can code written by gpt have any license except public domain? cause we already know AI art cant be copyrighted
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i cant imagine there being such strings what are openai gonna oh wait theres someone banging at the doo
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what are Stallman's thoughts on AI and all this
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
dunno why don't you email him I'm sure he'll let you know his opinion though I recommend that you be as specific as possible with your questions
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
though I'm pretty sure training a neural net on gpl code violates the gpl cause fair use (which art neural net training would be) doesn't apply to stuff like software
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
cause it's not art but functional stuf I'm having trouble collecting my thoughts so sorry if im not making sense
>>1098757 aww just BACK TO THE GRIND, yuh know Deadlines. Tasks to be done. some of it isn't very interesting. Some of it is interesting but it can be like I'm in over my head. Different expectations from different people. Different stakeholders to keep up rapport with. It's a lot.
>>1098759 now why the hell would i need that. 1) I watched it live 2) if I ever did want to watch it again, it's still up on youtube >>1098758 one day...
I got some plasteel nearby my base of operations, so now my colonists are all REALLY gonna get kitted out like hell We're talking power armor and exoskeletons, as well as ribs filled with painkillers and also bionic limbs gonna be a straight up cyborg colony before long
absolute territory enjoyer
there >>1098777 there was a drop in quality imo during the early 00's most likely due to animation transitioning largely to digital production but by now i think we've far surpassed the capabilties we had before anime was made on computers and it wasn't so much that quality needed to drop it's that a lot of studios saw an opportunity to make anime cheaply, which can make sense with a lot of adaptations that might not necessarily warrant an enormous budget or have no chance of recouperating the costs incurred it's also really common for charts like this and the people who post them to completely forget that every era has a load of shitty low-quality drivel in every media form it's just the bias where we only remember the ones worth remembering that always lends false credibility to the "things were better before" crowd
absolute territory enjoyer
look at rock and roll music a lot of people still worship "the 80's" but that's because the only 80's artists who weren't forgotten are the ones who made songs worthy of becoming classics there were just as many artists (relatively speaking) who faded into obscurity back then as there were in every era preceding and afterwards
yeah I find it to be a mixed bag, if music or in the case of the meme, theirs good content from all timelines. It more a matter of taste, it kind of begs the question, what next for animimation. What shall be yhe the * next level jump in tech thats makes it say better then orig Astroboy beyond anno atm. Holographics most def should be entertaining. It woild
It would be cool to sit in an enviroment with ones fav anime avatars, however.
>>1098785 pictures look like ass because of the light show also there are thousands of people in this park on their phones, my connection isn't stable enough to upload the photos.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1098786 screenshot n crop the photos so they are lower filesize
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1098787 no, that's a pain also I'm homr *home maybe I'll upload pics tomorrow you'd find better ones on twitter im sure
I have unlocked repair in rimworld it's done via psychic powers, sure, but it does the job
My one colonist merely meditates for about an hour, then stares a given piece of equipment into submission, restoring it to mint condition
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
god i wish that were me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should make like a body shop for humans like you just show up and they give you a roofie and then they do like all the things physio dental workouts manicure pedicure everything
one day we will have cybernetics! well, unless Musk manages to make that shit illegal >>1098799 I did not! But also fuck, now that you mention that last part I might be vaguely familar, something about it being DRM'd so when the company dies, the hardware dies?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1098798 we do didn't you hear about that bionic eye company that went bankrupt and now all their patients are fucked?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im not bankin on cybernetics anytime soon wetware is freakin messed up
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
this is why cybernetics need to be open sourced
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
well this specifically was for people who were blind
I mean it's fucked up that they just went bankrupt, that's incredible tech >>1098804 Yeah, but usually when we talk about cybernetics we mean stuff that's like, makes you different in terms of what you can do in a more direct, observable way Like a cyber eye with a camera installed, or night vison, or a more dextrous hand I mean pacemakers are technically cyberware
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i guess heart valve replacements are kinda cybernetics
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah a valve isnt really cyber
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway other than invasive heart surgery like implanting electrodes and shit is just like sooo messy and prone to immune responses and infections idk we need super-intelligent AI to figure that shit out
