> Story of the Eye (French: L'histoire de l'œil) is a 1928 novella > that details the increasingly bizarre sexual perversions of a pair of teenage lovers, including an early depiction of omorashi fetishism yuuup thats brat alright
>Guilty is a searing personal record of spiritual and communal crisis, wherein the death of god announces the beginning of friendship. It takes the form of a diary, recording the earliest days of World War II and the Nazi occupation of France, but this is no ordinary day book: it records the author’s journey through a war-torn world without transcendence. Bataille’s spiritual journey is also an intellectual one, a trip with Hegel, Kierkegaard, Blake, Baudelaire and Nietzsche as his companions. And it is a school of the flesh wherein eroticism and mysticism are fused
Like I mean, take Small Saga, right? You can very easily make a good analysis of its revolutionary and partly anarchist themes, and those are both really good in that game, not to mention very overt. But does breaking it down actually do much at all? Doesn't it even somewhat lessen its impact in the same way explaining a joke kinda kills it? Since the art presented at face value just kinda tricks you into thinking it was your idea, while an analysis is more just "here, in plaintext, is the message. consider it"
In that sense I guess there is value in analyzing stuff with, like, bad messages Assuming that's true, I mean
Kinda like how starship troopers, despite its best efforts, ends up being a glorification of fascism when taken at face value, and its only once you actually start analyzing it you piece together it's really saying that shit fucking sucks, actually. Well, for a lot of people anyway, that seems to be the case.
>>1132666 yea art illuminates the human condition well, the good stuff anyway i read fiction to learn more about other people and how to live
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kind of why i don't really watch much anime anymore besides the odd feature film well i'm sure there is more classic stuff out there to see but i can't find anything meaningful in isekai 62673
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=mj_rS0utb6g people who just keep rebuilding in the flood zones, i can't understand it it's only going to get more frequent from here on out
i think you can always move if you have a will to do it billions of people have had to migrate from home in history for one reason or another life is change
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i cant help but rwad the silly copium in the comments > You buy insurance for times like this. Then the companies won't sell you insurance BECAUSE of times like this. It's a terribly crooked industry that badly needs reforming. yes they're so crooked and evil for... not having an infinite money pool for rebuilding in high risk areas
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway i guess a lot of the destroyed houses are ancient ones newer construction has stricter codes
Furiosa ⭐⭐⭐⭐ this shit really happened in my country that's crazy man
how i stopped worrying and sold my house to aquaman
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i liked the part when anya was like "Let's get down to business to defeat the huns"
I'm watching Cloud Atlas and man this is the most complicated-ass movie Theres like 4 time periods happening at once
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that was an odd movie i dont remember anything except maybe there were some CGI greenscreen twins climbing around on building scaffolding? and wigs, a lot of wigs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow im watching the trailer and yea i dont remember any of this 2012 eh
it's definitely a movie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whenever i see tom hanks in a movie im like "thats tom hanks"
>>1132687 The book is more digestible It's more of a Matroyshka doll where you get partially through story A, start story B, get partially through that, start story C, etc.; until you get to the final story which starts and finishes without interruption, and then you resume the previous layer of story and finish it, and then move backwards through the layers until you finish story C, then B, then A
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@NorthernIion_LP/1839921821233328138 is it because he talks about piss and #2 and #3 all the time or is it just the baldness maybe the sports talk and turn based rpgs and focus on weird looking indie games doesnt help either
>>1132698 it was pretty disappointing the parade was a bunch of cars with writing on them, including a tesla lol cops were absolutely everywhere and all the sponsors in the parade were weapons manufactures and bank of america the drag show only had two drag queens and they weren't very good there was a live debate between a christian and a gay guy about whether being gay is a sin and the gay guy was so bad at keeping up that he almost felt like a plant or something also i got harassed by democrats who wouldnt stop asking if i was going to vote
I did meet an old client of mine there at least. He's come out as trans. Haven't seen him in I think three years? It was nice to catch up with him even if he's not doing fantastic.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it a dense area of florida? must be nice to run into people you know
No, it's honestly not that dense. But nearly everyone I know is gay or mentally ill so I run into them a lot. I actually saw this person about a year ago when I was visiting the psyche ward to check on someone else lol But we just sort of said hello and didn't have time to chat like we did today
I saw a client in Publix the other day too actually
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not the most healthy community then but still a community I miss that about bein' in school these days we're all spread out
>>1132716 I dunno, it feels sort of healthy to me. Like when I see an old client out and about, they're always so happy to see me and they want to tell me about all the progress they've made. And I can tell them how proud I am of them and if it's been like at least a year since we worked together, I can be like "we should get lunch sometime and catch up!" I have like 5 lunch+catch-ups that I need to schedule right now haha It's nice. Building community is important to me, I want to take all these people I've worked with and connect them all in a big weird family.
