>my favorite skate shoe brand is out of business now I have to settle for some inferior brand/style nooooooooo
>>1075243 Forgotten Beasts' health is a direct correlation from the material their body is made of So if they're made of, like, paper or some shit, then yeah, they go down pretty easy It's the ones that have bodies of steel or something which are going to take a lot of damage to drop Or forbid you never come across one with a body of magma, because that will seriously burn any dwarf which comes in melee combat with it
I guess if something like that shows up, I'm just gonna have to wall my damn entrances off and wait for them to leave at least for right now
Well a lot of Forgotten Beasts are fairly low threats, unless actively aggravated They usually (always?) spawn in the caverns layers and unlike legendary monsters and sieges, don't zero in on your fortress, so if you leave them alone, they won't bother you until they wander up to your front door, usually giving you enough time to prepare
I guess I could also try to trap some I know they don't trigger traps themselves, but I can make a whole bunch of traps and link them all to a lever, right, and when they're on top I just fucking pull it?
They actually will trigger traps, but I think you have to stun them or knock them unconscious, something like that I know caging Forgotten Beasts is something some players like to goof around with, so there's definitely a means to do so
If I get one that secretes lava trapped, I could put it in a hole somewhere and use that to fuel my stuff, I imagine these things are effectively immortal anyway, right? like vampires
I'm getting a pair of Doc Martens later this week.
>>1075254 I don't entirely remember how the game handles Forgotten Beasts secretions, but I think they never condense to be more than splatters Also there might not be one that actually secretes magma, I think they generally only secrete things like poison A Beast made of magma won't secrete magma, but will be very hot and a fire hazard to anything in its warpath
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075254 Some of them are Some aren't I think sponges are immortal.
>>1075245 I have to take antibiotics for ten days and then see if I'll need surgery gonna be a long fortnight
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075261 Oh Jesus Christ Where is this hair? Did you just not touch it and waited until it got really bad?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075256 My friend who works at Raytheon (military industrial complex corp that makes missiles and shit) has a coworker who wears those at wlork.
i sat down in this sushi joint and then two cops showed up in uniform and joined the party of 3 next to me they're all having a great time catching up should i call my lawyer in case
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075276 oof i dont know maybe the mass dumping designation could work idk
I also can't figure out how to chain up these captured olm men I managed to disarm them through much trial and error, but I can't get them actually chained up for some reason The Hole is working fine now though, able to just drop anything down there without issue now They do not appear to be dying ...which could become an issue, but for whatever reason they don't actually destroy the door blocking their exit I guess they are unarmed, and it IS a granite door, so it probably isn't very easy to destroy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lady cop gave me a look as she left
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075283 lol thTs weird i havent gotten to the point of imprisoning monster people just dorfs and tame animals
I just put down a buncha cages down in the caves to see what I can do with it At this point I just have a big hole with like 20 snakemen in it, and a giant rat None of them seem to need food, which is strange
>>1075289 They're not in cages anymore though They're in The Hole But they just don't need food cause they're invaders I guess? In any event, I'll likely just end up slaughtering the lot for combat EXP later, once I've got my army supplied with gear and actually ready to start doing shit Actually making all the steel gear is taking a little bit of time, but I pumped up production of steel now by adding like 12 more furnaces and furnace bois they do nothing but produce furnace stuff for me all day I still absolutely do need a lot of steel gear, and unfortunately I only have the one armorer so he's gonna be working his ass off but it'll get done He works fast as long as he's got the materials
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075290 she was leaving i glanced up at her she was looking at me with a bit of a smile that got a bit wider i looked back down wither she thinks im a psycho killer or a romeo or possibly both
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway a woman who looks like her gets like a hundred interactions like that per day its nothung really
I probably should have gotten myself a few extra legendary armor smiths, seeing as armor is... a lot of stuff I think I'm gonna give a new guy a separate workshop, and then just have that one churn out copper armor until he's up to par
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats a good idea yeah so many damn pieces in an armor set
It consumes A LOT of copper, but copper is cheap I'm producing enormous amounts of copper anyway because of the tetrahedrite I'm using for silver
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
plentiful metals make it ez dorf only issue is im too lazy to use magma so all the charcoal burning is slowly enraging the elves
You're not making coke? I've got SO much coal and lignite >>1075303 You only need one charcoal to start the process, and each coal piece makes 5 coke, so it's a great way to keep stuff going Just make sure you have an automatic thing set so whenever you're below like 100 coke, you churn out another 10 orders for it, to make sure you don't run out hell, you could just make them churn out the coke as long as the raw materials exist at all, but I've found stuff like that to be a bit excessive I have... a LOT of plaster bags
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah i should do that
Like I've got so many bags of plaster, I ended up not making any damn food for a long while because the plaster nerd used all the empty bags faster than they were made, and that meant nobody was milling my wheat
So I've just ended up beefing up production of a lot of upstream stuff like cloth and thread and bags and barrels and stuff, by adding more workshops to work at the same time on it Same with my metal stuff, there's legit 13 or so furnaces just churning out metal and coke
probably very few of my current soldiers are actually gonna keep being soldiers, too A lot of them are LEGENDARY, but I'm gonna set down otherwise unoccupied dwarves to be my army units in a bit once all the steel is done, I'm setting up a few barracks down in the cave, some in the top layer, and then I can start going to fucking war And they're ONLY gonna be training, no reason for them to work
(ok further admitting there actually is one OF i've considered subbing to, just to get higher quality vids then unsubing or however it works)
but holy shit the work order manager needs search functionality Or at least some way to sort it my smelt orders and stuff are all over the place, and I like to just add another execution of it to the hopper when I add a workshop, that's kinda the point of adding the workshop
the rat I kept in The Hole seems to have perished Not sure if it starved or just went feral and got killed by the snakemen though
And also my steel equipment is ready, at last Now I just gotta disband the squads, remake them, assign them to actual sensible locations, set up taverns as appropriate, and oh boy we're cooking
i just woke up from a bad dream :( i can't remember what I was fighting for, but I got captured by some sort of demon all my teeth were forcibly pulled out for eternity (i was forced to do it myself) then I was forced to walk around a random high school and everyone laughed at me for my horrible sense of fashion 0/10 experience