Basically it doesn't count if it wouldn't classify someone in a movie from the 90s as a cyborg
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
[insert gritty judge dredd quote here]
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched Dredd again recently after having not seen it for 10 years its alright kinda fun but why does dredd give her the slow mo at the end that was soo out of character lmao
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 821 5/6
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ai generated hold music WHEN
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should just use the ocarina of time shop music
i crave novelty i do not wish to recognise patterns
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea so true
computer remove forward facing eyes while we're at it
rei remember when we talked about exchanging our 2hu folders like a year and half ago and I kept putting it off lets still do it one day! gimme like 3-5 months tho still sorting things and need to look on an external
so last time I was at the doc, like thursday I think he wanted to do a drug test, which is fine by me, I don't do any drugs (I am 2poor) But I hadn't eaten that morning cause it was super early and I wasn't expecting any sorta bloodworks, so I told him we gotta schedule that for like, later so I can at least eat something or I might faint in the chair again So that reschedule was 20 minutes ago ...I was not told it was the piss in a cup kind, I went there expecting them to draw blood, and of course I took a piss before I left
would it kill 'em to just go "no, it's not a blood test" when that's like the entire reason I had it rescheduled in the first place? If I'd known then it was a piss test, I could probably have managed it, or at least known for today so it didn't have to be rescheduled AGAIN
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hated being a pee test observer it was horrible
it definitely seems like a pain
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Wordle 821 5/6
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♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mathler 594 2/6
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couldn't get a YouTube eating setup so I just watched the guy in front of me watching shorts #zoomerlife
what if they made a ww1 movie where the artillery is true to life?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
What do you mean?
like, instead of making them seem like sorta background noise or a mild threat or just a sort of "gong" that signals the beginning of actual combat, have them be deafeningly loud, nearly constant, and by far the most dangerous part of the whole war (aside from infections and stuff, I mean)
I don't even remember enough of strike witches to know what you mean, but I was honestly thinking more along the lines of Youjo Senki Tanya is very diligent in her reverence for the artillery
They're not just "there", they're like the single scariest fucking thing in the whole war and when they zero in on something, that shit isn't getting barraged so much as obliterated and reduced to nothing but dirt and rock Granted, being an airborne unit, Tanya herself isn't really that concerned with the artillery for her own sake, but she's been in the actual trenches, too, it's not like they're always flight-ready
Youjo Senki does a really good job at conveying the power of stuff like artillery
hey hey kiraran I'm still not entirely sure about the traits and stuff for gunk, but I'm workin' on it it ended up on the backburner for a bit due to a variety of things, but I'll get it done before the 14th at least, that's like nearly a month or the 7th either works, I'll manage
oh, it's more like a sorta bedrock to build the characterization on, more for me than for anyone else? for the bond I think Gunk really only has Pibbles, anyway, at least we've hardly been too settled
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, bond/ideal/whatever is really there to help you flesh out your character and get you feeling like you really know them and how you'd react in those situations >>1098844 makes sense
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1098835 a few are like that jouyex noel paths of glory
I guess you could chuck her family, if they're alive, into that category, but first of all I'm not even too sure how families are structured in goblin society, but my intuition says it's essentially a sorta "there for you until you can walk, then you're mostly on your own" deal I mean their whole society is built on raw might makes right, whatever form that might takes, so I don't really see their familial bonds being excessively strong or sorta ride-or-die like one could maybe expect from humans and the like
yeah pretty much although like in bg3 there are those kids who tell you theyre gonna tell your /// their mom on you for being mean to them so there are still some familial bonds
I mean obviously they have SOME amount of familial bonds, they probably do care for each other to some extent based on that, it's kinda hardwired into most animals to care for one's own spawn at the very least since that's an effective method of furthering the geneline But I don't think they're like, sitting around the dinner table cracking jokes and laughing together, it's more of a thing where if you're in a position to give your kids an edge or at least keep them from getting actually killed, you'll pull some strings, but you're not enrolling the little shit into harvard or anything kids probably see their parents sorta like a stereotypical teen might for us it's a credit card that also acts as a body guard if you get into too much trouble
