>>133265 There are no secrets, only information. >>133266 That's good you're getting closer. Sounds like a bit of work though just to get a bit of help.
Pink Autism
>>133267 Effort or misery, I know what I'm choosing.
fush >>133281 it'll be a change of pace for sure i don't know how long i'll be there i'm more of a city kind of person though
>>133281 car required everything's far away say sorry if you accidentally are outside at the same time as anyone else
i like walking through the city and stopping around because there's shit everywhere
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
also this is canada our air is awesome everywhere dammit
except toronto and other places in ontario bwa ha
where i'm at here in tennessee is the burbs and i am just as anxious if not worse i developed agoraphobia while here which is really strange for me in saint louis i was outside every day
>>133286 it's fine there are just some industrial towns here and there really everywhere in canada i bet there's some pretty bad air in the prairies too
ontario is my favorite city
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i was in kelowna once it was just all golf courses and heat it's a weird place
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
all the young people in bc are flocking there because of stupid real estate i should try it out
BC seems like shit
it's like got this thing kelowna has the weirdest climate geography and it gets all the best wind currents meeting up at the same city-sized location so it's really fuckin hot all the time
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>133292 hey fuck you guts i'll have you know that <unintelligible ranting and shitty rationalizations>
>>133294 but i only hear about muh immigrants and muh propierties.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>133293 huh weird >>133295 you ever been there? yeah the real estate market is insane idk what you're talking about with immigrants though sure are a lot of idiots online complaining about immigrants these days so i guess that's not entirely unexpected
would you live in silicon valley if you could sam
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>133297 maybe? if i really had to settle down i dunno cali is so damn dry i don't know if my body can handle it if i found the right person who came from there then maybe i wouldd
>Kelowna experiences a borderline Oceanic/Humid continental climate (Köppen Cfb/Dfb) due to its coldest month having an average temperature slightly above −3.0 °C (26.6 °F),[12] with dry, hot and sunny summers, cold, cloudy winters and four seasons.[13][14] The official climate station for Kelowna is at the Kelowna International Airport, which is at a higher altitude than the city core with slightly higher precipitation and cooler nighttime temperatures. The moderating effects of Okanagan Lake combined with mountains separating most of BC from the prairies moderates the winter climate, but Arctic air masses do occasionally penetrate the valley during winter, usually for very short periods. The coldest recorded temperature in the city was −36.1 °C (−33.0 °F) recorded on 30 December 1968.
I can't imagine how -36 c feels like. considering 36c is hell and 0c is quite cold.
i've had -40 just once it's, uh, kind of weird when it gets that low the air gets kinda still because there's no heat radiating to make the wind go anywhere the air's real thin too so i don't think heat radiates away from your body as fast, but it stings real bad if you were fully geared and had to for some reason change your gloves into a different pair of gloves you could do it but that's about the longest you'd want your bare skin exposed
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
-10 and -20 are kinda similar really once you got winter clothes it's all kind of a wash
I mean, here it gets cold in winter (not as cold) and AC and stuff like that is not that common. I imagine people can't really work properly in that level of winter gear, so heating becomes a necessity.
oh you mean indoor things yeah probably there's plenty of people who do outdoor work up in alaska in full weather gear all day long
>>133305 wait what i'm two episodes behind how did this happen
Oh, sorry. It's just she's on a - hmm.. just watch them. Asenshi updates almost the same day as the episode airs. I do watch the episodes on stream as they air in nippon.
you arrive at the bar and your friend greets you and says the first round is on him you take a seat and he returns with a pint each of keystone light what do you do
you attempt to eat the bar the bartender says "hey don't put your mouth on that" embarrassed and feeling awkward, you return to the table with your friend and two keystone lights
your friend answers your question not with words, but with sobs of shame and disappointment you remember that you came here to meet with him to celebrate his first job after six years of unemployment and financial ruin
>>133330 Shouldn't you wait to do that once he's full of vodka? I mean, personal experience shows that really lowers inhibitions.
>>133330 you play ani difranco's Both Hands on your ukelele and try to mimic her voice as best as you can >>>/watch?v=Th-GDhsveM4 in the mean time, your friend starts pouring the vodka you've chugged down the keystone light and pretended to like it, and feel a modicum of warmth that you can make someone happy by lying
You can even go punch someone before they do the thing they deserve to be punched for >>133369 I've been good I guess. Nothing exciting really but content. How are you?
>>133381 Oh I think Devon then The style is weird but the flavor should be better with they rich cream on top That*
>>133379 Same. >>133378 But why devon when you can have salami lad?