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075309 toady has got to add another layer of managers managing the managers
>>1075322 Honestly yeah I really hope the modders are let loose on the interface itself
Like just a handful of things I'm really feeling the lack of is As mentioned, sorting and\or searching the workorder list, I get that it's sorted by priority as is, but first of all that seems entirely meaningless since all of them are processed in one go when the manager does that stuff, so I can only think of a handful of niche use cases for the priorities there in the first place, and once you've ran the fort for a while you really start running up against a huge workorder list you gotta fiddle with at times Actually tell me how much of a resource is used and what's output in a given order, preferably also what workshop does it in the first place, and the profession responsible for it A fucking hotkey or selection box for deconstructing buildings like beds and such. It is SUCH a pain in the ass to move stuff down into the bowels of the earth when you're forced to either remove each individual furniture piece one by one, or fucking leave them there and make new ones. This is also a massive painw hen it comes to cages. Speaking of cages: Please, I need a furniture placement category that specifically and exclusively places down cages with something in them. And for that matter, there should be a counter somewhere for how many units you have of whatever you're currently plopping down. I know that's wonky with stuff like floors and walls and whatever, but surely there could be a list displayed somewhere or other of at least the blocks currently available (and also I am begging for a way to prioritize using cut blocks when placing down stuff that can use them, because holy shit I do not want my dwarves to carry boulders from the big stockpile at z30 to the new fortifications and building projects in z-100
Really after playing for a while, I'm starting to wonder just how the hell the community has managed so far Even the managers are a new thing, from what I understand And from what I can tell, they're borderline necessary if for no other reason than keeping your food and drink supply topped up
Also desperately need a better stockpiling system from the ground up. My taverns aren't getting their damn drinks and food because they obviously first go to the main food stockpile near the kitchen\still, then they have to be moved from there to the stockpile in the taverns, which I have set up as a take\give relationship, but those are seemingly not prioritized high enough in the dwarf AI to function properly when there's always something or other that needs hauling I want the rimworld "this stockpile being topped up is of critical importance" setting, so I can set the main food pile as low priority to just take the overflow, and have that only fill once the taverns are stocked
>>1075325 I mean it's a really good game, it's just got a LOT of interface annoyances and a few actually awful bugs that cause severe issues if you don't work around them Like your taverns can have a chest and be set to "stock x amount of mugs", and that does function But your dwarves do not USE those mugs, so they instead go to the pile where you've got mugs to grab some there, and often that's near the food and drink anyway, so they drink out of the barrel in the warehouse instead, so now they're not even in the damn tavern while drinking, losing out on socializing time as well as time overall because they're still going to make the trek back to the tavern to be merry and dance and stuff You can circumvent that by having a stockpile of mugs in the tavern itself though, so it's not a huge issue, but you have to know about it
I rly wanted to play dwarf fortress but from all the criticism I've heard so far it doesn't seem like a good idea
>>1075324 Even then I feel like if I was going to start out with a colony sim then Rimworld would be better to start with, I was hoping Dwarf Fortress would be as user friendly... I wonder how bad the original ascii version is lol
Rimworld is definitely a much more user friendly game, yeah I still prefer it to DF really, but DF is New and Interesting, so that's what I'm playing
I'm not even entirely sure if DF can be made much more user friendly or if these issues I have with it are so core to the damn code, they can't really be altered
Really I can't recommend Rimworld enough if you're at all interested in this kind of game Pretty much all the issues I have with DF, they're more pronounced specifically because in Rimworld it's way, way better Rimworld doesn't have the "manager tab" that DF does, and that I do kinda miss, because you have to manually set each workshop's bills in Rimworld, but there's far fewer of them anyway, and you usually only need one or maybe 2 of any given workshop The stonecutting table is like the only thing I usually have more than 2 of, because you burn through a surprising amount of stone blocks when building stuff, so you kinda want a bunch of people to work on that stuff at a time Animal husbandry is also a heck of a lot easier in Rimworld, since you can just set it like "yeah I want 1 adult male, 1 adult female, max 3 kids of this animal", and they'll automatically slaughter any overflow so far in DF, I've ended up just forgetting about the damn animals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Managers have been around for a hwile i mean when the game was ascii ish tiles expectations for bulk selection were pretty low movin around with cursor keys and all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075324 i think those mugs are for the tavern wench to distribute drinks
Possibly, yeah Main issue is it seems kinda scuffed I guess maybe there's a cap to how many patrons can be there per tavernkeep or something, before they start finding their own drinks
I'd be surprised if we ever have another game that measures up to DF on the complexity and depth Like DF has shit happen that the devs never even thought about Like that one guy who had just an ever mounting hellscape in his tavern as cats came in, licked the beer, died from alcohol poisoning, and then the other cats also showed up and licked the blood or something, which was also alcoholic now, so they died and it just kept going
Oh wait no, they weren't drinking the alcohol itself They were cleaning themselves, which involves licking their paws paws which had walked across beer on the floor, that's how it was
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
an infamous bug for sure but i think if you had a bunch of neural networks doing programming of the game itself they could orchestrate something even more insane im waiting for the first games with built in neural nets to come out the only thing so far is those chess engines
Also real annoying is the stocks menu thing not having any care as to whether something is like, in a stockpile, or in use it says I have 103 chert blocks, but 100 of those are the damn floor I'm trying to finalize
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
geology's crazy
turns out olm men can fucking climb? Lost 5 dwarves to it when i was removing some flooring to make a little garbage disposal unit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think various mobs can climb like one z unit walls
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay if they're really good climbers they can do more but theg can't get around overhangs
I made some tasty baked salmon in my air fryer tonight Turned out actually really good I think next time I'll try to make the time to get it marinating the night before or morning of so that it really gets time to seep the flavour in Also I kinda want to dick around with turning the marination liquid into a kind of glaze or sauce because maple syrup and soy sauce is too delicious a combo to just toss after marinating
Also remember next time to have some kind of vegetables on hand
>>1075398 yes though i dont remember doing so can't let some jackass frtishpost at an innocent
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075399 I can tell from context that the person they're replying to probably meant cognitive behavioral therapy, but what actual rule does it violate?