I dunno where gunk would fall alignment wise, though something like lawful evil or something, if I understand the 3x3 properly? She has her own sorta moral compass, but like, it doesn't match up with civilized people's moral compass at all the weak should fear the strong in her world, there's nothing wrong with that to her, but it's not like she's just a little Joker mode menace or has some sort of dark view of the world and how it's unfixable. It's just supposed to be like that. The kind of creature who would probably actually consider why the larger of the nobles doesn't just eat the other nobles
the stereotypical goblin is considered neutral evil, but alignment for races is outdated and BAD
but if you've developed an internal compass that consistently points in the same direction and you value your own rules and code, then you would indeed be considered lawful
I mean I assume we're playing alignment as a sort of "you as the DM kinda track it mentally and it's not prescriptive" thing anyway >>1098853 chaotic Cute
Really alignment hardly matters at all unless you're playing paladin, does it? I mean it used to be prescriptive, and then it mattered, but that's actually fucking trash game design so I don't acknowledge it
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what is the alginment for japanese goblin
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1098852 yeah it shouldn't really be prescriptive but until 5.5e, it's still mechanically relevant so it's best to start with an alignment that might change over time
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
paladin generally needs to be lawful unless it's oathbreaker but paladins can be good/evil/neutral or whatever
I imagine most of those mechanics are like, divine stuff and whatnot though? or spells like "detect evil" and the like
oh yeah attunement too, I suppose
But I feel like you wouldn't wanna throw stuff that considers alignment at us until you've got a decent idea where you'd put us on the chart anyway I just dunno enough about the chart to place gunk confidently, I just figured lawful evil cause she's definitely evil by most standards, but it's not malicious, it's just that her worldview is severely at odds with Goodness The kind of ideology where the concept of abuse is incoherent
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also attuning to magical items there are also enemies that relate differently to entities based on their alignments like a flumph for example
>>1098855 Yeah I just mean like, for Paladins, it's mechanically prescriptive Not like they're not allowed as players to do otherwise, but the mechanics compel one approach over the others
>>1098856 in dnd evil essentially refers to being selfish and self-interested are you someone who puts yourself above other people all the time at the expense of others? you're evil
>>1098859 i think that's true of older editions but less true in 5e although there are still remnants of it because violating your oath can have bad consequences after all, a paladin's magic comes specifically from their devotion to an oath
>>1098860 Yeah I mean in my opinion, Paladins should be heavily influenced by alignment calculation I mean they're PALADINS That's what makes them unique Everyone else is kind of a wildcard, subject to change, but a Paladin's entire shtick is in return for massive damage output, they swore an oath to act a very certain way
So if selfish and egotistical is what evil is, an evil paladin can't just go around saving kittens from trees and orphanages for neither compensation nor recognition Now and again, sure, but consistently? that wouldn't make sense It's like if John Wick just got another dog in the middle of the second movie and called it quits, bought a farmstead out in the sticks
To some extent, a warlock can be influenced by their pact in terms of alignment. It's up to the DM whether or not they want to use those mechanics, though, and most don't.
True, but warlocks are still distinct in that they're bound by the whims of an actual entity, so generally speaking they can do whatever, but now and then the little demon voice in their head goes "burn that orphanage", and that's kind of an ultimatum But saving the same orphanage the day before wasn't a problem
unless they signed the most scuffed contract ever, which would have to be very up to the player to include in the backstory Being contracted to do what an evil being says doesn't mean you can't be saving kittens You just gotta merc those kittens when told to, if the demon decides that has to happen
yeah but only Fiend Patron warlocks actually "sign contracts" most patrons are as-needed basis cooperation agreements "i'll do this for you in exchange for that" and then you start a relationship with the pact // patron that grows out of mutual gain
>>1098866 not really like with the archfey patron, probably they did it because you're fun to mess with great old one patron sometimes doesn't even know that theyre your patron, but they also might use you to investigate the prime material as they make plans to invade fathomless might be just "yeah im an ancient kraken and if you kill these guys for me i'll give you power" but theres a lot of variation you might have a romantic relationship with your patron, you might be your patrons slave but only really devils are going to give you an actual contract
In all of those though, it's not like their whole thing is "go forth, and be an evil goblin consistently" As long as you salute when they show up and carry out your orders when told, you're good, no? Outside those things, you can sorta do whatever
usually you're going to get concrete tasks to complete they might be big they might be small they might be active or passive but otherwise you're free to do as you like yeah unless the patron specifically says you cant for example maybe the pact says you have to kill an innocent person every day
