ha heres your assignment this week play bomberman 5 times we'll give you some energized bits of broken glass and a bunch of vegetables we found out back
I mean i think so It's gonna take a few weeks for them to really kick in but last time when I stayed on them diligently I at least had some effect, even if I did have an episode that was a lot worse than normal >>1131226 kinda just forgot to take them and didn't start again
>>1131244 I saw an psy op agent on tv who made this gesture recently. Coincidence?
If Zucc back Trump & endorses Trump, that'll be a reason to vote.
here is take: unathorized aliens reduce number of jobs that could have been outsourced to europe >:< it's up to you to wonder if said emoji horizontal or vertical. *kaiser chief music intensifies*
okay but did you hear that hector got a 13 minute Gleipnir on Weaver?
>>1131253 I'm a European, u silly, I don't watch Super Bawl!
but you made good point, if I really want to preserve my cultural heritage, I should study Gylfaginning more than a bible. Sadly we don't have real druids who can legally operate locally.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ha you wish you were from europe idk why, europe is a silly place
I was lucky to buy 3 eggplants, 2 pumpkins, 1 zuccini. HELL I LOVE PUMPKINS usually they're expensive, but today I got on local fair from a local farmer, 30c per kilo
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I just love to notice fun geographic facts. I wasn't paid attention, but you made me notice: lang group >Karluk >>Wider group: Turkic
oh, so that's why Turkey been meddling in Armenia and on the vector of Grand Turan (or Greater Turkey). I didn't knew CA langs related to Turkish. Did you know Turkey changed their country name? Only heard recently.
speaking of psyops did you see bret weinstein accurately predict Kamala wore a normal earring in order to trick him into thinking it was an earpiece feeding her answers so she could make him look stupid by revealing it's just an earring? he's very clever, he sees through the smoke and mirrors
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
weinstein monkaS
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that seems like a pretty straightforward mindgame but i wouldn't be up on the pulpit making those kinda calls beforehand it's like magnus showing up late to his chess games just to tilt his opponents
The new hotness in conspiracy theories is making conspiracy theorists think there's a conspiracy and then reveal there was no conspiracy, to make them look stupid It's how they get you these days
takin a ferry this would be delightful if this thing were not a giant vibrating engine its a tiny passenger ferry for like 10 people i should get a sailboat
I actually did think you meant eating the actual box, I wasn't even trying to make a joke
I dunno about a netflix special though Won't I need to gain weight, get the surgery, and start workshopping jokes about my new genitals? Seems like a lot of work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1131293 as they say whats the difference between a sailboat and a motorboat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy hell shiny ponyta
anyway sailboats only used the motor 95% of the time
that's a pretty good bit mostly because it affirms how i used to be a massive hater on star wars way back when because too many people were like 'lets watch star wars' and i was like 'man it's fine but like shouldn't we watch something new'
ikd man, ppl think their into star wars but know shit about it. If someone can't watch star trek, they shouldn't be watching SW's
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow that's just a straight up statement of illogic captain
sam, feature requests: - an anno name should be able to be updated/edited once post typing began - an twitter posts should be rendered in to png on backend and uploaded as image. this is fucking image board, not an twitter aggregator! *and attached to a post obviously.
so , imagine you playing an RPG, and there are multiple factions-religions-temples to attend to available. the one you like, but it's guild have only maybe 3-5 people in whole
>>1131364 oh, Sorry, uhm have you tried to ... uhm ... reincarnate?
>>1131382 there is no time, time is just delusion, we are living in a quanum loop, Elizier Yudkowsky confirmed
do you know how scientists sent particle in to the past? for example, let's say, an particle Z has been moving on a vector on an x,y axis. like x+1, y+1 every nanosecond. so after 100 nanosecond particle arrive at x+100,y+100 coordinate. Scientist just move it back at x=1,y=1 and O M G ... look! it's travelled through time and space and now we sent it to the P A S T 1 omg slap dat particle ass .. and it's like... same particle with same properties, same state, probably, most likely it didn't even aged, (because particles don't age?), and look it became younger. stop right there you criminal scum, I know what you thinking about. you pervs
>>1131367 so , imagine you playing an RPG, and there are multiple factions-religions-temples to attend to available. the one you like, but it's guild have only maybe 3-5 people in whole town, it's fancy n cozy n chill & fits u, but their faction doesn't have any influence nor power, and they'll be unable to buff you or provide quests with decent rewards for lvling up. but they're nice and stylish and fit your vibe. on other side of the town, there is different Temple, of different faction, they are not chaotic neutral, which means once you allign with them you could angry some mobs (and some mobs are high level and could kill you), and they are kind of strict, with their rules & not ultra chill, but on rewarding side they have greater amound of members across different towns & realms, bigger number of rewarding quests (in theory), buffs & powerups.
which one to choose? one is chill n lazy , low-mid rewarding. other is harder n risky (by that I mean life threat risky), but could be high reward (in theory). oh, btw, and there is no respawn in this game.
