They will set it on fire, they've come to fool us all they are slaves to the fire you know their fire must grow: they have to feed it >>134947 dah was a fun game series or well 2 games
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh I missed the autism talk apparently let me go back and read that now
>>134948 Yeah it was I dunno though two can probably be a serIes a very short series
Well it got huge flack from everyone being poorly and rushly made to ps3 instead of ps2, which it was originally ment to be on and lots of issues aside that the overall plot and such carried on with the usual style, but the technical errors just spooked people from it and how it never dropped price... I think it still costs like 30ä-40€ at anywhere they sell it
Not to mention it won't be an issue because there'll end up just being a lot of war for the space, which is way cheaper than trying to discover terraforming
>>134984 The super weird thing is the banana inside DOESN'T have the ridges!
Yeah, it's so weird I was thinking about it the other day instead of paying attention in class
When I googled it, i only found arguments that said bananas were proof of God
>>134975 but no one CARES about those places nor will they make you care It would be easier to fly off to Mars then to build a new city that people want to live in.
>>134988 Ah, way of the master What a great addition to the American culture it truly is
>>135016 Common sense isn't as common as you think And that's not to say people are stupid You're stupid for thinking your view is common
So I guess we should start calling it "uncommon sense"
There's a lot of things you'll consider common sense that a lot of other people wouldn't And the other way around, too
It's common sense here that you don't get really in the face of and overly helpful with customers Not the case in the US Not at all the case in the US Apparently
would anyone with a soul and a heart like to answer
you are in the wrong place then
>>135020 That's because the majority of people are inclined to think the things they find to be the building blocks of reality and society are well known by those around them. "But this is so simple" "How do you go on without knowing this?" Seeing people live in ignorance of what you find to be the norm is dissonance
People have jobs in fields where they don't know about really big parts It's not as common as you may think to know the things you do
Not everyone has the chance or the time to write an obituary. A really fun thing about exceptionally tragic norms is that when they are broken, it is sometimes left unsaid because of the sheer audacity or ignorance someone shows in breaking it. You don't have to live in a "special bubble". There is no "universal book of social norms". Common sense does not exist.
Then as a twist all the animals in the zoo are previous humans and as a final cliffhanger you hint that that zoo will become kemono friends thing INFINTIE PROFITS
Nah man in 5th ln we start a plan to reclaim our humanity through ancient rituals It turns out evolution is wrong Men were born from magic and beasts MC becomes a human again and begins his plan to take over the world
Maybe they had one predator in the area that used to eat them, but something happened ecologically and now they're not with us anymore But nothing else filled in the spot since they'd already become accustomed to other prey And now the capys are just left without threats
You can bring your laptop, do your work while hanging out with your kitten or puppy or whatever
Legislation should be in place to force them to actually take care of the animal until natural death kicks in, which is probably why this won't be a viable business
Have a microwave and minimal shared kitchen spaces in case you want to cook food too
>>135111 I'd say renewable contract yearyl or shit and discussable with owner it would be an expensive service
cause pets are expensive but you don't really notice it food and other costs get filed into general "household costs" and the few medical and such costs come and go but when you actually pay a monthyl or yearly big fee on it... it takes it to a new perspective.
>>135123 Umm that is pretty much how much a person costs to feed
say you make spaghetti bolognese every day the meat and tomato sauce and spices per serving go to 3-5€ and pasta is maybe 20 cents? so divide y two and couple €s
Whatever, it's not expensive to have a pet if you have a job If you don't have income of course it's expensive
But like any job makes the costs completely negligible
>>135126 Like I said it is not expensive and you don't notice it, because it is always part of your normal costs but when you have your normal costs and then every month you get a "pet care co. " bill for the monthyl cost of hostinfg your pet there it is completely different
I want a capybara
>>135127 maybe psychologically, but it's still not more money
>>135129 WEll it is more money they have the same costs, but also need to pay all their own costs >rental >electricity >water >wages >etc so you actually pay way more
I mean it actually will be a bit money cause they gotta turn a profit But you get what I mean
TN you don't need to explain to me why paying someone to take care of your cat will be more expensive than taking care of your cat yourself This isn't necessary
Put the point is the psychological thing it is a separate bill you always have to pay so it becomes a thing you can more easily "hmm I need to cut back on my costs" you don' t cut on necessities food and water etc and when you take care of a pet their needs go into the "necessities" category but when you have ti somewhere else its filed separately
I don't know! I want to have fun but I have to take someone to work at like 12 or 1 or something And then I have to granblue at 6 probably. But other than that I should be free to do fun things
Capys vs peacocks the ultimate showdown of ultimate history
>While coyotes and dogs are know to hunt nutria, it appears that nothing in the United States, other than a human, is big enough to kill a capybara.
