Well they are useless the wisdom teeth were there to chew on the harder roots and stuff whenw e were mostly herbivores in the distant past and of course they might've helped with raw meat a bit but by the time we began to human, they have began to become useless Such like that one organ or whatever appendix or something it serves no purpose anymore.
the gradual development of something, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
humans have screwed with natural selection in the past 50 years in humans now though like c sections have made people that are unable to give birth right live.
>>106281 So jaw bones becoming shorter over the case of 100k to million years and us adapting slowly over the millenias to eating cooked food... is not evolution?
>>106279 Mate, we've been feeding drongos upper-cuts since the First Fleet arrived.
>>106277 Yeah, that's what I mean, the type of dementia.
>>106277 How the hell are those different? That's some "oh that's micro-evolution" shit
>>106283 >Wisdom teeth are vestigial third molars that helped human ancestors to grind plant tissue. It is thought that the skulls of human ancestors had larger jaws with more teeth, which possibly helped to chew foliage to compensate for a lack of ability to efficiently digest the cellulose that makes up a plant cell wall.[4] After the advent of agriculture 10 000 years ago, soft human diets became the norm, including carbohydrate and high energy foods. Such diets typically result in jaws growing with less forwards growth than our paleolithic ancestors and not enough room for the wisdom teeth.[5] This is not an evolutionary change, but rather an environmental change.
You have your time way wrong
>>106287 Oh I see So our genetic makeup is the same, it's just nurture
>>106287 I don't think one wiki quote is all encompassing here on something that isn't solidly known.
>>106300 Well they are vestigial because they are unaffected by evolution
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11220165 >The results show unbelievably large diversities as regards the frequency of agenesis of third molars in different populations from practically zero (Tasmania) to nearly 100% (Mexican Indians). that's curious
>Hate speech is protected by the first amendment -Ana Kasparian
>>106327 Yeah SJW lacks a party that outright only pursues their goals, but otherwise. Yeah They are extremely similiar social and political movements
Both want big government irrationally hate a perceivedly privileged group of people want big government that has authority to say what people can and can't do and say want government to actively take part in individual lives are anti-capitalist pursue social care for people think some ethinicities are just inherently better than others think some cultures are just inherently better than others.
Only difference is position of women in society pretty much
>>106334 well i was always from /a/ until well the board got over ran and i could not stand it though i am not trying to start a shitstorm or anything..
>>106335 Just throw ar ule that bans it if it bothers him. threat of making something illegal is almost the same as doing /having it illegal
I think there's like a courtesy thing that tends To work pretty well
I also think courtesy is a good policy
He's not saying we can't talk about it We should just do it less because it's unpleasant to many
It's tiresome to many really I get fatigued and I enjoy it So the rest...
>he's blaming the mandela effect for not being able to spell raccoon
>>106339 not what sammy said though, though his intention was pretty much that.
>>106341 That's legit though I always Fuck that hup
I never thought it was racoon racoon would be weird
apparently one doctor thinks my stepdad's dementia-like symptoms are due to sleep deprivation from his headaches and put him on nortriptyline which can cause memory disturbances
how the fuck you gonna see if memory disturbances go away if you prescribe a medication that can cause memory disturbances
>>106359 That sounds like a long shot Maybe it's just to try it out?
i really dont care about what people call people
>>106362 its stupid, it doesn't make any sense he went through MRIs, CTs, all kinds of other tests And they just did another complete test battery on him Even checked for cancer all over the body
it's been 6 months of dementia-like symptoms and nobody once thought to check for dementia so now they're like "maybe try dementia testing" it's ridiculous
>>106359 Seems like "hey let's wait so the case gets worse so we can milk more money out of it" to me.
it seems like a strange place to go on a rampage at
Well I mean Most people in there aren't gonna fight back or run
>>106364 I take idebenone I don't need to but I do to reduce oxidative stress from atoms and to slow my neurodegeneration
Oh wow, the sedative pretty much wore out on the fucking 3 hour mark That's amazing >>106375 No I mean on the minute dude
Sedatives don't last that long anyhow.
>>106374 Yeah they are quite spot on on that though you can start to feel it wearing off after about 2
>>106374 i am just angry that nobody checked for dementia one guy thought my stepdad had some super rare side effect from an antibiotic he was on that was causing excess CSF in brain and that didn't go anywhere but the physician was so excited about something rare that he tried to treat it for like two months even though draining CSF wasn't helping him
I've thought it looked degenerative since the beginning but I guess that was only me
He's 42 for fuck's sake it's so ridiculous
Yeah but it's gone entirely now, and it's exactly 3 hours since the first needle penetrated And OH boy there go the world
oh fuck it hurts like a cunt though oh god damn
Snack on painkillers mate
Yeah it's time to bust out that shit
>>106379 told yah the ib was not going to help good mate
I should have taken a painkiller when I first started feeling anything at all
>>106390 I think moon is asking you to wash your mouth out with vodka........
It doesn't work that well
>>106377 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9850939 Want me to mail you some idebenone
this better kick in soon
10-30 mins
I'm noting down the time I took it and when I don't feel pain anymore and I'm gonna note when it starts wearing off too >>106397 both I can't tell you which hurts more, they're different pains Top is stabby Bottom is poundy
and I asked were both removed or just one adn you didn't give a clear answer
well the lower jaw thing will most likely hurt for about 3 days depends on how much they sliced and drilled
>was it upper or lower jaw tooth? >both I mean I figured it was obvious that it was two separate teeth, and not one tooth that somehow both existed in the lower and upper jaw
Well last time I asked, you had gone just for a bit of drilling not tooth removal, which already is 10000% alien concept here.
In terms of removing a tooth that is
well i wish you luck on feeling good sk thats all i can do.