>>1131392 on a >>1131367 <--- On a side note did your window crash on time out? I've noticeda bug were you are typing and sometimes the reply window just crashes always wondered about this... Not the only one that this has happed to forsure...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sorry it jist breaks if you lose websocket during replies i know its dumb
>>1131402 I wish I had more gatorade options avail localy, but there is none, cuz not much of free market nor free trade goin on
>>1131399 the 3rd faction.. well.. they're like not cool nor option at all. there is not much to say about them other than that.
and the 4th faction .. well they combine some advantages & perks of 1st with disadvantages of 2nd, e.g.: they are minority. maybe have few, small amount, hard to find members across realms. they are cool. fine vibe. but at the same time, membership involves some risks, some times of getting attacked by npc, some times requirement to be aggressive. Number of available quests - very small. Influence : low. Not much perks, powerups, giveaways, rewards. But they are fun, and existing quests are fun. and stylish. and kind of punk vibe, but without much material benefits or xp% rate boost.
it's like in the end.. binds to material vs non material goal. maybe. and values, maybe.
there is also options maybe
not to get alligned, not to join any, but that's carry particular advantages and disadvantages (low xp rate, reduced amount of quests, etc .. like be mid lvl WoW without a Clan? or party?)
start own faction from scratch. very cool in theory, very hard in practice, like starting a WoW Clan from scratch and recruiting, requires a lot of hard work, time, money, effort, etc. I doubt to have such resources for that at this moment.
you try drawing on model every frame for 26 minutes
sorry, S C, I'm not refusing, but indefinetely postponing, I don't have time rn & have work to do. But I've never thought u'll ask me, so I don't want to deny your request, so, maybe on another day/week/month, when I'll have free time & mood.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
called out, caught out, and walked back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait, Slay the Spire 2 is written in Godot? friggin' Pog
none watcher? none defect? terrifying but the skellington is interesting >>1131445 honestly it would kick ass if the bosses of the floors are now the actual characters from the first one, and they're actually using decks so they don't have set patterns
I got back on my zomboid bullshit, and found a sledgehammer in the firestation of rosewood I spawned in the police station, so right across the street By now that's a fair bit back in the playthrough, but what a blessed start
Got a generator just a bit earlier, too, so my current temporary base in muldraugh is completely set up and can sustain itself Now I just gotta loot everything, head BACK to rosewood to grab a new trailer for my car with more space in it, and once I'm done with muldraugh I'm hoovering up the various places with firearms before heading over to Louisville
Zomboid does kinda slow down once your base is self-sustaining SURE, I mean, I do need to go on fuel runs to keep the generator going, and I do need to go fishing for calories now and then, but overall, I technically don't NEED to ever leave this base aside from those two things at this point
Which, really, is one of my main gripes with the game as it stands, once you've got a generator, ideally 2, a packet of seeds, and a knife+axe, you essentially don't need to go on looting runs and take risks anymore
Of course, I still will, because that's where the fun is, but there is an annoyance involved since I have no particular need to
"With this power, Link, you could significantly improve the lives of everyone in Hyrule!" "But I don't want to improve everyone's lives, I want to create a gundam"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it would be cool if the actual quests were like that in Zelda i guess you are helping people in the game but usually in silly one-off ways
>>1131465 Yeah it's stuff like "Hey I want one of those really good pies! Oh cool, thanks, here's a Thing as a reward" When with this kind of power it could conceivably be like "Link, we can't drink the water, it isn't clean, could you do something to help?" and Link could whip up a water purifying mechanism or something
If the water is unclean in zelda, it's because a sludge demon has taken up residence and you gotta beat the shit outta it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well that was a whole dungeon but yeah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"link i live in the middle of nowhere in the desert can you build an acquifer"
what the hell who are they casting as link? unconfirmed?