>>1132720 Just saying that helped to 1/2 smile (wasn't too much of a smerk) but a 1/2 smile or maybe not half, but a good atempt. Better then a frown, or no smile.
>>1132723 You should make an impromptu trip to Atlanta for the weekend of the 11th/12th! Come see the Mass of the Fermenting Dregs concert with us! That'll get you smiling!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm interesting idea i will have been in phoenix that week but the weekend is free
I've got a ticket if you want it! It'll be me, Jan, ToN, and Jan's girlfriend. I got tickets for ToN and Pan but then Pan couldn't come so we've got an extra ticket.
Right now the plan is that ToN is flying in to me on the 10th and we'll drive up to Atlanta together. We'll get there on the 11th in the evening, which is when Jan is flying in there. His girlfriend will drive in since she's in South Carolina. The concert is on the 12th at 7pm or so. Glaze and Chastity are the openers. On Sunday morning, ToN and I will head back to Florida. So it's really only one full day of hanging out, idk if that's worth it for you. But you're more than welcome to come if you want to!
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
hrrrrrmmmm $88 round trip on Frontier chicago to atlanta on the 12th...
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
ah wait, is it a venue with seats kr a standing venue? I can't do non seated concerts right now cause my knees and ankles are still fucked up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm sure they could set you up w/ a chair even if there wasn't a dedicated ticket for that, right?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's all standing, idk if they can set you up it's gonna be super packed, there's not gonna be much room at the Masquerade for chairs
I like it.... conceptually that Limmy was able to transition and make a decent go of being a streamer. I don't ever watch the streams, but i like the IDEA of him streaming. I mean he's not OLD but he's.. older
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
every time i watch his stream he's got some youtube video of some ancient UK show that i don't know it seems like a pure nostalgia stream
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh damn he's 49 fair enuf
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1132733 eh it's fine, this isn't really a good time for me to go on a trip money wise
Little subtle things in Genshin to remind you it's a Chinese game. Like there's this journalist character, going around taking pictures and writing a story and she says something like >oh, don't worry I'll get permission from the Ministry before publishing a cultural difference coming through, one might say. even if it's all lighthearted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha all i remember is how one quest was about how there's one perfectly preserved specimen of wild boar frozen in ice and you thaw it out and eat it and it's extra delicious because it's endangered
I guess there might be some small shops that are still open, but regular groceries are closed I think there's one in trondheim that has a divider they put in on sunday to stay open, actually
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
it's illegal in many US states to sell alcohol on Sunday those states are referred to as blue states which is ironic because they are usually red states
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
anyways when we were stranded in Indiana in like 2013~ my dad went to a Walmart and triee to *tried to buy some beer the clerk said "you cant vuy alcohol on Sunday this is a blue state" my dad said "Indiana isnt a blue state!"
I don't know if there are laws specifically for sunday here on that, but nothing that sells alcohol except bars are open on sunday, so
Also, bodybuilding is for narcissists and pretty boys. POWERLIFTING. Now that's where it's at. Practical function and raw strength over mere aesthetics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah its all about bein roided up to the gills every muscle should be a sphere
it's about having fun and treasuring time with your friends
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
truueeee more people should follow my example reading a book alone at a beer garden
yes, acurate though many types of working out friggin helps when lifted back in the day used to swim too helped lots gotta get back into it, can put on 40 lbs body weight might as well do again
>>1132817 you don't make frens with fan leaf salad....
>Megalopolis I haven't heard about this movie. But maybe I'll should check it out. I still can't properly manage myself, so I haven't seen yet latest Master & Margaret, Dune ... etc
even so, I'm sure you have a lot of sympathy for my sore legs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1132820 i watched it yesterday its a really bad movie by movie making standards but its a fever dream experience would watch again on mushrooms
are the albino fung's any good? seen a pic the other day, didn't know they existed just allways the liberty and such, didn't the Fly Agaric come from Rus.
