I'm just a little baby babboo And she's not very mature but she's into drugs and hooking up with random guys And i enjoy live theatre and cooking shows
Oh yeah the snacks We didn't eat the snacks at all The moment she got out of my car I looked down and noticed my starbursts and gator Gatorade still sitting there
>>116432 Drugs are bad and you have to stay away from them.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Eh, soft drugs are about as bad as alcohol
Well she was only up into weed But she hung with a crowd that did cocaine And that waste lots of money on their stupid little asian cars to feel manly And listen to obscure rap artists
One standout moment was when we were talking about how I'm kind of a health nut And she hated jock frat boy douche bags (described as white guys with abs) And i was like >Oh good I don't have abs haha And she was like "oh, that's disappointing" And i was like "yeah I'm a fatty" and took her hand and made her squeeze my belly Listen, it reads a lot worse than it actually was The WORST part is next I was like "well then you gotta have abs, right?" And she was like "nooo, I'm just skinny" And i grabbed her belly and I was like "oh haha you're flexing" And she was like "what no, do you want me to flex: And her stomach got softer, and went back to how hard it was when I first touched it, and I got confused and I was like "wait, what, uh" Then she said >I don't know what you want with my body And I just did NOT know how to reply to that I had to laugh it off and change the subject so quickly
Guys always decide to pretend to be dense at weird times. You know what the reply to that was supposed to be.
Bitch It was not the right mood The right time We were in a moving car this whole time mind you With nothing but a jokey joke haha-were-kinda-flirting-awkwardly context If after this 30 minutes of me being a lame baby, I was just like "I want to fuck you" You know how UNsuccessful that would have been Neck yourself right now
Maybe I was wrong, maybe you didn't know what the answer to that question was! You are supposed to keep the joke alive but escalate the situation. You are correct that jumping directly to propositioning her for sex would have ended badly.
Women are always impressed by your ability to crank it.
>>116461 Honestly I can't explain it but I was in the situation so I had more of the vibe and context understanding here But that would've been bad too All ///both of those suggestions >>116469 It was the only choice The real issue is that I should've created / put us in a different context from the very beginning of our meetup
Really all I can think of when watching that movie is like Why... why are the earth people not fighting back?
Look, in the SHOW it was justified because they were on an artificial metal prison island Where their EARTH powers are no good But in the MOVIE they're just being held in some random dip in the geography near a forest There's There's EARTH everywhere In the show the only reason it was POSSIBLE to keep them oppressed was that they were kept on that prison
Also all the elemental powers in the movie are insanely weak Except Katara and Aang
Like you can just walk up and kick an earthbender in the shin by the time he can do any damage They can throw a pebble, or slowly move a somewhat larger rock across the field, or make a wall That's all they can do
The fire guys are fairly underwhelming too
It's so BAD
The small part I saw they explained not doing anything because of the 'machines'. They must be pretty weak considering what era it's supposed to be set in.
He's a famous director But he's famous for being fucking terrible at it
I wonder if you could Nolan in the same regard , but at least he had some good movies. *could hold
Maybe Nolan is hardly as famous for being bad though Nolan is like, the batman movies and nobody really knows who he is beyond that Cue me realizing Nolan didn't even have anything to do with Batman and it turns out my memory is just garbage
No, yeah, he's just the batman guy to most I think
Three Batman movies is a good set up for being the Batman guy, also he's the inception guy.
Textbooks should all use weird sentence structure just to make you have to work for the knowledge Obscure words you need a dictionary for sprinkled in, obscene use of semicolons Just go wild, the wold's your oyster
>want to upgrade my phone >need an even smaller simcard >got it >need to actiavet it >online activation: can't sign in since am not the "master controller" of the contract >sms: doesn't work properly since sending message from the same number I am trying to activate well shit
Do you ever say something, realize right after that it was either unrelated or nonsense, but everyone seems to have just gone with it and now it'd be pretty weird to address your own fuckup?
Genshiken was really good. I think it had two seasons of the main anime. There is a season of Genshiken 2 which is the same club but kind of a new generation of members. And then there's a spinoff from that in-world anime that they're all obsessed with, the girl with the bucket head.
hmm it's been awhile since I've seen it but I do remember the style change. The original season had a more unique style, didn't it? And the second season is a more typical anime look?
it was inbetween the original style and early 2000s anime style and then the 3rd season with the trap was pretty much "generic anime style" even the weird ugly looking characters no longer well looked ugly
it was kind of weird because i was planning on doing work and things and the internet suddenly went out i waited like an hour or so and called them up and they're like "service will be restored at 5:04am" so i had like 14 hours of no internet
i put it up on the big tv and watched it without tabbing out or doing other things my head felt so clear no thought disorder or racing thoughts it was really coincidental that it worked out that way but i'm glad it did
>>116911 i think it may not have worked on any other show it just hit on so many things i'm feeling so well i've got some other good ones in that emergency folder but i don't want to waste them
>>116954 Oh yeah, so I put in the hours and finished that thing up I got chewed out pretty bad not for the reasons i was worried about be he actually told me "Why would you do this just send it back this audio is awful" and then he yelled at his client for making such crappy audio >>116962 it causes some trouble though but in either case your advice was totally off! but it all turned out fine i guess a little embarrassing but i'm not in real trouble
what i really love about genshiken is it's not just the showing vs telling but it goes past that and onto feeling it does such a good job of making you feel what the characters are feeling even in the smallest situations
Yes, I believe that's true. It does a good job of making you feel invested in the characters. Another thing the series does well is that it's not a fraid of change. A lot of media, anime and otherwise, is very cautious about disturbing the status quo but Genshiken does a good job following the twists and turns of the characters lives.
