nothing to worry about the NEXT streaming service will be consumers-first and will never betray you, so make sure you get the recurring subscription to them when they show up
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
every company when they get bought: "don't worry nothing will change :))))))"
before I actually leave my muldraugh farmhouse, I gotta skill up in mechanics to fix the trailer I got, so I can bring more junk with me exciting I don't HAVE TO, but I don't wanna actually have to leave louisville again once I get there, though I'm fine going back to the military checkpoint since it's not super far And I gotta hit up a gunstore on my way there
yeah can you imagine if the government had a monopoly on the production of money how fucked up would that be
It's kinda insane how crypto became an entirely lolbertarian thing so quickly I mean sure the environmental impact is bad and all, but if you put that aside, it's something that's got a lot of really good reasons to exist for less brainrotted political bents For one, the government can't reasonably freeze your "bank account" when it's wallet, you can fund stuff they're not a big fan of
I mean they CAN freeze it, in a sense, but not nearly as easily and completely as a regular bank account
how fucking wild is it they started Station Eleven in 2019 and then covid happened during filming of a show where a new flu results in the apocalypse
>>1131976 nah Rei conservation policies don't make Australian wildfires worse can't say the same about koalas they're literally too stupid to survive on their own and don't contribute to the foodchain
Setting up shop in a different house than I usually do this time Mostly because this house has a fireplace, unlike the one I usually use, and a HUGE garage A big garage is nice cause you can spend rainy days doing mechanics in there
Looking into getting a water bottle, kind of getting sick of plastic. Maybe ceramic is the way, had metal before. Not too opposed to metal, but ceramic can get technical. But really the ceramic ones are metal just coated.
Ya seen some, and thought of that. I like the idea of cork cap. You could have more then one cork and one with a gap with a borosilicate straw for quick swap.
doushio, are you GPT ?
( I like koalas (btw) )
do you know any other good boards, like GOOD good, I mean, like maybe even Chaotically good, or neutral lawful. where people talk fun (but not offensive shitposting). or a board with smart asses where I'll fit in perfectly and with clear rule based moderation
>>1131995 relaxx, no worries, there is nothing there rn. it existed years ago. you may find an archive copy if you really want. it was just not bad board. e.g. not as bad as typical forchan, but better than a slowmicroboard with 1,5 annos. [currently playing : Waterfront leisure . wav ]
ykkaria was good back then as well
I guess the board (or any website) gets only as good as their maintainer
I solved yesterdays programming homework, feels good man. it was about simple stuff of enums, functions, sum\product types, conversion between. I feel like I could have became PM by that time, if it wasn't my OCD/perfectionism/autism of how I do things. e.g. instead of managerial course I just learn new FP/CS stuff.
R e c o n n e c t i n g . . .
had a fever yesterday
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephoneSearch [iqdb](771 KB, 977x889, 1000007866.png)
Was not expecting to get this one from my dad, of all people
I saw they had takis at the store earlier, so i grabbed a bag cause I've heard they're real spicy But these aren't really that spicy at all, I feel scammed
>>1132013 >>1132015 >>1132012 I'm more of a Cheetos person (and there is another brand making extra long chips) but we all can acknowledge incredible music of
I brought home two stuffed shells to eat maybe tomorrow or the next day if my stomach has recovered enough. I ate this stuffed shell about 2 hours ago now and I haven't thrown it up which may suggest I've recovered a little bit.
easy with that ice pick, cool pick though looks like falafels
It's takoyaki! She's flipping them with a pin stick.
ahh have not had takoyaki, might be missing out are they good?
baked up some falales the other day and subed in cauliflower it works and it's got that grit, put curcumin init and added too much didn't fav them too much I should have put a bit of cinniomon to balance out the flav cinnimon**
corriander and curry plus black pepper and some salt
Takoyaki is totally delicious. I feel a little guilty eating octopus but it's so good that I forget the guilt! A little bit of sriracha mayo on it, very nice.
>>1132037 octas are good sept cooked the whole thing once and I was telling samu once it's like anno had a dmt trip when ate the brain by accident. nota do over
but their totaly good breaded and sqiud too bbqed and hot chillis
Takoyaki read the wiki and their totaly yum sounding tampura scraps and octas and all the sauce and more boom
So tired the last few days I'd think I was sick but I don't feel off aside from the really low amount of energy
who is this dude and why some one keep reposting a man on top of sand dunes?
