Thread #105232
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Hello welcome to a new thread May we take your order?
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norman is a pretty hardcore dude
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>>105234 they all are they chopped their ears off like it was fucking nothing
ah you're more up to date than i thought then
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>>105232 (OP) I'd like one goodburger please
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>>105237 Comin' up
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i wonder if there's gonna be less mind games from now on or maybe they switch focus to the younger ones
>>105239 who knows. its really strange to begin with. i mean that in a good way.
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>>105232 (OP) let's see i need, uh hold on>>105243 fast bees dot net>>105232 (OP) okay sorry where was i oh yeah, i need uh two fried cat fish filets, sides of cottage cheese and potato salad (mustard) i'll take the pulled pork sandwich, a quart of that chili, some sweet tea and also a quart of cole slaw thanks
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:40 No. 105243
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:41 No. 105244
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:42 No. 105245
need to prepare for NETWORKING should i eat a whole garlic chicken
got all the cables and routers you need?
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>>105245 yes
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:43 No. 105248
>>105246 actually I need an Ethernet cable for my Wii U if i want to sm4sh proper
>>105242 I'm sorry We're all out of coleslaw I
>>105245 probably what would moon do>>105249 okay scratch the coleslaw i'll take bbq baked beans and some fried okra
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:46 No. 105252
well there's gonna be drinks there so I could 1) be social 2) get wasted 3) be a wallflower 4) spend the entire time on /now/ many options
it's important to enjoy /now/
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:49 No. 105254
the moment the music
>help wallflower
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:51 No. 105256
>>105255 good choice
i mean more like>man wallflower >? wallflower
time for bed
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:52 No. 105259
>>105257 i an confuse
define wallflower
what kind of music do you guys like?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 21:56 No. 105262
>>105260 person not being social stuck to wall>>105261 there seems to be a lot of electronic or indie music posted here and anime meme remixes
>>105262 avoid that unless you are in bad company help wallflower is indeed a nice choice
>>105262 I just wanted to know because i was going to try to post a youtube album for some electronic music i like or atleast a song of the album if i can find it.
the music I like is the music of my HAATO
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 22:00 No. 105266
>>105264 yeah man go for it
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 22:00 No. 105267
>>105255 >>105257 oh ok I finally get it
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 22:01 No. 105269
well I bought a hotdog for $2 and it was a huge mistakr
hotdogs wasn't a mistake!
>>105269 probably more like a footlong mistake
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/26 (水) 22:02 No. 105272
>>105270 this hot dog was I wanted like a proper polish sausage in my mouth 💦
>>>/watch?v=xKZo_jVNhT4 well this one song from the album
yeah this album is littrally named after physics
>>105272 that hotdog doesn't have to live the way you want it to
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I must have shit taste in music.....
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>>>/watch?v=fNo4k87162I this is better i bet
we occasionally use a shared music playlist website and collectively put up music for hours at a time it's called wavelength so if you hear us talking about that we can pull you in sometime
>>105280 ok though i would not want to ruin your collection
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love these pants>>105281 you won't ruin anything it's always just a bunch of us having fun talking and listening to tunes
>>105281 that's kind of the point is to hear other people's stuff also it's like taking turns doing the chore of finding something else to add to the list so it doesn't reach the end and die which happens a lot and then i'm off searching for something else to put up
>>>/watch?v=2Ir5C-Ir_v4 This is a good album
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That's quite the shirt.
so fly
check out yusuke's SPACE PANTS
But Mamoru Miyano was the Galactic Bishounen.
Now he's the illest thief Gangsta Bishounen
done with work tadaima
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Okaeri Would you like dinner, a bath, or this ice cold 6-pack?
>>105293 Where do I order?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/26 (水) 22:52 No. 105295
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I'm here. I'm always here.
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>>105292 a bath sounds pretty nice buttermilk bath with some incense and some hardcore drugs
>>105296 I remember the time where incenses were drugs
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>>105299 darker times on the internet
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>>105300 Hello Rika.>>105301 If incense was a drug, why would it stop being a drug?
>>105302 its a term they call that fake weed shit.