>>117037 i didn't even know the other one was going on i'll stay out of the fray i suppose but i don't think multiple threads is a problem really as long as it's not because of tension i like having a low energy thread while doing other things sometimes
yes hello how are you all today?
i am pretty good how are you today i am really hungry no matter how much i eat though and i don't want to just keep eating and get fat
probably flopped one of the exams soloed my team project though i'll have to work on it a bit more even though the official time to work on it kinda ended in a way
if i took ritalin ri88ght now FIRST OF ALL, i'd puke but second it owuldnt affect me more than the first time I took ritalin, nor would it affect me less
but im also an extreme leftist so i get vvery pol in the other diretion so I start shitting on COMMIES while advocating an authoritarina leftist government
cause you know KILL THE CCOMMIES but also the government should be left leaning beccause what's the point in a good economy that doesn't beenefit the people
like wow we have the best economy but also our people are DYING under it I dont want
"don't do x or i'll maek a rule against x" is functionally the exact same as making a rule against x EXCEPT you're being a pussy and not making the fucking rule You're just pretending there's no rule
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
it's a pain for everyone to go and make formal rules so if you want to work with me and keep it casual then we don't need to make everything stupid and formal
>>117427 Soorry bout this but it seems SK went there and I already did too so just see the philosophical problem
you're really trying hard to escalate like i'm just trying to make things casual and easy, but every time i do, you're all like "let's escalate this as much as possible"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>117431 nasty plot is a special-type swords dance so whatever floats your boat
>>117432 I know I know I know and SK knows this too sober but please just once answer >>117424
And if it's NOT, why the fuck isn't it just a fucking rule? I'm FINE with it being a rule, but keeping it up in the air and ambigious is bullshit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
because hard set rules are a pain, if you don't enforce them all the time you'll be called out on it. Just relax.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
i mean you //
man like do you really have to make it into something it's not sigh
like what the fuck doess it NOT being against the rule even mean if every time it's brought up you go "stop or ill introduce a rule" That is PRACTICALLY A RULE ALREADY
>>117445 I DONT BUT WHY CANT YOU JUST SAY THATS THE RULE NOW instead of just fuckikng around and saying it's not the rule but you WILL MAKE IT THE RULE if we don't follow the non-existent rule? What the fudk
>>117460 Yes THIS we WOULD ablige without problems
but you see
"Stop doing X or I will bann X"
can you now please please see what mine and SKs issue is just for a fucking moment can you step in our shoes and try to think what the problem is
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>117461 I don't want that either like how is that /moe/
THATS MOE FOR THE SAME REASON ANYTHING ELSE IS MOE you've not established any fuckjing framework other than NO PORN, which is a rule that ISNT enforcced but thats a separate issue, so what the fuck are you bitching about us not keeping to random bullshit hypotheticcal rules that you WONT EVEBN FUCKING SAY ARE RULES
Have you noticed that only you two are the ones who have problems with this
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>117465 here's the thing I really don't want to have to i would prefer if you could just use common sense and work with me instead of doing the test-the-boundaries thing like then we could have an easy situation where even if people get out of line once in a while, it's cool because we're all cool
going to a formal framework sucks by comparison so please stop trying to go that way
>>117466 you aren't helping, missing the point too
>>117467 I doion't even agreee with you and even passed that, you're just incorrect By saying something isn't against the rules, but you'll MAKE IT against the rules if we don't stop THAT IOS IS A RULE
You're the admin, your fucking requests are law when backed by threat
>>117470 just let this cook sam let this cook with you for a moment
He's asking you to stop doing something as a kindness, is it so hard?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
sk would you please stop going in circles
>>117471 you are interpreting everything in the most severe way possible i'm not threatening anyone of being banned jesus being banned would be a LONG process with plenty of warning but you're asking me to just skip all that and immediately proceed to ban-or-no-ban please, stop escalating.
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
I've just said "please don't do this" as far as I recall?
No you've said you'll make it against the rules if it doesn't stop
>>117484 WE CAN both dig up the times you've said "please stop or do I have to make a rule" kind of sentence and we are not exaggerating
WE ARE NOT exaggerating for the love of god why do you think this has gone as far is has and as long as it has
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
sure go ahead i think it's being exaggerated, but i could be proven wrong
I'm not saying you're threatening with a bnnu I'm saying you're threating to make it a rule, which will lead to a bannu Which IS a threat in and of itself, and since you're the ONLY person with any say in what is or isn't a rule, that makes IT A RULE
if it was a simple mistake on our part we would've fucking stopped AGES ago
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
again you're making a big logical leap a big leap well, i'm sorry if it came off like a threat you know, it's not easy to message but if say "please stop" that's all i'm asking
>>117490 Yes maybe we are but the point is how you formed the sentence
No the fuck I'm not
If an admin says "X stops or X is against the rules", X is ALREADY AGAINST THE RULES But you're FUCKING AROUND
>>117492 don't think of sammy speaking as admin think of sammy as speaking as sammy >>117495 yes but it's a cumbersome role let him have the role of a participant in the community as well man
>>117490 Intent doesn't matter, but how people read it is an unfortunate fact nowadasy
NO HE IS SPEAKING AS ADMIN He's not speaking as "A /moe/"
When you say you'll make x against the rules, thats an ADMIN statment, making it already a RULE
>>117493 Moon dude When someone, even if speaking as themselves, who has admin powers says "please stop X or I might make a rule that bans X" how do you take it >>117499 I fucking know which is why I say analyze that sentence
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
this is sooo circular um where's my steam
THIS ISNT FUCKING CIRCULAR I'm saying YOU SAMU as an ADMIN don't get to say "oh I as a person don't LIKE this thing, could you please stop" AND "I'll make it illegal" You have to PICK ONE
>>117500 He's saying the first before he has to do the second. He doesn't want to do the second, that's the important part.
