At the main building (not us, but the people we basically work for), they do stuff like packaging and stuff, right? So they've been at least seemingly tinkering with moving some of the packaging down to us, so we do it instead of moving it up there and then THEY package it Now, it seem,s like it'd be obvious to absolutely literally anyone that this is because they save money by having us do that as well, since we're already doing all the other parts, and it's not a big time investment, while up there it's the difference between just putting the stuff into a shelf, and having a guy first package stuff and THEN putting it in the shelf But this doesn't make sense to this guy I work with, and I don't understand why
I can't fucking understand this person, he doesn't seem SENTIENT
He also doesn't seem to understand that manpower is a resource whether you pay all or only part of that manpower
Like we're about 25 people on a good day, right And sometimes we're dumped with stuff that would actually be more suited for the people up at the main building, like repackaging stuff Now you might think this is related to >>137460 but it's not, because "repackaging" is actually us unpacking already bagged stuff and then redistributing them in cardboard boxes that have to go BACK UP to be properly packaged Of course, to anyone, it would at least seem like the most efficient way to do this is NOT to move it down to us and then having us do it, only to move it back up, but to have a dude there do it while we do our thing, right? But his argument is that they have to PAY the people up there, so it's better to dump it on us, who are not (directly, anyway) paid. This despite this taking away from time we could use putting other stuff together, which would be more efficient as far as we know
He seems to not understand that even free manpower is MANPOWER
I don't UNDERSTAND how a man can be this tightly shut mentally
Like a guy still has to package the stuff up there, anyway It takes time to move it to us It takes time to move it back Time that isn't necessary to waste, because someone up there could do the thing
There's probably a reason they do it this way, but we are not privy to this reason
Also moe tells you how many characters you have left now Nice change samu
I'm sending them a DM asking why they followed me I need to know
>>137460 I have a tshirt with that design on it. Also I'm finally home, and will probanly gobto dleep soon. Since only having two hourd of sleep in a 72 hour period is dangerous and unhealthy.
I'm actually eearimg a similar shirt right now. My Misfits shirt is the second most punk tshirt i own but the one im wearing righy mow is my most punk one.
>>137469 I actually haven't heard a single one of their songs, to my knowledge
I just really like that image
>>137471 I've heard a bunch of their albums but i cant thinknof a single song by mame, well except for a cover i know yhey did.
Also Glenn Danzig was on an episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force.
Anyways I'm wearing a tshirt with The Alley's logo on it, The Alley was a vety famous punk store that opened up in the mid 1970's, they closed a few years ago becausr their building was knocked down but they still sell stuff online, yhey are however planning on getting another store domewhere.
neat I'm amazed music businesses are still around physically
>>137475 It's not a record store, they sell punk clothes, also vinyl is huge these days. WelWell punk clothes and accesdories.
Huh I'm amazed punk stuff is still profitable enough to have stores
Ooh, they opened their new location. Im probably going to go soon because i need a nre earring. >>137477 They sell other stuff too but punk/goth/rock stuff is what they're most known for.
They're not responding to my DM
FormerRei@mobile Oh also they have a really good srlection of leather jackets. O
Shirt I'm wesring atm. Also I'm pretty sure ibgot yhe misfits shirt at the alley the same dau i got this one.
Also they have way more stuff in store than is listed on the websote, theit website mainly shows newer products that they order from manufacturers and what not, but yhey do have a ton of vintage jrwlery and yhe likem
Going to bed (it's 9:31 am here) will probanly bbl.
Also I saw a grown man wearing a suicide squad t shirt today
Ensemble super hero/powered individuals movies are becoming a thing as of late. Well, if one considers X men like one they have been for a while as of now... But now they did Logan which is not a superhero movie at all, more like a byronic story?
>article about coming joint nato drill in finland >picture attached to article about protests against it and armies ... national news network try to hide your bias please
wups jumped on wrong metro i guess this was going to happen eventually
>has flammable sword >finds fire grenade >the grenade does +175% damage to burning enemies >the grenade also does +100% damage to burning enemies 10/10
And in an hour I'm going oyt to dinner with a bunch of insurance salesmen who have a convention everyyear down the street from the big anime convention.
