Thread #112975
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Search [iqdb] (30 KB, 496x320, IMG_20170501_052023.jpg )
let's respect women
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 650x550, unnamed (3).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (333 KB, 580x785, shockedusa.png )
>>112975 (OP) ? ? ?
>>112975 (OP) im thinking about sleeping still sk though i can stay around for a little longer if . ok i guess
>>112975 (OP) Do I haaaave toooo.
Naw don't stick around for my sake I just wanted to check something when I get home from the dentist
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 722x762, IMG_20170426_211945.jpg )
>>112983 you don't have to break the glass ceiling to afford these fares picture of nothing
>>112983 ? ? ? what's the deal here
>>112984 brutal >>112985 respecting women is important
Text no picture
Search [iqdb] (169 KB, 600x846, usamaids.jpg )
>>112986 are you saying respecting women is a meme
Most of this generation of memes are intentionally nonsensical I'm amazed the concept has stuck around so long
>>112988 informatically speaking, it is
>>112990 memetics is a real thing coined by dawkins
Search [iqdb] (409 KB, 500x635, 20170502_034703.png )
it all started with this i think
I mean it's making fun of white knights But that image is what made respecting women into a Twitter meme
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 650x442, be122380d88d9711985edc11d66326(…).jpg )
Most of them just seem to shove "respect women" into any sentence where it makes grammatical sense for it to be there
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 885x627, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).jpg )
this meme doesn't seem that appealing
>>112995 Relying on keeping the original font to have humor value, which is a fairly dead meme itself by now
>>112998 this is great
Search [iqdb] (297 KB, 550x550, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).jpg )
? ? ?
Yesterday I was in this persona twitter Discord channel on voice chat and there were like 10 people in there just talking about respecting women They are some hard memers
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>>113005 sweet slush sweat taste
>>113005 It's fascinating how it devolves into disjointed topics before going off the deep end.
>>113006 Agreed
gonna eat a second banana do you guys think that's safe??
Nah man think of all that Potassium. Shit's gonna go straight to your hips.
if you Google if it's ok you get a ton of clickbait links THIS is what happens to your body if you eat two bananas a day... shocking
>>113011 what items should i never feed my dog
Search [iqdb] (31 KB, 642x1048, okay.png )
holy shit i can be that cute if i eat two bananas
how long until the metamorphosis i need to know how many cases of bananas to order
depends on your metabolism
my liver metabolism is probably not very strong
is it better or worse than mine
only one way to find out
i know this isn't liver metabolism, but ive been drinkin whole milk for a long time now and i havent even moved up a cup size yet i should have done this as a teenager i think it's too late to get big boobs now
When it comes to filling out information for a Nintendo account, I'm required to enter in a region. My only two options for the region field are "Quebec" or "Not Quebec".
>>113023 Nice and specific
Oh I can link a Twitter to the Switch and then post screencaps I take on it to Twitter. ...And then link the Twitter to people... ...This is needlessly complicated.
that's the PS4 system too
I guess the update to allow different languages isn't out yet. Probably by "as of today", they meant today today. And no sane person pushes an update at 04:00 in the morning.
>>113023 are you with us or are you against us
Search [iqdb] (248 KB, 320x213, minmeislap.gif )
bitches n hoes
>>113028 you can also share screenshots with people directly through PSN
Search [iqdb] (211 KB, 1080x1620, hikaru.jpg )
>>113030 Well I sure ain't in Quebec.
>>113033 we👏 respect 👏women👏on👏this👏website
>>113035 Super Idoru Kirara We need you to sing and stop the zentradi!
oboete imasuka
>an alumni oh boy here i go killin again
a aluminum
i wonder how blue is doin he hasn't said a peep since i sent him some work probably snoozed himself to sleep by now though
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>>113037 me to me ga atta toki wo
>>113042 nice a duet
Search [iqdb] (74 KB, 900x506, kira.jpg )
>>113043 Are we the love triangle girls? Who are we fighting over?
fighting over love itself
Search [iqdb] (468 KB, 480x270, Kira!.gif )
>>113045 I love love more than you could ever love love
>>113046 liar
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>>113047 It's not a lie! But you can have love anyway, you deserve it more!
i wish it were possible to nap for just 90 minutes i doubt i can even fall asleep in 90 minutes though
>>113048 yeah you bet your sweet ass i do
>>113050 Jokes on you, my act of selflessness was more lovely than anything you've ever done!
>>113051 too bad you already gave up no take backsies
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 720x1080, Kill me please.jpg )
>>113052 >no take backsies Wow there's nothing I can do against that You've won Kirara
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i emerge victorious once again
I guess I'll
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maria is without a doubt a better idol
>>113056 I'm just an ordinary girl from Australia!!!!!
more like... autismralia
>>113058 Israel? More like holocaust-isain'treal
>>113059 very clever
>>113060 Thanks mate you too
wow sorry I was mean to you can we be friends again
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 1920x1080, kirara.jpg )
>>113062 >again >I was friends with the cool idol Kirara Golly gosh this is the best day ever! Of course!
don't fall for it
>>113063 shucks!
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Kirara let's travel the galaxy and spread the concept of love and understanding to alien species!
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let's do it
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>>113069 He died out of shame after she threw some sick dunks on him
Dentist says it's normal No sign of infection either
Didn't give me anything stronger for the pain either
Search [iqdb] (411 KB, 1180x893, 0901e1be01c3e25e1dcee35172498c(…).png )
Kind of a bummer But at least nothing is wrong
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are you that interested in pain killers
>>113072 That's a shame
>>113074 I'm interested in not being in pain
woo it's gonna rain all day
>>113077 The best I'm so glad we're almost in winter
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>>113078 Summer* stop being upside down
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>>113079 >80 degrees You guys are gonna burn!
>>113080 it's been like 90-95 every day for the last week 80 is so comfy
>>113081 I dunno man, in Australia 40 was considered high
>>113082 was?
>>113083 *is I say was because I don't live there now I was making a joke about farenheit/celsius
oh yeah
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I guess I just gotta live with it for now Maybe I can at least get a sicknote that lasts out the week or something so I don't gotta keep asking for one It feels off I can't fucking work like this Maybe I'll go take a nap for like 2 hours and see if my doc's responded to my request then
Search [iqdb] (♫, 41s, 5.2 MB, 1280x720, N2TWWxSs7J4VeM1Z.mp4 )
me related
>>113089 I don't get it
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 886x276, chrome_2017-05-02_08-30-23.png )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:16 No. 113092
>>113091 haha
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1264x332, chrome_2017-05-02_08-30-53.png )
These are so good
Search [iqdb] (70 KB, 1083x270, chrome_2017-05-02_08-24-18.png )
This might as well just be one of our tweets, I'm not convinced it's a splice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:17 No. 113095
haha fuck those are good
Search [iqdb] (65 KB, 791x269, chrome_2017-05-02_08-28-35.png )
Here's another variation You have some weird professors Or one very weird professor
Search [iqdb] (372 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Chain Chronicle(…).jpg )
>>113090 i'm just saiyan i'm faded>>>/soundcloud/datmanovader/banana-jungle-feat-kendrick-lamar
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Maximum shitposting
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My actual political philosphy
It doesn't seem to take your whole posting history into account, which is a bit of a shame
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wow Also if you just slam 2 trumps together you get what I suspect is Trump's actual internal thoughts Observe
Search [iqdb] (89 KB, 1280x720, Kemono Friends - 03 (1280x720 (…).jpg )
It's a fun little thing, but it'd be a lot more fun if it dragged in a lot more posts It seems to be only like your last 50 tweets or something
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Search [iqdb] (340 KB, 482x461, Honeyview_2017-04-27_15-17-17.png )
>>113105 Literally what I said when I first tried Flinthook
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>>113081 tfw it was 90 degrees today and 65 degrees yesterday
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:27 No. 113110
>>113109 haha
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Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1181x337, chrome_2017-05-02_12-28-13.png )
! ! !
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:28 No. 113113
>>113112 damn, that one's super coherent
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the slaves are entering their final form
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I'm not even sure what part of that is mine
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Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1204x403, tmsk.png )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:30 No. 113119
>>113118 this one's good
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1135x323, chrome_2017-05-02_08-26-57.png )
>>113118 >>113119 I got one of those with you, too
Search [iqdb] (237 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170502-063048.png )
oh i hit refresh and got this>There sure is a lot of people he doesn't even know who are?
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 649x270, oh gosh.png )
it's perfect
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Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 1193x329, not even 6am.png )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:33 No. 113127
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>>113128 RIP
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Berniemats sums up the alt right
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Search [iqdb] (1.0 MB, 1350x1580, C-kW8IAU0AA-Z1c.png )
>tfw my mashups are just filled with globalists because of one fucking tweet
Search [iqdb] (75 KB, 1199x256, twweeeeettt.png )
this one generates some extremely deep shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:36 No. 113134
oh man using maddie in these has got to be weird
Search [iqdb] (269 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170502-063656.png )
oh no
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 479x479, C98GuJwUwAES6Zx.jpg )
That's the one
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>>113134 ganbare you
Search [iqdb] (72 KB, 1245x364, chrome_2017-05-02_12-37-55.png )
Oh fuck dude
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:38 No. 113139
>>113138 fucking hardcore
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I have newfound respect for that woman
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>>113134 here's one for you
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 1080x615, 20170502_064014.png )
don't fuck with damedame>>113142 Damn that's good
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what the fuck dude
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Hillary mashups are the best
aw i was hoping it would pull nackt's tweets out from the twitter archives or something nope
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>the "Trust me, yo..." is Bernie What the hell I got that too, at the end of a thing
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there's some potential with this mashup
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:46 No. 113151
>>113149 damn that's basically the plot of persona 5
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>>113151 i'm gonna see how deep this rabbit hole goes
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Big Coal is actually the fucking mafia
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Search [iqdb] (63 KB, 1154x350, chrome_2017-05-02_12-48-27.png )
Oh no Alright, I think I've exhausted all the hilarity my tweets can really provide here
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this one's pretty good this is a solid OTP pairing
>gonna try to salvage yourself
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Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kono Subarashii(…).jpg )
Didya see Trump implying the civil war was a mistake by the way?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:55 No. 113163
yeah pretty silly shit
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Kobayashi-san C(…).jpg )
He got some flak for that I'm impressed nobody's doing anything
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>>113168 that's great
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 10:59 No. 113172
>>113171 agreed
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 978x711, Screenshot_20170502-070002.jpg )
>>113170 haha none of that is even his that's all just a cut of one of my tweets
oh wait no big pharma is his part i guess i thought that'd be me
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 978x620, Screenshot_20170502-070212.jpg )
i have like four posts and half of them end in information i'm surprised it hasn't pulled up steak and cheese sandwich yet though four tweets*
i guess it doesn't use anything that's a reply or directed at someone
>>113177 It doesn't use replies, I think
It does use mentions though
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 978x615, Screenshot_20170502-070414.jpg )
Oh man that bot should be good for this
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:06 No. 113184
>A Persian textbook describes a girl? Reverse trap?
