okay this takes the cake in weird forms of laundry hanging I have done >blanket attached to the sticks that control how open the blinds are infront of an open window
I haven't been grinding it really hard. I like the type of event that is coming up next though. Those story events are always fun and also worth doing.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yup guild wars is for nerdos like me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I chose to avoid that word!
My dog is an escape artist.
the passion of the bang
I'm seeing A LOT of posts without memes or cute anime girls please
>>138332 all of the ships tested survived the bombs
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Airport lyfe
>>138335 just like that one ukrainian dude was it?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Some super obscure country
nah the guy who travelled to usa for some business tirp whatever but before he could get out of the airport, soviet union went boom so he had no visa he couldn't get out of the airport and neither could he fly anywhere no passport no visa stuck in limbo of airport
I think there was a movie about it
The Terminal, it had Tom Hanks in it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>138338 dude was Iranian and the airport was Paris
Wow the actual guy is kind of a dousche he was even offered stay in france or belgium but he kept insisting to get to the UK
an there isn't even a record that he got expelled from Iran, aside his own claim though would the just formed islamic dictatorship bother with records about it or moreover, can someone fault a person for wanting to skip countries when a dictator just took over or rather a not so purgy dictatorship turned into a purgy dictatorship
but seriously, whatever the case gotta give the man some credit for sticking to his guns since 1992 he could've just entred france as a refugee, but he stayed untill 2006 at the airport untill he had to be taken to a hospital due to some illness now apparently he lives in france as a refugee or maybe even a citizen now? I would've left the airport the moment I'd have a place to go to.
Hmm, Zestiria's dub was bad and I see Sorey's english voice here, and combined with not knowing aaaaaany of these people, maybe there was good voice directing this time?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
maybe they hired real voice actors instead of broadway failures
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Jamieson Price oh boy never mind here we go there's my boy
>>138353 I don't know english voice actors well but most of the characters are really well done. There is one of the main girls on Celica's side who is annoying but she is really the only character in the game that I can think of that is terrible. A lto of that is the way she is written too.
Also all the lines are fully voiced, not just the grunts or short phrases you get in awakening and fates.
I don't think the game is as complex as fates or awakening, but I am still enjoying the gameplay. The art and voice acting is an order of magnitude better than what you find in awakening/fates.
I started a mission in nohr and forgot there was a flying archer and Beruka got sniped instantly so I was gonna start over but decided to continue other things I have stockpiled and well here we are.
I don't know, but it's going to be a lot of trouble. She is probably going to do something stupid. Or maybe she already did something stupid. Maybe she broke something.
>>138390 I don't want to go for more than 2 years at least If you're young, 2 years is like 50% of your youth That's an insane amount of youth spent away
is anyone here watching better call saul? i just caught the new episode and this is probably the best TV drama series i've ever watched it's way better than breaking bad too
I'm okay, im going iyt for ice cream in a little bit. >>138425 There's a candy factory near me that makes those, you can buy them by the pound straight off of the press in their candy store.
So I just found out about the new Touhou book that came out in kate march *late It's really funny so far. From what ive read. https://en.touhouwiki.net/wiki/Alternative_Facts_in_Eastern_Utopia
Oh yeah, so what do I do if I want to start a line with the string "##"? ##
Or wanted the typed out spoiler tags to appear and not spoil the stuff between them?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
You are out of luck! well, technically, you can break up most control codes by inserting stuff like invisible Unicode characters, or opening and closing a spoiler tag
I only have 2.39GB free on my 32GB phone I got in January, i downloaded like 250MB~ of kemomo friends stuff in the past two weeks. I guess i should move a bunch if stuff to the SD cad *card
Sam, you use Objective-C at work right?
Doesn't matter now, going to bed. Night /moe/
renal demon
I'm going tho To let auto suggest make my sentences. You don't have to be honest with yourself and your family are doing well and I enjoy it.