twitter is a christian, family friendly website where you cannot post or discuss anything inappropriate. come on that's common knowledge :)
some gymrat is playing hardcore at this maccas that or someone out back is
hardcore or hardstyle whatever you call it bro is hosting is own lo personal Stereosonic
apparently my sister wants to get melatonin for her 2yr old and that's a thing parents are doing those kids are gonna grow up with some whack ass dreams
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man im not a doctor but that seems a little early to be adjusting like human neurotransmitters what if she grows up without being able to manufacture her own melatonin
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just like get blackout curtains instead
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whatever this is easy for me to toss out there im sure if i had a 2yo who kept me up all night i'd be considering all kinds of remedies
>>1075416 oh no a brain manufacturering it's own melatonin don't give it ideas
Yeah I'd be remedying that kid into the waste basket
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro they should put implants in our pineal glands so we can just turn on sleep mode whenever we want
kids start having dreams at 2 well thar you go (apparently)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
everything before 5 is just wasted unless you know it actually constitutes the formation of our vast unconscious mind in ways we are not yet prepared to understand
thinking about the times I have fallen asleep with videos playing in the background and fucking with my dreams wonder if my roommate has dreams of trains, flushing toilets and all the random shit he has playing in the background
or maybe he just doesn't dream
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>>/watch?v=Vw_PmYd1jh8 magnus is just built different how tf he makes a comeback with just pawns against a rook
>>>/watch?v=WXjF6wYCAg0 why does the waveform keep drifting up lol i wonder if the mod author did that on purpose or is that just an artifact of an effect
Late Merry Christmas Also Happy New year to you all! :3
SNK closed their official online store and now I have no idea where to find their new merch (other than figures/model kits/toys) from non resellers. :v(
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075452 Not in most of the US, its legal in Florida though.
It's 8:00am and I've got a full day of GAMING ahead of me. I think it's doable.
I started a new dwarf fort and I'm just fucking going for the caves as my area of operations from the start A bit of basic temp setup in advance, but the plan is to get myself situated in the caves, and so far it's going cool and good as I dug further than the first cave layer even is
It's gonna be rough down there, and the startup of any dwarf fort is always a bit of a slog, but still, once it's set up I can comfortably seal myself off from the outside world and be chillin' There's an ENORMOUS pit going down like fucking 40 layers that kinda cut into my planned digging, so I'm gonna have to put up some floors and walls to deal, but this may end up being temporary anyway cause why not go for the next layer down while I'm at it you know?
I've also run across so much damn chalk, I'm gonna enter the steel age so fast it's not even funny So I can just set up a 10 man squad of super soldiers for protection Maybe even 2 squads
I found something cool in Tokyo you might want to see. https://web.archive.org/web/20160304051419/http://ajw.asahi.com/article/sci_tech/technology/AJ201412020060
>>1075490 Oh shit, nice I've been wanting to go back ever since I went back in uh however many years it was Comiket is a lot of fun Being in Japan is a lot of fun I hope you're having fun
I'm here for a year, gotta experience everything. thinking // rather i am going to go to wonderfest next
A year? Fuck I'm envious
alteady been here since late October but been really busy with university
Yeah, I'm familiar with the Japanese university programs being pretty intense A whole year of studying abroad is a big deal though, that's great
Maybe if I can put together the money and Japanese fluency I'll see if I can't make summer Comiket in 2023 I went in winter when I went and I kinda want to try summer Comiket just to see how exactly brutal the Japanese summer can get Kirara and I were making vague plans a while back but if there's a good reason to make it out there I bet we can make solid those plans
>>1075522 Yeah, the people I went to Comiket with took the first train there one day That was kind of a wild experience Something about the frantic but composed energy about the experience was exhilarating for me
you would have had a worse experience than me comiket had limited tickets this year. it was busy but not horrible in the halls.
limited due corona i should say.
also i guess day 2 is not as popular
Oh that's good I was worried limited tickets was a new thing they were experimenting with If it's just for covid prevention then I likely won't have to worry about it when I can go again
I don't really mind the crowds of Comiket, I think the fact that everyone's there with purpose means it isn't really hard to get where you need to go I never felt choked or stranded in a crowd when I was there
isn't being fuckin mauled by all the foot traffic part of the authentic experience?
If they want to keep Comiket to the three days it encompasses but restrict entrance to a limited number of people it's only going to create a demand bottleneck Especially since most, if not all, table participants are only there one day I think that's a pretty big concern for the contentment of people who come there to buy goods
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075530 Where there sweat clouds or is that just a summer comiket thing?
>>1075533 they reduced it to two days as well this time
>>1075534 not that i noticed but sweated a lot. i was dressed for winter
some of the hauls I saw at the tables in front of eating areas were massive. people had 100s of doujins laid out all over the table oh yeah I got special Comiket green tea
https://store.steampowered.com/app/2134470/34EVERLAST/ I saw a booth with this game, it looked really well made for a indie development.
Bragging you can beat their game in only ten minutes is a kind of funny point of pride
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Clear the game loop in as little as 10 minutes, no game overs, super-concentrated action entertainment for busy working adults.
no game overs makes it sound like all you gotta do is mash A
It is for tired salarymen apparently lol it looks visually interesting but that description is interesting so according the booklet I get from them: It is a looping game, 1 cycle takes 10 minutes to clear. An Triple A style game that is stress free. the booklet has needlessly complex diagrams
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
neato burrito i hope it does well i wanna see some indie games using unreal engine 5 nanites
it freaking cold here, about 5c
Talk about relativity It's currently 7c here and that's freakishly warm for the time of year Freaking cold right now would be like -15c for me hah hah
My circulation is messed up so I get cold really easy and too hot easy too. minus numbers and I basically have be covered in layers
>lose 10 lbs on keto >switch to counting calories (1,200-1,600), eating healthy (chicken breast, smoothies, water only, etc.), and exercising >gain 5 lbs back hello yes I'd like a new body please, this one is defective and I'd like to lodge a formal complaint while I'm at it.