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Nowadays synthetic weed is called spice. It's a lot worse than weed though. Weed only messes people up a little, spice messes them up a lot.
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>>105304 yeah is also called that and yeah me my self i would never touch it. I just know what it is.
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>>105303 Oh, I see. You meant the word, not the object.
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It's way worse than weed. And like all synthetic drugs, if an irresponsible person makes it, it can have things in it that will mess you up in a more literal way than drugs are generally intended to.
Well, it's not actually fake weed. Synthetic cannabinoids aren't supposed to be like weed, they're their own thing. Synthetic weed isn't a real thing, it's just what people who don't know about it call synthetic cannabinoids
if yeah that
mimicking nature never goes well when its drugs. also weed has many other oids to keep its main one in check.
i dunno our opioids and racemic compounds are pretty solid especially compared to nature's
>>105311 noops are fine i have tried them but some opioids are funny they seem to diff from a persons liver
>>105311 Yeah this
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>>105311 The problem is that your average druggie isn't taking stuff made by people who actually know things who work in labs, they're made by Cletus in his trailer.
I'd argue that most addicts absolutely use legitimate drugs. Most are using prescription medication.
>>105314 I can agree that shads dont really know how to make stuff
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/26 (水) 23:09 No. 105317
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So like when are we getting a port of Kanco-Arcade because the second event's boss has some great animations
>>105314 who's cletus
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>>105315 Yeah, but those using spice aren't doing that. There was a stink here somewhat recently because it was discovered that our drug tests actually weren't screening for spice because it's made so many random different ways.
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>>105314 i agree but i would point out that there are some underground labs that produce better quality than big pharma it's not the standard though people will buy 70% purity and shit just because it's cheaper and then vape whatever drug it is off of aluminum foil
>>105319 Well, synthetic cannabinoids generally are coming from China, not Cletus. Cletus makes meth
>>105321 china has almost outlawed a ll syn chemicals
>>105322 so?
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>>105323 well im just saying.
I really should have never tried to make the incense joke Its my bad for even starting this convo
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There's nothing wrong with this conversation haha /moe/ is somewhat experienced with drugs We talk about pharmacology all the time
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and i studied medical physics so pharmacokinetics is super interesting to me
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>>105325 This is how moe is! One little ripple on the water's surface can cause an avalanche.
>>105328 You're making it sound like a bad thing.
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>>105328 how interesting!
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>>105329 I was actually trying to bait one of you guys into pointing out that I mixed my metaphors. Ripples cause tidal waves, not avalanches! But I guess I'm just too high level for you guys.
>>105331 i didn't want to point out the "elephant on the wall" as you might say
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i thought you were just getting two birds stoned in a bush
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>>105331 if i remember right thats a boy
>>105334 It's a girl's body.
>>105335 yeah i know im just messing with them
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>>105334 She's 100% girl and she's super cute!
>>105337 please
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>>105338 Please what?
you know what they say about assuming things it triggers me
>>105339 Why do you lie
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>>105341 The past doesn't matter!
reminds me of a manga called bokugirl i used to read i do have images of that saved to though.
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>>105342 That's not true!
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>>105344 It's totally true though, her past is behind her. Like everybody from back then is dead anyway.
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funny manga
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>>105345 His family is still alive and knows he's a guy!
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Well you if have a vagoo you're a girl. Cag just joined the winning team. Good on her for realizing that cute is justice.
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Cag is biologically female, yes
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>>105350 this is all your fault for making that comment thanks
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>>105349 See, 100% girl like I said!
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>>105351 I seem to have a domino effect
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>>105352 People are more than biology>>105353 Rika and I bicker about dumb shit at every opportunity
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>>105353 Moon accuses cute anime girls of being boys all the time.>>105354 Yeah, but Cag totally qualifies as a girl.
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no i accuse them of having penises that's not at all the same
oh wait yeah i guess i do that one as well well nevermind theyre either a boy or have a penis you cant have it both ways
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>>105355 Not psychologically!
it would be gay if it was a boy's penis
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genderbender is a thing
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>>105358 Cag has a girl's heart though. I would think someone like you would understand this!
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i smell something burning
it's fine youre probably just having a stroke
You'll get used to it soon enough.