Moon, have you seen this before? HTML Quine palindrome
Oh, no, falling asleep agaim. RIP see you leter /moe/
>>137551 Wanting a sudden plot twist just because it's a sudden plot twist is an edgy desire. Especially if accompanied by a rant about how anime is too boring and doesn't do extreme stuff often enough.
No it is not.
There's plenty of extreme stuff that isn't edgy. Two guys having gay sex is pretty extreme for anime but that isn't edgy.
>>137559 She wants him to stop publishing novels so that he can write novels solely for her and threatens to kill him if he publishes something she doesn't like.
I don't think she's using the meme definition of edgy. I think she's talking about edginess.
I mean you can think what you want, but an absurd plot twist is by no means edgy. Something stupid like going for a girl who you barely know and have barely spent all your -barely spent any time with, when you're already sunk deep into being a siscon, is stupid and unwarranted. But that's not edgy at all.
>edgy >at the forefront of a trend; experimental or avant-garde.
A siscon anime where the siscon protagonist rejected the sister and decided to date some random bitch (that stated her intent to ruin his siscon dreams) would qualify as experimental or avant-garde in my mind.
>>137572 Yeah exactly which is why I said >>137567 it's not edgy like a mallgoth it's actually edgy
that tfw when you finish work at 7:30 pm everyday and all your friends are home by five now everyone's probably taking a shower and gonna play video games and have fun because they're already /moe/d out i bet they're gonna have a nice dinner too with chicken parmesan and herb-roasted mashed potatoes with haricots or taco mondays maybe SK is eating lasagna right now the world will never know
>>137600 I had three tiny left over pieces of pizza, a handful of pretzels and two pop tarts, a glass of water and a can of ginger ale.
I'm currently laying in bed with two distinct headaches in different parts of my head.
I'm the oppodite of /moe/d out, but i might fall asleep and wake up a fee times over the next four hours...
>>137603 oh look at that moon was right again who would have thought how did i know fuck i'm so hungry i think i'm going to have to order delivery or something >>137601 why would you have two pop tarts or any other number of pop tarts for that matter
>>137605 I make poor decisions when it comes to eating. And othrr things too.
i slipped a tiny bit and went about four pounds over my goal somehow like in a week i probably shouldn't order delivery afterall maybe i'll deliver a caesar salad or a greek salad hmm
nevermind i couldn't do it i caved and bought toasted chicken provolone sub sandwich i think it's got bacon on it too and pepsi because i'm a goddamn sucker
oh yer movin i gotta move soon back to saint louis i guess i had a few roommate offers but they all reneged big old bed and bunch of shit, i'm probably just gonna throw it all out i can't afford to haul all that shit across several states
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>137634 aw shucks how's life gonna change for you >>137631 evening m'lord
>>137638 dude you're beatin yourself up way too hard over something that doesn't even matter i'm a wandering soul i go all over all the time i'm super flexible
>>137641 Like I said, it's a bad habit or some kind of... LV made a joke that I was always practicing to be a Catholic, because guilt.
the only person you should feel guilty to is yourself, for treating yourself so badly treat yourself properly too man i've been in those pitfalls in the past it's a really hard lesson to learn but it's really important
>>137643 I've been like this so long. I don't even know.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you are under no obligation to be the same person you were etc etc
>>137644 all i'm sayin is, if it were someone else treating you the way you've been treating yourself, i'd be really mad at them and i'd stand up for you i don't see why i'd do any different if it's you doing it to yourself i don't like seeing you be treated that way, even if you're the one doing it and you're not one to be mean to anybody anyway so stop trying to be mean to yourself it doesnt suit you
>>137646 >you're not one to be mean to anybody I'd argue that one. I'm plenty mean... Usually I go on about how I know myself best and that's why but I'm a little too lazy right now.
Okay So I made a lame joke but I need you guys to gauge for me whether or not everybody in this group chat hates me now Friend: who wants to drive? Friend2: Jesus will take the wheel, if he wants to Me: I don't want to Get it Because I'm Jesus Right gus Fellas
I was expecting a change in villain or something half way through still hasn't been much in the way of filler so far just action after action
Stardust Crusaders does get a little samey even if it's all plot content. Because it's -yeah that exactly.
Yeah it's not enough to really kill the enjoyment of the show but it's definitely a flaw.