Anyhow, my right low-jaw tooth hurt for just few days and was closed up in less than a month, but it was stitched well left side hurt for upwards of week, and just maybe week ago solified proper so took about 2 months to heal
Later, a police spokeswoman told the local news outlets that police opened fire on a man near the hospital and injured him in the leg. However, she did not provide any further details concerning the incident or its causes.
The man allegedly attacked the officers, forcing them to open fire, German Der Tagesspiegel daily reports.
>1 pill every 6 hours What is he fucking insane I can't work like this But I'm scared to take more than 1 too I'm staying the hell home tomorrow, no way in fuck am I going to work and sitting there having to exist near people while my right jaws are both on fire
Well its going to hurt for days. wteeth are no joke.
>>106431 I would try to sleep if i was you. thats the only way to forget about the pain.
I might have to yeah I hate wasting my day by sleeping but this isn't particularly good either
Yeah Imma head to bed for now Maybe I'll wake up and it's a little better
well im not sick at least not feeling cold so that's a plus
good luck do your best
I think i'm gonna take the rest of the day off what's up moes
Video games right now.
bunch of weeaboos yall are fuck that i aint hangin out with nerds
AnnoTN !PcAPtAiNJo
lol icon
AnnoRin月TN !PcAPtAiNJoTN !PcAPtAiNJoWhoakun
Spoilers for new Re creators episode??
looks like a 10/10 episode
She'll get fat
that looks like a decent gun model though i haven't seen many
I wish. Having that sort of financial ability is enviable.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
But you gotta be tough on everybody. Are you a bad enough dude?
I can harden my heart to anything if it comes to that.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>we're seeing this experiment played out in real time regarding the legal weed market. It's a disaster for the cartels. For years they have had this market to themselves. Now it's open to companies that basically do a much better job than they do. >the key to doing well in the illegal drugs business is the ability to project violence. So the successful players are the ones who are good at that. In the legal-weed industry it's totally different: the key to doing well is being good at marketing, botany, branding and all the rest of it. The companies doing well in Colorado are the ones that are good at that stuff. They're doing things that the cartels can't possibly hope to compete with: producing very high quality marijuana in all kinds of new ways, from drinks to chocolates etc. So the cartels are in retreat. Lots of evidence on this in the book.
>What are they doing instead? Various bad things, but two in particular. The first is heroin. Cannabis farmers in the Sierra Madre are switching to opium, in order to feed America's growing heroin addiction, which is well timed for them. The second is people smuggling.
hmm guess it's heroin then
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWESamurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>106467 image contains dangerous levels of red are you trying to tell us something
He dislikes tomatos
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>106468 Yes I'm telling you that Kamikaze is CUTE
>>106502 It doesn't surprise me that much. They're kind of dismissing a lot of the physical logic of the Earth already, not having an accurate sense of the scale of orbit doesn't seem that far-fetched.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
That's a good point.
They also believe that space doesn't really exist
>>106508 Yes, but here they are dismissing some basic layman level shit. nothing big physics of science babble or anything
>>106511 Just how... What then do they say keeps us from floating from this disc of theirs?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106513 >In the Flat Earth model, 'gravity', rather than being a force, is the upward acceleration of the Earth. The Earth always accelerates upward at 1g, which is equivalent to the gravitational acceleration in the Round Earth model. Like the force of gravity, the Earth's acceleration causes several commonly observed phenomena in our daily lives.
I am learning so much crazy stuff by getting into this It's really great
That's a kind of interesting concept even if it's complete nonsense. I'm gonna file that into the reference folders.
>>106514 A lot of people do this as a thought exercise and aren't serious or make shit up to feed the flatters
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Universal Acceleration' is a theory of gravity within the Flat Earth Model. The traditional theory of gravity (e.g. Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, General Theory of Relativity, etc) is incompatible with the Flat Earth Model because it requires a large, spherical mass pulling objects uniformly toward its center.
Rather than a downward pull due to the presence of mass, the theory of Universal Acceleration asserts that the roughly disk-shaped Earth is accelerating 'upward' at a constant rate of 1g (9.8m/sec2). This produces the effect commonly referred to as "gravity".
There are two Universal Acceleration models. The first model deals with the Universal Accelerator, which sits underneath the Earth and accelerates anything it touches. The second model deals with Dark Energy, which accelerates all celestial bodies, including the Earth, in the universe. Modern astrophysics accounts that the expansion of the universe is due to Dark Energy.
>>106516 This is the official description from the Flat Earth Society.
Have any of them tried to explain how all the gases in the atmosphere don't slip off the Discworld?
>>106514 How does planetary moving actually affect us on the surface. I mean the Earth is moving awfully fast in space all the time. Never thought about it.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106521 Air, but there's no atmosphere The Earth is a disc with a bubble on top of it called the Firmament Above and below the Firmament are endless oceans of water Things can't just escape the Firmament so the air stays in it
Why can't it?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Because those are the rules God set for the Firmament.
Okay it's no longer an interesting concept.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The entire Flat Earth theory comes from a single line in an ancient translation of Genesis that is no longer used by anyone but Flat Earth theorists
>>106528 The sun and moon basically move in a circle in the sky around the Firmament
Howabout night and day cycle?
>>106527 Hahaha isn't there some weird line in the bible that also says "world is a globe" or osmething among those lines I think it doesn't actually say "Earth is a sphere" but some throw it around in "bible is right" conversations.
>>106527 What made it an interesting concept was how they can apply perceivable real physics to the ridiculousness of the initial concept. The moment the answer to an element of it is "God said so" then it's no longer interesting. They've given the absolute cop-out.