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>>105363 yes thats fine
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>>105361 Cag obviously doesn't You wouldn't know since you don't even have her, though!
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>>105366 I read some of the Cag comics. It's a shame you aren't able to understand her even though you have like three copies of her.
I've read some of the Cagliostro stuff and she's a old man
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>>105367 Haha, you mean 4komas and doujinshi? That's cute She's admitted to being a man in-game. In the 2015 Halloween event she admitted to it
>>105369 Ive read some "doujinshi" of cag before "doujinshi"
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>>105369 Being, as in past tense!
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>>105371 No, being isn't past tense.
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well i am a dude so i have seen things
The past tense of being is been.
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>>105372 It could be in the sense you used it. She admitted that she was once a guy, but that's all in the past!
>>105375 Being can never be past tense. Being is the present tense word for "be" The word itself signifies present tense
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I created a monster......
Never mind that she's literally changing the words you chose for you.
>>105378 >>105378 >>105378 Rika is so desperate here that it's almost sad.
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>>105379 I'm not the desperate one! You're the one trying to turn it int to a semantic argument. I see you trying to escape.
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>>105380 No, you are. This is really sad. You should stop before you make yourself look any dumber!
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>>105381 I'm not trying to escape. If there's one person around who can doggedly stay on a single point for hours at a time, it's me. You're trying to drag me off course with semantic arguments! You aren't even talking about Cag anymore, you're talking about the meanings of words and just implying I'm sad! Actually, you're outright calling me sad! You're trying to run away!
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>>105382 Yeah, you are sad. I will repeat>She's admitted to being a man in-game. Now that you know the meaning of the word "being", we can continue from here.
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>>105384 Now you know the misery we all face here.
listen to your WOMAN john CALLLLM down just CALLLLM down
>>105385 domino effects are interesting though even if its a war about dicks
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>>105383 She admitted to being one previously!
>>105388 That's wrong. She admitted to being a man. A character said "but you're a guy!" To which Cag replied "so what?"
She previously admitted to being one but has not admitted to being one previously.
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>>105389 She also says she's the cutest girl in the world, though!
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>>105392 So? You can call yourself a girl while being a man.
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>>105393 And you can call yourself a man while being a girl! You haven't proven a thing!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/26 (水) 23:50 No. 105396
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>>105395 I've already proven my point. You've yet to counter the point I made regardless.
>>105390 your second clause should be 'not admitted to previously being one' there's vagueness that accompanies tossing a modifier at the end like that
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/26 (水) 23:51 No. 105399
So Rika knows that Cag's personality is that of a crazy old man when he isn't trying to be turbocute right
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>>105396 You didn't prove anything. The only thing you've provided is that she said "so what" to the charge of being a guy! But she's also said that she's the cutest girl in the world.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/26 (水) 23:52 No. 105401
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>>105400 In doing so, she confirmed that she is a man. You can call yourself a cute girl while being a man. Your argument "But she's also said that she's the cutest girl in the world." is completely irrelevant to this.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/26 (水) 23:52 No. 105402
Oh damn Kirara was talking about Cag even before this, I just scrolled down and posted
>>105397 Yeah that's probably true. Language is finicky..
>>105400 >To the charge of cyberterrorism and treason against your country, how do you plead? >So what? oh boy i can't wait to try that one out
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>>105404 are you admiting to something?
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>>105401 How is one statement even more weighty than the other? They're both just statements of status. In fact, she really isn't even stating anything in your example, she's just saying "so what".
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/26 (水) 23:54 No. 105407
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>>105406 You're ignoring the /// ignoring entire conventions of the English language in order to desperately prove yourself right in the face of facts now You're the one bringing back semantics now "this affirmation isn't ACTUALLY an affirmation, it's something ELSE" Usually you have ground to stand on but this time you're really just denying facts denying entire character background information points
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>>105407 They're both just statements! I don't see where one is more weighty than the other.
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did i scare moon or something?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/26 (水) 23:57 No. 105411
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>>105409 Neither disproves the other, and I've argued from the beginning that Cag was biologically female. If Cag is biologically female yet admits to being a man, that more-or-less proves my point that Cag is psychologically (and spiritually) a man.
