Thread #109907
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recreators granblue hinako note danmachi boku no hero eromanga sensei
Amine Maybe start with DanMachi?
we have 8 shows titan ero granblue recreators bokuhero zesty danmachi hianko
Couldn't you just list the two that weren't listed instead of LISTING SIX OF THEM TWICE OVER.
we're probably doing like 4-5
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Rook said to wait for him for boku no hero and re:creators So let's start with SnK.>>109921 >>109921 >>109920 Well they better hurry their asses up because we can't not watch all the shows while waiting for them. Has there even been any sign of Jan?
jan is recreators and granblue i think and SNK Zesty saved
He would probably also like Shingeki yeah.
No sign of Jan. But I'll ask again, why not start with DanMachi?>>109918 Also did you watch Saekano?
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We're going to have to start with Danmachi because we're saving everything else it seems. And no, I haven't watched Saekano yet. We'll watch it after Ika dies. okay let's start
Danmachi. We'll do Shingeki next if Roc doesn't show up. Hero Academia if he does.
ok dan
This banquet was in the main series too.
>Look in your eye To the guy who's perpetually squinting.
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She's really good as looking through the slits.
Monsterphillia is really one of those names that could have done with a bit more research into before choosing it.
Aw poor Elf-chan is getting ditched.
She's so fucking gay.
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>>109929 Maybe they did.
But we've seen Monsterphillia in the original series. No one's shagging monsters in it.
Though I guess Bell almost got fucked.
Wasn't Freya a big bad by the end of the DanMachi anime? I don't remember if I watched all of it but I remember one of these female goddesses ended up being evil. Looks like it is her.
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what show is next
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I don't like Loki. I don't like her appearance. I don't like her voice. She's an eyesore.>>109937 Yes, she was evil.>>109938 Either SnK or Boku no Hero, depending on Rook showing up.
I'm here already right now
Awesome. HIIRO Academia in fourteen then.
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This is an anoying episode. Loki needs to go away.
I like the Berserker girls. Oh no yuri-elf-chan.
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She's really bad at this.
Though in that sort of situation it's hard to blame her for not reacting well. That was a nasty wound she took to the side. Also man Ais is really autistic.
Aw yeah fiddle me this.
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She chants so slow.
Being able to duplicate an infinite number of spells is kind of OP. She had to be nerfed by being so damedame.
She gets an indirect kissu in the end.
>Hardly anyone got hurt or killed >No harm was done Divine beings really have a skewed scale of things.
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i won't be animeing
Okay Roc you can appear again.
you have his permission
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boku no hero>>109969 boku no hero okay everyone is ready let's start
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i am appear
hello jan get ready go go boku heroes yes I think maybe recreators next but oh well there
WATASHI GA KITA We'll watch ReCreators after Academia since both Roc and Jan do it.
im trying
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KITAAA boku no hero right now i guess?
So what are we watching bokuhero recreators granblue?
It probably depends on how much juice Squid has left what we watch after Re:Creators. Rika probably wants to get Hinako Note and Ero-manga Sensei in as comfy shows.
bang is here have you guys watched eromanga?
oh good you haven't watched it yet that's good because i was going to be depressed
It'll probably happen late-ish in the line order if it gets watched tonight.
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>>109972 I've got your back.
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>tfw rika will wait for bang but she'll ditch you
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I'll ditch bang too if he's slow.
The music for Hero Academia is REALLY good.
Some people in the threads for this series on /a/ really didn't like the voice for Mechanic-chan. I think it's a really suitable voice for her though.
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crowman is cool
>>109985 It definitely fits her personality
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I still don't know why his head is a hawk.
lots of the weird looking quirks don't have a reason to look that weird like the guy who can talk to animals could have just as easily been a normal looking person
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>>109989 cos he's falco
>>109990 not that I think this is a problem though
Bakugou's temper is endearing.
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i really like this asshole
he's got top smug
Even when he's completely useless he's got top smug.
he's got a really good quirk though
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Copying powers is the best power.
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HOLY SHIT he IS aizen
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Bakugou's gonna explode.
Deku's strategist ability is great. Some of this series' best moments is when he's using his head.
