Is Monsanto-chan talking about how they aren't poisoning us
oh wait this is just like a demonstrative educational thing that's not so bad when you said bill nye i conjured up the image of him having serious podcast DEBATES and i'm like oh no
>>107393 I just wish people didn't take it for granted People treat "scientists" like people preaching the gospel these days Can't even look at the science to see if it seems valid
>>107391 He's just talking about how genetic modification is something humanity's always been doing, just slowly and without a lot of precision
>>107397 clean out the lobbies then "MAKE" monstrasto change what they do. also i really do want to know if fusion is feasable or is just a huge waste of money and time I do want the green enery sec to live but its wasting money right now.
>>107398 that's what i do -- that last line i mean if i hear a researcher start talking about something i'd rather close it out and pull up the research it's easier and quicker to look through and more meaningful than whatever they're saying i'm pretty impatient these days
bacon and tequila FOR BREAKFAST? why not
>>107402 yeah I try to do this I want to make the judgements for myself I don't mind guidance from others but I don't necessarily trust their judgement
>>107404 dialogue is the best interaction with material though that's why i like talking to you about stuff like that engaging it directly in a discussion, but not just listening to someone talk about their own work but i dont have enough people that overlap my interests so i just have the raw reading material a lot
>>107401 oh were you the one asking me about gmo's the other day
I'm starting to think it's like, childigs \\\ childish uni students It's clearly not aimed at actual kids But I don't know who this humor is directed at because no adult would find this particularly fun beyond on an ironic level
They've mentioned the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation at least 3 times now Not this episode, during the show Microsoft had some people there for the AI episode too
I was wondering why Tay wasn't brought up in an earlier segment on that episode, and then Microsoft showed up and I was like "Oh I see what's happening here"
>people who don't vaccinate their kids tend to be white, college-educated and higher than average income So... starbucks moms
The people with the "I wanna speak to the manager" hairdo with the blonde\black streaks
I guess the image I was trying to invoke was like, a middle class, likely stay at home mom who spends a lot of her time with her friends at starbucks
that wouldn't be something I'd associate with starbucks..
he means the daughters of the hippies-turned-yuppies
I can't imagine middle classes girls willingly not working I wouldn't, at least.
unless my parents were rich and stuff...
>>107438 The labors at home are something everyone can help with. Is not like it's a woman's job.
also the >being a mom is the hardest job in the world :)))) people fuck no it isn't quit that bullshit your absence of purpose doesn't make your opinions just as validated as everyone else's skanks
is that a shitpost or a truth i'll never know i don't see why being a mom can't be a purpose
oh no it can that's not what i'm talking about i'm talking about the women who marry a decently well-off salaryman and they don't really have to do a job, so they're mostly community-involved very social, attending town meetings and neighborhood watch groups and stuff which is all well and good, but those sorts of activities can sometimes lead them into feeling authoritative and because they're somewhat isolated except for other people like themselves, that's when they start on the ideas that vaccines are bad or that homeopathy is a legitimate medicine
they don't value or understand that people dedicate their lives to being professionals in those fields and understanding them and they think that them having an opinion about it or anecdotal evidence makes their senses just as valid my bacon's burning ill brb
Episode on gaming Thought he was going for the "most gamers are actually 40+ year old women" study He wasn't Impressive
They made a video game to train surgeons Using robot arms
but yeah it's not against moms, just against an ideology really they're not actually terrible people but they fall into flawed and harmful logic sometimes, as i'm sure all people do you might not be familiar with it but it's a very distinct group of people there's not really a word for it but it's very distinct here in the US
soccer moms would probably fall into that spectrum yeah but they're on the lower end i would say they're just mostly involved in their kids' lives, and that's fine enough but yeah that's the right idea i suppose
my cat smells the bacon and runs into the kitchen meowing at me like she wants some and i'm like okay cat you want some bacon and i give her a piece and she won't acknowledge it she just keeps following me around to meow at me that she likes the smell of the bacon but doesn't actually want any? what the fuck cat why are women so complicated a MALE cat wouldnt have this problem
just remember people who dont vax will not have their genes carry on so its fine. weeding out stupid va natural selection >>107452 some people are more suspectable to flawed logic though i know about mental cultures they do "breed" in a way though it must have ways to breed.
>>107451 it's not a genetic thing though it's socionormative inheritance genes aren't the only things that carry forward through generations there's actually a group of people who believe that all people should practice celibacy and they carried around for a long time, many generations they believed in charity too and would adopt, and the culture lasted a long time
>>107454 some people that are gullabe wont breed thus the gullibility will not get passed on. thus they will become more immune to flax information or so i hope.
Lamark reee.
lamarck even.
>>107455 but gullibility is spread socially, not through genes
>>107458 I would have thought that too but ive had siblings that were more gullable than a rock some people like peope and overly trust other people I trust noone.
It's a false causation thing. it's not really genetic.
Rocks are about as ungullible as it gets.
yeah, genetically similar people tend to occupy the same socionormative spaces so a lot can look like it's genetic that isn't
>>107461 lol look at this guy dude rocks will fall for anything
Moon please all rocks fall for is gravity.
>>107459 You do realize you counter-prove your own argument there. If gullibility was truly genetic, wouldn't you be as gullible as your siblings?
>>107464' not true there are loads of magnetic rocks earth is one of them ya dumb fuck
Well no, not really. I'm familiar with that, SINCE. If not every gene is inherited faithfully from the parent to the child, how is your siblings being gullible any proof of gullibility being genetic? Unless there is a defined "gullibility" gene then there is no proof of gullibility being genetic.
the receptiveness of information, your gauge on what and who to trust and what to feel distrust towards these things seem much more easily explained by the social environment you've been developed in than through genetics genetically it would have to entail your DNA having a distinguishing factor on such specific external components from such a logistically distant operating mechanism (cellular DNA) when it could just be explained by your interaction with the external world you and your siblings probably shared a relatively similar external environment. even if you had a big gap between your ages, or different genders, you were likely reared by the same parents and lived in a similar/same area geographically
like for instance you dont really see anything wrong with saying the blacks moved in and there's a lot of crime because you grew up in tennessee i'm guessing and that's a consistent problem in a lot of cities in tennessee but if you said that in portland it'd be totally different because any blacks moving into oregon (any anyone moving into portland really) is going to be well-educated and have a good source of income
that's a lot more realistic of an explanation than saying your DNA is causing an aversion to blacks
>>107469 I dont deny social envirments play a part in it. but i still think some people are more gullable than others by genetic factors.