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pls make it stop
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>>105411 But Cag also calls herself a girl on a regular basis! And since she's a girl physically, there's a presumption that she's female!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/26 (水) 23:59 No. 105414
Cag is a guy.
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:00 No. 105416
Like I have Cag at level 97 or so And Cag is a guy
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>>105410 yes sorry i am very timid and shy away from heavy discussions easily
>>105417 is that the real one i dnt think ive ever seen it before.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:02 No. 105419
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>>105413 Biologically female, yes. Spiritually and psychologically a man, though. Both of these statements are true. I don't really understand why you're so vehemently opposed to Cag being psychologically and spiritually male.>>105415 It won't stop. Rika or I will get bored and do something else and then we'll argue this again at 4am.
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>>105419 I'm not opposed, you're just wrong! I can spot a cute girl from a thousand meters away! What kind of man would make it their life's work to become the world's cutest girl?
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He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you
You can be a guy that uses she/her pronouns
>>105420 You are about to ask - yup, you asked a very silly question
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:04 No. 105424
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>>105420 >What kind of man would make it their life's work to become the world's cutest girl? 1. /a/ 2. that's not Cag's life work 3. Cag can be a cute girl and a boy at the same time
>>105418 yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:05 No. 105426
Cag just wants to have a cute body. He's just like "yo I can be cute this is neat." He likes that body.
>>105425 I have only seen the bottom part of that posted as a meme thats the first time ive seen the whole thing
Miko was once a man but then became a girl and got hair flaps and headphones
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:06 No. 105429
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Just accept that Cag is a badass old man in a cute girl's body. There's nothing wrong with this. In fact it's great.
can we just agree gender bent boys are girls
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:07 No. 105432
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>>105430 Biologically male, yes.
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Oh, but on that note do daily quests not give you crystals the second day you do them? What's with that? How do I get a steady influx of crystals going on?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:07 No. 105434
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Steady influx of crystals = wait for the daily rewards, then do events. And do main quests I guess too.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:07 No. 105435
>>105432 Biologically female*
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Daily events?
>>105432 you should read bokugirl you may find it interesting
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:08 No. 105438
daily rewards AND events
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:08 No. 105439
not daily events daily rewards, and events.
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So crystals come relatively slow after you've done a lot of the quests. What's the point of spending AP to do those things?
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to get them faster dailiy event missions only give you 50
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How do I find the daily event missions? Do those unlock or something?
they usually come like a few days into the event you join 5 event raids
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hmm Crystals pretty much start coming a lot slower at some pouint, huh?
They start coming pretty slowly pretty fast.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:12 No. 105446
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You'll get 900 crystals a month from daily rewards, +3 draw tickets // 6 draw tickets per month from the same thing. Events give like 450-ish crystals depending on the quests and if they have those daily "help other people" quests.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:13 No. 105447
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I never expected a fightan harem to be one of the best shows in a season. Akashic is really good.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:13 No. 105448
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Good luck getting cute girls rika
>>105447 yeah that show is good
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So the gist of it is that you don't get to do 10 part draws very often, huh?>>105447 Yeah, it's really good.
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>>105447 its better than it seemed most people would have wrote it of as a generic harem but its far from it. the manga is is interesting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:14 No. 105452
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>>105450 only do them during legfes, which is once a month. So it works out.
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When you say events, do you mean things like that lost boy in the mines event that was a little while ago? And the Cag (who is a girl) event coming up?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:15 No. 105454
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Yes, that was an event. Unite and Fight is an event too but you'd need a crew, though each fight WILL give you 50 crystals the first time. And yes, Cag's event, who is a boy in a girl body because he likes that, will be an event too.
