I have been granted green light to start cranking out money I just gotta figure out the exact numbers to use here and that's gonna take some time just moving from place to place
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wood food stone gold
I gotta crank my accounting skill too so I can actually do this properly
but basically I'm more or less tasked with finding a way to both profit our employees, having them deliver their ore to us for ISK, but at a pricetag that's below what we can get out of it ourselves The issue is the damn CEO didn't give me access to view what blueprints we've got so I can't run the maths until he gets on and opens that up for me All I got atm is just ore hauling, basically just time management Which does net some profit, but it's not as significant as I want it to be Well, assuming this shit even sells at the rate listed on the market which doesn't entirely seem to be the case I think maybe the ore we've invested so much time in mining is a dud I mean it still nets SOME profit, but again, not as much as I want And we shouldn't be relying entirely on just selling ore directly anyway, we gotta crank out some production, and for that I need the damn numbers See what's valuable see what we should just buy outright instead at present Gotta come up with prices for the miners so we have a loyal employeebase and they're incentiviced to sell to us rather than haul it to the trade hub nearby, so it's gotta be more than that hub at least
Really putting our shit down here was a damn mistake, it's 2 jumps from a tradehub man
but, the man's invested real life money into buying a fuckton of plex, and he said he'll plex my account too, so I gotta at least put in the effort here, I wanna make this succeed We've decided we'll have a referral program so if you refer someone, you get like the first 10m of profit they generate for the corp, details need to be hashed out, but we really do need manpower We need people willing to do some hauling, we need miners, god we need miners, we need miners capable of mining high value rock to juice our wallet, and god we need fighters for protection during that
And this shit i gotta keep turning while also making my own wallet fat Endgame is for the corp to pay me, but it has to be green first. First priority is manpower and logistics
emergency downtime Latest patch fucked up a ton of stargates, notably Jita the number one trade hub in the game has 0 functioning stargates, leaving EVERYONE there stranded
Some of the corps in this game are so weird man > Multiversal is an elite corporation and one of the 2 founding corps of Cry Havoc. We accept only skilled eve players. If you are interested and feel you qualify please contact our CEO. We play eve to have fun, to fight and are by invitation only.
First of all, brother, you have a total membercount of 5, several of which are likely one guy Second of all, if you're by invitation only, there's definitionally no way to apply for membership
>>1104132 wordcels just stringing some common copy together to legitimize themselves
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me at 8:45am: everything watered all at once
our corp's description is just an old mining ad, modified for EVE, from like the 30s lmao it's the same one Tanya modified for her recruitment poster in Youjo Senki
I've run some maths too and I'm pretty sure hauling my ore uncompressed, while more profitable per minute spent mining, ends up being less profitable in total because the hauling takes so long it cancels out the profit So since my blessed CEO has offered to pay for a month of Omega for me out of his own good heart and healthy pocket, I'm just gonna be hoarding up a fuckload of ore, compress it, and then haul that compressed shit Pretty sure a full load will pay for Omega and then some, but it'll take quite some time Lotta mining so I gotta strap in, and I gotta do this while also managing the corp's finances, though that latter part is remote work so I don't HAVE TO go back and forth
hand in the fire through the wire your the one if you don't know now you know ~
Glue stick eating can be very dangerous due to the presence of toxic ingredients, including styrene and formaldehyde. Eating glue stick can lead to abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and even organ damage in severe cases. It is also a choking hazard and can be deadly if the glue gets stuck in the throat. Eating glue sticks can also be psychologically damaging due to the stigma that society attaches to the practice. People who eat glue sticks may feel ashamed and embarrassed, which can lead to social isolation and depression. In summary, it is never recommended to eat glue sticks as it can be extremely dangerous and damaging to both physical and mental health.
my CEO is insufficiently profitpilled we gotta make MONEY, brother, we can't be entirely against buying the stuff we need when we don't have the manpower to get it ourselves yet My work will be arduous as the accountant, but I must persevere and make this a success
granted he's not wrong about this particular blueprint, but we shouldn't be cranking out procurers for sale anyway, the marigns are WAY too slim If we're gonna make those, it should be for convenience, and really that convenience is undercut by being 2 hops away from a trade hub where they're cheap enough as is
what we should be cranking out is stuff with good margins, even if the unit profit isn't high, as long as the profit/m3 is good, because that's what ultimately matters for selling it Who cares if we make 3M on a procurer if we're only reasonably gonna haul 1 or 2, when we could be cranking out 1M profit strip miners and haul 10-20 of them at a time?
recruiting is so dang hard Really gotta get it done asap so we can just rely on those new guys
Though even without recruiting people outright, building connections is always a good thing Unaffiliated miners may go on to be haulers, or even fighters, and we do need both of those, even if neither needs to be part of the corporation to be useful Haulers are just happy to be paid, fighters PROBABLY are but they require a lot more trust, being the ones with guns in the fleet
Shyamalan is such a weird movie maker He vibrates furiously between producing absolute bangers and producing stinkers Like Unbreakable is really damn good But Avatar is... one of the worst movies ever made with an actual budget The airbender, not the blue aliens one
One kind of weird thing about Unbreakable is how Bruce Willis has such a surprised reaction realizing he's never been sick Because like He's... he is himself, growing up and throughout his life, it should have gotten more and strange to him when other people talk about being sick or taking sick days and stuff, because he himself literally never has He shouldn't really think it's "weird how I've never had a sore throat or a fever", because he genuinely has no concept of how it is to be afflicted with any of that It should be entirely normal for him and something he knows about by virtue of his surroundings He wasn't grown in a lab until adulthood Hell, how come he sustained an injury making him unable to play football anyway?