Oh yeah those are fair Still a lot less strict than the paladin, though, or at least I feel like the paladin should be strict Not like "you deviated from the path today, big debuff", but more like "for the last few days you've been party to many activities clearly in contradiction with your oath. debuff" which is the same for a warlock's pact, sure, but their pacts aren't gonna apply to every decision If your pact says to kill elves on sight, there's no real issue while you're hanging out in the mountains with the dwarves, going a month doing random bullshit, none of which involves elves >>1098871 For some it makes some sense, but it's definitely a bit of a problem for others I mean I can see a lot of potential patrons just sorta picking a mortal out of a hat, going "alright, power for you, increasing power over the course of a few months", and then revealing themselves like "sup. that was me. you can keep that and get more if you do what I want, otherwise I'm taking it back"
in the current PHB test warlocks dont figure out who their patrons are until level 3 it seems like a really bad decision i dont understand how its supposed to work narratively
that and I'm not even entirely sure you're supposed to play dnd below level 3 anyway You've got none HP at level one A damn mouse or rat is a legitimate threat, after all they match your damage output
most official campaigns start you at level 1 theyve made it pretty clear that they intend you to play it that way although the amount of danger you experience at level 1 is certainly something they want to address in the 2024 revisions
it is a party-based game, so you can make up for a lot of the LEVEL ONE LEVEL ONE memery by being more bodies, but still, it feels like the game doesn't really... start until you level up a little, cause you're basically just A Guy at level 1
most classes dont get their class defining traits until around 3 but i think thats fine narratively especially if you're doing milestone leveling (which i think most people do unless theyre dungeon crawlers)
milestone is easily the most sensible method honestly exp detracts from the flow of the game because after you find the Thing in the cave you were sent to get, suddenly your intrepid band of heroes goes "okay, this is literally the only reason we are here, but let's backtrack and go down every other path. Not to find other good stuff, but because there might be SOMETHING with a pulse somewhere else in here, and we have to kill it"
it also lets the DM control the pacing a lot more, which is very ideal, seeing as the DM is the one making up everything you're gonna do later I imagine a lot of EXP groups have a DM who, internally, goes "well, they were supposed to level up in this cave for the next thing, but they ignored the door to the exp dump, so I'm gonna have to throw some goblins at them on their way back or something just to level them up" Cause you can't just throw low level players into the next level of content so easily The DM needs the party to level up just as much if not more than the party themselves
honestly the xp curve is just horrible if you do a 1-15 campaign with xp you're going to be playing for years in this one game and have to have a lot of encounters which works for a lot of groups but i dont like that
the one thing I do think EXP as a mechanic, metagame-wise, does really well, is provide a sort of direct connection between the players and their characters' decision making Once you're real strong, and a great big hero, you shouldn't be like, clearing out small camps of goblins or clearing a basement of rats (lmao bg3) or whatever But... you're real strong, for your character, that's maybe an hour of work and a good deed and they'd feel good But for the PLAYER, that's a fucking hour of gameplay >>1098881 yeah but you being a strong burly barbarian boy at level 12 doesn't mean all the bulletin boards and inns stop requesting someone deal with those damn goblins Goblins breed like rabbits, they pop out the ground, there's always gonna be more goblin camps >>1098882 I know but it's narratively very weird for all the requests to keep beefing up in tandem with your character But EXP gives the players a direct reason to act like a Hero, taking on the more and more difficult requests as they can, whereas maybe their character MIGHT actually be the kind of person to go clear out 50 basements infested with rats today It's a sort of mechanical override one that sorta forcefully pushes the players in the direction of Being The Big Hero instead of just helping out as much as possible
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but CR does that too even though CR has its flaws
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
CR is used primarily to balance encounters so if you have a level 12 and you want to have him fight goblins it helps you to understand how many goblins need to be there for the encounter to reach different levels of challenging i think it's quite normal to fight things well below your CR
of course the flipside of that is that exp incentivices also taking on those damn rats and small goblin camps because EXP is EXP at the end of the day
it's honestly just a stinky mechanic for games like this video games work real well with EXP because you're not interfacing with the world through another person, you can just go farm
milestone is flexible, too Nothing's stopping the DM from using milestone to go "you've killed so many damn goblins these last few weeks, you feel yourself getting more competent in combat overall. +1 level" Did the party trigger the campaign flag? Did they literally just get an EXP level up? they don't know and they don't need to know.
