Yeah because he couldn't watch on the dead days. And probably won't be able to on the next ones because I think he has some consistency to his schedule.
>>133670 Because there's already a new episode out tonight. And he'll probably have to go watch it since you'll be keeping him waiting another five or so days.
We'll catch up and then watch the new one with him. There's no way we'd be able to catch up tonight anyway. I have one more episode in me at best. Maybe we can do some over the weekend.
And then it's not so hard to fit another one in at some point over the weekend.
nope I don't want to have to rush off to bed, some wind down time will be nice. We can work on it this weekend. I want to be unconscious in 20 minutes.
Then can you work on not being unconscious so much earlier on in the night. It's rather annoying that we're stuck with pretty much only two hours of watch-time.
>>133680 Being mean to me isn't really going to solve anything. My work load has increased substantially so the amount of rest I need has increased as a result. It's something that really can't be helped, I'm doing my best to make it on time for anime and that's all i can do.
Half the time when I am on time we end up waiting that 20 minutes that I usually am late on someone to get their act together anyway.
There's some leeway. A show is 23-26 minutes, so even a conservative estimate at 26 minutes per show leaves 15 minutes of leeway time in two hours. And it's not a big deal if I'm up 15-30 minutes late some nights.
Would you rather we watch anime at a different time so that we can actually get enough time to watch five or more shows in. If we started at 02:00, even with a grace period of twenty minutes to group every one up, still leaves enough time to get those shows in.
>>133694 The backlog would be easy to clear if we weren't running a two-hour period and actually had closer to two and a half or three.
The way we do things now is more or less working for me. Do we really need to get five shows in a night? We've traditionally done about four and never had any more problems than we currently have.
We have a bit of a backlog right now, but that's more due to your trip than anything else. We'll get it sorted out and all the backlog watched soon enough.
>>133692 Even if I had infinite time, I would not want to watch eight episodes of anime in a night. We can do this on one of the dead days, we have two fairly dead days each week.
No but we could do a few days of five shows and be done in a snap.
>>133696 Well Rika, I, and maybe Jan still maybe have Tsugumomo. But I'm starting to get the feeling this is another show Rika is pulling a Gundam on me with.
I start to get anime fatigued around five episodes. I don't see why this is a problem that warrants changes in the watching schedule when the situation is an unusual one due to your trip. We have dead days to fix it.
>>133698 Gundam is a different animal. One of the reasons I procrastinated on it is because I was mad at it for getting too edgy and I don't want to watch edgy shit right before I sleep because it makes me unable to sleep.
>Too edgy >Oh no named characters are dying! This automatically makes the show edgy! I'm getting really fucking tired of hearing this day in and day out from you people.
>>133700 It's a well documented fact that I don't like it when shows start killing characters I like in heartbreaking ways. It's a matter of taste and I don't make any representations that I am anything but a comfy loving moefag.
Then don't watch anything other than slice of life and stop bothering other people.
I just have an exceptional amount of empathy in my heart.
Considerable doubt.
Either way there are always shows like this that I get pulled along with when you say you want to keep up with them but then it never actually happens. It would be easy to watch everything we're behind in if we do five episodes a night for a BRIEF period of time--this both stays within your "anime fatigue" range and doesn't actually endure for a long time. And then everything returns to normal nice and quickly and the regular schedule resumes.
It will be easy to catch up. We can probably work on it this weekend too.
The same way we were going to catch up on Gundam on a dead day. The same way we were going to catch up with Show by Rock on a dead day. The same way we were going to catch up on Saiki on a dead day. The same way we were going to catch up on <Insert show name here> on a dead day.