>>146065 It's just dumb shit. Someone realized that Sargon of Akkad is a 9/11 truther by watching an oldish video and then it turned into Twitter drama and SoA entered damage control mode
Summa summarym, people who are fading into relevancy are trying to gain views and attention by targetting bigger youtubers and dig some random shit from their past anything from their past to appear relevant
>>146066 ive never seen damage control mitigate or even be ineffective towards damage i've only seen it make things substantially worse i'm not sayin it can't help but just that i don't have any experience with it as such i would really like to see it in action working effectively, but i guess talem was kind of right on that how would you really know if it helped or not you can't see what woulda happened if you didn't do anything
Yeah it generally just looks bad people only enter damage control when they actually did something wrong and want to minimize that instead of being truthful
Idea: for every picture of a dead veteran you post on memorial day, you must donate $1 to a veteran charity
>>146071 let's go ahead and make veteran trading cards while we're at it, like baseball cards proceeds go to charity the cards would have their kda and awards and cause of death i'm being sarcastic this is really a bad idea
How about instead of sponsoring an African child, you can sponsor an American veteran Yaknow, they need someone to talk to, a place to be for a little while, that kinda shit
>>146073 doing domestic charity is not media sexy, though
>>146077 i'm gonna order a big case of fruitopia and jolt i'll try and think of more shitty 90s drinks throughout the day >>146079 dude i want to get robbed by native americans can we just bring milk instead
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
don't forget the tang
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
wow the inventor of tang also invented pop rocks and cool whip
oh i didn't even think about treats pop rocks would be great nerds shit maybe these are still around and i just am not a kid anymore maybe that's not a fair thing
>>146080 tang with pop rocks with a coolwhip topping?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>146082 poprocks won't work in tang dude and cool whip will just dissolve in tang
what are poprocks even?
or tang
they're candies that are designed with pop/rock music in theme so whatever the top 10 charts were playing, they'd feature that artist on the box of the treats for that month they'd have a few different ones out at a time and they'd change it every fiscal quarter so you'd always see girls at school with the Hanson ones and stuff like that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
tang is a space drink and it's the drink of the future
A drink mix eugh I hated those well I guess I still hate them, but havnt had one for years
>>146087 that could actually work as a concept But you'd have to partner with some big music studio
especially considering 80s and 90s, you could sell it in a big box and have a tape or a cd attached to it with the top 10 songs
>>146116 Damn Right It's really embarassing how bad I am with injections. Althiugh I didnt actually say "no I cant do this". I just kept wincing whenever she was about to do it and she said we ciukd do nitrous but not today.
Really it would be a lot easier if they tied me down and immobolized my head so I couldnt move away, cause then they coukd inject the lidocaine. The injection never eeally hurts that much but I still often panic.
Basically what usually happens is I say "wait, I need a minute to calm down" then after a minute they go for it and I do it again. I'm usually ready after doing that four times but this dentist gave up after the third.
>>146128 I've gotten maybe 3 in my adult teeth. Which Im pretty sure is below the American average. My sister gets tons though, or used to. Cause her enamel didnt develop properly.
shit kirara where you at i got a brilliant idea >>146137 yeah dawg why you ask you should go hang out with cgl they're good people
>>146138 Did you see the pic I posted earlier? Of the figurine I found. I might order a nicer one, since there was a really nice one released several years ago that goes for $30-$60.
>>146139 i saw you mention it but i didn't see a picture i was actually gonna post "well that's cool dude but where's the fuckin picture" but you were on mobile so i thought it'd be a hassle for you so i went back to working and just finished some projects now
>>146105 wow that person needs to learn how to angle their photos because that's a very limited view i want to see it from the side too is that a thing
>>146142 I can take another oicture later, have to go build a grill right now. I think i found the fig on my figure collection though. The thing like MAL but for figure collectors.
Really, you took that? It's titled screenshot did you seriously fuckin pull up the camera and then screenshot from the camera interface instead of just taking a picture
>>146144 I took it and then took a screenshot of the picture. I didnt feel like manually removing the EXIF cause I had to go do something.
oh okay i can understand that i thought you just, like, didn't know how to use the camera or something Yeah, I change exif datums alot myself i usually change it to a // to different information instead of removing it for sandboxing purposes
>>146149 My photography skills are generally fine but I dont have a lot of experience shooting phitos of figures, mainly just landscapes, animals, portraits, concerts ...
>>146151 hi rin did you just get off the bus from skol
>>146152 that's all i deal with is the technical side of it and sadly i get more emotion from making the setting right and taking a perfectly lit photograph with the right aperture than i do from whatever i'm actually taking a picture of it's incredibly sad
>>146154 The figure pic is taken on top of a box on top of my bed, I won't call it a goid picture but given the environment it could be much worse. *good I might take some more pics later in the basement, but its not really a nice enoygh figurine to be worth it, except maybe as practice.