>>107470 more susceptible perhaps, given things like val158met polymorphisms and things which influence our patience and processing of new information but riddle me this nigger if you were that gullible then why are you so stubborn and not buying into our counterarguments
Wow it was just an episode on games and it wasn't telling me I'm a bad person for being male How'd that get approved?
>>107471 well because ive never liked other people. thus i have almost zero tolerance for counterarguments.
you think what you think and i will think as i think I well ok then
okay dont take my adversity as aggression by the way i'm engaging it because it's an interesting discussion i say by the way because i was going to say that anyway i dont want you to think it's in response to what you just said it's just what i do
I really hate aggression but its apart of human nature
i felt the need to explain because i'm /moe/'s local eccentric and you might not have been aware don't really put any weight into my behavior i dont really know what i'm doing half the time
>>107487 wel it would be more of a one legged man trying to spread if it looked like the y chromo
>south korea, it might LOOK very modern, but it's actually quite conservative Oh I'm sorry, Veritasium, is modernity incompatible with conservative values?
>>107489 that means something different in that context it's talking about conserving korean values >>107491 yeah but korea's modernism is mostly due to external influence they embrace some things, a lot from japan and a lot from the west but they still hold on to a lot too well i guess i'm not hearing what he's saying but veritasium usually words his statements carefully iunno
No, he's talking about social conservatism
I am not well versed in korean culture. I know some of its culture is really old though.
>>107490 This is the episode that's about to tell me wood sprite is a real gender, so he might have been handed a script
>>107493 or very selective editing he could have expanded on it and "Oh, we don't have enough air time for all this great information! Let's just take, uh, this clip right here and plop it in there."
That's a possibility, but I doubt that editing in that case was done because of constraints I'd put my money on it being a deliberate choice to instill a specific message in the audience: You're either progressive, or you hate modern things And the only way to be progressive is to accept these things we will now tell you
>>107495 oh i was being pretty snide with that quote the kind of thing where you'd put "constraints" in quotes including the quotes double quotes
that's why i said very selective they'll do that when you're already doing about 4 hours of filming for 30 minutes of content, you're cutting out most of it you have full leeway to cut out things you just don't want in there you asked earlier who would watch this it seems like the kind of thing that a liberal arts college might toss into mandatory courses like okay welcome to your cornerstone class we'll watch bill nye videos and have a discussion on the subjects participation in discussion counts for 100% of your grade
I just dont understand how the "genders" "ideology" came into existance or who even though of there being more than 2 though >>107502 I hate no one i have a homosexual friend im going to ohio with in a few days
Oh fuck me the ice cream meme machine is before the song
I still don't understand what it's about Because I assume they didn't set out to go "straight conversion therapy good, gay conversion therapy bad"
>>107499 it's a pretty old idea actually early culture had it shamans and voodoo healers were considered either genderless or to be an in-between gender, depending on culture that's old as heck too displayed in a lot of bonobo social culture too
>>107499 Lotsa cultures have had a few extra inbetween genders, so really if you don't think several billion genders exist, you hate gay people That's really the only reason you could have issues with this claim
Not believing is hate Not using the right pronoun is hate Needing to ask which pronoun to use is a microaggression, which is hate
i personally don't care about most of that stuff but i'm a pretty secure person so even if it's intentional microaggression i wouldn't really care
though i really try to stay off the topic of transgender and shit like it because it just. well its scary to me.
transgenders scare you?
>>107506 No the topic does the only part of the movment that I really have a bone to pick with it is the self mutilation I would say wait for science to help you grow a vagoo if you want one. dont chop off your willy just yet.
>>107502 >>107503 What is the point behind saying this. You obviously don't believe with it, no one here is so inclined to be severely offended by it.
I operate at a constantly fluctuating level of sarcasm and passive aggressiveness
There's no one here the sarcasm or passive aggressiveness could be directed at. Do you personally know anyone who it could be directed at?
>>107511 I'm sure the ideology is gravely wounded by his actions.
he's directing it at the ideology itself both sides of it really SK is so deep in the irony he usually doesnt even know which side he's talking about why you bein like that dude you're a little uppity at the moment
Because it's the same song and dance that perpetuates a lot of the dialogue he is involved in. >No one here outright disagrees with me but I'm still gonna act like this thing I take issue with is a big deal
>>107512 >i have limited means of expression but i have something i feel i need to express why does this bother you so much it's not really that big of a deal
I guess I just don't see the problem with facetiously representing a side of a discussion everyone present agrees is either way too extreme or outright wrong
the thing about two genders is its still alows homos to be homos i know other animals have homo sexual relations I dont have anything against that at all. its just when people start chopping their reproductive organs off it kinda makes me cringe.
I just dunno if this is the kind of thing we should market as normal and common to a demographic which sees a cartoon of a man in a tight uniform and think that's reality and want to be that man in a tight uniform because he's cool
I don't like the idea of kids learning about this shit and going "oh maybe I'm trans I'm 8 years old I should get hormone treatment", and then when they actually grow up they realize they, like almost all kids, just went through a normal phase of being curious about the other sex, but unlike other kids their body has been tampered with because an 8 year old thought it was a great idea
>>107515 i am sterile anyway does that situation change anything or is it something else what's a sterile, asexual person gonna do with those organs
>>107517 well it would feel better to keep them even though they don't work I am asexual my self but i would never think aboutcutting things off though thats just me. i flinch at pain i guess
>>107516 i would agree with this being irresponsible, but i'd also point out that earlier intervention would make for the most smooth transition like you'd have a much more normal trans life if you trans'ed very early than after 18 it's not something i believe in currently but i do think there's potential in future social conditions possibly it'd be much less traumatic to not have to spend your formative years in gender dysphoria
Like I don't care if some adult goes "hey I should lop my balls off" Go for it, nigga, your life not mine But let's leave people we don't think are mature enough to have a beer out of decisions concerning their entire future as an organism on this planet.