I do actually really like this movie, but some of it is kinda just weird in a "the writer didn't REALLY think this one through" way
also if he can't get injured, how does working out do anything for him? muscles get stronger because they're damaged during too much strain and reconstruct stronger than before
shyamalan making little cameos in his movies is also pretty neat
It's a good trilogy! Well, I dunno about Split, I'm currently watching it for the first time, but Unbreakable and Glass are both really damn good Unbreakable is the best one of them, but they're both very good
It's like a superhero origin story, but the WHOLE movie is the origin story It's not origin story and then conflict and then victory and growth, it's JUST the origin story, it's like if Spiderman 1 ended once Ben got shot Shyamalan is a really unique movie maker, nobody else would dare make a movie like this I think, it had to be him Glass is like, kind of the second movie, if you follow what I mean Like if the first spiderman ended when Ben got shot, and then the stuff between then and spiderman 2 didn't get shown, it just dropped spiderman 2 It's so dang good, I think you'd really like it cause I think you and I share a lot of sensibilities when it comes to movies
And what's really cool, in my opinion, is how the two sequels SEEM disconnected from Unbreakable, at least during the start Like when I watched Glass, I didn't realize that "holy shit, this is Unbreakable 2!" I mean it is Unbreakable 3 actually, but I didn't even know about Split at the time
It's such a brave decision, pretty much any other director and\or writer would maybe have an opening scene establishing this movie's villain or conflict, but then it'd go "AAAAND HERE'S OUR HERO! BRUCE WILLIS!" But not Split at least. Glass I don't fully remember the start of, it might just have been due to it being such a long time between Unbreakable and Glass that made me not realize Unbreakable was 2000, Split is 2016, and Glass is 2019, so it was up to 2 decades between me watching Unbreakable and watching Glass
Like I'm 20 minutes into Split now, and there's absolutely no indication it's at all connected to Unbreakable I know because I've watched Glass and because I just know that this is part of the trilogy, but if I didn't have that knowledge in advance, I'd just think this was a movie about a weird little guy with a disorder
I wanna see Shyamalan and Cage make a movie together, I feel it'd either be the most awful movie either way, or an utterly astounding experience, with little room for a middleground
holy shit yeah Split goes way further with it An astounding display!
Gonna watch Left Behind now My Omega ran out in EVE, so I'm taking a little break, though I'm still very much into it Going back to alpha is just a very big setback cause I can't use my Good Mining Ship The CEO said he's gonna plex me, which is a fancy way of saying he'll buy me a month of Omega using premium currency Which is extremely nice of him, and kinda came out of nowhere, and honestly a big reason I'm motivated to get this corporation to succeed So halfway I'm waiting for him to wake up\finish work and get online to do that, assuming he actually does, and halfway I'm just having some downtime because again, real big shift in what you can do, at least in terms of mining I could get in there and engage with the other content, I suppose, which I probably will after this movie, but Making Money is really what engages me in EVE, and while mining isn't the actually best ways to do it, it's very easy and doesn't require a lot of knowledge
You just gotta be careful and pay attention so you don't get murdered by a pvper, which is a little minigame in itself, lots of little things you gotta keep on top of You gotta watch localchat to see if anyone shows up, obviously, but you also gotta be on the scanner to see if whoever showed up is in range of it and see what ship they're flying If they're just another miner, you can relax a little, but they could still just be the scout, in a miner to keep your guard down, so you gotta be extra vigilant of someone new showing up, start aligning your jump so you can warp away if you see anything that appears hostile or a group joining local I like this sorta thing, little stuff keeping me engaged while the "actual gameplay" is more or less on autopilot Like, mining in and of itself is EXTREMELY passive. If not for potentially hostile players, you could quite literally AFK for 20 minutes at a time while doing it, only returning to deposit your harvest when filled up And usually, that is the case, but you're never truly safe in EVE
It'd be kinda neat to take this time off from mining to do the hunting myself, screw with the competition yknow, but that lowers your security rating and marks you as a criminal
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hear Bottoms is a fun watch
Hey Samu did you see Altman is back as OpenAI CEO
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1104179 sounds fun gotta have a bit of strife in your gaming, pure farming is too chill >>1104184 yup what a brouhaha eh
I got zero skin or care in this game but the story was pretty fun to poke my head into
>>1104185 Yeah A lot of people, really the majority of the playerbase I think, see mining as very boring and unengaging, and I mean it absolutely can be, especially if you're just mining in highsec or something But personally, I find it pretty enjoyable Sure it's kind of like an idle game most of the time, but you've gotta be engaged constantly because if you're inattentive or slow to react at the wrong time, you could lose your expensive mining vessel and the ore you've hoovered up (that latter one is usually by far the least impactful, but it CAN actually be far more serious than the ship if you've mined the most valuable stuff and compressed it in like, an Orca or something)
It has a very unique gameplay experience where most of the time, you can just sorta watch your ship hoover up resources while you fiddle with stuff, plan your character's future, move your UI around to be a little bit better and easier to use, check the market just to keep your finger on the pulse, calculate profit margins on various stuff, chat with corp members, whatever But while you're doing all that, you're still paying attention to a few things in order of importance, like the local chat, that's top priority because if someone new enters the system, then they COULD be a pvper And your scanner, cause if said new person is in a combat ship and shows up on that thing, YOU are on theirs as well, and there's a good chance they're currently trying to pinpoint where you are to kill your ass, so you gotta start aligning in case you have to jump, or just jump immediately to be safe And then there's misc stuff like how full your ore hold is, how much sauce is left in the rock you're blasting, that sorta stuff. Like if your system is populated enough that you don't know for sure you've mentally tagged everyone as non-hostile, it might be worth it to dock up with only a half filled ore hold, just so if you do get killed, at least you have what you mined and replacement is slightly cheaper And
And if the rock you're beaming has less left in it than your laser extract per cycle, it's usually best to switch to a new rock to optimize your time