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 592x508, C-tEz53UAAI5_wZ.jpg )
That's one of my better tweets and nobody even looked at it
what the hell is a Cerber And how does Korea have most of it
it's ransomware i'm not sure from where
Seems like it might be hitching a ride with pirated versions of Korean software Or maybe it just spreads through SC2
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Search [iqdb] (237 KB, 1456x1763, C-FPy8FUQAEpbxg.jpg )
You'd think it would just ignore anything with an image, too, since it ignores replies
>>113190 try magic bot with swiftonsecurity i'd do it but i'll get too distracted from work
Or bernie
Search [iqdb] (175 KB, 978x637, Screenshot_20170502-071117.jpg )
>>113192 >>113193 Alright
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>>113197 Alex Jones visibly interested
>>113197 Build a wall around moria!
Search [iqdb] (162 KB, 978x633, Screenshot_20170502-071942.jpg )
twitter is fun because you get to see people's thoughts with very little filtering
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170502-072519.png )
140 characters is so easy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 11:27 No. 113203
>>>/watch?v=BwSoPjRhJpc this is fun
no it's not you're just tricked into thinking you're having fun
Oh man that's cool Netflix keeps track of what you're following and gives you a notification when a new episode comes out
>>113205 yeah if it wasn't for them being extremely accommodating and having useful recommendations i probably wouldn't use it
Oh man, Saul is making Connabonns Cinnabons This couldn't be more depressing
And the ink blots in the background is nice It fits the tone so well
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:31 No. 113209
Search [iqdb] (482 KB, 2895x3220, CwQoBZ-WcAAbYX7.jpg )
>someone from the year before my cohort sent us a study guide for our final exam that we have today >it's 25 pages long single spaced
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 11:31 No. 113210
have fun
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 269x270, 20170429-153243.jpg )
It'll take you more time to read the guide than you have before the exam
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:32 No. 113212
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 2319x4057, C2IkS1IWEAAbrPX.jpg )
yeah the exam's in three hours oh well i know most of the material pretty well for this class
You won't even get through the introductory chapter in that time!
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 768x1024, speachlessusa.jpg )
>>113212 oh no that's soon good luck
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 400x400, usawhitemoon.jpg )
consider the following itemschocolate with popcorn inside pizza with popcorn on top ice cream with popcorn
I have considered them
>>113216 Grods
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 850x850, usapuzzled.jpg )
those aren't normal items are they?
They are unusual Though I could see the first one existing
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 850x680, spookyusa.jpg )
>>113222 the fist two exist the third one might or that may be me starting to go insane
caramel popcorn is quite popular here during holidays
Search [iqdb] (258 KB, 600x800, usasit.png )
it's literally a chocolate bar that has popcorn inside
I'm a little surprised, but not extremely
Search [iqdb] (321 KB, 600x630, usaneutral2.png )
maybe popcorn is some scandi meme
>>113225 seems fine i dont really like candy bars though
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 390x270, the bunny sea.jpg )
it's a plate not a bar
Not really a scandi thing at all But we do have a thing with putting random junk into chocolate to see how that goes
>>113229 >>113225
Search [iqdb] (294 KB, 800x600, partyusa.jpg )
using bar and plate when talking chocolate interchangeably somehow worked out in my life previously
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:40 No. 113233
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 349x650, CxoLNl6UcAEf6fK.jpg )
Looks like I'll get a B in the class if I get a 60 on my final I think I can manage an 80 though
naiso lessu stressu
>>113232 a chocolate plate then i'm so confused
Search [iqdb] (305 KB, 600x800, usaforest.jpg )
a chocolate tea plate
i give up
A bar is like a snicker A plate is divided into pieces in a grid
>>113233 Somehow A to F sxaling always makes anything but A seem ahit to me. Shit Weird mentality
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:48 No. 113240
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1062x1500, 61400112_p0.png )
C is considered "average" but I always feel like C is basically failing B for me is "i'm too lazy for this shit" in my case at least since i don't study
Search [iqdb] (291 KB, 800x800, usatalk.jpg )
grades aren't even real
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:51 No. 113242
Search [iqdb] (795 KB, 1181x2102, 62109866_p0.jpg )
yeah haha this test is 60 multiple choice, 20 t/f, and 20 mmpi-2 interpretation questions for t/f you have to explain why it's false if it is mmpi-2 interpretation is my strongest area and if t/f is easy especially if i have to explain why something is false and multiple choice questions, i can just use testing strategies if i can't figure out the answer
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 650x800, miniusa.png )
start of new year professor 1:>do good and you'll get a 10/10 professor 2:>do your best and i'll fit your grades at the end of the course to a normal distribution professor 3:>i will not give 10s unless you demonstrate something extroordinary beyond the scope of the course
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:54 No. 113244
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 898x1024, CvsxmfYUIAAJEuY.jpg )
i'm at the point in my education where the only homework is just papers and stuff it's great just papers and exams, that's how classes should be
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 510x620, usapanic.jpg )
>uni is also competitive and people are ranked based on grades >smart guys complaining about the lazy courses where it's easy to get 10s
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:55 No. 113246
>>113245 what a bunch of dicks wtf
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 850x1106, usaclothes.jpg )
do you want to be screwed by people who do jack shit out of tuition subsidies and support for going for phd
my physics program was a ballbuster on exams usually the professor would just write an exam, everyone would take it, and then the TA would take it and their score would count as a 100% and it'd curve based on that but a lot of times the TA was confused why that stuff was being covered in that class so it got boosted up from there getting like a proper 40% would end up counting as about a B i remember a 52 being the base curve for 100 on one midterm
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 11:59 No. 113249
Search [iqdb] (88 KB, 450x911, cgn5wz.jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 12:00 No. 113250
Search [iqdb] (3.2 MB, 1413x1679, 37017722_p0.jpg )
i lost my health insurance yesterday i should have new health insurance in a week or so though>>113251 I was on my stepdad's health insurance plan, but he's been out of work for 6 months because he's so sick, so his employer let him go and he lost his insurance, so I lost mine with him. It's kind of crazy that you can lose your access to lifesaving treatment because you've been sick for too long.
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due to the car accident or something else?
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 12:05 No. 113253
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 578x1000, 1493163923407.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 548x290, C-HajDwV0AAklv0.jpg )
>because you added "Dear White People" to your List >it's just every movie in the catalogue with black women in them
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 701x630, C-SrzJvXsAE7ubd.jpg )
Is there some way I can just blacklist Adam Sandler on netflix? His mere involvement with a movie is reason on its own not to watch it
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 592x508, C-tEz53UAAI5_wZ.jpg )
I'm not even joking I'm not gonna make the choice to watch a movie with him in it, I learned from Pixels You should be able to blacklist actors or directors on Netflix People whose content you've experienced enough to know you're not gonna like their future work
just rate all his movies really low it'll figure it out
>>113257 That's my current strategy
Search [iqdb] (79 KB, 1080x1080, 20170501-123246.jpg )
Alright, I got a sicknote for today yatta
>>113240 Unis here use 1-5
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 12:16 No. 113261
>>113260 what do the numbers correspond to percentage-wise?
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1600x1131, C8L9DBYVYAAlE26.jpg )
If it wasn't for the significantly poorer movie selection, I'd make the decision right now to keep Netflix indefinitely I guess I'll keep it for a while I've already found a bunch of shows I'm interested in, so it's done some work for me already
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 598x236, chrome_2017-05-02_14-18-21.png )
But really though, whatever the algorithm is, it could certainly be better
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 12:19 No. 113265
>>113263 I've noticed that it's pretty poor, yeah
You liked this decently made TV show about a super hero, you might like King of Queens: Mall Cop 2, and another well made super hero TV show
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 800x800, usabag.jpg )
no the algorithm is perfectly fine they're just injecting ads!
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Also it could benefit from removing stuff you rated in the last week from your recommendations Even if I loved the movie, if I rated it up in the last week, this likely isn't the time I'd randomly be up for watching it. I could look for it myself if I specifically wanted to see it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 12:24 No. 113270
should let you dismiss recommendations as "no thanks" and then it incorporates that into your future recs
Yeah I don't like having to downvote stuff I haven't actually seen, just because I know I won't like it I haven't watched that show Anziz Anzari or whatever his name is in, but I know it's gonna be his humor and I just don't find him that funny So I doubt I'd enjoy it at all
But even that would be fine if that actually removed them from the recommendations Like netflix I told you in your own language that I don't like this Why are you recommending it?
then vote up the things you like instead and it'll put more relevant recs up
Also there should be a thing that lets you go "don't recommend me this cause I don't like this thing, but also don't use this decision for further recommendations"
same with youtube i wish clickingo // clicking on one clip of a scene from the simpsons didn't autofill my recommendations for the next five months even though i watched one two-minute clip
Search [iqdb] (816 KB, 728x602, chrome_2017-03-24_12-14-49.png )
I do upboat things I like
my youtube is great and efficient. It just feeds me gundam
I just ignore recommended stuff
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 500x979, C-tEz57UIAAz8lM.jpg )
Off to the doc's office to get my NOHTO
>>113261 dnno really 1 is passed 5 is full points
If it was say a test with 10 points max 5p would net you 1 or sometimes 6p and then logically every point more gives you a better score with 10p being 5
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 12:48 No. 113282
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 284x226, 1484241862688.jpg )
Wow, that's even more lenient than our scoring. For us, on a 10 point test, anything below 6/10 is considered failing.