>>1132840 no not more rapit growth cycling, oh the humanity.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it was truly cursed dirt everywhere i broke a vine
"I tried but it died" is not a valid excuse
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no excuses just living and learning probably lose that section of vine entirely but hopefully the rest of the plant will live on goin on my america trip now so we'll see when i get back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gah i forgot to eat the fruit left over AAAAHH im turning into pomniii
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imagine coming to the airport 3 hours early lmaooo this is dead and i still got an hour
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Five gifted subs if you shout you've got a bomb
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,199 5/6
⬜🟨⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@mache33k/1840251956729917682 i forgot how it's fun to see a movie when it comes out and everyone's talkin about it havent done this since doon too
>>1132859 the first like, minute of it went viral so curiosity is killing cats everywhere It's really not worth giving a look though, and I doubt many people are actually watching it because as I mentioned, literally the WHOLE thing is in that exact tone of voice 2 fucking hours of "the short section where the minecraft youtuber explains the conceit of the episode" voice
Playing Star Trucker on hardcore really scratches that "everything is barely functioning, and only the essentials run at any time" itch a lot of sim games miss the mark on I mean I get the appeal of things just working, too, but if you're gonna have stuff like power management and toggles for individual systems being on at all, stuff like that, I do prefer it be one of those things where, at least in the beginning, you're scrambling around to keep everything functioning at all
Gravity? Unnecessary luxury, draws too much power Climate control? It's a toasty -20c in this system, just put on a jacket, that thing draws a lotta power oxygen? alright that one is an unfortunate necessity
Everything except the joystick and thrust on the ship being like, analogue and chunky to interact with is also really fucking satisfying You flip on and off lights with little buttons on the dashboard, the engines have their own little switches overhead the windshield, even the power panel is an actual panel of breakers in the storage area
You might want to check out Tin Can It's a game where you're the sole survivor in a space ship escape pod and you gotta maintain a mess of life support systems as they fail, swapping out hardware parts and other components to keep your survivability above water. Very technical and a lot of "frantically flipping through the manual as your O2-N2-CO2 teeters on unlivable
>>1132878 It's a scenario-based game and there aren't too many in the base game I feel it might've had a scenario editor though? It's been a while since I played Either way the later scenarios are pretty challenging with having to know what does what/goes where and also counteracting the hazards your pod endures So the game length is prolonged if you're someone who struggles balancing twenty plates at once
Man you're really screwed on hardcore mode if you don't minmax I'm only running the bare essentials, and I'm scraping the bottom of my wallet regularly Granted I'm buying upgrades and stuff, which adds up, but I think if you actually tried to keep all the systems running from the start, you'd go bankrupt before you ever saw an upgrade Everything eats so much power
I mean I'm ignoring highways, going direct routes whenever feasible, burning up to 150km/h and killing the drive assist so I'm literally just floating, not burning fuel to maintain orientation, which is dangerous but I mean... if I didn't do that, I'd have fueled up at least once or twice more than I have, and that shit is expensive At least my jobs now are starting to pay pretty damn well, I'm almost able to replace my air filters before I start losing oxygen in the cabin
>>1132806 did some one said >types ? I'm researching existng langs ( and ->:Maybe make my own), is 'weak' typing really bad? like, if I'll allow implicit conversion between primitive types, like 0 + "str" and some type casts. If a lang let developer type less, do less work, and minimizes visual load, why blame $lang for developer's stupid errors? idk
also, does anyone use any good programming fonts for static strongly typed langs, to make them more readable, any specific fonts?
I've seen people complainging about TS and moving back to js, mentioning unecessary complexity, type explosion, boilerplates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
weak typing SUCKS accepting that kind of mushy code just leads to pain down the road make 'em interpolate their strings, don't allow 0 + "str"
php, js - two most popular langs in the world, and most used. weakly typed. if there is a bug in php\js\c - dev just receives more money from employer\customer for fix. good for economy. if there will be no bug == jobless developers. found a good site, you may appreciate https://www.grugbrain.dev maybe the only problem I admit of weak typesystems - harder to debug but if you count bug ratio vs code amount written, for weakly typed productivity seems better. e.g. more code written, because it's easier. bugs don't happen often. only some times. less symbols written/read == more time saved, more productive.
> if there is a bug in php\js\c - dev just receives more money from employer\customer for fix. good for economy. literally insane take i mean i don't doubt there are contractors that do this but basically you're saying use bad tools, fleece your customers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway PHP is not really used these days, it's just legacy crap and php apps are p bad
we must be grateful to (weakly typed) PHP & Perl G-ds, who made first imageboards & forums, we grew up with & on. oh lord, mighty G-d, please save those languages alongside with Ruby, Lua, VBScript, shell, etc 🙏 >>1132892 ok. interesting point. & more jobs for security.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also, try building a big software project in javascript it becomes an insane mess i should know but it's much worse when you add more people to the project, and that's why people add typescript
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you want a bug-free codebase, use rust, use haskell, anything with strong types where you can't accidentally shoot yourself in the foot five times per line empirically verified if you want a piece of shit that gets SQL injected, by all means, hire the bottom of the barrel PHP developer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1132890 ok well now the trolling is just in uppercase haha
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bring back coldfusion 😤
but, consider this, if your goal is the salary & write less boilerplate ...