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Oh, he lost it. What a bummer. I was hoping he'd keep it.
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Iida is pretty cool
Uraraka's getting fired up. She's already pretty moe but now she's getting MOERU
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what i thought this guy didn't have a power
wait did you not watch the first season?
>>110011 i didn't lol
oh haha well he has a power he just can't control it without injuring himself
he has ALL MIGHT's power basically passed down
>>110010 He's got what's effectively super strength. But his body can't actually process the power without breaking the bone that's using it. So for example if he tries a super strength jump, he'll break his legs.
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bakugo is cool as fuck
Yeah his whole RAGE persona actually makes for some cool moments.
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What a shame. I guess Deku at least gets to stay in.
Pft Bakugou.
Kaminari's in retard mode too now.
haha what the fuck he slid away
what is this kid doing
this motherfucker you'll see him again
wait so how long until eromanga
Crowman is pretty fucking kakkoi
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Well, I would prefer to do Eromanga sensei later in the evening. Are you short on time?
no i was just hoping it would be at least 40 minutes so i can make a bad decision
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based fucking falco
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>>110030 It will be at least 40 minutes, but if you aren't here when we start I will ditch you.
>>110031 that ain't falco
>>110032 okay that works
Man they actually adapted the end of the cavalry battle REALLY well. The music and camera shots were really HYPE-inducing.
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>>110036 HAPPY FEET
what the fuck is up with kaminari UUUEEEEEHHH
If he uses his powers too much his brain literally gets fried. He goes retard mode for a while and is effectively useless.
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Wow their dads hate each other.
only firedad hates anyone
Endeavour is second fiddle to All Might.
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you can tell this guy is real shit because he has 3x as many shadows as anyone else
>>110042 and he's basically grown up bakugoua
>>110043 He's the best HIIRO in the world. Or was at least.
>>110043 he's drawn like that because he's supposed to be the golden age // like the golden age superhero comics
>>110046 still is really
Yeah the actual situation is more complicated than him being or not being.
I'm starting to look forward to the end of this arc more as I watch this the last parts are really well done
Yeah the conclusion of this arc is one of the best parts of the series as a whole. BONES has been adapting the show really faithfully too so I have high hopes for it.
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i should watch the first season this show seems real fun
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okay, what's next. Granblue?
Let's do Re:Creators since Roc has it. Then we can do GranBlue.>>110052 The first season has some good moments too--if you've got nothing better to kill time on it will be fun.
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works for me orange for rec potatoes>>110054 my free time is basically worthless i don't do shit except watch bad shows and play games
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re:creators okay let's start
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Okey dokes.
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What kind of name is that.
a JRPG name
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i love this OP
It's a really Sawano-y OP but it's pretty nice.
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sawano always sounds the same but i don't mind i like sawano
I usually like sawano OPs the rest of sawano OSTs are a little too samey for me but the OPs are at least kinda different
Sawano and Kajiura Yuuki are pretty similar in that aspect. They both get really same-y, but if you like their stuff it's all still nice.
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Sawano should just stick to doing OPs and insert songs and forget the rest of the soundtrack get someone else to do it
>>110067 I think he also has a lot of compositions where he's really just phoning it in and not pushing himself on OST work. But there's also some series where he actually tries and it's noticeable.
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>>110068 yeah it does seem like he wavers in quality a bit much kabaneri's soundtrack aside from the OST was boring but his work on Xenoblade Chronicles X was awesome
Though actually I'm remembering a discussion I saw on /a/, that says how his OST feels to the viewer also depends heavily on whether or not the series has a good sound director behind the scenes. Like a lot of the time they just say "hey write songs that fit these specific emotions or tensions." And then he goes and does that, and they just throw the songs in where ever the checklist requirements are met. But a good sound director can request a more definite set of songs for a series and can manipulate them in a way that has considerably more imapct. Impact even.
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Sawano should just join Trigger problem solved
Also what the fuck is she going on about here. That was a lot of infodump going on while I was trying to type things.
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basically if magic keeps happening then reality is gonna break and then I guess reset for some reason the last part doesn't really make sense
She's becoming a NEET
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games for screen
I guess if I found out I was part of a video game I'd at least like it to be a fun one
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>tfw you play the game you're from and it fuckin sucks
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It would be a bit of a bummer if the game you were in was shit.
