I liked the capsule hotel I stayed at when I was in Kyoto Would definitely be down for doing that again instead of shelling out for a proper hotel room, at least for a few nights
Personally I'd definitely prefer it to be less... cloudbased, though I'd rather have all that data on my own private box or something But then they can't sell me a subscription, i guess
>>1103057 maybe it can uplink anno some better firmware upgrade.
700 bucks for the whole thing is absurdly cheap though I thought at least double that would be the starting price
I mean the ads are less of an issue than the idea of having literally all the shit this thing uses to provide its services be shunted onto some corporation's servers Like oh yeah if you want it to be able to search through your messages for the password to this thing, that necessarily means this corporation has that password and that's Good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah there will have to be some open source clones of this with a dedicated home box
I really do like the idea of it, but I don't want one if it's not local storage They can ship me ads if they want, but I don't want to give them my search and message history
hell why can't it just connect to my phone directly? why does it gotta be an alternative to my phone when it can just be connected to my phone? I'll be carrying my phone anyway because phones do a LOT more than be phones now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres a lot of people out there who want to cut the cord and not be tempted every moment to look at youtube or instagram if this thing could call ubers and provide directions it'd be a solid replacement
I dunno the voice-based interface has to be absurdly robust for it to even begin to replace a phone entirely anyone who's ever tried using google voice or cortana or something knows damn well voice-only interfacing with tech is an insane hassle for anything at all precise
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah the last gen voice assistants are pure ass but i chat to chatgpt sometimes and it's pretty good like, being able to ask for just the info you wanted without opening the phone and navigating around to find it is the idea
>>1103068 Yeah and I mean that's good and all But I want it to use my phone for that, so I can sometimes just... open my phone if the thing isn't doing what I want Like "call me an uber from here to <place>" and the fucking thing keeps hearing that place as somewhere else that sounds similar, so now you're fighting your machine assistant and can't win because there's no direct interface, you just gotta keep trying until it recognizes what you say correctly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right right yeah if the voice recognition isn't on point then the product is worthless
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i've used meta's Whisper model, on my server, it's really good it recognizes not only slurred speech, but it also outputs stuff like [background music] or [clattering]
that and while I'm sure some people do wanna cut out their phone from their life, that is not me I like having my phone, I would carry my phone anyway because the stuff other people wanna ditch it for, I actually like and then I don't gotta upload my whole digital history onto a corporate server and hope it won't get hacked (which it will because that's an enormous treasure trove of data just waiting for whoever wants it)
yeah i wouldn't buy this product for the same reasons but maybe 3 or 5 years down the line i'll be using some open source version and carry around a book if i really want something to look at much better than my current distracted life of doomscrolling on X every hour
if they provide a alternative product that just uses your phone or local server or something, I'd consider it Cause it is fucking cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it also has that hand projector gimmick i could play chess on it poggy more distractions
The hand projector seems like it could be good for GPS
like in a car, have it just project the GPS directions directly on the windshield or steering wheel or something
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
This guy has a nipple ring so i thought for sure he's gay but no he's married to a woman
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow profiling much??
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we free pierced folk demand equal representation
Wow you got pierced for free
i love programming the most bare basic of features, packaging it together and selling it as minimalistic for productivity sake
someone in the industrial estate has a pallete of free (what appears to be) hand sanitizer laying around in 30 degree heat without anything shading it seems like a good idea
I'm gonna make myself a proper Mothership that isn't abhorrently large, but more reasonably sized, kitted out with like 8 triple mortars on top It won't be the kind of ship that goes to war on its own, but it can hang out in the back and just melt shit at 30KM range While smaller combat ships get in the shit and actually deal with the moment to moment combat
it's pretty cool how when you set a ship to do work like mining or salvaging in an area in Avorion, they don't just despawn and generate stuff under the hood They're actually in the universe still, so sometimes they'll pop in when you're around
of course the AI isn't entirely perfect so they interpret this as you monitoring them when I'm just chilling in my home sector and this guy showed up doing his job Bro I'm just out here wasting time as my econ ticks away, I'm not monitoring you
>>1103141 they look nice but I also bet they'd fall during an earthquake
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
No fault lines here, son
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Speaking of lusting after material things This gym has 8 squat wrracks EIGHT
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
These fucking rich Sydney siders, man They swim on the beach then they eat their tasty Japanese food and then workout in their clean gym with 8 squat racks and then go to sleep in their houses built into the side of a cliff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dang sounds like vancouver
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1103146 Yeah but even better since you don't need to be in Canada
I haven't a clue what to make my mothership look like I don't have too many requirements for it beyond it has to be fairly large to fit everything, and it needs a hangar for boarding ships cause the first order of business is to consume one of the factions far out on the rim