maybe Rust is not that bad, But I've seen people complaining about it, and moving back to C.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya theres a loud minority of people out there who constantly play defense for C despite all evidence suggesting we should in fact abandon C as soon as is practical it's linked to the 'trad' mindset, respect tradition, turn off brain, make excuses for existing status quo, don't learn anything new or advance progressive causes it's pretty tiring and those guys will die out over time, shrug
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn this freakin wework is bussyyyyyyy why did i pre reserve this for the entire week
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok well given the hurricane helene situation and also just needing way too much zig zagging across the country i guess i will be going straight home
i mean i hope the flooding damage will have been resolved by next weekend, but yea, too much travel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its freakin Warm in NYC climate change be goin crazy
The film is pretty heavy. Everything is abstracted. Every single event, scene, even the shadows, everything represents something else. It makes it a really difficult film to watch. At the end, I was honestly confused because it's a bit overwhelming. I can't say if it's good or bad. I probably need to watch it a few more times!
I ate barbiturate. It would be nice if there was any board where I could speak with psychiatrist. It made me care less about types. Maybe I should get along with boilerplates. For most of jobs they won't allow haskell/rust, but welcome c#/java. I also, kind of feel kind feelings towards your community.
last language I worked with, strong static, didn't had a method to convert boolean / datatype enum / record dict / .. -> to String ; so I had to write such methods/functions for each datatype enum value manually by hand, it had 10+ elements. and lang didn't have much reflection , introspection , meta capabilities. (because such may violate strong static guarantees?) I had a thought to write in dynamically typed lang oneliner, that will generate statically typed boilerplate for me. meanwhile, one of such strong statically typed langs I workd with compiles primarily to dynamic runtime target of scheme/js. paradox & bugs in langs & vulns in strong static typecheckers/compilers are not final, there will be other another day.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1132903 there are a lotta literal symbols in the movie yeah haha and a lot of the scenes and set pieces barely have any physical sense to them it's pretty much vibes based the whole way thru or maybe just entirely a high school home movie i dk
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
samurai i don't know if it's an issue you can fix easily but sometimes even when spam/bot posts are deleted they still show up on the front page unless it's refreshed. which means page is still showing cp
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the hell clpudflaaaareeee
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1132905 well thats just silly gotta have some auto derives for types or its just un-ergonomic
I've heard haskell had derrive/ derrivation , but other lang I worked with hadn't
>>1132918 Thanks, going to pretend we're on the couch watching together
>>1132916 Well she's remaining an affiliate, so she can return on a by-contract basis to make money again And I cope by telling myself it's an easier way for her to return if she wants to than the graduated talents
That said, she said it wasn't a private or personal reason she's ending her streaming activities Although she also didn't give a reason (which is her right to do so), so it ends up being private anyway?
I've seen some people guess, since she spent all that effort making a personal 3D mocap studio, she wants the freedom to focus on working in that rather than having to give her time to all the behind-the-scenes stuff we don't see in running the EN branch But in the end, her reasons are a mystery We can just be happy she can return if she wants to
(And there's already plans that involve her after today, so)
>>1132920 Gura had a baby and watson is going to be the stay at home mommy
Also while Cover does pay their talents a base salary, I think the amount of money the talents earn is still relative to their popularity and the effort they put in Talents who are workaholics or streaming maniacs, or experienced massive success for whatever reason, do earn a lot of money (some of the Japanese talents have had taxes in the range of hundreds of thousands of dollars), but the lesser talents probably only make enough to live comfortably Amelia hasn't really streamed nearly as much in more contemporary times, and doesn't have any major work avenues like Calli or Suisei And she reinvests a lot of her money into projects paying community artists and tech like her mocap studio All to say, I don't think she's necessarily one of the talents who had buckets of money And she's always struck me as the kind of creative nerd to who money is kind of a second concern than doing what she wants
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
What an odd day for rain
If I can hold out hope that we'll see Coco again in five hundred years I can hope that we'll see Amelia again a little bit sooner
another hour poured into the space truck I am once more barely escaping the claws of debt but gradually, my rig is getting more efficient through upgrades, and I make a little more money per delivery very satisfying gameplay loop
How to get to the next level without comprimizing anymore downtime or staying out of the redline?