>>146157 My day was absolutely, positively, completely normal BUT I did unexpected get two checks totaling $180 in the mail so that was a great surprise How was your day
>>146159 i had to transcribe a whispering match between noam chomsky and some other jewish fella interviewing him for all the linguistics and grammar things i read from noam, i would expect him to actually utilize that prowess when actually speaking goddamn
>>146175 dude you have no idea i have two contracts, both are in new jersey or new york every file that's a production studio file every file that's a court transcript with lawyers and judges every file that's an internal affairs investigation every market research internal review every quarterly investment reporting
it's ALL JEWS ALL DAY LONG i don't know how your species is able to reproduce when they don't have periods every time there's a thought that's finished, it's held open for six seconds and then "BECAUSE, WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT..." and then just continues to a new paragraph mid-sentence
>>146174 That's all right, but have you read either of his other major works?
>>146179 that's not alright, are you out of your mind?
>>146181 I mean I think he's completely wrong, but I think Biscuit Hammer relies on a certain fondness and romanticism that falls flat on certain people.
>>146180 Try Spirit Circle and Sengoku Youko; if neither of those pique your interest, then you're beyond saving, I'm sorry.
>>146186 that was a joke because you wouldnt have a new egg without a period i was talking about the menstrual cycle and grammar at the same time both of these topics include the word period, but they mean different things in each context so there was irony in the fact that ...
>>146189 Oh, I'm just passively doing paperwork. It's not something I have to put a lot of work into But I still have to shift processing modes for it so I'm doing other stuff while in that processing zone
>>146195 you transcribed an hour of audio once you try doing that ten hours a day without a subroutine that protects the rest of your brain from rotting away it takes a while to recoil after work you know
speaking of which, i'm going to start training a neural network to match audio input to tasks performed throughout my work period this is a really loose training system, but when you work 60 hours a week, by next year i'll have a full me
>>146210 what do you think of chomsky anyway i know he did good in progressing geopolitical discussion i feel like it was such aw // a waste for him to shed linguistics though i mean that's my jam claude shannon, chomsky there was good shit i don't really understand geopolitics enough to gauge i guess, but i feel like a few things on his thoughts of china and america just rub me the wrong way he said that america's army is leading the way in cybersecurity i think that's just flat wrong but as a linguist i really love him so it's hard to reconcile things like this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>146211 chomsky is a hack with an inferiority complex that dedicated inordinate amounts of time towards nitpicking behavioral principles and sought to completely eliminate ideas like conditioning because they weren't cognitive enough i'm pretty sure he did it because he hated skinner saying that verbal behavior was all learned through conditioning skinner admitted that his theory does not account for all of verbal behavior and chomsky was like HAHA THAT'S BECAUSE BEHAVIORISM A SHIT and was a total faggot about it
>>146212 i enjoy listening to him even though i don't agree with him back on a road trip a long time ago i showed him to my dad and my dad really liked him and i'm like "i only was listening to this to probe my own thoughts he's kind of wrong here i think"
i do think behaviorism a shit though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
skinner's behaviorism was retarded because it was so extremely but you cannot deny that conditioning exists because it's easily observable it's something that even single-celled organisms do
anyone who denies learning through conditioning is probably brain problems
>>146198 Is it time to properly become Blue again?
>>146214 i agree that it's a thing and i don't doubt that and i actually respect skinner a ton but what i'm actually saying is that behaviorism's biggest contribution was mostly a stepping stone for better ideas to probe further itself, it is kind of broad and weak i think and it's effectiveness has a tail end on the other side of the spectrum of effects i think
>>146210 It's thundering outside and the distant sky is dark and stormy. But around my house it's sunny outside.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>146216 i'm not sure i agree behaviorism's biggest contribution is probably the behavioral treatments for various disorders that are out there behaviorism has contributed so much for example, without behavioral techniques, autism wouldn't be treatable at all
social skills training, anger management, anxiety treatments like exposure and flooding, all of those are the consequence of the contributions that behaviorism made
moreover, behaviorism turned psychology from philosophy into science which is pretty much why it exists in a way that it can actually help people
why do i even bother choosing image, there's not really a point and i've only stolen it from someone else >>146219 I think you're right on most of these points and I wish I could transpose myself to be able to speak to this but i can't we're about nine years away from shared thoughtspace, and probably 23-ish years before it's a commonplace i wish we had that together because your laterality could be really useful to me
>>146221 just think about it dude things like compassion are an artificial substrate (see artificial particles, this aint me being crazy) for the awareness to be able to conceive another's condition at the moment of thought conception it's a human skill because of our prefrontal cortex and high executive function imagine if every thought you had was met with compassion and consideration, and tha // that the coutnerargument was weighted equally and that the conclusion was not only unanimous, but a shared realization it's more powerful than any artificial intelligence is producing it's cognitive shared intelligence you don't even understand because you're stuck on the 1940s where skinner was USEFUL maybe we should take a skinner roadtrip instead of a 90s roadtrip and --
i generally understand the realm you're speaking to when you counter-argue, but it's not one i can communicate with myself i think we could be good thought partners kirara
when 2028 rolls around and shared thoughtspace is a thing i'll make sure to email you this post
>>146224 alright we'll hook our brains up and think some shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>146226 this is my personal conspiracy theory except i dont think it's a bad conspiracy i'm trying to make it happen on my own before commercial realization i think after that it's going to be disappointing
Mostly just clothes and stuff. I also got some shoelaces because I killed two pairs of them recently. I also bought a pair of suspenders because I heard they were comfy.
