Lets eromanga first bangs will is rathjer weak he didnt watch with us for like 3 weeks >>144391 attack on ero >>144386 granblue ok lets go wheres bang summon bang tilde >>144396 eromanga
So Eromanga, Shingeki, Boku Hero, and then Alice? If we're quick about it we could probably even do another show in the middle there.
>>144396 Welcome to trying to watch anime with Ika. Whatever other people decide on, he always comes along and decides on something else.
okie doke shingeki no pornography bamg pls bang respond PLEASE BANG COME WE ARE ALL WAITING FOR YOU GOD DAMN >>144396 that was me you should know not to listen to me by now gosh gosh GOD FUCKING DAMN BANG >>144400 literally suck my literal dick sugoi
>>144396 we changed for you don't be a bitch let's watch eeromanga play everyone is orange let's start
this is a bang
>let's watch snk first
this is a bang
okay i'm here jesus you guys know there's exactly one thing that will cause me to close the anime thread for 20 minutes and it's "let's watch something bang doesn't"
you're all hopeless btw
>>144385 GranBlue when? As a possible extra show? Instead of something else? Be a little more descriptive than just saying a show's name.
jesus fucking christ i can't help but watch this show even though i know it deserves no better than a landfill
tbh just fuck your sister get it over with
this is a bang
sorry to interrupt but is tonight not brittle witch academia
>>144417 There's a v0 of the Asenshi subs, but I don't know if that means they're good subs or not. We also have a lot of extra shows since we didn't watch anything from last night, so it'll probably get shifted to tomorrow.
>>144448 Apparently Kirino herself shows up later on.
this is a bang
normally she'd be kind of cute but the fact that she refuses to leave the house or even her room most of the time actually makes her kind of tragically and disgustingly broken and like not in the cute way, in like the "you don't deserve to experience the success of our race" kind of way
I really want a Cintiq like the one Sagiri has. Drawing on a screenless tablet is really disorienting for me, I feel. But I also don't draw enough to merit putting the thousand-dollar investment in. But I also might draw more if I wasn't constantly frustrated by how disorienting drawing is. But that also might be complete bologna.
if nothing else i know what it's like to work for your deadbeat sisters to live the truneet life
this is a bang
yeah i guess that's true i used to work because it was the only thing that gave me purpose but now that i discovered music festivals i really don't care for work as much
The close-ups on Eren's eyes are a little unsettling. They've actually drawn the indents in the skin where they curve around the curvature of the face. It's actually bothering me a fair bit.
>>144585 basically short lanky black hair is the big titan and blonde hair is the stronk titan eren is eren ymir is a fag none of this matters eren is the chosen one he can command titans by yelling
oh ok. why did they tear down the wall protecting them
i can think of easier ways for that to happen
>>144591 they also want everyone else to fuckin die
I read this whole series is a revenge fantasy by an author who is mad he was bullied in school. The titans are the bullies. Though I kinda question its value as a revenge fantasy since the titans kinda just kill everybody and are unstoppable.
i think that's probably about right tbh bullies do what they want and are never legitimately punished for it until they've already entered the adult world and justice system and by then they've already done their damage to young people
It might have started like that but it has really gone off the deep end.
How does it function as a revenge fantasy if the bullies do nothing but win?
>>144601 Yes I should have mentioned that, it is a revenge story that became way more popular than the author intended and he had to keep going way past what he intended.
>>144602 i don't think it's a revenge fantasy i think it's an accurate allegory for bullying though because the bullies (titans) never get any proper comeuppance
>>144609 lets boku no hoer hero >>144616 this show is fuken awesome sugio you don't even know its about a bunch of highschool losers with lame ass powers trying to make it in the real adult world
this is a good anime tbh if you liek stardust faggots you will like this one
This show is an earnest shounen series with some shining gems in it. And not even a pile of shit with diamonds like that analogy usually goes. Like, it's a standard, decent shounen, but it has moments of sheer brilliance and good characterization.
The drawback is, if she holds too much weight for too long, it gives her nausea. A couple people gets close to her limit really fast, but I guess a lot of small stones isn't a big deal.
>>144664 Recognition. They're super heroes in training, and the stands of the festival are filled with a lot of professional heroes looking for understudies and sidekicks.
this is probably the best time to ask before you start a new show but wtf that artstyle change with diamond is unbreakable ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh maji da?!
>>144702 If you look at the manga evolution of Araki's style throughout the years, the end of Stardust Crusaders looks a decent bit like the artstyle of Diamond is not Crash. The artstyle for the Diamond anime is kind of an inbetween of the end of Diamond is not Crash and its beginning point.
>>144702 it's a little more silly and less like hokuto no ken basically it's because of the times popular art changed by the time araki wanted to start a new series, so he adapted the anime studios have been rather faithful when it comes to the art style, and it really shows in the anime
>>144704 >>144705 well i don't think it looks bad but i'm gonna miss muh first of the north star
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>144702 it's like they took a decent artstyle and they reached peak aesthetics
just so you know though every part in jojo, the people become more realistically proportioned and less muscular
Though at a point they all get super slim, like almost to the point of stick and bones, before Araki finally takes a look at his art and goes "wait whoops, not everyone looks this way" and adds in some bodytype variation.
>>144707 it doesn't particularly look bad but i liked the style of part 3 and the anime adaptation the change to part 4 isn't necessarily bad but tbh i missed the manly men casting manly stands
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
i hated the part 3 adaptation
what now
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
everything that was miserable and bad about the manga was a thousand times worse because it was anime and now much longer
>>144716 We could do GranBlue if you want; there's time for two shows. Or we just go straight on to Alice and (hopefully) end on a happy note.
>>144788 >>144788 >>144788 >>144788 >>144788 just stop being a fag about your original (the character) donut steel and just tell everyone you want to kill the whole world and then they can stop himesama
I mean it must kind of suck. The worry of realizing your secrets are almost torn wide open. Combined with the dredged up memories that she's fucking dead.
>>144815 she's a super dangerous person and he should probably fuck her
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
grr i'm mad because you have stories and i'm just an oc donut steel
grr damn this world damn you hardsteel
>>144821 It would be kind of terrible, don't you think. Being someone with absolutely no backstory or personality depth. No friends or people you'd ever had a chance to interact with. And then all of a sudden you're surrounded by these people with complex interpersonal relations, who get involved in worlds around them that are teeming with life-
>>144918 you're not just drunk and messing with me are you
>>144917 They have to do what she says. And they absolutely can't get along so they just freeze up, I guess. It's kind of weird but I guess that's magic.
I wonder if Sana was just outside the range of her Stop, or if she's just impervious to its effects. She's kind of special so maybe that's it, but the Twins didn't avoid its effects.
Kirara !Sh0sAiDORU
>>144926 nigga i stopped my anime and got fish off me and you ain't even pickin up and i have all these voicemails of fucking anime playing
Hah hah hah. I mean this is still kind of a serious and scary situation for her but it's also pretty funny.