50-60% is usually the passing point Depends on course and who runs it
elememtary to high school use 4-10 scale 40-50% being the passing poont and 4 is failing grade
And there are -, + and ½ added to it 7, 7+, 7½, -8, 8
>>113282 i just watched the last 30 minutes of sex survey results it's uh it's an experience i dont think i could replicate
>>113282 7/10 for my school>>113286 was it worth the time investment?
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>>113287 i think so
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Oh man netflix actually has a lot of comedy specials Like Netflix specials I thought it was just CK and Chappelle they'd gotten, but they've got Bill Burr, too
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random button for netflix where Just dump a random movie or show in front of me, I say yay or nay Couldn't be simpler
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I have one annoyance with all of these TV shows Every now and then, I just want a movie I just have an hour and a half and I want a selfcontained, conclusive story with a beginning, middle and end while I eat a pizza or something
2017/05/02 (火) 15:50 No. 113295
Search [iqdb] (189 KB, 480x640, Sakura (1).png )
>>113293 Random button should be a legal requirement for every media site.
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I guess I'll watch GITS: SAC
Pizza is nice cause I don't gotta open my jaw much
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2017/05/02 (火) 17:34 No. 113300
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/02 (火) 17:50 No. 113303
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i'm gayyy
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it's not gay if it's endgame gear
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>people who speak in third person
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most kancolle boats?
>>113303 That bulge man.
>he's 5 hours into the game and he's only now realizing you don't need bombs to open secret rooms Watching NL play video games can be suffering
Northern lion?
Search [iqdb] (280 KB, 1500x1737, C-udlDBUMAAdGOT.jpg )
It's not even that he hadn't FOUND secret rooms He HAD He had just completely ignored them 100% if he didn't have a bomb
I know of him through some podcasts retsupurae did; he was a guest
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Something is off.
what's up
Search [iqdb] (32 KB, 350x350, __reisen_udongein_inaba_touhou(…).gif )
trun it on turn
2017/05/02 (火) 18:11 No. 113317
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Let it explode
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I feel hungry. Even though I just had breakfast on time, and a quick lunch just now. How bothersome. This girl has a snack room and I'm here just miserable.
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hungry for knowledge
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>I think for this boss I want the most slow motion upgrades I can get >he just walked past one to get a shitty range upgrade at the start of the game MAKE IT STOP
>>113318 Make a hot drink.
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netflix has already enabled me It's only a matter of time before I convince myself to keep it another month
Pure hooked
I'm watching AREA 51 right now It's blaire witch, but a series and involving Area 51 I think
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How difficult would it be for the US government to eliminate everyone who retires from Area 51 positions without anyone noticing? It's not official that they work there, after all
2017/05/02 (火) 18:53 No. 113327
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2017/05/02 (火) 18:53 No. 113328
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>>113326 Biggest issue the whole roswell area is so HIGH FAME who in their right mind would perform anything covert there?
No wait this is a movie, not a show OK
2017/05/02 (火) 18:55 No. 113330
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (63).jpg )
a51 is a found footage movie and so bad that I didn't bother watching it
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Well I am
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It's surprisingly decent so far, for a found footage movie
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One of my main gripes with a lot of horror is it just uses the music to scare you in cheap reactionary ways rather than actually be spooky
You should give it a watch though, judging by what it is so far Though that might change by the end of the movie
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Like an artform
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The heavy use of night vision and stuff is annoying though
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Idunno if they'll show a spoopy alium or not either Could go either way, really
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Hahah yeah OK>just some random janitor walking around in an area they needed a fingerprint to get into Yeah I'm sure classified areas like that in AREA FIFTY FUCKING ONE would have a random janitor walking around Dude you are not a janitor if you even KNOW about Area51
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supernatural janitor dide dude
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well someone has to clean the place anyway
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Yeah but in a top secret ALIENS level facility, that would just be the people who are there anyway And they wouldn't be cleaning so much as just not making a mess I'd imagine FUG it's a spooky movie though
Like the area doesn't exist on maps, but Alejandro from home depot is hanging out cleaning the place
Aliens are actually in my top 5 actual fears straight up fucking terrified of extra terrestrials
Search [iqdb] (47 KB, 540x360, 20170425-001843.jpg )
They're gonna release a fucking spooker I can feel it dude And those pitch black soulless eyes are gonna show up on the screen and I'll have to sleep facing the wall again tonight
2017/05/02 (火) 19:43 No. 113347
Now I feel like watching it so I can mock you for being scared
>>113347 Dude I can't help it I'm hardwired to be spooked to fuck by the POSSIBILITY of an alium
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, 20170422-111640.jpg )
What annoys me though with found footage is in a few, likely this one also, the people filming die and their cameras are just You know where they toook the nap
2017/05/02 (火) 19:46 No. 113350
>few more like in everyone
2017/05/02 (火) 19:46 No. 113351
not to mention the fucking "recording" and whatnot showing up duduude unless you have some kind of system going on that adds the timestamps and whatnot those shit don't show on viewing
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No, sometimes they live>>113351 Oh fuck yeah I hate that with a passion That only shows up DURING the recording, you'd think people in the movie industry would know
Alright let's see if I know the TWEEST
2017/05/02 (火) 19:51 No. 113355
oh this doesn't have the record shit +1
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Oh boy I know the ending I'm like 99% sure
Search [iqdb] (347 KB, 706x1000, __inaba_tewi_and_reisen_udonge(…).jpg )
don't all found footage movies end with dead camera owner
2017/05/02 (火) 19:53 No. 113358
>>113357 nope
It ain't uncommon
2017/05/02 (火) 19:53 No. 113360
Search [iqdb] (273 KB, 748x1080, Sakura (111).jpg )
Most do, but some have survivors
2017/05/02 (火) 19:54 No. 113361
But seriously the saddest part about found footage is the format the fucking 30-60% filler shit before anything happens
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 848x866, C9SU29vUMAAl6gJ.jpg )
Well the movie isn't breaking new ground
But it does have a few pretty good scenes
do i watch gits or nah? im scared it it will ruin gits for me oh.
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 651x553, C9l-p_2UwAIbIx6.jpg )
>>113364 Honestly couldn't tell you if it's worth it
2017/05/02 (火) 19:57 No. 113366
Search [iqdb] (252 KB, 701x765, Sakura (290).jpg )
>>113364 the movie?
Oh it's a right big spooker
yeah the movie. it looked ok from the pv but all live actions suck really
2017/05/02 (火) 19:59 No. 113369
Wow a jammer I was thinking it would be a listening device but a jammer, yeah that you can do even homebuilt
Yeah jammers are so easy, early radio communication had to have routines in place to avoid doing it by accident all the time If jamming was hard, we wouldn't have the "over" at the end of radio transmissions
2017/05/02 (火) 19:59 No. 113371
listening device is near impossible, since the signals are super scrambled even on basic phone calls
2017/05/02 (火) 20:00 No. 113372
Also the fucking inane recording of everything...
>>113372 it's awful
>>113371 Well you could like Use it to listen to sound
2017/05/02 (火) 20:01 No. 113375
>>>/watch?v=Z_iT10FzS-w also here have aliens sk
2017/05/02 (火) 20:02 No. 113376
>>113374 nah I mean you'd have to have a high end decoder
Search [iqdb] (813 KB, 1154x1618, 62645169_p0.png )
stop looking for aliens they dont want to be found
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 2039x2893, 20170502-061610.png )
right well that was a dumb ending
2017/05/02 (火) 20:05 No. 113379
Yeah, since tghey are ILLEGAL ALIENS damn martians
>>113379 martians are good people in know many of them they are some of my best friends
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 592x508, C-tEz53UAAI5_wZ.jpg )
yeah ok the ending is trash the aliens are spook
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though really aliens never been my thing things that look off about them make the realism fly out the doors
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I'm scared to death of 'em
2017/05/02 (火) 20:08 No. 113384
Search [iqdb] (274 KB, 704x705, Sakura (316).jpg )
I don't really know what I am afraid of even Mirrors a little maybe
I don't like windows I don't like mirrors the dark in general is shit aliens are fucking terrifying But beyond that there's not a lot
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im scared of clowns still also things in fur suits FUCK ALL THAT
2017/05/02 (火) 20:09 No. 113387
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 1920x1080, Sakura (288).jpg )
I prosper in the dark And I am made of HORROR
2017/05/02 (火) 20:10 No. 113388
Search [iqdb] (584 KB, 843x915, Sakura (523).jpg )
I did pavlov myself to be scared of a finnish children tv's intro>>>/watch?v=dFILES34wy0
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2017/05/02 (火) 20:13 No. 113390
>>113389 >>>/watch?v=BIRdoB8ZMUk Welcome to Finnish Kid's TV
Search [iqdb] (392 KB, 1200x800, 62156921_p0.jpg )
>>113390 YOU FINS ARE fucked up. though i already knew that
2017/05/02 (火) 20:15 No. 113392
Search [iqdb] (900 KB, 1000x4093, e6666cba8cc2da3f.png )
i know about the finland sauna competition. thats enough for me
Search [iqdb] (530 KB, 798x1449, Screenshot_20170502-161113.jpg )
mom/stepdad used 5 gigs of mobile data since 4/22
2017/05/02 (火) 20:16 No. 113395
>>113393 Nah, the final frame is the point that all is A FINNISH KIDS SHOW
Search [iqdb] (33 KB, 1058x210, Screenshot_20170502-161316.jpg )
>>113395 well america had watership down
now i have to deal with less than 128kbps speed on my phone for the entire month
2017/05/02 (火) 20:17 No. 113399
>>113397 UK>>113396 Git on my level 190GB
>>113399 aren't you like relying entirely on mobile data and also have unlimited data
2017/05/02 (火) 20:18 No. 113401
Search [iqdb] (168 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
Yup I think if I just used on my phone it would be about 20GB a month
that's a lot different from this like my stepdad doesn't go anywhere he's too sick but he used up our entire data plan
Search [iqdb] (102 KB, 850x850, usapuzzled.jpg )
2017/05/02 (火) 20:19 No. 113404
Search [iqdb] (167 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
>>113402 So maybe they watched a movie on phone etc
somehow they used the last 10% of it in the course of an hour while at home with internet
Search [iqdb] (697 KB, 1200x849, 62156254_p0_master1200.jpg )
2017/05/02 (火) 20:20 No. 113407
Search [iqdb] (132 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
>>113405 Sounds like netflixing or something but why on phone...
