else that's already actually funny in some way Or, you know, throw in a reference or something
I'm kinda surprised at the number of people who are having trouble with the logistics here. There is a supply closet. It is full of office supplies. When you have a document that you want to highlight things on, and you don't have a highlighter on your desk, you go to the supply closet, remove a highlighter from it, and use the highlighter to highlight the text you'd like to highlight on the document.
I don't think Ive ever highlighted anything with a highlighter of my own volition.
>>148199 She's actually both right and wrong. I have an amazing memory for some things and a terrible memory for other things.
>>148201 Thats just confirmation bias. You probably just have a bad general memory and the the times you actually remember sometjing stick out more in your memory.
>>148254 You don't even know where the goalpost was. Sex is short for sexual activity, not sexual intercourse. If it's intercourse, it has to be specified as intercourse because the word sex covers such a wide range of activities including non-penetrative activities.
>>148253 >legally Unless we're legislating against gays does it matter
On the subject of murder rates, I remember hearing that there was a town in the US that had a murder rate of like 40% or something in the 1970's. It was a super small town and one person killed several people, but I can't remember where it was. Hrrm I think it was either in Kentucky, Tennessee or Mississippi.
>>148276 I bet I could murder someone and get the victims family to apoligise to me
>>148278 Are you Dick Cheney? Otherwise I doubt it.
>>148284 I downloaded the Neptuna anime ages ago but I also have the game in my stream library and I keep telling myself I'll beat the game first before I watch the anime. but then I don't play it so they both just sit there.
I'm going to go try and fail to fall aasleep because its way too early but I dont feel llike doing anything so I may aas wwell sleep. I should be back in an hour or so.
>ask question about a process >get told "refer to the training booklet" >refer to the training booklet >"This changes case by case, so please contact us and we'll provide you with the information for that particular case ?????
>>148300 the problem is that I'm almost never in the right mindset to watch anything serious. so I go through tons and tons of moeshit and fanservice shows and everything 'Good' stays on my backlog.
>>148305 The way I handle this problem is by watching anime in blocks. I watch serious stuff first and moeshit last. It's called the comfy pyramid. Other people seem not to understand it though.
>>148315 That's actually not a bad idea. BALANCE IT OUT. Although most days I only have time for a single episode. because - you know - I'm not a lazy degenerate like you are.
>>148320 My rent is all paid for by someone else and she's rich anyway so it wouldn't be a problem It's just the principle of the rent hike that bothers me
Anyway it's a cheap fig but I saw a picture someone took of it and it looked good in the picture so I thought I'd give it a try. There aren't many Murasame figs to choose from anyway, she's not popular enough to have a lot of them.
>>148382 There probably aren't a lot made, and also a lot of the touhou figures were like that from Griffon or whichever production... company? it was.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh clearly I've been looking in the wrong places. seems reasonably priced on amiami
>>148383 Is it a 1/4 or something like that? 1/8 figures usually aren't that expensive.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's 1/8 and if I remmeber how the points work on amiami it's only 80 dollars. Guess eBay was always just full of terrible people back when I had no idea what I was doing.
I'm snooty and don't know if this is good enough for my tastes http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=FIG-MOE-4327
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There's literally not a single other one though! I'd even get an Utsuho nendo if it was cute, even though I can't be bothered to mess with nendos
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh also I dont' think I could get it from amiami anyway, which comes with // makes sense given the age, which then in turn could make sense as to why they're expensive if they are now.
Oh well, I can't really afford to grab something like that right now anyway
Oh, I actually am kinda jelly of you getting Charlotte. Her art is a bit off though. I hope the normal version Charlotte gets a different artist. Not that I'll ever get either of them because gacha
>>148500 I knew a Kate Lynn i thought that was kind of clever i wrote whatever the normal spelling is i can't remember and she's like no it's two names oh okay
I guess she didn't hate the name, but she definitely didn't share her mother's opinion of its cleverness.
>>148504 That's kind of nice, yeah. My mother has a similar kind of first name to that, though by now it's long-since been dropped to ust -just the first half of it in anything but legal scenarios.
Currently 4 different Katelynn, Kaitlynn, Caitlynn, and Katies at my workplace right now
I think Catherine has always been my favorite name it was also the name of the first person i ever had a crush on that's probably got something to do with it
I like olives Charlotte is a good name It also happens to be the name of the first girl I liked
A ton of European countries still have royalty. Doesn't that also include your country?
It does and it's one of a handful of great shames
The Emperor of Japan is also the official head of the Shinto religion. They're called on to perform a lot of the rituals and performances that come with that position. Especially on New Years Day, which involevs -involves a lot of being on your feet and remembering dictations for the holiday procedures. It's a lot of work for an old man to do.
If the statement is that they're antithetical to democracy, then it does matter that they have no power.
Please give me a chunk of your taxes by virtue 9f me being me Shouldn't be a problem as long as I don't have political power right? It's fine
Royalty also does a lot of diplomacy work for the countries they belong to. Like, the English royal family does a lot of the meet-and-greeting and politeness other counties might delegate to actual diplomats.
I'd rather an elected official, who is subject to and therefore serves the people be the person handling everything royalty does
You know The democratic way
Also there's a bit of a hypocrisy in saying it's fine because they have no power but also it's good because they do a ton of work like diplomatic relations
I'm not the one saying they have no power.
>hypocrisy Contradiction
They don't have the same power of royalty, but like anyone that works in government, they've got power still.
>>148579 was so not-fine by public opinion for them to have diplomatic position or even be royalty, your country could just stop paying them. Like it's a damn shame you're so hostile to royalty, but it's pretty obvious the majority of people who live in countries that still have royalty are fine with the relationship that exists.
And anyway back to Japan, like I said, their Emperor also officiates as head of their religious faith, so his existence is more crucial to them than the normal royal family.
I don't know how it is in Norway but the UK is definitely better off for having a royal family.
I wonder how the whole dynamic will change once the Queen finally passes or steps down from the throne. The royal family's image is wholly defined by her and her actions.
I wonder how much time Elizabeth has left
>they think the British Queen is a mortal
>>148606 Assuming the lack of information on her health leans on the "nothing to report" side of things, she could probably make it close-to or to a hundred without much struggle. The people who make it past a hundred years of age are generally not much different from how they were a decade or so back though, so it's kind of hard to accurately figure out when their health starts to decline into "close to passing away". But I'd also not be surprised if any health problems she's got going on are kept under tight security.
>>148612 She feeds on the souls of innocent urchins
>>148617 they wouldn't tell us about health problems until it's too late Imagine how much money they could get off the funeral though
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
prepare to hold butts
But then I can't type that I'm holding my butt. What a dilemma.
>>148623 According to Wikipedia, the manner of her funeral has already been extensively planned out. I assume this also means they know its costs and probable revenue.
Yeah I can see that. Honestly if I ended up in a job that was putting over forty hours of work on me regularly I'd probably try to negotiate less hours anyway. But minimum wage is less terrible here. Also I'm pretty sure most jobs can't put that many hours on you without having to pay overtime for them, so they would just get someone who doesn't work as many hours to do that part.