I'm sure a croc could if it wanted to
Or like, a shark
I doubt capybaras are gonna hang out around sharks haha
mountain lions should be able to kill a big rodent
>Capybara first showed up in the Gainesville area in the early 1990's. Experts believe they likely escaped from a research facility. Since then, according to FWC data, there have been confirmed sightings across the state, including sightings in Hillsborough and Sarasota counties.
>>135211 what, you don't want to romance Takumi and lobster-niisan?
>“We want to keep them from spreading,” she said, “but can we please not kill them all so I can study them?” Heh, I hope they spread out so I can see some next time in Florida.
>>135276 I'm good. Did a big house cleaning day. I just took a really nice shower and shaved. Now I'm going to wait for a delivery and then I'll go out to dinner.
Okay, I did some reading and it doesnt matter whether ir not it was illegal because the laws are rarely enforced.
>>135291 as long as it is more than sugar+water+yeast legal
which is why the basic kilju recipe is sugar+water+yeast+piece of bread I mean in the past the bread had the yeast in it but the slice of bread makes it legal
the whole "not just sugar+water+yeast" thing is just a renmant of the absistence era anyhow
>>135309 oh right it was never actually watched that but its intro is more memorable
>>135313 One of the people behind me in the plane was talking about The Twilight Zone. they were talking abiut Nightmare At 20,000 Feet. Also they were really loud, and had never flown before.
>>135289 are you assembling the stand yourself? or you just get hit by the arrow and get a new stand?
>>135314 whenever I am on the plane with a wingspot I either look at the wing midflight and say in somehwat loud voice "reporting no sight of gremlins" if I have windowseat or ask the guy on the windowseat if they see any gremlins
>>135308 Maybe you'll find a feral child in the box.
So when i get the figure from my friend (not sure when ill see him next, in two weeks at the lates) im going yo have a really hard time deciding whether or not to leave it in box or take it out. Since this one is *was only sold at one event in japan, on GSC's website for exactly nine days and Acen its much rarer than my other figures.
But what would TZ stand do? Outer limits could easily be thrown as "controls vertical and horizontal" but tz doesn't really have a set intro or stuff like that
Why would it be the intros? The intro is a tiny piece of a show
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the power to make people moderately uncomfortable
>>135324 yeah but every incarnation of OL has the about the same intro so why not use it a common element in every episode
? ? ?
Every episode of SG1 has the colonel in it too, that's not even an answer
you don't get it not that many people have watched OL but everyone practically knows the intro TZ is much more known show on the otherhand, but it has no iconical intro or anything
But you are missing the point here with OL you can easily invent the ability. the intro gives you a good element for what the stand would do that lines up quite well with the show itself
but TZ? what would be a common element from which to draw its abilities that would still fit intot he show?
Yeah I am, because you're just going "but the intro in this show" while not establishing why that matters at all
I mean I recognize most stands are just based off of the name anyway, so it doesn't matter, but if we're gonna go beyond the title, we need a consistent reason for what we take from each show And I don't see why it would be the intro to begin with
Its because I mistook OL intro for twilight zone or rather that twilight zone had that vertical horizontal line
I guess TZ stando would trap enemies into a pocket dimension of weird/nightmares
I have no idea what a TZ stand would really do though Pocket dimension of nightmares is such a boring power, too
Twilight Zone would be a door that opens up from nowhere and your enemy gets sucked in, and on thr otherside is some super weird sub dimension where they are trapped. Is that a good enough stand?