There's this fancy tea place downtown where they serve you everything all proper like I went once a few years ago on a date and it was kind of uncomfortable, I wasn't high class enough for it But damn they made good sandwiches
>>133423 How have you been? I was just thinking the other day that I should track you down and drag you back. It was nice of you to do the work for me!
i'm good i'm about to start watching stardust crusaders i figure 3 years is enough time to get over the retcon
I think you'll like it at it's worst it's "stand of the week" but at it's best it's really damn good
The anime was really good. Have you finally kicked the wow habit?
>>133432 And at the same time, it's still a faithful adaptation of the manga. Which means those flaws aren't really something to lay at the feet of the anime.
>>133435 Yeah I know what you're getting at. But it's the kind of thing that even if he was to read the manga instead, it wouldn't help.
I meant the arc in general, not just the anime adaptation
Besides he's the kind of guy to probably not watch Diamond is not Crash without watching Stardust Crusaders first. And Diamond is not Crash is the best part so he'll be missing out if he doesn't get through part three to watch part four.
>>133433 not quite but i mastered my class as expected >>133432 jotaro is supposedly a cool dude
jotaro isn't a cool dude jotaro IS cool dude
oh nice we shall see what my rankings are afterwards tbh >>133436 is that the new one?
>>133441 Is there a part 5 getting anime too >>133444 oh is floop back? >>133440 Probably I also back myself. It's not really arrogant. I am great at the game after all But I did pick a class I was new at (hunter). And I set myself the benchmark of doing as good dps as this one guy I knew who is acknowledged as one of the top hunters in the scene. He writes like all the guides for hunters. And now I have surpassed him. Me, SUGIO
>>133449 I think it's been confirmed. But I'm pretty sure way back when Phantom Blood was getting its anime announcement, they also announced an intent to animate all the parts.
>>133450 How many parts are there? Phantom Blood is the first part right? I always like it a lot because it's like a new Fist of the North Star tbh. And it has the best OP of the lot. >>133452 >>133453 I see I see. >>133454 whoa what is this new feature aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Part 8 is the latest
Part 7, Steel Ball Run, is the most recent complete part though. Unless Part 8's finale somehow managed to sneak out from under my nose.
>>133501 I love that movie The hound was his best friend
>>133500 Well then maybe you should use small posting to properly express your proper gentlemanliness.
>>133504 john wick is a good movie too. you should watch it >>133506 I only avoid using it out of compassion for rika's aging eyesight. I fear it will be too small for her to read.
They bullied me with big text too. I figured it out in the end though.
And by figured out she means got told.
by me never even said thank you
Weren't you the one that mentioned it pretty much the first time she asked but got completely ignored? And then she got upset for a couple days because she didn't read that one post.
They usually don't
>>133521 actually I was bullying her a bit at first, I almost accidentally let it slip through a typo but she didn't notice
>>133550 The ability to rely on others is what makes us human. It's no wonder you aren't able to do that.
I like to think I'm something more.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>133553 If you were more though, you'd still encompass the features of humans. So at best, you're less than one. At worst, you're some kind of different abomination entirely.
Squirrels are really the worst kind of pest. I don't like squirrels at all.
Squirrels aren't so bad. Raccoons are the worst of mammal pests.
and we have neither here I guess americans and pests shouldn't be a surprising thing to find near one another.
Wow you don't have squirrels?
no we have possums though
Squirrels are pretty cute really. They skitter in a funny fashion. Some subspecies can even glide through the air.
there's nothing cute about the fuckers
maybe you don't live where they're as bad in some places they get in your roof and nest there and it's obnoxious all hours of the night, all day long skittering around your roof and they're a bitch to get rid of once they do that
Maybe. I think a lot of people probably live in parts of the continent where raccoons aren't so bad. Squirrels at least aren't driven enough to get into trash bins. Raccoons are really creative and aggressive at getting at trash.
raccoons are real bad in saint louis but you can cope with it by keeping your garbage cans inside the garage or keeping heavy sandbags on top of the lids so the raccoons dont get in
squirrels are pretty easy to prepare though i wouldn't suggest shooting the ones that are hanging around your home but catch them and cook them and they make a nice stew or squirrel and potatoes aint bad if you have some chicken bullion or something
>>133658 Bears are fucking terrifying but they'd be a cool friend
>>133659 Maybe if they didn't swoop me for no reason Magpies need to chill the fuck out
They're pretty birds, but they're extremely aggressive. They'll duke it out with other birds and even small rodents like squirrels over food.
woodpeckers are the aggressive ones woodpeckers will stalk a nesting bird for hours then wait til the mother leavers to find food and they'll come eat all the children
>>133669 Maybe it's your fault for being so swoopable, all the magpies I know are p chill. Also try plubbers , they 're real assholes and the only music they make is EEE EEE EEE EE >plubbers Plovers
>>133681 Blue jays will pick fights with larger birds, actual birds of prey, if they feel their territory is being intruded on.
