If I hadn't watched Eromanga Sensei already, I could have joined in for that. Someday.
I still aren't as hearing as well as I normally do. It's a bit unsettling for me.
Pink Autism
>>135979 Concerts will do that. It'll be mostly fine by tomorrow, and the day after it'll be normal. Unless you're like me and were up by the stage or by the PA.
...I was up by the stage.
For parts at least. Once you enter that churning mass at the front it's kind of hard to predict where you'll end up.
i've only been to local gigs i've never been to anything large
I don't think this was anything large either. I went to a Billy Talent concert with my brother and dad way back when I was in middle school, that was at a sports arena-big. Wasn't even really my kind of music but hey, free concerts.
Pink Autism
>>135986 Most of the ones I've gone to are smaller, too. Except being right next to the stacks as Devo played. So much bass.
>>135985 Well you've seen me; I'm not exactly a big guy. I can hold my own when it comes to the shove, but I tend to bounce around a fair bit.
>>136003 The last Boris show, I was getting hammered by idiots in the crowd, and it got a bit hard to stay up. I actually stuck my elbow out at a couple people who didn't get the message. I know how it gets, and I've seen smaller people hold better than I have. But yeah, you tend to get moved no matter how large you are.
So many fond memories... Like holding the crowd off some girl next to me while losing my pants and trying to stay upright.
i wish i could get hammered by some idiots in the crowd
I really wish twitter had a function that let you see how people ended up on your profile I know that this function would be about as good for privacy as the NSA is, but it'd be cool to know how people found my account when all they did was like a tweet that had 0 retweets, reply to it, and follow me
I'm not unhappy with it though The tweet he decided to respond to was an effort tweet anyway, and those rarely ever get any activity Is nice to see it happen
>>136091 I have not had it before I will have it RIGHT NOW
Well there's very little, though some, naval in it, but you should give 33 Strategies of War a read or listen sometime
It's less about the history and more about breaking down the strategies involved, but it's still giving you a bunch of interesting military and political history It mentions how some US politician used all the criticism against him to his benefit because his critics went too far and criticized stuff that was so banale he could turn it into a joke I think it was Roosevelt, but I'm not sure
Is it a book?
Yeah But I have it on audiobook
I'll check it out I can grab the audiobook on audible
Actually I think there's only one or two naval examples so far in the book, and neither are really about the maritime nature of it, so don't get your hopes up in that department
Navel war anime when
>>136106 this is a good start to my day, thank you for whatever reason my stomach is killing me and maybe it's from eating Taco Bell's new chicken chips
Oh Kirara, since I have absolutely no regard for your professional life whatsoever, when you finish DeSu2 and you find yourself wanting to play another game I recommend, you should pick up Berseria.
He should finish DeSu1 Demon control route best route, nippon strong
>>136127 I tried replaying DeSu1 in the form of overclock and I forgot how bad it was
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Playing DeSu1 without anything else before it is fine, but once you play DeSu2, it just doesn't compare. Everyone is just inferior to their 2 counterparts, the story is slow and you don't get most of the characters to even come near you until you already pick a route.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
And while in both games you can turn off the new english voices, at least most of the DeSu2 voices were passable. Midori's voice broke the camel's back for me in DeSu1 for how unfitting a choice they made for an INTERNET IDOL.
You've reminded me of when my mom said meme out loud and I wanted to explode.
>>136129 >>136130 Admittedly DeSu2 has social links and gameplay links, but I really prefer the story and time management in DeSu1. It's much more chaotic and the characters just barely scrape by. For my tastes, 2 was almost a little too power rangersish. I really liked how DeSu1s story was about taking the central problem of a demon invasion and exploring how society and the angels reacted to it.
>>136138 I found I had four people on my team for most of the game.
The story is super slow in DeSu1, and there's even a time skip function in that game for some reason? I also seriously dislike that they give you enough party slots to have 4 teams, but because of PLOT you only have 3 humans on you for like 90% of the game.