>>110078 On the other hand that's kind of Red-chan's whole beef. She's upset that her world a crapsack where people are constantly suffering, in strife, and whatnot.
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>>110081 well it's not like she came from Texhnolyze or something it looks like she's from a generic seinen action series
>>110080 probablyyeah
Also they have some nice modern clothes going on here.
>I played so long I forgot to sleep and eat. IT ME
I know how that goes too.
nice song
I like artist-chan too.
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fluffy hair is bes
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>if we keep using magic we're going to get the great D
better keep casting those spells
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>>110094 summoning tha d
>>110096 yomi ;_;
They're all these young, decent-looking characters. And then there's the thin-haired, balding Author-san.
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>>110098 hey he's team dad
It's just a funny black sheep situation.
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>>110100 yeah but somebody's gotta be the voice of maturity!
He's a light novel author some how I doubt he can serve as a great voice of maturity.
oh i thought he was an anime director
Some how that message is far less terrifying when it comes in the form of alphabet crackers.
somebody out there is writing some really deep shit if the sword girl who's trying to destroy the world of creators was created by someone from the world of creators
Oh February-chan is pretty much a carbon copy of Red-chan.
they're gonna get him
hellsing-san looks cool
Though he looks like he comes from a Western graphic novel more than anything.
So this white chick is MC's story character right
That's what I'm expecting.
she's fucking mad@hiatus
did she just shit talk her story by calling her an ex machina?
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I think she shit talked this story.
I mean February was an ex machina for her when she was about to get curbstomped by Last Boss-kun.
give me the bag
aliceteria is fucking OCD
>>110116 mad shade
Finally she got around to shortening it to that. Was wondering when it would happen.
Mahou Shoujo-chan is the embodiment of every mahou shoujo cliche in the book. It's almost painful.
i can't wait for the mahou shoujo to die
Hah hah hah Author-kun is quick on the uptake.
>>110123 probably soon
haha the fucking mecha enters the scene
I was wondering whether or not he'd actually have it
its a trap
a gundam protag can't exist without a gundam what are you thinking
I expected the mecha to tag along.>>110129 Yeah this pretty much.
oh of course he IS the gundam
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that's probably the most shocking of any of them though>giant fucking robot shows up at your parent's house >some teenager with crazy hair is piloting it >>110131
Also the mecha's been in the ED this whole time so I guess there's tha too.
edgy persona guy is the best one
>>110134 mos def
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i want to see female Zack Fair show up
alright well that's all I've got thanks for anime goodbye
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bye rook okay granblue okay lets start
RIP Roc good to have you.>>110136 They probably won't be a regular--if anything, they'll only show up if they actually do a Comiket episode. Though I guess that picture is from Akiba. Ready for Guranburu
okay grand sponsor tokyo day
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DJ when
Possibly never.
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Press the button gran you know you want to
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Wow, a boss fight.
Have you gotten to the Tiamat boss fight in the main story yet?
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I think so, isn't that like on the first island?
Second I believe but she's on the first island with a proper boss battle.
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i never got far enough in the game to fight tiamat but i was on the first real island i got tired of the disconnections and restarts before then
>ask someone to save a dragon >he jumps off the fuckin airship and breaks his neck thanks asshole
Oh shit there's a good bit of decent animation in this scene.
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Rackam kinda looks like he has a boner for Tiamat.
rackham tryna get some of that cloaca
Rackham just wants to fly ships. Having a good relationship with a wind spirit will definitely help with that!
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>>110170 he'll have an extra good relationship after he fathers a couple demigods
Wow he gets to go topless around Katalina. Lucky bastard.
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>you fight like a fucking retard >"that's just how i do"
rackam is super cool
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Gran really does need to get a party so he can stop jumping off airships.
Sugita is getting released today he's a Water Limited character
The sky parade is calling~
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okay where is bang
wait you said more than 40 minutes
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where is my booze
arent we gonna do SNK first wait Jan can you watch tomorrow
you don't have one more anime to squeeze in?
ill be here tomorrow
ok snk tmr>>110212 lets go
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>>110206 We've watched two episodes since then. But we can do SnK real fast if you have time for it Jan.