Maybe it creates a twilight zone type story that you get stuck in like manipulates events so you are in a twilight zone story and have to survive it or die
The thing is the twilight zone doesn't really have TOO much connecting the episodes beyond the slight suspension of expectations And in some it's not even that, it's just "here's a thing that happened"
It's a show that's real hard to pin down I really dont' know what it could do that would do it justice
>>135342 I think something like that future comic book but the stand itself is like a doorway or something onceyou pass through it, the stand sets a random pattern of weird story that you get stuck in the user itself has no control over what kind of setting it becomes, but they can dictate the events somewhat and the opponent has to then survive the ensuing story to escape or well die trying
>if you enter through the doorway, the stand user controls everyone else who's beyond that doorway, like clones of your friends, and can make you distrust them by being manipulative When you walk back out, you see your normal friends again, because you're back, but you don't realize you were in the stand world
Meaning the stand user could make your friends kill someone in front of you, attempt to kill you, whatever Probably wouldn't be able to actually physically assault you though, that'd be OP beyond reason
>>135347 Maybe careful stage illusions mix it with mysterio like you see someone coming you with a sword, if the user then makest he cut happen through something the victim thinksthey were cut with the sword
Also it still could be an actual stand because there is a Rush song about the Twilight Zone.
And it fits with "enter the twilight zone"
the stand would manifest as the "passage" and as a "screenplay" for the user the user could edit the screen play to dictate events but the screenplay is already partially finished to suit whoever entered so each story is dependant on the person affected
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
gold earring's twilight zone is the best twilight zone
I'll send you to the twilight realm. or was it the shadow realm?
Last week tonight is a one time, once-a-week Killer Queen ult You get moved to the start of the week, once a week max, and you relive it
Can be used for a lot of stuff, very handy Needs a drawback of some sort though, or it's just so brutally OP it's not even fun
Killer Queen's drawback was that it was an automatic stand, that you could be fooled easily and that it didn't actually prevent you from dying. just prevented you from being found out.
OK maybe it only activates on death, and only if you don't know who killed you? That way once you use it to figure it out, or if you already know, it's worthless
I can try to be back in my chair by seven--it's definitely more feasible than six. But I might still be late by a margin.
Floop, you do anything interesting since I was here last (2 months ago)?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Ploof is not floop
Oh, I guesz i was tricked.
Ploof is puff
You played yourself
It's like when saka, saku, and I were mistaken for eeachother
Huh, apparently Zubin Mehta is still alive. And also Indian, I'd always assumed he was a Sephardic Jew.
His name is Mehta
>>135386 There are some names I can easily determine if they are Indian, Mehta is not one of them.
Well now you know
Also he is yhe conductor for the Israeli Philharmonic, its normally a pretty safe bet to assume anyone high up in something like that is Jewish.
Also the son of a guy my dad is friends with is involved in one of Itzhak Perlman's youth violin education programs. I tthink he is in the one where he gets private lessons from him.
>>135394 Kirara, what do you think about Tommy Lee Jones's college roommate's former election running mate being Trump's tentative pick for chief of the FBI?
Your friends only buy you used figures?? I guess its not that odd but it still strikes me as just a little bit odd.
Well, I've unboxed some, but tjose were only ufo catcher prize figs and a near mint open box Rei Revoltech and one mini nendo. So it was But really the ones that i dont unbox are my figmas and nendos. Which is sort of counter intuitive since they are posable and gave props and alternate faces and such.
I need to go through my figure collection again when i get back. I can't remember which character I have the most figures of. Its between Misaka Mikoto, Ikamusume, Rei Ayanami and Saber.
>>135414 At $50 this one is the most I've ever payed for a figure.
Also my friend says that he saw another vendor reselling the good smile acen exclusive figures marked up 20%. FYI most if them are restricted to one or teo per customer and some of them haven't even shipped in Japan yet and we're only available at special events.
>>135423 The figure grab bags are between $15 and $35 usually and come with a few random in box ones leftover from unsokd inventory, usually old stuff and also come with a few unboxed ones. So usually between 6 and 12 figs if various sizes.
And now to browse tv tropesabout the show for the next fewh ours
>>135423 What convention? Also what country? If every fig is $80 or more either every vendor is rioping people off (more tgan usual) or only really good figyres are available. >>135428 Sounds about riggt.
>>135427 Armageddon New Zealand It's shit. Every vendor is ripping us off. There's a local store here that sells fucking nendos for 60 bucks. It's the price of a poor exchange rate.
>>135429 I don't think these are those high quality nendos What's the big American anime convention like?
>>135428 There are nendos that have msrps of $60. I dont have as much experience in buying nendos as other /Moe/s but they xan vaey in price by a lot. >>135428 I'm reasonably certain tgat most nendos are of about the same quality, prices are based on perceived popularity, number of figures made and other things like special alternate colors (not sure if they do tgat with nendos).
>>135428 Filled with fat ugky losers who smell and casuals and furries and weeaboos and what not
>>135429 huh, you're right. The nendo I was thinking of really is that expensive
>>135432 No, I was just thinking of a Devil Survivor 2 nendo I saw there as an example.