For the first two days or so you only have // Ah. My bad, you do get 4 for a lot of stuff but you don't ever really get to choose. You mostly have either Keisuke or Midori depending on which one of them is being an idiot at the time. >>136140 There is a lot of exploring the ruins of an attacked Tokyo and whatnot, which while world building, is very slow. A lot of your time events early on are mostly just text dumps rather than characters interacting.
I don't think the story is slow either but >opinions I like the first few days a lot where everyone's trying to figure out what the fuck's going on. It builds atmosphere. Like how they struggle to find simple things in the lockdown like bread and a powersource for the comps.
>>136141 DeSu2 is a faster paced game yeah. It's less about surviving and more about saving everyones day.
Admittedly one thing that might help pacing in DeSu2 is that, while in DeSu1 the government is working against you in a way, you team up with it in DeSu2 and they work with the plot that way.
Also Lucifer is way more busted of a fight than Alice. If you haven't completed the right endings first, you won't have the demons you need for the Lucifer fight.
Alice you can actually punch to death.
I feel like desu2's pacing is a little too fast sometimes
I killed Lucifer with a strength build MC. Third healthbar was an absolute bitch though.
>>136146 I just had the MC focus on demon killing. And I personally don't use NG+ options to make the second run easier, though having the option is nice. DeSu1 fucked up by not having the compendium.
And that's where not turning off experience curve kills you! You're stuck fighting level 60 enemies until 99 and they give less and less EXP each level.
So congratulations on masochism I suppose. I just didn't have the patience.
Getting the ideal ending in DeSu1 is pretty hard too, and it's not one of the endings they expand upon in Overclocked either. Though it was probably a fine ending in its own right. And yes, it's the ending you referred to, I like that one the most.
I thought I asked you about all these newfags and you said Maria was Midori. >>136158 Gin and Haru's ending is hard because you can't miss anything regarding them since they all have some many times where they can die. But the ending you send all the demons away and PUNCH BABEL TO DEATH
No way Maria is Maria
>>136161 >Haru It'd be so much easier if she wasn't so fucking depressed.
>sending them away >not controlling them You're no patriot!
>>136166 Which would you pick irl. I feel anything but sending them away would destabilise everything
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's very humanity.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>136167 IRL? No idea. Metatron ending was p good but like you're kind of a puppet. But Gin/Haru's is probably the most ideal.
>>136169 Metatron was a pretty cool guy in this game, but I don't like having YHVH breathing down my neck.
>>136171 It's pretty much the best Law ending in smt.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I feel like Metatron's ending is the least "everyone is now a mindless worshipper of YHWH" of most Law-endings in SMT. Because you're the one leading humanity to worship YHWH and you deliver divine punishment, but you're still a person.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Imagine playing that ending and then playing Strange Journey's Law ending.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Which is what I did.
Same lol. I did law for SMTIV too. I actually wish the conflict between Gaea and the red pill yakuza was extended because it's more morally gray than the actual ending.
>>136175 What's the point of even having worshippers if it's not out of their own will.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>Everyone builds towers of babel forever because they have no minds
i think chaos is always better than law but both are shit
Chaos just turns into law anyway once one guy gets strong enough. My favourite ending is the one in Nocturne where everyone gets their own personal bubble
Life is an endless whirlpool of books, ambiguity, and pain
>tfw just realised the front page of both my tests said to show working out to get credit and I just wrote down the straight answers instead and it's possibly why I got a zero on both >even if you have the right answer it doesn't mean dick
>>136193 It makes me want to fucking strangle the niggercunt who made the test it's fucking whoreshit. If I don't ace everything else I'm fucked.
shit like that is so stupid
>>136192 You should complain to the professor That's absurd
>>136214 >>136216 But I have a humble dream of getting to buy one of these water towers when they are decommissioned strengthen their structure and then build a palace/tower/castle of evil ontop of one and then laugh at the peasants groweling on the ground
Oh Kirara I doubt you'll want to play DaS3 anyway but a nerdo I watched that likes souls and borne rated The Ringed City DLC for DaS3 just under Old Hunters.