>>117504 so basically >we will lessen the pol and etc stuff >please don't use threatening formats of language accidentally >we dislke stiffling of free speech way too much especially on sites we love >wich will cause us to well you have seen it summa summarum there is no problem about lessening the problematic stuff we just didn't like the "do it or there will be consequences" shit
>>117506 I'm saying there's NO difference between the first and second
The second an admin says "do x or I make x mandatory", X IS MANDATORY
There's no fucking distinguishing line
>>117502 I know right I wanted to come in and talk about more girl isues issues*
This does remind me of how you said >when I get on /moe/ and you guys are all talking about terrorist bombings, I just decide to go do other stuff
yeah basicaly io missed it cause im too wasted to fucking read every opost
I don't disagree, other than I would add I want clarity I'm FINE with samu not wanting pol shit But then samu should stop beating around the bush and pretending it isn't a rule when it IS
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
If you're able to acknowledge that you're plastered why are you trying to maintain and argument
I know but do you disagree? that is basically our manifesto so far
>>117523 clarity just means conversation and that just means "let's be friends" WHICH IS THE POINT OF ALL SAMMY RULES FOR THE LIFE TIME OF THIS SITE get it?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
you know i have a long history of being like "this is not /moe/" for the life of this site which seems to have mostly worked so far
and thats fine but I don't know of any time where you've said "do x or i make x mandatory" and also pretended it's a VOLUNTARY THING It's not
it's just fucjking not
Make it a rule or hang your admin hat somewhere else when you ask for it to be toned down You don't get to fuck around or I get mad
Not to mention your "this sin't moe" policy didn't do SHIT until I threw a shitfit for a YEAR ANDD A FUCKING HALF about LITERALLY the only rule you supposedly have here
>>117537 Oh yeah actual thing why is the max pixel size still something like 5kx5k?
Oh the rule is no porn unless you're imats, rika or ton in which case whatever you know
Until I fucking throw shit at the wall and make a FUCKING mess all over the fucking moe and practically force everyone to FUICKING oblige with LITERLALY the one rule of the website which makes ME feel like a cancer to the entire existence of this ccommunity
I don't even mind that much whatever dudeits' fixed now
I don't CCare
But I'm mad that samu pretends his bullshit policy of "dont do thhe thing please" has acctually done A FUCKING THING in the history of this entire fucking website for as long as I've been here
EVERY "bully" here has been expelled through community action EVERY instancce of rulebreaking has stopped EXCLUSIVELY because someone who ISN'T A MOD or AN ADMIN has thrown a bitchffit over it
>>117550 SK please so basically >we will lessen the pol and etc stuff >please don't use threatening formats of language accidentally >we dislke stiffling of free speech way too much especially on sites we love >wich will cause us to well you have seen it summa summarum there is no problem about lessening the problematic stuff we just didn't like the "do it or there will be consequences" shit
I'm making noise I don't have the power to demand he tie his fucking shoelaces, it's none of my FUCKING business how he leads this goddamn website But as long as I'm here and not banned, I'll throw a fit when he fucks around and doesn't seem to recognize what kind of power he's casually throwing around as though it's a friendly request
He's holding a gun to our head and going "do the thing or I'll threaten you with the gun" Like Samu You SAYING that is already threatening us with the ban Do you NOT see this?
I don't know if that's a fucking joke at the exxpense of my previous behavior or not?
>>117558 YES I SAW THIS and I DISCUSSED IT WITH HIM and the result was "oh you had a finger pressed at my forehead, not a gun" so can you please either listen to me or have the same conversation I had with sammy when you are bloody sober and willing to LISTEN LISTEN LIKE LINK
>>117562 They're really lightweight and have good cushion in the shoes but here's the issue I'm really used to basketball shoes, which have a lot of support on the sides, so it's harder to twist your ankle These shoes have almost no side support and I almost broke my own ankles just messing around on the court today It's like I gotta balance on the middle of the shoe
>>117559 a request only counts as A REQUEST when you're not holding a shotgun up to my temple It's a DEMAND when the gun is even involved
As far as moe goes, a BAN is a gun
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
helloooo please link me to this posttt where i put a gun to your forehead
How about every time where you imply you will make it against the rule if we don't comply? Which is 100% of the posts you've made on the topic outside this thread
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
let's pretend i did make it a rule made an announcement, put a link up, all that jazz i'm still not gonna ban anyone at that point not retroactively
no I need to get to the bottom of this because I do not fucking see how you draw a distinction here
If I say "you either don't do this, or I make it against the rules" WHAT FUCKING ACTION CAN YOU TAKE That doesn't invvolve it resulting in your ban? What you talk about it ONE more time and that's fucking it?
JUST MAKE IT AGAINST THE RULES if you've gonna hold it over our head like the sword of damocles
>>117575 Hey did you know that a recent physic outbreak proved that you can collect 2000% energy out of tidal energy and this will ost likely make Norway a superpower even when she rans out of oill?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yo enough of the hypothetical situation man wait i just made a hypothetical
>>117575 Hey Did you hear that Norway will most likely run out of oil, based on a report gathered by International Oil Ground Society who monitors the oil levels of every oil producing nation At this rate, by 2020, Norway will be dry of oil
The real question at this point
Will you really make it a rule if it continues, sam?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
>>117582 if i get annoyed enough, eventually, yeah but today's not that day! i hope it never happens man
then just fucking MAKE IT A RULE if you're gonna be annoyed every time it's brought up
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Why not just stop doing it? Why not just do what your buddy Sam wants
>>117584 Did you know That by this rate of taking in immigrants Sweden will be 55% New-swedish by 2024 and that will predictably decrease the crime rates by 100% reported by swedish government
>>117586 beccause at this point im just spiteful and trying to keep it below a certain level but every time I even mention a nation by name samu pops in like "dont do that or ill make it a bannu"
Like fuck off make it a bannu or shut the fuck up
>>117588 Le Penn Lost in france 48% to 52% for Macron
>>117584 >>117588 Why can't we just have everybody be reasonable with it?
i don't play nice with people waving their poowerdick in front of me as a threat, I don't give a fuck who they are I'm not aable to not act in SPITE of that
I got some serious lower back fat that I just noticed
>>117591 because fucking "reasonmable" is a completely vague term given by someone with NO fucking intention of elabortaing, under the threat of stepping beyond it banning the ENTIRE fucking subjecct that's fucking why
you can fucking ban me if you feel like, I'll just take off and go somewhere else, but I'm not gonna sit here and pretend this doesn't bother me
>>117597 Oh come now. Surely you know what you're doing when you post ancap memes straight from /pol/, right? It's that kind of stuff.