>>1132091 not much dopamine in nigrostriatum, or antipsychotics kick in I had a fever & flu eitherway, just try to be assembled ibuprophen didn't helped me much, but nimesulide did, for overall headache & pain if you started AD again it takes time to adopt, some times they recommend dosage increase, but I don't want build tolerance so I made breaks
probably best to get the opinion of someone like kirara and not some random schizo I'm on antipsychotics as well and they're not meant to make me tired
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
leitmotifs more like uhhh le 'it' moties uhhh what am i tryin to do here
>>1132140 >>1132142 yeah. it's just a curtesy thing. it's not hard coded into any kind of requirement. Not like the cops are going to show up at your house and force you to come to work.
It can be important though if you're relying on getting a good reference for your next place
I can make broth in zomboid, but I can only store it in plastic bottles apparently, which I didn't bring with me from the old base Hopefully the gas station up the road has some soda bottles and stuff for me I gotta go there to fill up on gas anyway, I managed to commandeer a military issue tanker truck when I was at the checkpoint last, and it can store quite a bit of fuel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i finished reading The Left Hand of Darkness trans rights
what a plan good that be to have a planet of non bin's ?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meds now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Tore down the walls surrounding the little hallway\washing room to the backyard, expanding my living room That light over the washing machine is actually an outdoor light, but well, you work with what you're given
The history of Norwegian runners using lactate meters to control running intensity dates back to 1998 when the Norwegian Athletics Federation together with Olympiatoppen/OLT initiated a project to monitor the training of the top runners in Norway.
> From that, I learned the extreme importance of developing a high anaerobic threshold through a model of lactate acid measurements and threshold training. > I soon found out that lowering the lactate level from the standard level of 4.0 mmol/l down initially to below 3.0 – usually staying from 2.3 up to 3.0 on sessions gave not only far better results, you could also do huge amounts of “threshold training” – substantially more versus a level of close to 4.0, without wearing down.
> the mechanical “speed” you are running will always at one point or the other be majorly be limited by the aerobic abilities, where the ability to run at a maximum speed at the anaerobic threshold is the main one.
hmm interesting some kinda model for optimal training for running based on lactate meters
I don't understand what this video could possibly spend 17 minutes on The final episode of the season is extremely straight forward The only part that isn't blunt is Irving's outie life and what that whole thing is about, but that's like, intentionally part of the cliffhanger for next season
aww man, that's one beautiful train. I'd glad it's still on the rails. Is it diesel locomotiv? also is offline. anyone knows for how long? I really praised that board, was my #1 most cherished board. or any info when it'll be up or what's happened? any reserve mirrors maybe or irc rooms for it to speak with admin? I kno owner was an author of good engine, and as far I've seen been a good owner & mod. that's one of the oldest boards man, since 2003, it must be preserved as online cultural monument (better than mausoleum)
>>1132115 I asked you what exact all pills you do intake during the day? So I can review pharmacodynamics. >>1132116 kirara not gonna review pharmacodynamics, he is psychologist who believs in Freud, also, some times It's valueble to hear from patient on how medication affect them, more valueble than from doctor who don't take exact medication himself, because patients shares expirience from first person. good luck with your antipsychotics.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>he is psychologist who believs in Freud what a sentence
>>1132205 that's sounds extremely delishous! peanutbutter on boiled sliced beetroot.
I love nordic bittersweet cran/lingonberry jam on fried beef
but today I had pumpkin. and chicken boulion. with corn porridge. yesterday was turnip, and today I'll probably cook turnip again.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
peanut butter is good and all but be careful i saw some tweet about a guy who had been eating like 2 jars of peanut butter a week and he had too much oxalate as a result and got a bunch of kidney stones mix up that diet
>>1132147 hey, since you guys already spoke about this. How long unemployment benefits lasts in au/nz/us/uk/ca/jp/eu , if employee was laid of by employer will. and what % are they from employee prev salary, or how to calculate? I knew in DK it was like 75% for 6 month.
