Thread #118304
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Thread for unity! #ImWithRika #RDF
Everybody's gotta burn sometime
Light a match and 🔥 me up
Kirara is a brightly burning star!
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>>118304 (OP) Are you being ironic?
#CrookedRika #LockHerUp
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>>118313 No I am here to defend you rika-dono
>>118313 Nice Akiko. Now give me one to steal.
>>118317 fukkin whiteboi Bitchez get horny, niggaz die Bitches get horny...niggaz die!
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I'm a mover I'm a shaker I'm an earthquaker
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>>118318 Here's an Akiko to steal. You probably don't have this one.>>118317 Don't use me to fuel your memes.
>>118329 I'll take as many as can get. Even questionable quality.
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>>118329 Wow, I'm not memeing on you. I'm expressing my true feelings in a silly way because it's too embarrassing to state them outright!
>>118331 Stop flirting.
>tfw want to be a princess but Kirara tells you women are all queens
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>>118331 I guess I can accept that explanation.
>>118334 All princesses become queens in the end
>>118334 Nah. You can be a bitch too.
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>>118335 Good
>>118335 I'll keep stealing. I'll acquire all the Akiko!
This thread is now #! FUCK #SAMURAIAPPROVED
>>118336 >not dying as a princess
How do I perform largeposting
I think my brother is listening to some new age music This is an interesting turn of events
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You either die a princess or live long enough to become a queen
>>118344 You ask the post to impress you upon completion. If it feels like it, it will enlarge itself toappear bigger and better.
>>118344 Post #! on a new linelike this
Respect women But also Death to all thots
>>118350 thots need love too
>>118350 No we have to respect all women
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:03 No. 118354
i'm a blowjob queen
>>118349 #! Like this?
>>118354 y u o No kingm
>>118356 lol get tricked
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>>118358 So you just gonna humiliate me like this in front of everyone
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I'm not really sure about this respect all women meme, you guys.
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just gonna stand there and watch me bern
>>118362 What's wrong with it?
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>>118359 birbdeath>>118361 Yeah don't mess with me
>>118362 There are no memes. Only hard truth.
>>118353 That's the thing tho All women are thots
>>118362 I don't see the issue Do you want everyone to DISRESPECT women?
>>118368 Queens*
>>118362 Are you having second thoughts about respecting women?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:05 No. 118373
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>>118373 Samu what was that rabbit's name again.
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>>118359 I dindu nuffin Dredd
>>118375 Sprint
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:05 No. 118378
>>118375 SNOWPIERCER no just kidding it's uh NIGHT FURY
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>>118365 I'm just not sure about it.>>118369 >>118372 I disrespect women all the time.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:06 No. 118381
it does seem vaguely misogynistic
>>118359 Which gallery though?
>>118380 You need to stop that
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>>118380 My respect for you is not a meme
>>118380 I can't respect someone who disrespects women. But I have to respect all women! What the heck d o I do?!?!
>>118380 Do you disrespect all women? We need ananswer
>>118385 The correct choice here is to respect She is a woman, after all
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>>118386 Just some of them.
>>118388 I'm feeling pretty respectful rn
>respecting women is a meme sounds aabout right
>>118390 Which ones? Clarity is key to communication.
Is it fine to not respect women if you don't disrespect them?
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Usually just random women. Whenever we see someone walking by the office area in something suspect everyone hates on her. You'd be surprised at the number of women who try to wear things that aren't dresses as dresses. You can't just wear a long blouse and expect that to fly. Other women are going to talk shit about you.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:08 No. 118400
cause if you like the way you meme that much oh baby you should go and love yourself
>>118397 No, because then youre still not respecting all women And i don't fuck with nibbas who don't respect women
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>>118399 Would you take pictures of them and shame them publicly? Without repercussion of course
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:09 No. 118406
>>118403 *squints suspiciously*
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>>118404 No that's a lot of effort.
>>118407 >not an Akiko Not if it's extreme cases only.
>>118406 *inspects penis*
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>>118408 Oh I guess I can post some more Akikos.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:11 No. 118416
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I should probably sleep. I have to pick up a certain someone at 11 a.m.
You're gonna respect them, right?
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I have nothing but respect
>>118413 Akiko a 2cute Thank you.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:13 No. 118420
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>>118417 I dunno.
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I'm the nicest one in the office anyway. The girls who work the desks up front are SAVAGE.
>>118421 But is it just a front? Or is it sincere?
>>118417 gonna be hard
>>118424 If respecting women was easy It wouldn't be worth doing
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>>118422 I'm pretty sure it's sincere.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:14 No. 118427
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>>118425 But what if women don't think you're worth the time?
>>118426 Interesting. Very interesting.
>>118427 Kill those fucking thots then my dude
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:15 No. 118430
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>>118429 But then I'd go to prison
>>118430 Yeah but the inmates would respect you Because you respect women Right?
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thot police
All women are Queens
>>118430 >getting caught >not evading justice and cosmic karma >>118433 off with their heads!
2017/05/07 (日) 04:16 No. 118437
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>>118433 I can sing a song like this but I don't feel like it
>>118429 but not before you #slay that shit
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I'm still just not too sure about this meme.
2017/05/07 (日) 04:17 No. 118440
>>118439 you don't want a song?
>>118439 You can be sure of my respect for you
>>118439 Aren't there more abusive caps? Like she's gonna fucking stab someone?
>>118439 Is there something I can do to make you more comfortable with it?
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Oh no this was a bad idea
>>118432 Thought police
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>>118443 Akiko just isn't that kind of girl.>>118444 Just think about the circumstance at the moment. What if you were on a board full of women and they were going "respect all men" over and over?
