I dunno, are you really asking or are we just making pleasantries to pass away the day. Because I could probably blog out a fucking novel. Also why you always @@@ posts and then say something irrelevant. even if it's just something friendly.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I I'm assuming you are doing your normal Saturday thing >>1133377 nvm
This week has been pretty rough for my 15yo. She got attacked at school on Thursday - well, on the way home from school - by another kid who strangled her really badly. She's got awful bruises on her throat and scratches. She won the fight, though. This shitheel kid snuck up and pushed her on the ground and then started strangling her. She broke free and kicked him in the balls. When he was on the ground, she kicked him in the ribs a bunch of times and then smashed his nose when he got back up. He ran away like a little bitch. And then yesterday there was a shooting at her school.
It's frustrating! I wish I could be there to protect her. But luckily it doesn't sound like she needs me for that.
got a good pizza maybe or hopefully I'll kinda bounce back from these last few days of severely screwed up digestion it's been big loose stomach hours since like, wednesday or thursday
>>1133424 It's troubling, right? Nobody got hurt luckily. I wanted to vent about it on twitter but I'm afraid I'll doxx myself because you can probably find it in the news www
I guess that's true but it still does feel like things have gotten more messed up It's not really that online has become less safe either, it's just that you're encouraged more directly to share stuff you shouldn't now than you used to
Yeah, it does feel that way. The internet spaces now have like, this false aura of safety. Like, Twitter looks like it should be safe, and to be honest, ten years ago, you could post about something like that without having to worry about some guy you annoyed 6 months ago tracking you down and sabotaging your life. But now it's like, oh, this guy is mad at me because I made a joke, and he's gonna make me lose my job now.
But growing up on like, 4chan and stuff, you know, that's an immediately hostile environment. It's obvious you're in danger. Twitter is different because the hostility is more abstract and less immediate. It gives you a false sense of safety.
I don't know that that's true, I think that was a false sense of security, too Those guys have become more common because they gather up in little communities and feed off each other, but they were always around
Yeah I do actually think growing up on 4chan was valuable because it instilled a lot of behavior and aversions deeply into the psyche, like a base layer of all online interaction that protects at least generally against a lot of bad stuff It's a lot harder to doxx someone who actually had their formative online lives on 4chan I think, because they're going to be instinctually averse to sharing the kind of stuff they saw other anons use to track people down and order 500 pizzas in the name of
I mean this is even to the degree that I constantly feel that my current online footprint is too fucked up and I've honestly considered ripping the cord and starting completely fresh online Just full disconnect, lay all my accounts dormant
Just cause while I don't THINK you could track me down right now, there's more information than I'd like floating around across accounts that could be tied together by someone willing to put in the work
I'm left wondering after that last episode of TADC if there's significance to Pomni being dragged to hell despite Kinger being the only one to hurt the creature, or if that's just Cane having hardcoded it to drag all participants down either way
Cause Pomni didn't do anything Not directly anyway
>>1133445 some things change like seasons, temperaments, our opinions of others, our picture of ourselves very few things in this life are more or less than transient, phases passing like moon the only constant i've been able to find is that i'm fucking retarded
>No matter how big or small, it’s important to properly dispose of electronic items. That’s why our professional and experienced team of teenagers makes sure to correctly recycle any appropriate electronic devices. what in the AI is this >Being professional junk removal teenagers, we can demolish and remove any kind of concrete structure, rocks, or ruble. ok the business' actual proposition is a bunch of teenagers who will deal with your trash
>>>/@0K_ultra/1842695864055144910 not sure how we could validate this hypothesis but it seems possible the conditions for life seem insanely unlikely you probably need juuuust the right temperature for liquid water with an amenable combination of elements maybe the number under the fraction is just that bigg
you ever want to Write something, but feel weird about it because you feel you can't write enough about it for it to really be worthwhile I have this feeling about a few subjects, like I wanna write up a thing on it and share it with the world (or more realistically like 10 of my twitter followers cause nobody reads my shit) but I feel like what I'd end up with would be too short to really warrant its own existence
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you want to write something, let that expression flow write it for art's sake it doesnt have to go up anywhere, or it might expand over time
Well, I'm writing it anyway I'll push it onto medium and tweet it, link it here too I guess in case anyone wants to read it Though I dunno what the interest in hyper-niche trans bullshit is for moe
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alos, there's no such thing as too short anymore i've read medium articles about programming that are like 3 or 4 paragraphs long just making a single point brevity is good
You can have any brew you want, as long as it's CERVEZA CRISTAL
>Series starts with smuggled DVD players >End with international intrigue
I don't all ways drink a DOS EQUIS but when I do it's not a CERVEZA CRISTAL
fast&furious is a series that really went crazy I haven't been keeping up with it though, I don't think I've watched beyond like, 1, 2, tokyo drift and maybe 3? Now there's like 8?