Maybe I'll show you guys the secret items when they show up.
I heard they were comfy and better for you than belts. Obviously I can't wear suspenders with as much as you guys can, but maybe they will be a good casual wear item. I like the way they look, too.
Carl "46" Benjamin? If Ted Cruz can run, so can our frog
Why is American Majority Trains following me on twitter? Why is their National Executive Director following me on twitter? Have they seen my tweets? It could be a PR problem to follow my account
>>146178 Maybe they don't have periods because they're always reproducing?
What exactly was the deal with orcs and elves in lotr again? A dead elf in some sort of goo becomes an orc? There's something like that, right? It came up during a discussion about spider man
>>146243 I have a belt thats literally a seatbelt, its basically the only belt I wear and probably wont break for a while. >>146240 Girls wearing suspenders is moe. >>146254 I think so, but I'm not an LotR expert, I never read the books. I just read like a third to half if the silmarillion. *of the
shamefully, I have listened to most of the series on audiobook, yet remember almost none of it
>>146256 I rarely ever listen to audio books, i think the only one I ever heard in its entiriety was harry botter three on cassette during a particularly long roadtrip.
I remember when I was a kid my dad woukd read the harry potter books out loud to my sister and I. He woukd do voices for all the characters and stuff. His Hagrid vouce was really good too.
You should listen to more audiobooks But I can't recommend fiction fiction is just not very good for audiobooks
fiction needs you able to sit down and read it anyway or you'll lose track You can't do a bunch of other stuff while listening to a story You'll miss the story
>>146259 I read too fast for that to be worthwile. Also most if the nonfiction I read has lots of equations and math notation which does not translate to spoken English very well. I woukd know because I speak them out loud on an almost regular basis.
Like I'll say "open parenthese" then some stuff then "close parenthese". It gets out of hand fast.
Uhhh, I found a tagging mistake on a picture of my favorite Touhou character by my favorite Touhou artist but I don't feel like logging in and fixing it. #first world problems
>>146287 I've seen lots of pictures like this where she's pictured with one that looks like her sister. That's fine though, it's not inaccurate for me to say that I like both fat patchy and flat patchy since they're practically two different characters.
blue do you wanna go on a '90s roadtrip with us we've got a cooler full of fruitopia and jolt and we're gonna drive a ford taurus with a ross perot 92 sticker to six flags and go to a water park and use pagers to contact each other
>>146348 Lore says "both did it, though it was kanako's plan" but then gain, so was it her plan to move to gensoukyo, but it was suwako who did it Her shrine afterall
Kanako's the evil schemey one so it makes sense for it to be all her idea so that's why I leave Suwako out of the equation. Suwako just seems like fun times it's been a loooong time since I went into lore.
>Give a bird girl a god to cannibalize so you can turn her into a nuclear energy source after she's punched for trying to take over the world That's rude. But it helps make Utsuho Utsuho so
im having jalapeno ranch chicken for dindin water all you guys having? >>146378 me and kirara were trying to think of 90s things today do you remember any beverages or snacks from the 90s that are nostalgic
>>146381 Beverages or snacks? I dunno, I have always had really limited tastes in beverages and snacks. Were fruit gushers or something 90s food? I've always liked those.
>>146382 Oh, I thiught it was in akiba, it might not be.
>>146384 oh yeah i remember those we're gonna do a 90s theme road trip! or we're at least going to pretend we're going to do one fruitopia came to mind i dont think ive ever even had one of those but i remember them
>>146395 Sunday. I guess you haven't been around much so you didn't hear about it. I charted a private sport fishing yacht that took us 100 miles offshore for a day of fishing.