I was getting some preworkout from the sport shop supplement place and the guy was like >I'm not supposed to do this but we've got all this merchandise we've got to get rid off, if you want to grab something from that section on the way out you can just do it for free. I think he was lying to me. He was supposed to do it. Like some sort of a free promo thing. He just told me it was illicit to make it seem more exciting. Anyway, got a free t-shirt.
wonder what it says about your merch if outlets you tell to give them out for free as a promo find people are more willing to take one if they're told it's not free, they'd technically be stealing, but they'll let them
Like "You want this for free?" no thanks "Oh, uh actually, you'd be stealing it, it's not free" sick, thanks I'll take one then
wow okay you didn't tell me there were stickers involved, how about we talk about this one over dinner
>>1132250 Considering it's common practice for retail to destroy unsold goods, it probably was illicit for him to offer it to you free instead of packing u -it up for disposal Maybe he just likes that you're regular and wanted to expend less effort getting rid of the stuff Win-win for both of you, as long as you don't snitch
not tired enough to sleep by the time I am, I won't be able to wake up in time if I do
it's gonna be a rough 4 hours for my first day of work
I hate that used to happen all the time waiting to fall asleep sucks
and because you know you're cutting it close, it's harder to sleep cause you're anxious, too
I like how the big antagonist in Youjo Senki, and in many ways Tanya's opposite, is literally named Mary Sue Just an incredible detail to slot into the story
well, in the ANIME anyway in the light novel she's not really that significant beyond beind one of several recurring characters
It's cool when the bullets are shot they glow for a bit while their flying...
the visuals in the anime are absolutely top notch, honestly best to ever do it (magical circles)
Not actually too big a fan of how they took liberties with making mary sue like, an apostle of god in the movie though it's such a big deviation from the source
>>1132283 Why it's bassed off of a epic irl pantheon?
it's based on a light novel series and Mary Sue isn't like, special in any particular way, actually I mean I'm pretty sure she absolutely is the daughter of that guy Tanya killed for the gun, but that's about it
>>1132283 To be fair, it is absolutely Mary Sue-ing her So it's really a pretty funny joke
Yeah, it does fit because of her name to some extent It's just that to adapt season 2 onwards they'll have to pretend the movie never happened, eliminate her from the story, deviate heavily, or just strip her of those powers arbitrarily
None of which are good options
I remember a rumour that the author of Youjo Senki was actually a foreigner who was pissed with the same-ness of isekai WN/LNs and wrote it as a response to all that Which is why it mostly avoids some of the usual missteps of Japanese authors trying to write European names And why they'd know about the nuance of the Mary Sue trope
From what I've gleaned, Mary Sue actually really was a mary sue originally, but it was changed for official publication, though I don't know the details of any of that
It makes sense for them to be a foreigner though, yeah For a series explicitly about literal world war, there's a distinct lack of "peaceful japan..." yearning going on
I'm pretty sure Youjo Senki i s supposed to be not-WWI though, which Japan was relatively inoffensive during Relatively Relatively.
yeah it's not-WWI But I just mean that in every other isekai series where there's any sort of everpresent conflict, the MC will frequently yearn for their old life in the "era of peace" Which Tanya does like, once or twice I think, but also she is very literally on the front lines of an actual war for survival
Modern-day Japan is also for the most part very much an era of peace Not a perfect world, but certainly a relatively peaceful one
For sure, but it makes a lot of sense for that particularity to be mostly missing in YS if the author isn't a native Japanese It's one of those very distinctly Japanese things, like shoganai spam
I dunno, I think outside a few select nation states, most contemporary people of any culture would find being isekai'd into a not-WWI to be going from an era of peace to one of ever-present conflict
I just think it's more the guy who becomes Tanya is really just an absolute psychopath waiting to happen and the fact that she revels in the conflict is more her personality than a trope defiance
Yeah but there are writing conventions I'm talking about, not just the mere fact of it being accurate
Tanya actually very much hates the whole war and killing thing, but she's a dogmatic pragmatist and accidentally made herself important at work Which is never a good situation to be in, and even less good when your work is soldier
I really don't buy that interpretation If she really thinks she hates the war, she's simply lying to herself
I mean she's definitely enjoying herself, she's brutally overpowered and excels in her line of work, but just the concept of war is something she absolutely hates, and she's constantly throughout the series trying to land herself a spot in the rear and ditch the frontlines, primarily because she doesn't wanna catch a stray and fucking die But it keeps backfiring because she embodies the Ideal Soldier as posited by the system she finds herself in, and also like mentioned, she's REALLY good at it
hell a recurring joke is she sees her subordinates as warhungry rabid dogs, while they think the same about her, so they're both unwittingly pushing eachother
I can definitely recommend the LNs at least, even if I've got some issues with the last few
>>1132300 Where do you store so many light novel seems you read so many like buy um on ebay or something and then sell them?
>>1132303 Oh between that and graffic novels it would need some storage if you read 100's of titles... Some ppl's anime collectiona are wild though, idols etc....
i saw a guy wearing this shirt today >>>/@shirtsthtgohard/1771966318406689136 idk what to think about it is it meant (derogatory)? cuz he kinda looked like the kinda guy who would use it that way but who can say motte and bailey ass
could you imagine all the space you would need to store this adiction? think about every anime that you watched and = that too this adiction withw small apartment.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people in ohio got way too much space for they own good
one masive ass light novel respositorry and animal shelter for the win...