"it's that kind of stuff" she said while samu made the same trhinly veiled threat at the mere MENTION of americcan healthcare policy Like the line isn't fucking solid here
what the fuck part of literally just opoting sccreenshots of your RNG result i8s at all contribtuing to SHIT What the fuck is moe for if the one thing everyone has at least SOME interest in is bannu and the only thing we really get to talk about in is one of 5 RNGs for the android OS or personal exxperiences at the grocery store
Like what the fuck IS moe, actually?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>everyone has interest in /pol/ dropping a WICKED SICK lol here man
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
I hate seeing that shit man why else would i bring it up
>>117607 Anime RNG games are more or less on topic, and people don't get offended or fatigued with them, quite as much as they do with controversial topics.
it's on topic but so is #d20 (8)
wow look #d100 (25) I got the 25 wow
#d100 (72) oh nice a SEVENTY TWO what a converrstaiong
so was dicks
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you're comparing shitposting to shitposting that actually makes people uncomfortable.
>>117626 sooo Have you Black Mirrorred you're self enough?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
yeah it's just shitposting man if there were no shitposting there would be no problem
yeah it's just shitposting But MY and TN's kind of shitposting is especially bad because something something something
>>117629 Have you Black Mirrorred your're self enough?
>>117634 i can speak a fair bit about being drunk i think some of it sinks in i've been drunk and unruly and caused problems and processed things in the morning and learned a lot about myself
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
TN it's not working.
>>117636 I'm not even aware of what the fuck you mean
whatever I realie if I push this too far, all the good will ive gotten so far will go away
but it pisses me the fuck off when someone prettends to be just a regular person while explicitly wielding the power of someone above a regular person a lot
"he has only the power to CCOMPLETETLY BAR A TOPIC FROM THE ENTIRE WEBSITE" Ok yeah that's basically what the rest of us have I mean I cahn just make a rule like I did before
Oh no I never did that because I literally don't have the option and can't even threaten with it
I've been having a lot of sugar lately /moe/ But I justify it by knowing that im using sugar the way it was meant to be used An easily accessible source of lots of energy
Like wow, the addmin threatening to lay down the FUCKING RULESET is the same as me asking for people not to EXCLUSIVELY TALK ABOUT THEIR SEX LIVES AND NOTHING ELSE Because I definitely have admin powers AM IS SUPPOSED TO NOT BE FUCKING LIVID ABOUT THIS? AM I SUPPOSED TO FUCKING TAKE THAT?
>>117687 Yeah You could for example follow SARGON'S example and not be the same as the "so called opposition is" and actually analyze what you are told and think before you say and so on and so forth
Do I really have to tell you this? You don need this >>117689 >>117691 Before we continue Give me solid proof of this claim
I'm not going through every fuking thread mad ein the last 4 days looking for a fucking samu post saying he'll make it against the rules if we don't stop when EVERYONE HERE knows it's the case
>>117707 Sooo Samu just has to say "okay without proof of aforementioned stuff, I will accept this" >>117709 You gaze into the abyss, but what if the abyss gazes into you" >>117711 You turn into what you fight
Yes because he too knows for A FACT that he has said that
no, I just expect the people on moe to be reasonable enough to not need me to in advance jot down EVERYT FUCKING POST NUMBER I object to in order to recognize it happened WHEN THEY MADE THE POST
>>117712 I've had an estimated 150 grams of sugar today Pretty disgusted with myself but I'm not slow yet so
befcause not fucking once have I asked someone to provide a post number for something I actually have said And I never fucking will >>117717 Innocent until prroven guilty doesn't fucking count when you're talking to the top authority
>>117716 Quilty before charged or Innocent untill proven quilty?
Why the fuck should it count he KNOWs himself he's made those statements, he's the ONLY ONE with the power Why the fuck should I prove to the one holding the power that he himself did a thing?
If he didn't, everyone will back him ebccause they didn't see it go down
"You gaze into the abyss"
You don't have the OPTION to hold samu to acccount for a fucking thing
>>117734 I CAN I can even hold Kim Yong Un on charges that he is a fucking faggot and his waifu is a fucking slut whore and on those charges he must fucking edit my waifu to be drinking pepsicola in Recent revolts >>117736 >>117738 I can hold those charges I can HOLD ANY CHARGES
but can I enforcfe them is another thing
no, you ccan't
there's literally not one action you ccan take here that matters
>>117737 not when threatening to use their power to enforce the request, no
If I have a nuke and I go "do the thing or I'll ask you again at the threat of nuking you" WHAT FUCKING CHOICE DO YOU HAVE
The whole point of our social system, laws and politics is to reach agreements. these agreements should be then followed by everyone. Giving someone authority is a part of it, they are chosen with a charge so they can choose better. The alternative is anarchy. Also, people usually can follow rules without there being a penalty or punishment if they believe in said rules.
>>117753 Okay now I will tell you what I'd like to happen. I would like for the pol talk to be reduced but for us not to have to act like super strict mods on everybody.
How do you think we can come to a situation like that?
I don't know that you can But maybe if samu stopped wavving his admin shlong around whenever he makes a request, it'd be easier to avoid a kneejerk reacction of spiting him for the sake of it
>>117761 You misunderstood me. I was saying that it's a warning that if it isn't stopped, then he'll have to step in and actually do something about it.