>>110215 i probably do
i should realistically be asleep an hour from now but i won't be in all honesty so let's do it
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okay SnK.>>110219 30
this is 29 right?
Ready. Should be episode thirty, i think. Unless the show didn't get watched last week.
dammit i didn't mean to close that>>110220 fuck
okay wow i'm free now sorry
ok snk tomorrow>>110221 go to sleep jan
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So Jan is going to sleep now?
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Did everyone die?
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>>110225 what made you think i would do something sane like that i still have more booze to kill i had to download e30 though and i'm ready now
i'm here
Jan you watch Eromanga-sensei right.
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okay so are we watching snk or not
>>110229 bang can you wait until we do SnK
aight my dude SnK 30>>110230 yes i'll watch that too
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okay so let's be orange for this again okay let's start
ok eoten onslaught
Okay Shingeki
shingeki no writing
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The worse of the Shingeki shows this season.
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there's more than one shingeki?
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Shingeki no Bahamut is also airing and it's better than this.
Oh yeah I'd totally forgotten about this.
Tough love
everyone and their mother is a titan
Ymir is such a tiny Titan for how tall she is as a human.
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An ugly titan too. All the other titans are better looking.
I don't know if all of them are better looking. But yeah she's definitely ugly.
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>>110297 Eren's titan is cool looking. Everyone else kinda looks like they do at least and aren't too ugly.
Yeah but there are a lot more Titans than just those few .
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>>110301 I'm talking about the human titans though. the mooks are all ugly of course.
But a fair number of the mooks are human titans too.
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Quit being so terrible with the semantic arguments or I am going to find you and strangle you of the characters who are protagonists but also have human forms, ymir's titan form is substantially less good looking than the other characters who are protagonists who have human forms Is that statement more agreeable to you?
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ymir looks dumb because she is dumb eren and bert and reiner and sasha look cool because they are cool
>>110304 Now was that so hard?
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Yes, it was pretty annoying to type that all out when anyone watching could have pretty easily discerned what my point was.
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Giri giri saafu
And then in all the confusion Ymir gets neck-slashed.
Hah hah fucking Eren.
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Did Eren really go that long without getting a kill?
As a human, yeah, I believe so. He's slaughtered a bunch of titans as a titan but I guess he's not counting that.
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just go titan modo and kill the fucking titans you dumb fuck
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okay eromanga sensei?>>110342 yes okay everyone is orange let's start
Don't un-orange I'll be along shortly.
E L F wait be back FAST
is this ep 4
okay i'm back and i'm bang and this show is fun why are the two shows that should be garbage my two favorite shows this season
>>110344 What's the other one again?
akashic records
>>110344 maybe you just like garbage dude
Oh yeah. Definitely another weirdly entertaining show.>>110348 Nah man in this case he's got pretty good taste.
>>110348 this season is kind of weird and there isn't a whole lot that gets me going world's end seems cool
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Wow, she can cook too. Is there anything this girl can't do?>>110351 This season doesn't have a lot of comfy.>>110354 She's as much his imouto as that other girl is.
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>>110351 it seems pretty good to me but my opinion on a season is heavily weighted by what is actually airing on the 2-3 days i can actually watch anime instead of being asleep or at work
>>110352 Be an imouto
imoutos are strictly worse than not-imoutos in most cases although in this case this imouto is pretty good and also they don't even really know eachother so at least they get to learn stuff about eachother
She USED him. Though she is preaching truth here. I wish I could put my all into my hobbies. But hey, apathy.
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>>110357 my imouto is pretty good maybe you just have a shit imouto also i thought you liked alice
I have no soft spots for imoutos. My compassion and care have been withered away by the lifelong struggle of dealing with them.
what time are you
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05:45 05:50 05:55
wait what
Max-fire is a good term for that sort of passion. I'm gonna keep that in mind.
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>author known for writing siscon novels writes a novel about a siscon who is an author who writes a siscon novel
>>110379 yeap
She's surprisingly...mundane.
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rika working on the weekend
>Chronicles of Wandering Cat Girls Wow I want to read that.