>>106530 creationism/intelligent design in a nutshell too
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
From their website >The 'atmolayer' is a series of layers of gases above inhabited part of the earth. Therefore, 'atmolayer' is the Flat Earth term for the Round Earth atmosphere. However, the terms 'atmosphere', 'atmoplane', and 'atmosplane' are all alternative names of the same thing. >The atmolayer must be contained by a barrier on finite Earth models of the theory to prevent the various gasses from flowing out into space. One model (now widely discredited) describes that the Ice Wall is tall enough to hold in the atmolayer, like the edges of a bowl. >An alternative theory says that the atmolayer is held in by a complex reaction to the streams of Dark Energy at the edge of the world. This creates a "boundary" containment. >The Dark Energy Field is a vector field. It has a gradient that is smallest at the interaction of the atmosphere and the field, called the boundary layer. The DEF interacts with the magnetic field of the earth at this boundary layer. These vectors produce a force vector that is orthogonal to the other vectors in four dimensional space. This force vector is always normal to the boundary layer, thus providing a type of forced containment for the atmosphere.
oh holy shit my post tells me how many characters i've used now
Gotta give them credit for using big words, without knowing anything they mean...
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The Atmolayer consists of the following sub-layers
Tropolayer - Up to 18km
Stratolayer - Up to 50km
Mesolayer - Up to 90km
Ionolayer - about 480 km
Huh does it? no it doesn't
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It did when I had a lot of text It said like 1227/2000 when I went to a new line
Oh makes sense to shoot it up when you are nearing the limit
>>106532 Oh I see. That's all sorts of preposterous but at least they're trying now.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Here is proof of Flat Earth using Occam's Razor
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>What's the simplest explanation; that NASA has successfully designed and invented never before seen rocket technologies from scratch which can accelerate 100 tons of matter straight up at 7 miles per second, and that NASA can do the impossible on a daily basis, explore the cosmos, and constantly wow the nation by landing a man on the moon and sending robots to mars; or is the simplest explanation that they really can't do all of that stuff?
It's not straight up
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>When I walk off the edge of a chair and go into free fall while observing the surface of the earth carefully the earth appears to accelerate up towards me. What's the simplest explanation; that there exists hypothetical undiscovered Graviton puller particles emanating from the earth which allows them to accelerate my body towards the surface through unexplained quantum effects; or is the simplest explanation that this mysterious highly theoretical mechanism does not exist and the earth has just accelerated upwards towards me exactly as I've observed?
these people are insane
>>106539 That's not even really Occam's Razor. They're pretty much just saying "the submitted explanation is beyond my capacity to process so obviously there must be a simpler explanation." I'm sure there is heavily descriptive Flat Earth theories out there but this write-up is not providing any of them.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
The sun is a sphere. It has a diameter of 32 miles and is located approximately 3000 miles above the surface of the earth.
he Sun's area of light is limited to a circular area of light upon the earth much like the light of a lighthouse is limited to a finite circular area around it. The rotating light on a lighthouse does not propagate infinitely into the distance. This means that only certain portions of the Earth are lightened at a time. It also describes how night and day arise on the Flat Earth. The apparent view of rising and setting are caused by perspective, just as a flock of birds overhead will descend into the horizon as it flies into the distance.
>>106539 What is a simpler explanation that there are 7 billion humans or that this is all an illusion and I am the only one in existence Yup Occam's Razor latter
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I'm telling you, these people are seriously crazy.
>>106544 So how do they explain the day lenght differences between seasons?
>>106546 I don't doubt their craziness. But crazy people can be incredibly creative and inventive. That sort of thing can get really fascinating.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106547 The radius of the sun's orbit around the Earth's axis symmetry varies throughout the year, being smallest when summer is in the northern annulus and largest when it is summer in the southern annulus.
>>106549 there's a lot of people who look at it more like a puzzle and try to think about how it'd work that don't believe it it's really a common thing on /sci/ even a few threads
there's a lot of people who look at it more like a puzzle and try to think about how it'd work that don't believe it it's really a common thing on /sci/ even a few threads a day about flat earth ideas there's legit crazies but it's just like a hobby interest for a lot of people too i'm inclined to believe the more creative solutions were probably group projects like that
i think moe is dying
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah i think so
>>106553 Yeah that's probably true. In a practical sense it's a really useful skill to have when trying your hand at world-building too. For works that can benefit from an elaborate, thought-out world like games or stories. Being able to work down to the very kinks, how a world completely unlike our Earth would operate and behave, can add a lot of depth to the world when writing.
shrimp-stuffed olives
banana tacos
>>106555 there's a lot of people that get a rise out of it like kirara's doing right now too he's not the only one in that group covertly
YuuKirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106559 Welcome home. Would you like dinner, a bath, or Cloudflare errors?
Is cloudflare being troublesome this afternoon?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I've been getting them off and on for the past 10 or so minutes.
>>106570 Why does the orbit change according to them. Surely there must be some dark energy that causes the sun to movein different sized circles during different time, aye`?
>>106571 I think the sun just moves in a pattern, slowly coming closer and further in a predictable manner.
So they lack proper explanation for it, eh
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I dunno You might as well ask why the sun moves at all It moves because that's just what it does
Why not just say "it hangs on a string and winter storms slow it down, so it moves in a smaller circle and spring storms speed it up so it moves in a bigger circle or shit
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Similar to the seasons in Round Earth, but instead of being changed by the variation of distance of the Earth from the Sun, it is caused by a change in the radius of the sun and moon's orbit above the Earth, as shown in the image below.
>variation of distances
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>The elliptical orbits observed by Astrophysicists on earth are caused by planets moving along transparent, magnetic nexus rings. All significant celestial objects move along individual nexus rings. In addition, smaller objects such as asteroids may be slightly influenced by the pull of nexus rings. Nexus rings exert a small force on each other, but because of the vast amount of nexus rings in the universe, the net forces on each nexus ring are negligible.