>>117768 Okay, let's put that stuff behind us about warnings and bans, okay? Samurai isn't that kind of guy, it was just a misunderstanding.
So going forward, here are the kinds of posts we'd like to see a bit less of" 1) pol memes 2) talking about political violence of visiting political on people 3) posts of random people saying stupid/controversial things on twitter 4) gawking at violence that doesn't have much to do with you, like terrorist attacks happening in random places etc 5) talking about other races/peoples being inferior or stupid/etc
So that post about killing commies was a bit much, you know?
>>117770 >>117771 >>117772 Please can you not just see a simple step to right or left could fix this TAB of a problem we are in and we can say to the barkeep a new tab please
I'm not putting it behind me until he stops it whenver someone slips up
>>117772 That's fine I guess I disagree that either TN or I have done number 5, but I will accept those requests But I don't want a fucking bannu threat if I happen to slip up every now and then because I'm fufcking human too I make fucking mistakes
if I threw a shitfit EVERY time anyone mentionedd anything adult this place wouldn't be FUCKING LIVABLE
>>117777 I can't think of any times you explicitly did it but I think we've had some conversations about muslims or something happen here. We're just trying to get rid of some of that grim and stressful real life stuff.
It's important to remember that this board is at its heart an anime/video games centric board. We aren't pol.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>117777 You really shouldn't say that last part you're saying right now
>>117778 Muslims are people who believe a thing, and I reserve the right to regard people who regard women as subhuman AS subhuman
But I will accept that I should keep that more toned down
I can't promise keeping it at 0 Because I get heated But I will try to keep it at a lower amount than I have
>>117780 Be that as it may, sitting around calling people subhumans isn't a suitable topic for moe. We are going for a more stress-free and easy going posting environment, and conversations you'd find taking place on /pol/ aren't really the type of content we're trying to cultivate.
I don't disagree with the terms here entirely I'm just saying I don't wanna get trhreatened with a fucking bannu just because I slip up now and then And IF I AM going to be threatened with a bannu, I want samu to fucking BACK IT UP with all his rules, including this one
Ban me, sure But ban blue the next time he posts a nipple too
>>117783 Just slow your roll here for a second and think about the past. We have only ever banned people for very egregious behavior. We have a rule against lewd too, but have you ever seen anyone be banned for posting lewd repeatedly?
You are misunderstanding what Samurai was trying to communicate.
People have been banned from /moe/?
I've been banned before For like a week
I genuinely don't care WHAT he was trying to ccommunicate You THREATEN a ban for a thing as an admin, that IS a new rule
>>117804 Completely wrong. There has been a rule about lewd images since before you came here, and it has been enforced since you have been around too. Without a single ban.
My first two years or so here was HOURLY posts of a lewd nature, with images, being ccompletely ignored and let slide because it was the right person making the post
Oh it's a GRIL making the lewd post? better let THAT one slide by
>>117823 I hope you can understand why Cag is a dude then
wow teacup just spammed the thread with OUTRIGHT porn? better fucking IGNORE THAT ONE
>>117829 I did stop a lot of it. It's really annoying that you're acting like I didn't do anything when I fought quite a bit with Dutch and Lobster-chan trying to get them to do what I wanted them to.
I don't fucking acccept "fighting" being to talk to someone and encouraging the behavior to get your attention
You either ENFORCE the rule, or you're NOT ENFORCING the rule There's no fucking middle ground here
>>117833 You're being incredibly autistic here. There are ways to enforce the rules without outright banning people.
You don't ban people out of the community for breaking a stupid little rule. You talk with them and get them to stop. I got Dutch and Lobster-chan both to tone the lewd images way way down by negotiating with them.
yeah the fuck you do When it's teh ONLY RULE of the community, you fucking BAN them for CONSISTENTLY AND DELIBERATELY BREAKING THE RULE
>>117841 Taking such a hard line is a good way to drive your posters away or see them banned. When they're also your friends that's an unacceptable situation.
>>117843 Dutch still drops by from time to time but he is busy with real life. It's complicated with Lobster-chan but it has nothing to do with lewd images.
whicch makes you ffucking unsuited to be a goddamn mod
"oh I wont' actually enforcce the rulle cause this person is a friend. That's acceptable" isn't something I wanna hear from one of 2 mods on the goddamn wesbite
nobody even posts lewd shit anymore dude it's been like over year since anyone but you has cared my dude
the point is rules aren't fucking enforcced evenly and there's exceptions for whoever the mods consider friends with ZERO reaction from the admin AND the admin is threatening to implement rules if you don't stop doing stuff the rule would be for, as though that isn't in itself a goddamn rule
>>117857 You're in charge of SK. He's one of your charges.
Now what does cloned meat have to do with Cag?
>>117856 it literally doesn't nobody posts lewd it's not a problem to anyone but you it doesn't happen anymore
>>117860 NOBODY DOES NOW SURE A FUCKING YEAR AGO that was not the ccase, and LITERALLY the only reason it is the case now Is I bitched about it for a FULL FUCKING YEAR STRAIGHT
There is a 0% chancce that ANYTHING would be done about lewdposting if I hadn't gotten on my hindlegs, is what I'm saying And that's a fact, because I had to provide PROOF every FUCKING TIME I even mentioned it
>>117870 That's true. But Cag is a girl on the inside.