>>133683 I'll trade my magpies for yours Actually I won't because I don't live there anymore
>>133658 I stayed at a fancy cabin in the woods one time and all the trees around the cabin had these weird metal things on them because bears were climbing the trees and getting into the house.
That place had a really nice shower though. It was one of those nice open showers with the little rain shower thingies hanging from the ceiling and vertical shower jets you could turn on. And a seat. I'm pretty sure that shower was made for boning people but I wasn't with anyone I wanted to bone.
>>133726 I think so but I'm not really sure if it was rental or somebody knew somebody that got us there. I didn't handle that part.
was it some rental cabin out in the mountains? ive really wanted to go stay at one of those in montana that people rent out for one week stays and stuff
>>133725 oh i like those hanging showers i dunno what you mean about vertical shower jets though, like from the ground? i like having a seat in the shower it's nice just to relax and let the water flow especially on a nice trip like that and not when you're trying to shower for work in the morning
>>133727 No, they were jets in the wall that would shoot the water out vertically. I didn't use the seat, I don't like the feeling of my bare butt on cold slate.
Oh, I guess the word I'm looking for is actually horizontally, isn't it?
yeah that makes sense i've seen those jets a few times i think they're nice i think it's just a convenience thing i don't think it's a boning thing they even have those at the beachside showers just for showering sand off and stuff
>>133731 hmm Without going into too much detail, I think the shower was kind of designed with a person my height in mind because the heights at which the jets were placed were very strategic. It was a little too much stimulation to have them on very high.
it can be hard to wash the soap from your underarms in a hanging shower
Yeah, the shower at my family's cottage has a stationary head, but the one I use regularly at home comes off the wall sconce. So I'm way too accustomed to being able to aim the stream where it works best.
gotta leave for the bus in about 3 and a half hours feelin the nerves already aaaa
>>133745 yo, megabus has reservable front seats like on the upper level it's just a panoramic view of everything in front of you as well as side windows that sounds really cool
we should do a megabus road trip jan would love that shit with his panoramacam and nobody has to drive we can all just ride and sleep at night and not even have to waste money on a hotel
>>133747 Sounds pretty awesome I've done that in an Amtrak It's the best
plus they're well networked like jan could have taken one from fort worth to atlanta, so could i have, and i think you could have too then from there to philly i didn't check them out in that much detail at the time that would save a ton of money not to have hotel stays and get there in half the time but maybe you need those hotel stays iunno i'm happy sleeping on public transit or whatever
if this works out alright i'll probably use it a lot because it's like 20 dollars for a ticket that's cheap travel
>>133749 Wouldn't be able to stop and do dumb shit though
that's true but if we wanted to go to utah again (not that we did go) we could stop and do dumb shit once we get out there instead of a massive expensive road trip getting there i think there's breaks though i dunno how long
like when that chinabus came to that little trading post we were stopped at that was so surreal
>The US Social Security Administration released its list of baby names for 2016 on Friday. And there, at the very top of the list titled "Names that increased in popularity from 2015 to 2016" was, um, Kylo. It shot up from being the 2,368th most popular to position 901.
>>133780 The human in that episode was one of my favourite characters
>>133787 would you name your son after a manchild that kills his dad
nope I wouldn't name my kid after any famous character, atleast on purpose
or atleast their 1st and legal name
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>not naming your son dragonborn
>>133789 He was a pretty cool guy. I really liked him, the painter, and dingdong lady. I think the best episodes were the ones about people trying to cope with living in a dying world
>>133794 yeah after the plot hits it is interesting on the first viewing since you finally piece out the story but on rewatch it is just boring
>>133797 I don't really care that much about braiking boss and whoever. I also really like the little robot village who agreed to die peacefully, but turn violent as soon as they realise Casshern and his eternal life is coming through town
>>133800 I meant I didn't care that much about how the world got ruined by Braiking and Casshern, but how people lived in it. I sorta wish Braiking lived Dio was cool as fuck in the end
He had the "wanna go down fighting casshern" like any other strong character in the series Despite all his "this is our fault" speech to casshern and the doc Maybe he did think, how meaningless it was, thatl una could save the world?
>>133804 At the end he was all like "I sorta had this coming" when Casshern beat his ass. But he could have just stopped being a dick. Could have at least tried atoning.