L Thanks android that's a nice message
renal demon
Will you be able to get any better than this one Can we meet in the first half of the liver front of the liver front of the liver
Okay that loops
renal demon
I wish you could be perpetuating misinformation about the liver front of the liver front of the liver
Why this
renal demon
Friends are for the liver front of the liver WHY Why do you like the liver front of the liver front of the liver front of the liver
renal demon
Am I dreaming this? Back of the liverfront is a good idea a lot of times when you get a tonsil massage
renal demon
Alarms and the first time you get lost in the shuffle of it I just want you to be a good thing for me to get data on the way home
Doushio a été arrêté de faire la même manière que ce n'est pas une bonne idée pour les gens de la musique la même source de sécurité et de ses lecteurs de ce soir à Paris
They charge you $40 to get a police background check. That's bullshit. I could have bought 20 kilos of oats with that kind of money.
>>138510 Or enough weed to fail that background check.
i'm pretty sure 20 dollars of weed isn't enough to even have anything put on your record they'd just seize and cite probably not even a misdemeanor
>>138512 Might depend on where you are and the cop, too.
yeah i guess most states are decriminalized (different than legal) not sure about other countries i don't think it's decriminalized in my state i should be more careful
i was thinking earlier today about how it'd be nice to go back and finish my degree i don't think it will happen though one of my new contracts is legal transcription which is much better paying and usually takes some legal background to get into, but i got lucky since ive got a strong transcription experience it's a little tough to keep up with everything i have to spend a lot of time looking up words there's a lot of words did you know that?
There are a lot. I use google constantly. Although thankfully there's been a bit of a recent push to move away from legalease and old Latin terms and to use plain English instead.
court hearings various things criminal, civil, whatever those other ones are about estates and funds and stuff 100% of it is court hearings so i'm excited about that because my autismos has me watching full hearings for like 3 hours in the middle of the night for no reason anyway i like court stuff so it's a good start too if i maybe want to be a court reporter some day and make triple what i do now
Best song in the whole series and it was only a 90 second side clip of their rivals
I didn't really like how pointless the rivals were in Sunshine. They appear all menacingly, stomp the competition, but then...nothing. Did they even show up again after that arc?
>>138564 It's a life lesson no matter how hard you work there are always going to be people a million times better than you at everything you care about so you should just stop trying.
Aright, /moe/, I need to impress someone by getting really good at this shitty ass fire emblem phone game you all used to love fill me up with all your best tips
The gacha is pretty relentless so you need to hope you have imats tie luck.
>>138600 Grind feathers, get heroes up to five star, then make other heroes eat them so you can customize their skills to make an OP hero. Then do that four or more times over.
I just finished Stardust Crusaders. I enjoyed it However I seem to remember some of you """people""" thinking that part 3 dio would beat ultimate cars? I'm at a loss to understand why you would think that.
I will put it down to typical americunt logic.
Kars can't stop time, can he?
Who knows? That would assume the "ultimate being capable of assuming all powers of all living things" wouldn't be able to manifest that stand a living being possesses. >>138625 Jojo isn't a vampire. Jotaro rather.
Additionally how is stopping time going to let Dio kill him?
DIO's a vampire he's not alive.
>>138624 Jotaro isn't alive at the end of Battle Tendency either.
>>138624 Kars' entire body isn't impossible to cut. Parts of it can be destroyed if he hasn't "evolved" them to be indestructible. Otherwise he wouldn't have to evolve them to that point in the first place.
>>138622 At least we aren't """""""""""""people""""""""""""""" who engage in power level discussions!
It was even stated that he had ripple energy the size of the sun at that point. Enough to burn a ripple user let alone a vampire. Dio merely being touched would be his doom. >>138628 Quiet, whore of babylon.
Kirara, I had the best idea ever. What if in the next persona game all your bonds are formed with toxic and abusive people but you gotta stick with it for those sweet exp bonuses!
I have to administer a Rorshach test for the first time soon. I'm going to ask my mom if I can practice on her and secretly see if she is actually super fucked up like I think she is.
Are Rorschach tests even considered valid analysis in that aspect still? I thought their credibility wasn't all that high any more.
>>138660 They're used by probably 80% of psychologists and probably the only test unlikely to have its validity questioned in court. I thought it was bullshit for a long time but it's actually extremely deep and very structured and standardized.