>>137676 with the whole villain of the week kind of thing? yeah i agree im enjoying it though
That said there are a few fights that flip the nature of the series on its head. It kinda felt to me that Araki was still feeling out Stands and not sure how he wanted to be creative with them for a good chunk of Stardust Crusaders. But he started to get the knack by the later bits of it.
>>137679 Stands are here to stay. They're pretty much a mainstay of the show after Stardust Crusaders. Show/series
I guess the diamond one is stands based too?
>>137678 Cool I'll kind of miss joseph's hamon ruses though
renal demon
Awooooo where wolfs of London
The coffee machine is out of coffee so now it just gives you piping hot yellow water
>>137681 it's okay the series becomes about ruses with stands
>>137688 It might still be funny The circumstables have changed I have almost literally no choice but to go with the lame ass flow at this point and take 2nd place
>>137704 I found this girl I knew back in highschool on a dating site and tried to seduce her Now I'm reconnecting with all my guy friends from school because of her What a wholesome life New Non Non Byori animation project. There's a chance it may be just an OVA, but it also might be a new season.
That reminds me, what came of the P&S post from Gainax?
How common are those third-person parts of the game? Are they engaging/entertaining? Does jumping in and out of the traditional combat for them get cumbersome?
>>137792 They're moderately common, but not very engaging yet. I think they will be moreso once I get to harder areas with harder enemies.
>>137793 It's a new mechanic in this Fire Emblem game, and not one I was sold on when I saw it in the promotional material. I get the feeling having to go into battle maps by running into enemies in it might get a bit annoying after a while.
>>137796 The mechanic itself isn't overly annoying.
Those battle maps that pop up, do they take the usual five-ten minutes to clear? I think the idea of having to re-orient oneself in the third-person dungeon after clearing a battle map would get frustrating.
>>137808 I'm the same bang I've been for a while I just have enough money to leave my house now Do you check my snaps often? I don't snap very much compared to other people
>>137829 As it is currently, there's not enough original material for a full season, BUT, there were some anime-original episodes in the second season. So it is within possibility that they might go for a full season.
>>137864 what I said that I won't allow spoiling images to become political and I'll be pissed at people who try to make it that way. Were you paying attention at all?
>>137877 Yes, I am always lax on images until people start complaining. It's not really a political thing.
>>137879 I am lax on images because there's no need to be strict. If people want to complain every time they see a rule breaking image I can just be an oppressive mod. I said as much the day it happened.
the passion of the bang
>>137878 I want to sleep, I guess we're both going to lose. Which reminds me...
>>137887 No, image spoiling is the least important rule. Fortunately things are relatively peaceful here and I don't often have to enforce other types of rules.
>>137890 This is why you're annoying to argue with. You only seem to remember things that benefit what you are trying to say. What happened last time perma tried to post? His posts were deleted and he mysteriously disappeared.
do unfunny people end their jokes with "xD" in an attempt to trick people into thinking they are funny? or is it a way to telegraph that their comic /// comment is a joke
>>137931 a long long time ago in a distant land you could purchase a video game at a retail location and upon inserting it into your console or PC you would be presented with the complete video game experience
wtf is a retail location
a primitive version of a website where people exchange physical goods for physical representation of monetary value
i dont know who you are but i will find you and i will behead those who insult allah
>both hate jews >both hate what they view as degenerate lifestyles >both have quite conservative gender roles >both are willing to accomplish their ends with violence I reckon you could sell neonazis on ISIS.
>>137962 Radical islam then, I can say radical islam right?
my synagogue has two rabbis one of then is 22 years old - 23 now, and hes like some magical rabbinical prodigy he saved a synagogue in israel from burning down and apparently God gave him a beautiful wife for that and also a son and rabbi powers because this dude knows it all
Well they used a different word in Norwegian They'd likely say bang if they meant Bang
>>138038 I wanna be the bard except I can't play any instruments so I hire some guys to be our bard band instead and just tell them what to play
50% power to distribute over 2 hours
alright im gonna be the "idea guy"
I wanna be the tank because tanks are cool
alright you're abrams from now on
I'll be the healer
I'll be moral support
I need healing -Genji
wait I want to change my role I want to be the hype man
ok so we got idea man, hype man, a healer, and a tank plus moral support
good party
>>138050 coming up with this party composition was tough, but we'll have to keep doing our best if we want to defeat powerful bang! hang in there, everybody!