he retired from music and tried selling NFTs I think
oh snap, that's that guy who only plays guys named hector
well, I guess he does play other roles as well, though there's a lot of Hectors
mess with the bean, get the hwole burrito
one-handing a shotgun like that seems like a bad idea
needs to update to a bigger gun
racing movies and series really other than F&F are kinda... nonexistent, aren't they? I wonder why that is, it's a kinda easy premise to write I would wager
thier not expencive to make there should be more
Right? You can rent the cars for it, so the expense on that would be fairly low, and that's like, one of the big ones if you don't count the actors, which will be similar for anything >>1133635 yeah you can I mean in the same sense you rent any actor
you can't rent a good driver though
what I mean is good drivers are hard to find experince is experience*
well yeah, but I'm sure you can get professional rally drivers or the like to step up if you just write them a proper cheque That or you just fake the whole thing, that works well enough for chase scenes and the like in other movies, you just gotta do a lot more of it
well maybe the writers should have more interaction with the actors >>proper cheques sound's good
>>1133633 they made a gran turismo or need for speed movie I cant even remember which one where the kids steal a pagani right at the start
may have seen that played a lot of those games
ahahaha its the line
"for those 10 seconds or less I'm free"..
now it's all about family
lots of disrespect brought upon family dinner
family social link completely scuttled
very dysfunctional investigation detail
I always wonder with cars that have their nose that low to the ground Aren't they gonna get completely fucked if there's a speedbump? Like, whatever speed they're going at, the nose is gonna hit the bump
all those cars must have cost a lot, though, even just to rent Though maybe they got a lot of it by just giving the owners a background extra role and having their sweet car shown off in the movie
You'd think an easier strategy would be to just use an actual gun to get the truck driver to stop instead of this elaborate grappling hook shit You gotta neutralize the driver no matter what you end up doing, right, so...
probably maybe its less of a legal charge using the spear gun if they got caught
I guess that's a possibility Seems a little unlikely considering the spear gun is obviously gonna be lethal too if you hit the guy, but a lawyer might be able to at least go "they never employed or lethal \\\ or threatened lethal force" or something to that effect
rip to a real one
bro how many fucking rounds are in that one magazine? no way they reloaded while driving
extended mag perk chosen in loadout screen
must have been I mean I think a standard mag for one of those is like 30 rounds
"my le gun... le killed a man?"
choo choo
he activated the special ability from gta5 driving bullettime
Though actually the special ability in gta5 does more than just slow time It also gives your car, whatever car it is, basically perfect traction You turn left and you go smoothly left, no fishtailing or nothing
thats great! had a full sized guitar when was a kid helps with projection, (even though cut foot on metal strings) was great. Ended up learning some cords at a point also, play other instrument though. But it got a (foot :P) in the door at least, go for it.
>>1133694 I've only done this once. I made plans to go see a movie, it sold out and I was the only one who bought their ticket ahead of time. I was gonna see it with like 6 or 7 other people.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ah wait I went to that weird movie by a punk band by myself.
ive seena few movies by myself like heron and the boy and some other ghiblis
I went to see Dune 1 by myself And some MCU movie back when I was last in university since there was a theatre I could easily hit up after classes
The hindering factor for me is really more I rarely feel driven to watch movies in the first place rather than feeling self-conscious about it Although where I live now it's annoying to get to a theatre without a car, so that's also keeping me from going too I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1133681 anime girl turning into a demogorgon is cool but did you hear that Hector farmed a 10 second quarter mile on Paul Walker
>>1133699 ya it's not that bad when you get used to it. Sitt's at back feet up on seat in front.