I have researched Serfdom in Norway and Denmark It turns out that despite us being owned by Denmark at the time of all this, we had by far the cozier deal For one, we didn't actually have serfdom We had a class of people who were referred to as serfs, but they were more like renters who paid by working on the farm while also working on their own plot of land Denmark, however, had a much rawer deal In 1733, a law was implemented. All men between 14 and 36 years of age are to return to whatever estate they were born, and live there going forward. Apparently they could buy their way outta that, but I've not figured out what determined the price of that, or who it was paid to If the price was up to the lord of the estate in question, then this was bordering on slavery Like the law didn't specify they had to work the land attached to said estate or nothing, but like.. a mfer has gotta eat, day to day And when you can't move away from a plot of land out in the middle of fucking nowhere, by law, and you don't have a car, you're left very little choice
obviously it wasn't all JUST farms, even if that's the most common probably could be logging or other stuff like that, too It was still a pretty rough deal for the norwegian serfs, obviously, cause it's not like social mobility was excellent, and getting a different place to live and a source of income is hard to swing while working full time on two plots of land But it was legally an option to sell your plot to some other sucker and just fucking move
>>1098909 That whole campaign was so damn good Brennan is incredible at swapping between funny haha jokes time and then suddenly It Ends Now Probably my favorite sequence of CR episodes Campaign 2's opening is definitely up there too though, just the introductions were so cool I wish they'd have recorded and shown us the pre-show sessions they did establishing the characters though Like, of course, once the campaign's over, not like, right then and there, but I'd love to get to see Beau and Fjord and Jester fight that snake, and also whatever the hell Nott and Caleb were up to. They never even got back to those capes or robes or whatever Nott noticed during that session, as far as I know, but maybe they did and I just didn't realize because it happened really late and we never got to see that part of the story before they all meet
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its hard to beat brennan easily one of the funniest guys to ever crack a joke
i havent watched any of the main CR campaigns just some of the side stuff i was thinking about watching some but it's such a time commitment idk if i can really do it
it's an absurd time investment, yeah I dropped out of campaign 3 fairly quickly honestly, it just didn't grab me like c2 did And c1... I don't think I'm ever gonna actually watch that one even though supposedly it's extremely good It's just too long, and I'm prone to zoning out because my brain compels me to be DOING something, and I tap out when combat starts, and suddenly it's 20 minutes past the end of combat and I didn't realize cause it had become background noise
Combat being such a defining element of DnD kinda sucks for streamed shows, because OH MY GOD is it ever boring to spectate DnD combat The NPC interactions and exploration and stuff, that all owns, but once combat starts, mentally I am not present It just usually feels so... I dunno, unimportant and boring, cause everyone necessarily breaks the immersion and now it's just me watching a group of people roll dice to see if they win an imaginary fight that's entirely in their head
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think legends of avantris has some good actual plays
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
although its the same problem where its a ridic time commitment so i mostly watch their one-shots and short series
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think combat is where some of the funniest stuff happens but as a DM i generally tend to try to avoid combat for combat's sake although i do like a good boss fight
combat is probably a lot of fun when you're actually playing the game, but watching it is just so damn monotonous outside the BIG fights It really just sorta hits me that I spent the last hour or so watching a fight without real stakes that, in lore, took roughly 60 seconds or maybe 2-3 minutes Some of the fights in C2 were real good, but mostly because the stars aligned to produce an utterly incredible sequence of events
Like Nott ushering everyone ahead of herself during a fight with a dragon, making sure they all escape and she's the last one out of the doohickey they had entered, all the while Sam and the audience knows one extremely important thing the other players don't. Nott was on literally 1HP. That was REALLY cool
Or Liam in a moment of memory lapse deciding Caleb would cast fucking disintegrate on a boss who'd already demonstrated it could reflect spells But it worked If it hadn't, Caleb would be actually gone, you can't ress from disintegrate, I'm pretty sure
But like, those are also my only two clear memories of anything that happened in that campaign's combat Oh, there's Nott killing the baby gryphon or whatever the hell that was too, I suppose
The rest of the combat just sorta happened, and that's including the narratively super important ones I just don't remember anything from them And I did pay attention to most of them, by sheer force of will more than anything
i think tabletop games are just a lot of fun as long as you have creative people it can lead to tons of crazy moments one time a monster was gonna throw a little girl out of a moving train and pan's character caught the little girl by impaling her with his swords and then they healed her and it was fine but that's such fucking psycho shit and you gotta be seriously creative to come up with it but it makes it so memorable
Tabletop is a lot of fun I wish I wasa bit better at the various elements of it
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think roleplaying is a skill that you develop the more you do it even my usual group is honestly not great at roleplaying
do you think they'll make a new darksouls?
