>>12775 All of my rolls were from the old games, but I did get this girl and she's pretty cute. I got some pegasus riders too, which is good, because I like lfying units a lot.
>>12787 Yeah, that's one of the reasons I'm not too sussed about rerolling. I only got one four star.
>>12789 yeah but Ika is silly about rerolling, you can't trust what he said. He rerolled Granblue for like a week straight.
Squid said it was pretty grindy. To boost the stars. So he went and did a bunch of re-rolls.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
ika is so autistic
Yeah you're going to get characters later on anyway that you're going to probably want to boost stars. It's not like there's going to be a single hero you want at max stars.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it doesn't look grindy at all
i looked at some of them and you need two items for them and i got 5 of one of those items by clicking on a character in my main hall
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>12767 missed this i can do you want to watch in like 10 minutes?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Anna and Sharena are really cute girls too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>12793 sure, I'll just kill Velstadt in the meantime
testing i reworked how threads are fetched from the DB, it should be consistent now i.e. if someone was typing while you loaded the page, you shouldn't miss any of their words
>>12857 I think it looks good on Anna. Although her armored arm looks a little big from the armor. It doesn't really look great on Sharena and Alfonse, though.
But that's okay because they're not as cute as Anna anyway!
Yeah, apparently he or she manages to stay afloat with money from Patreon? Or maybe the Patreon money supplements savings or something. Either way, Merryweather seems pretty cool and writes some good webcomics.
>>12893 yeah patreon can easily bring a four figure sum if you can advertise yourself enough and have a good product
the problem with patreon and of course internet in come in general, is how much it varies you really have to set a quite low "baseline" that you expect to earn monthly so that you rarely live over budget
They've got to have an alternate income elsewhere. I don't think someone could survive in Japan on five hundred a month. I don't even think seven hundred a month could cover it unless they're living particularly cheaply.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Their goal is only 700 monthly yeah they must have some savings or income or something
It's just a general painkiller, you don't really have to take too much for it to help with the pain but it's one of the weaker painkillers out there It kicks in pretty quickly though did you take some and it's not helping?
Same in Florida I manage to get percocets for chronic pain though which are a lot stronger than codeine
yeah but I mean like we didn't even have codeine in any medicine untill just recently and I think these all are imported stuff too this is from eugh sweden of all countries
TN on that lean
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>12921 you didn't have any opiates in your country until recently? wow
>>12925 no, of course there were other stuff but codeine was practically non-existant
oh panacod has been around for a while but it is 500/30 in terms of ibu/cod They are just damn rare, our docs don't really like prescribing potential narcotics that much I mean in general, people rarely get any that heavy medicine untill they are half-foot in the grave here.
For example subutex listed there has gained enough fame to be memed as "Subutex Sunday"
I know I am making a mountain of a molehill, but I have lived my whole life with nothing else ever prescribed to me but antibiotics and painkillers and by painkillers I mean the basic shit
HOLY SHIT THE DOC GAVE ME 800mg ibuprofens i just asked for under //prescription level painkillers and expected to get the usual 600/50pills pack but he slammed me with this crap
>>12951 I can't speak for when I was a kid since I didn't pay attention to my medication back then, but I think I've taken codeine all of once. Maybe twice And that's only because my mother keeps some stored away. Pretty much whenever I need to deal with pain I just use ibuprofen or something of similar potent. But in most situations I kind of end up dealing with it. I think I've got a pretty good pain tolerance.
ANyhow, how much does a pack of painkillers cost in the states ibuprofen or something quite normal?
>>12960 I pretty much never use painkillers unless there really is a need for them >>12971 quite the same price here the price for over the counter pks is about 0,1 to 0,5 per pill depending on str and manufacturer
Anything outside of headaches I can tolerate fine. But I'm really weak to head pain. My headaches aren't even all that intense; I just have trouble not shutting down when I get one.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I don't really use ibuprofen so I might be wrong I just see it when I'm getting other stuff
some apothecharys websitei f you can view it http://www.apteekkituotteet.fi/epages/Kaupat.sf/fi_FI/?ObjectPath=/Shops/Eura/Categories/Kipu_ja_saerky/Kipulaakkeet_suun_kautta
200mg seems to be the standard strength for ibuprofen. The bottle I keep on hand has that too.