>>118446 Bingo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:18 No. 118449
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The dilemma of wanting to tell /moe/ something and not wanting to at the same time. Taihen
>>118449 It's probably fine to talk about it>>118447 I would feel really respected
>>118447 She seemed likelike it if you got in her way...>>118448 DREAM POLICE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:19 No. 118452
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Yeah, it just feels awkward.
>>118452 I think people are worried It's probably fine even if it's awkward I vent about shit all the time
>>118447 I would finally feel safe from all the harsh trest Treatment* I receive as a man in the outside world
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:20 No. 118456
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Oh well. Might as well drop this bombshell. Blind revealed to me through text as she was leaving for her parent's for a week to take care of their dog that she had stopped loving me about 4-5 months ago. So that's a thing. Or rather I should say, we're not really a thing anymore.
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>>118450 Are you sure it would that? Or would you actually be kind of awkward feeling about it?
>>118456 are you breaking up
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>>118456 Sorry to hear that man
>>118456 damn
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:21 No. 118461
oh, she told me this about a week ago. last friday specifically So she basically lied to me about loving me and stuff since January instead of trying to talk to me about how she had no real interest in my interests and that she felt I didn't show enough interest in her interests. And a little while after she also told me that while she tried to make things work apparently on her own, (again not talking to me at all), she felt that it wasn't really worth the time and effort. Which is reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally a mean thing to say even if she's not trying to be malicious
>>118456 That's fucking lazy.
>>118456 im really sorry that happened to you through text no less hopefully your heart can heal after this immature behavior
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>>118456 I knew something like that was up, and my sixth sense was telling me it was soemthing like that. So what are you guys going to do about it?
2017/05/07 (日) 04:22 No. 118465
>>118464 Congratulations you get a free TN song of your choice wich will be performed and recorded when the moment allows such
>>118464 Sixth or fifth? What comes between? Maybe even seventh?
>>118456 Damn, that's really rough Sorry you gotta deal with that
>>118464 It's a pretty easy guess
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>>118461 Damn man. That sucks.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:23 No. 118470
>>118464 We'll have to probably work that out soon, since she comes back tomorrow. The lease ends and isn't being renewed so I'll have to find somewhere to live, probably back home which means I can't really keep the job I have. Unless I live around here and paying rent by myself would be really hard.>>118473 Thanks for the offer, but I've basically been talking to Kirara for the past week about it. I'm kind of okay I think? I sure wasn't a week ago.
>>1184619 >>118461 she probably didnt try that hard trying hard includes talking to your partner
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>>118466 Uh, everyoen has five senses. sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell And the sixth sense is feminine intuition.
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>>118456 i'm sorry things turned out that way bud i know i'm probably not one to turn to but i'm available if you need to talk or anything
>>118472 Incredible If only some day we could reach such high levels of existence as men
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>>118470 So you need a roommate to make the current situation keep happening? How long have you guys been together?
2017/05/07 (日) 04:24 No. 118476
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>>118472 no appreciation?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:24 No. 118477
>>118475 I am pretty sure Blind will at least maintain bills and shit for the next two months. If she didn't I would probably get angry. We've been together for 4 years and engaged for over 2. She wanted to get married like 2 years ago is the fucked up part of all this.
>>118472 Where does masculine intuition fall?
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If having a women's intuition also makes you shittalk people behind their back then no thanks.
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>>118477 hmm I think you guys should try having a face to face talk about this befoer you make it official. And maybe some rough make-up sex.
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>>118477 not to make it about me but i was with my ex for six and things ended very suddenly and uncomfortably i know some of those awful feelings will you likely be spending less time with us here? some people draw away when things get difficult i hope you won't. i like having you here.
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That's really rough
>>118479 Woah hold on there motherfucker you're not being very respectful
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:25 No. 118484
>>118480 She has basically said that there is no way. She literally does not love me anymore. Said so herself.
>>118483 Memes
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>>118484 Over text. Right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:26 No. 118488
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well yeah but like how is that going to change in person
Yeah It's not like she's gonna see your face and change her mind
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:26 No. 118490
like I totally get the idea of having this important conversation in person But she's felt this way for months and didn't talk to me about it for some reason
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>>118488 hmm I'm going to deviate from the rule of this thread about respecting women, but many women are cowards. So you need to get it from her face. You owe it to the relationship to at least find out why, don't you?
Just let it go and move on. I mean, shit ain't worth it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:27 No. 118493
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>>118491 I guess I could get her to say that I'm not worth her time and effort to my face .
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Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:27 No. 118495
Oh shiiiit I have a name
>>118493 it sounds terrible but thats something you deserve at least text is so impersonal its bullshit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:28 No. 118497
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Like I wanted to wait until she got back and try to work things out and get back together and stuff But then I started texting her some more and like damn>>118498 I did about a week ago but after all the stuff she's said I don't really know anymore.
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>>118493 I guess I should have asked this first - do you want to save the relationship?>>118494 Why are you haru facing at me?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:29 No. 118499
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Like I was distraught and wanting to fix things a week ago, but after this past week it's just likie jeez>>118500 all text.
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Did you talk on the phone at all about it, or was it all over text?
>>118498 Just continue this relationship with someone who has stopped loving you
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Honestly even if you don't want to continue the relationship, I think you owe yourself a face to face meeting where she tells you she doesn't love you anymore. I don't like the idea of "owing it to the relationship." Do it for yourself.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:30 No. 118503
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Since you've mentioned it rika, I'll ask her in person too. Just for certainty. Uh, just in case, this isn't like sarcasm or anything. >>118507 this is a good kitakami
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:30 No. 118504
Report how poorly itgoes.