After 13th age is done I'm going to GM either something fantastical that will be made up tomorrow or I was thinking if they trust me enough I would try to do something like bloodborne
>>138064 I don't trust you enough to write at the level of bloodborne but I'll play your game anyways sounds fun
my cthulhu game will surpass bloodborne its gone kind of nioh now that everyone is getting spirit animals
Bang is the hero Ireland and Scotland needs My ancestors are proud
the passion of the bang
not really sure what you guys are on about but whatever >>138083 i promise it's really only fun to enjoy from afar
>>138089 no it's not about winning it's about being good at playing I would rather beat up an 8 year old while doing everything perfectly than lost // lose // well not even lose than just to play at all and be sloppy
>>138091 same here but for some reason I'm unwilling to put in the effort to get good at fighting games in particular I'm fine with pretty much any other genre but for // well you get it
the passion of the bang
actually i kind of take that back because i'm always fucking godlike at FPS games without practicing
>Winning by 30 million before I sleep >Losing by 100 million now This nips are maximum autists sweet christ
the passion of the bang
>>138098 i fucking labbed Noel for like 50 hours in a week and then became Noel main in BBCS and then in BBCP but if i stop playing for any more than a month, it takes me like another 10+ hours to get back in it it's too much work to maintain skill in games like that i don't have time for it like literally there are not enough hours available in my life
fighting games are the best with people who are just as bad
>>138102 I disagree fighting games are the best when both players are really good and the match is super close and one of them clutches out a win with barely any health left
>>138104 rook what fighting games do you play. I want to experience this feel
>>138105 none I'm too stubborn to get good at them so I don't play them
fighting games are just fun to play
but one day I will play them I'll be so good one day
damn u got me
fkn owned
>>138101 isn't BB notoriously difficult to be really good at though?
>>138112 well yeah but i wouldn't exactly say it's mechanical i guess the skill i'm talking about deteriorating is mechanical and also some of the reason it's hard is mechanical but the other thing that makes BB tricky is the sheer number of characters and matchups you have to learn to play and there's so many mechanics it's kind of complicated for a fighting game
the passion of the bang
half the characters or more have their own special kind of special meter
the passion of the bang
i don't know how to use emojis in text i just tack on an emoji at the end sometimes but usually only ironically i just don't understand why i'd break up my words with pictures
memes man
the passion of the bang
i just sent my friend a thinking emoji
🤣🤣 normies across the 🗺️ are trying to meme with 🎪 but aint got the ⚓️
oh good news it only does eyepoke on first upgrade
the passion of the bangSearch [iqdb](716 KB, 1200x773, winter.png)
So in tthe two months I stopped going on /moe/ i also stopped keeping up with currently airing anime, and manga i was followi g. I'm really looking forward to catching up on the manga i missed.
Also I basically won the D&D campaign I was in. My character is tthe only one that didn't die or get limbs removed and then tortured for a year straight (I may have been involved in that). Also she is tentatively getting eternal youth, working for an epic level evil witch sure does have its perks.
I'll give a full summary some other time, i rreally dont feel like typing it with my phone.
>>138197 yo sammy water you doin let's get FUCKED UP and watch garden of spinners
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>138198 sorry moon man I gotta jet to-day goin west for a couple weeks
>>138199 Sam,what do you think of tthe direction that Apple's computer ddesigns are heading? Do yyou think you'll still be using them five years down the line?
>>138198 Oh yeah, moon i heard you're tentatively moving back to St. Louis. If you do tthen I'll make sure to make time to hangout with you next time i head to
>>138199 wait what i thought you were going weast to montreal did that already happen
Oh yeah on the subject of errors on /moe/ i ggot some weird errors the otherday, i totook screenshots of tthem uou wwant me to ssend them to you Sam? It was weird ttext showibg up under the browse file button.
>>138201 i'm not really the kind of person someone goes and hangs out with to be honest i'm like 60% catatonic and severe anxiety that i mostly need to be alone in it wouldn't really be safe
>>138204 Would you be up for going out to eat? And like maybe going to a few stores? By hang out i dont neccesarily mean "be on a couch together for five hours while drinking" or whatever I jjust mean like"be in the same place while doing some sort of thing".
let me get through everything i'm worried about you can ask me about it again once i'm done moving and not so anxious
>>138206 That's fine, I rarely go to St. Louis anyways. Its mainly just a place I consider going to a lot because its rrelatively close, I have oold friends and stuff there and stores and testaraunts i like that i havent bebeen to in years. I diubt ill go anytime soon.
why you askin now then ask when it's become relevant
>>138208 You mentioning moving back there made me tthink about things to do if i visited stl.