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bandai produced some pretty good newps good ** nes games back in the way back.
>>1098925 I don't even really know what goes into being good at roleplaying, honestly I mean I can tell when someone's good at it I guess, but I dunno why they are
All the like, parts of it is stuff I dunno why anyone would have an issue with beyond it being at other people, but clearly there's something
Some people don't understand the character they want to be in the role of or haven't thought about the character enough that they're able to quickly answer "what would they do here". So you end up with inconsistent characterization or half-assed interactions.
There's a psychological part: understanding the psychology of the character. And then there's the improv part: being able to bounce off things that are happening in real time and other people in a natural way that keeps the conversation or scene going.
To me that just kinda reads as lackluster investment, but in fairness I haven't actually played a game where roleplay as such was particularly important I've only done the one, after all, and that was very much a combat system rigged up with a little bit of traveltime between combat locations Which was good, I really enjoyed it, but I didn't really have an opportunity to roleplay much, though my character's backstory was just "she's in debt with the mob so she's in the arknight mercenery crew to pay that off"
though, different people are there for different things Some just like to gain Power and be strong, and that's just as good a way to play as any, I guess
I mean Travis' barbarian in the first CR campaign was born from that, more or less Just strong, low int, not much use during the social periods, but good as hell during combat
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i often have difficulty figuring out my role IRL definitely a muscle to be trained
>>1098925 I try! Sometimes! Roleplaying is hard when you don't have any acting or improv experience I'm a good liar and bullshitter, I'm a poor actor
>>1098930 I think there's also the compulsion to do what you feel would be funny, even if it isn't really something your character would do Especially if it's an opportunity to fuck with your friends through their characters
>>1098935 oh for sure i just meant to say that even people who roleplay regularly don't necessarily become "good roleplayers" because improv and acting are a big part of it
dragon ball fighting games are so wild, because aside from a handful of meme characters like Satan, in its own internal world, even Videl, who's just a regular human being who trained a lot can fucking smoke Ultra Instinct Goku
For that matter, you can actually knock out Broly Which, if I remember my DBZ correctly, is not really doable They had to just send that motherfucker into space I think
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1098922 caption this gura with an allitterive for the day of the week
I honestly don't really know how they expect me to be able to time a piss for like 11:30-12:00 in the morning like I'm just sorta winging this shit and hoping the excessive stimulants coursing through my blood make me pass water like a fucking sieve The fuck am I supposed to do if I mistime it and I GOTTA GO before the nurse is available to like, observe (which I know why they do but it's real fucking WEIRD)
Yeah, if only being defined by the games we play was always so appealing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
remember when i said i dont fly that much? i lied portland time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imagine arriving 3 hours early for a 1.25 hour flight loool couldnt be me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuckin dood on the subway sniffing and sneezing constantly i shoulda brought my N90
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>if a good idea were obviously good, someone else would already have done it. So the most successful founders tend to work on ideas that few beside them realize are good. Which is not that far from a description of insanity, till you reach the point where you see results. >The first time Peter Thiel spoke at YC he drew a Venn diagram that illustrates the situation perfectly. He drew two intersecting circles, one labelled "seems like a bad idea" and the other "is a good idea." The intersection is the sweet spot for startups. probably true tbh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no hes YC pilled
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hear me out uber for dog spas
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
customs guy gave no fucks took my passport took my mugshot and yelled NEXT
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
samu you have a tungsten cube right?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
was thinking about how people make fake gold coins/bars by gold plating tungsten cause they have very similar densities and saw an article about how a guy got caught smuggling gold through an airport with a bunch of it up his.. you know and then thought, what about if smugglers just took cubes of gold and plated it with tungsten instead??
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I dont think a thin plating would show up on x-ray, and tungsten cubes seem to be popular enough as a novelty item to not be that out of place what do you think >WHY? We thought nobody would buy our 17.6lb, 3" tungsten cube. We were so, so wrong >HEAVIEST cube on (and the internet?) at a shocking 41.62lbs / 18.88kg startup idea, make a 5 incher cuber for 50k
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>1" cube is $100, 3" cube is $1800 how the heck does that work, shouldn't it get cheaper with scale why not get 9 1" cubes and glue them together
not sure what's more popular, gay girls or elden ring?