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>>118498 Wakaranai
>>118502 I agree Letting sone thing like this end over text is such a drab thing
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>>118503 Well, don't have the conversation if you don't want to. I would be rather forceful about making the conversation happen in your situation, though. In the past whenever my friends have done things like that I have forced them to talk to me about it. One thing you need to understand about women is that they are stupid and sometimes there's a problem that can be fixed.
>>118503 It's not sarcasm, having a face to face conversation will provide some more closure for you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:31 No. 118510
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>>118509 No, I meant my statement. I was making sure I didn't come off as sarcastic.>>118508 I can definitely see that. However, I did receive an email saying that our apartment has been leased to someone else and that apparently Blind emailed our landlord a month ago saying she didn't want to renew the lease without telling me even though I repeatedly asked about the lease, so.
Ah, ok
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:32 No. 118512
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>>118510 That's kind of messed up. Are you sure you want to have the conversation face to face? i'm not sure that would leave anyone in good shape
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:33 No. 118514
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Saying "I love you" in text to someone and then revealing later that day that the last 5 months of relationship have been a lie is also pretty fucked up.
>>118510 what the fuck THAT IS NOT OK
>>118514 This
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:34 No. 118517
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regardess of what happens, I do kind of need two things to happen. 1, Blind needs to stick around and help with bills and stuff 2, I want the car.
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Wow I am really breaking the meme tonight Another thing you need to understand about women is that women can twist logic to justify almost any messed up behavior.
It's okay I'm #thotpatrol now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:35 No. 118520
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I understand that Blind might actually just be being retarded, but at the same time I have lived with this person for quite some time. She's a blunt and spontaneous person. It's entirely possible that she's absolutely serious. ONe of the problems she has with me is that I spend time on the computer and am perfectly content with this, whereas she wants to travel. And like, I really wish she had talked with me about this instead of trying to work on trying to like my things one-sided.
>>118518 That explains a lot about you
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My perception of women is being shattered!
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>>118521 Let's respect women, okay? Although I take pride in my ability to twist logic to justify almost anything.>>118520 You can still try to talk things out with her. There's no harm in trying. Unless you don't want to, this is something that's totally your call.
>>118523 nicememe
>>118523 N I C E M E M E
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Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:36 No. 118527
>>118521 >sick_burn.gif >>118523 Is that really something tobe proud of? Actually...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:37 No. 118528
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>>118523 Like, there's a part of me that wanted to work things out. But then the comment from >>118493 happened and my mood changed dramatically. Like how do you just say that about someone you've spent this long with. How do you just go "trying to make our relationship work by trying to be interested in you and the things you like wasn't worth my time."
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this sounds like I shoudl /// should totally avoid women! Wow! Now I'll never have rabbit babies
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:37 No. 118530
>>118529 This forever and ever
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>>118527 I actually have a code of behavior I live by so I'm not like all those other ones. Virtue is important.>>118528 Oh, she actually said that? I thought you were being hard on yourself. That was a pretty cold thing of her to say.
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:38 No. 118532
>>118531 I'm not convinced. Write a manifesto, I'll review it. Or one day I'll have a serious conversation with you.
>>118529 You forgot the first rule of understanding women 1. All women are thots
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:38 No. 118534
>>118531 no, this was actually one of her texts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:39 No. 118535
She acknowledged that she thought it sounded "kind of mean".
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>>118534 >>118535 Well, if it were me I would want to have the face to face conversation to try to ferret out if she was lying or not. Sometimes people lie about these things. But I am extremely forceful about friendships and relationships to the point of borderline yandere.
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:39 No. 118539
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Blind's a pretty blunt girl. But we are totally going to talking a lot so there's little reason I can't make sure of things. Like Blind and I are having regular text conversation still a bit. I'm probably not going to do what I said I was going to do with my paid vacation time now though. I was going to try and spend time with her if we patched up the relationship but I don't see that happening. Maybe I'll run back home for a small teeny bit so I can try to figure out my living situation.
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All joking aside I can't believe all women are just total pieces of shits.
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>>118532 You can have a serious conversation with me right now.>>118539 She's a girl and sometimes girls are completely retarded about feelings. What did she say, other than that she wasn't in love anymore?
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:40 No. 118542
>>118541 I'm in nocondition to have even a half serious conversation right now Just saying But you are both like... Competitor and mentor.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:42 No. 118544
>>118541 Let's see "I don't feel the same anymore" "I feel like you'd be happier back home with your friends too" (which I refuted), that I'm not the right person with whom to do the things she wants to do, that I don't seem happy or excited enough when I do things she wants me to do (which I also refuted), the part about how she's felt like this since january, that she wants someone who would be excited to go do the things etc, how my attitude makes it seem like everything is a hassle for me, that she's come to like different things from what she used to (like video games and stuff), that she thinks so about falling "completely" out of love with me, that she tried to make an effort and that it's not working, that she tried to change things little by little and that she finally decided it wasn't worth the effort, and that's about everything.
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>>118542 Mentor! Pick mentor.>>118544 Well, I just don't understand how you can be with someone that long and do what she did.
>>118533 preach
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:43 No. 118547
>>118545 No, no, you are both. We're just in leagues of our own in each right.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:43 No. 118548
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 600x825, homu shotgun.jpg )
I heard reports of misogyny in this thread. Stop right there, criminal scum
>>118540 May you never forget the constant wasting of air that is the breathing of the complete wastes of space that we call women
Search [iqdb] (415 KB, 600x960, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_akaga(…).png )
>>118549 No I mean that more literally. I actually can't believe it. It's just not possible in my world view that even a decent percentage of women are total fuckers.