>>138661 You are super cool so I am sure you can do it.
Vigilant about what? Did you find out what's going to happen?
>>138663 The secret is that it doesn't actually matter what you see in the inkblot.
Explain what shapes are meant to reveal because that sounds whack.
>>138662 Do the inkblots kind of serve as psychological icebreakers, to get the patient talking?
No, it's all about how the mind constructs the image you see. Stuff like movement, form demand, color, usualness, whether or not you use the white spaces, etc There are a lot of things that go into it and it's really about components.
No matter what you see in the picture, your mind is going to construct the image the same way. So it doesn't matter what you see usually.
my friend posted a sadpanda link in discord and obviously it shows the sadpanda image instead of the actual image but instinctively i feel like i should open another window when someone walks by so they don't see the sad panda
one of the most important characters in the marvel universe i don't want to spoil stuff for other people here though https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Warlock
My least favorite thing about Bernie is how fucking easy he is to get to support you publicly https://heatst.com/politics/holocaust-survivors-campaign-to-disinvite-linda-sarsour-from-cuny/
Like I want to out the juden and sharia is great also I care about women's rights to be oppressed by an actual literal patriarchy Bernie: did someone say women's rights?
it's a womans choice to marry an abusive husband and cover her whole body up when in public. #mybodymygodmychoice
>>138740 tohsaka "pleases old men for money" rin yeah
Tohsaka reeeeeeeeen
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
toe sucker ren
>>138727 >The Gem possesses a consciousness of its own and demonstrates a vampiric hunger for the life energies of organic beings. It contains an idyllic pocket universe that hosts all the souls the Gem has ever taken. pretty sweet deal if you ask me
space in asgard the red with the collector purple in nova mind in vision and time in that amulet
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>138751 the collector and all his shit got SMASHED though so idk if the red one is still there i think it was the reality stone
which would make purple power
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah, i think purple was power since it made the users like super stronk
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
now that i think about it that means that basically every stone is in space all but like two
i bet ragnarok has thpr lose
lol thanks android u so shit lose the blue stone
I wonder if Marvel will ever stop making movies
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ragnarok is the first thor movie i can't wait for that trailer where hulk comes out and thor is like YEAH everyone: ??? thor: he's a friend of mine!
>>138759 nope they aöready have plans to reboot the universe agter this storulone wraps ip
purple is supposed to be space red is power
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>138762 but red is reality warping it was the aether in thor dark world
I mean it just keepss going up and up. Good for marvel.
>>138762 but then what is blue aka cam punch holes in reality
>>138763 oh, maybe it's different in the cinematic universe in the comics red was power purple is space blue is mind green is soul I think orange is time I forget
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>138766 yeah, they changed it all in the MCU they're stones instead of gems in the MCU too
blue or tessetact is space tesseract
how confusing also I never watched dark world I completely forgot it existed
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's not really very good in my opinion it didn't have the silly charm of the first thor movie
yeah but amusing enough to watch
ragnarok looks fun
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it looks hilarious
can't wait for space hulk
i wonder does strange have a big role in it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
spiderman comes out soon too that looks like it'll be pretty good
I like the new spiderman I think it'll be good, or at least better than all the other twenty spiderman reboots
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>138774 i think he will he's got the eye and everything i mean we're talking about a guy that did that crazy hilarious time loop shit
and they did the post credit teaser but the trailer had no sign of him
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>138776 yeah the new spidey looks good i like the falcon redesign
the green falcon always looked really stupid to me
>>138835 yeah >>138836 FPL has /// Florida Power and Light has a monopoly here There isn't an alternative company to get power from So they can charge us insanely
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but i win because the typical bill is apparently $100-150 and my bills are like around $40
>>138844 it's a better black knight halberd so yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like using the black knight glaive and haven't tried it so Maybe I'll like it? I use BKglaive with quality though Could use full STR or quality on whirly bird
>>138837 Monopolies are only really a problem in capitalism though
all the meme builds say full STR heavy is best so far that seems to be working out for me with 60 STR
Oh yeah, FPL has a really good scam going, too They say that they'll charge you less for using power during non-peak hours, in the evenings and stuff, saying that you'll pay less for use of ovens, stoves, etc But they charge you more during non-peak hours and they make it look like a really appealing opt-in service
but since your AC runs more during the day and your AC is most of your power costs, it ends up increasing your bill in the summer
>>138850 at high level full str is pretty busted. Since you convert all the scaling to STR, get 60 STR, and then dump points where you want them. And you do dumb damage.