i know i've seen another movie by myself but i can't remember what but going to the theater alone is actually kinda nice i would consider myself a pretty social person and almost all activities are better done with a friend or a group but honestly going to the movies has so many benefits by yourself, and not a lot of downsides especially since a lot of times going to a movie with a friend really just means like 10-20 minutes of conversation before and after if you consider going out for food or drinks before or after to be part of it, you could also just do those seperately but going to a movie alone, you get to pick the movie and the time you don't have to worry about seating as much because it's just yourself you don't have to feel judged for sneaking in a bag of reese's pieces
not sure if a friend that judges you for sneaking any top snak's could be concidered and good one ;)
have a sip of some delicious MTN Dew Sweet Lightning from my local KFC. It just goes so well alongside a bucket of chicken and a bag of Cheetos® Crunchy Flamin' Hot® Cheese Flavored Snacks
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 1,206 3/6
⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨🟩🟩⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
can't remember the last movie seen in teh theaters think it was Tomb Raider is / 2018
appointments are such bullshit now I'm just stuck here kinda waiting around for like an hour before it's time to leave I can't really DO anything in an hour, man
>>1133687 Just go watch the anime. There's barely any new footage. The films omit a bunch of scenes and place them behind montages with Kessoku Band's music.
fair enough I'll probably keep writing random short articles whenever the brain chemistry aligns just right, there's a small selection of other stuff I wanna put my thoughts together about, anyway Just need to be in that right mindspace that sorta forces me to write
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i have any notes, the last few paragraphs seem unnecessary after you made ur point just end the article, no need to self deprecate
Yeah, makes sense I end up doing that by instinct though, cause a lot of the stuff I have to say on things are like In my mind, they register as obvious stuff everyone probably already knows and either already addressed one way or the other, or they're just aware so it's redundant
>>1133769 Tokyo Drift is by far my favorite so far 2 is kind of a stinker, honestly, despite it being the first one I ever watched 4's alright, I guess, but nothing spectacular 5 is... so far honestly kinda stinky, and I worry it's the warning shot for the direction the series ended up taking 1 is 1, it's kind of its own beast, very satisfying but no Tokyo Drift
>>1133776 enjoy I've heard in the last or 2nd to last one theres a funny scene where they're driving on a runway thats calculted to be 30 miles long
holy shit lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea i remember that runway it's like a cartoon where the background keeps repeating
>>1133774 I see, also all about it. maybe there a way with good writers and good actors to make the up and coming FastnFurious better and more action packed. Somethings gotta happen, so movies are better then the last after a sequil comes out.
They won't tell. They just said you're not allowed to show hips. >Genetalia, buttocks, hips, female-presented nipples, and underbust must be covered at all times
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so yeah I guess it's if you can see any part of the hips you're in trouble
it was the funniest thing yesterday. i was watching this guy who co-streams the LoL tournaments, and somebody had obviously gifted him a sub to AsianbunnyX a while back. because mid stream he got the subscriber notification that she had gone live and then there was like 20,000 people all spamming the CAUGHT emote at him. very entertaining.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> If we cannot functionally tell whether or not you are clothed, or you are implying you are not clothed, through methods such as tight skin-toned clothing, black bars, blurring, hiding behind props or being off-screen, you will be at risk of enforcement for our Attire and possibly our Sexual Content Policies yea i could see that people been playin loose with the rules for a while but i bet the advertisers are sending complaints
>>1133789 >>>They won't tell. They just said you're not allowed to show hips. >Genetalia, buttocks, hips, female-presented nipples, and underbust must be covered at all times
priviet school critiria, or?
>>1133798 Well, can't go w/o hips, nips, legs or butt, that would be a bunk world of no fun. Now just wanna make a acc and press lips against cam, just to get banned. (nips**)
Three tickets for me, my wife chino and my daughterwife chino for the newest A24-produced, genre-redefining, trope-subverting, atmospheric, dark and eerie, emotionally draining, gut wrenching, aesthetically heavy craft by post-horror auteur with an arthouse edge, dread-inducing, suspenseful build up with strong character development and gradual feeling of escalation, bone-chilling slow burn with “say more with less” approach and soul-shaking, blood-curdling, skin-crawling and nerve-wracking exercise in persistently looming dread where tension and anxiety permeates every frame as movie reaches its nail-biting, jaw-clenching and paranoia-inducing final climax, free of any cheap gore, cartoonish CGI or infantile jumpscares horror film, please.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats some good pasta decision to leave didnt have much in the way of action other than a knife vs chainmail glove fight just character tension
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some wacky editing choices i should like to see it on a bigger screen and appreciate them more
>>1133816 Don't necessarily want to be in it, but do want a lift up. these storms should be happening, like a lot of other stuff. these storms were not so bad inthe last decade, now this at a specific point.