>>113405 wow
>>113407 idk I sure hope I don't need data while I'm on my road trip!
2017/05/02 (火) 20:20 No. 113410
Like seriously, I don't watch any video that has anything visual going for it on phone coz why? I have a fucking 26 inch monitor for that shit
Search [iqdb] (141 KB, 600x800, usagame.jpg )
malware written by cell providers
>>113410 my stepdad has a 52 inch
2017/05/02 (火) 20:21 No. 113413
>>113409 welp leech tilds and co data
I hate verizon so fucking much
>>113409 how'd your thing go
>>113415 Final? Or something else?
yeah your test sorry you know how i am with words and thought things
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1093x855, 61866829_p0.png )
>>113413 I'm not American, the moment I leave for the States my data is getting turned off.
>>113417 I think I did pretty good It was way easier than I expected Almost unbelievably so
2017/05/02 (火) 20:23 No. 113421
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
>>113419 So used to EU travel in countries that have full coverage cause finnodata is best data
Luckily I have a gps device so we don't need phones to navigate But still
>>113422 phones have gps you just need a good map app that predownloads the map
>>113423 well I don't really have data And downloading a map of the entire east coast is insanely big
2017/05/02 (火) 20:25 No. 113425
>>113423 yeah this I always download finn, swe, estonia and norway on my phone and if am planning trip, that country too MIght actually just grab all of europe, but that feels like waste of space
I'd have to download maps of like 10 states That's so much space And I have a GPS so why should I waste my phone space
sorry im a arm cpu nerd i even know how to run a operation system on a gps because it runs a mip cpu
when i did my bike thing i would stop at a motel and use my phone to pull up the next set of directions and write it in a notebook i remember a section of indiana had like 300 something different steps to get to the next city it took like 5 pages front and back
2017/05/02 (火) 20:27 No. 113429
There should be more movies like Poughkeepsie tapes mocumentaries with a good spin
>>113428 That sounds super cool. Do you still have the notebook from the trip?
Search [iqdb] (281 KB, 700x700, 62096584_p0.jpg )
>>113430 not sure probably possibly sitting in a basement in a house i no longer live at though, damp or moldy i have so many notebooks
Would be a bit of a shame if it's lost. Stuff like that can end up being really sentimental for me, personally.
>>113428 That sounds awesome
Thanks to having a GPS though, I don't need Jan to navigate
Which might be a saving grace, really.
>>113433 it's all sentiment to me that's why i throw them in the fuckin trash most of the time there's too much to hold onto i try to keep what i can but i don't want my sentiments to become a burden or an eyesore
Haha you should have seen his navigation in Nevada
2017/05/02 (火) 20:31 No. 113439
How bad was he`? Also why not just use a good old MAP
I was more or less unconscious for most of his navigation but moon said that he kept getting super distracted and falling asleep When we were almost out of gas with me dying in the back we almost missed gas stations haha
2017/05/02 (火) 20:33 No. 113441
Search [iqdb] (225 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
Good old nevada
>>113440 he insisted that we passed a gas station because the nav said there was one a mile back and believe me i had been watching for a gas station for an hour i'm like 95% sure we did NOT pass one, there was a country road exit, but if there was any gas station there it must have been miles off the road because there weren't even street lights and he wanted me to turn around because the next one was a long way ahead and i'm like nig i aint turnin around and wasting gas we'll make it and then he drove me into a field where the phone said the next gas station was we pulled out onto a gravel exit and it was just literally a field of private property and a gate like a mile off the road too i kept saying we'd be alright but i just wanted to get to the gas station and erryone flippin out
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1507x1200, 61502395_p0.png )
I am going to Cincinati on the 12th yeah its dead
Wow nyaa is actually dead, I thought it was all a ruse on /a/. I guess the admin really did get spooked by the piracy ruling in sweden
>>113444 Is there official word?
>>113445 The domain name was released.
2017/05/02 (火) 20:36 No. 113447
Search [iqdb] (133 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
>>113444 Yeah, I am surprised that people use .se for piracy shit when sweden is quite active on anti-piracy on state level
>>113442 haha rip>>113446 oh no
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 750x1334, IMG_1154.PNG )
Actually garbage
There's already a back-up site by a different person that pulled Nyaa's torrent directories and is re-providing them. But I'm not sure if they're actively adding new content.
>>113450 What's it called?
Search [iqdb] (217 KB, 700x700, usathought.jpg )
>>113449 that's like 2 +1!
Though it doesn't seem to work very well and is more barebones than the phrase "barebones" gives credit for. You'd probably be better off going to toshokan or getting magnet links directly from providers.
Sweet, thanks
I'll probably stick to xdcc But man nyaa made keeping track of anime so easy
I use this: Fairly useful for XDCC, if you lurk the channels they pop updates everytime something new is uploaded to a bot.
2017/05/02 (火) 20:40 No. 113458
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
rip anime
>>113457 I use that too but it's a pain to watch them It's easier to just see what was uploaded today on nyaa I'll just have to keep track of things better
oh i see that faggot daz showed up. thats never good
Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 850x850, usaXpants.jpg )
man that daz
Time to get my Wendy's fix
>>113462 I got you addicted
I never got XDCC set up, so it's just kinda like...there are still ways I can continue using the toolbox I already know how to use. So why should I go and learn how to use a new toolbox?
>>113463 you did there's one literally outside work too
>>113465 oh no what have I done i became the shill
There's an A&W too but that's expensive
Now I kinda want Wendy's
2017/05/02 (火) 20:52 No. 113469
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).png )
What do wendy's even carry?
Search [iqdb] (257 KB, 831x827, usamoon.png )
that's what you get for falling for corporate memes
>>113470 You're right
>>113469 Burgers, fries, chicken, baked potatoes, etc
2017/05/02 (火) 20:54 No. 113473
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
So just a burger chain eh you sure have many of those
2017/05/02 (火) 20:55 No. 113474
Search [iqdb] (134 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
A flaw in this a-51 movie these guys have a solid plan to get in well they are in already but NO PLAN TO GET OUT
Well the plan for getting out is Uh The plan for getting in, but 180 degrees
2017/05/02 (火) 20:56 No. 113476
>>113475 hmm true they already disaplec that one tracker but can they redon their suits?
>>113473 Burgers are pretty much the American food Tied with hotdogs for it
2017/05/02 (火) 20:56 No. 113478
Search [iqdb] (161 KB, 1920x1080, [HorribleSubs] Ao Oni The Anim(…).jpg )
But gotta say this sneaking around is amusing to watch I'd watch a found footage movie of just this if it was done good Home Invaders Bank Robbers
Search [iqdb] (237 KB, 1456x1763, C-FPy8FUQAEpbxg.jpg )
>>113476 Do you really need the suits to get out? Just keep running away from the base and the choppers are likely gonna leave you alone The guards in the vans might stop you to have a chat, MIGHT nab your recordings and camera But that'll be it, dude
2017/05/02 (火) 20:57 No. 113480
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 404x365, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>113479 Dude they are in restricted zone they get caught, they get jail
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 548x290, C-HajDwV0AAklv0.jpg )
Even in restricted zone, area 51 guards are likely used to people getting a few meters through the outer fence and they just leave you alone if you get spooked and piss off>>113482 Run real fast
2017/05/02 (火) 20:58 No. 113482
Search [iqdb] (232 KB, 596x551, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Yeah but these guys are 11 miles in
Though to be fair it doesn't seem like they needed an exit planAnd the ending is retarded because there's no way to piece together what happened for the audience
2017/05/02 (火) 20:59 No. 113484
>>113483 yeah cause they all die or shit so the script didn't need it but it owuld be fun if these crazy prepared wackos had mentioned some kind of "and then we do it in reverse, but don also these daytime camo gear"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 21:01 No. 113485
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
Ah wendy's
Square burgers Smug lolis Sea salt fries or baked potato Wendy's
wendy's what ? ? ?
2017/05/02 (火) 21:02 No. 113488
Maybe I will go for a goofyburger tomorrow
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 21:03 No. 113489
>>113486 this is what I want in life
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 750x1000, C9b4ZMlUAAA_zDu.jpg )
This show I found is fun F for Family It's Bill Burr: the animated show
i started a shitstorm on /a/
shame on you
2017/05/02 (火) 21:06 No. 113493
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 357x662, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>113491 What kind of?
>>113493 taking back /a/ shitstorm
2017/05/02 (火) 21:11 No. 113495
Search [iqdb] (186 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>113494 Then you should stop posting there
Search [iqdb] (266 KB, 565x800, 61525595_p0.jpg )
>>113495 never though i want freedom from the cancer. thought i know its not going to happen
2017/05/02 (火) 21:36 No. 113497
Search [iqdb] (136 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Welp that was bad
I have started a war. a needed war.. oh the mod just got my thread .
2017/05/02 (火) 21:39 No. 113499
nobody cares no one posts on a
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1180x1886, 62321241_p0.png )
Search [iqdb] (1.9 MB, 2000x2000, C-WGmzdVoAAwF4f.png )
These college kids and their humble brags. wow. BACK TO WORK
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:01 No. 113502
Search [iqdb] (34 KB, 284x226, 1484241862688.jpg )
College kids?
Search [iqdb] (444 KB, 850x1252, usacooking.jpg )
outbrag them
2017/05/02 (火) 22:03 No. 113504
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 592x571, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Brag Battle!
Search [iqdb] (537 KB, 1000x1409, 61502982_p0.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, Love Live! Sunshine!! - 01 (12(…).jpg )
hey look she has the same shitty weeb music on her phone as I do
Search [iqdb] (295 KB, 800x800, 1492996973099.png )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:29 No. 113508
Search [iqdb] (202 KB, 775x838, 57937618_p0.png )
Search [iqdb] (147 KB, 1051x751, 1489621745821.jpg )
hello hello
Search [iqdb] (231 KB, 500x660, usaneutral.jpg )
got anything good from the daily memeroll? and did the moon advice kill the shoes in the end?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:31 No. 113511
Search [iqdb] (84 KB, 798x1029, C4UAsJmVcAA-_fk.jpg )
>>113509 How /// How's it going?
Search [iqdb] (2.0 MB, 2039x2893, 20170502-061610.png )
i should sleep soon very soon
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:32 No. 113513
>>113509 boats?