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:43 No. 118551
>>118548 Not until after I cuddle the shit out if Of you
Search [iqdb] (489 KB, 1000x900, 歩鳥 - カリおっさん.jpg )
>>118547 I'm not really sure that we are competitors, though. In what realm do we compete?>>118544 hmm Do you think that's the case? That your interests have grown apart?
>>118548 Only #respect in here officer
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:44 No. 118554
>>118552 No no. We don't in any sphere really just in m. Had
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:44 No. 118555
Ban me nerd
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 350x197, 1493790928513.gif )
>>118555 Ban me. Make my day punk. You don't have the guts kiddo
>>118550 You should just deliver syringe filled pizza to every woman
You better make it a rule to respect women
Search [iqdb] (359 KB, 500x375, 1493150761947.gif )
This is all p crazy
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>>118557 That doesn't sound like me I'm more of a needle filled pizza guy
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:45 No. 118562
>>118557 i totally do have the guts you fuckin fuckin jerkwad see
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:46 No. 118563
>>118552 she has not played any of the games I've asked her to pretty much at all despite being initially interested in ones like Persona.
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>>118555 oh no
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:46 No. 118565
I'm hesitant to travel but I would have bitten the bullet since it'd be for Blind But guess that's not necessary now.
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>>118563 hmm Well despite being onee-san I don't have any really good advice for you. These things are difficult. I hope it works out in a way that you can be okay with.
>>118562 Well I'm still posting. Come on boy, hit me with your best shot!
>>118555 ban me do itDO IT ANAKIN
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:48 No. 118569
>>118567 any second now you'll be sorry
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:48 No. 118570
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>>118566 That's fine, and thank for you trying. I wasn't really expecting advice. As long as she doesn't screw me over in terms of financial situation or any more of my living situation, I'll probably be fine. She's already ruined my emotionally after all wwwwwwwwwwww
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>>118568 CUT HIM DOWN
>>118573 Double hashtag
>>118573 Post ## I fuckin told you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:49 No. 118576
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Jokes about my emotional state aside, I seriously want the car and for her to continue paying what she's been paying until the lease is up. also >>118574 IT'S CALLED A POUND SIGN YOU NITWIT>>118577 unfortunately both of those would be her However I've paid the bills and rent for pretty much the entirety of our time here, which is two years. Considering bills being split like that, to say "I haven't paid for the car at all" would be unfair.
Search [iqdb] (700 KB, 579x819, かずきひより@三国志大戦復帰勢 - カリオストロ!.jpg )
>>118573 #they already told you and you didn't listen because you thought you were being tricked! oopsit's like this >>118576 Who's name is the car in? Who has paid for it? And you said you've been together about 4 years?
>>118568 I appreciate this post.
>>118574 >>118575 thanks fam
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:50 No. 118580
And I also gave money on the down payment so there's that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:51 No. 118581
I mean, there's a shitty backup car at my aunt's but I like this thing.
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>>118576 You might have to negotiate a bit for the car then because it sounds like it's a tough situation for you legally on that front.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:51 No. 118583
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There's also the part where Blind is BLIND and cannot drive so what the heck is she going to do with it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:51 No. 118584
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"Please allow me to have the car as compensation for anally ravaging my emotions!">>118585 I think if she took specialized courses she could, but she shouldn't because her vision is pretty awful. Literally no peripheral vision.
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Oh that's true. Can you even get a car in your name when you'e blind? That's weird. She can't get a driver's license can she?
>>118583 Hold it in her name because of pettiness and the resell value.
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>>118570 how much is the rent and stuff? just a random shot in the dark but my lease is up in june and i gotta go somewhere else options are still open
>>118570 Listen here Ton, this is Tilde. I know I can be a right arse to you but I hope you understand that shit's more my thing and not any issue with you. But I want to let you know that I'm keeping you in mind with all this. It's been bothering me since your personality took a swerve earlier in the week, probably about the time it happened. Thank you for actually talking about it and letting us know your situation. I can't even fathom offering any decent advice or advice in general, but I'm as much of a shoulder as I can offer. Try and breathe easy, man.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:53 No. 118589
>>118587 575 a month. it's pretty good, but I would have trouble paying for that AND the car on my own. And I need the car for my job, really. Like I get maybe 600 a paycheck and I get two of those a month. I would be struggling.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:54 No. 118590
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>>118588 Remember how I was a little weird last Cthulu session? Yeah. Thanks Tilde.
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>>118589 you said you had a home option? going back home
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:54 No. 118592
>>118591 yeah I can go home Where I have probably a couple options really
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:55 No. 118593
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Hmm, I don't think the brevity of that post does yours any justice, so I'll fix it. Thank you very much Tilde, it means a lot to me to hear you say this. And like I said I'm not really expecting much on the advice front, for a couple reasons. It's certainly unpleasant, or was during the last one // week at least, when I was just sitting at work alone with my thoughts. I'm feeling pretty okay right now though.
>>118590 Sorry man I'll be totes honest here your weirdness in the Cthulhu sessions all blends together and last week was not really weirder than it usually is, hah hah.
Speaking of being financially cucked I still haven't recieved my paycheck that I was supposed to get yesterday Might have to take this into my own hands
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:56 No. 118596
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>>118594 Ah. Well no worries haha Rika pointed it out and you're usually turbo perceptive so I just assumed.
i've never seen tilde perceive anything i dunno what you're talking about
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 04:57 No. 118599
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I guess this week has been good for getting used to being alone again. If I go back home I'll have PAN to deal with the loneliness I suppose. Rika please hold your doujinshis until next comiket.