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
i could probably fill up my house with physical versions of everything I've ever read and still have more stuff
oh, there's the tiredness Unfortunately, I must leave in like 2 and a half hours I will subsist on energy drink
it's only 4 hours anyway, half day, so I should be alright
Completely forgot they were killing the power here today for 2 hours so I'm just chilling in the darkness waiting for the time to leave It's still too early so I may as well just hang out at home, in the dark
this might be the biggest COPE in the world, but after trying and failing to fix my leaking tap, I actually kind of like the sound. It's like the soothing noise of running water. Kind of like having a little fountain or a water feature. Yep Couldn't be happier. I don't even mind that I spent all that money at the hardware store to buy new parts
It is kinda fucking insane how seemingly rare it is for a planet to be like, baseline habitable for what we know of life You'd think there'd be like, maybe not a lot, but at least a handful of them that we'd found by now, even if life actually developing is a total crapshoot Like just, planets being in a good position and having a makeup that make them literally habitable, you know?
Instead what we keep finding is fresh new hells where it rains diamonds or glass or some bullshit, the atmosphere is 50% cyanide or whatever the fuck, just actual BAD END planets
>>1132338 There's a couple things at play here. One; yes, the relatively narrow band of orbital range in combination with suitably sized planets and a type of sun which isn't going to otherwise destabilize habitability, all combined, does cross off a loy -lot of planets There's also the fact that searching for planets is a task that takes time; you gotta determine if the funny light wobbles you can see millions of light years away are planets crossing the path of the star's light to
our telescopes or some other celestial phenomenon And also, the universe is, despite its age, relatively young in its theoretical full lifespan. There's whole inconceivable eons left in which new planets might form, or may have already formed that we won't see for millions of years due to light travelling as slow as it does With everything as it is, it's pretty surprising we've found planets that might even theoretically support life, and that's only considering carbon-based, water-and-oxygen-reliant life like we assume as normal for our planet The supposition of non-carbon-based life, or life that can survive in things like seas of liquid methane, would probably recontextualize what would be considered life supporting planets
I am aliend, don't ask your questions, I'm not gonna answer them without my intergalactic multidimensional commander-in-chief supervisor. we are not interested in you or your planet resources, because with out resources .. error .. gosh... I mean with our resources we can travel through space and time and create star systems. who need your boring planet, nerds. you just bunch of cannibalistic biorobots, dreaming about aliens while can't communicate properly with animals, you so naive to differentiate yourself from animals. you dream of mars, while unable to build cities inside earth & ocean. lol. government uses us, aliens as a scarecrow to control your population.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're tryna build a telescope on the moon
I suppose it wouldn't be a bad idea, but we're fully capable as proven of making satellite telescopes, which removes the drawbacks of building a planetary grounded telescope I guess the advantage of a lunar telescope would be that it would be easier to reach for repairs or modification, but I wonder if that outweigh the advantages of the satellite telescope
>>1132344 forget it, the amount of national debt is almost 100% of gdp, and some of them think there are not enough wars going on
I was so naïve in 2019. had high hopes of life & held of future. & u kno what happened. preppers were right.