As a useful example, my procurer's strip miner extracts about 980m3 per 3 minute cycle. None of it shows up until I either turn it off or it completes the cycle, in fact if I leave it running as I warp away, and thus leave its range, it shuts off without giving me anything, so you gotta make sure to do that before you warp too Anyway, if the rock I'm mining has 500m3 left in it, it's usually best to just switch over to a new one right away so you don't waste time mining 400m3 that isn't there, basically wasting a minute and a half on thin air. You could micromanage it, and usually I do that if the system is super safe and there's not a MASSIVE amount of the stuff I'm mining around, basically looking at the progress bar and shutting it off roughly at the halfway mark in this example, just so you get most of what's left in that rock. Because again, you get the ore when either it completes the cycle, or you manually shut it off. Shutting it off an starting on a new rock takes basically no time at all, so you're not sacrificing anything by micromanaging it, but usually there's enough rocks around or the system is too populated for me to dedicate brainpower to it, so I'll just shut it off and retarget once it's closing in on that 980m3 mark. Sure there's still a cycle left in that rock, but it's just overall good practice to keep your mental overhead as low as possible so you can dedicate your focus to staying safe Cause if you leave it, you have to constantly keep in mind that it's the last cycle, so you gotta glance down on the progress bar and it's just not worth that If it's real safe I might retarget that small boy once I'm nearly full and about ready to leave though, and I usually micromanage the last bit of ore because my mining hold's capacity is such that it caps out at x.5 cycles of the strip miners, roughly
I haven't calculated what x here is, but basically it holds 16K and on the second to last cycle it'll be almost at 15K filled, meaning my two strip miners, if run to completion, would overfill it and waste both time and, I believe, the overflow from the rock. I think it does actually deplete the rock in real time, even though it only deposits into your hold on cycle completion\manual shutdown Though obviously when the system has NOBODY but me in it, I often just leave it running until the AI assistant goes like, "mining job completed" or whatever the hell it is she says Basically the lasers shut down automatically when your ore hold is actually full, so if there's nobody around, you can screw around with other shit on the other monitor and just leave it chunking along until it caps out Obviously, even when deserted you gotta keep your eyes on the previously mentioned hostility potentials, but you can be a bit more relaxed and watch youtube videos and such since even the fastest ships in the game can't align before the pilot shows up in local chat They CAN go abhorrently fast though, so when it does happen you gotta dedicate your attention to the game again very quickly
Like the Sunesis, a ship available to free players, while not exactly being a PvP ship of choice for anyone technically can slap on a potent gun and a warp disruptor I'm pretty sure, and its align speed, the speed it takes from a full stop to warp, can go below 2 seconds, while also pulling 7+AU/s in warp That 7AU/s is very significant because the scanner's range is 14.3AU, meaning if it's headed straight for you, you'll have no more than 2 second warning about it being a Sunesis and it being in scanner range before it's right on top of you And when aligning a procurer takes 8 seconds, well, you wanna get started on aligning early just in case
technically, statwise, it takes more than 8 seconds, actually somewhere around 13 seconds, but due to ~mechanics~ you can cut that down to 8.5 (at minimum) by turning on and off the afterburners, at my current skill level You can push that down to 7.5 by skilling up your afterburner skill, but I haven't done that The reason is pretty neat though Afterburners both increase your acceleration and max speed, ROUGHLY to double though that can vary a lot from ship to ship, and when it's turned off, the max speed plummets back to normal, but you maintain your speed (though it will gradually fall down to your regular max speed) Warp activates at 75% max speed, whatever your max speed is at that exact moment, meaning if your afterburners get you up to like 38% their max speed before shutting off, you'll instantly warp if your vector alignment is done since your max speed now is say 100m/s instead of 200m/s and your current speed is 76m/s, which is above 75% This mechanic has actually created a lot of pretty interesting strategies for hauling a lot of shit around the galaxy because you're super vulnerable when you exit a stargate, you're at a complete stop, and anything that can haul a lot of junk also accelerates very slowly But a stasis web reduces your max speed by... fucking I dunno, some amount, dunno if it's percentage or flat, probably percentage So a common strategy to mitigate the risk is to have either an alt or a friend with you to stasis web you once you get some predetermined amount of speed, cutting your max speed enough to make your current speed 75% or more, sending you along your way It's not perfect, though, since if they can lock on, so can potential campers, but it mitigates the risk a little
Not to mention they can potentially neutralize whoever's screwing your warp drive to let you get away if you do get caught
>>1104195 There are mining bots in EVE for sure But they primarily deal with highsec stuff because I'm not entirely sure how you'd reasonably get it to make efficient choices in lowsec lowsec is jus super dangerous if you're doing it wrong, you're gonna get your ass killed far too often to even break even I guess by building up a database of players that have killed the bot before, when split across many many users, could gradually make it just go ahead and dock when such players show up in the system, and that would improve its safety for sure... but it would also make it fairly trivial for someone to remove them from the system by killing them once and then going back to mining themselves
A neural net might be able to be trained on sufficient data to do it well, but I am not aware of that being done, and it'd take an absolutely massive amount of footage of mining, an activity that for obvious reasons isn't streamed much
Like streaming yourself mining in eve is both just... career suicide, ain't nobody wanna watch that shit, and also ingame suicide because there is one particular group who would love watching that, namely people looking to gank some miners
Turns out there's a reason the base form of hemorphite and kernite are so expensive compared to their easier to transport, identical in materials counterparts There are missions that specifically need the uncompressed versions of those, so they come at a premium For basically everything except the base form of hemorphite and kernite, the compressed form is more valuable because, well, it's easier to transport And usually, the extra time it takes to haul stuff in parts to the nearest refinery is just worth more than the premium on the market This is also why those two are more expensive than their counterparts with more materials in them
I hadn't even considered that this might be a factor, I didn't realize there are missions in EVE that basically are fetch quests Like yes, there are missions that go "haul this from here to there", and those ARE basically fetch quests, but they don't require you to procure the stuff yourself, they're courier missions, you're being paid to transport, not acquire And the missions I know about for mining, they're... well I mean the mission is to specifically MINE that material But honestly I like it It's kind of puzzling in many MMOs how quest givers want "15 squirrel tails" or whatever, but because those squirrel tails are added to your loot pool while the quest is active, can't be traded, and you won't get more than exactly 15 even if you keep massacring squirrels, the quest giver is mechanically uninterested in the squirrel tails as anything more than proof of slaughter Like you'd think if there's a guy in a city who will offer each new person he meets a one-time offer of 1000 gold for 15 squirrel tails, but only once, there'd be some entrepenouring spirit with a booth on the other side of the street selling 15 tails for like 300 gold total
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
If I write 1000 words a day for the next four days I'll make it.