Yeah it is qutie clear part of the collapse was him just going "okay fucked up time to collapse the empire" or atleast it was implied
But I never still really got the whole "luna gives death tot he immortal humans bored of life and when casshern kills her the death gets released to the world" thing
how the heck did Casshern trust a dog to raise Ringo?
>>133807 She takes in all the death and it gets released Like cutting down a tree it releases all the co2 it absorbed
Still what the fuck was luna a robot a some kind of biothing created by the humans? an actual god?
>voiced by Amuro Ray >red white blue >gold v fin Casshern is immortal because he is a gundam and will live as long as Bandai needs money.
>>133822 Yeah who the fuck made Luna. How does she take in death that seems real vague.
Also I guess she came back once shew as out of "death" and then absorbed all the now lost "life" int hew orld and began to give it out in deathless world she gave out the missing death to the immortal robots and humans in lifeless world she gave out life to the now mortal and decaying robots and humans
Also the whole "we couldn't make spare parts" I kinda doubt that I bet it was more of that they despaired for so long and much, that they just collapsed before they could start restoring shit. >>133827 It is never reallye xplained they just say they couldn't make anything new anymore but yet they do tinker with stuff and fix themselves with parts lying around
>>133826 Did all the factories shutdown or something? They don't even need Luna in the first place. They just need money.
I think it fits in to the theme of despair and facing up and accepting death everyone in the world was either bored of life or just going on without really living out their immortal lives so when the immortality was taken away they just snapped and couldn't accept it which lead to a quick collapse and the wasteland we see in the show.
Had they just "Okay so now everyone dies eventually, let's live with that" they would've prolly kept a normal society going on.
I know it's almost a meme at this point, but I think a souls game set in the Ruin could be really cool.
>>133828 But it wasn't snatched they could have just kept the factory lines going. Maybe they let them decay because they assumed Luna would be around forever and then by the time she died it was already fucked
>>133830 I think there's room here for a story about oppurtunists trying to take power by controlling the factories, but then they just end up destroying them fighting over them
That is what I am saying they despaired and forgot to keep the world rolling no one had faced any real hardships in ages, so no one could accept the task ahead. Which is why I said why Braiking Bosses' death seemed lame He never really faced up to his mistakes of being overly arrogant leader and not trying to keep the world together
Everyone though he wasd ead and it took ages for Dio to form some kind of society, which turned out to just be an army Had BB been around to keep things in control, there wouldn'ät for example be those scavenger death squads wandering around everywhere Endless hordes of insane robotsk illing people
>>133829 Also i think all the robots built for manufacturing died first in the conflict to grasp them MEchanics like doc seemed real rare in the ruined world
And humans I think were more of pets allowed to live at that point I mean it was >humanity invents robots >humanity is immortal >robots take over >humanity grows bored of utopic life >luna appears
/moe/ what would you do with eternal life
I mean that is atleast what braiking said why he took over. He had grown bored of the stale world ruled by the immortal humans so he eventually created another stale world
When Casshern said he would act as death, what exactly did he mean? What are the requirements for him to consider killing.
>>133836 Well luna is going to build a society of life around her everyone will eventually flagf there, be immortal and have enought ime to rebuild society but without the fear of death it will grow stale again and the whole thing would repeat I guess so Casshern exists as reminder that "yo we don't live forever" the fear of end and just general challenge
>>133837 I'm wondering how exactly he plans to put the fear of death in them though. Is he just gonna show up and occasionally murder random people to remind them to live their lives?
I mean the whole show is quite "life for the sake of living is not really life at all"
>>133838 Look at this thing he becomes the boogeyman he won't even need to the robots and humans will tell that evil casshern will steal them from theirb ed if they don't got o sleep early
>>133841 >tfw you'll never find Casshern hiding in your closet If he doesn't kill anyone eventually they'll forget.
People didn't fear casshern that much, because no one cared they were gonna die anyhow but now that death wasnät certain? Yeah he would be FUCKING scary
how conscious was Casshern when he killed Luna? Was it just ragemode out of control Casshern?
>>133848 I should get Tatsunako vs Capcom You can play as Casshern and Tekkaman Blade and all sorts of 70s anime heros no one else knows.
>>133849 I think at first just passive spectator of his a oh then hmm I think he was conscious but he didn't really have a personality outside his core programming yet and that is his rage mode in most of the early episodes too not untill he starts to have a solid sense of self, seems he to be in control of his actions in full combatm ode.
