He was really tearing into her work there for a moment. The things he was saying were valid issues I figure though. But he was being awfully harsh about it.
We've come a bit from the harem antics of the first season. Last time they were in a room overnight together, she stripped down and took compromising photos of the two of them.
She's being serious right now. This is also a "Utaha is going to lose despite being top tier" episode.
They're going for a really, really aggressive VN for their first project. Exploring two entirely different themes in two fleshed out route--
Oh fuck.
I think HorribleSubs put "creative" in there-- Or well I guess CrunchyRoll or whoever they're ripping from. But they put "creative" in there when she was talking about her being a "creator" I think.
I was kind of worried this special route of his was going to be total garbage. But he's got Utaha to critique it, so I guess it might be salvageable.
On a side note I'm personally not really onboard with this third route thing. Unless it's a difficult to attain, "earn your happy ending" kind of endgame or hidden route or something.
Geez she's dressed in a pretty messy way. Okay he noticed.
>>137731 That's because the route is symbolism for his indecisiveness and you're all for the boring girl.
Now don't jump to assumptions. The parallels between his "I want to make everyone happy" and "I want to make all the game characters happy" are pretty obvious. But I mean more from a personal inclination, writing to make all the characters happy for the sake of making all the characters happy feels like a backwards approach to writing to me. I think it's hard to make it feel rewarding and meaningful.
But who knows, maybe the joint effort between her and Mr.Ethical might be able to be something engaging and rewarding.
Man she looks really nice with her hair down like that.
>>137738 It's important to treat all your characters with respect.
No it's not. Or not that kind of respect. Some times people don't achieve their dreams. Some times people end up heartbroken, ruined, despondent. Some times people die for no good reason. Not every story out there has a happy ending for every person who deserves it.
An author has a responsibility to give charcters a decent story even if it is bittersweet.
Using them as tools just to make the audience sad makes a bad story.
episode 5 okay we're both orange let's start
No, using them as tools in a low-effort way to make the audience sad makes a bad story. The same way any low-effort and pandering writing reduces the quality of a story.
Ready by the way.
I guess we're in a new volume.
Perfectionism and stress are really terrible combinations.
Protagonist-kun deserves a rival for being so shit. Someone should take care of all these top tier girls he's leaving laying around.
Oh maybe the Amiable Rival thing is all an ACT.
>>137771 He's a terrible director, but he tries to be a good friend. Which in itself is kind of an insult since none of the girls are really gunning for the friendzone.
In all fairness harem protagonists have to walk pretty thin lines to ensure everything doesn't go to shit.
Her art is really, really good though. Getting to a CGI in a game with art like that would be an absolute treat.
They're all really stupid about all this though. They got all caught up in this obsessive drive to make the best possible game from product one. Though it's definitely Mr.Ethical's fault for whipping them into a frenzy like that anyway.
Oh I kind of expected the game might be no sales.
Hm. She had been a rather reduced role since he kind of just went and made the third route and during Eriri's sabbatical. I guess it hurt her a lot more than we were seeing.
I'm pretty sure this series hasn't ended so I'm certain that it will be more of the same until the end.
I'm not even sure there's enough space in this second season to conclude it too. Unless they cut some stuff, go for anime original, or I have a massive misunderstanding of the novel timeline. But there's a bit of material I've sparingly heard of and I feel it could pad out enough for maybe a third season. Or maybe I'm completely off like I said.
I guess we'll see. I don't really care to see it resolved since it will just be a win for the boring girl. I already have a bit of distaste for these rejection arcs.