I pissed my friend off yesterday.. We were talking about all the benefits of yoga and she's like "oh yeah. I've been meaning to try it. and i saw that the [place i do it at] runs a introductory trial session thing. and I'm like... "yep. yeah. You know you could always try it at a DIFFERENT place that also offers the same kind of thing".
Just idk. cus i still think it's kind of weird running into people i know there. nothing personal against her or anything. and I wasn't trying to stop her doing what she wants. or GATEKEEP.
anyway, she got kind of mad. whoops. could have played that one better.
maybe not the nicest way to put it but i definitely agree with the sentiment i absolutely wouldn't want to run into coworkers at a gym or something like that
i dont mind doing activities with coworkers (who i like)
absolute territory enjoyer
i don't mind doing social events or activities, but something like working out or yoga or something i would consider "me time" i wouldn't really want to be around people that i know for strangers are fine but no one i actually know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess i don't mind in yoga because you're like facing the instructor anyway and its a no judgement zone theres no need to go check in with your friend during the session its all prescribed
but yea the gym is kinda awkward like should i be completely ignoring them or saying hi what if we want to use the same equipment i don't want to get into some kind of resource competition should i go to the other area of the gym and stay out of your eyeline
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not me going to a wedding, taking a free vape from the disposable vape offering basket in the men's bathroom, then developing a crippling addiction to disposable mango orange mint flavored vaporized nicotine
Of all the complimentary things to offer at a wedding, or anywhere really, disposable vapes are pretty awful Surely they could have thought of something better
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there was a lot of stuff at the wedding don't get it twisted idk i think vaping to get a second wind at midnight was kinda nice
Nah I'm still twisted I've got nothing against vaping but disposable vapes are a horrible invention
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea theyre gonna be banned soon
They need to make vapes with a overhauled ignitor system. There intierly unhealthy, breathing in wick or metals shards repetitively, can't be a good thing. But favors are cool though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmmm carbon fibers in my lungs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if they could use like magnets to suspend the material and lasers to vaporize it
wait what vape is putting metal shards in to the vapor lmao
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1099394 are you gay for the environment or something?
>starfield >exploring random space debris field in the middle of nowhere >unknown ship approached. requests to hail over the comms >"HI, CAN I HAVE A MOMENT OF YOUR TIME? WE'D LIKE TO TALK TO YOU ABOUT YOUR SHIPS EXTENDED WARRANTY
that's a pretty good one, game.
they seek you out in person to hawk insurance at you in starfield?
Might be interesting to see what a broad application of this brings out though Also like, it's only been about forty years since 1985, even if the earliest subjects were around that time, they've only been living with this for those forty years As their bodies age I wonder if the unnatural bacteria might have some ramifications
Although I guess forty years with no serious complications isn't a bad sell Especially to not have to deal with any cavities
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
40 years is a solid pre trial for sure
not me at the steakhouse salivating and getting drunk on my own thirst and also the steakhouse is empty due to my hellish halitosis
time to give this musli a try I ain't tried this as cereal before I even got milk just for this
absolute territory enjoyer
i love granola i love cereal i love grains! ahhhhhhh! i love grains!
it was pretty damn good But I think I should do smaller portions cause it gets soggy over time and then it's not as good
If you read the recommended portions for stuff like granola or musili it's usually a bit smaller than you might be expecting You get a pretty dense caloric content from it, so you don't even really need to eat all that much
>>1099426 good great a friend of mine got married so now I have to take care of the bride's friends
>>1099432 Well lucky them, they're in good hands I've still never been to a wedding, they always seem to be a lot to be involved in
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Ngl towa-sama engrish sent me
She's got the passion and that's what counts I didn't expect Mumei to call on Korone for a guest for her debut
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
business idea!!!!!!! this is a great one need everyone to sit down for it
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok heres the idea, so was thinkign about those amazon reviews that say tungsten cubes are "a great conversation piece" and the plan would be to sell little slips of fancy paper, plaques, engraved wood things that say "conversation piece" on them would be pretty meta, you never know could be a big seller
I keep losing weight So i need to pull my pants up higher to keep the waist tight enough to stop it slipping down but then there's a really clear outline of my cock idk what to do about it though Get new clothes i get But they don't sell these shorts in the same style anywhere i can find and i really like them.