>>1133828 thats what was going to say, false round warming?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats climate change baybee the hippies were right al gore eat your heart out
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i was sittii ng on the plane across from this young hasidic jewish man or maybe teenager idk and he uh clearly hasnt learned how to mask his autistic traits while on the plane immediately kicks off shoes and socks and starts picking his toes and stuff splaying out in the aisle and wiggling his toes coughing and sneezing and asking "how long is da flight" and rocking man i just ignored him but it was a bit funny
they weren't fucking around with these hot noodles that's some real spice
Fate and \\\ Fate of the Furious or, the 7th one
This one in collaboration with the chinese government so you know it's gonna be something
no wait this is the 8th
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like movies these days like to do scenes where there's a character who isn't actually there plot wise but is there anyway because they're imagining it or clairvoyant or it's a metaphor for their connection to the scene decision to leave had a lot of those when the detective was surveilling they cut from him with binoculars to him in the room
i dont remember what other movies do this but i feel like ive seen it a loy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its kinda the Invisible to Normals tvtrope but not exactly
Jason Statham may only ever really play one role But he's really good at that role
I don't think so no I mean there IS a hitman movie, 2 actually I think, but they're REAL bad
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hitman was glen powell samn
but I mean, most his characters are basically Agent 47
Well, Agent 47 OR whatever you call the guy in Crank
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Professional assassin Chev Chelios learns his rival has injected him with a poison that will kill him if his heart rate drops.
> Chelios faces a Chinese mobster who has stolen his nearly indestructible heart and replaced it with a battery-powered ticker which requires regular jolts of electricity to keep working.
dang those are some nutty movies i'm sure
yeah crank is great
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me when i steal someone's heart: uhhh have this mechanical knockoff? enjoy?
was it t oo messy to just let him die
I don't remember the details but I think there was some reason for it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so much speculation out there about a crank 3 plot
having not seen the movie just make him ride a half-mechanical bear that his
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nervous system is linked to
I think a more consistent next gimmick would be his metabolism is somehow cranked up immensely so he has to eat an enormous amount of calories all the time or his body will devour itself
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
super size me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think i want to watch jason statham eat for 90 minutes straight haha what else could there be
scuffed lungs maybe, so he needs like, NOS with regular intervals And he's fighting through some group that does a lot of illegal street racing boosting their cars and stuff mid-race to take their NOS from them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha absurd
> My feeling about Crank 3 is that Crank 3 should be as exponentially more f*cked up than Crank 2 as Crank 2 was to Crank 1. Obviously, there’s been talk here and there, but I’ve never really felt that creatively it was f*cked up enough to really do. Because the studio will get in contact with us: ‘What do you guys think about this?’ ‘What do you guys think about that?’ And the scenarios are always very tame compared to what I think it should be.
seems like they already blew up the insanity budget and don't know where to go
Yeah I mean Crank 1 was basically already "Speed" but it's a human being's heart instead of a bus
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea that sounds like an insane watch idk if a heart can take running at elevated rate like that for very long you'd freakin' have a heart attack
they're both extremely densely packed action from start to finish >>1133870 That's why they want his heart in the second I think, cause he fucking made it through the first one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohh lol so the first is about heart rate and poison... second one is electricity... yea gas could work for the third could always just put him in SPAAACE
maybe pressure? action thriller in the marianas trench
yeah the central conceit basically just has to be "Statham has to keep topping up on something or he keels over, and he's gotta keep moving"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok ok there's a nuke in his body and he has to keep putting in coolant
Onto F9 nr 9 in the series I like how there's no word that's in all the titles there's one that's just called FAST, and one is Fate of the Furious and now just F9 Hell, 1 and 3 don't even have numbers and 3, tokyo drift, is partially non-canon, though not entirely
hell tokyo drift actually happens during like... 7?
what the fuck do you MEAN Han is alive? First Letty, now han What the fuck dude
Thinking the best route for movie enjoyment (Guess it all ways has been, best way to go) The street racer route going forward, it's just beena while since watching any movies. Guess it always has been, the best way to go. What isn't good is watching a movie and getting interupted with to many actors in the background, that could distract from the plot. Watching crank again would just make everything boring. Hitman wasn't that bad, But cosmic scifi was always the orginal script, so that direction is probally best for up and comming veiwing.