On an unrelated note I've been reading the mythical man month and its really good.
like i have multiple sclerosis, going outside is a very uncomfortable thing for me to do i can do it but it's very taxing so that's probably not going to happen
Ah, okay. I knew yoyou had several health issues but ddid not kdiknow you had any mobility issues. n
it's something i'm not sure if it's ms or what my sister has an ms diagnosis so i would guess that but it's some nervous issue unless i'm taking a nervous depressant, i can't really keep my limbs still either so it seems more like really mild huntingtons or something it makes me look like i'm always drugged out so i get really nervous about going outside around people
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>138200 i think they're pretty neat there are always bugs in the first gen products though but I'll probably get mature lines unless a serious Linux based competitor with an apple quality trackpad comes out, it's hard to beat
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>138202 montreal is east! I'm visiting home for a bit, also going to Japan for a wedding >>138203 oh yeah I'm aware of those, they're harmless
some weird interaction between image uploading and media embedding
>>138214 I was maimly ttalking abiut getting rid of the fn keys and the esc keys as well aas only having usb ports. Which are more "glaring flaws" than they are "bugs"
>>138215 oh wow japan for a wedding it must be someone important to you to make a big trip like that is it you are wedding
The thing is, I'm not trying to just skimp on using cells by only unlocking the good stuff It's actually detrimental to your performance to have bad items unlocked at all, because that means they can show up as drops INSTEAD OF good items
It's like You can have 33% chance to get a good item Or one of two eh items OR You can have 3% chance to get a good item, and a 97% chance of an ok to bad item
Which do you pick, man, it's a hard choice Do I want to get good items, or do I want to lose?
Cause some of the items VASTLY outclass the others The regular whip? Worthless The RAPIER? Absolutely insane performance, only ever replace with ANOTHER rapier Fire bomb? Just move on Damage Buffer? IF YOU REPLACE THIS FOR ANY REASON, YOU ARE INCORRECT
>>138239 Obviously not if that will take yoyou a while
Have fun tthough I'm probably ggonna start using hydrus once i fix my comp.
Although I rremember finding a jjapanese (as in by a japanese rresearcher not aas in in japanese) CS article about a program that can automatically tag illustrations of anime characters
If the process was LITERALLY nothing more than just downloading the raw image, assuming an average image size of 0.5MB, which is a conservative estimate because absurdres images are plentiful in the Kancolle section, the process would take over 3 and a half minutes That's without looking at any of them, not loading any pages, nothing more than starting the image download on its own
But I must sort them So I don't get the shitty ones
And then there's the tagging
It takes time
>>138243 Ah, okay. I just assigneyyou mean t yo *assumed you meant looking at the pics Can hydrus not pull tags automatically ffrom ddanbooru and pixiv? >>138245 I knew iit wasnt hydrus
That's not my hydrus That's my RSS backlog of images I haven't downloaded, and I use my own tagging system because of the aforementioned successful attempt at acquiring autism
>>138245 As in using a pprogram tthat puts tthem in adatabase? Or you having folders with the name Err putting tthem into different folders based on ttags? d
I use hydrus for the tagging, but I tag stuff my own way and that means I can't just grab their tags
>>138247 If yowwere really aautistic you'd write a program that takes tthe tags for an inage aand then figures oyt which of your tags that set of tags ccorresponds to. we
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>138216 shrug i won't knock it till I've tried it >>138217 a high school friend >>138250 man are you seriously doing this now
>>138249 Enjoy carrying around at least one usb hhub, a usb to ethernet adapter a usb to .... >>138249 Only a llittle bit this is basically tthe extent of my little fit Also I either did nnot know or forgot you used mac stuff, i historically like apple's cocomputers but im rreally pissed at their new lineup
well I'm currently walking to a coffee shop with my early 2015 MacBook Pro i won't need any accessories, I don't even have my charger
>>138251 who is this cutie pie and where can i see more photos of him
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
there's a river in between my place and the coffee grrr if I could just ford it I wouldn't have to go all the way around time to learn how to pole vault