400 is standard here pretty much I think only kids are given 200s
But 600 is already prescription medicine, which is why people kinda ask for painkillers from a doc whenever they can the 600/800/1000 are bit cheaper, since you can just eat half a pill or third a pill for headache
I got 600s when I went to visit bout the tooth a month ago and now I have 800s guess I am quite good in terms of painkillers for several years now
Extra strength is 300mg here. SUPER STRENGTH is 400mg.
Though actually. I guess whenever I take ibuprofen I'm always eating two tablets at once anyway. So I'm technically taking 400mg, hah hah.
halp, I come up daily with a "this I will do/watch when I am out of c/o and have booze" the list is like 100 entries, but you can't do all of that in one or two days
than ya all should watch it with me when time comes
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
kimi no na wa in April i hear
Yup yup. There's a screening in February here for TIFF, but the tickets are already all sold out.
But there's also now a 720p hardsubbed rip out that's pretty decent. Combined with the three times I watched it on the plane back from Japan I've now seen it five times. Save me.
Also the Japanese BDs aren't out until October, so there's a long, long time until good rips are out. ;_;
Five Centimetres per Second, Garden of Words, Voices of a Distant Star, etc. He's done a lot of good movies but they never really hit off in the way Kimi no na wa has.
>>13054 it can be used for amusing results like english speech to text and you read it finnish
>>13056 I got 5* Lyn on my first pull I'm happy with this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i got 5* jakob
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also if you use SP to learn a skill and don't equip it immediately, it costs 5 stamina to equip it later just so you know because that just happened to me
Imagine how fucked up sid must have become after toys tory 1
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
oh 803-3001 means the servers are overloaded you just gotta wait for it to let you in i guess
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
either way he was destined for fuckedupness
>>13087 oh well that's not so bad I was worried I'd have to restart and lose lyn
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>13089 i'm not 100% sure but i think your game data is connected to your nintendo id so if you uninstalled and re-installed and logged in it'd probably keep your game data
I hear milo incited some "peaceful protests" at someplace
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
but damn like Robin is so cute
>>13098 are you sure you looked up the right error code? because so far everything I see for 803-3001 involves restarting
close the app and reopen it deleing the app will oseo your data probably
already tried, doesn't work
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/204447-fire-emblem-heroes/74934111 a bunch of people here report retrying it a lot eventually works http://bigolivepc.co/fire-emblem-heroes-fix-communication-803-0003-error/ >>>/watch?v=zuQzOpHaQIM >>>/watch?v=3Es8A4WvPqU videos of people hitting retry until it works
the seaweed is always greener in somebody else's lake.
why not reboot yourphone, that fixes quite a lot of problems
>>13119 both those videos are for a different error code there's no retry button, just "return to title screen"
mash retry or restrat router when i was rerolling earlier i had to mash it a lot
oh if theres no retry you just gho bacvk to title and go back in at least in my experience
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>13122 you can probably wait for nintendo to fix that tonight or tomorrow then
>>13124 I CAN'T go back in once it goes back to the title screen, the error pops up again with the only options being return to the title screen or go back going back doesn't do anything
Clear cache dont clear data data is your current account
>>13143 I wonder if switch flops, will they really just fuck traditional consoles and go full into handheld and mobages cause those seem like things they are good at and generate massive profits compared to costs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
the costs that went into this game probably rival a 3DS game's tbh
Iran dropped the dollar apparently and I think a few other things happened. Although I think the best headline I heard about all of this was something like "Markets on edge as Trump does exactly as he said he would" No one knows what's happening. Hedge everything.
What is with US and iran? this is like china obsessing over bolivia or russia wanting to slap malta into new atlantis
>>13162 >shit they're not falling for the slew of executive orders to make it look like i'm doing something >what if we get into a war bush did that right?
>>13166 Yeah, me neither. Got to take it with a grain of salt, but they were right about the SCOTUS pick at least. They could have just gotten lucky because it had been narrowed down already, though.
>>13171 Nope Russia has too much already at stake in the middle-east even their fleet intervention during the early syrian crisis was a huge gamble from putin and it paid off Reminder that SYRIA too has a defensive pact with russia, which is why russia sent out its black sea fleet during the intended obama intervention.
and while 10 years ago russia wouldn't have mattered that much they have recently modernised their army into quite a powerhouse. Though their fleet is still lacking, so they can't really match US outside of mediterraen and the baltic sea
This roll thing. When does it happen? Is it in the Prologue part 2? Because I got Virion Is that the roll? Because if so, I should reroll like right now. Virion is pretty cool though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>13172 yeah but you're assuming there is a chance trump will do something russia finds unfavorable to them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i.e. if trump is doing something he probably has putin approval
I think trump will actually carry on with "mend russian relations" also amusingly, russian internal economy is currently booming because of the sanctions. Many industries they didn't have in their domestic market have now become big economic drivers, like milk and meat industry, which they previously imported. They even have a problem of rubble becoming too strong for international trade.