I figure, why build my own empire from scratch when I can simply acquire a whole faction
The best thing about these intense session workout things is that i get to feel like im doing my responsible due diligence by indulging in gluttony Gotta fuel the machine
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](3.7 MB, 4032x3024, PXL_20231111_091226103.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
They legit said "eat well before you come back tomorrow" I took it to heart
>>1103211 incredible stuff there's something hilarious about "I can't be used to make art of copyrighted characters" coming from something trained primarily on copyrighted works without approval
well, not that copyright exists for non-corporations in practice, but still
>>1103217 It's aight. I was listening to two Americans talk about the city on a podcast the other day and they described it as "how san Francisco used to be"
Rene and i had fun there at pax
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I have never been to san Francisco so i cannot vouch for whether that is a good description or not But it is what was said
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive never been to san francisco in the "good ole days" tbh i was part of a gentrification wave
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ofc people now say it was better back when i moved there
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I think they meant it more in terms of drug abuse and other social issues
Astrox Imperium is p fun so far It really does feel like EVE Offline
It's also real seemless seamless? Either way, I've yet to see a loading screen And saving\loading the game itself is fast too Impressive, considering what it is
Mining is a comfy way to spend your time in this game The profit-per-minute is nothing compared to trading, but trading is a lot more active and requires thought
u playing eve?
Astrox Imperium Which is kinda a small indie dev's crack at making EVE Offline
cool cool
I'll probably go back to trading again in not too long, cause mining is just... it's too time consuming for the money at the current stage I don't have the cargo to really make meaningful profit per run
u need to make some money so i can buy some good twink mats
Alright so turns out there's a buyer for the most valuable rock 2 jumps from the place I found a lot of it, so I guess I'm mining for a bit Mining it out takes basically no time, so
>>1103244 ill blow u a kiss all the way from aus it'll be an australian kiss do not google what this is
i dknt think i need to google it
you wouldn't if you lived here used to be every third bumper sticker
i see some weird bumper stickers since i moved back to america in japan they were all normal
what are they in japan, just like hello kitty or some shit?
i got a bottle of pernod on a whim from the liquor store bruh what the fuck is this pisswater
absolute territory enjoyer
NL is pretty funny i've been enjoying his content
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he is he's pretty much my main link to popular culture at this point kinda concerning i hope he doesn't start a cult
absolute territory enjoyer
>>1103263 anise flavor huh? i'm curious but your review is not encouraging i really like absinthe but i don't think this will be like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its kinda like absinthe the licorice flavor licorice never sits well with me apparently french people drink this stuff straight, with a little bit of water to open it up
absolute territory enjoyer
maybe i'll like it doubt i'll splurge for it any time soon though ya boy's working 24 days in a row only broken by thanksgiving (paid holiday) and the weekend after is likely not available for overtime giga-broke and giga-grinding >>1103265 i definitely get more glimpses into pop-culture through his clips that i watch than any other venue except maybe NPR and my google news feed
absolute territory enjoyer
also is it just me or has NPR been going further and further from center-left towards absolute left over the years man i just want news that isn't so fucking politically biased but literally every news distributor is just selling tickets to the echo chamber these days and neither american political party should be catered to, they're both terrible
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ahh the divide in our stars idk i don't listen to NPR you're more cultured than I
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got thru the glass of pernod i guess this is like gin all over again soon i'm gonna be some kinda acclimated licorice fiend
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Pastis can be drunk pure, but is normally diluted with water. Generally it’s about four to seven parts water to one part pastis. what da fuck well hydration is good
Going on my first pirate hunt This should be interesting, I haven't had GUNS before
This gunship is slow as hell though, but I'll just get a better one later
well, astrox got boring real fast I dunno if there's really like, anything to do beyond simply make money forever in it which is fine for an early access game I guess, but it just sorta... doesn't seem I have any real reason to go beyond a handful of very safe, very profitable trade routes
Even pirates have only been an issue when I've directly engaged them, and as long as I run the afterburners I can go anywhere I want without worries Just kinda hollow
I guess that is an issue a lot of sandbox games end up having, but like, the interface is clunky enough that it ends up feeling a bit of a hassle
So you've got a combination of there not being a real reason to go beyond a very thin slice of the game, and even if you do for the hell of it, you have to actively try to be punished for it danger wise Weh
Feel like I'm just having more and more episodes and they're just worse but I'm also fucking insane and can't trust my own memory Maybe I'm just supposed to suffer
>>1103290 ok omw ill be in chicago area around 18 dec
Fringe has no damn respect for its audience, man It's been 4 episodes and the first minute of episode 5 is a recap of the previous 4 episodes like "here's the context you need for this episode: the rest of the show" Like gee, thanks I guess
I mean really just in general it's a real stinky show, but I'm gonna at least watch most of the first season to see if it goes anywhere
>>1103343 You have to remember Australia is upside down land All compliments sound like insults to them, so naturally they give out insults as compliments
>>1103353 You can't have "attempted manslaughter" you dumbass. If you "attempted" it then there was intent behind it, and therefore not manslaughter. You know what they call manslaughter with intent?