I'd agree with letting it go for kids if there was a way to test for it that didn't involve the subjective answers of the kid Kids and their worldview is so easily moldable and abused by anyone with any kind of agenda, they're not a good demographic to make these choices
If you could do a test and "Oh this kid's blood and chemical makeup in the brain indicate that they are indeed experiencing something that's not only permanent, but fixable with hormone treatment", I might be more easily swayed, but right now all we have is kids at 9 years old going "mom I think I'm a girl and it definitely has nothing to do with you telling me about transgenderism and dressing me in feminine clothes since I was 3", and we're supposed to not only allow that as a society, but be SUPPORTIVE of it, or for whatever reason we now hate every single person who doesn't identify cis I don't give a fuck about trannies, that's how little I hate them I care about the victims of this bullshit that's increasingly being shoved in front of kids with the expectation that the same kid who a few years ago couldn't do basic arithmatic knows if they're really a boy or a girl instinctually despite us telling them there's a super high chance they're actually WRONG and they are the other one and they should definitely see about that
i would be all for gender changes if science had a way to create working organs in the transgender person but as of now i just see it as a meaningless cause. though i know people that would dissagree with what im saying i even have friends i would not even try to bring this topic up with out of respect.
>>107521 yeah i mean a lot more thorough medical evaluation in the future that might be able to flag risk indicators and also a more thorough and smooth process and more familiarity with that in-between because right now there's not a lot of familiarity with the in-between and a lot of people are getting pretty fucked up by it because it's relatively uncharted territory i mean it's not new, but it's not something that there's enough data on either
>>107522 i mean i disagree with you on it but i'm not somebody who's likely to be slighted by your opinions
>>107524 Oh i know that but i just dont want to come off as a desenseulized monster when talking about such subjects
Also we have scientists RIGHT NOW coming out and saying teens are actually going through gender reassignment therapy and possibly surgery because it's trendy To think pre-teens aren't gonna be even more likely to make bad choices like this is ridiculous A child isn't equipped to properly formulate a thought around their identity, it's almost entirely dependent on their parental figures
>>107526 that doesn't really discredit anything it just states that there's a social sphere which has that much significance really which you can protest all you want but information moves in its own direction it's a signifier for what's going to be relevant in the future, not values from the past it's probably likely in the future that your gender doesn't actually matter it doesn't really now and people volunteering to potentially get fucked up now are contributing towards the field to make it safer and more contiguous in the future imo
Yeah I mean, should we ban everything dangerous just because it's trending?
>>107528 We should limit shit that can fuck you up for life to people we recognize as mature enough to make a decision like that Kids at ages where they're not legally allowed not to go to school are making these choices, what the fuck
We recognize they're so uneduacted and unaware of the world we LEGALLY REQUIRE them to attend school, but oh you know best whether you really need a penis or not, I'm sure you're mature enough to realize what the fuck you're doing
>>107529 What sort of metric is "mature enough"? People don't mature emotionally at the same pace--there will be kids that are far more emotionally mature than me and adults who will never be more mature.
>>107531 put yourself in the parent's shoes -- a parent who's already somewhat understanding of transgenderism you dont want to fuck your kid up, sure but you also don't want to maximize harm by making them suffer until they're 18 and then go through it after all their formative years, when they'll additionally have to have breast reduction surgery or they're really tall and unfeminine or whatever the case may be you can say they're not mature enough, and yeah i understand and agree, but you're also invalidatnig a lot of things by saying that too
>>107532 And there will be kids who, as Milo said, would be better off fucking a priest at age 13 why aren't we just letting them dude? Because we have a fucking standard where we go "OK now we're reasonably certain you can actually make this choice, and it's your life" There ARE gonna be kids who at 15 is more mature than I was at 16 Maybe even 13 year olds Should we just let older men fuck any child who agrees because hey, SOME of them are mature enough, or do we put a limit?
That is a different matter entirely. Please keep your focus on the matter of sexual and gender identity and not drift off topic.
The point is there are a lot of things in life where we know there is no hard limit where we know "OK THIS is when people are mature enough to do a thing" And there's gonna be exceptions But that's something we recognize Yet we maintain the laws
You can't drink until you're 18 Why? Because NO sub-18 year olds can handle it? Of fucking course not Because 18 is the age at which we as a society have decided you're likely to be able to make that choice >>107537 >stay on topic please don't talk about literally the point I brought up about emotional maturity varying on a person-to-person basis
>>107538 It's fine /moe/ is pretty resilient and tilde's not as autistic as his posts sound and SK isn't as offensive as his posts sound >>107542 it's a different flavor of autism though it's like enjoying the discussion autism not vehement spiteful arguing autism
Yeah this is pretty par the course.
What the fuck IS the topic then, if emotional maturity varying between people, a topic YOU brought up, is not it? Why is that off limits?
>>107539 Hey I'm EXACTLY as autistic as my posts sound.
>>107541 That what is the metric of determining the emotional maturity at which people can decide they need a sexual bodily change. Which is a completely different metric as the one at which people can choose who they want to fuck.
I don't fucking know but I'd say if your parents still tell you when to go to bed at night you're likely not mature enough to decide your gender Kids have a ton of fucking weird phases they go through, yet think 100% is what is real life for them foreer
and despite being a genderless faggot i'm not nearly as liberal as my posts sound i'm super conservative
>>107544 But some kids have their parents stop telling them when to go to bed super early in their life, and some adults that end up >>107547 You're the one that's attempting to use it to fill the unspecified void of no actual defined emotional metric here.
You're the one who said discussing the existence of age-limit laws despite the variance in the population is off the table you should try to stay on topic too since clearly you're the one of us who even knows what it is
>>107548 I asked you what the metric for determining emotional maturity was and your response was "when parents tell you to go to bed you're likely not mature enough"/ And that classification is faulty because it is dependent on the parental attitudes and not the actual person.
So what's the determining factor for use of alcohol then? Or sex for that matter
Is there one? Oh you don't know? you should be against those rules too then, nobody told you why
I dunno but they're not relative to the emotional maturity for choosing one's gender.
>>107551 Whether or not I am for or against those rules is not relevant to the emotional maturity for choosing one's gender.
Or are you just assuming there is one for those?