They have such a fascinating fantasy world.
what's the thing under your tongue called
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106582 tweet out something amongst lines of "get a load of this, the rounders say that the SUMMER hottest part of the year happens when the sun is the FARTHEST from earth"
>When sunlight shines from overhead (on left), one square foot of sunlight falls on one square foot of ground. When it shines at a shallow angle (on right), each square foot of sunlight spreads out over many feet of ground. >The question, "why is the equator warmer than the poles" may be answered by the following illustration:--
Oh the rain is starting. First rain of the year that isn't bitter cold and laced with traces of winter. How nice.
>>106596 that sounds pretty good i might make bacon and eggs for dinner
Our discussions yesterday got me looking, and there really aren't as many figures and things as you'd expect for something as popular as granblue!
also, which classes should I get good at?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Granblue gets most of its money through gacha, so releasing a lot of figures might divert the amount of money put into the gacha. They probably get more money from gacha than they would from figures.
With the anime, though, there will probably be more figures.
I guess the compairson to kancolle makes sense then, since kancolle makes most of its money through merch. I hope we see some good granblue merch though! I'm making lots of money and don't have a lot of spare time these days so I'm interested in stuff like that.
>>106590 until i get coverage for actual meds and new scripts i gotta use non-script racetam stacks and stuff they dont absorb well through the stomach with a capsule but they're caustic i hope that thing doesnt get torn or something
>>106550 also the sun is flying though space the planets are just along for its long ride
>>106606 There's an implication about the allure of merch there, though. It's not about merch being alluring, it's about having lots of disposable income and no time to spend it.
>>106608 they're pretty great it's incredibly smooth and not at all intense but you have to have a good substrate like alpha gpc choline and another choline whose name i can never remember and you basically have to order those choline compounds online because they dont sell them at the supplement store for some reason and regular choline doesn't do the same thing
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106609 Are you going to spend money of that which has no allure to you?
>>106611 >>106612 The allure is the same as it ever was. The change was the perceived value of money. My finances were comfortable before but now I'm ms. moneybags.
Oh, I had my wisdom teeth all removed when I was 17. So his tooth problems were wisdom tooth related?
I was told that the painkillers and stuff made me pretty weird when my teeth were removed.
>>106619 Wow, you don't feel like arguing? Is everything okay?
i was a minor when i got mine removed too it wasn't a big deal really, but i had another operation to have an impacted tooth drilled out and that was way worse so the wisdom teeth didn't faze me too much i took one vicodin but it made me sick so i didn't take any more of them
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106623 Everything's okay! I'm just kind of miffed about something.
>>106625 Oh no! Is it related to internet stuff, or is it a real life thing?
>>106624 Mine wasn't a big deal either. But I guess it turns out that I'm highly resistant to anesthesia and they had to give me a big big dose to keep me under.
>>106624 Yeah I hear that drilling and such are actually more painful But an impacted tooth... Hmm aren't those usually wisteeth too?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106626 It's internet-related. If I complain about it, it'll be problematic for me later so I can't describe my frustration right now.
>>106627 no it was just a regular molar in my case that never grew in they had to drill it out of the jaw where your teeth are supposed to grow in from, then drill a screw in and give me an implant it was a pretty unpleasant experience
>>106628 Oh no! Is it an internet thing that's in my wheelhouse or is it unrelated?
>>106671 my aunt had to get rid of her rooster because people complained well she didn't have to, but she did get rid of it because of that reason there's still a bunch of hens though
>>106687 if you really want people to do something that's wrong you gotta release their serial number one digit at a time their social security number rather*
people don't have serial numbers
>>106693 good luch luck* i forgot my own ss number
No need. I could have asked Kirara for the artist ID if I wanted it. By too much of a hassle I mean I don't want to use pixiv for new images. Twitter is much easier.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Wow that person tweets a lot of lewd things.
Yeah actually I may have to consider this one. As opposed to just blindly following it. This is a lot of lewd.
huh this artist is very lewd.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
I found the art on Pixiv, there was some lewd hidden in the profile too.
Yeah too much of this stuff is a bit too tasteless for me. I'll just savor the turtlenecks and leave it at that.
they seem to draw a bit of everything.
Lewd everything!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
A lot of very unpleasant lewd, too.
>>106718 yeah i agree. i try to stay away from this side of pixiv
don't play innocent you were posting kirino feet that's pretty gross to begin with it's like sugoi except sugoi wouldnt like kirino
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
yeah feet is basically the same thing as pokemon having sex with people
except not quite
man this person has scat a ryona shit its really fucked up
>>106721 i didn't look at what was actually being discussed i was just tossin out some pot shots okay
i mean, i looked at what was being discussed but not the images in question*
yare yare
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUAnno
I am incredibly satisfied. That was a good show.
Don't regret putting it off for so long.
me with the banana hair
>>106728 i haven't checked it out but i did get it maybe i will take a lookaroo
Lol Found my old bookmark inside dis book
>>106728 I wish the seiyuu girl had a more interesting/satisfying arc
>>106733 I can understand the sentiment behind that, but I think one of the things about Shirobako that really clicked with me was how they kept realism in mind while playing with exaggeration and caricatures of the industry. And all the main team getting a "we achieved our dreams and lived happily ever after" would have flown in the face of that a bit strongly.
>>106733 For a while I didn't think she was gonna make it
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUYuu
Oh you guys never told me. What classes should I focus on for Granblue?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>106743 Dark Fencer first. So do the things that unlock dark fencer Eventually you'll want to unlock and master everything, but DF is a super solid class. Holy Saber is good for later game stuff since you'll join raids and give everyone 70% damage cut
>>106744 Dark Fencer is the first destination, yes. But what after that?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>106745 Pretty much anything. Depending on what weapons and elements you go for. Superstar is pretty good.