It has to be a cutie, or it's just not right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
CGI i think? i thought idk
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they said it would be live action i thought i remember people talking about hunter schafer as zelda? but idk if anyone got floated for link
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wow you're right yikes i am scared
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it got announced over a year ago i think and with no confirmed actors yet its probably stuck in production hell right now but who knows maybe we'll hear about it soon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is he gonna hook shot or swing on a rope they gotta have some tethered action
I don't really know if there's anyone who could pull off Zelda or Link without a whole lot of CGI or makeup, or a combination Ganon, sure, I mean for one Ganon's appearance varies quite a bit, but Link and Zelda are very consistent in how they look Maybe we'll see some new face make it big through their casting in those roles, that'd be something
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
hopefully it stays in development hell
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tom holland as link dwayne the rock john son as ganon
>>>/@RedVelesov/1835376661459554649 these trad larpers have to stop i guess they're just farming for engagement (and poop) but like the entirety of society was built because subsistence farming sucks ass and agriculture was created because starving to death in the winter sucks ass speadsheets ain't all that bad, you wanna be plowing the field when you're 60?
absolute territory enjoyer
farming for engagement heh
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1131514 hey man in this society the less people doing the kinds of things that we're good at the more money we can make doing them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nahhh that's only if the ecosystem is some kinda zero sum cage match
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean you're not wrong in many cases carve out a niche and rake in the dough
absolute territory enjoyer
i was a little disingenuous though i don't code or do anything white collar really not yet at least but i do see myself doing that in the future for the moment i'm just a gas station manager though
which is definitely a niche, this job is testing my skills like crazy managing a gas station is actually crazy complicated you sell so many different kinds of things but your inventory has to be lean as fuck and you have to comply with regulations around so many different controlled material
multiple types of fuel, propane, lottery, tobacco, alcohol, kratom, cbd, soon thc, vapes, ready-to-eat food, prepared food, basic financial services on top of grocery, general merch, and over-the-counter medicine
it's like being in charge of a microcosm of a walmart or target but also you only have like 7-10 people to do it 24/7
absolute territory enjoyer
i don't want to sound too self-important but i think people really underestimate what managing a gas station entails, myself included it's like retail management on stimulants being a manager at a more conventionaly retail outlet like dillards or target or something would be way way simpler
absolute territory enjoyer
but enough about me, how is work for u samalam
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
SORRY i was tweezing my hair hi work is boring sounds like you don't even need an RTS you're playing one IRL
absolute territory enjoyer
literally my ADHD is pushed to the very limits every day and i kinda love it also my pay is well it's not like 6 figures or at least not this year but it's pretty damn good for my current situation and it will probably be near or past that 6th digit threshold within a year or two if i continue to improve
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hell yeah
i mean when it comes to ordering more stuff can't an algorithm figure out how often you need stuff
absolute territory enjoyer
so actually yes and we use a suggested ordering algorithm actually but the problem with all our algorithms is that they only function properly when everything else is functioning properly and i was hired to turn a store that has not been functioning properly into a store that is so i don't get to take advantage of that stuff effectively until i sequester all of our little demons into their own permanent hells until then, i'm manually writing the schedule, double-checking truck orders and manually inputting half of them but eventually it will be that the schedule writes itself and the trucks order themselves, just with a little guidance from me i hope to be there in about a month or two
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ohh damn well its good you're keepin it together
absolute territory enjoyer
with enough cigarettes and caffeine brother i can do anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Bang the Mentat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok time to go for a run hopefully i dont catch a cold :)
absolute territory enjoyer
godspeed soldier
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
idiots don't catch colds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what the hell man it's frickin evening i'm catchin strays
>>1131514 >>starving to death in the winter sucks ass speadsheets ain't all that bad
Depends on what kind of organics are in the feild, but defenityly do NOT want to be staving to death in the wiinter or any on this lot currently, at 60.
>>1131525 >>near or past that 6th digit threshold within a year or two if i continue to improve
Ya having multiple steams of income is what it's all about. More lines of imcome, takes more time and effort, but in the end better if it goes down properly. Once enough funds are generated one can always downsize or get some eles working the the other stream and move on to three or just two but extra time back.