Let's see the first set as Nowi, Florina, Nino, Matthew, and Wrys the other one has... ah, they have all the same ones in the bottom? Just the top ranks are different. Hm. I GUESS I'll roll Legendary then
>>13180 Oh, you got Nowi, Florina, and Nino. Nice!
kirara give me an email useless one for rook nto sure if he wants
Nah, I didnt roll those. I was trying to see which one I wanted to roll and was listing them out. But it seems that only the 5 star at the top is very different Most importantly no one in the most important FE9 trio is here. >Miia missing >Illiana missing >Nephenee missing
And Shanna >Shanna I don't know who this girl is but her hair is blue (not saying much in an FE game) and her outfit is blue and she's got the least amount of stars as anyone I just picked up so she's going to be the treasured favorite who never leaves my list despite being generally useless. >I'm a pegasus knight! Well... sorta She even doubts her own usefulness like all the best pegasus knights.
drink, drink, drink my brother smash your glass with mine drink drink, drink my brother raise your glass with mine throw away your worries and sorrows otherwise life is a miser buy a car and crash it against a tree then life is a dream
>>13227 We've got something better than the chinese 480p rips now. There's some 720p hardsub rips out that only have English subs.
Is it an upscaled version of the 480
Not 100% sure. It doesn't look as amazing as clips on YouTube and whatever, but I think that's in part due to a lousy encode.
I first dozed off about 2 hours in the afternoon and then almost 4 hours in the evening which is 3 hours more than I actually slept last night so not even tired currently >>13263 banzai
>>13291 Oh nice So are they gonna fuck over Lyft too, or are they all just reactionary idiots who don't actually stand for anything, but like to be in on the new, hip thing?
https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/dr-gridlock/wp/2017/01/29/uber-triggers-protest-for-not-supporting-taxi-strike-against-refugee-ban/ Oh here we go Enjoy imats
It's not about standing for anything It's not about protesting anything It's about joining in on the hip new thing
>>13346 Well the real reason i took them previously to empty stomach that mo OOOH here it is
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>13345 no you don't get it people aren't mad uber gave rides which is why people aren't mad lyft gave rides people are mad uber tried to capitalize on the taxi strike and the muslim ban in such a rude and dirty way
>>13357 Well they should've SAID that if that was their intention
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
no lol people weren't taking taxis or ubers or lyft to the airport
People don't take taxis to go to the protest, you take the Air Train or you drive. The Taxi Service had a strike Uber dropped prices in return, that's a strike break.
I still think it's retarded to go "These guys disabled the automatic system making all rides right now really FUCKING expensive and earning them massive profit every time anyone uses their service. They're CAPITALIZING ON THIS" "These guys however, skin you alive as usual so they're the good guys."
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
because they did it in order to gain ADDITIONAL profit and therefore were CAPITALIZING on it
while the other guys continued normally and donated large sums of money to the people that were helping the people the protest was happening over
>>13362 Probably because you don't value the efforts or purposes of the strike itself. >>13366 This isn't plausible unless they turned off that system for an extended period outside of the protest time or in many areas where the protest isn't happening. Intent is important.
Though how has it evolved is it still blocking double citizenship and shit? and seriously, what was he thinking. Had he just given travel ban to the citizens of said countries, henceforth of that day, no visas issued to them.
It would've been quite smooth, with just the usual protesters going about but once he blockaded green carders and double cits...
>>13364 I don't really give a shit either way about the protest, I just don't think lyft continuing to give rides, but for higher prices, makes them any sort of good guys in this What, it's not breaking the strike as long as you charge EXACTLY WHAT YOU USED TO?
Dropping Uber for Lyft has nothing to do with Lyft and everything to do with uber. Yes. Exactly. If you change your pricing to attract during a strike, or if you push increased traffic in the area of the strike in order to fulfill the need of the people there, you are strikebreaking. Because you are willfully capitalizing off of those who would be affected by the strike for your own gain.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>13369 but the problem wasn't that people gave rides
you seem to be focusing on the concept of "giving rides" which isn't important
>>13363 I don't like it when corporations turn political, especially when it is, even if partially , something that smells of moral high grounding shit.