Yes it is relevant because if you don't acknowledge those rules, you're sure as shit not gonna accept this one
>>107551 i think the case for alcohol depends on the social environment because a very common issue in teenaged alcohol abuse versus adult is that those starting in their teenage years require the alcohol for simple coping that's normally developed during teenage years but "normally" is conditional to this environment future or different cultures might be different
>>107557 some kids won't what? it's about anyone drinking at that age. it's currently and historically been an inhibitor to development during those stages for that specific reason like, i only got on the booze as an adult and i can cope with general stress just fine i actually do fine when i'm off alcohol for long periods i just prefer not to be but that may not have been the case if i drank earlier on it's the risk cases for which the rules are put in place, not the everybody i'm probably a risk case but in the future we can't really say how development will change schools are pretty shitty setups to begin with maybe we'll do something else that's more formative and provides a safer environment than teens currently have and maybe drinking will be okay in those times
Yeah but there are kids the standard doesn't apply to, so it's a bad standard because it's either 100% or we shouldn't have it
Maybe maturity isn't even real, I dunno
>>107563 thats actually a great logic but its one that would face prosecution
>>107562 why would you make rules for the standard and not the outliers that's like building a fence for your cattle in the central 20 meters of the field because most of the cattle stay there anyway why waste money on a bigger fence to keep the outliers inside the fence
even with the fence, some might still manage to get away, but you want them all to have a safe environment
Yeah but some of the cattle don't stay in there so the fence shouldn't be there
>>107566 if alcohol was available to me at 16 -- i did have alcohol by 16, but it was exceptional circumstances -- but if it was available in the store and i could just go and buy it and it wasn't an issue i probably would have and my life would be a lot more fucked up than it already is just having that in place says "this is an okay thing to do and most people do it so it's fine" or even if it's not most people, "it's okay for standard people to do this, and i want to be a standard person" do you kind of see where i'm going with that? I mean, i didn't know i had a fucked up life during my child/teen years i wasn't able to see that until i was an adult i thought the stresses i endured were relatively normal, so i wouldn't have been able to do things like say "i'm a standard person and standard people won't have a problem with alcohol" Does that make sense?
we have no wiseman to tell us whats right nor wrong we are humans that go with what we think is right and group with people that think like we do out of the fear of loneliness
There's a puzzle in Breath of the Wild that has a ball in a maze, and you have to tilt the controller to tilt the maze and navigate the ball through it. But you can just turn the controller upside down, dump the ball, and get a new one on the flat bottom of the maze.
>>107578 I was playing breath of the wild on my friends switch. it seems like a really good game so far.
I think it's a really well done game. The action is fun and the world is pretty lively and interact-able. And as a game, its mechanics are delivered in a timely fashion without being piled on you and it feels rewarding to learn new things. Though on a side note if you don't follow the game linearly for the first bit of the game it can take a LONG time to get basic combat mechanics like jump-strafing and shield parrying. And this is a game that is kind of hard to do things linearly.
>>107581 There is a copy for the Wii U. I think it still looks pretty decent, Nintendo is passably good at pushing the graphical limitations of their own hardware.
did they make a copy of botw for the wii u? maybe i can pickup a copy even though it will look like shit.
>>107581 i guess ill get it then. i really liked it so far.
why is that tomato making unwanted advances at me i didn't ask for this
Attack of the lascivious tomatos
there's a trailer park boys mobage
3.7K signatures on the antifa thing
Oh boy it's the chemtrail episode
>>107591 oh yay people have to relearn how steam is made.....
I wish people would stop saying "it's a conspiracy theory" as though that means it's wrong Watergate was a conspiracy theory
>have a turbofan pushing water vapor through it at 400 mph and the fan temp is like 500.f >it create steam >its a conspiracy!!!!!!!
There's an astrology person on the show!
>he's the astrologer of Ebony Magazine Look I'm not trying to be racist here but the first wacko they've gotten on the show is a black guy working for the magazine version of BET
>>107596 thats the equivlnace of saying its the goy!
Ok the first wacko THEY recognize as a wacko The actual first one is a white woman who is suffering from delusions that make her think she's an artist
though what the fuck does tarocards have to do with science
>>107611 the water would cause the air pressure inside the can to lower as the air molcules stop moving as much thus crushing the can. thats what i thought he was doing. it looked like he was heating the can to place it were the airhole side was to lower its temperature thus crushing it.
>>107614 I was waiting to turn while a guy was in a crosswalk and the >>107612 guy hit me Luckily my damage was pretty minor So I asked him to pull off to the side where we could be without blocking traffic and he was like really anxious and upset looking We moved our cars and I called the police to come deal with it He started telling me while we were waiting about how terrible of a day this was to get in an accident because he was on his way home from therapy because he's depressed and has anxiety and then he started telling me about his family for some reason The police came and did the exchange of information Luckily the guy seems to have had insurance and my damage is only superficial
He was 57 and this was the first time he's ever been in an accident he said so he was super freaked out and didn't know what to do haha he was also missing his front teeth
>>107616 so a nuttybuddy hit yah well. I 57 first time? when did he learn to drive like last year? somethings not making sense.
That doesn't sound particularly surprising to me. My mother didn't get in a car accident once from when I was young to a grown adult--and I'm not even sure she had been in one before that. But she was involved in like three-something accidents over the course of a year and change a bit back.
well i guess people drive like nuts in Tennessee. when i was young my mother was hit and run by a guy with a big wheel truck
>>107620 well i guess... but man i almost get ran over everyday here also if you have ever been up to kentucky they drive like nuts speeding up and down the roads I will admit i am scared of driving.
When I was in Nevada with Jan and moon, I went down to the hotel general store one time to buy water or something, I forget, but the lady asked how I was and I was like "I'm alright, how're you?" "Not great..." she says and starts venting to me about her son that left years ago and won't respond to her trying to contact him, and she's worried that he has drug problems, and about how she really needs to see him because christmas 2016 is special and i'm like why does this always happen to me i mean she said talking about it made her feel better so i'm glad but what is it that compels people to tell me their problems
Why exactly are we working on ways to fix infertility when we have a ton of kids without a family capable of caring for them properly? Maybe we should look into ways to increase infertility instead Particularly in the lower class
>>107632 I have to say. hospitals get lots of money from baby births thus i think theres some type of lobby that powers it >conspiracy yes maybe it is but eugenics is not all bad but its not good ether
>>107632 Because it is not wrong or immoral to pursue a field of study like that just because of extenuating circumstances. Also increasing infertility is getting reeeeally close to eugenics.