>>118593 Actually I'm doing a full 180 nevermind. Take your time getting shit together but don't go full bitches and whores and try to keep company
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the usa is out of the bag
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>>118599 Can I be honest about something? I know it's a very unpleasant thing but you're noticeably more you you seem like oyu // you have more breathing room
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>>118601 Why are you flooping at me? I'm not talking about myself, of course.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 04:58 No. 118605
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the hero is out of the closet
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 04:59 No. 118606
>>118566 >I've always wanted an onee-san
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 05:00 No. 118607
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>>118603 You mean right now?
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posting for Jan
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>>118607 well, no kind of just a trend
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:00 No. 118610
you fucking roadtrippers are ALL THE SAME IP ADDRESS
Search [iqdb] (1.7 MB, 1600x1200, __shameimaru_aya_touhou_drawn_(…).jpg )
>>118608 NANI?!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 05:00 No. 118612
>>118608 holy shit what's that spoiler
>>118610 not me bitch 4G
>>118612 idek
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:00 No. 118615
>>118610 Nope
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 05:01 No. 118616
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>>118609 Hmm. I'm not sure what to say about that, or think really. Not in a bad way I mean, but it's interesting.
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>>118606 You have one now! Just keep posting.
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>>118616 i might just be projecting i think it's good for people to be able to breathe in their own life
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:01 No. 118619
>>118617 That's so much effort and time.
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>>118619 I won't be your onee-san unless you're a regular.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:02 No. 118621
>>118613 fuuaaark>>118608 what the
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:02 No. 118622
>>118620 I'll just find a replacement. Replacements are out there.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 05:02 No. 118623
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Well here's hoping that I manage to mitigate the problems that come with Blind leaving my life. I wonder if she's told anyone in her family Her family seemed like they were pretty big fans of me
>>118608 it makes sense now that someone explained it to me in person
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>>118608 stick me in the autism box please
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:04 No. 118627
remake that chart without a true neutral segment
>>118626 where do you think you are right now?
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>>118622 Good luck with that. You can't just go get an onee-san.
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:05 No. 118630
>>118627 And tell me where I fall. I'm curious.>>118629 I can if I try really hard and am willing to pay hourly at high rates. Or I could just post more...
>>118628 Sitting in on the U.N
>>118621 wtf happened
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 05:05 No. 118633
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 700x1050, 947a5f417cf27e10e2c9e54699024b7f.jpg )
Go to the market and pick up an onee-san today
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>>118632 The spoiler is trying to tell you not to trigger floop.>>118630 A paid onee-san really isn't the same, is it?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:06 No. 118635
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>>118632 it is a mystery
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:07 No. 118636
>>118634 Eh, it could be. She'd probably be a hell of a lot crazier though.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:07 No. 118637
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now it's fine must be the source image maybe the image you provided is like 256 color or something and it messed with the composite
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/07 (日) 05:08 No. 118638
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1200x1500, a2ab70eaa6c0ab223c966e3431bee872.png )
Now that I've gotten all that off my chest, I think I'll actually go to sleep. How are you doing this Kirara
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>>118636 She won't care about you like I will.>>118639 WOW!
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>>118638 Night ton I hope things turn out I think they will
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>>118638 Have a good night thanks for sharing with us
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>>118608 i know i can kill
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:09 No. 118644
>>118640 Will you actually care though? Why would you?
>>118640 >Yuu >caring DON'T BELIEVE HER LIES
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>>118644 I care about all the regulars!>>118645 Don't be cold rook I care about all of you.
Wow all of me??
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>>118638 Idk how Goodnight my man
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>>118638 bye bye and good luck
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:11 No. 118651
fucking HACKAA
>>118638 night fighto
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:11 No. 118653
>>118645 I don't think I will.>>118646 Hmm.... DOUBT.
>>118648 will say yes will get mad every time
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Oh so anon is Anno right now? Haha. I thought people were just putting on a weird name...
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hi puff
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:12 No. 118657
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:12 No. 118658
>>118655 Cheese puff.
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>>118657 Buy one get one
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>>118655 hey mister puff
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>>118655 >>118656 Freeze! Drop the guns and put your hands where I can see them!
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>>118653 How can you doubt me? I've been doing Onee-san things all night.
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>>118656 Hi hi floop Good to see you as always.
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:16 No. 118664
>>118662 No. I see calculating bunchhuman. Human.
>>118655 Hi Puff.
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1774x2320, 1492906355519.jpg )
>>118664 What have I done that's calculating?
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:17 No. 118667
>>118666 I think of every actaction of some people as well planned actions with a specific goal in mind. However, it's worth noting... I don't trust people.
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Are all these anons tanos saying hi to me? you can say it there idiots.
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what's wrong with saying hi here
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Hoi Puff
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>>118669 You're fine. Special exception.>>118670 And here's the biggest idiot of em all!
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>>118668 I'm not on right now
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>>118667 I see, what's my angle here?
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>>118671 but what is wrong with it?
>>118671 fuck off I'm dumber than Rin
>>118668 Hi
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:19 No. 118677
>>118673 I wouldn't know. Especially now I can't think that far ahead.
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>>118671 Do you want to get in the bin too All you have to do is ask>>118679 I've been here nearly long as I've been there You suck too buddy
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>>118674 It just feels so silly. Why say hi here which isn't even their natural enviroment. environment.>>118678 Bins suck.
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who /tanoshii / here
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>>118678 Yeah but you're everywhere.
>Puff didn't say hi back Kind of mean.
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 400x600, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_kaoru(…).png )
I usually reserve hi backs for those I like the most.
>>118683 >>118683 >>118683 this tbh senpai
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kinda heartbroken desu
>>118684 Usually.
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>>118686 Good.