Harlem Globetrotters Curved Sword or whatever has S scaling in STR when heavy
the weapon art is fun too the heavy weapon art closes crazy distance so you can just jump into people's bullshit and ruin them
Basically they buffed the Solaire Sword to scale with faith and now when you fight faith builds all they do is Lighting Weapon Lightning Arrow Wait until you get close Fire while you're rolling R1 R1 R2 Lighting Arrow Repeat
you can see her knees and her ankles what are her legs
>>138863 RIP I never cared that much for DaS pvp though invasions are fun for both sides but I think that's mostly because of the chaotic nature of it the actual pvp combat feels kinda crappy
>>138868 Invasions have so much HP involved now what with a million free estus However they buffed invader-side stuff by heavily nerfing the Giant Seeds and making it so hosts can't immediately resummon their friends.
>>138919 and still more poplar than shitty wind god
Tanuki 2hu
kanako so scrub she had to ask the tengu for permission to stay on the mountain and the temple isn't even hera ia suwakos MORIYA shrine afterall cuck goddess seeving on someone else's shrine
>>138972 they're both leaning into it and the blue on the outer parts are way bigger than the blue on the inner parts I see those blue parts as their fists now tell me am I gay doc?
i got the 100% centre seat and why in hell is it almost always free?
unfortunately yeah it is standardized if you don't do it exactly the way it was standardized, it influences the answers and people report things differently which means you can't use the test norms
the test only takes like an hour to administer too
maybe we can use it to unlock your personas
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>everyone's persona is a psychologist
Is it actually recognized as a valid diagnostic tool by itself?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
in the legal system, it's recognized as the most valid test there is
it's not a diagnostic tool though it can be used to aid in diagnosis but it can't make diagnoses
Wow really?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>138993 yeah the validity of the test is questioned like .03% of the time in expert witness testimony it's got almost 100 years of research on it saying it's valid
>>138994 Amazing I thought it was only useful to give a vague idea of the person
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
that's what i thought before i started to study it it's pretty amazing
It just seems like the alternative medicine of psychology
Not to mention I'd think it was easy to bullshit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's not the image you see doesn't even really matter
But your answers matter, right?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah but not in a way that you can manipulate without access to the test and at least some training it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
if you could go over the test with a psychologist and rehearse answers you could probably fake the test
it's not what you see, it's how you see it you can easily say you see something you don't, but you won't be able to describe how you see it in detail to the psychologist and the psychologist can easily tell that you are being weird
If you are some manner of mental case though, you could at least obfuscate it by making up an explanation that isn't what you immediately thought I would think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but you'll still explain it the same way you would if you explained the real thing you saw because that's the only way you know how to see things
Not necessarily, I would think but you're the one with the educational experience
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
there are a lot of studies that look at people trying to do it and being trained to do it and their results are usually not very different from if they take the test without training for it it's a test that's really hard to fake
But I mean, it's subjective and they can't call you on bullshit I dunno, I think I'd be able to make up an explanation in a different way than my natural thoughts
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
studies pretty much show that you can't in the end, people are limited by their personality and perspective you can't fake something outside your perspective and make it convincing to a trained psychologist
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
plus you need 14 answers for 10 cards which makes it even more complicated to fake
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also probably 90% of information available online about the test is actually completely incorrect so people who think they can study online materials to learn how to fool the test don't learn anything
4 Ts arrested in Berlin Hot take: the government keeps a few known terrorists on hand so they have someone to arrest after terrorism to show they aren't just twiddling their thumbs
Not to blame it on them, but to go "look, we do prevent terrorism sometimes"
I should get a glowing orb Maybe Trump will come visit
Oh also the news broadcast I was listening to all day talked about him meeting with the pope, and they were like "the two men have vastly different views on refugees and immigration", but that's just straight up not true, is it? The vatican is a walled off nation onto itself that doesn't accept more than a handful of refugees Trump wants the US to be such a nation
The pope's the supreme authority here, if he WANTED it different, it would be
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the pope believes that walls are wrong despite being surrounded by them
“It isn’t all surrounded by walls, and it’s not like you need a separate visa or a passport to enter,” he said. “You wouldn’t know, almost, when you even entered Vatican City. There is a white line painted on the ground in St. Peter’s Square, but that kind of thing is not obvious everywhere.”