>>107640 ASeems like it was just a slight bumb, but i'd get it checked since 1) it wasn't your fault and you can get it all charged from the other guy and 2) you are doing a long ride in near future
It's all superficial damage, but I have to file the report with insurance, and that means I'm going to be operating on their timeline if I want it to get fixed.
>>107643 do you have the money to rent a car or something? or is that not the problem>>107646 holyshit
>>107643 Hm all right, it looks like I was pretty much thinking exactly what might be a problem.
>>107642 Money's not really the issue since insurance but time-wise Kirara would probably want to use the car to drive up to Philly.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>107644 would cost probably $1400 - $2000 to rent a car for this trip
>selection of interviews with people about what they'd want to pass on if they could pick and choose, to their baby >gay male couple, both white >same as above >black heterosexual couple >white man, black woman, heterosexual couple
Yaknow, I'm not actually upset about this But I feel like literally the number one most common relationship in the United States is missing here, despite them managing to find 2 gay white couplse
>>107647 If it is going to take time, why not just take it toa repair shop for a quick check, that shouldn't cost that much time and then have the proper repairs done post-trip
>>107654 Yeah, insurance companies try to avoid providing the service you pay them for most of the time. This will probably end up being somewhat of a fight.
The guy who hit me got a ticket and was legally declared at-fault which helps me, though.
>>107656 well i just dont >>107659 I am not well versed in meme lang so sorry maybe i meant kike or some shit but thats not the problem you cant just blame something for things you see wrong with everything unfortunately
I never had to do insurance claims, but I think after exchanging information, you just send your bills to the other party's insurance and they handle them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I have to send information to the insurance people and they have to come and look at my car and shit like that It's so stupid It takes forever My trip is probably fucked
Yeah that does happen here too, but I think you can do it with mailed pics nowadays
Doubt I'd really want to go the flights cost FUCKTON from here to USA and doing that for just a few week trip? If am gonna fly over there, I am going to stay months and tour the shit with a rental car
I blame my self for the things i see and how i see them really. thats just me though.
>>107663 I could probably work something out in that timeframe but it would be definitely more difficult. Have yet to book flights yet though so keep me posted on if anything becomes more certain.
>>107672 Well thankfully you don't have monday as a holiday
Yeah but it's like three days before Jan and I would be flying out, hah hah. Probably still within the realm of getting ticket refunds but definitely cutting it close.
I don't really want to go somewhere like Disney There's nothing really to do, hotels are way too expensive I don't have anywhere for him to stay here either
also >gender is a spectrum and there's so many different genders we have genders like wood sprites that's one episode >half the world's population is women current episode
also this episode >let's have half the scientists be women, since they're half the population Bill that sounds pretty bad to me, I dunno if we should HAVE them be scientists if they don't wanna themselves, and even in the most equal countries on earth, data shows they don't elect to be classically male dominated professions I think we should LET half of them be women, don't get me wrong But have implies we make it the case
Is bit incredible how large army Russia and such have, despite having just like 15% of US military budget Where the fuck do you throw that money? The nuclear carriers?
>>107691 is putin going to nuke us because of dumbald? i dont wanna die yet for being with stupid people.
>the first person they ask what kind of birth control use couple, not person >it's a black man and a white woman OK but that's not the point here >I just pull out >my dismount game is amazing
You can't fail it if you don't try it -The US government
>>107707 they tried it. and it still failed because people dont enjoy the snooze fest thats American teachers >>107709 though it was a elective in my hs. >>107710 ah wonderful...........
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
they don't teach sexual education really at all
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
pretty much everyone i know just got abstinence advocacy
At my meeting earlier, I was observing some stuff for the research team that I'm going to be sort of in charge of for next school year, and there were there two chicks that were doing some checking of data they had captured for inter-rater reliability And the two girls were wholly incapable of differentiating between a statement that was designed to inform and a statement that was designed to persuade. And they're graduating with their bachelor's degrees at the end of this semester.
what are they graduating in
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
psychology probably
i guess you could be unfamiliar of the concept but it's not that hard to grasp
i brought it up with the professor leading the research team i straight-up said that they appeared to be almost completely lacking in comprehension ability she told me that they did 10 things over the course of the year when they should have done a minimum of 50 and that their work was so poor that it would probably have to be thrown out
I would've if he had brough the gun that close to my face even if it awsn't jammed Or I'd go OKAY SHOOT ME JUST SHOOT ME TURN THIS ROBBERY INTO THE MURDER COME ON WUSS DO IT DOIIIIIIT
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah i probably wouldn't have complied would have just laughed
Well I mean the moment I see it's jammed, I'm reaching, don't worry But I'm just saying, not doing it is completely acceptable
Yeah if I was in a position to know the gun isn't gonna work I would have made a grab for it. But I don't know guns.
>>107744 The robber doesn't even know And it's HIS GUN
You know he might have noticed but decided to just got hrough with it
Naw man, knowing your gun is jammed is knowing the target could know and try to take it
>>107745 Life, probably less than most. But I wouldn't be surprised if he would have shot at a non-vital spot--or tried anyway--if the guy had resisted.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
when he pulls it out of his pocket it is jammed and he tries to like cock it and he pulls it back and fucks it up even more
It's already ready to go when he pulls it out, though He cocks it and that jams it
You can see it's full black when he's pulling it, and then he cocks it and woop woop 2 chrome areas are showing
Y'know even if releasing this video publicly online doesn't actually help bring this guy in, this is WAY embarrassing. Like even if one of this guy's pals sees the video and doesn't want to turn him in, he's gonna be a laughing stock.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
i wonder if the guy realized he jammed it maybe he was like oh shit i fucked up it's too late now i gotta own it
>>107767 He might have realized and went "Well I can't keep fucking with it" But most likely, he didn't notice, or he wouldn't have waved it so close knowing it's jammed
Cause if he can tell, the other guy could be able to tell And that's not good He'd be trying to hide the jammed round
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>107766 i bet his friends will see it and laugh at him for fucking ever it's amazing
Exactly. Justice in some manner, at least.