So, to clarify - -and to frame the terms of this discussion - you POSIT that the Coward Punch Laws take what might otherwise be a standard offence and introduce a disproportional punishment?
my interest in this topic isn't out of the blue one of my secco friends was knocked out by an attempted coward punch quite a while ago they had him testify yesterday it is an interesting topic but my finger isn't exactly on the pulse of this thing
>>1103363 hey if you believed me that's all that matters.
well it's unwritten part of your job, probably anyway this guy was such a manlet and my friend is slightly above average height that he had to jump and still completely miss the target also he had rings on which is super lame
>>1103369 Yeah but explain to me why they couldn't just charge him with something like 'assault causing grievous bodily harm' which can carry like a 25 year sentence
I'm just sayin the mechanisms were already there to charge people without special laws pushed through by politicians in response to a media panic.
and it's not necessarily the role of law to be hastily adapted based on the whims of MPs that want to be seen to be taking action for the sake of their own public image.
>>1103372 >Yeah but explain to me why they couldn't just charge him with something like 'assault causing grievous bodily harm' which can carry like a 25 year sentence if I were to hazard a guess your average joe when presented with murder/manslaughter like they've been lead to believe or grevious bodily harm would probably pick the harsher sentence
They should have called it a Pussy Punch. That's a much better name Got that ALITERATION
to further expand on my last post lawyers (I can only assume) at the end of the day work on what their clients want and I bet a. lot of the m do want to go on what is the perceived easier route
>>1103376 probably would makes more sense than king hit
beats me the dealer never tell me anything and when I ring them they don't have anything to update me with apparently they don't know what is wrong it and they aren't very helpful with what they do know least I have the hire car but it took a month for them to roll that one out for me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a miracle that internal combustion engines even function at all they're such a mess of moving parts compared to a motor
We've made them complex over time but the fundamental components are pretty simple >>1103391 Piston Piston Piston Piston Piston
one of those "Enjoyed watching it, will never think about it again" movies
I had some frozen veggies and rice packet in the freezer it's prettygood actually Gonna buy more of this, real quick to make, varied in terms of contents, and probably nutritious cause there's a lotta peas and rice and maize
gonna watch across the spiderverse while I'm doing space trading in Astrox on the other monitor It turns out you can make a sandbox world that's just HUGE if you want, and also I've got a warp drive now I'm just leaning into trading cause make money, make make money But LATER LATER I will get into some crazy shit
>>1103446 they make the waffles, freeze them, put them in packaging and have them shipped to the store well, maybe they're a little undercooked
the lisp is yes but I am just testing something
well autolisp whatever the fuck
>>1103448 Fair enough I just thought it was like, something else and that was called "waffles" Like how they call minipizzas that but they're really not Or how "toast" is like a whole shitload of different things
not even good tomorrow I will need to venture to the shop and get a buncha food I don't like having to leave the house, so I prefer stocking up a lot at once Both because that way I don't have to leave to buy more in a while, and also because sometimes, like lately, I have these long-lasting real bad mental episodes where I REALLY don't wanna leave the house So I just start digging through my reserves I mean for food today I just fried up some stuff I'm pretty sure is supposed to be like, accompanying a more complete meal
Just bad tastes like it wasn't cooked kinda texture's alright, all things considered, but I'm not eating 'em
yeha that's a writeoff hope you got a backup meal for today at least
I already ate enough to make it fine I'll give the cold ones a try when they finish thawing entirely just to see if they just got screwed up by the reheating, but it's not like I'm super hungry But I'm also out of food now, so I'll have to go get some Probably just a lotta frozen stuff, again so I can weather these episodes of prolonged asocial mood
>>1103502 There are a lot of Poirot books in the ... series? not really, but I guess They could do like twenty movies and still have more to adapt I still need to watch Death on the Nile and the new one, I enjoyed the Orient Express adaptation
damn game defaults to dx12, but you can thankfully disable that in the launcher settings This is necessary because vulkan or whatever the fuck does NOT play well with dx12
bro there's even GAMBA in EVE Playermade fucking lotteries It's RAFFLES ALL OVER AGAIN BABY
Never doubt the human capacity to lust for gambling
Some of these gambas have BIG payouts too Sure the chances of winning are slim, but I mean, a 1/500 chance of generating 1/5th of the cost of a month of Omega for a single trading run's worth of ISK is a really easy sell