okay boobs are not sexual organs per se but they are integral in raising kids and healthy looking once attract the male side as much as healthy physique attracts both sides towards the others *ones so why does there need to be any kind of discussion about them? As for public breast feeding feel free to do it, and anyone who makes noise about it is an asshole. I can just say I wouldn't do it, if I was a woman
WEll atleast the chief-coach will get fired I mean WHY THE FUCK DOES HE KEEP THROWING OUR SHITTIER GOAL KEEPER IN IMPORTANT GAMES IN AND THEN TAKES HIM OUT FOR THE BETTER GUY AFTER SEVERAL GOALS HAVE BEEN SCORED? like the swedish game yesterday, without our top gk,it would've been about 10-1
>>136283 Maybe he's secretly working for the Russians.
>>136353 It's some ceremony telated to picking the Hebrew name. They pick it befotr the party but theres a ceremony and prayers and stuff. I had never hesrd of it being a thing until maybe two years ago or a dew months ago. Anyways i think its a pretty recent (past 100 years) invention.
Her, I am pretty sure its a thing just for females. I did a lttoecbit of sewrching but i couldnt find anytging about it in my cursory sewrches, ilm thinking it might be just a reform thing.
>>136359 This basically. I was really surprised that not only does my cousin in law not wesr a yarmulke while lightijg candles, he doesnt own any. That's super super weird, to me its like being told by a person who claimsto be a devout practicing Christian (of some sort) that they dont own a cross, .
Okay, it seems that there were some in the middle ages, and medieval era, but they mostly died out. The modern ones were created in the 20th century. Well, aside from like some really minor yhings that were done, but the term "ceremony" is a bit too strong for them.
congrats rei you replaced tilde amongst the worshippers to my pet cthulhu as he got eaten first
Also my cousin in law didnt know that you coukd play videogames over the internet with other people.
your inlaw is dumb
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/gen7ou-579696914 too fast x
curiously weak to rock team
>>136367 He is just really ignorant of pop culture and aspects of modern technology that dont relate to his job or perdonal life.
He knows a lot about european history, especislly law amd politics of France.
Also I think he is related to an actual Rothschild. >>136373 He's from a generation where people would have been playing videogwmes online in the forks st his college. He's just >>136374 He was in his teens when Xbox alive first came out.
It's weird but people over a certain age don't play videogames at all..
I mean I am sure you could play the original Aoe, warcraft, etc. online back then. they just used a different system instead of steam/whatever. >>136372 I guess i was a bit younger but I was going with that people just eventually stop playing stuff. nevertheless, games online have been a thing for a while, and i guess people just prefer to either play more online or with friends/themselves/etc.
>>136375 I have a more direct connection through my dad, he dated a French countess whose Dad was friends with my grxndfather. So i coukd just try to network with them and find someone around my age in their family.
>nobility in france kek
>>136377 They still have loads of money, several mansions, chateaus and vineyards.
and all are from either of the napoleonic era and havn't had any claim to the title aside as family name since 1870
>>136378 Coincidentally, if you didn't know the current swedish royal family is descendant of a general who served under napoleon, who throned him King of Sweden.
Recently we were talking about floop and I said that he was originally from meguca but I was wrong when I said that He doesn't regularly go to meguca or anything, I was totally mistaken Just wanted to clear that up
Oh, Rika Jan is trying to figure out an anime you recommended to him a long time ago. It was a comedy and he says the MC was a badass who liked little girls and might fuck a trap and it had a lewd ED.
>>136465 Sunglasses help but on the days it's bad the sun coming from around the glasses can be blinding. On the days that it's bad I also have trouble looking at screens and white pieces of paper.
>>136469 There aren't any big problems with my eyes other than bad eyesight. I had the eye doctor do a really thorough check on them last time I went because one of my pupils is bigger than the other and that can be a sign that something is wrong. He checked me really well and said it was probably just that the muscle on one of my eyes is weaker.
