Between that and them putting bodyguard-kun in a girl robot, I'm wondering if this is the author wishing he had an all-female cast.
It was the other android's head they had that they put on the robot, I think, not Bodyguard-kun's. She's probably a little more particular about what they put his head on.
Yeah but the people she's tryna kill are not fooled by it one bit. And it's not like the rest of the cast has normal hair colour already. It feels completely unnecessary.
She just goes from one prey to another without stopping to catch a breather.
i don't think it will work as well on guri
Guri's already been showing unease with how close Akane is getting to Seiji and how she doesn't get to be as flirty with him anymore. I think re-affirming her part in the harem is gonna be the closer to this show.
Good news travels, bad news has wings. But rumours move at lightspeed.
what is this taiko thing he does anyways
We made it through all of last episode without a mention of Dazai. I guess he had to drop one right at the start to make up for it.
>>148662 Looks like it's a local community thing. At least I don't think it's school-related.
The use of 3D CGI in scenes like that feels really weird. Not just because it's 3D CGI, but also because the next scene immediately has irrelevant background students but they're animated normally.
Welcome to barefoot sandalling. Also those sandals aren't exactly designed to be comfortable. And Japanese people probably only wear stuff like them once or twice a year, so it's not like they can build up calluses.
Though the original version is a bit more upbeat than this. But this is also a really nice rendition.
It's time for Ethical-kun to realize he's a fucking twit and needs to VVVV Aw. I really need to just use the button. But that involves me remembering it exists.
Just slowly tap the V key waiting for that flash
I did, but it didn't trigger. So I went all in.
Okay since I ruined my joke it's back to normal.
wow she was all yours rinrikun why
He can't help it he's the poster child for dumb otaku.
He's acting the exact same way he acted before this all started. She's obviously not falling for it so easily.
Hah hah hah. She's the rationalizing counterweight to his ludicrous idealism.
>ignoring two top tier girls throwing themselves at you at every turn just to get friendzoned by the boring girl
There you go Rika he apologized properly.
Oh gosh she's being pretty cute. She's normally so flat that these bursts of emotion are nice and impactful.
I mean the endgame for this series is undeniably him and ME GU MI. But the current dynamic they've got going on is really nice too. It's a refreshing change from the usual harem antics of similar series.
Though she's really fucking with him with all this. Shooting down any romantic possibility and then doing stuff like the "there was some on your face". She's played enough games by now to know the cliches.
Scenes like this always get me a little nostalgic. I haven't done a lot of laying down at night and shooting the breeze with friends since around high school.
It's a damn shame she's probably gonna be back in full ME GU MI modo by next episode. These emotional and emphatic outbursts she had this episode were nice.