>i can buy this overpriced has and hoodie but ima have to rob jimmyjohns >logic
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
now that i really look at it, the robber's wrist is like so fucking limp
He's already in custody according to the video description
I mean if I got to the point in my life where robbing a fast food joint is a casual experience, I'd be high when doing it, too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
He's /// The Jimmy Johns dude was probably high too tbh
>>107773 Wow so the police are just adding insult to injury.
>>107776 Yeah probably The way he reacted is the best way to, though, if possible If that gun wasn't jammed, the way he acted is likely the safest way to not actually get shot
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The dudes that work at Jimmy Johns are so chill They always seem high >>107778 i mean, idk sometimes you get shot even if you comply and he kind of went above and beyond in compliance
>>107778 I dunno if I entirely agree with that. I think he was acting in a decent way, but there was definitely a bit of resilience in the cashier there. A kind of "I don't give a fuck" attitude to having a gun shoved right in his face. That sort of thing can set someone off if they think they're in a power control situation.
>>107777 Identified since the release of the footage, likely OR Jimmy Johns released it, which is entirely within their right
the thing is at fastfood joint. most have robbery rules to hand the robber the money for safty even if the scumbag is able to be punted into the roof
Even if the gun weren't jammed, if he put his arm past my face like that, I probably would have gotten that gun from him His wrist was so limp it'd probably be really easy
Just grab his dumb ass and go "what are you gonna do now faggot, there's more of us, you're locked in with me, and my coworker has a broom. We can burn the tape dude, you don't understand" That oughta scare him shitless
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
you could go full boo and shoot him as he leaves too
>>107792 >you gonna get sodomized on video my friend
>>107795 "And we're gonna release it because corporate thinks we need to get on this social media thing after Wendy's did, and what's gonna go more viral than this?"
>>107804 roman cath is monarch based thus its strange the way capiltalism is trying to use it for its own cause popes used to control the trade in history.
For example, scandis are quite christian nations in terms of how our socities have formed and what they are base on, even if the religion is fading. based
>>107810 Kings neither do control the trade merchants and such control the trade WHy do you think about every third Doge of Venice got excommunicated and such? Not really, though but they would've done it if it wouldn't have resulted in another war. Add tot hat other merchan nations like Tuscany or Genoa or the Hansa union or such they didn't give jackshit about pope beyond giving him his due respect but if pope said "no furs are to be traded because I am da pope" They'd go Okay, and trade furs anyhow. Just because pope can say jump and the monarchs and rulers of Catholic europe jumped That didn't mean he could affect the merchant class at all, beyond banning banking from Christians for few centuries
>>107823 So it's the movement of the fingers between keys that's an issue, but as long as it's the same few keys it's fine?
>>107824 well its mainly my hands but i do have balance problems but thats not related to the dcd. i was also born deaf in my left ear. >>107825 yeah thats mainly it.
That's interesting I wonder if there are technological solutions for this Like a more compressed keyboard, would that help you? If there was just less space to cover?
>>107828 I dont think it would really. i get used to the things i use. >>107830 Its like your brain knows what you want your fingers to do but instead of hitting the b button it hits the next button after what you wanted to type skipping what you tried to type. really it reminds me of people that have Parkinson but nowhere as near as bad. its really like a bad feedback.
If each key did more than one letter, so there's half as many buttons, would that be useful at all, or would your brain struggle with that the same way?
I'm not tryna be too nosy, but I wonder how this thing works is all
Oh But I assume it's not just a matter of permanently skewed accuracy, either Right?
Insert chip to brain to fix it
hey tn by the way I was completely tranqd for a long time after the operation, but right now I'm feeling like, end points of the stitches they put in my tooth Are they supposed to be possible to feel with your tongue, or have my stitches snapped or something?
Yes unfortunately. I got fed of them and just cut them out after they ahd become loose but they had been tied form e like shit last time previous time the doc did a proper job and they didn't come loose untill 2+ weeks in
Is all I needed to know That's good then I was worried I'd accidentally moved my jaw wrong or something and managed to snap them through some sorta movement
you feel the knot basically
>>107838 do you know if you have any bone damage to the bottom jaw?
I don't know that I do, at elast Which likely means I don't cause they took an x-ray before taking out the tooth, and they'd have noticed
You should've asked for stonger painkillers like I did and got some sweet opioids
Do you have a green card?
>>107846 I will if I ever get a different tooth done in like this I'll just say these ibuprofens barely helped with the pain, and ask if I could get something stronger
>>107845 Aw, man that blows >>107849 What exactly does that mean?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
it means you don't handle pain well like a subjective level of pain for one person might be 3 but to you it would be like 7
>>107852 not necessarily the pain might just be so intense that it distracts you from everyday things and makes you incapable of concentrating on anything
That's basically what saying the pain was still really bad accomplishes, isn't it?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
basically, but saying the same thing twice in different ways causes people to place more importance on it (unless they really think about it but probably won't)
That's how I got my 800mgs and codeine shit The doc asked me do I think I'll need some serious painks an Iw as all "whatever gimme dem" and he gave them
I mean I'll at least say it to him if and when I pull another tooth like this
But yeah I had had a lower jaw tooth pulled out and I recalled eating a bit too many painkillers when I just went "just toss mes ome 600s Also a bottle of vodka
I do wonder if my dcd is caused by the hearing loss or if it exist by its self.
『sk』 Here's the PR company that do5 hired
>>107859 If i was just on a random place on the internet looking at images i would have said that those faces are photoshoped.
Some of it is acted, because all their kids are able to act emotions better than actual, A list hollywood actors whose mere involvement in a movie makes it make several times its budget back
I love how not ONCE during any of these videos with these people Has Cody said a fucking thing about it Not a comment, even in the video where they got all the kids around a table Cody's only comment is "I don't know what traumatized is"
>call an actress a gorilla Twitter suspen >abuse your children and use twitter to spread the footage and gain followers to watch it but twitter also defen
i'm afraid i can't understand those shortened words
there's a d missing at the end of both, that's all
Yeah I think the guys behind the Outlast games have a good knack on horrific shit. There's a lot of jumpy scare stuff but I think that mechanic works a lot better in video games than movies. Because there's a degree or two of distance in movies that games don't always have.