>>136470 Okay, I'm glad you went and got your eyes checked, but did you mention those light sensitivity symptoms?
>>136471 Hmm, I can't remember. I had the full checkup done on my eyes. I've had light-sensitive migraines all my life so if something were terribly wrong I would have dropped dead by now.
i used to have that problem really bad in my teens and early 20s i started taking things that help me sleep like melatonin or valerian root and i don't get migraines very often anymore
>>136473 this was more of a lifestyle change though and less of remedial treatment so you gotta weigh how much you want to be rid of migraines the light sensitivity too, i dont have that much anymore
I will if anything changes. It's been like this for as long as I can remember, I've always been very sensitive to light. The last time there was a big change in my eyes was that time I went to the eye doctor and got the full check up.
Oh man, my hradach right now is really bad. *headache One more thing, it could be a symptom of some otger issue rather than being just an eye issue.
>>136480 Well, when I noticed that my pupils were different sizes, I suggested to the eye doctor and my mom, who took me, that that was a symptom of a brain tumor. They both just laughed at me so I assumed I was just being paranoid. Either way, I've had light sensitivity for a long time so if something were really wrong I would have noticed it by now.
>>136482 i'd say that's probably just inflammation of the nerve that's causing the light sensitivity and migraines the inflamed nerve can make that happen
No face towards wall ifyou can't see them, they don't exist
I try to sleep on my back, but if I take too long to fall asleep, I'm usually going to toss on my side.
>>136494 i sleep this way too but i turn my head on the pillow which usually leaves my neck really bad lately i feel a crunching sensation i hope i haven't damaged the vertebrae or something
>>136506 That's how I fall asleep the fastest, I've found. But it's also really hard for me to wake up like that. My pillows also don't hurt my neck when I'm laying down like that, and actually, if I've got a headache, turning my head the right way can actually give me a bit of a pain alleviation.
>>136785 That's from Chrono Trigger right? >>136773 I am a bit skeptical about that even being oosdible, mainly because people have nerves all over their bodies and can tell the general location of body parts, she should be able to feel the keyboard.
>>136821 I'd probably friend either Shoebill or Tsuchinoko. Shoebill's have been my favorite species of bird for a while, so i was really excited to see her as a character. And I like cryptids and thought Tsuchinoko was pretty /moe/.
>>136795 The best RPG on the Super Famicom is probably Dragon Quest 3.
>>136795 live a live is my favorite snes rpg chrono trigger is close second the latter has flawless gameplay but the former is really unique and has a beautiful story
>>136861 Live Alive was on Super Famicom, not SNES. I have however heard great things about it. >>136868 Yes I know theyre basically the same, but in the contect i was using by best rog on tge super famicom i meant "best rpg on super famicom/NES that was only released in Japan". >>136868 I will literally tear your penis off with pliers if you do that, nerd.
>>136867 I'll super famicum in your hair you nit picker
>>136883 Have you read any of the Digital Devil Saga novels? They got translated a while ago.
Well, a few did for sure, i dont remember how manu books there are in the series.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I haven't read any of them, no Are they worth reading?
>>136883 I can see them coming from some low income public school in Britain doing drugs in the back alleyways
>>136889 Uhh, not in the sense that Ernest Hemingway is worth reading, but the one or two ive read werent bad. They might make some stuff in the SMT workd make more sense or someyhing, i havemt really olayed much if yhe games. >>136890 >public school >uniforms >ishygddt Err I shiggy diggy yiu dont think that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>136890 walk into a shop and threaten the cashier with their power glove
>>136905 Her character arc in the game is really funny. I jjust read a bunch of summary stuff from the game yesterday.
>>136891 Is it liek that there? In Australia all the public schools got uniforms, and the only ones without them were private schools like my one
>>136915 Wait, by private school do you mean "school with tuition that is paid by parents" or something else?
>>136919 Yeah, it's partially subsidised, but mostly paid by parents
>>136928 In the US most private schools require uniforms and most public schools don't. There are some exceptions on both sides though.
