Thread #146639
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Yes anime.
FormerRei@mobile 2017/05/31 (水) 06:36 No. 146642
No anime.
maybe anime
fuku noise shuumatsu akashic records only three tonight
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So where d o you guys want to start?
Noise, preferably.
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okay, fuku noise Ika posted just a minute ago I'll try to poke him awake okay everyone is orange let's start!
Ready. This season is around 2/3rds of the way done. Feels like it's gone by quickly.
I'm pretty sure Squid was waiting for the exact moment you looked away from /moe/ to poke him to orange.
what time are you
1:55 2:00 2:05
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oh, ika
>Twinkle Twinkle Little Star begins to play Why this.
It keeps happening.
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Oh, he's finally apologizing for being an asshole.
she did it IN your face TILDE>>146660 >>146660 >>146660
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She really likes twinkle twinkle little star.
I am going to fucking hate this song before this show is over.
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Yuzu was probably just jealous that he wasn't te one dressed up.
It does look kind of nice. If they dropped the eyepatch and tear it it would be pretty good. Personally I'd also ditch the eyeshadow but I understand that sort of thing is liked by some.
this is a bang 2017/05/31 (水) 07:06 No. 146667
>>146639 (OP) momoka a cute
I kind of expected her to be kind of bad in the studio. Since it doesn't have the crowds to trigger her bahsahkah mode. But I guess the practice has paid off.
Oh she did her freak out thing anyway.
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Yeah, she's always going to be a retarded spaz.
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Sure got that "I'll always be your friend" thing down pat, kid.
that was a bit unexpected of yuzu definitley shut her up can we break like 10 minutes before next thing theres shuumatsu and rokudenanashi right
actually nevermind lets go
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okay shuumatsu okay let's start
All right.
im a country boy
i found that funny
I'm happy for you.
I wonder if Leprechauns like Ctholly and the others are considered disfigured too. They're practically human on the surface.
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I wonder when the despair is going to go into full effect.
Probably pretty soon. It's already at the point where pretty much anything cheerful has a menacing "silver" lining to it.
She's impressively aggressive about all this. Most anime girls get all flustered at being called a guy's lover.
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It feels like they're setting Ctholly up for the fall.
Well she was -literally- falling in the prologue scene in the first episode.
Hah hah hah. I do that sort of thing to my cat a lot.
He kind of reminds me of Kirara.
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He's about to get devoured.
There's probably worse fates.
Oh are we FINALLY gonna get the full play of this song.
Nope, only instrumental.
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I guess he can hook up with the ogre maid after Ctholly explodes or whatever is going to happen to her.
Or get devoured by her and join Ctholly.
Oh that can't be good.
Yeah that can't be good.
If she was smoother than she is, she'd use this chance to get another one of those magic massages from him.
That's actually a pretty nice colour combination though. If it was a little less haphazard I think it would look really good.
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okay let's move on to akashic records okay everyone is ready let's start!
All right. More like let's slowly shuffle on to Akashic Records. I wonder if Squid moved his "ten minutes" thing to after Shuumatsu and just neglected to mention it.>>146710 Well at least you have anime.
my net is kill ready on mobile i nternet
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huh wow its back right when rika said to start good job rika it died for like 10 minutes
And you know what they say about girls with a lot of mana capacity.
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>>146711 You're welcome!>>146712 That's just foreshadowing the fact that she's the real main heroine and is more special than what's her face in some way we don't know yet.
I mean I was just making a stupid innuendo joke but yeah, that too.
Glen's roaring TEACHING spirit is burning intensely.
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>the room is half covered in blood >classmates ask if something happened
It should be noted that the phrasing for "did something happen" is functionally similar to "what happened [here]? In Japanese. Translators just have no sense of nice phrasing.
Roku denashi Roku denashi
Is this old guy the guy at the museum?
Yeah he was just pretending to be a nice guy.
Hah hah that pose. It's like some guy trying to seduce a girl.
I actually read the manga chapter for this part a bit back. There's a bit of stuff the anime cut out. Glen's military buddy doesn't shoot his lightning at the old man-gone-monster, he actually shoots it at Glen to fling him past the foe. Also when he first tosses Glen his gun, it isn't actually loaded.
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Oh, that explains her weird name.
Yeah, I thought it might be something like that. Though the Revival Life -- Re=L link went completely over me.
Oh fuck slutclones.
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Wow, imouto clones.
wait so fake niisan is that evil blonde guy who killed her brother?
I guess her imperfections are why she can't do most kinds of magic all that well.
These PV skits are nice.
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That one was pretty funny. Thanks for anime!
thanks for anime