>>135432 How do local resellers even survive like that?
>>135431 Is it the Kazami Yuuka one? Oh also secondary market prices are different, generalky yiu get a better price if you buy from a big vendor. Official partners or whatever are goid too, like kinokunita has some business deal with good smile so i xan get nendos basically straight from the factory at msrp plus shipping (discounted thiugh through kinokuniya). >>135431 If you run a brick and mortar store that only sells figures, especially figures not bought from the manufacturer or a wholesale supplier you arent going to survice unless you are in akiba or something. tl;dr They don't because no one is dumb eniugb to try and run a store like that.
Oh, the KKazami yuuka one is only $67.20, i must gave been thinking od a different one, think it was around $85 might have been a kancolle one.
Okay, it was a Nagato Nendo at $75 on jlist.
Although actually i dont really rremember how ttheir shipping prices are.
This video is pretty good. Its a series of illustrstions done in the style of ancient egyptian art, but each iillustration is a summary of a scene in an epusode of kemono friends.
We would spawn in the boss fight, but see the other person as the only one alive. Rather, on my screen, I'd see myself die, and then right after Floop dies to the boss. On his screen, he'd die immediately, then I'd die to the boss. This went on like 6 times.
>>135448 Sounds about right. >>135447 A bunch of my friends got into Magicka almost immexiayely after my windows pc broke and by the time i got a new one they had all stopped pkaying it.
Social anxiety suuuucks. It's so bad I'm walking like two blocks to the nearest crosswalk instead of jaywalking across because it takes time.
>>135455 I know a guy who has really bad social anxiety, he had a dorm roommate that would stay up late playing League and would kerp him up, his solution to the problem was to move out of the dorm that he still had to pay for and move ibto an apartment that was a 40 minute train ride from the campus.
>>135464 Okay, sounds good to me. That lets me sleep too.
I don't have a ticket for this show but I can pay at the door. But I've never been to a show so I don't know how that works and I don't want to ask the other people in line because it feels like a stupid thing to be uneasy about. Social anxiety sucks.
>>135467 There should just be a ticket counter by the entrance or someone selling tickets. Remember how there was that ticket counter near the entrance to the Chinese Lantern Festival that we went to? It'll probably be like that.
>>135475 Nah, I haven't gone through it. >the next track is nearly 12 minutes long >not actually a song >A story with really good music behind it. I NEED SUBS
In my new friend group there's this really shy girl who is really not talkative (she's not timid, just not a talker and can't hold eye contact) and we enjoy roasting her about it It makes me really happy because throughout my whole life, a lack of social skills was only an issue for males Now I get to shit
oh wait, no. I was wrong? I don't know what it was I looked for before but THIS is the Dateless Bar Old Adam track. Unless there are two >>>/watch?v=Nsdy1oKDy8w
Apparently PETA is protesting a furry convention in LA right now for some reason hahaha LAPD had to get involved
May 26th is Kokoro Day and there is probably going to be a lot of Kokoro art which I will be grabbing. They did it last year too but this time they're counting the days. And I don't know if it's just on a whim or if there's some kind of super cool collab project that's about to drop. But I am filled with anticipation regardless. They started counting immediately after Koishi Day.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I emailed a girl one and a half years ago and she just got back to me
Also, I found out that the "thing that is happening" on the 26th is just the Kokoro art stuff. The countdown this year is just to promote it. ........ I should draw My two favorite touhou characters sandwich my birthday across two weeks.
Another Anonymous
>>135567 Don't want to seem too desperate. I'd wait two.
>>135591 I have some custom android keyboards for ssh and terminal stuff, what key combo is it? Also is there a list of the tags anywhere (aside from reading the source code)?
So is github's search broken or do you literally not ever refer to italics by name in any code or comments? >>135613 I forgot how /moe/ your source code was.
>>135615 It's Redmoon, which is an Android version of some FLOSS alternative to F.lux whose name currently escapes me. Although the Y actually added bbuiltin color warmth ssettings into android in the last update i installed, ive been ddelaying the update to android 7 by 23 hours and 59 minutes every day when the update prompt comes up for like two months now.