I wouldn't know anything about private schools, but here most public schools allow students to dress in their own clothes, providing they follow the dress code. And even the ones that offer uniforms tend to do so in very generous formats. You're allowed to pick from an assortment of tops and bottoms from the school uniform-approved clothes.
Most private schools require uniforms, yes. It was a battle that raged at mine, we were one of the few in the city that did not require uniforms. We had a strict dress code, though.
>>136930 You see Australia is upside down and everything is backwards.
It might as well have had a uniform because half the girls dressed in the same way and all looked the same.
>>136941 Not really. It was sorta, uhhh, generic? Like they all looked vaguely tanned and wore slutty normie clothes. I don't mean that in a reeeee fuck women sorta way, it's just what they wore.
Another Anonymous
I cleared everything from my phone and have no cute stolen images to post...
I should probably try going to sleep soon, since i need to get up at like 3:30 am eastern for my 6:15am flight. Im pretty sure my mom is having us go waay to early though, but ive no recollection if how long security at JFK is. Actually i dont think ive flown out of there since before 9/11...
Also on a related not, i almost bought a first printing of the official report from the warren commision on the assassination of jfk at a bookstore the ither day, it was $2.
>>136961 Thanks, I wasn't sure that meme would pan out right
>>136967 By "well memed" I mean "wow that was an incredibky stuoid joke but i dont feel like explicitly calling you an idiot or telling you to kill yourself but i will respond with an equally cancerous commentary on it"
>>136972 Look buddy I was giving you a way out of this without looking like an asshole and you just turned it down I'm gonna kill myself now brb
>>136985 That's not funny, my brother died that way.
>>136994 >I don't actually have a brother well duh he's dead
>>136998 When I make a "that's not funny my brothrr died that way joke" and one of my friekds says "but you dont have a brotgrr" i usually reoly with "well obviously not any more"
>>137008 I saw that earlier on danbooru before i decided yo stsrt ffrom the last page of Kemono friends rating:safe seatch results and then progress through them chronologically.
I am pretty sure we spent over a weweek on it in highschool japanese, but my highschool had a lot of homework so it was probably paced that way intentionally. >>137031 I mean that the teacher took more than a week to cover all of them.
>>137030 >highschool Just grind out those flashcards until it's fucking burned into the brain
>>137034 Because it opens up an addtional amount of material and understanding for a low amount of effort I mean it's not like they'll be terrible people if they don't
>>137033 It's how I read untranslated doujins. Google Translate app can analyze photos and pictures taken.
>>137031 There is a massive plethora of content already available that comes out on a regular basis that is accessible to weeaboos that doesn't require them to understand the kana.
Google can also translate conversations. Which is even better.
>>137036 But what if you wanna look at some art or something and it's got a little bit of kana and you're like "man I'm curious as to what this means but I don't know kana" Maybe I should ammend it to "hardcore weaboo"
It's still Google Translate-tier translations. But you get it
>>137040 Yeah but the puns evaporate if Although if you kniw japanese and read sometjing google translated from jaoanese you might be able to figure out what ouns were there just from the translation
>>137039 The thing is, there isn't really a reason that a weeaboo, hardcore or otherwise, -needs- to learn the kana. Therefore shouldn't doesn't really fit. Learning the kana as a Western otaku is definitely beneficial and a commendable skill to learn, but is far from a requirement to enjoy Japanese media.
Breathing and understanding Japanese have very different levels of benefits. One grants continued existence, even though one can argue that the value of such is diminishing in return. The other gives me access to cute girls that aren't real.
>>137045 I meant "need" in the sense that saying "x needs y in order to z" and "X needs y" are two incredibly distinct statements. "X needs y" implies that X as a thingogicalky requires y in order to exist like for example "an animal needs to be a mammal in order for it to be a cow" a cow that is kot a mammallogically cannot exist. >>137048 Yeah I know you knew, but thefe are a few people on right now who havent heard me do this thing before.
>>137042 It's not something anyone HAS to do, but in the sense that it opens up new oppurtunities, it's worthwhile.