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 1280x720, 20170414-165255.jpg )
being tired hurts cause yawning hurts aaaaaaaaaa
Search [iqdb] (37 KB, 480x270, noukome177.jpg )
>>113510 Not today. Leg day appears to be over though.>>113511 It's going fine!>>113513 What about them?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:35 No. 113516
Search [iqdb] (888 KB, 900x1134, 54990750_p0.png )
He wants to know if you're doing the event.
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 800x1131, 1492554180062.jpg )
Oh, I see the event has started. I was under the impression that it was going to start on the fifth. I will be doing the event, of course. Probably not a hard clear though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:36 No. 113518
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 300x300, 0fed77c754eca947f2d1c50c9b3ad6d0.jpg )
the only cute one of the 5/6 shown is the russian the rest are either meh or decent And the potato boss is the ugliest abyssal ever
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:36 No. 113519
i think the new girls are all above average cute compared to the last like 10 events probably maybe not 10 probably like 6
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 500x706, cag2.jpg )
I see art for four. The wiki doesn't have entries for the others. Maybe I'll try that.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:37 No. 113521
you can go to gangut's cg page to see art
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:37 No. 113522
??? the russian battleship's art is awful
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 1253x1770, わたむら - カリオストロさん.png )
Oh, this Russian FBB is the kind of thing only ToN would find cute. I should have expected this. The coastal defense ships are cute.
Search [iqdb] (25 KB, 351x385, C9O8Sp8XsAAfZhz.jpg )
post best FEH
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:38 No. 113525
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 536x800, 3fca842be6700bb0212c5351e5ae12aa.jpg )
oh it's another one of these episodes. fine whatever shit taste blah blah blah.>>113524 Uhhhhh Lilina
I legit only know cag and even her I've seen like Wow ok then I guess I know literally 0
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:38 No. 113527
cag isn't a feh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:39 No. 113528
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 678x640, 2da55d1bf5[1].jpg )
>>113525 Both Rika and I said it at the same time so it's not even like us messing with you
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1000x1213, 抹茶馬 - CCカリオストロ.jpg )
>>113525 I'm sorry ToN, that's just the way it is! She's frumpy and boyish.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:39 No. 113530
cag is granblue
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:39 No. 113531
>>113528 I like her design.
Search [iqdb] (94 KB, 432x432, 20170411-173455.png )
Why are you playing several mobage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:39 No. 113533
because we hate living.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:39 No. 113534
>>113532 Because they've finally reached the level I was at like 2 years ago
but they're all the same mobage
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:40 No. 113536
Search [iqdb] (573 KB, 800x1313, 5e805824733b2ee3227f4687aaaa3097.png )
>>113528 I know you're not messing with me but it's frustrating that this keeps happening anyway
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:40 No. 113537
her face is like so flat i don't dislike it necessarily i just think the art is bad if she had a decent face that was cute she might be good
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 675x1200, 20170501-134721.jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:41 No. 113539
maybe even just a well-drawn face would be enough since they were obviously going for a hot-blooded look with it
>>113528 the design's nice
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:43 No. 113541
yeah but the face/head ruins it
Search [iqdb] (96 KB, 1280x720, Love Live! Sunshine!! - 01 (12(…).jpg )
eh, I've seen worse
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:43 No. 113544
yeah but that doesn't make it good
Search [iqdb] (597 KB, 825x1100, 夜ノみつき - カリオストロ.jpg )
sk also likes characters that are frumpy and boyish so it's good that ToN has company.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:44 No. 113546
Search [iqdb] (287 KB, 500x795, 1e2b6e15114687d69b75c5de7d7240e7.png )
how was your granblue roll today rika
Search [iqdb] (38 KB, 269x270, 20170429-153243.jpg )
Hey I resent that, I didn't say I like the character The design is just nice
Search [iqdb] (262 KB, 331x311, wow.png )
>>113546 Nothing of note. No surprise though, leg day appears to be over.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:44 No. 113549
>skipping leg day you'll never get swole like this
You don't have to skip leg day if you don't schedule one
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1400x1400, みつき - カリオストロ.png )
but if every day is leg day you'll end up looking like a T-Rex.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:46 No. 113552
Search [iqdb] (382 KB, 2319x4057, C2IkS1IWEAAbrPX.jpg )
T-rexes can be cute.
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 465x299, will i.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (237 KB, 1456x1763, C-FPy8FUQAEpbxg.jpg )
>>113551 Only if you're tall
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:47 No. 113555
my body is soring
what did the denti do for yah sk?
Search [iqdb] (154 KB, 473x674, sick burn.jpg )
prescribed more ibuprofen confirmed it's not infected Told me it was normal
Search [iqdb] (318 KB, 2138x1511, ardinassau - Cagliostro ft. Agera R.jpg )
>>113553 He should have taken Cag up on her offer.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:49 No. 113561
>>113559 would deliford be strictly a girl after that.
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, 20170422-111640.jpg )
Do characters like Cag count as traps?>>113563 but it's a man
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:49 No. 113563
no Cag is a girl's body
Search [iqdb] (894 KB, 708x1000, たいしょう田中_コミ1ね40a - クリアファイル絵.png )
>>113561 I dunno, maybe. Cag is a girl in spirit as well as a girl in form. who knows what it would be like for deli!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:50 No. 113565
>>113562 traps are only traps because of the hardware.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:50 No. 113566
>>113564 cag absolutely isn't a girl in spirit.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:50 No. 113567
Search [iqdb] (823 KB, 1250x1250, C-RAZHmVwAAb-hB.png )
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 651x553, C9l-p_2UwAIbIx6.jpg )
Different tier of trap subspecies
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:50 No. 113569
>>113568 if you take away the key part of being a trap you aren't a trap anymore You're something else
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 1000x1412, 滝乃大祐 - イベント告知:ファータグランデ騎空祭2 H-02.jpg )
>>113566 She absolutely is!
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 750x1000, C9b4ZMlUAAA_zDu.jpg )
But it's still the mind of a boy, but a girl That's kind of trap in spirit It's certainly not regular girl
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:51 No. 113572
>>113570 objectively false and reference in story as clarisse refers to cag, or attempts to, as great granduncle
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1075x1518, ばんでる - 落書き.png )
>>113572 And then Cag gets mad and threatens her with bodily harm! What kind of old man would object to being called an old man?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:51 No. 113574
Search [iqdb] (376 KB, 919x655, 57405377_p0.jpg )
>>113572 You can't argue with someone that rejects facts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:51 No. 113575
>>113573 because cag wants to be the little girl
>>113573 old senile man who lost his mind
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1427, ばらむ - カリオストロ.png )
>>113575 Cag successfully became the little girl.
2017/05/02 (火) 22:52 No. 113578
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 493x511, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Rika already said that "she" is actually a 50+ year old man inside so of course to "her" cagliostro is a "girl"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:52 No. 113579
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 1131x1600, 808a73307e45d3ff99bf5787742ce215.jpg )
>>113577 yeah, even more successfully than real world converts Both would get upset if you called them something that is whatever
Search [iqdb] (930 KB, 1000x1412, 滝乃大祐 - イベント告知:グラケット2 ル30.jpg )
>>113579 Cag became the real deal though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:53 No. 113581
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1080x1920, 303edc3576d974b27f2620b5ae64b7a5.jpg )
yup sure you win go for it go nuts have a nice day
Search [iqdb] (512 KB, 495x700, りいちゅ@ コミ1・例大祭 - カリおっさん.jpg )
Thanks, I will!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:54 No. 113584
Search [iqdb] (437 KB, 661x935, 26167265_p0.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (294 KB, 657x928, 06.jpg )
Is there like a bounty hunter class that will increase the amount of loot I get?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:54 No. 113586
thief line they specialize in using the skill bounty hunter.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:54 No. 113587
yeah it's the one that says it increases the amount of loot you get
Search [iqdb] (461 KB, 1200x1071, 01.jpg )
That seems like a good one to go into after I master dark fencer.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:55 No. 113589
Search [iqdb] (230 KB, 713x1000, 5eb80dfa79ab34eefae10b4926b8e5b7.jpg )
good for hoping for drops or leeching. Other good utility classes include stuff like Holy Saber And you'll want the level 5 skill from Valkyrie for that. x
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:56 No. 113590
Search [iqdb] (67 KB, 593x688, fba2e1a072[1].jpg )
this actually isn't half bad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:56 No. 113591
look at that potato hime
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 850x680, spookyusa.jpg )
is that actual official real art
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 22:56 No. 113593
ueaj yeah
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:57 No. 113594
i like it's bird plane
Search [iqdb] (62 KB, 768x1024, speachlessusa.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (28 KB, 639x689, C9icSO2WAAA8Rgq.jpg )
>>113592 >>113593 From where, fucking tumblr?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:57 No. 113597
that's from kancolle's main artist more or less
Search [iqdb] (256 KB, 760x1140, 染野春 - 世界で一番かわいい.jpg )
>>113590 I think that's rather terrible. I guess it accomplishes the goal of being scary.
Search [iqdb] (171 KB, 800x1054, 20170414-113629.jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:58 No. 113600
Search [iqdb] (531 KB, 986x1500, 61809261_p1.jpg )
>>113598 It's pretty good for Shibafu.
It's fucking tumblr art though
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:58 No. 113602
>>113601 but it's not fat and brown
But she has the sniffles on a chronic basis It's tumblr art
Search [iqdb] (116 KB, 675x781, おき - クラリス服のカリオストロ.jpg )
It's not tumblr, it's potato mode.>>113600 Shibafu's old art is better. It's okay for new Shibafu I guess.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:59 No. 113605
Search [iqdb] (53 KB, 349x650, CxoLNl6UcAEf6fK.jpg )
>>113604 Shibafu's new CVL is really good. He just traced an older work for it!