I mean, that's what the body is designed to do and why fad diets are usually bad for you. After something like keto, your body is programmed to start retaining fat to prepare for the next time it doesn't have access to food because keto is interpreted by the body as starvation.
Moreover, if you started exercising, you probably started building muscle. If you weren't exercising before, you lost muscle before you did fat, so now your body is building up muscle again. Fat is less dense after than muscle.
yeah I know fat weighs less than muscle, etc. etc. my stomach, neck, and hip fat show that I'm definitely gaining some fat back and not just gaining muscle this is biased and unfair it feels like no matter what I do I can't lose weight. like if eating healthy and exercising is supposed to make you lose weight than how come I'm just gaining it? I don't want to stay on the current path with no results in sight, I have less than a month left now for my goal and I'm not gonna make it probably
yeah that's when I did track/tennis and I was on ADHD meds that curb your appetite, sometimes for days at a time. now I have arthritis and can't do a lot of things and I'm off meds >>1075602 yeah I was hoping to get to like 170 lbs by Jan22 but I don't see that happening now that I went from 180 to 185. angwy
Yeah, losing 15lb in a month would be pretty hard. It'd be unhealthy for you too. That's pretty frustrating. I was sort of in the same boat last year, I wanted to lose 15 pounds and it took me like three months.
I saw this vide of a guy who could hold an infinite note on the trumpet, he exhales air and holds it in his mouth to keep the note going while switching to breathing through his nose, then rinse repeat to have an infinite note
>>1075625 I tried Takis ONE time and they hurt my tummy, never again
keto is a meme saw the post way above i am blessed with a LUK metabolism where i can eat anything i want all day and not gain weight tehe best of luck with your resolution if its to lose weight/stay healthy and all that
>>1075637 Keto actually works though from my experience I lost like 40 lbs a few years back, I only gained some of the weight back from my roommate buying me pizza and cooking spaghetti etc. etc., he's a bad influence gotta get in shape for a vacation that I'll probably have to cancel anyway due to new job soon....sigh also eff your metabolism I want CRISPR to edit my genes so I can eat anything and not gain weight >nezi what about your autoimmune disease don't you want CRISPR to fix that fi- DID I STUTTER
>>1075654 my dad got me a Peloton for kurusimasu so I've been riding it every day for exercise swimming would be good for my joints but I don't like it very much, I'd rather cycle
>>1075655 fairy nuff don't go crazy on the pelo probably better for your joints than.running
that's sounds really good right now maybe not when I'm hungover though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
plum wine? nice
whats the deal with airline bonito anyway?
Plum wine is so nice, I love it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but is it made of plums or potatoes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im drinkin a sour beer its pretty pog
>>1075692 usually plums iirc I think some companies cheap out and just use syrup and some spirit tildes much more into umeshu than me I always just get the Choya stuff which comes with the little plums ain't cheap though
Nice umeshu is not cheap yeah. I have bunch more alchol than the umeshu, Haroyoi a pear cider which is really nice. and other stuff.
my bentou has little corner with pasta in it, nearly all the bentous I get have like spagetti or the tube pasta in it for some reason.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i can imagine it takes a lotta plums to get enough juice all that stonefruit
surely you just nab some wasted plum crops idk how it all works
>>>/watch?v=bhV4whO0Xps this makes me laugh like a moron I know it's just their language and this probably sounds like nothing to them but all my brain can think is A N I M E woah watch out for future bugs past dwellers must be timelines colliding
wait when did krame blackface uh oh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that was a looong time ago
idc he did it, I just don't remember that episode
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shower o abimasu
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
noo i mean the episode i dont know what the joke is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Thicc Bonkus(es) are an obstacle of Fall Guys, first introduced in Season 2 (Legacy)
>>>/watch?v=tMcOh8ORi7o subscribe to sakuya to get her to 4k!!!!! she plays shamisen and sings min'yo she's really good, she played at the tokyo national theater a month or two ago
I've never really been out drinking until I came to Japan, working at bars in the UK made it have no appeal to me. but Japanese people drink a lot. I do like the mood of Izakayas, there is one near me that is All Whisky and Jazz music
>>1075742 how bout you and I go out and pick up some coke zeros see where the night goes
I can hear someone nearby's fire alarm sounding off its end of life warning I hope they're home to turn it off Or that it's a unit which actually has people living in it I don't know what the recourse is if no one's home and this thing sounds off its pips every minute Besides it driving me insane
In my continuing learning about DORF FORTS, turns out there's a hotkey for increasing the FPS, which effectively speeds the game up Which is great, because now I don't gotta slog through the start at a snails pace
I have also realized that becoming extremely wealthy is not necessarily all that good early on I now have nearly 100 dwarves, endless petitions to stay from entertainers, and a total of 40 bedrooms done fug
Like any economy game, scaling your economy up at a reasonable pace is important
dorf fortress is hilarious
It's great Not just a game a way of life The new Steam release is a great boon to the interest in the game too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075755 god damn petitions man i think the only way is to de-tavernize but how sad is that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>We love you 4ever maya!! You're the reason why i want a pug since i was a kid. We're here for you pewds, marzia and edgar my condolences.
rest in peace pewdiepie pug but also like how do you watch a dog that can't breathe and has terrible health and say 'we should have more of those' gaah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright with that out of the way its good vibes only the rest of the year i got my coffee i got my day off
>>1075759 I guess so, and it's not even enough to only allow citizens in the tavern you have having a tavern at all means you'll have people showing up, it's fucked
Also my mods aren't even working man, what the hell I installed them, made a new world, and they're not taking Scammed
is...is it bad that I seem to have a growing population of necromancers? Apparently they need neither sleep, food nor drink, so I figure it's actually good, but is it gonna bite me in the ass later?