I remember dutch dude promised my generation at 2012, mars base by 2020. funded by TV & Ads. I also remember previous Musk promises to be on Mars by 2020 then 2022 and then 2024. talking about promises, I remember "analytics" promised-prognosed for conflict in europe end in 2022, then they postponed prognosis to 2023, then prolonged to 2024 & etc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
never lose hope there's a lot going on in the world, some of it sucks, but it's been there since the world started turning we can only strive and find meaning in the world by oru own courage
ok, captain, doushio never letting me down
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>If the FarView radio telescope is built, it would double as a demonstration of two unprecedented activities: mining and manufacturing in space. weird dual use zoning but ok
>FarView would comprise a hundred thousand metal antennas made on-site by autonomous robots. >It would cover a Baltimore-size swath of the moon. ok this is probably just some venture capital scam tbh who knows
illuminati have a project of 'fake' alien invasion
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yes of course fake aliens, fake pandemics, EMPs the size of a continent, gay frogs, robot politicians, secret police hugging trees, 15 minute open air prisons, microchips, and ancient dinosaurs
see what he is doing, he is trying to discredit me and all conspiracies as false.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's really funny when you get a bunch of conspiracists together they go and reinforce each others beliefs, it's like man made propulsion to outer space
it's like you having ANY echo chamber, e.g. of conspiracy deniers or whatever made up group
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think you're missing an operative verb in that statement
😘 🙏 namaste
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway here we are at the foothills of artificial general intelligence either we build it, we turn the earth into paperclips, or the stock market crashes it's an interesting time to be alive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ceo of openAI seems to think that we're gonna build it obviously he's a little biased
>>1132362 This is why Kojima games have a forty to ninety minute cutscene at the end to get to the Resolution part of narrative arc
Which I think highlights the issue of trying to fit video games into a traditional narrative rise and fall template: it just isn't fun to play all the way to Resolution Something like Red Dead Redemption 1 tried it with the epilogue with Farm Life with the Marstons and it was a bit divisive But generally you beat the last boss and then what? There just really isn't much after that point for the player to engage in So it ends up being things either tie up quickly or you pull a Kojima
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay well idk i didnt play RDR i found it way too boring with all the cowboy peepoTalk on the way to the missions tbh like just stop yappin Charlie aaaaaa rdr2* didn't try rdr but anyway if i had been a kid i woulda eaten that shi up
anyway point is Earthbound is the standard example of a well done completely optional resolution that said i'm not exactly gonna replay earthbound anytime soon man i can't do the RPG grind with this fucked up neocortex of modernity
>>1132386 not even the only chemical that does this to them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea hermaphroditic frogs are real theres also that tadpole that got its hormones messed up and never became a frog but its not a conspiracy its just pollution
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
yeah, it's not the liberals
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
except when it is cause women on birth control contribute to it as well (unintentionally)
some people in switzerland 3d printed a freakin suic*de booth and some lady used it what the heck wow it just floods the pod with nitrogen huh how tf is that air tight and why did they make it look like a space ship weirdos
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man i gotta get some real camping gear and get into mountaineering what am i DOING
You ever think about how you'd experience the world if you just never had audio, for example? Like, ever, born completely stone deaf, ears not even sending static to the brain, just a completely nonexistent signal
I do sometimes
is this real
Yeah Maybe it's abnormal but I just think it's really fascinating how our senses are so heavily coiled together with just like, the actual concept of experience
Cause I mean Someone who's been deaf since birth isn't just walking around in a silent world I mean obviously they literally are, but their brain isn't taking note of that. "silence" doesn't exist when you outright have no audio at all M
I dunno I think it's interesting
Reminds me of an anecdote I heard from an audio engineer, about when they go into places to do a recording for something like an interview or a podcast And something that gets done before the actual content is recorded, is the set will be instructed to go completely silent, and the audio engineer records that silence Because later in editing when they need to cut or stitch something, and they need even a small fragment
of unrecorded silence in there, they can't just do an absence of audio, because the human ear can pick up that moment when the sound goes from "silent" to Actual Silence, and it's jarring enough to break your experience with listening
Yeah they want the like, ambient silence
Because we're creatures of sapient consciousness, we tend to overvalue our conscious senses and what it would be like to lose them And forget just how deep our subconscious senses are embedded in our experience of the world
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's all connected maaaan taste is more than taste buds audio is also touch and prioperception
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Moonmoon caught cheating with a fellow GTA RPer man emotional cheating is real
once winter starts for real it's gonna be real fucked I fear if it's already this cold, then I probably am gonna be covering myself in a blanket regularly
Hopefuly it's not that cold, sounds unlivable and livable at the same time.
I have an AC but it only does cooling it's a freestanding one, just a hose to put through the window for the hot air
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uhh heater?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am very thankful to have indoor heat its also a mild climate i guess in these climate change days it's the way to be
I have the freestanding radiator' it's alright enough cause this place is small but it's not ideal maybe I'll get a fan to put next to it if it gets bad, so the thermostat doesn't kick in before the whole room is somewhat temperate
Ir heaters are under $200 and can heat the atmosphere and warm very well and stay warm after on cycle.
would give you the one I have but it's not with me atm. really recogmend it, needs power though.
I love you guys, but I don't have calories to contribute to your meaningful conversation
>>1132451 did you moved to RV trailer, or small cabin? how is toiled and bathroom done there?