You can't convince me a japanes draws in an artstyle where everyone seems to have the cold In japan that'd be a post apo setting
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 22:59 No. 113607
Search [iqdb] (180 KB, 317x664, CVL_Taiyou_Kai_Ni_529_Full.png )
>>113606 he doesn't
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 23:00 No. 113608
i wonder why they still employ shibafu he doesn't do his job anymore
Search [iqdb] (199 KB, 781x610, too cool.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (2.7 MB, 2894x3833, $hellfish - かわいいおっさん.png )
I still love boats, but kancolle has been in decline this past year. It's one of the reasons I made sure to get some nendos, to have something to remember it by.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:01 No. 113611
Search [iqdb] (889 KB, 914x1192, 6e4150a1f04fce9e2a66e517335b3888.png )
yo what did rika just admit that
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 23:02 No. 113612
Search [iqdb] (502 KB, 666x920, 62276423_p0.png )
Everyone goes through the same phases I do, just after I do.>>113613 As someone who played long before you did, I can say definitively that Kancolle declined far before you realized it. The decline started with the anime (when you started) so you didn't really notice it until it made another steep decline.
Search [iqdb] (2.1 MB, 1400x938, 黒江文庫 - 制服カリオストロ.png )
You guys bailed on it and got sour too early, but the last 2-3 events have been lackluster. A good event could revive it, but the last good event was the one that featured Iowa!
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 850x1020, usatower.jpg )
was cag meme enough to get a daki or was that only dauna
Search [iqdb] (599 KB, 842x1200, 01.jpg )
A lot of the events I took part in were still pretty good.>>113614 >>113616 Cag needs more merch though! I want her to get a good figure.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 23:03 No. 113616
Search [iqdb] (999 KB, 1200x1200, 60525559_p8.png )
>>113614 yeah, cag got a daki>>113615 They were good by the standards of someone who started when the events were bad. For someone that was here when the events were good, those events were lackluster.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:04 No. 113617
Search [iqdb] (309 KB, 1000x1625, 14a37dfe9cecc032f88078a0988b68b0.jpg )
fall 2015 was an enjoyable event if you didn't farm akizuki.
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 431x600, tiredusa.jpg )
what makes a boat event good
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 23:06 No. 113619
an event where they don't have any retarded new mechanics that don't work properly and allows you to use boats that you enjoy using is a good event i think it's been a long time since they've let you use the boats you like
Search [iqdb] (36 KB, 592x508, C-tEz53UAAI5_wZ.jpg )
time for sleeps nighty
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:06 No. 113621
Search [iqdb] (515 KB, 500x800, usa&usa.png )
night sk
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:06 No. 113623
Search [iqdb] (16 KB, 300x300, 0fed77c754eca947f2d1c50c9b3ad6d0.jpg )
also wow kirara getting characters drunk in valhalla really is a great idea
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 23:07 No. 113624
Search [iqdb] (849 KB, 1200x1200, 60525559_p4.png )
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 884x1200, SAKI - カリオストロ.jpg )
>>113619 The new memes are annoying. These coastal guard ships are likely to be memes too.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:07 No. 113626
>when the game expects you to remember something when you started the game last october I felt so bad
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 23:07 No. 113627
Search [iqdb] (873 KB, 870x1247, 61934875_p0.png )
>>113625 Kancolle has been relying too much on gimmicks to make the game interesting and it just makes stuff frustrating and stupid.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:08 No. 113628
can we please just get kancolle arcade I would almost pay a subscription for that
I got Kashima. That was a good event.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1519x1070, saraki@お仕事募集中 - カリオストロ.jpg )
>>113627 Yes, the meme mechanics are uniquely bad because it layers RNG upon RNG.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/02 (火) 23:12 No. 113631
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 991x1400, Cp2LzOpUEAIDO1I.jpg )
>>113629 Yo Blue, got a plan yet?
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1240x1637, るいせんと@仕事募集中 - JKカリオストロ.png )
When does a character get their second graphic? When fully uncapped? Can you pick between first and second form then?
Search [iqdb] (307 KB, 700x700, usaclown.png )
after 2 stars maybe yeah you can change well i depends on rarity ssr get it on the 3rd star i think
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 960x800, Charlotta_C.png )
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 774x512, CiYd8OpU4AEpVGK.jpg )
>>113631 ...I spent all my time in writing words and being jealous of scientists. Hm, let me check bus fares again.
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 800x1131, シロクロネコ - かりおすとろ.jpg )
>>113633 The final form Cag looks cool! I just cleared her second fate episode.
Search [iqdb] (284 KB, 960x800, Anna_(SR)_A.png )
is that so how are you gonna handle team limitations i wonder
2017/05/02 (火) 23:26 No. 113638
Search [iqdb] (244 KB, 592x571, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
SO what is the story in that game?
Fried rice dinner night.
Search [iqdb] (468 KB, 2000x2000, C981AmHVYAEjawf.jpg )
>>113631 Which day was the main day? The 8th or 9th?
Search [iqdb] (263 KB, 960x800, Claudia_A.png )
>>113640 We arrive on the 8th, spend the night, 9th is all day and Jan goes home in the evening Morning of the tenth, we leave
Search [iqdb] (414 KB, 600x926, cag4.jpg )
>>113637 Well, it seems like building a team around dark Cag will be hard because dark meta seems to be emninty how do you spell that anyway those kinds of teams and cag is a healer.
Search [iqdb] (164 KB, 960x800, Cucouroux_B.png )
>>113643 building dark in general is a problem due to lower drop rates
just go water
or wind
Search [iqdb] (201 KB, 960x800, Dante_(SR)_A.png )
right now is not a good time to be water
Did water get nerfed?
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 960x800, Dorothy_A.png )
they didn't really get ane new good stuff and their wonderful bows got gutted
Search [iqdb] (288 KB, 413x585, サクラメ - 今から電話をするから出てね♥ (62705902) .jpg )
>~$30 round trip. Neat. How much is the hotel, do you know?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:30 No. 113652
>>113649 varuna bows are dead and everyone else has buffs also you don't have to go enmity rika since emity relies on zooey
so back to wind meta?
Search [iqdb] (156 KB, 960x800, Dante_(SR)_B.png )
wind feels strong but they are getting screwed summon wise their bonito was trash and right now only fire and earth got the shiva
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:31 No. 113655
Whale meta
>>113651 ~$120 for the night of the 8th split three ways right now Idk when Tilde is going home so the night of the ninth could be split two ways or not at all right now
>>113655 so water :)
wow neo-moe destroyed the face
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:32 No. 113659
water used to be whale meta but now their bows are dead
Search [iqdb] (223 KB, 960x800, Ejaeli_A.png )
japan is known for hunting whales
>>113656 I'll stay the night of the ninth.
Alright, night of the ninth would be $120 split two ways as of now then 3 ways if Blue wants to stay that night
we can stay up late and talk about business opportunities kyaa
Search [iqdb] (439 KB, 723x1023, cag.jpg )
Well what color I go with depends on what characters I get. Right now my good SSRs are dark and light. But I'll probably go dark or earth because I want to use cag.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:35 No. 113665
Search [iqdb] (488 KB, 408x618, smugunlocked.png )
6/10 dark and light are strong but also the hardest grind.
I bet earth is still the worst element
>Focus: Battling Xander >that fucking super hero guy my sides, every time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:36 No. 113668
>>113666 earth just got their shiva though their shiva has a bad call water is currently worst element
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 960x800, Laguna_A.png )
earth and fire the only elements with shiva's and xeno coincidence? i think not
>>113668 Life comes at you fast
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:36 No. 113671
bahamut flb someday
Search [iqdb] (104 KB, 960x800, Jessica_B.png )
alex call is decent though?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:37 No. 113673
it's decent but it's objectively worse than shivas
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 500x681, cag3.jpg )
Seems like it will heavily depend on what I get. I have some fire SSRs too but I'm not sure that they're good at all. I think my fire SSRs are mid tier.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:37 No. 113675
Search [iqdb] (238 KB, 400x532, 0d9d94426c2ce1c89565ed202e01ce77.jpg )
Fire is a slap in the face grind. Just ask floop
Search [iqdb] (269 KB, 960x800, GoblinMage_B.png )
>>113673 are you in a world where offense is objectively better than defense
>>113674 Just keep in mind that you can't be successful in the game if you are lazy
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:37 No. 113678
>>113676 yeah it's called granblue
>Arena: A bunch of people I don't have, a bunch of people I don't use, and Clarine.
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>>113677 Define cussess.
>>113681 bad words that you can't say.
>>113681 Define what
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:39 No. 113684
Search [iqdb] (138 KB, 707x1000, 5f8bf64889e12377817783b86cffe0e8.jpg )
I can't wait until two years from now when Rika gets close to tier 4.
Search [iqdb] (434 KB, 600x800, hiiragi - カリオストロ.jpg )
brain problems! define success!
>>113685 Being able to fight things and win no matter what it is with exceptions for HL and whatever higher level stuff they added
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 960x800, Lamretta_(Water)_B.png )
tier 4 is such a paaaaaain
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:40 No. 113688
Search [iqdb] (761 KB, 1200x1500, 09c7105be663dbebd201a0f51b646563.png )
They made tier 4 easier now you can buy 30 a month instead of 1 a day for distinctions
>>113679 Clarinet is the only healer I use fam
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 719x1062, 76b5a5403af1f276b187b0c119295d(…).jpg )
>using Healers in Arena
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:41 No. 113691
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 800x731, 4b3552d4371977a702ca5df112688c9c.jpg )
>Kirara wasn't HL enough for the HL fights Damn dude>>113693 I was under the impression you can't until 101 What do you mean by hl
Search [iqdb] (407 KB, 960x800, Mary_(SR)_B.png )
>>113691 I've participated in HL fights
>>113691 It wasn't always like that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:41 No. 113695
>what do you mean by HL the ones marked HL by the game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:41 No. 113697
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That's probably for the best>>113696 That's what I was asking yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:42 No. 113698
but now that I know >>113694 things make sense
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>>113690 Do you at least have a general idea of what your plan is?
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>>113642 I'm thinking whether I'll spend the night of the 8th or the 9th. Or just day trip. I have a general idea. And buying the ticket will be simple. It's just a matter of how much I feel I can spend.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:44 No. 113702
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Oh Kirara I hope you're ready for a weird session tomorrow!
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>>113701 Alright! Just keep me updated on your plan. If you stay the night of the 8th, there would be 4 people in the room so someone would have to share beds or sleep on the floor On 9th, there will be a bed or a sofa bed free
Search [iqdb] (213 KB, 960x800, Lady_Katapillar_and_Vira_B.png )
>>113703 Dibs on the floor.