1/500 are pretty good gambling odds to my gacha-rotted brain
yeah I mean it's actually not all that bad It's a player-made gamba market too, so the return is kinda forced to be in a good spot for what a ticket costs Cause when you make a gamba, you do want to sell all the tickets I think it happens either way, so if it's a stinky return and only like 10 people buy tickets but you set it at 500 max tickets, it still rolls with those 10 and you just get those 10 tickets' worth of money
there are some newer ESP32s that use RISC-V but i think the ones i'm getting are the old versions with xtensa chips
I wonder if they're ever adding player-made stargates to EVE That'd be wild shit Corporate owned stargates connecting systems that were previously close in space but distant in terms of jumps
My corporation's boss, which really is just like... basically one of the other 8 members of the corporation but who cares right, anyway one of the ways he's keeping the wheels turning in the corporation is he'll buy whatever ore we've got, from wherever, at Jita's buy order price, which is ALMOST the same as the sell order price cause it's like the number one trade hub in the game And I think I might be able to get some yield there without even mining by just putting up massive buy orders in places far from the central hubs, and when they get filled out, I sell it on to the boss man Sure I COULD obviously just go and haul that shit back to jita to sell myself, but that takes a lotta time and is a pain in the ass I'm gonna look into the margins on that tomorrow You can usually buy stuff for a fair bit cheaper out in the boonies because well, it's a pain to haul it back and when you're only gonna be making a few additional percentages on it, it's often just better money per hour to sell it off and get back to mining, just cause the round trip eats into time you could spend mining far more than those few percentages Could be a good gig I don't have too much capital right now, but it's worth looking into stuff like this Even better, compressed ore, while identical in all ways except volume, comes at a markup on the market, for reasons I can't exactly say I understand You'd think it'd be the same So if I buy it uncompressed, and then compress it before selling it on, I can make even fatter stacks
EVE Online really tickles the little capitalist goblin in my brain
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wordle 879 5/6
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The main things I gotta look into is obviously just the possible flat margin on that shit, it's gotta cover the broker fee for the contract at bare minimum, and also the cost of compression, if there is a cost to compress If compression costs ISK, that has to be factored in And if it's too much, it'll have to wait until I get a ship that can compress on its own, and I'll just use that The fact that's possible makes me think there is no cost to compression though
Okay so compression is free pogg
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there was an image on moe i wantd to link to a friend but cant remember what or where it was in the thread
later today I've got some lowsec mining lined up too and that's gonna bang Highsec fleet mining generates like 2m an hour for me atm, which isn't actually like... anything That's chump change, but good returns when you're actually outright broke But lowsec mining, that shit can really pull in money
that and they're good places to make some connections One guy in this fleet is gonna need some haulers in not too too long, so I'm on the list of people he'll contact when that time comes, that oughta be a good payout I'm speccing into that kinda stuff either way, yknow, so
i get the logic behind these but they're still confusing maybe they should have red leds for off and blue for on >>1103573 itsa light switch they're lit up blue so you can see them in the dark
You'd think if you're gonna put a light on a light switch, it'd be on when the lights are off, yeah Wait does blue light mean it's OFF? that's stupid blue doesn't mean off
I gotta go to the store and get some damn food uuugh I just gotta check something in eve first cause there's an incredible profit opportunity Not that I have too much money to use for it but still I just gotta check if it's legit and safe then I can possibly triple my money
Oh, server maintenance in 15 minutes anyway Guess I'll get as far as I can, go to the store during downtime, and then get back to profit if it's real
>>>/watch?v=6kVQgLmMt-o >>>/watch?v=__Q0gfVKD-w These guys were one of the opening acts, they were fucking phenomenal Their first song was fucking trash and then they turned it around with a ton of really good stuff
>>1103590 I can't believe how massive an effect on certain people's mental stability the mere existence of trans people has had Not even trans people in the media they're consuming or anything, but just us existing at all has them jumping at shadows and crying at PRONOUNS Literally just a category of word has them pissing and shitting themselves, because it reminds them we exist It's so fucking insane