I guess it's probably fine Not like they're gonna start summoning creatures from the depths to wreck their own home surely Copium
>>1075771 I know players have engineered to have a vampire constantly getting pricked by spike traps at the bottom of a well and then depriving their dwarves of booze so that they have to use the well to quench their thirst, which means they drink the vampire blood-contaminated well water and turn Resulting in a whole fortress of vampire dwarves It's a better outcome than you might think
Necromancers will use necromantic magics when threatened to raise corpses (and corpse parts) This is more apparent when you're the one fighting them, since it's kind of hard to engineer the circumstances for a necromancer in your fortress to draw upon their magic I believe in Adventure Mode you can use the magics freely if you can become a Necromancer, but I'm not too sure
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075687 I was actually thinking about that. I've been having trouble recalling words and names recently.
Everyone is always like "oh congratulations" but to be honest, I resent my sobriety. I don't see it as an accomplishment, I see it more like a curse. 6 years of being unable to drink my beloved booze, you know?
Yeah. I feel you. Coming up to four years myself this April. I miss it so much... SO MUCH
But more like Just grats on having the fortitude and wherewithal to stick it out and endure it. like you'd congratulate somebody who completed some difficult athletic challenge.
>you can make the dwarves always wear armor and possibly weapons too holy shit this is incredible stuff I'm just gonna set EVERYONE up into squads and have most of them never train, just so they fucking crush the crundles and other bullshit creatures they run across I have SO MUCH steel available, man, I think I can set up all 150 fucking dwarves with a full set
>>1075799 nooo you can&5 give every dorf free steel they will become addicted and resent its absence
>>1075805 yeah it turns out they still run away while in civilian mode anyway So I guess I'll have to find a way to make them patrol, but ALSO go back and eat and stuff They don't really need training, for the most part, since steel equipment is more than enough to handle what the game's throwing at me atm anyway Probably will set up one more squad that just trains all day to deal with actual threats, I just need these damn crundles handled >>1075807 A what?
> In previous versions, danger rooms were a useful workaround for regular training being too slow and difficult for new players to figure out. However, recent modifications to the combat system have made danger rooms quite dangerous and barracks training significantly more effective, so small-group sparring is currently the recommended training regimen. I think I'll pass
Though maybe I'll just set up a net of traps along the edges of the cave I'm in to capture anything that shows up and then dump all that shit into a pit or something
It doesn't matter too much to me how well trained my mans are anyway though I've yet to have a beast show up that 3-4 dwarves didn't fucking body And the squad has 10 lads with steel gear, no way is a fucking animal gonna destroy them
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh NVM it got nerfed Stupid devs
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Barracks training was pretty much useless compared to danger rooms.
Hm, a trap net like I'm thinking of is gonna be a good idea overall when I think about it It'll use A LOT of my resources, which is good in and of itself really, and supply me with easy prey that I can actually just airdrop into the damn barracks Hell I can probably sell the bastards too, right?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075813 https://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/40d:Carp This was patched a while ago.
Holy shit that's an incredible way to passively gain trade goods Though, admittedly, I already have so many damn shells I'm never gonna run out of crafts to sell either >>1075818 nopes I'm basically playing blind
>>1075817 It's an old thing that was patched out. http://www.bay12forums.com/smf/index.php?topic=25967.0 But merperson bones were worth a lot, so people made merperson breeding/butchering machine loops. Toady was disturbed by it so it got patched out but people kept doing it anyway.
...actually, couldn't I just make a damn moat around the edge of the map in the caves and stop anything from actually getting in? that won't even use resources, though of course it'll give none sellables
Also can I train troglodytes or crundles? that'd be sick, having pet crundles, they're kinda cute
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why make a moat when you can flood the whole cavern with magma
>>1075821 Because I'm in the process of moving my entire base into the depths for resource extraction purposes >>1075823 Bone bolts seem like a good idea until you realize each bolt print that goes off only makes 5 bolts, which means you need to do it 5 times as much It's renewable, sure, but it's also extremely time consuming
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>Heck, my kittens don't spend more then thirty seconds in this world before they're off to the crossbow bolt shop. HOLY BASED
yeah Not exactly conducive to extracting the resources either I'm just gonna go with the traps and cages Then I'll have those filled cages hauled up to above the barracks, make a little hole to drop them down, and voila, free kills and bones
Man you think you're on pace to finally house all your boys and then BAM Some migrants have arrived. Really wish I got a prompt like "do you wanna let them in?"
rope lighters are pretty neat because they don't require any liquid fuel or recharging like normal lighters, the fuel is just the rope (which can be as long as you want and lasts a really long time). plus they're windproof since it's a slow ember and not a flame, but still enough to get a fire going or light something
hey rei can I use trolls for anything? The wiki is a bit scattered when it comes to info, but can I like, train them? Civilize them? Enslave them? Or are they just fodder for the military grinder?
I caught two, so it'd be cool to know if I can domesticate them and breed them for parts
I don't actually know if they'll actually breed while on a fortress tile Like how all the other dangerous creatures which wander in to your caverns won't start reproducing
Regardless, while incredibly stupid, they are considered intelligent creatures, meaning they hold certain protective simulation restraints which prevent you from butchering their corpses, meaning you'd have to let them decay down to bones to get anything workable out of them And unless you want to set up a whole killing procedure a la mermaids, I don't think it's worth it You also can't tame them because they're evil, or maybe because they're intelligent, or maybe both, I dunno
So, training fodder Fair enough Oh well, I got kinda excited cause I caught exactly two, and it's a male + a female, so Iw as like "holy shit can I breed these?" It'd be kinda sick to just have like, a little pit by the entrance to my fort, instead of a moat, that just drops most of the encroaching army into a trollpit where they have to fight, and even if they win they'll surely starve sooner or later Kinda disappointed miasma doesn't actually kill or anything, though
I was hoping I could make like, a damn gas chamber that just chokes invaders out with the rot of their fellows over time
oh shit, same thing just happened, caught two plump helmet mans And they can supposedly be civilized Alas, the wiki does not provide steps for this
aw, only during worldgen, I.E the AI can have some, but I can only get some through petitions from them That sucks, I wanted these little guys
Maybe educating the uncivilized creatures is something Toady might put on the docket I dunno though, it seems like his next big mission for Dwarf Fortress is to add a more magical and divine aspect to the game As in make the gods' presence in the world more than just flavour text and faith structures And maybe do more with magic than necromancy and a few infectious fantasy monsters?