Oh and /Moe/ often scrolls around while im trying to ttype in a seingly random way. Yes i know focus on post or lock to bottom are things, but i shoukd not have to use those for a webpage on an imageboard to not scroll arround like im ising a possessed computer mouse.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah :( i should make it just automatically focus posts
>>135618 I'm a bit more interested in knowing why it scrolls (seemingly) randomly in the first place. Also I started reading The Mythical Man Month earlier today, are you familiar with it at all or no?
Another Anonymous
Another Anonymous
Ok. That's better.
Oh and in other news I probably landed an internship in software quality assurance, they asked me when i cocould start and said they were waiting for the background check to gi through, and ive never done anything so fun or interesting aas tto create a criminal record so it should come back clean. TThey havent hotten back to me yet though, so i tthink they messed up the paperwork or someone at the background xheck place fucked up, cause its been almost a month since they ssent it out.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>135619 i know some of the more popular quotes from it but haven't actually read it
the scrolling? beats me. probably some onscreen keyboard functionality messing with scroll position
>>135623 What I find really interesting is that based on what ive read so far, Linux should not have worked, and the twenthieth anniversary edition is only from 1995 so i dont know how much he knew about linux. I guess Ill have to read The Cathedral and the Bazaar to figure that out.
>>135625 They asked me about the starting date last Friday, plus my friend who i used as a reference works at a company yhis company has contracts for and also the person who called him even used to work there. So i know i did fine reference wise, i also did well on their test.
Err, wawasnt was Holy fuck Anyways, it was not a white board coding thing but a "spot the difference in these strings" and "find the two choices that are exactly the ssame" timed test.
Sometimes random stuff you never saw coming can cause problems with background checks and the like too. Last time I went to get my driver's license renewed, I was red flagged and had to go to like the HQ for them because someone with the same name as me decided to go commit a bunch of felonies.
Oh no.
>>135639 I won't say exactly how many people in the US have had my name, but it is under 6 and only three of them are still alive, including me. PPlus my name literally has a ninber in it so if i accoubt for tthat there are no people aaside from me witg this name.
Another Anonymous
>>135639 The benefits of a unique name. But also the horror.
>>135654 I wasn't told exactly what they were, but since they were causing issues with me getting my license renewed I was led to believe that they were related to driving.
>>135656 Depends on the extent of the crime, it can be either a misdemeanor or a felony. You can stab someone in jail though, that's a felony.
Another Anonymous
>>135657 At least the first maybe. But can you get your license renewed with warrants out?
>>135658 Yes, but only in the (as far aas i know) oddly specific circumstance where you have warranties out for you in a state otger than tge one where you reside and are getting the license reknewed but only if the people in charge of getting you arrested and brought over there fuck up aand dont do what they need to do to make your name set off red flags outside if their jurisdiction. But this is all based on assumptions from my small knowledge of the criminal justice ststem.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>135657 that red bow headband and red bowtie combo is couple felonies right there
She is indeed quite great. I like when she said that it was fun to beat the MC in sales because how badly he took it. And then the guy argued she is just pretending and she's actually a super caring girl with a soft heart.
>>135657 I'm going to be a little late for anime tonight probably
>>135666 aww I want to watch all of it start with snk and I should be around after
>>135666 Are you liking RRenai Boukun? I was really excited that it git an anime. *got I've been following it since the first chapter was scanlated, so id been hooing for an adaptation fir a while.
>>135666 >snk Wait, you dont actually watch that do you? Or is it just some ither snime wiyh the acronym "snk" that is not shingeki no kyoujin.
Ooh, I just thought of a good idea to bother some of my friebds when they sperg out about jojo. I'll start calling it "Boku no Bizzare Adventure". Hrrm, actually doesnt siund ddenigrating enough. I'll figure something else out.
>>135668 renai boukun is really fun I like all .the shows airing tonight actually
>>135681 No, but I own Raidou Kuzunoha 2 and git the special edition with the Jack Frost dressed as Raidou plushy. I've also read the first Digital Devil Saga book, maybe the second one as well. I was giving one of my friend's shit yhe other day for buying and playing 5 witbout playing at least 4. I literally picked itup and showwd it yi To him in anotger store and ssaid "you shoukd at the very least play tjis before playing P5" but he didnt listen. Im pretty sure he bought it because of the sensei tjough. Also his excuse for buying it was "now that ive finished nioh i need something else to play", he had not beaten the dlc boss from nioh and was and i think still is stuck on her, and he still hasnt finished DS3 , and has barely started Extella. He also hasnt 100%ed Bloodborne. So he had plenty if other tthings to do.