You can do it easy, Marsh People who do NaNoWriMo write 50,000 words in a month, which averages out to 1667 words a day If those nerds can word vomit out like that, you can do 1000 a day
hey samu, yknow how when there's a new post, the tab gets a (1) or whatever amount of new posts have happened in the browser if it's not focused Is that some sort of default kinda function like you just tell the client "new thing happen, increment number", or is the site's title being changed for the user server-side? Does that question even really make sense? I don't know, but I just suddenly got curious about it
I mean it's really obvious it's him, yes, but I don't think I realized when I watched it the first time, somehow I guess I don't watch Cage's movies often enough to recognize him that easily
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1104210 it's client side javascript the browser is in // tab is in the background receiving new posts and it increments a variable so long as the tab is backgrounded
https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/melbourne-evenings/jonestown-massacre/103138332 doing my best rei summoning spell @rei
Mr Bungle and his Melvins were $169 a ticket so fuck that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1104224 oh yeah i saw that on tweeter big brain lanes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
according to 4chan
>Few weeks/months ago OpenAI engineers made a breakthrough and something resembling AGI was achieved (hence his joke comment, the leaks, vibe change etc). But Sam and Brockman hid the extent of this from the rest of the non-employee members of the board. Ilyas is not happy about this and feels it should be considered AGI and hence not licensed to anyone including Microsoft. Voting on AGI status comes to the board, they are enraged about being kept in the dark. They kick Sam out and force Brockman to step down. Ilyas recently claimed that current architecture is enough to reach AGI, while Sam has been saying new breakthroughs are needed.
>The current intention by OpenAI might be to declare they have an AGI very soon, possibly within the next 6 to 8 months, maybe with the deployment of GPT-4.5 or an earlier-than-expected release of 5. Maybe even sooner than that. This would not be due to any sort of breakthrough; it's using tech they already have.
hold onto your butts.gif
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rumors of some algorithm or model called Q* developed internally at OpenAI the maggats were right after all
>>1104222 The part that was most interesting was it's kind of a "Rebuild" of the original Scott Pilgrim, a la Evangelion Not really a faithful adaptation nor a sequel I think, like the Rebuild movies, you can enjoy the animated Scott Pilgrim without having seen or read the original (like my experience with the Rebuild movies), but knowing the original helps contextualize the changes they made Honestly I was a bit disappointed it was like that rather than a faithful adaptation. Like, I genuinely enjoyed watching it and thought the plot was good, but there was always a part of my brain bemoaning not getting the original story in animated format Other than that the visuals and soundtrack were fantastic, and I'll always cheer getting to see Toronto as a setting in media
I mostly was joking when I said I gotta take direct control of the corporations finances but I actually do think I gotta cause this dang ceo does not appear to fully grasp the concept of profit margins or opportunity cost We need members in any event, first of all, but we can't be bleeding ourselves dry paying more for materials than we sell the product for My man bought plex so he's got a bajillion isk but that also seems to have resulted in not understanding isk/hour calculations
Uuuuu I gotta do calculations and figure out what needs to be done for profits before he runs us into the ground I'll manage either way but I don't wanna have failed at this
I can't even tell if he's just kinda slow or unconcerned with making a profit
He seems to have this weird mental tick where he counts ore we mined ourselves as free Brother we spent time on that, and it has a market price Aaaaaaa I could probably exploit this for significant gain, running the thing into the ground and plundering him for all he's got, but he did literally oay actual dollars to give me 2 more weeks of omega so I don't wanna
thanksgiving always feels weird since its a commemoration of genocide but it feels even weirder when theres like a massive genocide going on right now in the world
I gotta get cracking on the dang old dang nab profit calculations but man I am PROCRASTINATING I suppose there is some benefits to having a guild leader so uh, frivilous with his spending though If we can't get the corp off the ground, I could always embezzle funds from the corp wallet and dip, start anew
cauliflower is real good too yeah there's a lot of good soups out there, honestly I wonder if soup is \\ well, not the oldest cooking obviously, but it's gotta be up there among the earliest like, MEALS that were cooked, right? Like sure if you grill some meat, that's cooking, but it's just grilled meat, it's not like, you know, a meal you cooked, you heated a single food item
well, corp being profitable or not, I'm fucking printing money in this procurer, and it's not even properly kitted yet because I'm speccing into econ skills If everything goes tits up I'm yoinking the billion in the wallet and disappearing
I do wish I had something that could more quickly transport my ore though Once I've got ECM drones and properly kitted out the procurer, I guess I'll start working on freighter skills, that'll really up my game a lot
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
goth ihop thanksgiving suicide plans
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
New tinder bio idea. Seeking feedback:
"hit me up if you have ever worked in dispute resolution or for the Civil and Administrative Tribunal. Would love date a CAT girl
>roommate asks when im working next after he gets home from work >oh im working today and tomorrow i don't know why im rostered then blah blah etc >let's change the subject im
>done with talking about work ??? you brought it up dood
I have acquired yet another proficiency I now know how to scan down wormholes and the like As in, me, S C, knows how to do that, my character was always able to I just literally didn't know how to
alright so the gas thing, while seemingly extremely profitable, is still above my abilities Or rather, I couldn't find any dang gas, so hopefully the CEO can help me out on that front when he gets on
?Goku, our awesome Saiyan warrior, is like a kitty who keeps getting stronger every time he fights. He's got this amazing ability to learn and adapt super fast. He can increase his power through training, Saiyan genetics, and, oh, those super cool transformations like Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan God, and Ultra Instinct! Each form is like a new level of purr-fect power!
>Superman, on the other paw, is like the big lion of the superhero world. He’s super strong, can fly, has heat vision, and is almost invincible under a yellow sun. But here's the catch - he has limits based on the sun's energy, and he's vulnerable to Kryptonite and magic.