It'd be real cool to be able to do it How do I go about taming the ones that can be tamed, anyway? Chain them up in an animal training zone or something?
Probably I don't have much experience with animal taming since it never appealed to my gameplay, so I'm not terribly familiar with the systems
Ah, fair enough I'll check the wiki I guess I mostly wanna train whatever I can use as war animals to send at my enemies like a damn locust
Animal husbandry in this game kinda sucks ass to be perfectly honest with you, so I just slaughter the horses and cows and junk that comes with migrants I know I can milk and shear them and whatever, but actually managing that and their numbers is a fucking pain in the ass In Rimworld I always do some animal rearing, because the system is very "set it and forget it", but DF's barebones system is too micromanagy for me on that front I really miss the "I want x adult females, y adult males, z kids of each gender" setting rimworld has, where all overflow just gets automatically slaughtered Even has a little button for whether you wanna count pregnant ones in that count or not, so you can set it so they won't slaughter pregnant animals no matter what. Which CAN lead to way too many animals since they breed like crazy, but it also means you'll eventually settle on an equilibrium of animal products and meat income ...as long as you can feed the damn things, anyway
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075831 No idea Ive barely played, i just know some random shit
fuaaaark bjork's playing in perth why couldn't she be closer let's see how much this is
>$116 - $449 that's steep dang
MY GOD You can legit just set it up so even while they're "off duty", at least 5 of the squad are on a specified patrol That's incredible
...my dwarves aren't even attacking it Am I seriously about to lose the whole fortress because the game decided my trained soldiers are simply not going to attack the damned thing?
screw that I'm savescumming I'm chalking that up to a bug
Like if I just lost the fight, that's one thing, but my dwarves seem to have just bugged out and weren't even moving to engage, or moving to their designated post for that matter
I'm sure that thing would have whopped my ass anyway, but it's just not satisfying to have it end with what kinda seems like a bug Maybe there was something going on that I didn't manage to understand, but I can't think of what it might have been Like, maybe they just won't walk into fire, that's understandable enough, but then why didn't they respond to the station order in the first place? That wasn't in the fire.
making me want to play df.
The Steam release is a very nice improvement on the game Would recommend if you're already a fan of the game
i got it but haven't played it yet.
every time i go onto this site i'm afraid to scroll past the main thread
yeah the marsh threads are a bit hard to look at
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075852 Why would you scroll past it in the first place? There's never more than one active thread.
I have my soldiers set to store their armor in the barrack, on the armor stands This is, apparently, a big mistake Because hauler dwarves do not recognize it as owned armor, so they go to pick it up and haul it ...why this
>>1075854 yeah but sometimes the main thread isn't the most active thread and you have to scroll past the cp thread
If you're particularly worried about it, I'd recommend hiding thumbnails, especially on devices which might be seen in public It's kind of a workaround for the fact that nothing seems to be able to be done about stopping it, but it's a workaround nonetheless
I have finally acquired the gold necessary I have chess-boarded the generic temple with silver and gold floor tiles
Well, I set up the build order for it, in any case There's a whole boatload of STUFF going on in this fort since it's currently straddled between two main areas that are real far apart, but once I get stuff set up in the caves, things oughta improve quite a bit
...which now that I think about it means I'm gonna have to move that temple anyway ...goddamnit
Games like Dwarf Fortress kind of do a great job of teaching you macroplanning Because of how tedious it is to do anything sizable twice, you start getting really good at figuring out where you want every finished installation before starting it I wonder how transferable skills like that are into things like urban planning
Eventually, yeah I've got the sense for that already in Rimworld, most of my runs in that end up looking fairly similar, with most variation in the layout coming down to the positions of good farmland and to some extent just the layout of the mountains Sometimes you just have a little nook that's not under the mountain, but the only way in is through a mountain pass, which ends up saving you a LOT of stress early game when you haven't built up your defensive wall and killbox yet
Overall though, while I have a fairly good idea how stuff needs to be arranged, it tends to be pretty fluid when it comes to the details
There's a few staples to my fortresses which I like to do One being a giant underground great hall, complete with pillars for aesthetic design, since generally you don't need to hold up a giant empty room But I like pillars, so That usually ends up being a very painstaking job of channeling out the giant hall from the top down, but it's satisfying to me Plus it gives me a bunch of rock and training for my mining dwarves
My basic industrial area and food areas generally look pretty identical, and I have a system to how I design my lower-class dwarves' apartments too I want to do more above-ground construction but the amount of support architecture and resources involved always exhaust my patience
So far, all my forts have been a sort of square pillar design, with one staircase roughly in the middle of the map just going down through the whole damn mountain, with stockpiles as squares on each floor, and then the related workshops next to them
I actually may end up restarting once again, because I think I could improve on this clusterfuck and probably avoid a lot of excess work by just planning stuff out a bit better Sure I could just live with it and redo it as it is, but the FPS grind is real, and I'm really not looking forward to the absolute slog of removing furniture from up top I could leave it there, I suppose, but uuuugh I'll still have to get rid of all the workshops and stuff
Honestly a single stairway column is the most FPS efficient design for a fortress, since the more possible routes they can take, the more calculations each dwarf has to make when planning and re-evaluating a route And unlike hallways, dwarves can't obstruct other entities on a staircase, so theoretically every dwarve in your fortress could move along your staircase without issue
Ah, is that maybe why everything went ass-up FPS wise once I got to the caves? Cause now they've got an absurd amount of options? It honestly seems real strange for just pathing to eat FPS to that degree I mean, it's not nearly as complex a game, sure, but like, L4D had extremely good, robust pathing that wasn't even reliant on the nodemaps source usually goes with, for a REALLY large amount of zombies at the same time Though I suppose they could group them together to a large degree and use the same general path for clusters
...wait are you saying a single staircase tile is enough? I've been doing 3x3 to avoid bumping
I guess I am gonna restart after all The main reason I even ended up going to the caves this early was for gold, when I think about it
Really do wish the building interface gets either mod-enabled or just patched to have a few quality of life stuff though Like, selecting the closest item is cool and good But maybe let me use the highest quality item? Or a specific building block. Stuff like making a checkerboarded floor with gold and silver is very tedious when you gotta select each spot on its own and then scroll to find gold\silver for each one individually. Just having a selection thing that's like "use this material for what I'm jotting down" would be a real QoL improvement, especially when dumb stuff like this is effectively the real point of the whole game anyway, as far as it being a game goes
I saw in the Steam news that they have actually hired a new programmer, who will be the first person not Toady to look at Dwarf Fortress' code in maybe ever And I wonder if they're someone who will help improve some programming efficiency or improve on things like its pathfinding, since singlehandedly the biggest issue in late-game fortresses is always the FPS chug from pathfinding
>>1075875 I know for tasks like mining or designating stockpiles, you can choose to paint the shape you want instead of dragging a rectangle or cube Can you do that for building things?