I've started just answering the scam callers in Norwegian, and I'm getting a lot less of them nowadays Now and then I string them along for the hell of it, but most of the time I just pretend I don't speak English so they hang up within 10 seconds
From what I understand, there's no monkey in the new monogatari anime Which is very unfortunate if true Monkey and bee are the primary reasons to watch the show
there's something real annoying about being like, real hungry so your stomach starts churning, cause it's not even really painful, it's just kinda bubbly and noisy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why aren't you addressing that feeling if it's annoying you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel the same way like sometimes i get hungry and it's frustrating but i'm like man i really coulda just eaten breakfast that would have been the thing to do perhaps i'll go buy some eggs
are alot of eggs geneticaly tampered with? How does that work? Like free range farm eggs are better, it's probally to do with the bird that lays the egg also. Egg are awesome but how to you know if your eating a produce thats not gen moded?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
brother everything you eat is a GMO that's how we make things taste good and grow big
don't really think that answers the question or has to do with taste too much gmo's arnt hormones though
free range isn't even a real thing I think, it's just like a really open criteria so you get to call it that, but I don't even think they need to be like... you know, "free range" Like I don't think they're out there grazing in a penned in pasture, they just have more room per chicken than otherwise
rememer back in the day there where brown eggs, or rust colored, some that even had spots the yoke on these was diferent like not yellow but orangish golden colored
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Cartons stamped with the Certified Humane or Animal Welfare Approved seal are good bets
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I just remember back in the day the brussel sprouts used to be super bitter but now they've been bred to be less bitter
ya b sprouts are basicaly like mini cabage their friggin good
they are good for you and can be made into fremented foods was taking nattokinose (fermented soy) helped alot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can still get dark orange yolks i don't think there's that much difference i forget >The color of an egg yolk is influenced by the chicken's diet. Chickens that eat a diet rich in natural pigments like carotenoids (found in plants like marigolds, alfalfa, or corn) will produce yolks with a deeper orange hue. >The color itself doesn't necessarily mean the yolk is more nutritious. However, hens that have access to a more diverse and natural diet, such as free-range or pasture-raised chickens, often produce eggs with more nutrients (e.g., higher levels of omega-3s and vitamins A and E). These eggs also tend to have darker yolks. eh maybe
>>1131578 ya your right, and farm fresh is probs and word that can mean someting more then free range
same goes for grass fed they don't fed cattle grass (sorry soy bois) they fed then hay, which is like grass but still the buzz word is missleading.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@___frye/1835368424907940176 i been wondering about this methyl folate thing i checked my genes and i have one of both genes idk probably not an issue for me, but maybe i should eat more leafy greens in general anyway
ya kale nails alot of difent vitimins eat leafy green uncooked preaty good once you get used to it.
don't mess with goose who can lay golden eggs! (and don't discriminate him if it's male goose, he can still change the gender though. many of veterans did. gotta respect that)
>>1131587 > checked my genes how much did it cost ya? full sequencing? how much megabytes file weight?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1131587 my insurance declined to cover the prescription methyl folate pills which have like 10x as much in them as over the counter stuff
>i should eat more leafy greens everyone should. but there is not enough of them in local shop. only grains. like shop keeper thinks we are farm animals. and the one leafy greens gettin in to the shop in small amounts are hella expensive.
>>1131587 serotonin & methylation involved in not 100% of cases. there is % of cases invlolving other neuromediators. which are abandoned by mainstream psychiatry, like choline, glutamate, liver & bile health, digestion, metabolism, mitochondrial function. etc etc. many factors. if ssri help some amount of patients, that's still better than nothing. there is no silver bullet for everyone.
>>1131600 zen is a healthy state of wellbeing, clear mind & relaxation, that can be achieved with correct (smart) psychiatric help.
without it, zen is just form of religious psychotherapy, without pharm prescribed medication. which is reducing success healing rate in patients.
>>1131603 you know that I like you, right? but we just from different schools. but maybe have common sense targets. and you also one of the reasons I've stayed to read doushio. your texts, not anime girls. always love to hear from you more. Even if I sin by expressing occasional disagreements. don't take close them close nor personally, nor in to account. love life.
does new monk lvlup san requires some exams on literature or history or sort of academia, tests? who does audit, 1 judge or multiple teacher examiners?
My buddy really loves it but says that the balancing is bad on the high difficulties. I'm gonna wait for it to be on sale since it looks good but I don't have much experience with Warhammer.