Also his copy of the sark souks bboarx ga.e arrived ladt week and we sstill havent had a giid chance to sit down and play it.
Fuck, my typing is atrocious tonight.
For years I denied Personas fun because I was an elitist faggot who thought it was just smt for babies.
>>135685 I wont deny that i am an elitist prick, but ive heard a lot of good stuff about P4 and i kknow P5 builds a bit on it. Plus it was cheaper.>>135687 I was just about to mentiin that.
>>135689 Can't you only turn it off in the PSP version or something?
>>135691 yeah, only in P3P Which means you lose anime cutscenes but whatever
It's nice having it on your phone.
>>135692 Yeah, I'm prpretty sure thats why i never played it tthen. Cause i didn't get my PSP until like 5 years ago.
>>135692 I pretty mmuch dont emulate anymore, cause i already have a large enough physical game and steam backlog, if i have to oick from basicalky any game on any co sole Up to gen 6 or so ill never be ablr to chooze what to play.
>>135694 emulation is the refuge of the unemployed.
>>135695 I'm unemployed and dont play any of my games, although part of thst is caise i mmoved a year ago and have not really setyled in enough to be comfortable playing a shit ton. Plus the new place is way smaller and my mom works fom home 60% of the time so even if i wwanted to i cocoukdnt rrealky play.
Ah, do emulate a tthing or two every once in a while when something caycges my interest such as Akaito or the ffact that tthe ttranslation patch for Moon:Remix RPG Adventure for PS1 is supposed to come out soon.
Part of it is Samu's fault, tthe rrest is a ccombination of me being used to autocorrect (I do hhowever not rely on it for actual spelling mmistakes anywhere near amumuch as I do for mistyping) and then tthe rest is me not having slept for over 24 hours.
>>135710 Theres a guy i kknow who iI pplay overwatch who ssays that, he hasnt beaten it yet and it is tthevonly persona game he gas ever played. He describes himself as a big Persona fan. He also does the exact ssame thing with FF XV.
So I'm getting my best friend a Saber Nendo fir his birthday. Now i jjust need to figure out which one yo get him.
Get him nero as a joke
Well that was fun. There's another in October, I think I'll give that one a go too.
Oh , you ended up going. What kind of music was it?
Uh. Loud. I don't really know how to describe it well. The guitar was often heavy synthesized or distorted and the instruments kind of blended with each other and the vocals instead of supporting one particular one. And the vocals were really intense and...well I don't know him how to phrase it better than screaming, but I feel that paints it in a negative pictures, when it was really fun for it. There were also five bands performing at the show, and while they were all fairly similar in sound, they naturally brought their own twist to it.
>>135737 They're a really fucking great band. They've done a few songs for anime, oddly enough.
I've got an
Connection dropped Anyways I was talking with a friemd (who listens to anime soundyracks a lot) anout music and we started talking sbout tthe pillows, and i was incredibly surprised to learn that not onky had he never seen FLCL, but he hadnt even heard of it.
>>135736 I'm around, but I'm also currently stranded downtown because I'm dumb.
>>135744 Hyacca closed out, I think. They started out with a mellow track with the main vocalist playing a flute but eventually changed into a sound more in line with the rest of bands that night.
Pink Autism
>>135747 I found the site for the event. Looks like in their second year even, they had fucking Mass of the Fermented Dregs. Hyacca also played in the third year... MOTFD twice, same with Kinoko Teikoku, holy shit there's a lot of good bands on this list.
>This is a D.I.Y tour run by one person who is doing it strictly out of charity and a hobby.
>>135747 >The Taupe, Yukueshirezutsurezure, Hyacca, Bakyun the everyday, Yubisaki Nohaku That should be everyone you saw.
>>135751 Pretty much . Then do GranBlue since I already kind of know what happens. And then maybe Re:Creators since it might take me a really long time to get home.
Oh yeah, i forgot you gguys were tslkimh about what to do for anime. Yhat suoer rregular /Moe/ evemt that i have literalky never participated in aas ffar aas i ccan rrecall.
>>135755 her face looks really funny here this is a good image
>that feel when you will never go to a music festival with /moe/s in your hometown because they are all too far away
Although I sort of wwent To a music festival with someone ffrom /cards/. WWe went to the same music frstival but fidnt know until after it was ovrr. And tthen aftr that tthey stopprd going in order to ssave money.