Like what is going on in someone's brain when an actual thought they have is "I was just trying to relax, with a video game, but OH NO, the other characters use WORDS THAT I CHOOSE to refer to my character! My day is RUINED!" That's not healthy
I gotta lotta food and snacks at least got burger patties and buns, I got rice and veggie mixes (frozen), I got frozen soup mixes it's good stuff, this is at least a week and a half of food
>>1103620 i don't really work in close physical proximity with other people so that's not really a consideration but thank you your snarky comment gave me the motivation i needed to take another day off and be useless
it is a friday after all, might as well go for the weekend
>>1103623 Glad I could help! But seriously, especially in enclosed, indoor spaces, it's really easy for viruses too propagate Even if you don't work in proximity to other people, you moving through the common spaces of the office, or as what filth you exhale circulates through the air system, you'd probably be more effective at spreading your illness than you might think
>>1103654 heh. I was actually gonna say something about that.
the rat silhouette thing right at the very end. Very. On the nose. Took what could have been a very POIGNANT ending and put in that ham-fisted symbolism. Weird decision.
there actually was one thing that was pretty hard to pick up on and a lot of people would miss how damon's character lived in that really fancy appartment building, but all his neighbors never spoke to him and kinda gave him disapproving glances the implication being that they though he was kinda beneath them, too lower class I guess to be in their fancy place as just a beat cop
it's weird how they get mark wahlberg's character to almost blind that vietnamese guy what were they thinking
you know what's funny is Americans call the hot long things fries and the salted snacks chips and english people call the hot long things chips and the salted snack things crisps and Australians just call them both chips.
really says a lot about our culture.
fries all being just salted with MAYBE some spices now and then is a good indication that salt is the goat and will always be the goat for chips too
>>1103691 Yeah, really showcases your pervasive laziness
>>1103693 sounds like you've just got a chip on your shoulder.
Also I just made more in the last 30 minutes in EVE by trade running than I make in hours of mining Mining as a newbie is how you lose at EVE lmao this ship cost me 30 million and cranks out like 16m an hour and that's just me not knowing what I'm doing
>>1103717 baked potatoes are different loaded potatoes are baked potatoes but loaded
>>1103719 yeah that makes a lotta sense it's like having dip with the fries, but you've got a LOT of dip like it's a whole platter and it's a buncha stuff like cheese and meat and stuff
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we call them loaded bc they make us fat stacks
More like fat sacks with all those calories
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
truly, we have an obesity crisis
so drenched in gravy or something? what makes them even different from loaded fries anyway, fries are potats
The sauce on loaded fries would probably be more like a burger secret sauce, or something more in that line If you made loaded fries with gravy you'd be closer to the Canadian poutine, you'd just be missing the cheese curds
the US is very impressive because it has both a meth crisis AND an obesity crisis at the same time You'd think those cancelled out
>>1103725 A baked potato is a larger, whole potato, baked in the oven You'll then usually hollow it out a bit like it's a bowl and add your "loaded" ingredients to it You can really put whatever you like in there, it's a potato, it goes well with just about anything
no I know what a baked potato is
One of my aunts like loading it up with chili You could probably even do an Asian style with picked vegetables or something in a sweet soy honey sauce
it's amazing how there aren't many loading screens at all in EVE Sure you could probably sneak some loading into the jumpgates, but those are all the same duration
There's a special game mode going on OSRS right now. Limited time. Everybody starts a new account from scratch and then play through the game with crazy OP boosts. At the end of a few weeks the top players get a trophy.
I don't do it. I never do it. I had fun once and it was awful. But it is entertaining watching OTHER people do it.
oh yeah I finally got an answer from the mechanics about my car and that answer is im gonna need a new engine lol and that won't be able to be put in until the new year i guess it's fine as long as I have rental car
im gonna take a ferry in an hour but for now im trapped in olds quiet seaside rich white people-ville
I always want to go to the island, didn't make it past the horseshoe.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you can do it just believe in the me who believes in yiu
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wordle 881 4/6
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Chartered a boat out side the bay, took the grandfather fishing. Was a great experiance. We caught a lilte toss back shark. Little* We owuld have enjoted it more had more of of our family been there, I would have like that.