>>1131604 You're welcome to disagree, but your definition of zen violates zen itself. Zen isn't a state, let alone a healthy one. There's not necessarily relaxation and most of the time, there isn't. Wellbeing doesn't come with following the path, either. It's also essentially the opposite of psychotherapy in many ways, and zen also isn't necessarily religious either.
Even if you have a so-called enlightenment experience, if something happens, you still might need therapy. It's not uncommon at all. Zen doesn't do what therapy does although for some problems, zen can lessen or eliminate the strain of them.
>>1131605 There's no formal test. Your own teacher decides when you're ready, if ever. Your own teacher is also the one who judges you and if you make a mistake, they might start your training over for example. It depends on the severity of the mistake.
>>1131603 >>1131607 To be the moment, or to be the moment (still) with or with out the pharm. Pharms works if they are not tainted with bots. And best if taken in spread out periods of time, why do patients get over prescribed? Take your meds, untill they damage you? And once that doesn't work take other meds to compesate? Verbal therapy works! And some time in combo with meds if not over done. The point is if a patiaent takes a med and it's working why not give it a chance too do it's thing (before taking more),like space it out (not every day) untill negitive side effects show up (or not at all)?
Footage of Obama before the raid on Bin Laden's compound 2011: Colorized
you, Marsh-chan, an south pole innuit, realy love joking about magrib & M.E. affairs
forgot to say: if there is not enough leafy greens. idk why they struggle with unemployment in india, pakistan, afganistan instead of farming broccoli & letuce etc and exporting them.
also, Kirara, can you clarify, if some one else is Presbytherian for example or official member of another religious community. How they can attend legally to buddhist temple and dress like buddhist monk with accessories? without being expelled or called heathen, from their previous original religious group. (or avoid called/becoming heretic) there should be a legal gateway. maybe even Marsh may know (but I doubt)
also >>1131607 that's more like traditional Shinto temple outfit, right, not zen/buddhist?
>>1131615 I don't know the details as it varies by religion, but there are a lot of people from other religions who are zen monks. There are rabbis, priests, and imams who have become zen masters, even. The most famous is probably Robert Kennedy, who is a Jesuit priest and zen master in the White Plum. Most zen teachers aren't the type to force buddhism on anyone and we're all /// and proper zen monks are all more-or-less dedicated to serving people regardless of their religious. So when a Christian comes to me and asks me to teach them, I will, and I'll do so in a way that respects their own beliefs. Ultimately, the goal isn't to make anyone a buddhist, but to teach them zazen. Robert Kennedy, for example, calls zazen "sitting in silence before God". He teaches the same zazen as any other teacher, but the context of it is changed. It's really a wonderful and flexible practice that anyone can practice.
Yeah, Tokiyuki is wearing a Shinto shrine outfit in that image.
Thank you for extensive detailed reply, that was very enlightening, I didn't knew that, I shall look more in to it. Robert bio looks even cooler than RFK Jr. Also noticing Alan Lew. I guess there is a hope for fullfillment path for me. God bless you.
>>1131617 I'm glad it was helpful. Robert Kennedy is very cool. My teacher has gone to a few of his retreats and studied with him a little. His book Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit is very good. We had someone in our sangha who was struggling with her Christianity vs the zen practice so I lent her the book. She found it very helpful and left our sangha as a result of it but she did so feeling very secure in the path she decided to walk, which I think is a win. I let her keep the book because it was much more meaningful to her than it was for me! But anyways, it's a fantastic book and I think you really start to feel the spirit of the book even in the first few pages.
Sorry for the late notice, I was upset and slept in. I was at the WINS in Shinjuku and almost collided with an old man, but when I nodded to him, he replied with a loud click of his tongue. I thought it would be better to commit suicide than to become an old man who envies and ridicules youth and refuses to acknowledge his own incompetence, so in short, I suffered a crushing defeat at the horse races.
oops wrong paste lmao that was from a bassist i like
https://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/26/magazine/26zen-t.html I wanted to post this article about my teacher's teacher, who attended psychotherapy despite being so-called enlightened.
aww baww nyt don't let me read like accountless anon anno np, thanks
I just recently found meds that do work for me & help. So I kind of want to repay for pharm church as well. If I'll get a license I could volunteer in your temple with ad list on wall : free prescriptions & free psychiatric help . what would you say?
>>1131620 https://web.archive.org/web/20190524101625/https://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/26/magazine/26zen-t.html Here's a link to the page from before it had a killer paywall.