...oh, maybe that's an option for floors too I didn't even look I haven't used the brush ever
But if it is a thing, it's obviously only for floors and walls (Also another BIG annoyance is that in order to use macros, the keyboard curser must be enabled, but when that is enabled, the drag-selection square for floors, walls, and farm plots is rendered invisible for mysterious reasons) You legit gotta just eyeball it, cause the preview is gone when you do that
Wish the macros \\\ Rather I know the macros can absolutely do more than simply mine, but I do wish that there was a sort of blueprint system for mining specifically, or even for building as well I usually set up my bedrooms like xxxxx xooox xoBox xxxox with the B being the bed obviously and then I just have like 10 of those on either side of the middle like, hallway through the dormitory and sure, using a macro to mine that out is good and nice, but I do have some issues with it For one, actually making the macro is real slow, finnicky, and fucking annoying Using the macro is equally fucked, because if the camera isn't exactly where it was when you made the macro (in relation to the stuff you're doing), then it works up to and exactly when you press esc because you went "ah shit, I accidentally marked something I didn't intend to" and went to fix it at the end that fucks itself 100% of the time if you run the macro with the camera positioned anywhere else than the exact tile it was when recording, because when you open mining or deselection, the cursor reverts to the middle of the camera, not wherever it last was
that and it's slow to run, too like it just takes time to run through the actions you made and that's annoying I want blueprints
Me neither but this feels like the perfect task for it
there's even a damn blueprint mode in the mining interface, but that doesn't fucking work for like, copy pasting, it's just planning mode Why doesn't the BLUEPRINT MODE have a copy\paste function? That's the whole damn point? If I just wanna plan something out, I simply do not connect it to a wall the dwarves can access or I pause the game Hell, I usually have to pause the game when doing anything that requires thought anyway, because the FPS gets so scuffed the game eats my inputs
I wonder if my particularly bad FPS is because I'm on linux or something It runs native on linux, from what I understand, but maybe I should try sending it through wine instead just to see if that actually improves things, since the porting to linux wasn't even done by people with access to the code, they just had like, these snippets and parts, so maybe it's just not that good at linux, you know
Yeah I'm mostly thinking maybe the linux code just runs less efficiently, basically like, calls to the system or whatever I mean it's unlikely that'll be worse than running it through wine anyway, but I'm gonna see if steam lets me use that proton thing for it once I get back from work Just to see
Though I'm also absolutely gonna set up some goddamned quantum stockpiles
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man its basically sinhle threaded thats so sad but expected ancient C++ codebase
Ah I thought maybe it was something you could kinda shoehorn in to just sorta split up into parallel what used to run in series But holy shit, single thread, huh? I mean, Rimworld is also singlethread, but there is actually a mod that literally makes it multithreading, if I've understood it all correctly Rimworld's simpler though, I suppose, and I'm not sure if it's just enabling a scrapped feature or literally adding it Or if that's actually what it does in the first place, not like I know for certain, I haven't used it cause I've never had performance issues in Rimworld
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
get an AI to rewrite it in 2030
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you would think so but no C++ isnt memory safe by default so everything being interlinked and mutable makes it nearly impossible to use threads without a complete overhaul of the shared state architecture
rewrite in rust hashtag
get an ai to rewrite this dang website
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sooooo true
I would say there's probably a non-zero chance the additional programmer might be tasked with rebuilding DF to be multicore-friendly, but probably not Most likely they'll be looking to change existing pathing algorithms and other functions to be more efficient
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Isn't the bottleneck the size of your cache? I remember reading that a while ago. Maybe you need a threadripper.
yeah from what I've seen just looking for ways to get my FPS to be better just now, at least some people seem to claim that pathing is not actually the fps killer it used to be
I guess I'll have to succumb to using quantum stockpiles and atom smashers for my next fort I kinda wanted to avoid both of those, but the atom smasher actually seems to be outright necessary because some refuse doesn't really appear to deteriorate in anything approaching a reasonable timeframe I've had the same damn hoofs from an animal I slaughtered in year 100 in the stockpile up at the surface the whole time I think, and this fort's in year 104 now, late 104
Might not actually be the same hoof, but it wouldn't surprise me if it was
These damn things fill up fast and stay full forever >>1075907 Well yeah, that's entirely true, but it's also a video game that eats FPS for each entity on the map, so it'd be nice if the stuff that legit has 0 use value would deteriorate in like, a year, at least while in a refuse pile which supposedly increases deterioration by its mere categorization
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
OpenCL Dorf Fort when?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075905 I'm pretty sure a hoof would take a long time to decompose in real life.