Techincally meat involves muscle tissue. I imagine a body should have a heart, a brain and some other things besides just meat.
because if RIKA'S FRIEND breaks the rule, that's fine as lojg as riika can spend the next decade telling them NOT TO but doing FUCKING NOTHING ABOUT IT
>>117880 I would never call you meat because I respect women
I don't wanna fucking talk about it sober because you just talk in circles anyway and try to ustify uneaven appliccation of the rules because "you know this person\what's best"
Fucking apply the rules or get the fuck out the mod chair Let TN or something take the spot, I genuinely don't care From what I've seen, practically any moe but lobster would do a better job than you
BREAKING: Tales of "I literally talk about nothing but buttholes when drunk" Nukes complains that SK is drunk and mad about uneaveen enforccement of rules obn moe
don't worry I know I'm probably being an asshole, but I'-m NOT FUCKING seeing it
look im mad abiout two separate thing
first Im mad that samu is threatening to impleemnt rules as though that itself isn't a rule second im mad that rike makes exceptions in the rules for people she likes
>>117899 I never made exceptions for anyone. I have always enforced the lewd rules the same for anyone.
How can you say I've made exceptions when no one at all has been banned over the lewd rule?
I've had this complaint with you before where you've EXPLICITLY SAI(D you didn't delete a lew post because that's "what dutch wanted"
Am I in the fucking twilight zone or some shit wtf
>>117906 you remember how people laughed at me and so on when I mae thread with twilight zone and outher limits and shit like that entries WELL WHO IS LAUGBHING NOW
>>117905 I deleted Dutch's posts so ruthlessly that a lot of people told me I was being too mean to him.
these posts don't even exist anymore look I'm not saying you are NOW that bad Because NOW the situation doesn't fucking come up
I'm saying you DID And I'm worried you WILL if it comes up again, because you keep justifying it, and I don't think you're fit t be a goddamn mod if you're not willing to enforce the rules
I can't DO a fucking thing about you being a mod I can't DO anything about samu being the admin
But I'm not gonna pretend I'm FINE with the situation when the only real mod here is someone who has ignored rule violations for the sake of keeping friendships going, and the admin throws his power around to make "personal, person-to-person requests" as though that's legitimate
You're just being delusional and stupid. Just because I'm not executing people in the streets doesn't mean I'm not enforcing the rule.
If you see a lewd image and don't delete it because "that's what dutch wants, attention", you aren't enforcing the rule I don't give a fuck your justification It's NOT enforcing the fucking RULE
Rika is a pretty good mod despite her deficits tbh I mean she's not perfect but she's pretty good
I'm not saying she has to be perfecct I'm saying even TN would make a better mod
Haha no way
the fuck way
assuming he is here at the same time she is, I mean I mean obviously there's a fucking time problem but you know what the fuck I mean
>>117919 You have to be careful with people like Dutch. There were times where he absolutely was just posting lewd images to get my attention.
The goal is to stop the ultimate behavior.
No the fucik you don't enforce the rule and a goddamn lightbulb flashes and they realize "hey I can't just break the rules all the GODDAMN time for laffos, it won't fly"
>>117928 This post: >>117926 Is 100% wrong i n every way. That lightbulb would never flash above Dutch's head.
He's just continue acting up until he was banned and then he would laugh about it. Being a rules nazi is not the way to deal with people like Dutch.
It's right if it's more consistent than oncce every TEN POSTS the guy makes When you only fucking try to enforce a rule 10% of the time, of course people won't FUCKING FOLLOW IT are you retarded?
You delete one post and tell them to stop 9 times It should be delete 9 posts and tell them to stop 1 time, at BEST
>>117932 He would do it even if he couldn't get away with it. Like I said, he would have just done it until he was banned and laugh. I got him to cut way down on it with my methods.
if it's part of your character it's fine whatever dude lmao you can't just delete the images of someone who breaks the rule you won't be able to make them not do it
>>117936 She'd get really mad at me and be disappointed
>>117939 So? You think DUTCH gives a FUCK about that?
THE¤ HELL HE DID Even fucking LOBSTER didn't give a fuck and she was positively infatuated with this bitch of a mod
>>117940 Are you arguing that dvice should have been banned?
>>117943 dutch gave a lot of fcks just to be around
>>117944 I'm saying every rule breaking post should have been deleted upon realization that it broke the rules, rather than letting it stay to "reason with him"
>>117946 Oh wait My narative isn't working time to invent bullshit time to spin this around what cna i do aaah aaha aah what can I dooo
what can I do but... Lie yes LIE about things that is what I must do Present a LIE do to further my goals He who fights monsters, becomes a monster and who gazes into the abyss has the abyss gaze into them
He absolutely is saying that Dutch should have been banned. Don't backpedal now.
If he refused to stop despite his posts being deleted, yes He should have been fucking banned
Because everyfuckingone else who tries to abide by the rules sees this one person be fucking IGNORED as though its' nothing because "it's that one person who the rules don't apply to"
The only MESSAGE you sent to FUCKING ANYONE is that dutch is free from the shakles of the rules but the rest of us fucking STAY IN LINE OR ELSE
>>117966 Banning beloved posters over stupid shit you can just talk out with them undermines the community. What's the point of having a community if you kill that community in the name of enforcing the rules?
if the rule isn't worth enforcing why the FUCK is it there
This is why I told you that you were being autistic. It's not about black and white. It's about doing things with a steady and gentle hand.
the hell it's not
If I show up somewhere and I'm toldd not to do the thing, but someone who LITERALLY does nothing other than the thing, yet receives NO reprecussions what the FUCK am I supposed to think?
>>117971 You LITERALLY just said that you should either enforce the rules by publicly executing people over stupid shit, or just not have rules at all. That is black and white. There is no middle ground with you. How is that not a completely black and white way of seeing things?
If you break the RULE that's fucking it for that post If you CONSISTENTLY break the rules, that's fucking it for YOU
You are seriously underestimating the weight of having me angry with you. Next time you see Dutch, as him how annoying it was when I got on his case.
Yeah maybe I am because it's resulted in literally nothing for anyone ever
"oh no, rika makes mad posts at me, whatever shall I do" Gee I dunno, press the hide button and ignore it beccause she thinks making mad posts is an adequate replaccement for just deleting the rule violations
how about you just do BOTH did you even consider this option?