An antidepressant hadn’t helped much. Often in tears, he wondered if he was having a nervous breakdown. In a poem, he wrote: < >An antidepressant hadn’t helped much. Often in tears, he wondered if he was having a nervous breakdown. In a poem, he wrote: well, they were different back than in 2006, tricyclic mao inhibitors with many side effects. and maybe he needed not an AD but a different drug. and he didn't had me.
> The two disciplines — one, a much-revised theory of mind and therapy for neurotic illness from fin de siècle Vienna; the other a largely unchanged spiritual technique for realizing enlightenment from fifth-century China — broadly share the goal of relieving mental suffering. But their metaphysical premises and practical methods are night and day. > mental suffering keyword. and now there are many new options. more than those 2.
There always has been more than 2. In the 1700s, master Ryokan wrote "There are many paths up the mountain, but when we reach the peak, we all stare at the same, bright moon."
>>1131614 Unfortunately that is a parody account, Marsh
take it ez cowboy, or you will seduce me with your romantic zen haiku koans & I move to Cali to live with you.
>>“The Emperor of Enlightenment May Have No Clothes.” Laught a bit today, that quote may have cased this.
>>1131632 finally! no mor diarea & diseases in tacos! only sterile robots. idk how labor cost increase after wall breach so far as I've seen it only fell. worldwide.
>>1131635 its fine there will still be jobs wrapping burritos im sure that cant be automated
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/@QiaochuYuan/1836157189070950554 let's face it the schizopoasters are the real players on the field us normies going hello, how's it going, i'm good thanks, see you later, we're flesh automata running cultural script dot exe with no exit strategy
it's also really really easy to put together and to eat two things I value I've been stockpiling cans of tuna in oil for a while, just occasionally grabbing one more can when I'm at the grocery store cause I figure it's good to have I got the king oscar in olive oil tuna, like 6 cans total I've got a generic brand one too, but it's a bit big to open up for breakfast tuna doesn't keep well once you open the can
tuper wear
well I don't own any tupperware, but maybe I'll get some
get one big enough for a small plate to fit in and then no plastic
I'm sorry S C, well I guess If I had to choose between Pacific & Atlantic, I guess Pacific is bigger, have more diverce cultures, nice places, etc. But I will always carry Atlantic in my heart.
>>1131648 gosh, I have so much wool from my cat, but I don't have high tech to make mittens or socks from it. the only doable idea I got so far is to make woolen dolls.
but with unavailable pacific, atlantic is fine too~
I've been up for like 5 hours already didn't sleep too well
>>1131682 they should stop smoking. and I love that pussy.
>>1131638 oh here we go again on so many levels >let's face it the schizopoasters are the real players on the field us normies going hello, how's it going, i'm good thanks, see you later, we're flesh automata running cultural script dot exe with no exit strategy
Let's face it, ... wait
thank you, Thank You! for recognition and appretion. I'll give it back.
Let's face it, the normies are the real players in the field and a backbone of world. us, le neurodivergent, going hewou, fuck you, *starts fire*, no, you are the spiderman, no u. we're flesh automata running the cultural script implanted in by stalin & bretton woods, since ww2, with too many strategies. it's the normies who hold the world together, without em, there will be no cities, no civilization, no food, no society. (and no ww3, which seen as path by normie globalist to create better postapocalyptic societies. ) welp, many ppl, don't see a better futuristic society in post war Libya (here goes Marsh dissing it's undemocratic previous gov, and marsh racially dissing african union )
on another level .. so we are all ... machines? admitting that will tear n rip te fabric of society, UN & dismiss free will. (or at least acknowledging it should play a lesser role in a law & order, and not even healthy people have it to required extend) and violators should not be punished, but reformed, like glorious CCP does to radical islamists. when you ? when white man fight ISIS it's a legit war on terror, when Glourious Chinese Communist fights mujahedeen - they say it's violation of human rights.
on 3rd layer, back to Qiauchu, I don't see individuals as walking LLM's, I see many of them just as underundiagnosed patients with lack of psychotheurapeutical help. That means society should be governed by competent qualified individuals with degrees and certifications, not by some Greek ideas of 'elections ' invented thousands years ago, when they walked without underwear wearing tunic only and were homo offenders. GPTv6
that's reminds me of a story of X-chan poster and the Nunawut prince Ronald W Sr. Bump, he sent pictures of poster's dog & cat to poster, and poster never posted again.