>>137046 I know what you meant. But I don't have the energy to put more effort into it.
>>137047 Pretty much every skill available to human beans opens up new opportunities. Should ever person therefore learn how to code an operating system or set up the plumbing for house?
>>137049 Are they interested in coding? If you're a person who's willing to call themselves a weeb then you might as well. Plumbing your house is something that only happens occasionally and is just a means to an end. Enjoying Japanese content here is the desirable end. If you're ////
You know what I don't care anymore.
>>137049 What about a skill that by definition when acquired removes skills that you have already acquired? Woukdnt that skill remove oppurtunities?
Such as? And either way, even if other opportunities are being closed, that doesn't change the fact that the new skill would be opening new opportunities. I never said anything about a net gain here.
>>137056 >>137057 Football and boxing arent exact fits but they do cause long term brain problems that interfere with a wide range of cognitive function.
I think it'd be a better comparison to look at the time investment and oppurtunity cost of learning one skill over another
>>137058 And in return teach you an assortment of skills such as teamwork, fighting technique, strategy, maintaining physical fitness, all which open up opportunities.
Football also gets you lots of fucking money which is enough to open doors even to the literally retarded.
>>137060 Enough head trauma experienced in both of tjose sports will remove those skills. Not that it happens to everyone. Anyways I'm do e with this silly argument for now cause the outcomeso far was not as amusing as i had expected
>>137062 I don't know why you thought that all you needed were skills to open doors.
>>137065 I didn't, i was using a pathological counter example and then failed (unsurprisingly) to find a real world equivalent to use as a real workd example.
>>137070 Yeah, I liked that one a lot. Also another quick question dobyou tjink that youve read at leadt 80% of the big gaku-touhou scans archive torrent?
Never grabbed the torrent so I can't say. if it was on e-h, I most likely read it
>>137072 It's basically every gakutoihou release before a certain date, geets updatedike every year or so. I've read most of it about six times. One of the times where i was going through a really bad bout of xepression i read through most of it twice. Another thing i used to do when i was suoer depressed was play 100% OJ lol. People normally slerp a lot when they are really deoressed but i take stimulants so i cant, also one of my deoression meds prevents you ftom sleeping
Okay probably ggonna actually go to bec now. Oyasumi
OJ would not keep me from being depressed. That's a dangerous game. good night
It didn't kerp me from being depressed, i just played it because it made life slightly less boring than doing nothing, the touhou stuff was a betger distraction thougj. OH GOD DAMMITMY COUSINS FUCKING BABY JUST STARTED CRYING
>>137077 時 is used for hours, or o'clock. 間 means something like "space between". You attach it to intervals of time to mean that the event was that long.
So to say 24 hours, you would say "24 hour space between", 二十四時間. >>137082 You forgot that.... TIME.
>>137087 I usually did that in vonversation but its realky lazy, i didthe other generic coubter as well kこ or something.
>>137081 "I have a party for 24 hours" is already a kinda wonky sentence
>>137088 It's lazy but people will understand you and, as far as output goes, your first priority should be to be understood rather than be 100% correct.
Yo but I got an important conversation with a pal going on somewhere else I just stopped by, sorry but I gotta skedaddle already
>>137089 The app is probably inclined to give literal sentences to ensure there is as close to one correct answer as possible. Japanese and English don't really transfer between each other well because of contextualization and the absence of a Japanese "to be" verb.
>>137091 Wait, what about に します ? Or am i just spouting monsense due to lack of sleep at this point
There are analogues, but there is nothing in the Japanese language as ubiquitous and multi-purpose as the English "to be" and all its conjugations.