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
draw a gay gurl playing elden ring with a tungsten cube
I dont have time atm, maybe someone that needs practice drawing, can.
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
paging artist spammer you will be paid in tungsten flakes
Tungsten (also called wolfram) is a chemical element with the symbol W and atomic number 74. Tungsten is a rare metal found naturally on Earth almost exclusively as compounds with other elements. It was identified as a new element in 1781 and first isolated as a metal in 1783.
I'd be down to play sum gamecube, not sure what game thoe, many good ones.
my boss was saying they confiscated his metal pen because it was too similar to those metal pens you can get that are servicable weapons idk you wrap your fist around them for punching or something? i forget the name
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Tekkō 'Fist load weapon'
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
(fancy version for roll of quarters)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yayaya apparently there were several TSA officers huddled trying to decide if it qualified no way im bringing a kilo of tungsten in, or however much it weighs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
waiting for coworker next to the bins im da trash man (skibidibi doo wop wop)
Anno thinks it would be very cool to have an interactive way to play elden table top and use the video game too, for 1v1 battles. A rule were if a player pulls certain cards a manditory battle ensues.
was looking to see if artist-kun had posted any more threads and scrolling down 2 da bottom and I guess my browsers not firing on all cyclinders and didnt render the font promptly and so his thread looked super extra schizo and I was baffled if it was a repost of that thread he made with the same image or if flip mode had gotten turned on and off or something weird going on but then it rendered normally a few seconds later
just coined a phrase thats so fantastic I had to put it in my scattered notes.txt file this is going to be a good one, but have to wait for the right moment
i wait with baited breath
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 823 5/6
🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩⬜🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1099073 how come you didn't start anti-stratting it on the 2/3rd guess? could have solved by line 3 or 4
♍︎/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i feel its a high level technique and you probably already know about it or have thought of it independently as well(I forget the proper term, multiple discovery something) and can elab if you want
really wanted to explain the anti strat thing but rei already knows what it is and tried to set up the words in a funny way but messed up and lost a guess cause of it i mean it should explain itself for... idk were just the only ones who do the daily puzzles
It also bothers me that it bothers me, yuh know I'd like to have THICK SKIN about these things. Don't want to be such a sensitive little fragile flower that I go to pieces after hearing some mean words
Thanks, man. I appreciate that. Really. And you know what it was a tough wednesday. But today is Thursday and it's going to be a fantastic day because I will Force it to be so.
I did some exercising, almost 20 push up's. Like, did 20 but the last 5 out of form. Goal 40 every sesh, Can do 100 jumping jacks, 50 anytime. ;) Nothing special work in progress.
>>1099147 I know a "formerly" Christian "Jew" for Jesus who complains that other Jews don't consider him Jewish and I generally consider him to be a friend but I really wish I could explain to him why he isn't Jewish wothout destroying our relationship.
>>1099151 Back in my day 0.50 cents could buy you a whole bag full of groceries And you'd have enough change left over for a trip to the village prostitute
wow if you search "doushio moe" on youtube you get some really awful results brazilian wax tutorial videos for some reason the whole first page of results are all full frontal in the thumbnails uncensored what the fuck even
just open cooch slathered in wax and shaving cream not at all remotely pleasant, very grotesque why is it there and it has no relation to the search terms
I would have expected compilations of cute anime girls going DOUSHIOOOO
ohi moon >>1099189 grates my ear in a strangely pleasant way what program did you use
renoise it takes so long to flesh out an idea that idk how anyone can make normal sounding stuff my OCD wants to twist every sound around to try to scratch some sort of neurotic itch and it becomes way more immersive than actual song composition
i sit down and for 4 hours straight im just tweaking individual instruments and fine tuning them to the millisecond but then i upload it to youtube and it all gets crunched down to like 128kbps mp3 anyway and everything gets flattened out
respect to people who can actually compose a song without getting distracted idk how
idk how people even find my stuff but a disturbingly large proportion of viewers actually come back to listen again and/or click like
here's a maedasalt track i feel like sharing just because it hits a pretty deep chord in my heartsoul
team fourstar actually finished the cell saga at some point during the last like, 8 years or so So I rewatched the whole damn DBZA series It still holds up, incredibly enough, even if the first maybe 10 episodes are pretty weak
is there some particular reason those two blue archives, Asuna and Karin show up together so much, or is it just kind of a meme cause they're both stacked and the contrast is neat?