Quantum stockpiles aren't so bad once you figure them out The additional value of having all your resources in one nice, compact location to fetch from is pretty nice
I mean I am effectively still NEET cause it's not real employment, but it's a "work program" that actually seems to have a path forward, so while I'm still not entirely convinced, I do think it's got a chance to land me in a paying job It's just taking a while cause I gotta get my whole mental illness stuff under control too so I don't suddenly disappear from society for a day at random
So its employment and training, like Job Corp? Thats def ET
I mean, it's Supposedly training, but it's not actually training in any sense beyond "making sure you can and do show up for a work schedule and can do the most simple tasks humans still do in production" And it's not employment because I do not get paid, and my contract's with the government unemployment office, not the company we're effectively leased out to
Anyway I really gotta go now, cause it's icey as hell outside and while I have a lotta time, you sometimes gotta take it slow on these roads
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1075916 >>1075914 I really get you on the mental illness thing, thats a big part lf *of why its taken me so long to get back to school.
>>1075916 nothing wrong with that, takes a while to get into habits and you can see it like coaching drive safe
Oh I haven't been in my bedroom all day so I haven't noticed But whichever neighbour's fire alarm is in its end of life phase is still sending out its warning pips It's loud enough to be heard in my bedroom Although not as bad as when mine was going off Still Not going to be a fun sleep Maybe I should see if the building staff can do anything about it tomorrow
idk about the meta I'm just an ape trying to recognise patterns but not doing very well
Well I guess an expected drawback to the roads being empty due to the holidays All the buses are running way ahead of schedule and can't be expected to show up when they usually do
another win for citywalkers car culture btfo
I wish our public transit wasn't so reliant on buses and streetcars to support our subway lines We have some pretty great subway lines, but also far too few lines and no intention of developing them where they're actually needed
>>1075963 holy shit do you get any cool monk powers? >>1075964 visiting family back in Tennessee should be nice but will likely be a little stressful, as family usually is
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1075965 i can get access to Secret Areas of temples in japan when i go
that's where they keep the cute fox spirits
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
after i receive dharma transmission i'll get into the Super Secret Areas nobody will tell me whats inside them ):
Wow after all these years Kirara is finally joining the secret club
the secret bully club
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have really cool robes with secret pockets in the sleeves
No, it is a megaconstruction I will utilize the quantum storages to create a well oiled production powerhouse
And then I'm gonna make an absolutely absurdly large, gold, silver and platinum-coated church on the north of the build, spanning however many Z levels this ends up being >>1075986 Perhaps I will make a blood sport colliseum for my dwarves to enjoy some fighting invaders Anything in a cage lives forever, so it's merely a matter of dumping the same amount or different amounts depending on mood in each entry, hitting a lever to raise the gate, and watch the fucking carnage
you should add a central stairwell you can flood with magma or liquid gold or something every fortress is better with a murder spiral
its a great way to kill titans and other annoying cunts if you can't just lock them away with an artifact furniture
>>1075985 i wonder if the dwarves would come watch if you had seats and food and stuff up there
The planning involved on this one is gonna take some doing, that's for sure But I do have a mental image of what I'm trying to build, so it shouldn't be all that difficult Time consuming to make, but I think it'll be far more efficient than anything I've done before, and look way nicer too
I hate aquifier in df
spam on thw front page
>>1075990 I just disable it in the embark location search every time I start the game Sure it's an interesting mechanic to navigate in theory, but I really just do not want to deal with it Gets in the way if you're trying to make something that's aesthetically pleasing
Even rivers and waterfalls you can redirect if you want to
My god this is gonna take a pretty heavy amount of planning Now thankfully, the strategy I was going to use was based on a misunderstanding of how stockpiles are handled Items laying on top of each other in a stockpile ARE counted as "in the stockpile", but they are also counted as like, "should be moved somewhere else" This is very helpful, because it means all my bespoke stockpiles for various stuff won't need manual assignment I think Goddamn it's like I'm programming
No wait shit it's actually not particularly good This is gonna take some mucking about
The problem has been solved, though my concentration is suffering But this absolutely can work, I just need to set up an ungodly amount of stockpiles and stuff
This stockpile tech is honestly most valuable for the FPS gains Just making space for stuff is easy enough in DF, but the FPS drain is what really hurts
my plane took off lat // late and now I'm stuck in detroit for 3 more hours
Each production floor is basically gonna have this layout The production room is fucking massive because I intend to have bespoke stockpiles for various items in there, too, for example if I want to make some marble blocks, I gotta make sure I have marble available to the one making it, but it can't be open season on it for the other stoneworkers Not all of them really need this much space, but I like having things look the same, just going with a standardized design
I also intend to not only smooth, but pave all the traveling floor tiles Not like, paved tile, but like, floor tiles Of value Possibly marble cause man I've got a lot of that shit
Either that fire alarm from yesterday is still sounding off its end of life pips or some other apartment's alarm has also started doing it and similarly does not have anyone around to see to shutting it up What a real nuisance
go vandalize it
It's in a locked apartment!
Kirara "Ikkyū" 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
break in
vandalize the lock
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
use your illegal lockpick set to infiltrate and deftly swap the battery
you know, my apartment is basically a concrete cave set in the face of a cliff
>>1076047 >illegal lockpick set lotta words to write hammer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so true
canadian laws are weird about lockpicks its illegal to carry them around unpess you have a license and submit fingerprints and stuff but you may buy them online and possess them at home
hmm any lockpick sets you could reasonably argue are s something else? maybe a set of tweezers? blackhead clearing set? chopsticks?
>>1076086 died in a snowmobile accident, thread was an hour ago I remember being excited about him racing Rob Dahm's RX7 build like...6 months ago? and then the hoonipigasus build was a really neat 911 930 build that I was loosely keeping tabs on...unlucky man damn that's a pretty subaru you posted, that thing got fucked....did driver live? that's on driver side impact
>>1076089 I've only been on /o/ a few times, I always forget about it tbh but mostly it was a bunch of shitposting and whatnot from what I remember, I need to swing by more