Wherever your heart desires.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Once you have some decent classes, master them for their skills and bonuses. Like Holy Saber with the Double Trouble from Valkyrie is super good. >>106749 I had a feeling. I think I meant to edit this one.
Worse than pantsu, I think her butt isn't in the right place. I don't think the anatomy works out.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I like that artist so I can forgive it.
>>106750 It kiiiinda checks out. But with the angle we're seeing she should be sliding down the slope. No one can comfortably balance on the rear end of their rear end like that.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUYuu
>>106752 No, track the position of her spine down her back and you'll notice that the gap between her buttcheeks is way left of where it should be.
>>106769 Yeah but I don't feel heat like most people do I don't usually feel heat unless it's hot enough to burn me
And then you get burnt and your heart rate skyrockets and there's so much adrenaline and it feels good
I don't get adrenaline from burns...anymore? Did I ever? I can't remember. Either way it's just another happening for me.
>>106770 It's whatever no way am I going to work with this, so I'm gonna stay home
I forgot to close that post
>>106773 call your dent and get some real painkillers yeah you do that
I will if it keeps up on saturday I can live with it for today
I'm going back to bed again in a short bit, I just can't stay in bed forever I can't just go back to sleep after 9 hours of sleep
That and I had to pop another ibuprofen so I had to get up anyway
I guess if there's one thing I envy the US, your doctors get bribed by pharma to prescribe actual painkillers You don't even gotta ask, do ya?
You need to be in pretty significant pain to get anything much higher grade than ibuprofen
>>106778 hahaha no they are trying like hell to stop the pain killer market its hard to get them now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>106778 My doctor risks his license to give me percocet. It's almost impossible to get painkillers in Florida.
WAit whaty How are so many Americans always on like real strong painkillers if it's not super easy to get
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
It's easier to get in other states than Florida.
Ah I see
I got this bottle of something or other to rinse my mouth with twice a day too I thought THAT was what the prescription was for, not the ibuprofen, but I was wrong is called corsodyl
Ye I just didn't know at the time The dentist said it was to avoid infection, so I was like "oh this might be antibiotic, so that's what the prescription is for, not the triple dose of something I can just get OTC" Like you can just buy ibuprofen, it's just in 200mg rather than 600, and you get 20, not 30 You could just buy 3 packs
>>106789 thats sad i was going recommend it as of this momment to relv pain
It's likely super easy to get a prescription though
Getting a doc appointment in Norway is E Z, so we can get away with putting a lot more stuff behind prescription Because like You're not gonna use more than $200 in a year on medical expenses anyway
>>106781 Wat, true you can't get stronger than 400 wuthout prescription, but i got 800 for my tooth pain+the codeine things
Also you didn't get antibiotics?
no antibiotics no
Weird Your dental docs seem lacking
Naw It's just we try to use less antibioticcs Cause we don't wanna be the ones who get the blame once we all die from super bugs
And wounds in mouth potentionally reaching bone are infection risks
Yeah, but I got this chlorine stuff Daijobu
Yeaah have fun gurgling with that while the wound is sore
>>106798 If you start to feel your jaw stiffing go to the er I really dont trust your dentist
Yeah don't worry I panic easily I'm calm because everything's OK
It's normal to have your jaw be a little bit wonky for a while It feels like there's a rubber band holding my bottom and top jaw together But that's not lockjaw, right?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORUTN
♣ whyssit called clubs in anglish?
It's not that I can't move it It's just uncomfortable to
Also general avoidance of hard solids untill wound solidifies And shit like nuts, popcorn anything that could end up innthe hole, i'd advice against Digging stuck food from the tooth hols is funtimes
Oh also did you hear about united killing that REALLY large bunny? Poor floop, he got re-accomodated
I had about a day of painkillers when I had my wisdom teeth removed. I didn't really want to be on painkllers that long anyway.
That was a HUGE bunny though I didn't know they could physically BE that large, much less actually get that large A meter of bunny is insane They're usually like 20cm
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Yeah, it's pretty crazy.
I figured their anatomy wouldn't be able to handle the size Like a lot of animals can't get 5 times larger because of stuff like their respiratory system And others can't get smaller for the same reason >>106815 It was a 90cm bunny It's HUGE But now it's dead
Oh was iy one of those giant rabbits? Dem huuuuge
It was the offspring of the world's largest bunny, apparently
Go united
It's gotta be some separate species right? There's no way something comes out of a regular bunny and becomes that size over a single year or so
By that argument chihuahuas and dobermans are completely different species?
>>106819 I don't care how you breed it, a chihuahua isn't gonna give birth to a saint bernard Not alive, anyway
Already answeed your question, mare
dogs and those rabbits were selectively breed for their traits well be its size or color
>>106821 Yeah but that has nothing to do with them being different species or not.
Breed or a race but same species
>>106825 Yeah that's true I guess I just didn't expect someone to breed rabbits for size is all It seems like an odd thing to do, but at least there is a reason
Keeps slipping my mind that at one point, rabbits were actually eaten on the regular by people
Nobody really eats rabbits on even a monthly basis anymore
>>106850 It doesn't matter how much you break me on the outside, it's moot, cuz I'm already broken on the inside
>>106844 Every Japanese public washroom I visited had soap on hand. Though my experience is strictly limited to private public washrooms, the kind you find in restaurants and establishments. I can't speak for, y'know, ones that might be maintained by the city or whatnot.
>>106852 I'm just listening to northernlion banter with his friends and he's saying most Jap bathrooms just do not have soap And he's been there a few times from what I understand
Maybe his hotel is actually shit, and the restaurants he went to were greedy with the soap
It's one of those stupid, meaningless ironic memes There's nothing to get It's literally meaningless
It's that boy, besically
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Wasn't it wonderful? The punchline of this session?