Ford's arteries finally need to collapse and shuffle him off the mortal coil Guy has been nothing but dogshit for the province since getting elected
Hey guys. Dumbass here. Does anyone remember that tripposter who came here for a while? He used akagi or kaiji screencaps like an avatar. He also went apeshit incel mode for some girl named Rika. Then he migrated to /jp/ for a while. This was a long time ago though.
>>1132950 did he worked as screenwriter, movie director? or end up on a ship cruise playing mahjong?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im at some cafe in williamsburg and this is such amateur mode i walk in but the manager dude ignores me so he can keep talking to the barista they just blasted everyone's eardrums with the stereo the stereo cuts out randomly with wifi stutters sigh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i packed all this warm clothing and it's completely useless guh
>>1132953 No he just ended up on /jp/ posting his akagi screencaps and being an attention whore. I think this might've been over a decade ago now. Does Rika post here though? It's so weird to see such a small place and not recognize anything about it. Hope you guys are well.
that was probably quite a while ago as well and the archives only go back as far as 2017 because there were some memory issues and the whole thing had to be reset
i like how twitter added bold for blue checks and the boomers are like "great i'll bold all my posts to make them stand out" but it just makes them look skippable
Thinking about looking for a new job, But I've already been here for 3 and a 1/5 years, and I'd get some extra long service leave at 5. That's how they get you
you should quit your job and dedicate your life to the bodhisattva way
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Even the bodhisattva gotta eat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he just roll up to random houses and they feed him
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
That's basically the 10th century equivalent of subscribing on patreon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
at least thats what they did in Siddhartha
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
In India all the hobos get a free feed if they wear orange
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
checks out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
random brit at the bar: do you think i could grab a glass of <brooklyn accent>woooderrr</accent> while you're at it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what else do i need to know about visiting India? will i die if i drink the water
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> South Korea’s national assembly on Thursday passed a Bill to punish people possessing, purchasing, saving or viewing deepfake sexual materials and other fabricated videos with up to three years in prison or a fine of up to 30 million won (US$23,000). > The Bill now needs the approval of President Yoon Suk Yeol to sign it into law. damn thats crazy time to hoard some GPUs der takin arr gunzz
>>1133003 Say >"Ironman btw" That's funny, trust me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is the > in the quotes... oh wait the whole thing dug ok ill do it 4da memes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol i googled that seven years old at leSt
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
It's a classic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and thats how i met ur mother
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Fuck dude, where's my osrs playing, weight lifting qt Maybe I do need a tinder profile after all
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Or I just sit in the cuck chair watching Samurai
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1133009 just get a weeb gf and get her into OSRS and weight lifting
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Alright where do I order one of those?
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I'm actually going to a wedding tomorrow. First one in ages and ages. That's meant to be a good place for meeting women, right?
Maybe I should wear one of my anime t-shirts. Draw them out
Get a decent blazer and some nice slacks and a nerd shirt like that will make you just look like a millenial hipster Normal people won't look twice at you but weebs will recognize it
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
I think the dress code is meant to be suit and tie
Where's your rebel spirit?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wear something formal and suave yet effortless and dressed-down at the same time
hey that sums up what I do in a minialistic fashion I may have used a coma and put debonair in there somewhere as well...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i could use a coma
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
Got my love live t-shirt, expensive power lifting belt, yoga shorts and mountain climbing boots. The full package
You know how we've selectively bred fruit and vegetables and stuff to make them better. Like old apples are all shitty and small and full of seeds. Do you think we've peaked? Or in the future they'll look back and be like >wow this is what people in the past used to call an apple. Look it still has inedible parts in the middle and it's small enough to fit in your hand. And then they've got their watermelon-sized apples made entirely out of juicy flesh. so sweet it tastes like soda and gives you diabetes? Are we headed there? Or have we already maxed out our plant rearing stats
We haven't even really begun directly gene-editing our crops, so I think we're not nearly maxed out yet
Well there's also a fundamental input materials and chemistry limitations to the thing You can bioengineer an apple to grow to the size of a watermelon and taste like diabetes, but where is it going to get all the nutrients and energy necessary to complete the process into a fruit that size? The limitations of a fruit or vegetable to grow isn't just its genetic limitations, it's also limited by the environment you can grow it in
just based on its genetic code, it's also limited by the environment you can grow it in
Well sure, but it's still the case we probably have a LOT of juice left to squeeze through directly editing the genomes So far we've mostly just been, you know, selectively breeding, which is extremely useful and has led to much better yields and whatnot, but I mean, directly slotting in genes for a better nutrient profile into already easy to grow crops would go crazy
Like that rice they developed with a lot of nutrients not in regular rice Of course, that's copyrighted and hardly a humanitarian effort, but the potential is there
hell, what if we "just" make the whole fuckin' plant, you know, edible I doubt we're there in understanding yet, but it's not like that's inconceivable. Plenty of plants are almost entirely edible, like carrots and potatoes, so why not like... wheat, you know?