Pink Autism
>>135761 Festivals aren't that great, and some shows are pretty bad depending on the crowd. The last time I saw Boris, a bunch of shitty hipsters came out of the woodwork since they were touring for the 10th anniversary of Pink. And they tried to mosh like a bunch of idiots. Improperly. With no manners. And I'd seen proper moshing when I saw Melvins, they had decency.
>>135763 I pretty much only ggo to festivals, my big one is Pitchfork which i have gone to literalky every singke year. And tthen i usially go to aboyt 8 lityle festivals around town.
Pink Autism
>>135764 Festivals just tend to have too much filler for me. Every time Forecastle rolls around, I look at the lineup and it's just not worth it. I went in 2010 before I even knew the lineup and was treated to seeing Devo, That1Guy, Bassnectar (which, in my defense, there was a lot of weed literally circling around us), and a few smaller bands that were good. On Saturday. On Sunday, the only good thing really was The Flaming Lips and until it started, I wasn't even that interested.
Also have one hell of a story attached to that night.
>>135766 It's fun stuff, just keep an eye out for good concerts and the like. Sometimes you have to look really hard though. I didn't even know Jeffrey Lewis was touring until it was too late. I also missed Com Truise...
I don't get out of the house enough, so I kind jumped at the chance to go do something. I've never been to an event like this one before.
I don't have an eye for good concerts. I don't really seek out new music, I just listen to whatever is around me. There are three reasons I went to this: the aforementioned getting out of house, the cheapness of it, and the fact that I'm weeaboo.
>>135765 Pitchfork and Riot Fest are really good every year. Slthough i still have nevrr gone to riot fest, every year im either busy, broke or both.
>>135767 A lot of smaller shows are cheap, and a good reason to get out of the house. Maybe just every once in a while, look who's playing around, and just see if you like some of their music.
On the subject of concerts, a fefew ddays ago my sister was wanderimg around ssan ffran and she ended Up on the UCSF campus and Stevie Wonder was doing a frfree outdoor concert. And also my sister bately knew who he is.
She watched the show and liked his music though.
Uhhh, I'm still dejected tht i never got to see Chuck Berry play live. Althoughpart of it is because we have yhe ssame birthday and are both ffrom St. Louis.
Speaking of concerts, though, I feel like I should know who I'm supposed to see with my friends. I want to say it was... wait, their name escapes me.
>>135782 I've heard that most of his performances in the past tten ir so years were not very good. Also i used to live just about two miles away from the venue hhe played every week on the U City loop
Pink Autism
Yeah, it's Sigur Ros. Anyone want to tell me how to get into them or what to listen to?
>>135785 Yeah, gimme like two minutes i havent slept in a while so it wipl take me a bit longer to scroll tthrough mmy mmusic livrary to find what i have.
Pink Autism
>>135786 I've still got like two weeks. Two weeks might not be enough time for the other idea...
>>135787 Well, I domt kknow tthe next ttimr ill be on /Moe/ cause i accidentally rremoved going on /Moe/ ffrom my dailu routine.
Pink Autism
Now I'm wondering why we're going to see them in Columbus instead of them just waiting for the show here in Louisville... Unless they were crazy enough to get tickets to both.
>>135791 >Louisville You might be the closest /Moe/ to me geographically ς Well, not right now cause imcurrentky in new york. >>135794 I'm from st louis in the srmse that i was born there, i love just outside of chicago. Also by closest to E I meant "of all /Moe/s the one who distance ffrom me is yhe shortest"
Pink Autism
>>135792 You said St. Louis? Because I'm in about that proximity to a couple others, too.
Pink Autism
>>135792 >Chicago One of my friends saw MBV when they played there on their last tour. I was jealous. And yeah, I know what you meant.
>>135796 I saw Neutral Milk Hotel on their last tour ever. I also ssaw public enemy do A Nation of Millions in its entiriety, Sonic youth doimg daydrram nation in its entiriety, the breeders rreunited doing last splash in its entiriety .... Pitchfork is pretty good.
Pink Autism
>>135797 Wasn't that a few years ago? I think they played here and the same guy went to see that, too. HATED the crowd.
>seeing Public Enemy Oh shit, that must've been something.
Pink Autism
>>135797 >Sonic Youth playing Daydream Nation Eh, not huge on that album. I took more to Dirty and Bad Moon Rising. I can't remember if I've listened to The Breeders.