Daddyofive might show up on Good Morning America tomorrow
I'm not sure if they're gonna talk about the situation, or if Mike and the whale are gonna be there But this journalist-type person I'm following on Twitter is saying he has 3 sources telling him this is the case
>>106888 Why would he do that He should just be laying low as possible Is he that stupid?
>>106890 >on their side There's no way that's happening though Even if Daddy was somehow magically innocent, Good Morning would rig it to make him look bad just for views
>>106889 Either his lawyer is a fucking rascal and is just trying to make this known and ensure a conviction and the safety of the kids Or maybe his lawyer is just trying to get people on their side as best he can
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
There's no way, but it's like the only shot they even have
>It was just a prank America!
His lawyer is just pranking him
at least he doesn't hit his kids
He threatens to, and his kids believe him So
He's got the same mental capability of a child, so by being mean to DaddyoFive, you're participating in child abuse You should all feel ashamed of yourself you sick fucks Who's the real victim here, HUH?!
He's got the mental ability and maturity of exactly the level you assume when you first see his face
>>106897 threats are wholly apart from actual violence this isn't psycho-pass thought crimes don't real
What could the state legally charge him with?
Child endangerment Psychological abuse If nothing else
april fools attachment therapy isn't real it was just a prank bro
>>106901 I haven't been paying attention, what did he do?
>>106909 I don't think what that faggot is doing is okay. I just think the outrage is disproportionate. >>106910 yes
>>106910 Verbally abuses the children with double binds for youtube dollars.
Man marries whale and systematically abuses his children in an attempt to publicly humiliate them for profit.
>>106907 yeah and five million people starve to death in africa every year but you still get pissed when someone cuts you off for no reason personal relevance matters
>>106914 Is this Daddyoffive dickhead affecting you personally in a way that immediately impacts on your life?
Knowing he's able to legally have access to kids pisses me the fuck off and makes me worried about those kids So yes
>>106912 Oh, I think I heard about this. Did he tell his kid he was in trouble for something as a prank and the kid cried and he later apologized about it?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Thank you for the whirling saw trap again rika It was a good session
>>106916 no and i don't really think he's being very abusive i'm saying you're making a retarded illogical comparison
>>106918 yeah, but that doesn't really sum it up or encapsulate the abuse they make prank videos and it usually involves the children -- specifically the stepson who is the youngest and quite frail -- being very hurt by it and feeling vulnerable and threatened, even after being announced as a prank the dad justifies it mostly as he's able to provide for his kids better because he's able to make money through youtube, and they buy them things and have a better financial quality of life that's the surface level, basically, and he doesn't see what people are so upset about because it's just boys roughhousing
what i dont think he sees because it's ingrained into him is the double binding situations that are going on where the child is psychologically soft-locked out of having sense of control or safety in their own lives // life, because it's specifically one child, and all that goes into that during the formative years of development
>>106911 People enjoy being able to slag off at someone who deserves it
>>106918 It's beyond being a prank They make a mess, blame it on the kid, then shout at them while the kid cries about how he didn't do it. That sort of thing really fucks with a kids ability to trust others and their sense of personal culpability.
>>106922 well what are you going to do about this youtube guy?
well as of right now those very outraged people are providing the cops evidence that was taken down from youtube Something only possible for them to do because enough people were fucking livid to justify archiving them
>>106926 Bitch about it on the internet until police or cps do something about it Duh
>>106929 I'm pretty sure there's some sort of law that covers this sort of emotional abuse There's probably one vague enough
>>106921 >>106922 It certainly is absolutely awful parenting, children need consistency and rules they can understand.
To answer SK's question, I don't think he's done anything illegal though. He's just a shitty parent.
>>106929 outside of the pranking / video realm, the step mom hates him and encourages the boys to bully him within the youtube realm, the father pushed the kid into a book case and he got hurt and he chose that this was an appropriate thing to include in the video
Since you only have words on an imageboard to go by, I'm not gonna hold that statement against you
>>106923 why would people be worried about something they have literally zero way to affect versus something they can actually change because it's a well known scandal in their own country
>post abuse of kids online >backlash happens >WOOOOOOOOOOOOW Putting aside how wrong it is, does this man just have no sense of consequences? How do you not grasp the concept of personal cause and effect at that age.
shitty parenting and child abuse happens everywhere. all the time and it's terrible
but the only difference about this instance is that it's become caught up in the public sphere and become the latest internet meme.
People who actually wanted to do good for children who were facing crappy family situations would donate money to a foster home, or sign up for a big-brother program.
stop right there motherfucker there's a difference between wanting to help and having the resources or time to devote to oh wait you just want to donate to fucking FOSTER CARE how is that going to help abused kids foster families abuse their children more than typical families
>>106938 how does this help foster home funding is probably one of the biggest reasons shitty people become foster parents and push their child down a set of stairs and cut their face open on a mirror
The reality of the situation is that placement with parents who are kind of bad is still a better outcome fro a child than falling into the foster home system. Hopefully things will improve for everyone, but we just live in a world where easy answers are hard to come by.
If foster homes had better training/funding maybe they would be less terrible. but that was just an example of something actually practical people could do to help children. >>106939 they have time to complain on the internet about it.