Okay the baby stopped cruing, i will attempt to 夢 の 国 に いこう。
For example, I always see my Japanese friends go in English "I go to the store/I go to bed" and sentences like that. Which while proper sentences, are clunky to native English. Because it's unintuitive to them to use "am" and conjugating "go" in accordance to that.
http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/ He tackles teaching Japanese from a different approach from the usual. Mainly by not teaching you how to speak in the polite ~masu speech right off the bat and forcing Kanji on you from pretty much lesson two. Though it looks like Duolingo also hits you with Kanki, -Kanji, so it got that right. He also has a very comprehensive guide on Japanese grammar and learning the mechanical how-to on constructing Japanese sentences. A lot of Japanese lesson material I've found, teaches you useful phrases and then probably hopes the grammar is something you'll learn by osmosis. Instead, his stuff instills the grammar first and then teaches you how to make your sentences accordingly. It's pretty interesting.
Well, I gotta go Seeya later moe Maybe not much later depending on what I get to do at work I hope I get to just sit on my own all day and listen to my book
make namasensei proud
Namasensei is entertaining and is pretty good for memorizing the look of the kana, but he doesn't really teach accurate stroke order. Which in fairness, if that last bit is unnecessary to your education, means he's a pretty good beginner's tool.
Looking up the Kanji for "sexual innuendo and then looking at the Kanji's meaning by flipping the translate in Google Translate leads to a rather strange result.
I've been kind of wondering if I want to try my hand at an MMO with FFXIV. It's been so long since I played an MMO so I dunno. Probably won't happen, but it's been stewing in the back of my brain for a bit.
That's why I like FFXIV. like 90% of it is single player until you hit the level cap. It's just like a single player RPG with multiplayer dungeons, the structure is fun to me Plus you can play it with a controller, which is much more comfortable to me. Also you can make your character a ripped 9ft dragonboy
>>137137 haha all the hate for these stupid fucking spinning toys i don't understand why they're so popular but every kid in the fuckin neighborhood is clamoring for them i've basically mastered presenting all 6 colors to kids instantaneously we sold like 20 of them today
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
damn that's good business
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>we got your standard blue, your orange, your deep blue, your effervescent paisely
>>137140 you know it we got green and the greener green you know you want the greenest one kiddo give the less green one to your little brother he can forever wallow in the shadows i sold like 6 of them to one guy to give to his kids and he gave me like $50
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i GOTTA have that GREEN
My sister got one, since she's decided she could self-diagnose herself with AD(H)D. Though in her defense she got it on sale, from the store she works at where she gets a discount on top of that. So eh, at least she's not shelling out the absurd price they go for.
i had one mexican lady come in looking distraught with like 4 little kids in tow and she was just like "excuse me, do you have the fidget spinner" i told her the price and she let out the softest most surprised "oh!" then turned and said something to her children in spanish and zoomed out that door
>>137114 Namasensei is good for the kana and motivation, but he should be ditched asap. In the te-form video, for example, he doesn't understand that ru verbs have their own conjugation rule, so he conjugates 食べる into 食べって
Then he says that って and て are basically the same so you can just remember it all as て if it's easier. He makes a bunch of little mistakes like that.
>>137144 Little things like fidget spinners can help with some strands of ADD, since keeping hands busy with something can assist in focusing. But at the same time you can just learn to spin your pen/pencil or get a foam ball for two bucks and squeeze that. Or learn a useless skill like solving a Rubik's cube without looking at it. The fidget spinner fad is capitalizing on the stupid notion that every kid has ADD or how people love to self-diagnose themselves these days. I mean all power to the manufacturers but it's annoyingly inane to me.
>>137145 Yeah, there's that too. Still, learning to internalize stroke orders can be a very useful tool when looking at handwritten Japanese. It's not as relevant with the kana, but building that skill early and reinforcing it is never a bad idea.
i wish i was better at pen spinning it's kind of fun
>>137146 I actually never bothered with stroke order, I learned the rule of thumb about it being top-down left-right by radical, but that's it. I don't read grass kanji though so it's never been important to know stroke order. I had a teacher who lived in Japan for a pretty long while, is fluent, and married a Japanese women, and he never bothered with it either. He's also left-handed though so he can't write Japanese according to legend.
What does being left-handed have to do with writing Japanese accordingly? I'm left-handed and I've never had problems like that.