>>1103769 Look, mate. If you had been keeping up with the Marsh-chan lore, you would know I have been off work the past couple of days sick. Its been a rollercoaster full of twists and turns.
anyway in other news Did some back of the envelope maths, and if I do 4.5hrs of kernite mining for a month, I can pay for a month of omega and mining is very chill Of course, some time is inevitably added by getting ganked and there's some time used in transporting it to a system where the CEO will buy it off me
What's fucked up is resource-wise, Hemorphite is actually worth more, but he uses Jita prices which means specifically baseline Kernite, uncompressed, is the best money\time If I compress it I lose like 60% of the value or something, but with veldspar it ADDS 10% But veldspar is highsec shit, not worth it
of course I get my procurer license in like 2-3 days, so things will go faster then but I'll only get to keep it for like 2 days so I really gotta grind at that point
Eve's slow period is in the morning for me too, which is very helpful Peak players is around 30K, but it's at like 10K in the mornings for me Which is good cause less players is less gankers
besides there are so many systems in EVE, even at 30K players it's very little chance your particular mining site will be targeted And you can usually get out before problems arrive if you're paying attention
If I but hemorphite at Dodixie and haul it to Jita, I can make some serious bank it turns out It's a commodity that moves like crazy, so selling and buying it isn't a big issue, and the margins are like 15% to like, 40ish % depending on whether I compress it No compression, higher margin for whatever reason, but obviously hauling takes longer that way But on the other hand, I can contract out the hauling, which while it eats into my total profits will let me get shit moving faster
in any case, I put down the buy order so now I just gotta wait for someone to fill it
I'm steadily learning new EVE skills For example, I can drastically cut down the time it takes me to enter warp by toggling afterburners on and off, because warp engages when you're at 75% max speed, which afterburners increase when they're engaged, but they also engage way faster So if your ship takes longer to reach that speed than the afterburner takes to cycle, you can really cut it down
My hauling ship uses like, 12 seconds or something to achieve that speed normally, but the afterburners cycle in 8.5s, so I cut off nearly a third that way Helpful both for just moving faster and saving time, and for getting out of a sticky situation
I'm also learning that I can further increase my safety by scattering warp points in key locations where I'll be traveling A warp point on top of the stargate, on top of the station I'm docking at, 200KM out from the stargate for faster alignment, that sorta stuff It's not super relevant at the current stage since my cargo's rarely worth more than like 25m, but I like this hauling stuff so I'm probably gonna be speccing into that alongside mining, unless pvp\guard duty is more up my alley besides, being competent at hauling is always gonna be a good thing in an economy-focused game like EVE
I am pretty curious about the pvp stuff though Honestly it might be more my speed to protect the mining fleet and just get paid ISK outright for my time than actually doing the mining No need to worry about keeping stuff targeted and mining the best ore, just point and shoot if someone shows up to bother us PvP also just seems fun, and it would allow me to get into some piracy of my own I can be the rat bastard who destroys a hauler and grabs all the money, rather than the hauler
>>1103858 Still not quite right, fumo is more of a "foo" Pho is like, the sound at the start of "fuck", just clipped real quick It's a very short sound
I already suggested a system for compensating the guard dogs to the CEO and he seemed to like it, so all that needs to be done is finding a good rate Which mostly comes down to tweaking buy in costs for the fleet members, though with corporate fleets, probably the corporation itself can foot the bill using the profits the fleets generate for the corporation
Maybe the pills are working It feels so up and down Sometimes I feel more resilient, other times more fragile But I keep taking them
Antidepressants usually heighten all emotions, not just the good or comforting ones Part of the treatment for depression involves therapy for this purpose, as you adjust to experiencing this broader emotional range, therapy is supposed to help you handle these moments that you might've forgotten how to healthily process over the course of struggling with depression
I thought they eere only supposed to do that initially If this wild swinging is gonna be the norm I don't wanna It's so up wnd down
Sometimes I handle things better, sometimes I handle things way worse And I feel i obsess more about being abnormal after starting with these things
Just feels like time has run out for me already
And now this begins, maybe it was just delayed Hate this
thurs nov 16 snoop dogg quits zaza fri nov 17 openai fires sam altman sun nov 19 openai hires sam altman as CEO mon nov 20 snoop dogg announces he is now called ender dragoon
oh no what is arin hanson cooking this is not going to last five seconds against a gleeok
let the man cook
found a GOOD profit margin opportunity, gonna crank that for what it's got Buy Hemorphite in Amarr (roughly 15-19M per haul) Sell to CEO for ~25M per haul, or go all the way to Jita for even more, like 31M Depends which is faster
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you busting out the excel spreadsheets yet