>>106942 it takes literally zero effort to do something on the internet it even takes more effort to get on a real soapbox and really preach your opinion
>>106942 i mean just look you're complaining about people complaining right now do you feel very challenged by the use of your time
I'm not under the illusion that I'm doing anything useful.
well you're not doing anything useful by discussing it here, nobody is it's pointless to send your opinion out to a crowd of 10-20 people vs a crowd of millions via whatever social media network
especially since this is an anime imageboard with very few people who have any experience with child abuse
Go ahead then. Have your slacktivism circlejerk. don't let me stop you.
nice meme but i already said i don't give a fuck about what happens to this guy or his kids
it is kind of funny to me that you used the word slacktivism while also encouraging people to donate money probably the most meaningless way to show support for any kind of issue
Money does make the world go round
I blame the globalists
>>106942 no that's not practical and that wouldn't help it's currently already being milked and it's a terrible system filled with terrible people i don't believe there's a single good foster parent out there
even an abusive parent cares in a wrong way but at least they care foster parents dont they literally do it for the benefits
>>106954 weird, we don't have that system here. kids are either "adopted" which gives them the same responsibilities for parents, or they go to the national minors center, which is like a state sponsored orphanage with no good future. it's pretty sad.
>>106959 it's sadder since politicians will never consider adoption for anyone besides married straight couples.
oh i know we do have foster families here, which take care of a kid in the process of adoption so they wont end ip adopting the kid, and it's kind of a work for them. kids can take years in that process, btw.
i see people on my friends list in the arenas a lot for some reason i wonder if my friends fight against me, too
well the only way to friend people is directly, through arena or through the voting gauntlet people that added you through arena probably have similar arena ratings so it kinda makes sense for them to show up a bit more
i need to build a decent arena team but not really sure what to do
Help I have to work forever
12 hours down only5 to go.....
wow i wish i had infinite money
>>106967 go really fast if you do maybe you can outrun time and eternity
how depressing
Sayocabara mOno kamodekidekita Ketsubo jisei da Nifishihagaramapapaya
spent the end of my birthday making a mario maker level for some reason it's p easy tbh
what wow happy birthday
Happy Brirthday! I'm sure we've all had lower key birthdays than that.
happy birthday samurguy
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
thanks y'all
>>106991 at least i got all you can eat mussels and cake
that's a dangerous all you can eat combo
Seems dangerous, yeah.
>>106998 clam strudels spaghetti and carrots macaroni and bees
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
no not the <cursor>s!
omg my gosh happy basuday 士
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
you MISSED IT it's OVEr
return the slab or suffer my <cursor>
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
oh and i drank one (1) glass of wine
>>107008 FUCK I'M SUCH A TERRIBLE UNDERLING i'll punish myself for this mistake >>107010 i'm drank
I took a nap at an odd time and now I feel all otu // out of it I'm never going to make this mistake again
if napping makes you feel off, nap some more!
then I'll be way off though I can't be awake during the day too much or my job becomes a problem >>107022 that's dangerous thinking I can't go back to that life >>107023 I was tired
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
just keep napping until all your problems have gone away
>>107202 it means you're not sure i think they call it a question mark
>>107203 not sure of what? that's some high quality lettuce.
or interrogation marks
>>107204 i'm not sure it's cabbage or over-ripe lettuce i already said this dang man >>107205 i'll interrobang you
look some lettuce flowers and discolors in such a manner when it's past the point of ripe picking lettuce gathered this way misses much of the fresh flavor desired from lettuce cabbage often looks that way but it's DIFFERENT OK
IN FACT YOU MIGHT THINK CABBAGE AND LETTUCE ARE THE SAME but you are WRONG BUDDY it's not even close lettuce is a leafy green such as SPINACH OR maybe artichokes and CABBAGE is more closely related to broccoli or cauliflower being a CRUCIFEROUS VEGETABLE
Refresh my memory, what does cabbage even taste like?
it tastes fresh and also kind of sour it has a certain tang to it that is brought out by steaming especially and is used in a lot of eastern culture's dishes ESPECIALLY korean cuisine for some reason pickled cabbage is DELICIOUS i DARE you to pickle lettuce it CANNOT BE DONE
Doesn't sound like something you'd put on a sandwich tbh but then again I can't even cook simple meals.
My teeth are no longer fire at least
This last Berkeley thing seems to have gone down without any fighting Impressive
>>107215 it can be done and in fact i find cabbage and jalapeños to be a welcome addition to a turkey and ham sandwich just add some monterey jack or pepper jack cheese and you have a flavor explosion in your mouth complete with savory and sour and sweet add whatever condiment you prefer to taste
>>107230 yeah my manager shouted at me a lot and often I'd keep my mum waiting in the carpark because I didn't get my work done until like a half hour after my shift ended
>The weekday program airs from 7:00 to 9:00 a.min all U.S. time zones (live in the Eastern Time Zone and on tape delay elsewhere across the country). The Saturday and Sunday editions are one hour long and are transmitted to ABC's stations live at 7:00 a.m
So what time is it right now where it's the latest in the US? >>107240 So in about 4 hours it should be possible to find today's episode Right?