rei i would have been happier if you had 1-shotted that mathler on a different occasion but congrats i guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i still play OW from time to time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man if you have the full glide suit set, the sky labyrinths make you go sonic speed this is hilarious
I love the glide suit Maybe one of my favourite features in Tears Especially once it's upgraded to get the full combo bonus and you ignore all fall damage
in project zomboid, there's this easter egg where one house, somewhere on the map, completely random, will have its entire loot table replaced with toilet paper and ONLY toilet paper and LOTS of it, we're talking like 20 units in every container Now usually this is just a little funny "haha, covid meme" moment ...but, technically, gas stations have a living space on the second story Anyway, EVERY container in this gas station is just 20 toilet paper All of them the freezer outside, the counter, the magazine racks, every container in the whole building is ONLY toilet paper
In most playthroughs you won't even encounter it at all, just because there's always gonna be some place you never go I have never seen it actually procc on a gas station though, and the gas station in my starting city at that
Which really scuffs the run a bit cause gas stations are a good place to get a lot of very useful loot Like candy, some canned goods, water bottles, cigarettes, lots and lots of really good items are concentrated in specifically gas stations, not to mention the, you know, gas pumps (thankfully, the gasoline was not replaced with toilet paper)
it is way more hilarious for it to hit the gas station like that though The joke is the same, but instead of like, a few cupboards and a fridge full of toilet paper, it's a whole fucking gas station Someone REALLY bought up toilet paper, and they took it to their place of work, stacking it everywhere that would accept anything at all Alternatively this enterprising manager of the gas station bought up toilet paper in bulk to cash in on people going crazy buying it up
The upcoming zomboid update is gonna be so damn cool, man It's adding like, a bunch of stuff, most interesting to me is the farming side stuff There's gonna be cows, pigs, chickens, and even wild game you can hunt As well as actual growing seasons, no longer will you be growing cabbages in negative 20 celsius
But what's really cool about that, is that by introducing a way to get milk, meat, eggs and whatever, it's also making cooking more viable as a skill in the game So far, once 30 days pass under regular conditions, cooking stops having much of a fun aspect, since it boils down entirely to making salads and stews with potatoes and cabbage But with milk and eggs, we'll actually get to do baking And with meat, maybe we can make jerky! And bacon
it's also seemingly gonna make vending machines accept money, so suddenly the money in cash registers around the world have meaning granted, in a zombie apocalypse you'd still just smash that fucking vending machine to get the goodies, but it'd be pretty cool to put a vending machine in your base and have it dispense coca colas and stuff when you put money in as a little morning ritual
what was the point of all the thousands of "white papers" on crypto if no one reads them and exchanges get away with billions in fraud anyways
absolute territory enjoyer
the point was to provide a semblance of credibility and safety so that exchanges could get away with billions in fraud
absolute territory enjoyer
crypto was possibly actually real at some point but long before the middle of the bell curve, people were only interested in what they could gain short term or rather, the median and mode were only interested in what they could gain short term the actual core of knowledgeable believers in cryptocurrency is likely pretty small
Yeah crypto as a whole is like EVERYONE in it are there to make money on a fictional end user who will use the crypto things in the future, and can thus be sold them But that end user will never exist
So everyone is selling to each other, and everyone's only buying to make $ counter go up So it's 100% hype fueled
absolute territory enjoyer
i think the biggest problem is that almost everyone ignored a basic fact value is rooted in the objects around us currency is inherently worthless, provided value by the objects it's traded for for every dollar that someone made off crypto, someone else had to lose a dollar so getting into the game, one should (ideally) be acknowledging the fact that they are hoping to be more successful than the mean - a folly of ego in most cases
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Line goes up
>>1099534 Some of that is ignorance, but a disturbing amount is also just like, ideological disagreement The libertarian saturation is severe with crypto, and the one thing all of those guys share (besides encyclopedic knowledge of regional age of consent laws) is a total lack of knowledge when it comes to economics
Crypto CAN have actual value, though, and some actually do But that value comes from the stuff they do that isn't really distinct from what money can do, but rather, in their ability to transfer a token of money without uncle sam seeing what you're up to ETH sucks shit for this, you have to one way or another to put that shit back into your bank account because dollars is what you spend But a lot of black market type stuff has gone into monero instead of bitcoin over time because, well, monero's whole thing is you're not trackable. How that functions exactly is ultimately not important, as long as it does, but that gives it the ability to be cash, online, even if the cash in this instance is itself not valuable It's made valuable because it having some value is very useful
A lot of that is paranoia though, I think, uncle sam isn't gonna track down people selling weed and lsd online, if anything they wanna crack down on the marketplace itself, which they have done in the past But it's a paranoia that works out
Ultimately they don't become currency, though, because they just serve as theme park tokens with a value tied to a specific use Poker chips for illegal activities