Dunkey going from one video a month to six videos in a week. Something's up. Maybe some form of meta commentary if you only want to make mid-tier content and don't chase perfection you can just churn it out endlessly and quintuple your revenue. Either that or he found some trucker meth and he's just LOCKED IN.
I gave my cat a petfood. & now eating myself. but suddenly it became interested in honey jar I'm eating. Is your cat honey curious too? I'm not giving any sweets to pet. I kno it could be deadly. Once upon a time my cat even walked on a dark chocolate, smelled it, and disaprovingly disliked it without paying any interest and didn't even attempted to lick.
The zomboid run continues to go well Unfortunately, after roughly 800 zombies killed, my mini-14 is starting to break. It'll still work for a while but it's closing in on the end Though, on the bright side, I was able to recycle some .410g shells into 12g shells, so I've got way more of that than previously
>>1131741 from far away though those were felt awful's dang haven't had them in a lot time gotta find a good substitute for chic peas loads of sugar but falafel's are the shiz bake um and then deep fry the other half in oil so good freeze them and they taste better cheap to make and the like lil medi spheres make like a tzatziki sauce or even humus dip.
Meats bowl all good too but dang it made anno think of the herbas Can puit so many different ingredients in but there gotta be some other bean in it's place of other recipe alternitive that bakes up that way.
Chic peas are crunchy and bake out a way that gives it that texture, can't think of sum tang that does that.
my body betrays me every day, man I've got 3 horizontal cuts on the skin covering my damn eyeball and I do not know what the fuck happened I only noticed randomly cause I rubbed my eye and it stinged like crazy
>>1131748 yes, refined sugar is bad. carbs == sugars. usually they are 400 Kcal per 100 g. there are fast & slow, based on digestion speed, blood sugarXinsulin rise. beans on average 20-30-40g of protein & 60g of carbs(sugars). bean sugars (carbs) usually build up digestion gas (could be methane). but not all beans are equals, some times it could be avoided by soaking them, make them sprout, changing the water during 2nd boil. Bean proteins contain almost full spectrum (don't discriminate autism), and if person eat diverse vegan diet, (not only just beans), they could get all other proteins from different sources. or just add eggs, fish, bugs. >>1131785 some fats are unhealthy, such as omega6=inflamation, trans fats, dehydrated solid fats that been made from liquid. omega3 is healthy , usually fish. Flax/quinoa/chia good but not replacement for fish o3, due body can't transform it to DHA/EPA. It could alleviate (I neural disabilities . I mean reduce inflammation & symptoms. mct, monounsaturated olive good, but expensive :( so I can't afford healthy diet/food. >>1131735 caffeine does not help to produce ATP, nor helps mitochondria, it's just the illusion. it may just increase excitibality like piracetam , e.g. glutamate, and make you not sleepy & dull, but it doesn't really help. not my thing. pre workout also imho dont help you get hungry during workout to increase metabolic rate and metabolize food better post workout
My weight's stabilized now fortunately. I've more or less figured out how to eat. Although yesterday I wasn't able to eat anything I don't think I will today either so I might lose a pound this week. I'll have to try to make it up with some protein shakes scattered around once this flare up ends.
>>1131784 The healthiness of fats doesn't really apply to me anymore because they slow down my digestion and make me vomit. I have to avoid them or I get sick. I have gastroparesis.
Yesterday I was really sick so I thought I'd have a smoothie but I threw it all up. I was driving around, vomiting into a bag, as I went to my next client's home. It was awful! When the vomiting started, I threw up /// well, I don't want to gross you out with the details but basically I hadn't gotten my breakfast out of my stomach even though it was 1400 and I had breakfast at 0600.
>>1131790 make sure those are healthy. and you mix them with veggies & leafy green salads and don't overdo the. usually they could be 25% of daily calorie intake.
some healthy fats, keto, help produce & metabolize butyric acid / butyrate, naturally, and it reduces psychosis, panic attacks, anxiety.
a calorie a minute is a calorie a spinnit
>>1131791 poor child. no wonder, treatment affect you mental condition status. I wish you to become healthy. but so far, your posts do seem cognitively clear and you seem strive. keep on rocking, like Anthony Blinkinow singed.
I mean, gastroparesis doesn't really lead to any cognitive dysfunction. It's just delayed gastric emptying. There's not much that can be done about it. Just have to adhere to a special diet and wait out flare ups when I accidentally trigger them. I don't take metoclopramide because it can lead to tardive dyskinesia.