Samurai Lal'C !KW2DbpWwls
5 am est two hours
I'm sure that someone will upload it on youtube soon after
>they live in squats, places where you don't need to pay rent Wait are those a real thing? I thought that was a thing they just made up in a movie I watched one time, I didn't think those were real
Well that might be it, but I thought Tim (whose stream I'm watching) was talking about these like, abandoned buildings where almost a tiny community comes together and just lives It seems like an odd way to live to me >>107251 Well I guess if nobody's using the building for anything in particular, nobody will notice
If you're trying to rent out office space and nobody wants it, you won't really notice if a bunch of people just hang out there, cause you're not going there to check on anything, and it's not like there's valuables in there either It'd be weird to pay for a guard for a building or space that's completely unused and only has like a few chairs and some tables, if that
>>107250 I always imagined they'd get evicted too fast to form a community
>>107250 These weird sieges to evict the tenants by cops and owners used to happen here a lot at one time. Too many buildings left unguarded and vacated
In I think it was Uganda, the main person people pay rent to isn't the guy who owns the building Scammers just sell people living space in buildings they don't even own themselves, and then when the jig is up they just bolt
And most of the people "Living" in them weren't even homeless just students and low lives being assholes
Man there's a lot of motorcycle helmets in this
i would live in an assumed living domicile with homeless people at least it would be better than this
that looks bad
Haha this other guy streaming the rally has a bike helmet he mounted a visor in himself
Live studio audiences have gotta be one of the largest red flags a show can have If they feel like they gotta laugh for you, it's likely not accomplishing its goal of being funny
oh no im cold this is terrible
seinfeld had a live studio audience and is the funniest show ever to air on tv
seinfeld has gotten really fat last i saw him
yeah we didn't recognize him on that billboard
It being a red flag doesn't mean that it's gonna be the case 100% of the time It's a red flag, not a confirmation
>>107290 i watched that video of him interviewing obama and i'm like "who is this? oh it's some comedian thing okay" "wow he sounds really familiar" and while i can't recognize new faces, i've seen seifeld before the accident so i can recognize him i just dont shaved head and really chubby i like it though he looks less douchy now not that he was douchy before just kind of looked it
>alternative treatment actually based on nazi technology This isn't even pol, the guy on Bill Nye's show's sound treatment is based on research done by "the Germans" during the war
i wonder if attachment therapy is based on nazi technology
yeah wow he got OLD
Is the placebo effect consistent in terms of how large portion of people experience it? Like if I tell you this PILL will solve headaches, will I get the same placebo effect as if I said like, this MACHINE will solve headaches? If both are bogus
no it's never consistent that's the point of it it's used as a buffer in clinical trials to compare the drug against noise the placebo comparator arm will have something like 15% PFS compared to 35% for whatever medication is being tested or whatever endpoint is being measured, efficacy or safety profiles that way you can measure whether the drug has statistically and clinically significant results in the trial if placebo is 75% partial improvement and the drug is 85%, then that's probably not statistically significant
there's not really a role in using placebo as actual treatment i don't think outside of clinical trials
Yeah there's really not
unless youre treating hypochondria i guess but i think that would probably be better treated with an actual therapy plan
but yeah it's never consistent it'll literally change on the same repeat trial just due to seasonal difference or weather or anything what it does do is gauge how sensitive the data is to whimsical variables like that so if 5% of patients in the placebo arm see partial improvement over 6 months and 2% over 12 months then having 15% improvement with the drug would be more clinically relevant but otherwise, 10% or so difference is generally not relevant most doctors won't even acknowledge something like that, although the FDA will
i actually have heard hundreds of doctors plan their trial designs now i could sperg out on this subject all day it's pretty interesting to me
Wouldn't work for hypocondriacs Real treatmentdoesn't work for them either Even if there's a real problem they refuse to believe they're getting better
>>107302 that's not true i heard there was this new drug called rumyodin that works really well
They brought on some guy who thinks there might be something to some alternative medicine claims, and they just wouldn't let him finish a sentence without strawmanning him
derren brown is such a sham but i enjoy it >>107304 who is they
Bill Nye
alternative medicine like herbal medicine or like homeopathy
I wish Bill Nye had faded into obscurity so I wouldn't have to grow to despise my childhood heroes
Alternative medicine like "I dunno, there might be auras even if we can't see them" Which is a fair enough statement, but Bill Nye quickly debunked his claim, saying "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN SEE AURAS?" Which is LITERALLY the opposite of what the man claimed
>>107311 fucking CRYSTALS applied kinesiology oh boy
i'm pretty down for eastern medicine
there's a new depression treatment that uses magnets to help you sounds like alternative shit but apparently there's a lot of empirical evidence of its efficacy
>>107313 using this ingenious new method, we use magnets as a therapy to pull the cash right out of your pockets!
I gotta say I'm not too thrilled by this show yet Penn and Teller's Bullshit was way fairer to the other side, and even they were a bit unfair at times
>>107314 haha it's scientifically validated though and cheaper than other methods of treatment
no cash // wait i fucked up
Though what should I really expect from a man who thinks people who don't believe certain things scientists say, should be in jail
>>107316 we could probably design and p hack a clinical trial to get anything through the FDA gates for approval
>>107319 yeah sure but it wouldn't be replicable unlike this which has seen widespread replication
>>107320 the pentaquark was replicable actually almost everyone that tried it replicated it
that's a little different than seeing legitimate behavioral changes in people and patients reporting lessened depression
>the experiments are first graders' first show about science level >the song and dance numbers are talking about sex, vaginas and tall wood sprites as a gender I'm not sure how I feel about this, man
>>107322 is self-reporting depression a pretty stable thing i would assume it's not really but i'm not there
self-reports of depression are generally very stable the most widely used depression severity inventory (BDI-II) shows stability of like .92 over months without treatment so people generally self-report the same symptoms of depression across time unless those symptoms dissipate
i know for me it was never very consistent i'd go to the psych and usually report things as being somewhat better because it felt like they were better while i was at the psych but then a lot of symptoms and things that i dont think about or am not able to recall when i get back later but there's a lot of comorbidities and substance usage on my end so that's probably a thing
yeah depression on something like these tests of state-sadness is usually pretty stable as long as the state is stable not that trait measures aren't stable
depression is one of the things with the most research, there's a lot of good stuff despite some bad research
depression measures all also capture anxiety as well if symptom-based e.g. BDI-II correlates .6 with anxiety inventory BAI and .47 with Hamilton anxiety inventory which is unfortunate but can't be helped
i can't wait for mapped consciousness uploads so we can sit on /moe/ and talk about data all day and all night i love information it's the best
persona 5 had some shit with bouba/Kiki in it and now tons of losers think they are experts on the way the mind and language are related after reading the Wikipedia article on it this is terrible
>>107346 Alien life is actually a possibility even if it's just some random bacteria in a far off place. the earth curvature is something even a monkey could realize.