>>13371 Yeah excuse me for focusing on the thing they did that COULD be considered breaking a strike Which is what is being said about them from every place I look
If it's strike breaking to charge less, it's strike breaking to charge the same, because what you're doing when you're striking is 'not working' And a taxi's job is the same as an uber, picking people up and putting them somewhere
>>13380 you do know some places might spin the story differently
>>13381 Yeah like in sk's mind but that's not how strike breaking works. If someone saw the taxi service on strike and decided to call an uber because they have uber and uber shows up and everything's normal that's whatever. If their phone goes off and says "SURGE PRICING IS OFF! LOW PRICES" because there's money to be made off of a strike happening That's a break
I know how strikes work and shit but what I mean here, is some idiotic "news"outlets might try to claim it is strike breaking. >>13382 also that is not really strike breaking, just profiteering and how you feel about profiteering is upt o you, but yeah PRofiteering from a strike is always a bitchy thing to do, no matter what kind of strike and how you feel about the causes of said strike.
So would it be strike breaking if one taxi company continued to operate exactly as usual? Surely not, they're charging the same
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
another issue is that uber did that during a strike that was caused by trump and therefore the CEO profited off of a crisis that he was considered partially responsible for while lyft is not connected in such a way
Anyhow it is, the whole "letäs try to profit from this" should've been shot down by any guy with a brain. The climate being what it is over there, it was guaranteed that such a move would result in an uproar.
Generally, but there's still intent going on. If you start going to the airport because of it, then you fucked up. Actually, now that I think about it, I think I'm wrong about something, hold on. Oh, no, I'm not. nevermind
For example when our postal office workers went on strike and deliveries didn't get delivered the other companies started advertising their delivery services and even gave special offers for it
as they have nothing to do with postal unions and shit, they weren't strike breaking or anything just profiteering Now some frowned upon it but most of population went "well atleast I can get my shit delivered" So in that case, capitalising on strike didn't get punished by people
What matters is that Uber did something dumb and the market punished them
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
the animation for these twirling shrine maidens is too clean i think there's some CG going on
>>13397 they analysed the market wrong pretty much I guess they thought that the amount of people who would appreciate their service(profiteering) would be larger than the uproarers
>>13425 I'm taking what's mine I was perfectly happy with my first pull but the game gave me an error that wouldn't let me play any more so I had to restart if I'm going to be forced to restart then I'm going to cheat to get what I had
>>13450 It's really hard to know but probably the first hour or so But the price on the first day will probably be volatile People will buy early in bulk and try to sell later for quick profit I think So the price will probably dip throughout the day
First hour might be hard if they open at normal start-of-the-workday hours. Maybe if I stay up all night for it, hah hah.
Yeah. I'm not really sure about Snapchat's profit capabilities are as a company though I don't know enough about the product to say anything about like really long-term performance But it's probably profitable in the short-term to buy and sell
Imagine a world with a hundred imagined dystopias reflected in itself and everyone's trying to prevent their own dystopia from happening but they all seem to miss the one around them keeps creeping because everything looks like dystopia. arguing is dystopia fights are dystopia free market is dystopia fear of disagreement is dystopia kicking back and relaxing is dystopia not relaxing is dystopia
Buy a maga hat to prepare for the thoughtcrime patrols
http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/lost-continent-mauritius-indian-ocean-1.3963303 This sounds a lot more fantastical than it actually is, but the actual details are kind of neat.
>>13474 Rise that shit Let's go. I need to claim it in my own name. Fuck off literally everyone else.
hey can I hang out on your continent?
Blue it's physically buried under all the other continents around it. How are you even planning on raising that.
It's going to be physically buried under >people who want to knock on my door as I make dick jokes the timing is DEAD and also really weird >>13476 yeah, lets go
Oh so it was going to be a dick joke.
>>13477 Those other continents are being wasted anyway Just let them be destroyed
/moe/ pick your ideal dystopia Wild west let's go, world of STR
ok I don't have the autism for this ika how do I use the account you have?
Oh Vancouver's now doing a 15% tax on foreign property buyers. Or has been for a while, but housing sales are definitely taking a hit now for it.