There are, to be sure, formidable walls in Vatican City, and much of of the site, including the gardens and the modest guesthouse that is home to Francis, is set behind them. But the walls do not entirely enclose the city-state, and in the modern era they are not meant to, historians said.
“Anybody can walk into St. Peter’s Square — that’s the whole point of it,” said Dr. Mannion. “It was designed to be welcoming and to draw people in like two open arms, to draw them into the heart of the church.”
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Some of the walls in Vatican City were built in the ninth century by Pope Leo IV in an attempt to protect it from attacks by pirates and other marauders, historians said. But other stretches of wall were built during the 15th and 16th centuries, Dr. Mannion said, less as a defensive measure and more as “a political and cultural statement” about the cultural and political power of the pope.
Today, the public can freely enter some parts of Vatican City, including St. Peter’s Basilica, St. Peter’s Square and the Vatican Museum (which charges for the price of a ticket). Those areas receive millions of visitors each year who are able to enter and exit the tiny city-state as they wish.
I mean you don't HAVE to I doubt there's a rule against using your own name
You were supposedly chosen through divine inspiration or whatever, what are they gonna really do here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you totally gotta every pope for the last like 800 years or something has taken a new name
Yeah but do you actually have to or is it just a thing all of them do as tradition?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you're probably obligated BY tradition
Fair enough I guess
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>In 1978 Cardinal Albino Luciani became the first pope to take a double name, John Paul I, to honour his two immediate predecessors, John XXIII and Paul VI; he had been elevated to bishop by John XXIII, then to Patriarch of Venice and the College of Cardinals by Paul VI. John Paul I was also the first pope in almost 1,100 years since Lando in 913 to adopt a papal name that had not previously been used. After John Paul I's sudden death a month later, Cardinal Karol Józef Wojtyła was elected and, wishing to continue his predecessor's work, became the second Pope to take a double name as John Paul II. In 2013, a new name was introduced into the lineage: on being elected Pope, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio selected the name Francis to emphasize the spirit of humility espoused by Saint Francis of Assisi.[1] i guess you can pretty much make new ones as long as you use old ones as a base though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>Often the new pontiff's choice of name upon being elected to the papacy is seen as a signal to the world of who the new pope will emulate, what policies he will seek to enact, or even the length of his reign. Such was the case with Benedict XVI – it was speculated that he chose the name because he wished to emulate Benedict XV, and to also call attention to the fact that at 7.5 years, Benedict XV's reign was relatively short. Benedict XVI's own reign, which ended with his resignation on 28 February 2013, also lasted less than 8 years (he was already 78 when elected).
>It is customary when referring to popes to translate the regnal name into local languages. Thus, for example, Papa Franciscus (Latin, the official language of the Holy See), is Papa Francesco in Italian (the language of the Vatican), Papa Francisco in his native Spanish, and Pope Francis in English.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oi papa franciscus
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>13 popes named themselves Innocent who is gonna trust a guy that names themselves innocent
yo my name is untrustworthy and this is my friend, guilty
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
those guys are probably stand-up dudes
Actually naming yourself guilty might make you hard to try for crimes Your lawyer could bring it up like "I urge the jury to not be too hasty and let my client's name influence their decision", and they'll overcompensate because humans are fucking ANIMALS
let's change our names to guilty and become world renowned thieves always get arrested never get convicted