it's so expensive to do stuff on eth still i'm waiting for the sharding stuff to come out, and a viable encrypted layer 2 where people could actually transact privately and cheaply
I found a neat mod for zomboid that adds ciggie variety In vanilla, you find cigarettes strewn about, but they're always single ciggies, like you'll find 20 loose ciggies in a cupboard or someone's pockets But this mod scraps all those loose ciggies and replaces them with packs that have varying amounts, as well as "Sealed packs" that are, well, sealed packs, and guaranteed to have the full 20 In addition to that, though, the packs come in 4 flavors that have a gradient of effects The real primo shit, the high roller apocalypse nicotine sticks, the GOLDEN ciggies, have -20 stress and -10 unhappiness, which is fucking great, but obviously they're rare The regular ciggies just do -5 stress And the packs actually work, so you keep the pack in your backpack or whatever, and you grab one ciggie to smoke at a time And if you find more, you can consolidate it so you fill up the space left in your pack I'm not entirely sure if it's hardcoded so you can only put the appropriate ciggie into its designated packs, or if you can create a sorta ciggie roulette pack that you keep with you and roll the bones on what you get, that'd be pretty cool and immersive I think, it's the sorta thing I could see myself doing in this sorta setting
Scrounging up ciggies, and just to add a little spice into my life, I put a buncha different types into one pack and grab one blind when I want a cig, it's like a little lootbox once every few hours
You know you have an addiction when you seek to fulfill the cravings even ina video game
>>1099554 Well the smoker trait in zomboid is just one of those every experienced player takes Because ciggies are very plentiful, weigh next to nothing, and the trait gives you some bonus points to spend on actually good traits Hell you could even consider the trait outright good because I believe cigs don't do anything for non-smoker characters, but smokers get a stress relief from them So while you do have to smoke as a smoker, you also get a benefit from it
Granted, stress is a rarely relevant moodlet
>>1099554 Ina vide game where?? download link where
My biggest gripe with zomboid is one I don't see being solved for quite some time though After like 2 months in game, you're usually set up enough you don't have much of a reason to leave the base
Sure, winter is coming, of course, and the next update will make it so you can't grow stuff midwinter (finally) But like... you can stock up A LOT of food, and even if you can't get a generator going, you're still gonna be fine living off of canned goods for an eternity
the atmosphere is tense on the train
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
In-tense training
THE backBONE of this country is the independent trucker the power of the TRUCKER comes from his TRUCK
thinking again about how Naruto's whole thing in the early stretch of the series was him proving how hard work could overcome talent boy was born with cheat codes, all sasuke got was a damn sharingan and he had to work for that one, too
My dumb ass ran into a building I had previously lured like 10 zombies into, because I was impatient and really just left the base to grab a tire iron from there SURVIVED! But I got cut up real bad so I spent several days just milling about the base Read some skill books which is overall helpful, but they were less important ones Zomboid really doesn't miss an opportunity to go "impatience is what kills you"
>>1099594 I don't really eat breakfast. Especially when I'm just sitting in the office. Morning coffee gets me through until my mid-morning smoothie. And then two large meals later in the day.
However, if I thought I would need to fight monsters early in the morning on an empty stomach like Pecorine-sama, I would switch up my habits
my chip time for the 10k race was around 55 minutes alright sub-hour!
and then they also post the official time which is the finish time - the absolute starting time of the race so it includes the 9 minutes i spent waiting to actually start the race why do they even have the official time lol
once in a while i go to this salsa dancing class really, i haven't gone of my own initiative in a long time, too lazy to commit ahead of time but the instructor texts me once in a while saying the ratio is way off and would i like to come in this week and i'm like sure i'll save your hide but she still charges me full price should i negotiate down is that a thing
In other, possibly more uplifting news depending I'm back on the uuuh, escitalopram Sold as zipralex, apparently, but I always get the generic stuff because I mean, it's chemically identical just cheaper
>>1099629 well, we'll see I suppose Finally getting around to actively trying to form some good habits, too, though it's not like that's helped much before But even if it doesn't, the process of trying will itself be good just to get stuff cleaned up around here
this zomboid mod that makes traits dynamic is pretty damn good, even if balance-wise it's a bit OP Like it definitely overall just makes experienced players outright better, because they do the stuff that gives buffs already, so they get the double bonus of the necessary stuff being good in itself, and then also a trait for extra buffs But like, it just kinda makes sense that stuff like desensitized is something you earn over time Once you've survived for 3 months and killed thousands of zombies, you shouldn't start sweating when you see 3 zombies in front of you That's normal now You shouldn't be panicking at 10 zombies being on the business end of your shotgun when you've done this a hundred times before
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1099626 can you beat this smug lawyer's bench though? https://old.reddit.com/r/fatFIRE/comments/16gul3r/39_year_old_personal_injury_law_21_million_nw_9/k0a83zo/ thats 159kg @ 170cm + 6mil Aus dollar cashflow if I did the conversions right
There's also this "bloodlust meter" that's been added to my moodles, and supposedly that'll give me a bloodlust trait if I keep killing a lotta zombies frequently enough But I dunno what that trait does, for all I know it could be a negative trait and the meter is there to make you take it slower