>>146403 Haha Maybe so >>146404 She's really amazing. She's like one training course away from being a master scuba diver. She had some kind of class for search and recovery and she used those skills to get my glasses or something. I was kind of out of it when she explained haha
>>146417 We had cereal for dinner. Because I forgot to defrost something and then I forgot to ask Fish to defrost something when I remembered we didn't have anything defrosted.
>>146437 do you know that really fuckin old show different strokes it's some PSA episode they had about protecting your child from predators episode and it's the worst idea ever they're like making innuendos at kids and then the audience laughtrack ontop of it it's so surreal that this ever existed
>>146449 >audience laugh track >i have a way with words when i put my mouth to it what the fuck dude
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
this is so creepy
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i can't even finish that lol
this is hot stuff too >>146453 dude it's so fuckin bad how does something like this happen and nobody's like "is this an okay thing to have on television"
Nevermind all the awkward lines from the old man, Arnold's lines are equally as stupid. Is this what actual pedophiles think little kids sound like when the kid is talking?
>>146455 yeah, people consciously wrote this stuff too what were the writers thinking when they were asked to write humorous lines for this who owned this show was it the // oh okay >>146457 goodnight sleep tight don't let the fishes bite too hard
What was that beautifully animated show that was set in an alternate tokyo hmmm no it isn't boku no pico It was kind of a fantastical setting with a female protagonist and it had some OVAs before it was adapted. Yeah, it could have been kyoto. The adopted father was a monk.
It's definitely one of the series most worth y of being called a masterpiece. It's beautifully animated and has a very compelling story.
>>146500 The worst anime ever would be the least best anime ever made.
>>146502 no the worst anime is the worst anime least best is illogical
>>146503 Not really, if we consider the >>146506 If I make a list of "five of the best anime ever" and one if them is worse than the other four then it woukd be the least best of that set, via induction we can extend that to the set of all anime ever.
>>146504 it's not proper English you're bastardizing the language for no reason stop
the term best doesn't have degrees of freedom. It's either the best or it's not. There is no least best
>>146504 That's still part of a subset called the best of the wider set
>>146508 It's not a proper subset. Because it is the same as the set of all anime.
Here's an example that I think will illustrate it better for you. If we were to take an unordered set of all anime, and were to organize it such that its place in the set corresponds to how good the anime is, err take each anime and organize them. Anyways the most good anime (absolute best) would be in the spot in the ordered set corresponfing to the absolute most good anime, and the one that is the second best woukd be right behind it and so on and so forth eventualky we woukd get to a point where there is an anime that is less good than literally every other anime and there woukd be no anime less goid thsn it because it is the absolute worst anime, since it is less than every other anime including the absolute best, the second absokute best and so forth it is the least best.
Although if wwe strictly define a cut off point on anime quality numericalky such that any anime better (in anime quality units) a than a certain number is amongst the best your argument woukd have merit.
>>146510 To argue your autism with autism, this strictly assumes that "best" is synonymous with its quality of goodness, and not that after a certain point as we work down the ranks, it stops being the best since its quality of goodness is no longer sufficient.
Well I figure most people with common sense work that way. So what was your point in the first place.
>>146516 That saying something is amongst the best is nebulous. Rather not saying its amongst the best one hundred or some number.
Well I'm sorry to break it to you, but pretty much all spoken and written language is nebulous to a degree.
Also, like I said, and you even deigned to understand, pretty much everyone can understand, when told something is "of the best", means of a certain group with a bottom cut-off point. Just because that cut-off point is not strictly defined, does not mean it doesn't exist.
>>146518 Yeah, but there are quite a few (as in a large number over a billion) phrases in English that are less nebulous than that one.
...This isn't something to WORRY about. I just want to know HOW LONG have I been out of this loop. Because I am getting the feeling that it has been a while.
Nobody has been in the loop except Rika for a long time It's only been mentioned once prior to tonight since I don't want it to become a thing Most people probably don't know and that's fine
wow those are pretty lazy search terms i'm not really into porn or anything but what i see while roaming through non-h doujins, people get really into their search tags for h-doujins and things i guess the more maintstream porn community isn't so picky
>>146614 My guess is that they way the do the data collection is that when people search for "X y
Browser crashed, anyways what it probably is is that those are the most searched single tags, so its not that people only sesrch "lesbian" its just that it is a very commonky used tag.
i guess that makes sense i'm not sure what i expected
>>146626 Noice, I'm currently sorting and deduplicating images on my phone since i dont have much free space and dont want to move a ton of stuff to the sd card.