and then in the future people will be like >Marsh, you work 20 hours a week in library and spend the rest of the time jacking off to anime and playing mmo's you're such a loser and I'll be like >yeah but I have a masters degree in administrative law from one of the top schools in the country so clearly chosen to live like this deliberately and not because I am incompetent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get that certificate then pull the dang rope ladder up after yourself fuck dem kids
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then keep working till 70 so the young workforce has nowhere to climb mm mmm generational boomerization any% letsgo
just waiting for the sun to decide our free trial is over and start charging a premium for solar
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
space X dyson sphere is gonna go crazy you want your ficus to survive you gotta buy the solar receiver and pay quarterly utilities
>>1104362 It's not a scarce fosil fuel though, just climit change nuts want everyone to think that.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we can frack and dig deeper but it's increasingly expensive and the climate cooks harder the more co2 we release we're already locked in for 1.5 C warming with no signs of curtailing, canada is gonna turn into california and then the mojave desert civilization gonna have to move into nunavut
i like how there's like 20 different youtube channels now that just rip off the same lofi beats to study/chill by using an infinite faucet of AI generated tokyo fashion girls
CEO dropped another 2 billion on me to get me skill points so now I've got an even better mining ship that can cloak I can very safely mine with this And scoop up gas, which is more money and, to some extent, safer
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1104374 I bet you like sicking down glizzies. *sucking
There appears to be a safe way to scoop VERY valuable wormhole gas I mean, as safe as anything in EVE can be Cleaning it out entirely isn't a real option, but if it were, it'd be nearly a billion ISK Roughly a million a minute just hovering in midair
I just gotta fucking find some
I did find some LESS valuable gas, but even that is good coin for my time, and I'm just kinda milling about
This may be less valuable, "only " about 410m if I hauled it all back and forth, would take roughly 10 hours which i don't have But I mean, it's a good way to test the strat
well, actually PROBABLY way longer than that either way, it's good money and I get to practice
hm, seems these less valuable clouds aren't quite big enough for this
if I had combat skills I could clear the place and then I'll get all the money but alas, I'm ENTIRELY economypilled skillwise
actually wait, these low level boys might not be strong enough to kill me if I'm at speed Maybe I can just circle a cargo container and be good
they're not even showing up what the hell lmao I'm just gonna get all this gas for free
I wonder if it bugged cause I showed up so soon after the servers came back online or something oh well, I'm feasting And this is just one gas site, there could be more, and better ones in the wormhole TECHNICALLY this makes me less money than hemo mining per timetick, BUT there is something to be said with the near absolute safety I'm experiencing while doing it
you can't cloak in a gas cloud, so nobody can show up cloaked next to me, and my align speed is REAL fast so I can dip very quickly Well, even if someone showed up cloaked, it's not a problem because they can't target before a while after decloaking anyway and by then I'm long gone
finding some gas to scoop takes fuckin' forever man It's SO profitable when you do, but it takes a lot of time to find it I figure the time investment does pay off, but man I just spent hours looking through wormholes for gas and I ain't found shit
>>1104418 my guess is that she considered it a redflag because plenty of people ride bikes and are obnoxious about it kind of like how some vegans are really annoying
There's a new quest in genshin where you need to act out a trial and represent someone who has been falsely accused of a crime. and there's like a half-baked minigame where you need to choose "evidence" to create a narrative to tell the court and it's fuckin tilting me >that wouldn't be admissible evidence. this isn't following the rules of procedure. reeeee.
Of course, this is the land in the fantasy game where you touched the magic statue and now you can breathe underwater while harnessing the spirit power of stingrays to shoot blade-like beams to unlock glowing chests but you know it's important to have realism.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1104442 maybe it's based on the Chinese court system
Got a cloud of 2000 viridian myko gas all to myself It'll take like 3 hours to clean out, give or take, but it's gonna net me like 440m ISK That's nearly 1/5th of a month of omega in one take I just gotta make sure I transport this safely
MF Ghost is really good so far, but it does lack a little bit of the excitement of Initial D I think some of it is due to the more professional nature of it all in MFG
if this dingy sky doesn't chuck a U-ey soon I'm gonna hurl
saves on voxels prolly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
professor of the dark arvos
chuck a uey and then a shhoey
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shoe shout for the mates
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this shit's real? burger king foot fungus at least the ethanol might kill some grubs
i once did a gumboot crowning achievement gut bacteria hasn't been the same since
>>1104479 yeah it's the trendy thing for musos to do at festivals and concerts here cause you're bound to see it happen at some other coming of age event
>>1104487 How dare they expect to be provided with usable data in exchange for a free service.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can provide the phone numbers myself thanks mfers be like "pleeeeease! PLEASSEE GO TO SETTINGS! ENABLE USSS"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Jk. I'm playing devils advocate those contact requests can fuck right off
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or if you use tiktok they have some algorithm that determines the exact number of times you've tapped "ok" on some other dialog boxes before they slip in the contacts permission dialog real slick like
I like the eu's GDPR and would like to see more of the world take that approach
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1104495 gpdr fucks over small online stores outside of the Eurozone compliance requires a European representative or something
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
lemme look it up
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm too tired an unmedicated to grok this https://gdprhub.eu/Article_27_GDPR
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>grok yikes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh nyo but how will i order cheap white label junk from alibaba from dropship.cool.zone while i'm in france
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Nyaa~! Article 27 of the GDPR is like a crucial part of this big, complex data protection law in the EU! It's super important for businesses and organizations that are based outside of the EU but deal with the personal data of people inside the EU. 🌍✨
>So, what it says in a nutshell, nya, is that if a company or organization isn't based in the EU but still processes personal data of individuals who are in the EU, they need to appoint a representative within the EU. It's like having a local buddy in the EU who can liaise with the data protection authorities and individuals in the EU on behalf of the non-EU organization. 🤝🐾
>This representative acts as a point of contact and makes sure that the organization is playing by the GDPR rules, which are all about protecting personal data and privacy. It's super important because it ensures that even if a company isn't physically in the EU, it still respects the rights of the people there. It's all about being responsible and respectful with people's personal info, nya! 🌟💻🐱
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1104502 okay so that means its not affordable for small businesses like one man operated stores
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ehh only if you want to transact in their personal data i think idk i'm not an EU law professor
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wordle 890 4/6
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mathler 663 2/6
🟨⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1104503 From memory, it only applies to organisations over q certain size
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>FTC blocking sale of Subway to prevent "sandwhich monopoly" odd thing to focus on
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
There's a surprising amount of dough in the sandwich industry.