I just get bored of the "hide and run" gameplay so I am bad at finishing outlast or amnesia type games I need a gun or something I can do Alien was better at that, but even it turned just annoying at times
I got bored of amnesia once the monsters were around too much It just got tedious the sneaking and running from them when they weren't around and you could hear shit and see glimpses that was when the game was scary
Monsters on screen don't scare me after they come out
Less is more definitely works really well, but I kind of like what Outlast 2 does at times. It throws a horde of really ugly people at you that want to do vicious things to your body. Horror really works best when it overwhelms your capacity to process thought--whether by making you unsure anything's there or by throwing EVERYTHING at you.
do any of you play bns?
Pro-tip: When you want to add a new topic to the conversation, state the topic in full detail, don't abbreviate.
blade and soul
I know SK has put a decent bit of time into it. I've played a bit of the gun-toting one--
Oh wait I'm a moron. What was the game where you can recruit armies and fight real-time battles. It had a similar name.
But yeah I don't think anyone here plays Blade and Soul. I tried a private server of the game before it ever got close to an English localization but never got far in it.
As I was saying before I got distracted by my own stupidity, I've played a bit of With Fire and Sword. The mechanics of the game are pretty interesting but the way they were in that game, felt a bit unpolished at times. Maybe Bannerlord will be enough to satisfy my polish autism.
I am also responsible for it Sorry Sam I've been trying to do it less but sometimes i just do it without thinking I'll try to keep from doing it harder in the future
>>107955 i have 15.4 i think i just got it in one big torrent i'm sure i imagined myself going through all of it over time but i probably listened to two albums
Postal office allowed it as long as you didn't listen on any kind of headphones or earpuds that prevented you from hearing someone few metres from you calling your name and that kind of shit
>>107964 i'm envious i'd give up the tiny bit extra i earn to just switch to data entry and be able to music i could get through the day a lot easier that way
I was a little surprised with it. You'd expect with the cracked open nature of the 3DS platform, and the new Switch, Nintendo would be focusing less on the 3DS. But here the new2DS kind of feels like they're saying "we're committed to the 3DS/2DS for a while yet."
>>107971 I always found the brick design of the 2DS to be kind of a drawback from the whole thing, so I guess I'm less confused by that. Apparently the new2DS also has the analog nub that the new3DS has--which is a nice add-on for playing some games. Namely MonHun, but it REALLY helps with MonHun.
Right now, the only real selling points are Zelda and Mario Kart 8. And Mario Kart 8, while actually a really well polished and feature-developed game, has actually been out for a long time on the Wii U.
>>107994 do you want to know how to make me have to get rushed to the hospital and have my stomach pumped after consuming 1.7 gallons of semen flip my switch
1.7 liters sorry not gallons
no keep it gallons it will be funnier when you pronounce it as gal looons
it's an actual world record though, so it should stay liters
>>108010 I got rear-ended and now I'm going to be at the mercy of insurance's timeline if I want it fixed Idk if I have to cancel yet Plus the other guy's insurance might try to fuck me over so idk what's going on atm It's not even bad damage, it's just superficial but I still gotta get it fixed
>>108013 is it a time thing or money thing can you pay it and the insurance reimburses you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
god damn I love fiery red heads thank you based Wendy
>>108014 I doubt insurance will reimburse me It's both time and money If insurance only pays part of it, I have to cover the rest or fight it If I cover the rest, I can't afford the trip I won't even know what insurance wants until Monday at the earliest and I have finals so them coming to check out the car will be difficult too >>108017 No but costing money means I can't afford the trip right now
do you know how much it costs
you deserve the trip i hope it works out if insurance is a dick, you're always helping me out and paid for a lot on the trip i could spot you i think you should have the trip
>>108019 it would be a big trouble for everyone's plans yeah i hope it works out things are always messing up i bet you got rear ended because the person behind you got an alert on their phone from frontier it's still their fault
>>108025 this time it's basically psychology's fault he was going home from psychotherapy for depression and anxiety and he went to stop a notebook from falling off his seat and it happened when I stopped for a guy in the crosswalk He was 57, had never been in an accident, and had anxiety problems He was so upset
>>108028 quarx got hit by some guy in memphis who wasn't looking at the lane and tried to change lanes the guy's like "man i'm on my way to my new job i cant lose this job and i dont have insurance" and he just left and the dude had dealer plates on the car so he couldn't report it as a hit and run
my damage isn't really that bad like I can do the trip as long as insurance will wait for me to get repairs until after it Time will tell what happens
Totally messed up my flow for today though
i would honestly just drive it like that but i'm white trash that's never owned a new car so i never have been keen on paying a few hundred to fix a bump on a 2000 dollar car not worth it
so would I Provided insurance will repair it after the trip I live in Florida so if I let that stay then it's going to rust
oh that's a good point that's something ive never thought about
>>108044 if it's really expensive to fix one option might be to just leave it in the shop or whatever and then rent a car for 13 days i think you can do that for about 350 dollars total
A rental car will be roughly $2000 I'm 23
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I found out that I have another loan I need to be paying on from school today so that was unfortunate. It's not a huge amoutn though
>>108046 hm that sucks i mean you have an insurance coverage so you dont have to get the car rental insurance i know i can rent for like 30 bucks a day for economy
They charge me an extra $100 daily because I am under 25
Getting in wrecks sucks. That reminds me that some dude in a pickup truck tried to kill me today because he didn't understand how stop signs work.
i'm happy i dont drive it's a source of constant anxiety for me but i love driving too so it sucks too
Like the rental in Nevada was something like $600
>>108052 christ i wish i had known that i could've just rented one instead though i dont have insurance because i dont have a car so i'd have to do theirs but that's still less expensive than what youre saying
It's not really a big deal for me honestly, I don't mind it and don't like to trouble everyone with extra stuff when i plan the trips Like for the road trip I'm planning on paying all the gas I think I'm probably the most well-off financially because of my stocks and my living situation being paid for by that dude So it makes sense for me to cover extra costs like that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>108050 like actively or because he can't drive for beans?
Normies seem to think that anything that sounds inspirational must be helpful
>>108064 >no matter how badly you're devestated you'll grow back anyway >lol yeah brah rebuilding your life doesn't involve effort and struggle it just happens
I see normies lose every day. One day that normie's finger will get stuck in an industrial miter saw and she won't even understand because it's because she said something stupid years ago.