>>137149 In Japan, caligraphy is a sacred art that you have to do with your right hand, so left-handed people are thought to not be able to write kanji properly.
Wow on Friday dame ningen actually hit the guy who isn't entirely normal in the head, in the head with a broom, while also saying something along the lines of him being good for nothing
>>137363 The first time I had slept on a plane was quite recently, and I only really managed to sleep for like an hour. The people next to me were super quiet and listening to their own music and I was listening to mine. I can sleep on a bridge going over the freeway but not on a plane going through turbulence.
This flight is either an hour and a half or two and a half hours. Not sure if the arrival time is given in central or eastern.
Sleeping on a plane is always difficult for me It's so uncomfortable
I find it really easy to nod off on planes. Even if I have something on hand like a book or vidya to focus on, I always end up asleep if the plane ride is long enough. Something about the rocking motion does a really good job of lulling me to sleep.
But at the same time, since I never sleep comfortably in strange locations, it's hardly restful sleep.
I find it difficult to sleep basically anywhere.
Well, if i go off my meds i dont have ttrouble falling asleep but I will have other problems....
Bbl arrived at airport
>>137368 It's possible I just haven't been on a long enough plane ride
Well "long enough" is variable here, hah hah. Some times even during an hour-long flight, I can drift off. But other times I can stay awake during a full 2.5-3 hour flight.
I slept most of the way to Japan last winter for example, but I stayed up for about half the flight home before finally succumbing to sleep.
Boss lady said she's gonna deal with this whole broom thing Actually excited I wanna see this faggot taken down a peg or two
In an ideal world he would be removed from society
If you find yourself in a fight with gorillas a nd you use conventional methods to fight them, you are playing into their hands
If you find yourself in a fight with gorillas, you're either doing exactly what you intended to do, or are thinking "how the FUCK did things turn out this way?"
inb4 I'm the only /moe/ on right now that read BLAME!
Oh Christ, Trump's in Israel now. That stupid fuck is going to really mess shit up there if he says just the wrong things (which he almost certaonky will). Uggggh, i really hope tthe terrorism incident rate doesnt go uo because im probably going there next year.
Iron Man's a really good movie.
>>137382 "Really good" is a bit strong but it was certainly above average in quality.
>>137383 I think most Marvel movies are above average. They're samey but taken as individual movies they're very well made.
>>137385 Yeah. I thought it was pretty funny. Guardians 2 was excellent. It manages to give character arcs to like 7 different people in one 2 hour movie.
I'd definitely consider DDeadpool to be amongst the top five comicbook adaptations Ive ever seen.
>>137390 Watchmen (begrudgingly aas it was not as ttrue to ttge comic as i would like) Batman Begins The Dark Knight A History of Violence Not sure about the last one not that i have those in any order Maybe V for Vendetta >>137392 Why would you see it without having seen tthe first one?
Wait, I llisted 5 others, that list minus V for Vendetta is my tip five comic movie list. Although there are some good ones i have not seen. Like GGhost World.
>>137391 I thought the Dark Knight was the first one in tat continuity
He got a "written warning" What a punk bitch our boss is
Seriously what the fuck needs to happen to be let go here? Can I just fuck around without consequences?
On the pplane now, wont have to turn off mobile data for anotger 15 minutes or so .
There's an ad for the new thunderbirds series on amazon prime playing on loop on the little tv thing. Oh wait, this might be an axtual episode, too bad thunderbirds is fuckong stupid.
SK, did you evee get around to listening to any of that music i rrecommended to you? The stuff i rrecommended after i had tou listen to like 12 songs.
>>137410 Airborne frustration is what i have about this inflight wifi. Although it is free and rrequires no signup or login and also lets you oopt out of their data collection. So now i can join the mile high shitposter club
Goddammit I wanna see something crumble
>>137413 Watch news about the TTrump administration or just tthe US in general then.
Keep getting wweird shit whem i ttry to uuplpwf s pix here Like weird text displwying
Gonna try sleepinf or s littlr bit. Actually tireeeniufg that u mfgt wori.en
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