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>>110383 Gotta do that tomorrow. She cleaned up fast.
I feel like they've gotten the mangaka of Masamune-kun from last season to do the art for Eromanga-sensei. Like her art, I mean.
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>>110385 hang in there elf-chan
wow he hit her right in the feels
Oh no. Buuuusteeeed
rip the catgirls
at least imouto-love will last
i hope she didn't really delete it
I bet she did.
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>best girl accepts her loss on episode 4
and then the crash oh he made it lol
this feels like a last episode
>>110398 It's probably the finale part of the first volume or whatnot.
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nothing lewd here
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Poor elf-chan. She'll probably just be a side character from here on out.
i kind of hate this author siscons should be hanged
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>>110403 Everybody kind of hates him, to be honest. I think everyone who has read or otherwise consumed his work hates him at least a little bit.
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siscons probably never had a sister
He's kind of a bitch>Holds poll for the public to choose who Kyousuke ends up with >Kuroneko wins >Makes Kirino the endgame anyway
>>110405 >>110405
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>>110406 WAIT A SECOND this is the same fucking guy? i knew something was off
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F U C K I N G D R O P P E D i know where this is going i ain't with it
wow if she doesn't read it i'm gonna be pissed
She's gonna read Every Last Word And he has to sit there watching it happen.
oh fuc
Considering all the circumstances... It's effectively a love letter personally for her. And it's written in the format of a lewd LN. That shit must be skin-crawling. Oh no another misunderstanding.
wait where is this going
really are they gonna cliffhanger this even though its so obvious i almost want to drop it with the best girl losing and this
now i HAVE to keep watching
>>110416 but you can't, right? look he's doing it again it's literally oreimo but not
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you're gonna get strung along to the end YOU'RE GOING TO BE DRAGGED
And this time they're not even blood-related so he can go full-steam ahead.
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when you're a few minutes behind and everyone is reaction to some crazy shit
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also >reacting but she is a shut-in who only knows one person I can't believe you guys are getting baited by this.
>>110427 listen here you cuck the bait is "WILL THIS AUTHOR REALLY GO THIS FAR"
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>>110427 exactly why are they even bothering to cliffhanger this hes liek oh no i got cucked
>>110429 He's kind of dumb. Probably didn't realize he was who she was talking about.
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>>110428 I dunno if you heard but the guy who wrote this is the guy whoe wrote oreimo.
>>110432 what the fuck else would i be talking about
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>>110433 Of course this author will really go that far.
The onii-san and the imouto in this series aren't even blood-related anyway. Why does it matter if they're shagging or not to you people.
>>110434 yeah but there's like a shred of doubt inside that says "just watch, it won't end up exactly like you predict"
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>author known for his anime adaptation of a siscon novel writes a novel about an author who writes a novel aiming to make it an anime is adapted into an anime
please to be having japanese omelet
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>>110437 that's too fucking COMPLICATED all i know is that this guy finna bone his little sister and that is F U C K E D
at least in this show the imouto is cute and not a little ratchet bitch
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That episode suuuuure was something.
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>>110440 thats true its better than oreimo
just fuck the cute elf girl nextdoors not your lil sister GOD DAMN my dude
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as much as i hate oreimo in retrospect, i did enjoy watching it when i did at least until the end this show is pretty enjoyable
>>110445 isn't that what everyone except the author thought tho kuroneko should have won
kuroneko deserved to win, yeah kirino was just so unlikeable
maybe that's the story i guess local siscon abandons all logic and reason to shack up with his imouto
kirino was like a real little sister a FUCKIN BITCH who you still like enough to keep around but then HE PUT A RING ON IT
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okay thanks for anime
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RIKAK>>110442 >>110442 >>110442
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>>110470 Saekano?
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oh yeah that's fine orange for saekano oh we should save it for him then
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yaaay i don't think tilde is alive >>110472 whaaaaaat
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You said you'd be around tomorrow, didn't you?
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yeah but i don't feel like going to bed and i still got half of this thing to drink
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Guess you'll just have to put it down and go to sleep.
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hell no! let's watch it now and then i'll watch it again tomorrow!
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I'm going to granblue a bit and then sleep.
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wow you got my hopes up and then dashed them just like that