They belong to the same club/organization
is that sorta like the blue archive version of ship class? like how all the destroyers in kancolle tend to show up in artworks together?
Ah, no The setting for Blue Archive is a city full of schools and academies, and so inside those schools you get all sorts of student councils, clubs, and other student organizations And Asuna and Karin are Millenium students who both belong to C&C, a club which masquerades (but also kind of takes seriously) as maids, but also operates as a "cleaning" task force for the Millennium student council, taking on various jobs which require seriously or not entirely above the board operations
Oh, I see So it's not like they're mechanically part of the same like, type, they're basically just sorta classmates in a sorta way?
Are they the only blue archives you can get from that club then, or something? Cause the two of them, and only the two of them, show up together A LOT Like super a lot
There's five girls in C&C, but Asuna and Karin are probably the most fetish-y There's also Akane from the club, who can rival them for breast size, but she dressesa bit more like a "proper" maid, and Neru, who is thoroughly a loli character so she doesn't quite match the aesthetics of the bustier C&C members A more recent newer member, Toki, isn't really busty or loli, but has her own kind of fetish niche, and lore-wise is more of a lone wolf character, so I figure most artists don't mix her into the rest of C&C
I only know them from artworks, so I mean, I get Karin being kind of a fetish shoe-in, brown girl and all, but Asuna seems kinda... normal stacked girl? Don't get me wrong, both are hot, but Asuna doesn't really visually have much fetish-appeal as far as I can tell
oh wait I guess she has a little bit of a gyaru kind of vibe
Yeah Asuna has a big gyaru streak She's also ridiculous busty, like, one of
Oh, Neru is cute as hell, too, but yeah, not a lot of booba to speak of there She's got, from what I've gleaned on twitter from people who play the game and gush about their favorite girls, got that sorta bloodthirsty loli thing going on, which has its own sorta appeal Not exactly hot or cute, but like a separate thing
She has some pretty great moments in the story too Although as far as loli characters in Blue Archive goes I'm particularly to Hina But she's also like, one of my favourite characters in the game overall
I usually am not even really that into big tiddy, but I've developed an appreciation for it lately I guess I mean I never had anything against it, but like I prefered more modest boobs And really still do, overall
you are NOT HELPIGN but that's OK I am not mad I'm just very insecure I*m creepy though right? Like I'm just shit when I show up, people clear out cause I bring the vibes down I CCAN HANDLE IT I am alcohols I can handle reality I am not in a constant need fo a shield, keeping me separated from the reality of others having more fulfilling lives, lives I am keopt oput of by my own fucked up psyche YOU CAN NOT HURT ME, mentally speaking Don't LIE TO ME
I mean I say that but man am I gonna feel it tomorrwo, you know? I'm not gonna feel it now But I'm gonna Cause I'm a terribly prickly bitch
Nobody, even here on moe, which is the one place I've arguably been the most open about my own like, "self" (assuming such a thing exists) aside from one signular person WHO TOSSED ME ASIDE BECAUSE HE HAD A MENTAL BREAK THE SCUMFUCK I AM STILL MAD anyway uh anyway I'm gonna feel it But I don't NOW and that's all that really matters, right? right? I have a right to knwo you hate me I DO
WELL IF YOU DO ANYWAY IVE GROWN YOU KNOW It's not OK to TELL YOU you hate me But if you do hate me, it's WRONG to not tell me!
>>1099240 Anno doesn't think any on here hates (you), I thought was meaning the friend that there was falling out with from, and then started talking to again to salvage friendship, idk. No hate though.
then anno is a fucking moron but I admire the optimism
whycant i just lash out at people I DONT liike why do i lash out at poeple I do like thta not normal that's just I mean beyond th moral thing it just amkes everything a lot haerder
fuck is wrong WITH EM
i try you know
but then it's like I don'tn deserve it anything
cause I din't desefve it
i don't even know
i just have nothing im mad and confuse dand honestly probabbly sexually rpressed or something like some FUCKING INCEL i should just FUCKIGN jil myseklf
sometimes one day later, is all it takes too change prespective. I hope tommors a better day fir for * all vus.