I've seen Primus (Green Naugahyde tour), Phish (2012), Death Grips (No Love Deep Web tour), Xiu Xiu and Swans (shit show), Boris three times (2013 when they were touring old shit and played Flood, Noise tour, and the Pink anniversary tour), Young Widows twice (once as support for Boris, once as support for Pavement), one of the Acid Mothers Temple bands, Melt-Banana and Melvins (opening for Napalm Death, which I left for), and Earth (who opened for Boris on the Pink Anniversary tour). Oh, right, and Lady Gaga, because my buddy got tickets from his brother and asked me along. And AC/DC because a friend of mine had an extra ticket and asked me along. I feel like that's it.
>>135801 Bad Moon Rising is my ssecond favorite. The b Breeders are yhat bamd with the chick ffrom The Pixies, her identicsl twin sister and two ither girls
Swans were garbage live, but i font Like their stuff at all.
I saw Pavement at pitchfork, i tthink it was ttheir first sjow after rreumiting
Wait, are we llisting evedy comcrt wweve ever been ti? Cause i eould not be able to do that. Ive just been to way yoo many shows to be able to list them all. My dad has been takinf me to concerts since i was less than aear oold, i turn 24 this year y
Pink Autism
>>135803 Their early, more industrial-esque stuff was good. (Think "Public Castration Is A Good Idea" era) but they just bombed.
>>135805 If we're thinking of the same band, that is, if I'm even right, you saw them on the first night of that tour, I saw them on their last. Which is an amusing thought.
>>135806 I didn't and don't really go to a lot of concerts because I don't keep up. Or at the time, I was underage. I missed Mission of Burma because it was 21+. I missed Lightning Bolt because I didn't want to go alone and it was last second.
>>135811 I'm pretty sure ive seen mission of burma at pitchfork. GBV is Guided By Voices.
>>135813 Drinking age in US is 21 Lots of music venues serve liquor and some are badically bars with stages and a good audio zet uo, so people who are not oold enough to drink are not allowed in
Pink Autism
>>135812 I'm gonna say probably not, sadly. But man, I envy you a bit. Mission of Burma is an excellent band.
>>135813 It's strange, and I think it's an insurance thing. Some shows are all ages, some are 18+, some are 21+. It depends on the venue and the band really.
>>135815 21 and up is for the ones tthat are literally bars
Pink Autism
>>135816 That would make sense, but I've been to a few shows in what were essentially bars that weren't. It probably has more to do with the performance space being located separate from the bar itself. That is, in another room. Which would actually make sense with what I've experienced.
Is it illegal to take a minor into a bar if they aren't drinking? We took my 16 year old bro into one because they had sick starwars stuff.
I don't drink out for good reason. My mother actually got hit with a DUI charge recently, had to call me from jail and everything. And I was like "why the fuck isn't it me calling you because I fucked up, I'm the kid here!"
>>135830 Reagan did a ttjing where each staye had to increase their ddrinking age ffrom 18 to 21 in irder to get funds for their highway system.
My braid is getting looser, and it's making me sad.
>>135835 Well, it was s good thing sort of. I hhave some rreally complicated feelings and opinions on ddrinking, and theyve bareky changed since my dad wwent to rrehab, but part of it is tthat neurologicsl ddevelopment in humans continues into the 20's and ddrinking alcohol can inteffere with tgat, althougb thats not the reason rrwagan increSed the drinking sge >>135841 If you wweoold enough tto bbe c oconscripted for voetnam tthan you woukd bbe oold eenough tobhave been 18 when that was tge drinking age ol
>>135841 Yeah, I gget what you mean that sort of thing is part of wjy i ssaid my oopinions on it are complicated.
>>135847 Well it helps that my family hasn't ever had alcohol problems. So my perspective is a lot different to yours.
>>135850 I didn't rrealize that mmy ddad was an alcoholic until last may, just because you think no kne i. YoYour family has alcohol problems doesnt mran they font. Aldo i said tvat my feelings changed aittke bit as a result. RReally only the jjustificatoons for my opinions changed l
Also he had been an alcoholic for basicalky my entire life, i jjust grew up amd tjought it Was normal for a peperson to drink tthatmuch that often, andyhat he wasnt an alcoholic becauze he woukdnt get drunk and yell and break tthings and hit people, butthats not the only kind of alcoholic
>>135874 Well, the first sstep is admitting you have a problem, ah but dont takr tthat aaz a rrevommendation to AA they are kkind of cultish Well, if you think AA or yhe otger rrelayed organizations are tight gir yyou ttthen g fr it.W