they really are just kinda retconning in new big name actors in these huh I don't mind, it's a brain-off action series, who cares, but they really are shameless about it
Anyway I'm on Fast X now The last in the series thus far, though also the first one to be a 2parter, with the second one coming in '26
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fast 9 had them in those silly diver suits goin to space right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yaya i didnt actually see it i also seen clips of the ball scene in Fast X lol
ya, that was 9 I'm on the big ball sequence right now
the plot is honestly getting so contrived at this point, I don't even know if there's a point to keeping track of it anymore
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just drivin all over the stairs and shit car culture pls
that's american muscle, baby
>The "four" of the countdown lining up with the crane smacking the bomb like a golfball I C A N T
movies with some gimmick like racing, well really any series or story at all, are so funny cause they'll find a way to make even the most insane stakes somehow circle back to the gimmick
The story's about basketball? Somehow or other, whether WW3 begins hinges on this next basketball game. Can our hero score a 3 pointer in the final 30 seconds!?
they're not great movies, but it's been fun watching them kinda stinky how Brian got faded out though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
faded out? didnt he died
oh yeah, now that you mention it he did kinda forgot about that
it's beeen a looong daay without you my friend
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that last shot of him was CGI
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no wait no nvm i guess it was archival footage in X idk i know that he was featured in the movie after his death with prominwnt CGI
He lives on, and still has the abilty to make a great impression. They were all right. Looking forward too this new one, and not giving up on going somewhere as good or better.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang his family got 10 million from porsche for that
it's always about da family
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
just finished watching Project A-Ko
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> will the prosection please present their final remarks
I just saw them in the store earlier and I was like "fuck it I'll grab a pack, been a while since I had actual oreos" and man these are actually really damn good
It's the actual cookie that's gingerbread, so it's not the cream or whatever that's like, flavored
gingerbread is real incredible, but I think it's a lot like christmas food it's real good cause you only really eat it during like, the last few months of the year
if gingerbread cookies were plentiful year round, I think they'd be kinda bad
I didn't see them when I was at the shop yesterday but there's a hurricane so you can't actually find anything like that lol They were even out of cup noodles
What I really want is alcohol! Hurricanes make me wanna drink so bad! I have so many fond memories of holing up in my apartment during hurricanes with a bunch of booze!!
>>1133954 Everyone just stocks up when a hurricane is coming. My area hasn't gotten directly hit by a hurricane in like 10 or 15 years or something. We haven't even been majorly affected by a hurricane since 2017.
I guess it makes sense, but at least I would definitely be the mfer with like, a dedicated section of my living space that's just a few stacked cardboard boxes I fill up with canned food over time I mean I already do that, except obviously not to that extent, it's a very easy way to future proof yourself a little, just grab an extra canned soup or something on your shopping trip and stash it in a cupboard, you know absolute worst case, you never need it but it's still food so you could always use it
Yeah but the stuff about toilet paper being nonexistent is basically a myth. There was still stuff everywhere, it was just being price gouged. And stuff like that can be replaced with cheaper options in an emergency.
I have everything I need to survive in an emergency. I just don't have a bunch of canned food which is fine because in a real emergency that's so serious that I can't go to the store to buy food, I'm not going to be staying put here anyways.
I mean makes sense I guess my prepping mindset does come from a place of safety, so my expectations differ shit isn't gonna get like, catastrophic here >>1133964 still might be good to have that shit prepped in a little bag you can grab and go though you don't need that MUCH though
Prepping only works if you have a shelter. If I'm in my apartment, there's no point in having a thousand pounds of rice. In an emergency, I would move somewhere safer and more easily defensible.
I have a bug out bag. The food in it is primarily caloriemate. It's also got a firearm, a knife, first aid, a bivvy, etc.
yeah I was thinking of this other like, liquid stuff they sell at the pharmacy here that's for people strugglin' to eat properly $12.5 for 2K calories isn't that bad
Besides, if caloriemate is enough for Snake, it's good enough for me, right?! I like the chocolate flavor more than his favorite maple, though. The maple is too crumbly. It's really good in ice cream, though.