Yeah but normies as a group are winning That's why they run everything and why they have power over us
>>108105 I don't, but the fact that I don't doesn't have any bearing on the fact that they are the ones running society They're why we have to hide in the SHADOWS Reeee
how bothersome are fake reports by the way i report a lot of posts that dont actually need to be reported just for fun but if it's a hindrance i'll stop having fun
>>108146 Those are just memes though. Everyone knows that there are two Rikas. There's the goofy onee-san Rika and the serious business Rika that nobody wants to mess with.
>>108196 That might actually be good for me. As it will give me time to work some things together. in the immediate timeframe. But if it doesn't, I am still able to ship myself out.
By the way, what was your Cecilia build? I know Gronnblade but what skills?
>>108203 i have gronnblade and drawback no need for a special because gronnblade and she's too slow for two attacks wings of mercy, can't remember the other one, and i'm going to give her jagen's fortify cavalry or hone cavalry either one
>>108203 I haven't changed anything else on her that has really done anything important. Although I did just just just finally finished Ward Cavalry on her (God bless 2x SP gain) But it hasn't really done anything for me yet as I haven't played since finishing it.
Reinhardt has Spur Cavalry not Hone Cavalry. There's a difference. Spur Cavalry gives +4 Atk and Spd during Combat if you're in range but I don't think that boost actually affects the Blade Tome buff.
yeah that's what i thought i have olwen reinhard and a 4* cecilia i kind of want a red cavalry in their too but i think i need a dragon or armored unit
When you do it, let me know who you used. My team for clearing was using Effie as the spear user and she just one shots Navarre. You'll need someone who can bring him within 7 hp of dying.
my friday h as gone completely to waste but at least i'm comfy
is it a waste if it's comfy
are you sure you're comfy
you don't look very comfy
Comfy Bang
>>108284 touche >>108286 i don't have a lot of images saved on this computer i should plug my old HD back in >>108285 i'm pretty comfy yeah comfy enough that it's hard to stay awake
If only I had another Gronnblade to give out. Then again, that'd be a waste since I'm going to be selling her off to put Ignis on someone
i got 5 robins 3 star so i guess i could make a +4 as well
>>108310 I'm 100% certain that Kirara and Yuu can do this with their teams. Any strong level 40 that can walk through trees can easily sweep all the other enemies. Navarre will take the path of least resistance, ie the non tree way. Then you just get a lance person who isn't a one or two shot and just let them tank him. It also doesn't say that everyone has to survive. Even if everyone else dies, your level 40 can sweep.
>>108316 oh wait, yeah, that's right hm. Well, a level 30 lance person works And a dancer on the side. No one will reach it to attack if it's on the left.
>>108248 yeah i kept summoning her repeatedly somehow mostly 4*s but one three and then the 1* and 2* fo free i boosted them to 4* and just made her an honorary 5* even though she's still missing a lot of skills as a result
Doing the Insane Mode one with navarre will be harder. I did the Robin kill but navarre Level 40 is going to be annoying.
These ones that need you to use nevarre though Will never get those Haven't even got any levels on him He's like one of the worst characters in the game
>>108323 i just had kagare [SP] and everyone on my team has smite or reposition kicked her into the trees, snipe the thief and you get an extra turn because they can't walk to you in the trees in one turn then just triple-tome gangbang anyone that tries to go around the side and not chase kagare into the trees
I can think of four distinct times I wanted ice cream but didn't have it in the last week
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>108330 we have a place that delivers ice cream until 3 a.m.
>>108331 i keep sorbet in the freezer it's an emergency stash it always makes me feel comfortable just knowing that it's there even if i don't necessarily end up having any
>>108353 yeah seriously i'm no expert but that fabric looks like crap quality
here's the original from AP i feel really bad for those people because it probably means they gave up really quickly got bullied out of it and want to sell their stuff
>>108374 i can't! i have to share with my /// with fish too
>>108375 three is close to a meal if you have something with it
>>108375 for a medium 3 isn't a lot i probably don't even have 3 though i'm usually satisfied with two most of the time but once every few days i'll have a big meal
it's a scientific fact that it's higher than my daily calorie intake >>108378 huh your calorie intake depends on your body there's no like, "supposed to"
47 more kills and I can put Hone Cavalry on Eldigan. Blessed 2x SP. This seems to be a great time to rack up the counter on Ninian as well. When I get a 5* Nowi, she'll be prepared.
No. But these people have money. This isn't money you don't have. This is money you DON'T WANT. No one is going to a Blink 182 concert on a fucking loan lol fuck I'm in tears just thinking about it I hope to God no one did this
These rich fucks got what they deserved for being rich
Those people got scammed so hard It's such an amazing scan Scam*
Ja is refunding everyone's tickets at least. But oh man, it is so hilarious. This event had everything. Rehashed Dave Chapelle jokes. Communist jokes. Eating the rich.
>>108419 these people definitely had the money to spend
Wish I could have been there when they saw the tents
Last game.
There was a screencap of someone posting on reddit with the name getfuktantifacucks crying about how he thinks security is taking people into camps.
I was talking to an old lawyer the other day and he told me that when he was young he was told that lawyers need to do two things and that was be good at gold golf and drink scotch
Then he started a sentence with "and I never really And I expected him to say that he was never good at golf but then he finished it by saying he didn't drink.
So I guess he was bragging about being good at golf, it caught me off guard.
Well, Wendy's is probably the best of the fast food restaurants. Chic-fil-A is pretty good too but fried chicken makes me ill so I can't really partake.
>>108468 Pretty sure, yeah. Everything from KFC to Chic-Fil-A makes me inconsolably sick. But good homemade fried chicken works fine, and I can eat it from nice restaurants too.
>>108502 The hard part will be executing it in a way that doesn't slam the door in your reader's face and leave them in complete despair. You shouldn't do that sort of thing.
I want to change my room around. I think I am going to try to move my dresser and maybe my desk and get a comfy couch and put it in the corner and in front of that put a really big TV and hook it up to my computer and then just laze around on the couch all the time and fall asleep/nap whenever.
The hard part is I kinda want a setup where I can comfortably use a keyboard/mouse from the couch. Maybe one of those tray things?
>>108532 Maybe! I had a friend in college who did something like that, she never used her bed. The catch is that she was a normie and didn't really use a computer, she just watched TV and studied on her couch. She like never used her bed though. It looked pretty comfy.
I think you said the same thing like two years ago haha