It's not shit, you just don't appreciate it. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but my modding is fairly suitable for the needs of the community.
the fuck it isn't I don't like it BECAUSE ITS SHIT
though I do wanna note that I don't have any real issues with the current situation of moe beyond samu accting like threatening to ban things isn't a ban on those things
>>117996 But you just said that your modding theory is that you either enforce rules that kill the community or you don't have rules at all?
>>118000 Banning Dutch over stupid stuff would have killed the community, or been a significant blow to it.
>>118003 No, what a stupid way of looking at things. Dutch left because he got busy with real life. People understand that. If Dutch had been stuck down by me in the prime of his career for posting boobs every once in awhile, how do you think that would have gone down in the community?
>>118007 Do you think so? I think that me banning Dutch over that would have offended Kirara's sense of justice. It definitely would have offended Sugoi's sense of justice.
AND we're still here Meaning banning the BOTH OF THEM would do 0 to the thriving of moe
I'd be here ikmats would be here you'd be here rook would be here jan would be here moon would be here tn would be here
LITERALLY who would leave because you banned dutch after REPEATED, DELIBERATE RULE VIOLATIONS? Name ONE fucking moe
How the fuck would that uppset the sense of justice of anyone it's the FUCKING RULE
>>118015 So if someone refuses to stop jaywalking, you should execute them?
I WAS BANNED FOR A WEEK FOR TALKING ABOUT A THING but dutch literally dedicated his moe existence to breaking the ONLY EXPLICIT rule, and he hasn't been banned ONCE
>>118024 Having a memory like mine is rather inconvenient. You guys remember so much stuff that I don't.
No I'm just sayting it sure is convenient that literally anytthing I say you can say "oh that didn't happen as far as I know", andd the arcchive is gone so I can't do a fucking thing
>>118043 I'm going to stop you for a second to say that I'm becoming frustrated with you. You aren't listening to what I'm saying, you are just saying the same things over and over again.
Don't you think it might be time to get some sleep and talk about this in the morning?
I might never meet a skinny girl again
No you're the one not fucking listening He stopped posting lewd BECAUSE he became a normie it had 0 to do with your modding style You didn't do a fucking THING about it, he just happened to have a life situation that stoped him from coming here, and IF THAT WASNT THE CCASE, there'd be a nipple RIGHT NOW in this thread
>>118047 And you have ignored my follow up on it three times. So please take a moment to read this question, think about it, and answer it.
Do you not see how it's a different circumstance between Dutch leaving and Dutch being banned over what is a simple rule? Do you not see that people would have been upset if he had been banned over that, versus him leaving of his own accord?
>>118050 yeah, i see the difference One is you not enforcing the rules and relying on the life situation of the offender to change The other is you enforcing the LITERALLY ONLY FUCKING RULE OF THE ENTIRE GODDAMN WEBSITE
>>118056 Have you not been reading my posts? People would be upset because the punishment does not fit the crime, and because Dutch was people's friends.
nobody would be fucking upset about it if it ddidn't drop out of the fucking sky only reason anyone would mind is you already fostered a culture of not caring a goddamn about the rules to BEGIN with
It's kind of becoming clear to me that letting Kirara be in charge of you from a management standpoint has been a mistake. Maybe I'll have to take a more active role with you.
>>118066 You're ignoring what I said again. Stop typing and read the following statement carefully, please.
I never said that Dutch was allowed to break the rules. I was on Dutch's back constantly for rule violations, and he did eventually taper off and stop the behavior. You may not have been paying attention to this, but it actually did happen. And you may not believe that Dutch cared about my scorn or my opinion, but he did.
"hey I made it so you can just ignore the rules for half a year, don't you think people would be upset if I enforced them all of a sudden?" Yeah, I do But you MAKING IT CCLEAR YOU CAN IGNORE THE RULES IS THE GODDAMN PROBLEM RIKA
the hell dutch gave a fuck about your opinion The whole point of breaking the rule was that it pissed you off and you did NOTHING about it That was THE POINT rika
He stopped well before that. If you want to sit here and argue about how you remember facts, I don't have much to say to you. I don't want to argue with hypotheticals or misremembered versions of events that you've cooked up to favor what you're saying. If that's the case, I'll just deal with you tomorrow when you're sober.
"this thing happened" "no it ddidn't if you didn't autistically note down every post number in that entire interacction from years ago and keep it around for this exact purpose" This is literally everything I ever say
>>118090 I have always paid a lot of attention to Dutch and Lobster-chan. I can tell you that they both stopped posting lewd well before they stopped posting here.
With Lobster-chan specifically, the conversation I had with her about posting less lewd led to her
Stop typing and let me finish.
The conversation I had with her posting less lewd led to her getting her feelings very hurt over me having that talk to her and she stopped posting lewd altogether.
Archive this POST RIGHT HERE
>>118096 Lobster showed up since she "left" for literally no other reason than to post lewd so I'm not buying ANY of this post
>>118098 No, this is another example of you being so self-involved that you didn't bother paying attention to other people. Lobster-chan posted for a long time after she stopped posting lewd. She just posted anonymously and didn't post any images at all at that point, and you stopped noticing her posts.
>>118104 So why are you sitting here trying to tell me all about her posting habits, and said posting habits with regard to my modding, if you weren't even paying attention to her?
>>118108 That's not what we're talking about here.
Anyway, I think this is as good as any a time to point out that you're just drunk and raging. I will give you more guidance on how to avoid the /pol/ posting as we move forward.
how is it not
i'm raging but the drunk part i have under ccontrol
How is someone spamming /ss/ and getting nothing but a waving finger not related to enforcement of literally the only rule, which happens to be a rule against EXACTLY THAT
>>118115 I'm becoming frustrated with you again. I just explained to you that I had a conversation with her about it, and that it hurt her feelings to a degree that it affected my friendship with her. And that she stopped posting lewd and mostly stopped posting images altogether after that point, despite the fact that she was active on the board for some time after that.