Search [iqdb] (115 KB, 477x471, 9434cffa81342ab730f50d0df583b1(…).jpg )
>>113703 Sleeping on a hotel floor is a skill of mine. Gah, today really collapsed on itself. I feel like I have been hungry all day despite eating. Maybe it's just nerves.
>>113705 haha
Search [iqdb] (182 KB, 960x800, Cailana_A.png )
erunes please
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what's the point
>>113708 Oh, she's cute.
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>>113706 Tilde just called dibs on the floor, get rekt
Search [iqdb] (735 KB, 1536x2048, C-lJ-TlVwAAc9Ii.jpg )
Sure. Wouldn't that be fun.
It's fine Blue we can jankenpon for the floor when it happens.
Search [iqdb] (653 KB, 605x850, Cagliostro.(Granblue.Fantasy).(…).jpg )
>>113686 I'm sure I'll get there eventually. I'm all about collecting cute characters though.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:50 No. 113715
Search [iqdb] (120 KB, 708x1000, 97185df95a5408e84250bfa7b9e40927.jpg )
A year of progress and some money dropped here and there, and I've accomplished the goal kirara laid out. I am okay with this.
Search [iqdb] (310 KB, 844x844, Suframare_B.png )
i did the same without investments other than time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:51 No. 113718
>>113716 I'm hardly a whale.
>>113718 And a chihuahua is barely a dog.
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 722x762, IMG_20170426_211945.jpg )
da manny is flowin
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:52 No. 113721
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>>113720 delet this
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:52 No. 113723
kumuyu is cute
Search [iqdb] (69 KB, 600x784, IMG_20170428_223454.jpg )
im a rebel
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:56 No. 113728
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 645x900, 03ce7f8be22ceeceaa560d953b85cb60.jpg )
yo rika I've heard if you wanna run earth you gotta get this crazy gal in your party >>113727
Search [iqdb] (977 KB, 1000x787, Yukian - カリオストロ.png )
She's cute so I'll allow it.
wtf the future is here
Search [iqdb] (121 KB, 960x800, Ayer_A.png )
or you gotta run emo man instead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:57 No. 113732
people run both sometimes I've noticed.
Search [iqdb] (165 KB, 960x800, Nemone_A.png )
you kinda don't want them to be hit i guess if you run both it works out since they split the hits
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:58 No. 113734
Ayer wants to be hit when in counter mode it's fine.
Search [iqdb] (184 KB, 960x800, Catherine_B.png )
yeah but you don't want to actually use counter mode when you could be punching instead
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:59 No. 113736
ayer punch gud
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/02 (火) 23:59 No. 113737
Search [iqdb] (542 KB, 406x600, dirt..png )
Earth is a pretty manly element.
>>113730 Is there something particularly special about chocolate-covered chunks of ice cream?
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 960x800, Melissabelle_A.png )
isn't eustace trash? and wow a korwa and i guess eugen is good too
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:00 No. 113740
H. Eustace is decent apparently. My other dirt options are limited too. I have christmas dokkan and that's about it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:01 No. 113741
Can't really make use of tezcat though.
Search [iqdb] (6.3 MB, 2448x3000, 悪介 - カリオストロ(色あり.jpg )
Team building seems like it will be slow as I wait for SSRs to come to me. Unless there are lots of SSR events like golden week. But I kinda doubt that.>>113743 I already have close to a dark team while I wait. Dark Cag and some old guy that likes explosions named Marq.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:01 No. 113743
You can use SRs too since some of them are decent. While you wait.
Search [iqdb] (246 KB, 960x800, Arriet_B.png )
>>113741 tezcat old and busted
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:02 No. 113745
Search [iqdb] (339 KB, 700x569, 03b37362d6001b9d2ef2453b143feefe.png )
Marq is unfortunate. He's apparently alright but has little place in dark land. I can't wait for you to grind dark and come to hate boat.
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send help
I'd help her if you know what I'm saying.
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 313x362, ok.jpg )
i don't quite know what you're saying
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:04 No. 113749
Search [iqdb] (543 KB, 409x611, moisturizer2..png )
Water is the fuccboi element.
Search [iqdb] (57 KB, 442x192, water.jpg )
it sure is
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:06 No. 113751
you don't use the cuter lily skin?
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 960x800, Magisa_A.png )
she's fine either way
Search [iqdb] (844 KB, 800x1133, 池上茜 COMIC1な39a - 【COMIC1☆10】新作(…).jpg )
I want some more cute characters. Today I got some dorky looking bard guy.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:10 No. 113754
oh if it's who I think it is he has a terrible terrible voice
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 900x1200, yapo - ハロウィンカリオストロ.png )
Keehar is his name.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:10 No. 113756
oh him He's not that guy he's got a cool voice. He's okay I think. for an sr.
Search [iqdb] (153 KB, 960x800, Lucio_A.png )
i want some actual wind characters for my full grid of guns
Search [iqdb] (553 KB, 950x1195, cag6.jpg )
I literally don't care about him. My SSRs are Aguekba Zeta Amira Zahlhamelina Cag Marq Aguekba is Agielba
>>113738 It's the container
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:12 No. 113760
Search [iqdb] (579 KB, 403x663, airstrike.png )
maybe if I had corewa during xeno vohu I might have had a chance.>>113758 oh shit you have takane she's good. for flare.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:13 No. 113761
maybe I should get to work on berserker.
Search [iqdb] (218 KB, 960x800, Mahira_B.png )
do not flare the bahamuts
dark saru the bahamas
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Search [iqdb] (148 KB, 960x800, Robertina_A.png )
they should make more cute potatos
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:19 No. 113766
Search [iqdb] (607 KB, 872x1192, 森崎ヒチミ - グラブル カリオストロ.jpg )
Granblue needs more merch! I want some merch.
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 850x579, usacat.jpg )
sounds like you just want to go down the slippery slope of getting more nendos
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 2000x1500, furan - 自撮り✩.jpg )
Who knows!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:23 No. 113770
Search [iqdb] (992 KB, 930x1274, 62245966_p0.png )
i can't stand the smell of popcorn i should ban it from my home
popcorn on pizza
Search [iqdb] (482 KB, 715x1000, まるごし - ハロオストロ.jpg )
I don't like popcorn.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:27 No. 113773
Search [iqdb] (421 KB, 475x746, CL_Tama_Mackerel_Pike_Festival_Full.png )
fish bought some popcorn when we were at the store and i would have felt bad if i told her not to get any but now i smell it and it's like oh no it reminds me of when i was younger and had disgusting protein shakes forced on me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:28 No. 113774
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 800x731, 4b3552d4371977a702ca5df112688c9c.jpg )
Blind's a fan of popcorn but I hate the smell of it being popped. Eating it isn't so bad though.
I don't have any reason to dislike its smell, but I don't really care for popcorn either way.
i don't think ive ever had popcorn without it getting unpleasantly caught in my throat hole
2017/05/03 (水) 00:30 No. 113777
or stuck between teeth
>>113773 have you seen paper tigers
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:35 No. 113779
>>113778 what's paper tigers?
>>113779 its a documentary i havent seen it i was thinking about watching it and was gonna ask if you were interested but i imagine youve already got plans for your evening
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:42 No. 113781
Search [iqdb] (51 KB, 600x507, CtwsDbvUIAAChhR.jpg )
yeah i'll be going to bed in about 20 minutes or sooner
have a good bed
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:45 No. 113783
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 500x500, CkCEDXhVAAAOjSy.jpg )
i will do my best
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 00:48 No. 113784
have fun
Search [iqdb] (558 KB, 800x600, 雑草丸子 - 世界で一番オレさま~♪.jpg )
Have fun snuggling up close with popcorn breath!
2017/05/03 (水) 00:49 No. 113786
Search [iqdb] (144 KB, 493x511, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
So you go to bed without washing your teeth?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:50 No. 113787
Search [iqdb] (247 KB, 516x728, 58727544_p0.png )
>>113785 wow i'm not gonna snuggle up close to anything
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1600x1188, 風ノ羽しろは - カリオストロさん.png )
>>113787 Tricking me is seven years bad luck. She's going to breathe popcorn breath on you all night.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:52 No. 113789
Search [iqdb] (227 KB, 500x554, 29139071_p0.jpg )
she'll totally brush her teeth and popcorn breath doesn't bother me it's only freshly popped popcorn that does
but do you WASH them though
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 661x1000, 1492551813526.jpg )
She's going to pop popcorn next to your bed all night.
Search [iqdb] (7 KB, 146x139, 7ed68c_68464232da7240bf829dc1c(…).png )
I just finished watching the GuP movie. Ah that was fun!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:53 No. 113793
Search [iqdb] (235 KB, 465x700, 60330765_p0.png )
>>113791 i'll let her know that she can sleep on the futon if she wants to be close to the microwave
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 673x711, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>113793 Popcorn tastes better if you pop it right next to somebody who hates it.>>113792 It was a really good movie.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:56 No. 113795
Search [iqdb] (1.2 MB, 779x1100, 60556644_p0.png )
>>113794 Why don't you give her advice to do that and see how much she likes sleeping alone
Italy with the tankette for mvp
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>113795 She's been quiet today. I wouldn't set her up like that anyway! I'm not a meanie.
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1000x889, GUPMOVIE is good bunka.png )
Tankettes were great.
2017/05/03 (水) 00:57 No. 113799
Search [iqdb] (172 KB, 536x562, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
Fucking useless in combat, though
>>113799 It's all about them tactical maneuvers
Search [iqdb] (594 KB, 1000x1390, にご@例大祭N17ab - 月夜に映える彼女は【例大祭14ゲ(…).jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:57 No. 113802
Search [iqdb] (235 KB, 600x714, 59255207_p0.jpg )
>>113797 She's sick today so maybe that's why
Search [iqdb] (113 KB, 618x719, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
>>113802 She's probably enjoying the huge sum of moe points she accrued yesterday.
Search [iqdb] (361 KB, 656x1000, 88___a_f_t_e_r___f_o_r_e_v_e_r(…).jpg )
i think it's gonna be tub of ice cream night tonight it feels like it awawawa
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 00:59 No. 113805
Search [iqdb] (214 KB, 700x527, 59485796_p0.jpg )
>>113803 Did she accrue a large amount of moe points?