Maybe a thin coating or shell for crops that's extremely foul tasting, that'd go crazy for getting rid of losses due to birds and stuff maybe some day, it'll just be the default for our crops to be toxic to pests in general, but safe for us, so we won't need pesticides and the like They're entirely possible, technically speaking, even if we don't have the means or understanding yet
>>1133085 You shouldn't eat the leaves and non-tuber growths of a potato
And I would guess the driving reason for wheat to not be entirely edible is that it already is The nutritional and caloric value for humans is concentrated in the threshable grains of the stalk (same with virtually any grain in common consumption), but there is caloric value in the stalk for animals better suited to cud-chewing Plus the dried straw is also useful for other non-food based purposes, so there really isn't value in trying to turn the whole plant into something agreeable for human consumption, especially again with the increased demand on soil quality the plant would have
well it's just an example, the actual point isn't the wheat
If your example doesn't prove your argument, it's either a shitty example or a shitty argument
that's fair I guess but it's kind of inconsequential the point is we can do a lot with direct gene modification that would either be prohibitively time consuming or borderline impossible with selective breeding me not knowing exactly what modifications would actually be useful is neither here nor there, I'm not a farmer or a biologist
And my point is that ignores the chemical cost needed to develop those modified plants and grow the fruit >>1133093 Okay I can tell you're stuck on this idea and won't hear contrary Okay
obviously you can't create matter from nothing, but I doubt the stuff we've selectively bred over the course of a mere 10K years or so is the actual peak of potential crops in terms of efficiency and yield for any given plot of land It's a good approach, but it's, you know, inherently inexact
Even something like making the fruit bigger could be allowed for by just planting less of them, and the upshot is potentially easier transport And there's plenty of stuff the things COULD be doing given the soil they have, but it's fairly difficult to coax them into doing by way of just selective breeding
Like even given the raw materials supplied through fertilizer manually, you're gonna struggle to make your field of tomatoes randomly mutate to develop toxins that kill caterpillars trying to eat their leaves and stuff, no matter how long you try. It's just a highly unlikely thing to just happen. But if you knew how, you could just... make it do that
the more I learn about AI safety, the more I am convinced we must never, under any circumstance, allow an AI to make a decision
we don't even know how to properly specify what we want it to do, or how to check to make sure it's actually trying to do that in the end
The butlerians were right, jihad now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its fine just load up llama3 and be like "you are root. write me a bash script to make my computer better" and leave that shi running
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's kinda amazing that all the work Eliezer Yudkowsky and crew were doing 20 years ago has become the mainstream topic of discussion also some of the rationality memes like 'virtue signalling' have had some uhhh rocky fates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>David Shariatmadari writes in The Guardian that the term has been used since at least 2004,[8] appearing for example in religious academic works in 2010[9] and 2012.[10] ok nvm virtue signalling didn't come from lesswrong
"virtue signaling" has kinda fallen out of fashion now the corporations are actually woke, and the problem isn't that they're pretending to be humane, but that they actually are
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ah yes soo trie rightoids are just being straight up >oh no a black person exists these days
This wedding, right; I was always going to go to the reception, but apparently they want to keep the ceremony really small and tight-knit. basically just family. But my friend told me they're having 30 people at the ceremony and I'm lucky number 30th. So going to that one too.
I guess I should be flattered. being their 30th favourite person
and I'll be real with you, FAR BE IT from me to be petty and to let such things worry me, but I did feel ever so slightly snubbed when I wasn't originally invited to the ceremony in the first place. i mean we've drifted a part over the years but at one point I would have said this dude was like my best friend.