>>13507 It's a bit concerning though. Science fields were expected to develop strongly over the next few years and this isn't exactly an optimistic prologue to that development.
>>13511 But look at the bright side! They're going to be bringing back all those factory and manufacturing jobs back to America soon! You both can go work at some revived tombstone factory!
>>13524 Yeah man, I'd be pissed as shit. >finally get a great job >dropped funding before doing anything
They said that they'd offer her the job again if funding appears again But apparently it was an EPA grant? I dunno if EPA does any biological sciences stuff
>>13528 twitter embedding is my favorite feature it's so good daisuki
>>13527 I would say environmental protection and biological science goes hand in hand. Studying marine life is a facet of the environment.
>>13531 Yeah, but in Florida we have separate agencies for fish/wildlife and for the environment I'm not sure if that separation exists at a federal level or not
When it comes down to funding, you take what you can get where you get it. If the fish agencies don't want you, go to the enviro ones
And the agencies can't even announce that there are funding cuts So they're catching everyone by surprise and nobody knows what's going on or what might be on the chopping block
I don't really know what's going on at all Like even people I know in FBI won't talk about anything now Even ones I'm basically friends with Nobody is willing to talk unless it's in person
I don't have any reliable contacts in nasa but someone that I know that has nasa contacts told me that nasa is getting cuts too Seems like grants are going first
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh i see having a @mention in the middle of a tweet introduces a <a></a> which stops my scraper in its tracks hmm grr
There's a dead day on Monday and maybe Tuesday we could watch stuff if you're around. You don't seem to be around on those days though.
I'm always around pretty much. But when I don't care much about doing one thing or another I just go along with whoever tugs on my sleeve first. Anime starts so late in the night it's easy for someone else to come along first.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
should be less tweet timeouts now, we're routing the tweet request through the server now might need to refresh >>13580 i'm still halfway through
Did you finish Kimi no na wa.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yeah i often get inspire d to write code while watching something it's a habit
Also Rika I'm not particularly wanting to finish Stella and Show By Rock. It's just fun to snark.
>>13708 let's see i think the only other one i've seen was the garden of words
Oh you haven't seen Five Centimetres per Second? I think I always figure more people have seen that movie than actually have.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
my friends from uni watched it, for some reason i didn't at the time, i forget
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i have to admit i don't remember at all what happened in the garden of words other than that they were at a rainy park and i think it was an older woman
my GM is about to go on vacation and i'm about to work those BIG OVERTIME hours might actually finally pay off debt #1 this month then in the next few months pay off debts #2 and #3 and potentially put myself into a big shiny new debt #4 for one of these
"""reliable sources""" claim Milo intended to read the names of illegal immigrant students at UC Berkley Milo himself denies this being the case at all
>gee whiz it sure would be terrible if people started rioting all the time and i had to declare martial law and enforce the law using the military! teehee pero!
Considering every voice in favor of it is coming from the left, I'd say there's a good to fair chance this is just antifa like usual
This isn't some new thing. This is what antifa have been about since their creation. This is their own stated way of doing things. Opposed fascism NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
is it strange that the group that benefits the most from something terrible happening would disavow that terrible thing happening while the group that supports it would cheer it on?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>13777 funfact: all of this antifa stuff didn't exist in the united states until recently and yet they're so numerous
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Gee it's almost as though Trump has been labeled a Nazi with far more effort than anyone before him or something
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
everything about them is extremely suspicious
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>13780 are you saying these people all have been organizing for two years in complete secrecy
I'm saying antifa have always been numerous, but have lacked targets
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they haven't though there's no evidence that suggests antifa has ever been numerous in any way they weren't numerous during the election for example?????????????
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
What? There's video footage of them threatening journalists before the election
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i don't see how threatening journalists is an anti-fascist activity when journalists are anti-trump(fascist)
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Why does it have to be anti fascist? This is antifa They ARE fascists
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i think you're getting super hung up on the idea that they HAVE to be antifa and not considering other possibilities there's very little evidence suggesting this is all legitimate
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I mean they could just be right wingers who are willing to go to jail in a false flag operation definitely That happens all the time, Alex Jones
But let's for a moment consider the possibility that the guy beating a Trump supporter with a pipe DOESN'T support Trump himself.
funny how there are reports that these people getting arrested make bail quickly and easily it's almost like someone is funding them it's almost like they're mercenaries
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
I haven't heard anything about that But that is a little suspicious
tfw americans get swallowed in conspiracy theories while trump signs executive orders left and right
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it's all over twitter but i haven't seen anything in the MSM (who are portraying these as peaceful protests)
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Have you seen an actual source or is it coming from "reliable, unnamed sources"?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
just people saying that they are seeing it happening about as reliable as every other piece of information we have about them unfortunately
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
How do you see people make bail
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you watch them leave a police station after being arrested for a violent crime
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
And you know their bail was a significant amount, one it would take a billionaire rather than parents to pay... How?