>>1131799 It's impossible! I can't even use my beloved rowing machine now. Any exercise that engages my stomach has the potential to cause a flare up and leave me vomiting for days!
anymoe watched Severance? Giving it a look rn, and it's interesting so far though I'm not done with the first episode quite yet
>>1131809 Completed season 1. And waiting for season 2 (in 2025?). nice stuff & lore enjoyable to watch I like how they designed their workstations like old computers from 198x and nice cozy work space & tables! admirable and soundtrack is cool like being taken from Trent Reznor's GHOSTS
it feels also a little bit futurustic like nearby future, if decoupling happend and there was a lack of new hardware tech, so population needed to rely on old tech + find a new ways to engage people in new economic models.
There are some aspects that are a bit confusing, but otherwise it's very enjoyable Like it's not too clear what knowledge the innies actually like, retain from pre-severance
The chubby guy knows what a milf is, for instance, and they're all aware what a corporation and a CEO is, but they have NO concept of what the outside world is actually like, for example that same chubby guy thinks the outside is basically a post-apocalyptic dystopia where humanity is running out of usable living space
Ya I wonder if AMC will bring back any good shows or have a new line up of decent content.
shorts ar
short are horb's probs good on mobile watched many of them and just figured out there min markerat the bottom and don't think watched one full resi yet
I do wonder what they're gonna do about the whole "what exactly is it they do down there" bit though I kinda hope they leave that entirely unresolved, because I feel the point is it doesn't matter what exactly they do, the point is they're a slave population And I feel any reveal of what they're ultimately doing would take away from that, diverting the focus to the particular horror of their task
My sense of time has gotten all fucked up these last few days so I'm not entirely sure when I last took my meds Like I'm not sure if I took them already today
I don't think it's dangerous to take too much of them like, one time, but still
oh, season 2 of severance begins this january, huh exciting I hope it doesn't end up in a "one more season" hell situation though, and actually gears up to end in season 2 or 3 at most The more seasons something like this has to go on for, the more it ends up suffering
>>1131857 my job i work with him >>1131858 RIP not today but soon once I find another job
oh someone escaped from Silverwater prison good thing I am going to go nowhere near this weekend or am i
>>1131840 so fast? don't you want to prolong 'feelsgoodman' and watch an each ep on bed before night. could help to consolidate memries. or you don't posess self constraints\restraints\self limits control?
the new like a dragon game is a spin-off featuring majima and it's called YAKUZA PIRATE IN HAWAII
>>1131845 OR its analogy & metaphor on modern work-life balance sci fi is just a medium to draw parallells
I liked the lore of corporation founder traced back to ww1 in our alternate history timeline. And parallels with religion, old testament. You can be proud of me, I've read it this morning.
>>1131846 instruction manuals say explicit whether you should skip if you forgot to take in time. some meds are serious to not double down.
find and read lumon instruction manuals, on boarding guide for macrodata department, and don't forget to wash your hand after with lumon soap
>they're a slave huh?! it's a free world, if you with them don't like it - can go try best in DPRK
>>1131859 it's all about milking you and fans for as long as budget allows. it's not the series, where I eager to know truth behind curtains, it's just fun sitcom to watch. Do you want to Fam Guy end? Or naruto? or you feel hooked, addicted and binge watching?
idk, it could be ok for them to even publish an Source 2 game ala Stanley Parable or something or table top rpgs. or even better vr game.
There were some ala Tarantino like series with Rami Malek, I truly cared about, and they were uncessary prolonged with fillers. But if you r eager to know how it may unfold without waiting for 100ep, you can solve the quest by yourself with data they gave, I don't want to spoil.
left or right right is marshmallow something >>1131867 what's the gameplay
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1131876 beat em up you can JUMP in it majima has a mad dog style and a sea dog style sea dog style gets a bunch of "sidearms" it can use like whips and guns
It looks super fun. You can also go to a place called MADLANTIS in addition to Hawaii and the areas from Infinite Wealth. Seems to take place in the second half or after Infinite Wealth.
When you start off, Majima has amnesia too. Comes out at the end of February.
oh an email from that mailing list i guess they're accepting applicants for Antarctica rn
nice. I should complete course work for my functional programming stuff, and then fix some home software, and then I'll be able to look in to it and other things.