>>118121 It did have results, you simply didn't pay attention to it because you don't pay attention to things that don't effect you directly.
WHICH DIDNT RESULT IN A FUCKING THING as far as I know, because I don't fucjking know when that was was it less than 9 months ago?
I will always ignore results that aren't sufficient I'm not ashamed of that
if you feel like talking it out with people is an effectivve way to get shit done, go for it, but I'll call you a shit mod when you do that for years at a time with 0 effects because that's what a SHIT MOD does
>>118134 Okay, I've been over this with you half a dozen times and you still don't seem to be reading what I posted. You should just go to bed. I'll deal with you tomorrow.
>>118139 So are you just ignoring the part where I got them to stop posting lewd well before either of them left? Is it because it isn't really a convenient fact to what you're trying to say?
i am reading what you're saying, you're just fucking wrong
No, I'm saying you seem to happen to get people to stop posting rule breaking content right before they fade out of existence anyway Coincidentally
I'm not saying you're lying. I'm just saying you're wrong.
You claim to be an expert on Lobster-chan's posting habits, but you never were even able to identify her anonymous posts.
>>118170 damn dude I thought you wanted to be a lawyer? You should know the difference between lying and simply being misinformed.
That is saying I'm lying
I can identify a big titted milf FUCKING a shota without needing to know who the fuck made the post, and safely assume it's LITERALLY the only person posting that content, thanks
>>118172 You never even bothered to get to know her, the only thing you could ever identify her by is the things you didn't like about her. Which is exactly that you're doing here.
>>118176 Yeah but I don't have a post number for anything she ever said so bascially she never posted here
Has any significant amount of lewdposting even happened in the last year?
>>118179 no I'm not complaining about it I'm coomplainign about rika's modding habits being "my friends get a free pass, and everyone else has to follow the rules" Which she has essentially said herself
Though, since we're talking about people's flaws, it's a good time for me to bring something up that you should work on. You need to learn to forgive people for doing things you don't like. Holding grudges from years ago is not good.
voit vittu kun joskus se rasittaa en maata kestä en maailmaa vaan hänenkö niskaan velkani sälytän
I don't forgive people for things they don't acknowledge as 1 acctually having happened 2 Actually being a bad thing
>>118195 It's time for you to learn to forgive people. You need to forgive people for their faults. You have fauls too. In fact you have a lot of faults, and you have a lot of things you expect people to do you for, do for you even though you have no relationship with them.
No i'll forgive transgression when the person actually acknowlefges it fucking HAPPENED, but if I don't have the post number nothing ever fucking ever happened on this imageboard, and I'm nto about to jot down every single goddamn post number of everyone else on this website on the offchance it comes up in the future a year or two in the future I'm not doing it, and you can FUCK YOURSELF for expecting me to even consider it
>>118202 We're not talking about anything that isn't being acknowledged here. Here is a good example. You dislike Lobster-chan for posting lewd things, but what obligation did Lobster-chan ever have with regard to you? You never bothered to get to know her. You just think that she owed you some standard of behavior and you hate her for not conforming to it.
She never had any obligation And I have no obligation to forgive her Because we're not friends
I don't like it conceptually. Even if it's cloned meat, it's still on some level "human meat", and that just doesn't sit well with me personally.
>>118220 Because I still existed and had feelings I expressed They were ignored because her 12 year old boys were 2hot4her And that's a slight to me and I won't forgive 8t
>>118230 She had things she wanted to express. There is tension when someone wants to talk about something and someone doesn't want it talked about. Why do your desires have priority over hers?
>>118233 would you eat cloned human meat if it tastes like wendy's?
>>118234 Because I am me, my priorities are absolute for me If she wants my forgiveness she can fucking ask for it, but she won't because she has literally the exact same mindset
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>118238 The problem I had with it stays so no >>118237 I don't wanna eat people
>>118240 That's a flawed way of thinking. You aren't any more important than anyone else. It's wrong for you to dictate the behavior of a person who has no obligation to you. It's wrong for you to hate them for not confirming to your expectations.
I am infinitely more important than everyone else put together as far as my own priorities go
>>118246 what if wendy's was actually fresh(never frozen) cloned human meat?
>>118252 Then go somewhere where your priorities are catered to.
Whatever nobody seemz to get that you don't just forgive people when they don't even acknowledge they hurt your feelings Certainly not for the sake of making THEM feel better
If i If my hate makes even a slight negative impact on her entire year, it's worth it
Whatever Anything I bring up didn't happen because I don't have the post number so the whole fucking discussion is meaningless I'm going to bed
Completely without purpose to talk about anything without an encyclopedic knowledge of every moe post since samu first hit the on switch
its not that it didnt happen its just been such a long time nobody cares anymore
>>118348 Yeah these 2 last weeks have been like a full decade each
>>118352 if it was less than 2 weeks the posts are still on the main page show some initiative if you know nobody will believe you already
Last time I pointed to a post number I was mocked for having anything but the most extreme example, so I think I'll pass Though that also never happened so who cares
I'm gonna sleep
>>118379 i agree who cares good night sweet dreams drink some water before you crash
just make a collage already your already crazy enough
>>118389 nah i genuinely hope you have a better day tomorrow bud
No you don't
I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop and for everyone to realize none of you actually want me here so I'm not gonna take bullshit lik that seriously
>>118396 yeah i do m8 who are you to tell me what i think
>>118396 nah you are cool when you arent fucked up
I'm basically never not fuckrd up
The closest I ever got to not feeling fucked up was OK ritalin, and I was really fucked up when I was on Ritalin
I'm just mad cause nobody believes me or takes me seriously
I can take anything right so my feelings don't matter but I should bend over backwards the instant someone else says something Cause I'm worth the least of everyone