The bail could be anywhere from $500-10,000 depending on how much they did They're probably all being charged with rioting too which is higher bail than simple assault and they probably got felony assault which i guess means maybe $25,000 or more bail? bail is hard to predict
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
That's a lot of probably for a situation that could actually be as simple as "oh, we got the wrong dude because all of them were wearing masks"
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
at the very least everyone arrested wearing those masks would have gotten rioting i think
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
lol google says felony rioting bail is usually like $500,000
sk !9kvMaEA9QI
Well, I'll wait and see, but if that's actually true it's super suspicious
Though at the same time, it's still telling when their intentionally despicable actions are praised by the people they intend to smear
who knows i never know what i'm gonna deliver one time it was a weird dude last week it was like 60 gorillion childrens books one time it was medical supplies i just take stuff where they tell me to
Also I bring stuff to legitimate places of business The books were brought to a children's hospital and the medical supplies were brought to a clinic So I'm safe and I'm not furthering criminal activity to my knowledge
I went to look it up because I saw the hashtag Bowling Green Massacre and there is a Bowling Green in New York City. It's really close to Battery Park.
Oh by the way, 100k visas have been revoked >>>/@woodruffbets/827558863159296000 http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-travel-ban-immigration-visas-revoked-us-president-muslim-countries-a7561986.html
Oh Youjo Senki is directed by the person who directed Re:Zero, Dantalian no Shoka, and Punch Line. What an interesting turn of events.
Why don't rioters just bring guns anyway? If they're so determined that the fascists MUST be stopped, just... just shoot the fascist That oughta stop'em
I am working with Prime Minister Abby... Abe... To end anime for good.
they probably don't want to die
Youjo out.
tfw posting on /moe/ while the government drops chemtrails on my city again
>>13881 Some of them think that way. Others think they still have the right to life. It would be nice if we had better healthcare so if you get punched in the jaw, you can go to the doctor and not go bankrupt.
But people aren't trying to look out for themselves...
I'm sure it'll even itself out over time, so it's not really that big a deal As we know from history, when a group has been marked as acceptable subjects of violence, other groups have never been added in one at a time until everyone who disagrees is in it The nazis, the commies, and every other despot certainly never did this Never
>tfw your friend made the terrible art for a wildly (un)popular meme game and is now a better artist for it and is going to pursue more opportunities in making money from porn games Hate is just bait that you use to escalate.
Oh yeah. A lot of birds and high-flying...uh, birds. That ended up weird. A lot of high-flying birds have a similar blink mechanism too, a clear eyelid blink that they can use to shield their eyes from aerial debris and hydrate their eyes on long, windy flights.
But it's also probably just that dragons look reptilian to they did it for that.
she's strong enough to bring about armageddon, but she had to be saved by a drunk OL?
After getting stabbed by a divine sword created by God, which is probably an antithesis to her very being and jumping between dimensions.
I doubt you will like maid dragon sk
It's OK so far
There's this big white cat that's been hanging around my back yard the past few days. It finally started getting hissy with mine, blocking my cat's way up the back porch to the house door. It was really stubborn too, it let me get close enough to it to hit it and even then didn't want to budge. I had to look for sticks to throw at it.
>— Wine and liquor: Canadians get taxed on imports of U.S. alcohol upon returning from U.S. trips, the report says. "This inhibits Canadians from purchasing U.S. alcoholic beverages while (travelling)." To boot, most provinces restrict sales of wine, beer, and spirits to provincial liquor boards, which have a monopoly. B.C. and Ontario also have grocery-store restrictions.
This is from a US federal document put together after consulting American companies. Are they really complaining about the liquor control monopolies here.
Is the dakian army using fucking MUSKETS?
>— Cloud computing: The Canadian government wouldn't allow American cloud-computing services to compete for a contract to store federal data, like emails. The cited reason was national security. The report says that, under such logic, U.S. companies could be frozen out of all public-sector work — one-third of Canada's market. After the fiasco with national security emails last year I don't know if I'd want American cloud-computing services storing our federal data anyway.