but you know. if you take the brides half, that's really only 15 people. Mother, father, siblings, that's a given. so in that sense, maybe I made it into the top 10
im still a bit sour grapes that I didn't get invited to more weddings
i went and saw the substance funniest body horror i've ever seen but i think it leans too far into being gross sometimes it doesn't balance itself well after the midpoint of the film
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i heard it was good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i like margaret qualley (from death stranding) my guess is she injects too much of the substance and turns into Akira
i think if you like body horror, it's a good film for you despite its flaws it has this way of juxtaposing hypersexualization with horror that is very impressively done i don't think it measures up to a film by, say, cronenberg, but it does a very good job nonetheless
what i will say is that this is the first time i've finished a film that i thought was good and thought to myself "i hope i never see that film again"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow that gruesome huh haha i havent watchdd too much body horror i wonder how i would fare in theaters
if you want to try out body horror i'd recommend Videodrome it's my favorite body horror and as far as body horror goes it's sort of tame
i think body horror is easier to watch at home because you can like, pause it or look at your phone if you get uncomfortable and those little ways of relieving tension make a really big difference
there were two little old ladies in my showing that had a blast though every time something crazy happened, they were laughing just like i was or theyd be like "oh my god!" i was surprised they made it through the whole thing although one of them had her friend tell her when some scenes were over so she could look again. very cute
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Just Close Your Eyes Sis
i generally dont have an issue with seeing gross stuff cuz i know its not real, or horror movies for that matter, but seein it in theaters might hit different
The Overlord movie is finally actually in theaters Well, not here, obviously, but it's already shown in Japan, there's a camrip of it already I'm not gonna fuckin' watch the camrip, it's got german subs for one and I speak I neither german nor japanese, and also it's a fucking camrip
>>1133172 I need to eat boulion first, with chicken, & then ... maybe I need to gain some nrj cuz I've wasted my magical powers for last 36 hours without sleep, answering to threads, talking to anon. I was supposed to be productive ... it's not like I've wasted time, it's just complex to evaluate/grade, since I've done many tasks at once, master of multitasking.
>>1133189 I came, 10\10 I love the shadow artist painted below thicc thighs, and the sofa, such a relaxed erotic pose, and the face expression and hair... omg it make me hard again... can't control excitement, gosh what you doing to me those irises staring in to my heart & soul hypnotizing me to goon
>>1133197 awww! a magical stick axe wand! how cute! I'm blushed & honoured, thank you so much! <3 *licking your sweat* mm salty, tasty smells like nirvana
and you know what else, lucky? the way you did resolution, scale, colours, 7Kb, png format, those things are valued, recognized and appreciated. must be a sign of highly intellegent smart and powerful magical girl!
excuse me, for being thisty & hungry for magic
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gettin your freak on in a worksafe board that's a paddlin'
could you suggest any chanspeed web app graph, that measures ... chanspeed, posts per hour/day, 2nd place, 3rd place etc. ?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what, comparing different imageboards? or comparing posters? either way, no i don't know any
boards, channels
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
build one yourself
nah, there been some existing solutions. I just forgot urls. I can build one, but don't want to do that, I have better thing to do, like learning VIM!
I've tried to find good IDE support / VSCode plugin for fp lang of mine, but no luck, but seems like Vim does have ready good plugin that will work. But I was emacs user before, so it's time to learn.
you know how getting cornered by the drunk uncle at a party is pretty much a cliche. Well I was approached by the groom's uncle yesterday and he struck up a conversation, and the dude was awesome. Most interesting person in the room. Worked all over the world, lived in Japan for years. Doing things with all these big famous companies. Married a japanese wife and was now living in Melbourne working as a consultant
That could be you, Marsh Cornering awkward single adults at wedding receptions
I'm not kidding, during his toast speak the bride's father said >look at how fucking hot my daughter is I guess, same meaning as something like >She looks so beautiful today but man. I dunno. I thought it was a weird one
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1133229 you get his number? you should hit the club with him
I think buying this fridge pack of apple&grape sodas was a mistake because, as I already knew but thought didn't apply, my stomach doesn't actually handle apple juice all tha way they're good, though
I'm gonna try my hand at making a neural network I don't really know exactly what I wanna make it do, yet, but I'll figure something or other out Maybe see if I can get it to play minesweeper to start? that's relatively simple to conceptualize at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ambitious goal! good luck
gonna take a while to familiarize myself with this whole thing, turns out complicated stuff
turns out before I can even do this, I must create minesweeper which I mean, not THAT big of a problem, I'm somewhat experienced with python, or at least python-adjacent scripting, so I CAN do that even if it'll take a little time It's just a little annoying, though obvious
well, it's a project I can puzzle with for a little at least inherently doable task, at least, I mean it's not like I don't understand how I'd do it, I basically just need to figure out how to coax the machine into doing it which is just syntax
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
syntax is one step mental models is another a practical workflow of developing code is also one
It's a pretty simple task, all things considered I just need to generate the board, which could really just be a string of like [0],[0],[0] or whatever, then I fill those in with mines, and then I count adjacent mines for each non-mined position, and present it to the player obscured, revealing the counts, or mines, as the player chooses a space to reveal >>1133292 well yeah I mean ideally you use like, a matrix or something for this, bu\\\ oh yeah, a list, not a string, of course, I meant in the colloquial sense as just like "a string of data" not in the program sense of "literally text"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you mean a list not a string i hope