>>118684 Ouch.
>>118686 >>118686 >>118686 not this tbh senpai
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>>118677 Maybe I just like taking care of people?
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>>118689 Ouch indeed. Want me to lie?
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>>118692 I want you to smile.
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Lieing is okay Just don't lol
but why not?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:25 No. 118696
i've been a fool to myself
Search [iqdb] (292 KB, 724x1024, 41e9a26bf949754b6d68fb1b33753a(…).jpg )
>>118695 Floopers does the angry
I thought that I could live for no one else
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:26 No. 118699
>>118681 Everyone is fun, aren't they?>>118691 I don't know. Even when ssh I do it I can sometimes sense ill intent slingsomewhere deep within.
>>118697 It's not my fault lol got corrupted these non-memeboys twisted its meaning
>>118696 I thought that I could live with noone else
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>>118701 But nooow, through all the hurt and paiiiin
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:27 No. 118705
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the ones you love me more than anything
>>118703 thots
>>118706 >>118706 >>118706
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this thread aaaaaaaaaaaaa
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What's wrong floop?>>118705 Neat pazzuru
what seems to be the problem?
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>>118699 I have no ill intent.
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:30 No. 118712
>>118711 Even just bolstering your image in the community. Everything.
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>>118705 That is a very impressive bird.
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>>118712 I don't mean to sound like I'm tooting my own horn here, but I don't needto bolster my image any more.
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>>118709 >>118710 the sk argument
I think it's best we leave that one where it is
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>>118719 see I'm just not sure about this meme still.>>118717 What about it?
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>>118720 What can I do to make this meme better for you?
>>118720 See>>118718
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:34 No. 118724
>>118716 I'm not sure.
Search [iqdb] (7.0 MB, 2603x3682, みつや - カリオストロ.png )
>>118723 Now you know I'm not that kind of poster? I didn't mean to question mark but I guess it works.>>118721 It's okay, you cna tell me!>>118722 Please just try to think of it from my point of view!
>>118725 Actually now I'm more confused
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>>118720 also you're actually completely right for once that meme is bad
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>>118725 What if I edit them to say respect rikas?
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1519x1070, saraki@お仕事募集中 - カリオストロ.jpg )
>>118728 That's kind of appealing to my egotism but I don't know if we should go that far.
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>>118730 Yeah this
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Here's an old song I like. In fact the whole album is good.>>>/watch?v=HyHNuVaZJ-k >>118726 What are you confused about perhaps I can help you?
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>>118731 Wow>>118729 What if I edit it to say protect rika-donos
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 500x500, super_kawaii_88_chan_by_vashpe(…).jpg )
>>118732 i'm pretty sure everyone knows this song and whole album
>>118732 >Now you know I'm not that kind of poster I don't know what you mean by this please clarify Also good song but I like another song off that album but I'm blanking on the name now
>>118730 >>118731 it's the mark of shiposters so that everyone knows to not respond
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:39 No. 118737
Search [iqdb] (939 KB, 600x338, 1461434423306.gif )
>>118729 There we go.
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 600x600, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_fushi(…).jpg )
Uuuhhh What Why are there posts on the side Samuuuu what did you dooo
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>>118734 I was just sharing that I like it! I know everyone knows them!>>118733 I think that's a bit too much don't you? It's bad if it becomes ironic.>>118737 There what goes?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:40 No. 118740
computer set a course for the sexiest year siiiiiixty niiiiiine SIIIIIIIIIXTY NIIIIIIIIIIINE
>>118736 Wow that's mean
>>118739 Do you have any ideas?
Search [iqdb] (500 KB, 960x770, 37333513_p0.png )
Sammmmmuuuu What did you dooooooooo
Search [iqdb] (2.8 MB, 3120x4160, skeletrumpet.jpg )
doot doot
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:41 No. 118745
>>118739 Nothing, nothing. One day it'll be conversation.
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>>118742 No, I'm just not sure about it. That's all I'm saying!
>>118741 it's not mean it's the truth
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>>118740 Gideon. Show me the future.
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>>118748 wait that's my image!
Search [iqdb] (20 KB, 224x180, 8941675_1484649975.jpg )
>>118750 Sorry. I ran out of images.
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Oh yeah it was Dare that was my favorite Gorillaz track. It took me a long time to remember the name of it.
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>>118751 let me grab some for you what do you want?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 05:45 No. 118754
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 736x836, eats.jpg )
i'll have a number nine
I want pictures of spiderman on my desk by monday
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>>118753 That is a very difficult question to answer. Do whatever you think is right. I believe in you Floop.
bye bye roadtrip friends
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1000x973, 1492550852642.jpg )
Roadtrip friends are leaving?
>>118757 bye bye roadtrip friends hello laura stevenson>>>/watch?v=Do-5B6dsnmU
>>118747 :(
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:47 No. 118761
>>118757 Safe travels!
>>118746 Fair enough.
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:47 No. 118763
>>118758 No. We're not going anywhere.
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>>118762 You can at least understand my feelings, right?
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>>118752 - El Mañana is mine My brother is going through a bit of gorillaz phase It's a bit funny to see.
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>>118765 So am I meant to post cropped images of this from now on?
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:53 No. 118768
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 617x471, 1487741053340.jpg )
I need morecute in my life
morecute until you die
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>>118767 i was waiting to see if you liked it before looking for more images
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Saki is so cool
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>>118770 I like anything you post. Though I can't repost any of it until next thread thanks to duplication checks.
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>>118768 do you have a prescription for cute?
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Cropped images are the best.
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 05:58 No. 118776
>>118774 I'll forge one>>118775 You usually have good taste and are cutest when not retarded.