not yet I don't have the money for that to be worthwhile yet, but I'll probably become a spreadsheet enjoyer sooner or later Not that I know how to work a spreadsheet
I'm gonna basically abuse this jita price thing the CEO has going on for massive profits I think his intent is for the corp employees to MINE it, but uuuuh fuck that cause buying it is faster and I think at least at my current state it's better money per timetick Way safer too
it sends me through a lot of lowsec, but I'm just gonna take my chances, probably set up a good route Which basically involves scoping out the whole path between the two points and putting down waypoints I can jump to without having to align
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1103909 A time machine so you can go back to being 18
...I just don't understand the eve market Kernite and Compressed Kernite are equal in ALL ways They give the same matierals when reprocessed per unit, which really is all you use those things for BUT Compressed Kernite goes for like half what Kernite does I mean yeah I get it's because it's easier to haul cause it's 1% of the volume, but why do people buy the uncompressed stuff then
I'm gonna have to take the financial reigns on this corporation or we're gonna bleed money
Like it's fine if we're bleeding money to other members, that's just good for morale But we can't be bleeding money out to random non-members, we're just gonna eat ourselves alive that way
people who rename jpgs to have the pbg extension should be drawn and quartered but also maybe people who write software that throws an error when hit with one of these renamed files should he *be punished too
I have acquired additional knowledge EVERY ship has a directional scanner, it's not a piece of equipment Which means I can always keep an eye on my surroundings while mining, significantly improving my survival chances
this system has most of the mining fields less than the scanners range from the stargates, too, so basically I can just scan when someone pops off, and if it's a dangerous ship, I can start getting antsy But until then, no worries They can't hop into a different ship in this system either, there are no stations
drinking all good, but it can cause more probs then it's worth at times. Theres a variety of good good drinks thoe, commercial bottled spirits are just not the same qauility as they used to be.
I am And I probably will become a spreadsheet enjoyer I'm trying to work my way into the position of accountant for this corporation, get the wheels to turn smoothly and make passive income that way
You could say I'm winning, I just massively cut down on how much mining I'll have to do per day
Once the corp makes good bank, being the accountant will give me a lot of options managing prices we pay for stuff, what we sell stuff for, how much employees get as a bonus, giving myself and the CEO a salary, lotta good stuff
damn this procurer really harvest ore super fast making way more than before
though, the potential of losing it is now way more nerve wrecking damn thing costs 70m, and that's nearly what I need to make per day in a month
it's also very expensive It's very scary to use this thing to mine in lowsec, but I gotta make bank
Wordle 885 3/6
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Oh now I remember It wasn't even a question, I just wanted to gush about how they brought back a track from Initial D in the latest MF Ghost episode God they're handling this show so well
I have assumed direct control of the company finances I will make this fucking thing produce profit so help me god Younger me would just extract the money currently in the wallet and run Current me knows better For one, I actually want this thing to succeed, but perhaps more importantly is I just know more, such as "There's no shot all the available funds are in the wallet immediately after I'm handed control"
it's a change in both knowledge and mindset I don't want to just take the money and run, but also I know if I were gonna do that, now would not be the ideal moment
we're positioned in a sector with a lotta veldspar, and frequent mining fleets (some run by the CEO himself) And since we own the station, we can undercut the price for it to buy it below market rate >>1104034 Well yes But I used to take more enjoyment in the thrill of the kill than the actual benefit I got Scamming people in video games was a game unto itself, I didn't even necessarily care that much how much I got out of it
I'd say that sort of thing has taught me some people skills, which it might, but let's be real, I wouldn't acknowledge those if you put a gun to my head
>>1104030 Isn't it also more fun to build something up than burn everything down
I have always wanted some measure of authority in a guild though, and being the money-handler is really up my alley I'll crunch numbers, that shit's my jam
One annoying thing is that now that I have actually become the corporation, defrauding the corporation is no longer a meaningful way to make my money
that's just called trade I'm gonna have to learn how to use spreadsheets ain't I oh god
By the time you're done with your EVE hyperfixation you might as well put accounting on your resumé You're probably getting more practical experience than anyone going to school for it gets
well not yet I'm not, but I mean, I'm gonna have to put in work to make sure we're green Because if we're not green, we can't pay the accountant, and that's not good cause the accountant is me
Then you'll get to slap business management on those applicable skills list too!