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
board = [0] * 100
def board_index(x, y): return board[y*10 + x]
the classic 2d array
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok sohnds like you have some experience i would try to use proper vocabulary and not muddle distinct words, it'll help, no programmer would say "a string of data" to mean an array/vector/list, it's already got enough words
well my experience is extremely limited, I just have knowledge I guess, because I've tinkered on and off with stuff and kinda mind-mapped how I'd accomplish various tasks in programming even if I never went ahead and did it. A lot of it comes from my dad, who's got experience with programming and scripting, so he'd sometimes ask me like "how'd you do this thing?" while I was younger, just for fun, like we did math stuff for fun and whatever The terminology never really entered into it, so I actually don't know the proper vocab for most stuff, even if I know about various concepts that exist and how I could manipulate them
Python is neat because it's very human readable and you don't gotta compile it or nothing, it just fuckin' runs as is, and I like that Obviously it's less powerful than something like C++ or whatever, but it's still very versatile, I do actually use python for a few small things on my computer, like sorting my downloaded files by just running a script, small stuff like that on windows I used batch for that, but obviously batch doesn't real on linux
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
traditionally a list is not the same as an array really, but python calls them lists so its all good in this context
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean in python all you need are lists [] and maps {} anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and sets
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya C++ is a silly language anyway, so much complexity due to its history
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the minesweeper flood fill algorithm is the hardest part
Oh yeah, true I'm sure I could puzzle that one out though, I mean CONCEPTUALLY it's rather simple when a space is revealed, reveal any adjacent [0] spaces, and recurse that for x runs
I'm not entirely sure avoiding infinite loops is particularly difficult though I mean if you want a limit so it doesn't reveal EVERYTHING that is adjacent to a revealed space, sure, but if you're fine with that you just run a search, for every 0 you check adjacents, and if one is revealed, you reveal that 0 you were on, and restart. After some amount of runs of that, it'll reach the last 0, and exit gracefully
But it's definitely something you gotta do carefully cause you could easily stunlock the fucking thing if you forget something like immediately revealing the newly revealed space or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ya its just the problem of not looping infinitely and making sure you get into the crannies things are simple conceptually but the nitty gritty can. be a bitch
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea as long as you write to the "revealed" state as you go and check it as you flood-fill then you won't infinite loop it's a simple recursion really or one could use a stack
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not about limiting to x runs though, it's about reaching the end, which you probably don't know in advance
well limiting to x runs would be for the purpose of only fill-revealing x amount of spaces away from the newly revealed one, if you want that to be a thing, instead of revealing every connected blank space. it preserves a little bit of uncertainty that way
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
in that case it's a distance calculation, but yea, somewhat similar constraint
You could always just slot in a dummy [9] at the end of the gameboard for this kind of thing, I suppose whenever it reaches that one, it just goes "this is the end of the game board, task complete" because "9" isn't a valid adjacent mine count, those can't ever go above 8
that or yeah, just check "is this one the last space on the game board? if so, you're done" which is certainly more elegant either works just fine, the dummy 9 is just much quicker to implement even if it's ugly as sin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you could yea its more standard to do a boundary check really if 0 <= x < width and 0 <= y < height: # in bounds
that and of course the 9 takes up a potential use case, for example you COULD have used that for a flag, but now flags have to be -2 or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well you need a to cover all 4 sides in 9s too the search goes in all four directions
Oh I just meant you search through the whole list from top left to bottom right, left to right, 1 at a time I'm sure that's slower, but that's how I mentally modeled it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like that would reveal everything immediately flood fill starts from the clicked square and searches outward
only if an adjacent one is revealed will it actually reveal I mean maybe the minesweeper in windows does it more elegantly, but you could in practice just go "player revealed a space, do a full rundown from entry 1 to entry n until you reach the end" It might be slower in technical terms, but it's still gonna be so quick the user experience is identical
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that doesnt seem like the flood fill to me, but i mean, its your implementation
well it wouldn't update the visuals until it's actually done with my implementation but if you want it to iteratively update the visuals, you do need a better approach that actually starts from the revealed space
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway, talking it out is good, but actually doing it is where sometimes you gain a clearer picture
for something intended to be played by a human, you definitely want the sort of rippling effect you get by starting at the revealed square, because it looks nicer, but for something made just for a robot to play it, it's enough that you get the same end result once the whole thing is done and ready to present the next board state to the robot
I'll definitely need to just put it into practice to know for sure though I'm just watching anime and procrastinating, likely gonna take a crack at it tomorrow
before you create the universe you must first create minesweeper
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://ai.meta.com/research/movie-gen/ dang those are pretty smooth examples