>>13947 I think they want to do the opposite. They're complaining that Canadians get taxed when buying liquor and returning to Canada--which means Canadians are less inclined to buy alcohol on day trips to the States.
This list was -mostly- all "baw Canadians have to pay more money for our stuff stop making them pay more for our stuff Canada".
Wow scandis+finland all have practically "no tariffs on private persons doing private stuff" when moving across borders Similiarly, you can practically bring unlimited amount of booze from estonia to funland, with no tariffs as lon as you can sufficiently prove, that it all is "for your own use"
>— Supply management: Canada limits imports of dairy, chicken, turkey, and eggs. The report says U.S. imports above quota levels face big tariffs — 245 per cent for cheese, 298 per cent for butter. "(This) inflates the prices Canadians pay for dairy and poultry." >— Retail: Canadians have stricter rules on what they can bring home from a vacation duty-free. They also are allowed to buy far less online duty-free from abroad. Canadians pay a customs fee when importing anything over $20 from online purchases — for Americans, the limit is $800.
>>13960 I don't know the specifics but there are limitations on the price amount of alcohol you can bring back into Canada. Duty-free stores exist in airports and near border crossings though.
But then again, there are ridiculous restrictions on russian trade which is more comparable as canada does have a strong economy, but it is what 1/4th the size of US gdp or something.
>>13962 We have limits on how much you can bring You don't?
>>13965 No theoretical upper limit, but how will you claim that 100 litres of vodka is all for your own use?
— Aerospace: The report mentions several Canadian initiatives helping the industry, and specifically refers to Bombardier Inc. as a company worth monitoring carefully.
And then there's annoyingly vague entries like this. People who know what Bombardier are like will understand better, but for a publicly available report this is way too vague and paints it over with a sort of menacing tint.
But this is the curious part if you carry over 100 litres of booze in your car from an EU country no tariffs but if you order a company to do it for you TARIFFED AS FUCK
>>13970 Companies have funding and means of distribution not necessarily available to the common man. Sure, not every company can afford to purchase metric tonnes of goods and distribute them. But you can't treat one company especially! Hoh hoh hoh.
>>13972 point is, you yourself can carry infinite goods with no extra tariffs added but if you mail order it they tariff it
also it is not that you have to pay for the tariffs the company offering the delivery from say germany to funland, can also pay the tariffs as long as someone pays them.
so case 1 I go to germany, buy 100l of beer and then come back only pay to german booze store and no one else case 2 I call german booze store and order 100l of beer funland impliments tariffs
>>13975 I remember the last time he raised money for a group of people and they never got any of it
>>13975 hey mots thoughts about this line >I am a Christian and a Jew. And not just any jew, but a Yemenian jew. I am a brown Jew, just as Jesus was. And I do not what any Christian, but both lestadiolais- that evankelisluterilaistaustainen.The most important gift I received from my family, have had freedom of choice, a spiritual self-determination. Well, I practiced self-determination undeniably commendable.However, one thing has not changed in all these years of my life why not: my faith in God has remained constant over time. It has not changed at any time or place of the form. wups >I am a Christian and a Jew. And not just any jew, but a Yemenian jew. I am a brown Jew, just as Jesus was. And I do not what any Christian, but both lestadiolais- that evankelisluterilaistaustainen.The most important gift I received from my family, have had freedom of choice, a spiritual self-determination. Well, I practiced self-determination undeniably commendable.However, one thing has not changed in all these years of my life why not: my faith in God has remained constant over time. It has not changed at any time or place of the form. the fuyck fuck you google you suck
is evankelisluterilaistaustainen Finnish?
welp now after fixing it up a little bit
"I am a Christian and a Jew. And not just any jew, but a Yemenian jew. I am a brown Jew, just as Jesus was. And not just any Christian, but both conservative babtist and evangelic lutheran Christian.The most important gift I received from my family, has been thefreedom of choice, a spiritual self-determination. I practiced that self-determination undeniably commendably. However, one thing has not changed in all these years of my life: my faith in God has remained constant over time. It hasn't changed in form or shape at any point."
basically the important part is the first >christian and a jew the fuck you smoking?