well I mean ultimately this is a video game, and while it has the vocabulary and aesthetics of business, it is ultimately like calling a WoW guild a business
the main thing setting eve apart I think is the economy is a lot more mature, owing to basically every aspect of the game being centered around it, you' re not doing stuff in EVE for EXP or some other junk like that, other than occasional dailies for some slight amount of skill points You're doing it for ISK, or stuff you can sell for ISK If you're buying something, anything except a handful of useless items, someone else in the game made that shit, someone mined the materials to make it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
God why did i leave this research essay till the last minute I'm so fucked
>>1104043 You say that, but I've heard testimony from people who put stuff like MMO guild management on their resumé or talk about it in interviews Because the social management and administration skills -do- transfer over You might need to sell it a bit harder than a more traditional "unemployed" practical experience of management like running a school club or something along those lines, but as long as you don't make it sound like you're a video game addict who will endanger their work quality being unable to tear yourself away from gaming, there are definitely employers who could appreciate those skills
I guess so I dunno though, it seems like the kinda stuff that's just like, easy enough to do, it's just unfun for most people Managing raid groups and stuff, that's hard, but just making sure we're not spending more than we take in is just a matter of running numbers
>>1104047 Most jobs are just the easy things which are unfun for most people to do So those who can enjoy them get paid to do them, or at least tolerate them
I dunno if that's true but maybe It's not really like I have the rest of the qualifications that'd go with a job where any of this would be relevant though My formal education is about none and my informal education is none so But I'm not playing eve to get a job anywho, that'd be stupid
The head monk at my temple invited me to an interfaith community meeting. I went wearing robes. When I got there, I called the head monk and got no answer. Three times. So I figured I'd wait inside. They go, "oh, clergy goes over there" so I thought all the religious leaders in the community were just going to chat and network there. I get over there and someone is like "get ready to go on stage!" and before i can figure out whats going on, we're all walking out into the sanctuary. Next thing I know, I'm on a stage in front of 500 strangers. Everyone obviously knows what's going on except for me. Everything has been rehearsed. Everyone is singing, and I'm the only one on stage that doesn't know the lyrics. There's even a song in Hebrew that people know the lyrics to. People keep going up to the podium to give speeches and I'm sitting there, terrified that they're going to call on me to speak. I have no idea what's going on. I'm like, obviously not supposed to be there and this is a case of mistaken identity. They do this thing where we all stand up to light candles and I knock one over because I'm freaking it It's fine but like still Finally it fucking ends after an hour of this. Everyone on stage spoke except for me. I rush off the stage when people start to walk off and I see someone pointing. I thank them, but it turns out they're actually a sign language interpreter.
All of it was filmed and in front of the religious leaders of our county.
A cop came up to me and asked me what I was representing (referring to my robes) and I was like, "i'm a buddhist monk, what about you" asking about his religion because this is an interfaith thing and he like looked me up and down suspiciously and said "i'm a police officer"
the corp needs members dangit but I'm no good at recruiting, and my activities aren't ones that make it easy to recruit, so I gotta rely on the CEO for that he did just juice the wallet so it turns out we've got a lot of funds to play with and we're gonna be setting up a market in our station, which should allow us to start printing a little money by undercutting the nearby trade hub
What's important is making money per time tick, not necessarily per transaction, so as long as we're green we can cut the price down quite a bit
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/biz/ befuddled
like who cares if you cranked out another million ISK on this one item, if it took you twice as long to sell it for 9M than it would to sell for 8M, and you're making 5M profit either way? You gotta move it so you can reinvest that capital, can't be chasing max margins unless you're already hilariously rich, and by then you don't have a reason to chase max margins, and you've gotten into a rhythm anyway
chat server has been real unstable ever since last maintenance
which overall isn't a massive issue, it's MMO chat, not the most used feature But local chat is crucial because it tells you who and how many are in the system with you So when chat isn't updating, you could get ganked randomly by people who shouldn't even be in the sector
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
type some 1g's in chat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1104058 sounds like a nightmare i've had a nightmare before where i found myself up on stage in a musical not knowing the words or what i'm supposed to do