It's FREE MONEY The really super powerful defender mobs are too far away to aggro on me, I'm sitting right on the edge of the cloud Their aggro range is like 270km, I'm at 296km from them
what's great about this site is the wormhole is in a system with basically no traffic and there's a station So I can just sit here, being a little scooper goblin, and watch Overlord again for the Nth time It'll take all day, so I'm not gonna be able to get all the gas, but I'm gonna get a very good amount And then later I can show this strategy to my corp members so they can scoop the rest if they want
In 2 days I'll be able to double my scoopin' speed, so I'll be doing this stuff a lot that's for sure Just churning out money at an unbelievable speed, in relative safety, watching my anime
It's not every day I'll be able to find one of these huge clouds, but still
Kinda weird how the venture is actually the single best choice for gas harvesting in EVE there is no more advanced ship with equivalent bonuses TECHNICALLY the prospect is better, because it has the same bonuses and more space so you don't need to make as many trips, but it's also far more expensive and its primary benefit of being able to cloak is entirely nullified by the gas Similarly, I think technically you could get a little bit more gas per minute out of like, a battleship But first off, those are WAY more expensive, and their cargo space is so limited you'd have to constantly be at the keyboard, not to ensure your safety, but to jettison everything, so you can come back later with something that has cargo space at all to ferry it back And by constantly I do mean constantly You'd be taking in like somewhere around 300 gas a minute, and the total cargo capacity is 450 So at least once a minute you gotta jettison it all Even then I'm not sure the math works out, you might just break even on time Scooping up and jettisoning is a somewhat common strategy with the venture too, but it's not because it can't hold enough or anything, it's just that a dedicated hauler can hold even more, so by dumping it all in a safe spot you can stay in the gas area much longer without having to exhaust the wormhole That and for gas where compression doesn't affect the value negatively, you can have an alt character logged off in a location to compress the gas as you go, giving you the ability to bring the whole cloud with you
But... the gas that gains value through compression is generally speaking the lower end of the spectrum anyway, so you'd be wasting a lot of potential income by doing that
Once I start pulling in REAL money in EVE I might become a multiple account Andy Have two accounts harvesting at the same time I mean sure you have to pay for both their Omegas, cause you can't multiaccount (by the rules, technically you could obviously just run a second computer with another account, but by ToS you need Omega on all concurrent alt accounts) without it But the extra money you pull in would be all one big pot for your main, so it does end up green I just haven't bothered with it yet
what's weird though is it has to be an alt account, you can't run the same account's multiple characters concurrently for whatever reason, I think Like multiboxing is built into the launcher, there's a checkbox for it, so I dunno why there isn't the option to run one account's characters at the same time
Hm, until I get gas scooping up to max skill, this is still a bit slower than mining But I won't have to transport it in small chunks, and for that matter, it's safe once I max it in 2 days time though, it's gonna slap
I've almost finished that research paper for most post-grad stuff just need to put in the footnotes and references. Feels good, man. Like a weight has been lifted.
Work is still pretty full on Everyone wants something and they want it done yesterday. But that's much more manageable without the added pressures of failing my coursework.
dear algorithm: have I done something to offend you
I think it's rather all the "good" advertisers have fled the platform due to Musk's rampant bullshit, white supremacy dogwhistles, and transparent antisemitism So they're starting to scrape
People really be out there in eve actually mining for their own production Even the cheaper stuff I don't get it Why would you do that when the time you spend will be the same if you mine higher value stuff and sell that to buy the materials you need, except you get additional profits on top
Sure it's safer and all, and that's a meaningful benefit, but like It's really not as dangerous as some people think, and if you're gonna be mining either way you might as well get the extra money out of it
People are weird
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
#d20 (20)
>>1104569 You're kind of unknowingly tapping into the idealogical argument between globalism versus isolationism as an economy model Although globalism in the real world also has the messy business of exploitation, but it seems like a strictly material element of the argument exists in EVE If you have access to more valuable resources or products, it makes sense to trade those to those who don't, who are usually capable of acquiring those cheaper resources you need But to do so acknowledges the need to rely on other people, which some people despise the idea of and want to remain as self-sufficient as possible, which is what I'm assuming those mining for their own production believe in
Well real life also has the factors of like Resource scarcity, and borders
That and in EVE you're overall a little bit forced to interact with the market, cause you need to buy plex if absolutely nothing else Unless you wanna pay for omega
>>1104571 Well it's possible that's why they do it, but I mean They're mining for production in order to sell that produced stuff for a profit The goal is ultimately to make money, but a sort of mind virus that appears to infect particularly the mining gangs in EVE is "if I mine it myself, it's free" My corp's CEO has that same mind virus, and I just don't get it Given the same tools and skills, if he mines veldspar and I mine hemorphite, I will take 1 hour to produce the materials he's mining the veldspar for, plus profit Like, if he spent 7 hours The gap is VAST it's not a small extra bonus, you're pissing away hours and hours for no reason, and you're not actually safe in highsec, just safer
Sounds like a lot of EVE players should be playing Factorio
I mean hell if you wanted to make the ISK I churned out scooping gas today, roughly 300m... I mean fuck You'd spend like I dunno, 54 hours straight JUST mining not counting unloading or transport or anything
It's absurd It does admittedly make SOME amount of sense if you live far, far away from Jita or any other trade hub, but at that point you live in nullsec, and you gotta go to highsec for veldspar anyway and THEN YOU MAY AS WELL MINE IN NULL AND SELL THAT FOR THE ORE YOU NEEED AAAAAAAAAAA
I gotta get my skills up so I can fly Orcas and stuff so I can be the fleet leader in lowsec and whip these mfers in the corp into shape like "look at the fucking money we make here. we can just buy the materials with this. we spent the same amount of time, we just have MORE MONEY now"
Factorio looks like sim city
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I only assemble microbots using homegrown asteroid-to-table rare metal dust It has the perfect amount of impurities and promotes good vibes in the local system
Have you been keeping tabs on the continuing updates on the Factorio expansion, Samu? The Friday blog posts have been pretty neat, from both a features and technical point
Which actually kinda brings me to another point Due to the EVE market being an utter clusterfuck, several materials are not worth processing yourself in the first place Like the ore that has them, none of them can be processed into materials that even break even You just lose money on it And this goes even more for specifically kernite and hemorphite because as I've talked about at length, those are artificially overpriced to an absurd degree, and should never be reprocessed if you're anywhere near a tradehub Which we are Our base is literally 2 jumps from dodixie and like 12 or something from Jita
Maybe I'm just too economypilled for this corporation, but we're actually growing now and I've got a Position with actual power in the corp so its success is my success now, and I don't wanna just leave cause I'd be throwing away... you know, direct access to the corporate finances
Like nothing is actually stopping me from logging on right now and just taking everything that isn't nailed down, leaving the corp, and disappearing into the night That's allowed, and I have the privileges in the corp to do that
But I mean, it's kinda always been something I've wanted, being one of the higher-ups in an MMO guild that actually succeeds and makes money
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I haven't I am avoiding factorio for now while i've got so much work on my plate