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 833x1024, 1489357216362m.jpg )
cropped images are an old meme
>>118776 >rika >good taste
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 477x594, tch.jpg )
check out this crop
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>>118776 I'm always almost retarded though.
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 689x700, __akiyama_yukari_girls_und_pan(…).jpg )
>>118776 that's illegal >>118773 just crop one line of pixels to trick it!
>>118780 at least you're not almost always retarded
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 06:01 No. 118783
>>118778 To each their own. Unless you're.... Never mind.>>118780 Not so sure>>118781 Not at all
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>>118764 I think I probably can.
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>>118782 I am!>>118784 It's good that you understand. Maybe you can use that small understanding of a girl's feelings to understand that Cag is a girl.
Jan thinks Hiei is cute.
Search [iqdb] (262 KB, 820x651, 08.................jpg )
>>118781 That would be unfair to the Silver Samurai of moe. I could never do that!
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 06:06 No. 118789
I had an idea for that argument but it would be controversial.
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 570x770, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_inuno(…).jpg )
Who's Cag?
some old dude
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 06:07 No. 118792
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg )
jus drillin my wall drillin my waaalll
Search [iqdb] (930 KB, 1000x1412, 滝乃大祐 - イベント告知:グラケット2 ル30.jpg )
>>118790 This is Cag and she's a cute girl.>>118787 Has he been drinking?
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>>118788 but isn't it too late you're already posting cropped images of an image i posted! might as well take the pluge!
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 421x1150, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_dairi(…).png )
>>118793 I don't know anything about Granblue besides that supposedly Crag is an OLD MAN ALCHEMIST who made a girl body for themselves.
>>118793 Yeah but he's not drunk
Search [iqdb] (6.3 MB, 2448x3000, 悪介 - カリオストロ(色あり.jpg )
>>118796 Even a little bit of booze can loosen up your standards, you know?>>118795 Yeah so Cag is a girl, right?
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>>118795 yes this is completely correct he;s an old man alchemist
>>118797 That's a good point. I don't think he can help it, though.
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>>118798 >>118797 Does it matter if Crag is a girl or a guy? Wait It was Cag why did I say Crag.
All I know about Granblue is that it has great porn
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>>118794 I can not.
>>118801 the anime also has nice art
Search [iqdb] (7.2 MB, 3500x3500, はみだしくん - カリオストロ.png )
>>118799 If you turned off the lights and told her not to talk at all, Hiei wouldn't be that different than Kongou. Kongou is cute.>>118800 It's important to understand that Cag is a girl, I think. A lot of these guys don't understand!
>>118803 GranBlue in general has nice art.
>>118797 man all I'm saying is she's p cute I'm sure there are much cuter boats
Search [iqdb] (283 KB, 662x800, __inaba_tewi_reisen_and_reisen(…).png )
>>118804 Guy or girl, what does it matter as long as they're cute?
Search [iqdb] (676 KB, 708x1000, 鳶村 - カリオストロ.png )
>>118807 Cag has a girl's heart! That's what's important here.>>118806 She's less cute than at least two of her sisters, though.
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do not fall for rika's tricks
>>118809 >>118809 >>118809
Search [iqdb] (509 KB, 600x830, らここしゃん - カリおっさん.png )
>>118809 >>118810 I don't understand why everyone acts like I have tricks. Have I ever tricked either of you?
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>>118812 this is the best track on plastic beach
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>>118811 you tricked me into pulling an all-nighter the other night when i could have gone to sleep instead i had work the following morning you know!
>>118811 no, but that's because I'm too good at not getting tricked
Another Anonymous 2017/05/07 (日) 06:12 No. 118816
I will collect all the hugs
>>118804 Yeah but without lights or without sound, what's the point?
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>>118523 >>118811 >i take pride in my ability to twist logic
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 800x1131, 阿蟬 - ❤.jpg )
>>118815 >>118818 It's not very fair to treat me like a tricky person when I've never tricked you, right?>>118814 It worked out in the end though didn't it?>>118820 Like when did I try that?>>118817 I dunno, you can grab her boobs or something.
but you've ATTEMPTED to trick me just because you failed doesn't mean you are not a trickster
Search [iqdb] (232 KB, 600x623, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_byour(…).png )
>>118819 That's some twisted logic. Just because you never murdered someone doesn't make you not - Wait I worded that wrong. Just because you didn't murder that person in particular, but did another, doesn't mean you aren't one.>>118825 You admitted it yourself.
sneaky sneakers
>>118819 Yeah, but you can do that with any girl in the dark that isn't speaking.
snakey snickers
Search [iqdb] (374 KB, 1172x1748, 丹 - カリおっさん.jpg )
>>118821 I think the twisted logic is the people trying to say I'm tricky when I've never tricked any of you!>>118823 Her body is probably similar to her sisters and the Kongou family all has pretty good genes. So maybe it's not that bad, especially for a drunk person!
I've seen you trick both sugoi AND kirara you're definitely tricky
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 850x607, usared.jpg )
>>118819 you know who didn't trick me but i'm still mad at them
is it me?
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 640x480, cM4GMBG.jpg )
Kirara☆ -RIKA DEFENSE FORCE- 2017/05/07 (日) 06:15 No. 118830
rika would never trick anyone
Search [iqdb] (822 KB, 700x989, シュン - カリオストロ.png )
>>118826 I don't think tricking Sugoi counts. Sugoi wants to be tricked and falls for it on purpose every time. I'm really just doing what he wants in the end, you know? When did I trick Kirara?>>118826 What does that have to do with me being tricky?