Yeah haha you can't really be both
I mean technially, Orthodox consider you a jew if you're born a jew and convert But if you converted, you wouldn't consider yourself a jew Sounds retarded to me
Hey imats did you see Rubin's thing with Glenn Beck? It sounds stupid, but it was actually pretty interesting
"This observation leads to the root of racism. I and people like me represent the normal, others are the exceptions. In Finland, the whiteness is the norm, other skin colours are the ethnics. Hubara has an umbrella term for the others: brown. Brown here doesn't refer to the skin colour, but experience of being strange, that you don't just fill the cup. Brown is a long list: blacks, Arabs, Hispanics, Asians, Roma, Sami, Jews, Russians, Estonians ..." I just love these identity politics
>>13983 yeah and jews don't believe in christ so how can you be of a religion that doesn't believe in christ and at the same time say you are a christian?
>>13992 >russians But russians... russians are white
Again, I think he means jew as in "the nazis would put me in a camp", not jew as in "I read the torah every night before bed"
Jew isn't race, it's religion and ethnic group If you don't have Jewish ethnic traditions and heritage, you're not part of the ethnic group Being a religion other than Jewish excludes you Have to be religiously Jewish or secular
>>14019 >Oh no the state church magazine is promoting anti-discrimination writing! How terrible!
>>14021 Anti discrimination through racism always works out swimmingly
Nothing about that is racist though. That western societies are white-oriented isn't an overstatement or anything ridiculous. And understanding that is important in learning how to remedy those problems.
One last paste from that author "She herself is not a prejudice-free zone. Lion-necklaces frigthen her. Hubara thought her Finno-Swede coworker was an extremely rich and master of drinking songs, once they got closer the truth was revealed to be different "It was embarrassing for me, but it didn't have a power-structure. My co-worker was never denied of a job or an appartment, for example, just because he was a Finno-Swede." Hubaran believes that racism isn't only a problem for individuals and it can't be outsourced. "It's avoiding responsibility to say, that the poor "rednecks" are the racists. The problem isn't the Right-wings, nazies or internet hatespeech. The problem is institutional racism and that whiteness isn't recognised or talked about."
I just find it ridiculous that the paper decided to hire a collumnist based practically on "well she talks about stuff and her qualifications is 'i am a jew,christian,yemeni,finnish,something"
I thought we had avoided this crap, but I thought wrong. Then again, 50% of the capital regions churches are going against the Archbishop, and will agree to church-wed gay couples. Not a sin in a way, as love conquers, but to just rebel against the archbishop's ruling in a time of crisis is idiotic if you ask me. Some solidarity as an organisation and actually have debates and discussions, instead of just "lol I do it my way"
Also I don't see the point of gay marrying being that big a civil right they already had an equilevant thing calles "registered relationship" which had identical rights and benefits as a normal marriage had aside from adoption rights, but that could've been easily dealt with. And they did have adoption right, but it was a harder process for them compared to a normal married couple.
So I don't get why the whole gay marriage was such a big issue here, when in all but the name it already had been a thing for longer than I have been alive. >left
What a convenient excuse. "People are doing things I don't agree with! It must be the work of that dastardly left!"
For starters I think there's a lot of people who would take issue with marriage not being available to gay people. Even if there are functional equivalents, the aspect-->>14054 Fuck off and let me finish you twat.
Marriage is important to people far beyond the legal definition of it. The action is a spiritual communion and denying that to people is a pretty solid asshole move. Especially on the grounds of "oh we don't believe it is religiously acceptable."
>>14053 Yeah but what state gave them was state marrying not church weddings churches can decide on their own do they want to marry gay couples or not that is their business and their business alone, state has nothing to do with it. A religious organisation could've been marrying gays here for a century and the state couldn't have done anything about it
Also, amsuingly the people who now are in a registered relationship, will get fucked over in march, because that status is VOIDED, so they will actually have to either do fuckton of paperwork to change their status to married or just go get married
Basically, I do support gay marriage if the state does it, but people can't force a religious organisation to follow through with it that is for them and their members to decide.
Also amusingly if you are a man and are sharign an appartment with a woman, and apply for any kind of state beneficies you are legally in a relationship with that woman even if you are a gay man and the woman is lesbian A fun oversight that has never been fixed
religion is a way of regulation and christian church has a history of suppression anyways. If they adopt every new fashion, then there is no regulation at all.
>>14056 As someone that didn't pay attention to American economy back then and still doesn't. Is the Dodd Frank stuff something that helps smaller businesses and persons or hinders them as well.