I remember we had toilet outdoors, it was cursed.
my problem with standalone heater is that it burns OXYGEN and it's really hard to breath in small unventilated room without outdoor circulation. but outdoor air can impact your room climate in two ways (my climate I mean). when it's -20c t, outdoor air is dry and may dry out inside air. adding to 'bad' heater. or when outdoor air is 3c t and wet, it can make indoor bed wet n cold(
idk how to solve air problem on a budget. like which gadget will add up oxygen and make it more breathable. I like petrichor. but didn't had my hand on portable ozonators.
also, suffering from noise pollution. dogs bark on the level, could be all day long. house management said its legal. when I'm trying to meditate, or relax or sleep... road builders repair at 4 am. during summer day loud lawnmowers. just constructions infinite renovations brrr drr hurr durr year after year
silencing ear buds don't help much. (just 65% volume reduction) . not having money for high tech noise cancelling headphones. and can't sleep in em. maybe can try, and tried sleeping pills. and then in the middle of a night , when I'm trying to sleep under sedatives - some cunts outdoors start scream loudly & drunk fight.
some times I wonder, how is to live in woods, fields, village without noise pollution.
>>1132447 thanks rei when I see such title, I know in advance - video should be good. and nice comment on frog gender research!
>>1132430 looks promising! it's from same guys who did blonde professor with kuro cat and robot girl?
*helvetica whatever*
wait damn dang
how do you expect people use your markup and put asterisk after each separate single world that'sinsane
i don't know why they used the line > to stop the assassin you must become the assassin can you tone down the corn y'all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1132499 does look fun makin me miss summer already grr
duuuudeee working for the government post office as a postman racoon, deliviring Anno messages from board to board, wearing uniform , having second name as Tanuki, receiving green matcha icecreamu from a beautiful woman and watching fireworks... that's a good game!
also, Samu, I always wanted to ask, why did you picked Anon's name as Anno? is there any hidden meaning?
yea it's just a pun on Hideaki Anno our savior "anonymous" is too long and "anon" feels kinda corrupted so we go with something anime related
Hi,Beacky/Beautricia Trisha Marie Ann Lucy
ah, ok, I c. we gotta fight the corruption. ala Fofamit kinda way. >>1132504 for a second you made me think that Anno was some sort of kinda buddhist teacher I never heard about %) you know, like that. yea.
girrrlll, the competition in game dev for clients and jobs must be ...................... ..i n s a n e >>1132507 looks like Sam Hyde. NGE author? oh man IDK what to think of him, or how, or if I could say or write any meaningful words for him. I have special opinions on his works & etc.
yea, he kinda looks like Samuel Hyde to me. I don't know them both very well. But his talk to a phone lady was ok n fun. I do love top! wa nerae, though, u kno, already, by that time. not much other stuff.
i guess i see what you were cooking with that but that's a pretty funny gut reaction
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> Samuel Whitcomb Hyde is an American alt-right comedian. >His transgressive style has garnered significant public controversy, and has been heavily linked with the alt-right/
Hi,Beacky/Beautricia Trisha Marie Ann Lucy
we can discuss many things if you want, I'm not expert in what's `right` or `left`
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
top wo nerae there's an old name
>>1132490 gosh! they made his yo-yo look like a barrel from magnum gun! That's how they made Gen-Z & trans love guns!
i believe the constant spamming of anime ladies keeps the ol spirit alive even if we dont watch that much anime these days
Marsh shitposting on the go via telephone
But for real tho can we talk about these tragic back stories
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so true since i was conceived i lost both parents, i was implanted into a mechanical womb, but my soul was stolen by time travelling demons, and put into an MMO, while my corporeal body was reincarnated into a new surrogate parental unit, who also died, plus the japanese school system was not kjnd to me, and then i got trapped in a time loop where an additional 32,000 of my parents were kill
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this childhood environment pressure cooked me into the diamond hands i am today kaiji: ultimate investor
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got access to the advanced openAI voice AI its still the same obsequious AI but the lag is significantly lowered between your speech and the response not bad
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
time for mommy gf roleplay?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
truly too bad openai are the prune police
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wonder what they're doing i bet they have a model that just listens for like the tones that signify "im done with my statement" or maybe its just 250ms of dead silence i wonder
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually nah you can't rely on silence it must be some fancy model that figures out when its their turn to talk
>>1131964 yeah, can u imagine, if some one had monopoly over every aspect of your life, your thoughts & feelings, preferences & psyche, like being an ant on antfarm
ps cool lens, flare & lights. gosh, I discovered that halogen is a good winter source of UVA+UVB rays, to cope with my winter mental health, so I went to shop looking for big lamps, but found only small 75w, is anyone knows, they don't make big/normal halogen lamps anymore?