>>118829 wow that's a big mouth>>118833 a reply Y O U
pls respond
>>118833 respond
>>118825 I guess but if personality doesn't matter, there are ships with better bodies.
>>118832 >>118834 thank (You) lord jesus>>118829 this is a very good image
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>>118831 i got him really good once and he doesn't fall for any of my tricks any more or want them i think he learned his lesson in that regard with me anyway
Search [iqdb] (369 KB, 1700x2000, Aslind - Cute Oldman.jpg )
>>118835 Maybe Jan just wants to grab some boobs. You have to admit that if you were looking for some easy boob grabbing, Hiei would be a good target.
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>>118808 every single bitch in the whole game is less cute than this one though even though I forgot her name until Imats helped me
>>118830 i can see why YOU would say that
>>118838 That's true. Nobody likes Hiei, I bet that she's desperate for all the attention she can get.
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check out this cool new mobage
Search [iqdb] (775 KB, 1024x1280, やまむらうみ - 時雨ちゃん.jpg )
>>118839 Hiyou is fairly cute, but the cutest boat is my wife, Shigure.>>118841 Yeah, it would be pretty easy to convince her to do it. She really has no personality besides being agreeable too.
>>118841 >>118785
>>118827 >>118828 ANSWER ME FLOOP
>>118843 She'd probably go even further, too. I guess we solved the mystery.
Search [iqdb] (529 KB, 827x1168, __reisen_and_watatsuki_no_toyo(…).png )
Why am I even up? I should've just gone to bed. fug man
>>118847 SAME
I fuckin told you guys to go to bed
anime >>118849 →
Search [iqdb] (122 KB, 865x1116, __reisen_touhou_drawn_by_homo_(…).jpg )
I stayed up to geimu with my brother but he was geimuing with his friends
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You guys should sleep enough that you can drive safe. It would be kind of troublesome if half our posters died.
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>>118845 is it rook IS IT!?
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>>118854 Wow, I won't die even if I'm killed.
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I hate looking at all my games and going "Eh."
>>118850 yeah but why would I listen to good idea
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>>118856 If you wreck and the other four die it's still like half our posters though.
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>>118858 i have taken a look at your games i recommend going 100% complitionist on cave story
>>118860 I wouldn't die even if he killed me
>>118855 the suspense is KILLING me>>118858 steam is the worst for this
>>118860 Don't worry, it'd only be tilde and Jan dying
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 850x1133, reallyspookyusa.jpg )
>>118863 ha jk, it's not you
>>118858 >>118861 also I second this, cave story is a wonderful game
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>>118864 That's like half the anime friends! Very troublesome!
>i think it's ok if jan and tilde dies -kirara
it's true I heard him say it>>118865 I am very relieved now thank you
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Yeah I said it >>118867 Those guys don't even respect women!
Ok I'm legit gonna sleep now Oyasumi
nighto fighto
Search [iqdb] (930 KB, 1465x1356, 大佐(仮) - 時雨.png )
respect sleep
>>118871 people who say that are the ones that are ok to die
Search [iqdb] (524 KB, 700x700, 朱夏(しすい) - カリおっさん.jpg )
boy we had lots of fun today. It was a good day of posting. I think I'm going to make some chocolate milk now.
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team milk +1
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It was a really high energy posting day
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>>118890 Let's keep up the pace for awhile!>>118885 This carton goes bad in two days I have to do something about it. I've been using less milk because I used to have cereal for a midnight smack but since my promotion I've been having sleep as a midnight snack.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 06:36 No. 118897
Search [iqdb] (3 KB, 72x60, catwalkx4.gif )
prepare for trouble
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] YuruYuri - 03 [(…).jpg )
>>118895 That was a crazy amount of momentum though, it's a bit hard to keep up that pace.
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 1280x720, 1293795536839.jpg )
>>118895 oh you got a promotion? sasuga congratulates
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>>118899 This happened awhile ago but thank you. It basically means more work more money. I'm sure you've noticed I've been working harder recently.>>118898 It's fun to keep up that momentum though.
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>>118901 i thought you meant it happened since you bought that carton of milk it seems you just haven't adjusted your milk purchasing in accordance yet
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>>118902 Yeah, I bought too much.
>>118901 Maybe, I'm a bit hungover though so I've got to jump that hurdle first.
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>>118901 Yeah I've noticed you seem like you always work hard though you deserve it
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>>118906 I want to take it easy though.>>118905 Get over it so you can read posts!
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Alright I'll do my ganbatte
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 1280x720, 1294815026074.jpg )
i feel like i found something in myself today and yesterday that i had been missing for a long time i feel really good about it it's so comfy that i want to just sleep but i want to enjoy being awake and alive too
Search [iqdb] (998 KB, 800x1129, BnmZIoiIIAAamTo.png )
I forgot my friend got me a copy of vol 1 of genshiken might as well give it a read since you mentioned it
it's a really nice feeling
>>118913 actually this is probably the best feeling
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 428x608, 13628769484379.jpg )
It's good to be able to take it easy.
Search [iqdb] (110 KB, 800x1234, received_689607337859133.jpeg )
>>118917 That was a great anime
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im currently having quite the spiritual experience with it so please be careful not to spoil
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yeah, I think I'll just read the manga and then move onto the anime eventually that'll take a while anyway
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time to smoke some catnip and snooze myself to sleep good night moe
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>>118946 oyasumi moon Managing my room is always a chore
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>>118946 bye bye
>>118946 night
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 07:23 No. 118987
excuse me??
Search [iqdb] (3.2 MB, 4000x4000, autism.jpg )
cursed image
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Gabriel DropOut(…).jpg )
no don't
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/07 (日) 07:27 No. 119005
test this out>>118989 → >>118989 →