Well the update isn't due to release for another year approx. so it's not like this is actionable knowledge
I gotta work out how to do these referral programs too, though I can do whatever the hell I want with the finances, so I'm gonna implement a recruitment drive, I just don't know exactly how to do that
The basic idea has been to have whoever recruited someone get the first x million ISK profit they generate for the corporation, but actually calculating that will require a lotta record keeping
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not today satan i got code to think about can't be filling that brainspace with ideas about factory designs
You're breaking my heart here Samu
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
heart breakerrrrr salt shakerrr the mystic gaze of the galaxy
the GTA 2 theme's always gonna be stuck in my head I heard that so many damn times cause it was one of the MANY ps1 games I had
I got a modded PS1 for christmas back in like... I dunno 4th grade or something? And with it, an absolutely absurd amount of pirated games Like 2 large CD folders, with like probably 1-200 games in each of them Sure a lot of it was kinda not my thing, but there were some good ones in there, GTA among them Or at least I had fun with it, never even realized there was a story or nothing to follow though, I just played it the same way any kid plays GTA, doing random junk
>>1104589 i got a handheld gameboy/gameboy color/gameboy advance/other portable console-capable device recently it has a port to play actual cartridges not me now thinking about scouring garage sales and flea markets for GBA games
Unless it's for collection purposes or just the authenticity, I'm pretty sure you could just get a little doohickey you can slot into the cartridge port and load ROMs onto
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i used to have a flash cart its probably still kicking around i doubt the flashing software would work tho who knows maybe
but yea i would like some authentic carts to show it off i ordered a completely non-authentic mother 3 english translation reproduction cart now i wanna get some other good ones hmmm should i play metroid fusion again that's a classic
also wait, do you mean you got a sorta bootleg console that functions as a sort of all-in-one for the gameboy generations?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its one of these i got it as a prize from work
huh that's pretty neat though where are the shoulder buttons of the GBA on that thing?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on da back
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the screen is soo good i wonder if my old pokemon blue cart is floating around at my parents'
although i wonder if the old ass gameboy black and white screen performs better in direct sunlight
this reminds me I used to have one of those clip-on flashlights for the GBA because back before the DS, nintendo handhelds didn't really have proper backlighting on the screens The stuff we considered normal Actually I vaguely remember a buddy of mine had one of those for the DS too, so maybe the issue existed even with the first DS
The first Nintendo handheld to have good built-in backlight was the GameBoy Advance SP As far as I remember the DS' backlight was more than enough, so I don't know what your friend needed with one Maybe the touch screen could get a bit hard to see if you were in, like, absolutely awful lighting conditions for it, but I never recall having a hard time seeing either screen when I was playing on one
>>1104602 I could simply be misremembering, to be fair, it was a REAL long time ago Though... wait was there a handheld between the GBA and the DS that was sorta like a flip phone? Like when closed it's kinda like a cube, and you flip it open I don't remember the thing he had having a touch screen, though tbf I didn't actually use it myself, and like with a lot of nintendo console gimmicks, it's not like every game makes use of the various new features anyway
oh yeah that's definitely it very possible I'm simply misremembering him having a clipon light for it, though I do know I had one for my GBA or GBC I had a regular gameboy too, actually, though I never really used it cause it was my mom's bf's old one and the battery slot was kinda shonky so it didn't work properly Besides, back then every console was backwards compatible, so there wasn't a reason to keep old consoles around Though I'm also pretty sure you could play a handful of GBC games on the regular GB
It was the first Nintendo handheld to have an internal battery and backlighting If your friend's clip-on light had its own power source I could see it being a way of extending the use-time of the SP between charges, since I think they hadn't quite gotten battery tech small enough to get the SP battery particularly good And the original DS was a fucking brick that didn't want for physical space to stuff internal batteries in
>>1104605 I think the game-reading technology between the original GameBoy and the GameBoy Color were more or less functionally identical, so GBC games would just not have the colour quality accounted for when displaying the visuals
Basically like playing a color movie on an old B\W tv set, I guess
There was an extremely ignored for the most part final iteration on the GameBoy Advance before the DS, I think called the GameBoy Advance Micro It was an extremely condensed version of the normal GameBoy Advance It might've also had an internal battery and actually could not play GameBoy Color games, if I remember correctly So it exists as like, one of the few consoles in Nintendo history which does not have backwards compatibility with the generation directly before it
>>1104609 haha that thing looks like one of those single-game consoles you could get as a prize at a carnival or something Kinda want one just for how it looks
>>1104611 I believe it's inspired by the old Mr. Game & Watch games, which were handhelds produced by Nintendo which are basically exactly what you're thinking of Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if those carnival prize handhelds were in turn inspired by Mr. Game & Watch too You can never underestimate Nintendo's ripple effect on the culture of video games
there was also for a while a LOT of those water ring-and-pole games shaped like GBAs like an absolutely absurd amount of them, several magazines like donald duck and stuff would have them as the little toy included in the issue
Some are still a surprisingly tough skill challenge even now
you have any idea what in the world seamonkeys actually were by the way? I had some of those for a little while before I got bored Like what the fuck were those things
A subspecies of shrimp, I believe Capable of being freeze-dried into essentially super simple cryosleep so that they could be packaged into mass-produceable start-up kits and sold to kids all over the world
the 90s and early 2000s were so fucking wild, man there were no damn limits to the shit companies would think up and hawk at kids
At least specifically within the western-centric world, it was the last time, and the first time after a long while, there weren't any wars or serious crisises going on The Berlin Wall came down, America "won" the Cold War, economies were generally pretty good So a lot of us who grew up in that time got accustomed to seeing fun new shit and toys, because a lot of people were in comfortable enough situations to enjoy it And then 9/11 started breaking down that little idyllic time we got to live in and then the 2008 economic crisis was the stake in its heart And then things have been various shades of shit ever since
how did know almost immediately from that sentence we were talking sea monks they're brian shrimp brine
well sea monkeys and furbys are like the icons of how fucking WEIRD the 90s\early00s were
One neat little fact\factoid I like is how the furby has about the same computational power as the craft that landed on the moon I have NO idea if that's actually true, but I can't exactly say it's wrong cause I mean the furby did obviously have some speccs in there just to be able to do the limited stuff it did
and I mean, back when the moon landing was going on, computers were the size of a building, so obviously they weren't packing a supercomputer in that thing
I wouldn't be surprised if a single Furby had more computational power than the craft that landed on the Moon
yeah and for that matter, most if not all the actual computing was done on the ground and beamed to the craft from NASA HQ owing to the aforementioned weight and volume restrictions of contemporary computers
how do flat earthers deal with how water circles the drain the opposite way on each side of the equator anyway? Obviously that little piece of trivia won't convince them of anything because they're all genuinely insane, but surely they've got some sort of bullshit explanation for it, right?