I buy caloriemate in bulk because when I have gastroparesis flareups, I can still eat caloriemate. It's easy to digest and I've never once had a problem with them.
they should put calorie counts on menus and stuff, man I gotta get enough calories to maintain but I know why they don't, since they're legally allowed not to People see calories and go "ooooh nooo, that's too many food!" and they get something else instead out of cowardice
One time I was in public looking at a menu, talking to I think it was Jan or Tilde and I said "wow, this looks good but it's listed as 3000 calories. I can't eat that for breakfast." And some morbidly obese stranger butted in and was like WHO CARES ABOUT THE CALORIES JUST EAT IT like bitch who the fuck are you and clearly you don't
Some restaurants do have the calories on the menu but you're right I wish it was more common
based and enjoymentpilled
tuna is a real good thing to just keep a bunch of around though just a buncha tuna cans very versatile food!
the suisei clips from hologta are real fun suisei's great, too bad my nihon is stinky
archived threads don't save images? is there any way I can download archived thread og image, from doushio, if it not at iqdb? e.g. if that's photo or screenshot
Yeah I think your only way to to reverse image search the thumbnail
>>1133974 weird, I just recalled that I've heard predictions of floodings across all over the world & oceans , before.
>>1133939 good upload. maybe I should cure my depression with skateboarding. the only problem I live in post nuclear ghetto chernobyl, and it rains, snows & storms all over the year, 360 out of 365 days. and there is dirt & water on the road.
I still think it's great how "global warming" had dipshits struggling to understand the concept because it wasn't universally getting hotter everywhere always, so the term was kinda phased into "global climate change", and now those same dipshits claim that change, for their convenience, as proof it's all bullshit
We live in an exciting world, bending over backwards to appease the most smoothbrained among us, who invariably take that as itself being evidence they were right all along
I don't want to bend over backwards! I want to bend over s c on a bed with a norway flag in cozy cabin in the fjords watching natural fire wood.
it seems like Twump intensified psy ops since 2015, with flat earth and etc cultists. sadly morons used boards/4chan as a platform of spreading their alt right insanity agenda, racism, hatred.
e.g. in other words, seems like there is global war against sanity, adequacy, rationale, scientific evidence based fact checking.
I've cook'd ptitim & maybe I'll make raviolli. decided or considering probably to give up/delay/postpone FP research/craving/passion since it has awfull toolchain support, in my case.
idk, but it seems to be my mental health is doing not that bad since fall temp decrease.
Oh, lol There's no nerves or negative thoughts. I just love getting drunk and used to have myself a party every time there was a hurricane before I got sober. A hurricane is like, the best time to drink. I don't want to drink as a coping mechanism. I wanna drink to drink!
thats the best way, see what your saying. like drinking on a ship in a storm, some how the came to mind,. extra set of sea legs :P if had a bottle you would have first glass
comfey inthe thought of I don't remember the last time I got to the competion completion* if a of a bottle. It's been so long can't say I remember when that was. good time, drinkings fun though...
temps are running hot here, it's stupid. been staying all cool though, still wanna do something fast and sort out other unessisary problems. Want to stay in the sunshine, with my head in the clouds at the same time. Just want glorious, brightness.
Don't tell youtube this, but if they ever figure out a way to get around ad block permanently I would prob pay for premium . i hate ads that much and use yt a lot. Would probably cancel spotify to pay for it
But my favorite band uploads really weirdly. They have like 4 different channels and none of them are actually under the name of the band, so all their music is weirdly scattered around. Spotify doesn't even have that much, though.
dungeon tycoon kinda goes crazy I ended up even buying it cause in the pirated version, camp sites are bugged so adventurers almost never use them, leading to a dungeon absolutely packed with resting spots
and every day ending with "Your dungeon doesn't have enough places for adventurers to rest!" MFER half the dungeon is camp sites, this isn't a dungeon so much as it's a goddamned resort
anyway that's patched so the legit version is working fine a bug here and there, sure, but it's being worked on even though it's not early access
I'm a LITTLE peeved the only way to really optimize is to create a completely linear dungeon though I wanted to make a sprawling dungeon with like, a bunch of paths, but every adventurer is a completionist and will visit EVERY room before leaving, but also they're prone to going 90% through one path, then backtracking to try another path at random, so they have to go through EVERY ROOM again Good for moneyfarming, but you don't get the money until they buy something, and they only interact with each shop once per adventurer And "I can't afford this" counts as an interaction
Might actually have to completely scrap this current layout though, in favor of one more optimized in terms of damaging the heroes so they buy potion while also spitting out enough coins for them to afford the potions The 3rd room in my dungeon just has 3 potion stands and currently accounts for a good 15% of my daily income just cause they have none potions going in, and the first 2 rooms fill their pockets like crazy
I guess the most reasonable approach is investing in AoE mobs to damage the whole party, and then toss in something valuable but overall harmless to stack the chests well, gotta get some food first but I think that's the play