Got myself a sweet ride It goes offroad pretty well too, which is really handy for where my base is located And it's got roof storage where I've put a shotgun and ammo, and I can access the massive trunk from the driver seat
kinda fucked up how Goku's just going to king kai's place casually to train these days, but not once has he asked king kai to call up his dad just to be like "hey dad, it's me, kakkarot" that'd make bardock's whole century, knowing his kid made it and is safe
it's super early but maybe I'll just head to bed sleeping schedule is hard to get into a sensible rhythm cause I just get tired real early so it's a pain to stay up
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ate fish for breakfast ehehe i am exactly like gura nomnomnom
>>1099662 Cheers. But then, why do I keep doing things that aren't in my best interests
your husband died from deez? yami o kirisaku OH DEEZIRE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1099673 i mean im not a psychologist there may be some reasons such as the easy thing taking less energy and so being the automatic mental shortcut you may need to spend some time listening to your shadow, and integrating its needs into your whole being
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you like reading books perhaps this will help https://doushio.com/books/existential-kink.pdf
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i often self sabotage, i think a certain level of self-sabotage is fairly normal people say it can be overcome
>>1099681 That means you did it right. Like eating a really greasy hamburger. It's self-sabotaging and you love it in the moment, but when you're done, it's like, oh no. Why did I do that to myself?
But you have to self-sabotage in moderation. Like booze is too much but a burger might be just right.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, acknowledging that many of us have a deep down desire to be naughty from time to time and finding a reasonable outlet for that
>>1099682 Yeah I'm talking about stuff a bit more severe than eating an unhealthy meal Although maybe not quite as bad as going off the deep end with drinking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you grab ass at the office
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i started a new disco elysium playthru last night idk if ill manage to finish it this time but id like to chip away at it the alternative history throws me off a loy lot* but i guess i should just vibe and roll sith it i assume the alternate history is supposed to help convey what it would feel like to wake up with total amnesia
Well don't arange it, all in theory, at at once now.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 602 3/6
⬜🟨🟨⬜⬜🟨 🟩🟨🟨🟨⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that seems like an irresponsible amount of beef
There's a place that used to make big burgers like that, (much smaller in fact) if you could finish it you didn't have too pay the $40 tab. >>1099700
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
had big burger at place called big emma's once was bigr than dinner plate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
burgers should be wider not taller imo man i kinda want a quarter pounder w cheese even tho i know if i get it it'll be disappointing
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1099704 get the QP but ask for the chopped onions that on the big mac instead of the raw ones they put on it normally it will be slightly less disappointing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ooh nice tip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the onions are prob my fav thing about the qp that sounds like a neat mixup
they're good when they're fresh but usually i get a dry stale one
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yes its one of those secret tips they dont want you to know about that you can only learn about from youtube food vloggers oh and if you get the mcd app™ you can get basically free food with using other peoples receipt points
The police station in zomboid had none shotgun shells so I gotta go far away to collect some shells from a military surplus store Cause sometimes you just gotta clear out A LOT of zombies at once
I got so much ammo and firearms from that surplus store my damn car was filled to the brim and I had to put a bag in the seat AND hold a bag myself just to haul it all home lmao I'm set for quite a while, I fuckin' love zomboid
god have mercy, shotguns are LOUD though Pistols are better but I mean, shotguns CLEAR shit
My supervisor told me to keep my phone on me yesterday evening cus there was a meeting coming up and there might be some unexpected questions. I said I would but then I didn't. Whoopsies
No phones allowed during yoga tho. I haven't check yet whether I have any missed messages
Does Australia not have right to disconnect employee protections? Here we have a legal right to not respond to work communications outside of work hours
I don't think that's really applicable here. This was in response to a specific event rather than the norm. My employers are usually pretty good about that sort of thing. But this was like... a one off.
I don't think australia as a whole has right to disconnect laws but there is something about it in my industry collective bargaining agreement thingy
>>1099810 You'd have to be pretty desperate. I heard it's only a 1/6
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1099811 wassup Marsh? did you order your Man I Love Fauna hat yet?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I unfortunately will not be able to buy it for you because if I get the job I tested for today I will be doing 6 weeks of unpaid training before they start to pay me.
well technically its 4 weeks of training, two weeks of "apprenticeship" where you actually do work for them and the. at the end of it they decide whether or not to hire you (at Illinois state minimum wage)
webps on my danbooros it's more likely than you think >>1099836 i mean, you're going to inevitably rip a good chunk of skin off probably best to get a pair of scissors