Oh also, this is a bit of an interesting thing When companies make a game about cars or war or whatever, they usually go one of two routes right The cars, for racing games, are either "legally distinct but functionally equivalent" versions, like it's not a Nissan Skyline, it's a Poisan Horizon or whatever, looks about the same, but they'd have to pay royalties to use the actual name and particular look Or they actually do pay the royalties Same with guns in something like CounterStrike or CoD or whatever
But I don't think that goes for like... tanks, and stuff like that Like HEAVY weapons of war like planes and tanks and artillery or whatever Why is that? Am I just wrong about it, maybe?
Was just suddenly reminded of it cause I guess initial D is in the back of my mind with MF Ghost airing this season, and I'm PRETTY sure in one of the seasons of Initial D, they had to go with alternate names cause they didn't have the rights to use the brand names for some manufacturers
Maybe it's because, at least with the US military, they have a whole department which reviews media which want to feature elements of the US military in them and puts pressure on the creators to present the US military in a favourable light And the benefit for the creators is being able to use actual army tech in your media
>>1104629 As long as you bend the knee to helping them make pro-military propaganda
Oh, so it's kinda like It's a lot easier to get all the rights you need cause there's a single entity sitting with the ability to grant them? That might be it, I guess
I know with movies, often the US military ends up with basically total control because they're the only real way to get actual military hardware for the movie You can obviously use props, but if you want a real tank, you kinda have to go through either the military, a local furry artist, or arnold schwarzenegger >>1104631 Oh, they do? I thought they were a phenomenon of that era
danish is actually around the top of the list of the world's languages the native speakers have the most trouble understanding Fun fact!
That's not just scandinavian memes, there's been research on it, and Danish ranks near the top of how long it takes for the speakers to understand what the other one said
surprised to see we're seemingly unique in using tens-ones and ones-tens interchangeably though I'd have thought that was more widespread, though even here it's MOSTLY used in like, the region I live You absolutely can use it across the country, but ones-tens is generally speaking a more traditionally working class regional thing Like I'm pretty sure it's a lot less common in Oslo, for example, same with Trondheim It has this sort of "folksy" air to it, and it's not technically correct as per The Language Controllers
There's a lotta words and expressions that I'm pretty sure are part of the language in a technical sense, but nobody in the big cities and stuff actually uses Like I lived in Trondheim for many years, and very close to Oslo for a good while too, but it wasn't until I returned back home here to my dad that I heard quite a few terms and had to ask what the heck they meant
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
danes who learn spanish must be havin matrix awakening moments
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
twelve and four score years ago, my grandmother bless her soul dug into the living rock and built this hall with grit and gumption
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the thing is if we said our numbers with the least significant digits first, ChatGPT would probably be better at multiplying large numbers
they shouldn't be using music this recent for these Bandle #467 6/6 ⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🟩 Found: 3/3 (100%) Current Streak: 2 (max 2) #Bandle #Heardle #Wordle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1104643 its ok but nah it still gets things wrong if not provided with python predicting the highest significant digit of a product is hard if you havent done all the less significant digits first
I thought gpt4 was like, fucking cracked at that stuff, but I guess that was marketing hype
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 892 4/6
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Wordle 891 6/6
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mathler 664 3/6
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♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Check out my Curdle 625 score: 🥛🥛🥛🥛🥛🧀🧀🧀 https://gumbo.systems/curdle
living space and stuff, but is it like you know, motel style so it's like "yeah for 3 nights the place is yours" or is it more like a vacation spot so you rent it for x weeks\months per year like a recurring thing, or is it just straight up a dang apartment? Like what are those things in terms of renting one?
And also, does doing it through airbnb provide some sort of benefits like not having to deal with a bunch of paperwork or is it more like just it being a centralized platform that makes you more discoverable by potential renters? I've never entirely understood airbnb, I'm not sure it operates here
>>1104659 >>1104660 Kind of yes, on all accounts As the owner, you can set the terms of the stay, like, max three nights, or semi-long-term And a lot of people use it to rent their places out while dodging things like tenant rights, which is one of the reasons AirBnB
has gained a bit of a scummy reputation in more recent years
Since I've now come up with a very reliable way to churn out fairly good money every day in EVE, I am leveraging some of that wealth for big gains Yes, /moe/ I am putting it into the casino
ticket cost a mill and a half Constructing and selling this thing nets a 20-40 mill profit I'm gonna take my pound of flesh from that pot, and the rest will go to the corp
it only has one run and it's not researched, but I think we're still looking at good money If nothing else we can leverage it into a t2 BPC, and those print money worst case I'm down 1.5 million which is nothing, I make that in a few minutes
You've really found your inner accountant while playing EVE, eh SC
it scratches that very particular itch of watching the wallet balance go up I ended up gambling away everything I made today, but they haven't been drawn yet so I'll know if I made out like a bandit tomorrow I got 2 tickets for a 2.1 billion ISK ship for super cheap Of course the win chance is low as a result, but it'd be sick to wake up tomorrow and see that thing pop in my favor Actually I did make more than that today I guess, I did some market shenanigans while I was at Jita, so overall I'm in the green
I really wanna skill into hauling as well We could take big contracts and make real damn good ISK that way And ain't nobody else in the corp doing it, and for that matter it's just overall sensible for the one responsible for selling and buying stuff to also be able to haul it
ok so I'm subscribed to a vpn never you mind which one.
I need to renew the annual subscription soon. And you know how all of the ad offers give some huge % discount for when you first sign up. So would it work to just let it expire and then sign up again with the same email address with "+1" and then get the new sign up bonus again. Or would i need to use a different email. idk. I'm just thinking allowed.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my phone gives me a free vpn
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
what phone do you have?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wordle 893 4/6
⬛⬛🟩⬛⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟨⬛ ⬛🟩⬛⬛⬛ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 $8 dollar bottled water
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mathler 666 3/6
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Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1104708 an iphone its called icloud private relay
anyway i can use my servers as vpns so plenty of IPs to go round