Search [iqdb] (103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>113805 Yeah, when you think about it, the real winner of me being tricked was her. She accrued a bunch of moe points. She said you've been in a good mood all day.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:00 No. 113807
Search [iqdb] (341 KB, 1186x866, 60295861_p0.jpg )
>>113806 I don't think my mood has been better than usual. I sort of had a stressful day actually. She's probably just being fevery.
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Rokudenashi_Maj(…).jpg )
She won big time from what I heard! It's almost suspicious. What has she come down with?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:02 No. 113809
Search [iqdb] (524 KB, 747x980, 60977701_p0.png )
>>113808 What did you hear? I dunno, when we got up this morning, she had a fever She woke me up a few times last night because she felt like crap too
The real explanation is just that he's excited to see his real tomodachi again.
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 557x691, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>113809 I heard you were in a super mood and grinning all day. That's to be expected, tricking me successfully is a huge feat. Oh, that's sad. I hope she gets feeling better soon!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:04 No. 113812
Search [iqdb] (648 KB, 1000x818, 60993133_p0.png )
>>113811 I don't think I was very grinny today. I had a busy, stressful day. I was barely even home today! Her fever hasn't gone down from this morning but it hasn't gone up either
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
You must have been grinning and not even realizing it! Is she going to be okay on her own? Aren't you leaving soon?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:06 No. 113814
Search [iqdb] (973 KB, 650x800, 61007922_p0.png )
I would know if I were grinning. I leave on Friday. I'm sure she'll be okay by then.
>go on soundcloud >new Works album oh shit>crossfade I need to get this
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:06 No. 113816
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 01:07 No. 113817
Search [iqdb] (2.2 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20170104_105434.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>113814 It's okay to admit you were very amused by the whole thing. You should enjoy your victory to the fullest.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:08 No. 113821
Search [iqdb] (331 KB, 700x985, 61744445_p0.png )
>>113820 It was funny, but I moved past it already
Search [iqdb] (97 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 1(…).jpg )
That's not how I heard it! You don't need to pretend to be cool.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:09 No. 113823
Search [iqdb] (118 KB, 637x1050, 61755251_p0.jpg )
I think you're hearing falsehoods.
Search [iqdb] (131 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Like I said, you don't need to pretend to be cool
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 01:11 No. 113825
Search [iqdb] (502 KB, 666x920, 62276423_p0.png )
I'll keep that in mind. My eyes don't want to be open anymore so I'm heading to bed. Bye bye!
Search [iqdb] (568 KB, 1920x1080, kirara.jpg )
night Kirara
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
Have fun sleeping.
2017/05/03 (水) 01:16 No. 113828
Search [iqdb] (127 KB, 1280x720, [Kyouju] GA Geijutsuka Art Des(…).jpg )
>>113825 is the sleep you are looking for this golden sleep or this silver sleep?
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1771x1254, KANI - おっさんかわいい.jpg )
Are events like Cag's recent event common? Where you get a SR version of another character?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 01:18 No. 113830
I mean, you got that kid from the last one. Events like this tend to give you at least some SR.
Search [iqdb] (553 KB, 950x1195, cag6.jpg )
I guess that's true. I did get him.
Pretty much every story-based event has a chance at least one character unlock, doesn't it? Through either loyalty or grinding items to trade in.
Loyalty grinding is a pain. I want to get cag in the lottery
Search [iqdb] (653 KB, 605x850, Cagliostro.(Granblue.Fantasy).(…).jpg )
Her loyalty will go up really fast if you do the raids that appear after you finish the story.
Flowers were made to be looked down on
A bath sounds nice
I decided to stay home today to finish some work on my personal computer but I can't log in to this fucking bullshit unless I'm on an authorized company connection
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 585x806, YES.jpg )
HAHAHAHA I did it!
Search [iqdb] (439 KB, 723x1023, cag.jpg )
That's the summon but she's cool too.
>>113838 good job
also sam can
my internet is shit tonight for some reason
i wonder if you guys know about this dojin music site
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/03 (水) 02:43 No. 113845
Kielbasa mobage my phone batt is warm
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 02:54 No. 113846
>>113838 now get three more
Search [iqdb] (4.6 MB, 1490x2366, さとぅー - カリオストロ (52677645).png )
Do they drop past the first one? I have gone through an incredible amount of tokens and not seen a second one.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 02:56 No. 113848
>>113847 reset the drop box?
Search [iqdb] (977 KB, 1000x787, Yukian - カリオストロ.png )
Yes, I moved from drop box 1 to 2.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 02:57 No. 113850
you're just spending your luck on gacha
Search [iqdb] (7.2 MB, 3500x3500, はみだしくん - カリオストロ.png )
All 4 drop boxes say 1/1 for the summon. Is that right?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 02:59 No. 113852
yeah, that means there's 1 of that summon in the drop box, and you haven't pulled it
Search [iqdb] (140 KB, 500x706, cag2.jpg )
Oh, there's a second one finally. I just spent 700 tokens trying to get it but that's okay. I hope I can get the rest.
Search [iqdb] (159 KB, 480x480, 62672293_p0_master1200.jpg )
how much money did you spend getting cag
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 03:02 No. 113855
you don't have to spend money to get cag and rika didn't.
Search [iqdb] (1.4 MB, 1075x1518, ばんでる - 落書き.png )
>>113854 Zero dollars! I cashed in months of bad FEH luck to get her.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 03:02 No. 113857
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 566x800, 1e21ccb6ba8bf8413841b019734a5ed7.jpg )
I'll grind the event more when the daily missions are up. be sure to do them. it'll be respond to backup 5 times a day for 50 crystals and usually enough items to host a raid boss.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 03:03 No. 113858
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 1000x1398, 0ca94ccdff8ec365784d4ed3a3db534f.jpg )
Valhalla was a very comfy game. I should sleep now though
Search [iqdb] (3.7 MB, 2294x3502, うらら - 無題 (55495486).jpg )
Daily missions? Where are those?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 03:03 No. 113860
they'll come out about the 5th on the current event page. In fact I think the icon is there now but it tells you to wait.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 03:04 No. 113861
look for the slip of paper icon you can't miss it
Search [iqdb] (822 KB, 700x989, シュン - カリオストロ.png )
There's no reason not to spend AP and EP on it now though is there?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 03:06 No. 113863
...? You can't do the daily mission? I mean if you want to do the event for the usual event rewards then by all means
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/05/03 (水) 03:11 No. 113864
Search [iqdb] (870 KB, 750x1200, 1e67c8cb67926d7ca8ad199ec8c47ea1.jpg )
>>113862 also if you feel like spending money on granblue, that outfit will probably be available again in a year!
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/03 (水) 03:39 No. 113865
big money big money no whammy no whammy
Search [iqdb] (48 KB, 470x390, usajitsu.jpg )
If you talk to Paya without a decent outfit on she chastises you for being immodest. But she uses the animation where she hides her face in her hands--but peeks out every so often. What an immodest girl.
Search [iqdb] (255 KB, 800x800, snowusa.png )
she's just curious
Also man Impa's Japanese voice is so good. Obaa-sama/10.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/05/03 (水) 05:25 No. 113870
gasp you did it
I wasn't that far in after all. Getting to hear the whole 10,000 years ago story in the Japanese voice was really nice.
Search [iqdb] (93 KB, 700x505, usaready.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (83 KB, 850x759, usayatta.jpg )
>>113867 maybe shes actually checking if you put them back on!
so its almost impossible to get cag from the lootdraw or am i doing something wrong
i mean do i like use all of the lootdraws at once or do i spend them single
oh i got her
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 620x874, 1493254574418.jpg )
anime >>113877 → >>113875 >>113876 You mean the summon version?
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1280x720, 1492936069406.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (50 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] DanMachi Gaiden(…).jpg )
Search [iqdb] (173 KB, 500x650, usaXusa.jpg )
just how many people play granblue
Search [iqdb] (558 KB, 800x600, 雑草丸子 - 世界で一番オレさま~♪.jpg )
I'm playing it now so that makes it the hot new game everybody's playing.
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 850x1201, usabloodmoon.jpg )
i wouldn't call something new and hot if it's popular with the elderly
Ok boy Internet came back. Oh boy, even.
Search [iqdb] (288 KB, 760x800, usaumbrella.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (599 KB, 842x1200, 01.jpg )
yay I fully uncapped my Cag summon.
Search [iqdb] (146 KB, 850x1203, usasharp.jpg )
going so hard on the event wow
Search [iqdb] (1.3 MB, 1400x1400, みつき - カリオストロ.png )
Well, it's a Cag event. This event was pretty much made for me!
Search [iqdb] (193 KB, 850x1207, usaupset.jpg )
you're killing me
Search [iqdb] (52 KB, 410x529, question6.jpg )
You're dying?
Search [iqdb] (209 KB, 1000x800, usaunimpressed.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (78 KB, 1280x720, question21.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (194 KB, 850x1020, usatower.jpg )
flattened into a pancake by>>113940 >>113948 your massive ego
Search [iqdb] (1.5 MB, 1000x1427, ばらむ - カリオストロ.png )
Well, you have to admit that it was very nice of them to provide an event starring best girl as soon as I started. And give me the SSR of best girl.
Search [iqdb] (135 KB, 850x607, usared.jpg )
you're really intent on making me dead
Search [iqdb] (727 KB, 930x900, 1492209230818.png )
I don't see how this would kill you. You're tough, you can make it.
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 850x584, usausamoon.jpg )
i'll tough it through and retaliate by being mean
Search [iqdb] (91 KB, 1024x576, IMG_20170426_054001.jpg )
Morning Kirara. I think I am going to fly out of Philadelphia. Considering most of the options, time-wise, it's less risky to do it that way.
Maybe in the future there will be a chance to do a road-trip not walled in by time restraints, Getting back home as early as possible is actually kind of beneficial for me too; there's stuff I'm kind of pushing my window of opportunity on by doing this, hah hah.
Search [iqdb] (447 KB, 500x700, 20139761_p0.png )
No worries
I wish yoko taro was my best friend
Yoko taro is so cool
[clap clap clap]
Search [iqdb] (364 KB, 1600x1600, usatea.jpg )
rook please post 2 (two) frogs
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/05/03 (水) 09:18 No. 113968
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 486x631, Cig3Bk6VEAA6Hmf.jpg )
Search [iqdb] (64 KB, 800x553, 1457265944909.jpg )
request complete
>>113970 → >>113970 →