I don' t have an issue with breastfeeding in public, but imma ask why would you do it? This is like pissing on a bush in a public park and such why would you do it?
>>133868 Because the baby is hungry Is it considered weird over there?
Like last week I went to a comedian and this women just got her baby breast feeding in the audience halfway through
Public spaces have plenty of restrooms and here even "baby rooms" for ie changing diapers and such so why not do it there >>133869 No but the point is WHY WOULD YOU EXPOSE YOURSELF LIKE THAT?
>>133872 but would you whipout a boob at the table if there was no baby?
>>133870 Because the baby is hungry. I mean I'll take anything to shut a baby up. It's not like a sexual context and men are gonna oggle you or something
>>133880 practically never because people aren't that comfortable at whipping out their boob to feed their kid in public spaces no one would say anything about it, it is about the parent herself.
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/bangladesh-authorities-arrest-27-men-gay-homosexuality-muslim-country-islam-police-charge-a7744366.html good old tolerant countries >>133897 genius and they are even white, so they take care of the blazing sun
This is honestly the worst part about twitter Imagine if every post you made on moe stuck around, and not only that, it was often accessed by new people looking through everything, and also NOBODY thinks it's weird to respond to a week old post with something inane like "lol" And you get a notification every time someone does
Anyway the point is, the more tweets you have, the higher a chance of you just getting some bullshit in your notifications from years ago And it just keeps increasing
Huh sweden drops charges against Assange
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
I wonder if there could be a social network with some notion of proportionality
like you can't get flooded with 100x the amount of responses as a result of one thing you posted
somehow put some natural limits on witch hunting and mob overreaction
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>133907 off topic but i blocked that creep tht was DMing me
>>133914 Look buddy I just wanted to talk about Eromanga Sensei was that so wrong?
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/donald-trump-overseas-international-visit-saudi-arabia-steak-and-ketchup-favourite-meal-muslim-a7744531.html ketchup and steak
>>133939 penises aren't gay the male form is gay penises aren't part of the male form
>>133940 Just because you're correct, doesn't mean you're right! Even though your words make logical sense, every bone in my body screams out, bro penises are male!
moon feels sick because he knows that traps aren't gay and is upset by how wrong you all are
>>133957 yeah i said i was gonna try to get some but i don't have any >>133959 that reminds me though what do you know about clonidine
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>133960 it's used as one of those magical fixit drugs somewhat effective for ADHD i know and sometimes withdrawal and anxiety
is it garbo the reason i had interest is people are saying it's good for the withdrawal from stims or the comedown rather and being able to sleep and not overwhelming anxiety and that it's safe in conjunction with stims and helps the heart adjust better right now i'm at a really awkward point because if i take stims i'm too anxious to function and if i take benzos i'm too adhd to function
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i believe that stuff is true from what i know although idk anything about its relationship with the heart it may help a little bit with everything, it's a pretty well-known and widely used drug
ima get some and try it out probably on its own first, then in conjunction with armodafanil and i'll report back
if i dont wind up dead or gay before that happens
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
are you gonna get patches or pills?
fuck i dunno
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
how about some blood-letting
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
leeches are better
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
gotta drain the gay humors
I don't mind the sun sometimes the images that it shows I can smell you on my lips and taste you in my clothes
>>133966 i was also thinking of maybe getting halcion klonopin is so long-onset and i was prescribed short acting stuff in the first place because of the anxiety attacks not general anxiety
Gravity falls is quite good show kinda like rick and morty but bit more to kid firendly >>134019 well they are just twins
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is that the cartoon with the incest brother and sister kids
Yeah that's the one
I mean is a disney show as ifthere would be incesm
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's just what i've heard
But i can dEFINITELY see what internet would do with this show... damn creeps good way to get creeped out is always open some "rule 34 western shows" thread... euuuguh
Gravy falls seems alright
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>134000 he bought it and we're moving out of the apartment we were in
am i making any mistakes here am i forgetting anything i already have a case and a fan and memory and hdd + ssd already have power supply im just getting new mobo/cpu/graphics, so i think this is all i need but i don't want to forget something like an idiot
Oh no now she's snoring. In for the long haul.
>>134115 Assuming you have RAM and all the peripherals, this should be enough I couldn't tell you if that motherboard has wireless networking, so that might be something you need to check if relevant
the passion of the bang
i'm a plug in boy them damn wi fi waves don't give me the good speeds
ye boi
But yeah, that should be enough
I assume you have hard drives and stuff And a cabinet
the passion of the bang
yeah well actually i was just gonna leave all the parts on my desk
the passion of the bang
while i AM kidding i actually do kinf of like the idea