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>>105454 Unite and fight seems to hard for me, those fights just steamroll me.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:16 No. 105457
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ToN has my back
>>105447 I really like the grammatical magic system they've got going on in it. Stuff like that has a really neat flexibility and in-world creative potential.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:16 No. 105459
>>105457 I mean, I had your back before I knew this argument existed. I love badass old man cag mode.>>105456 Host one and let other people kill it, and you'll get free crystals woo
Hosting fights yiou've never done before yet gives you 50 crystals
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>>105457 YEah, but the only thing ToN can spot from 2 miles away is an exposed bird butt. He's not a cute girl expert like I am.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:17 No. 105462
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>>105461 Sight only allows you to see
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>>105461 >try to make that pose with the arms >accidentally punch yourself in the forehead
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:17 No. 105465
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Wow, Rika just ATTACKED my connection and made me drop!>>105461 Sight only allows you to see physical things. So you can see the cute biological body, but maybe you're just too superficial to see what is under it!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:18 No. 105466
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This image contains two badass guys and a cute girl
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>>105462 I can see Cag's spirit!>>105466 Wow, that bunny has a riichi stick?>>105465 Naive! You can see lots of things if your vision is good enough.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:18 No. 105468
I watched Cag put his spirit into another girl body in front of me.
>>105462 I guess you weren't TOO FAST FOR EYES
cag is a lewd old man
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:18 No. 105471
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>>105467 You can't see that which has no form no matter how good your eyes are. And you don't have perfect eyes anyway!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:19 No. 105472
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Cag is basically just a soul at this point, transporting himself into different bodies he makes. He really likes the cute girl body though!
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>>105471 I can see ap erson's aura. I have a sixth sense, after all!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:20 No. 105474
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>>105473 Bullshit!
This is going to be the conversation of the future.
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the future is now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:20 No. 105477
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>>105475 I'm about to use my secret move to win.
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>>105474 It's not bullshit, you just don't get it.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:20 No. 105479
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Here's hoping that Cag shows his cool guy side in the event and Rika becomes convinced.
>>105477 I'm about to go back to drawing And not laughing about Ku Klux Klan localizations
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:21 No. 105481
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>>105479 I think RIka already knows it. She's just doing this for memes.>>105480 what
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>>105479 Acting tough isn't just a guy thing!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:21 No. 105483
Search [iqdb] (177 KB, 1200x852, 3daeea6867a99297a9874266a6ad9452.jpg )
>>105482 You probably won't understand until you get regular cag and hear his story.
>>105481 Apparently something got localized in Akiba's Beat from KKK Witches to ACQ Witches and one of the people on the team got his name removed from the credits because he didn't want to be listed in a game that participated in censorship.
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As an aside, I got really lucky and got the guy based on Free. Lucky!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:23 No. 105486
>based on >>105484 wow
It's extra funny since it was actually done by the original devs themselves and not simply the localization people. So it's like The devs actually saw that there was unintended context and took it out. And this guy is just like "I don't know, I still kinda feel this was censorship because I think we made them feel bad about it."
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>>105486 Why are you meme arrowing me?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:24 No. 105489
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I was just pointing out something I thought was silly.
>>105489 pls tell me what manga that image is from i like her horns. oh fate... what a bummer
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>>105489 I'll make you bleed.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:25 No. 105492
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>>105490 It's from a Fate/Grand Order Kiyohime doujin.>>105491 Come here and make me bleed, then.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:25 No. 105493
damn rika's out for blood
>>105492 sorry i never really got into the fate franchise. sabers armor and looks have aways drove me away.
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>>105493 Well, he made a joke that I'm not in on which is an unforgivable sin! And on top of that he was wrong about something I thought he'd be an ally on! What a betrayal. This is like that time Darth Vader killed a bunch of kids and then fell into some lava awhile later.
>>105496 *younglings
baby goats*
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:29 No. 105499
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>>105496 What joke were you not in on?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:29 No. 105500
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Cag even switches to old-man-type talking patterns.>>105499 The Free one.
Just read more Cag doujins.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:29 No. 105502
>>105495 this is art
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:30 No. 105503
>>105501 this would probably also convince Rika, or she'll think everyone else is deluded too.
She's already convinced everyone else is wrong. Which means even if she comes to think otherwise she'll never admit it.
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>>105500 I watched her level 100 fate episode, she consistently uses female inflection on her words. She self-refers with ore-sama but ore-sama is just an advanced form of bokuko.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:30 No. 105506
>>105505 Watch her level 80 one.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:30 No. 105507
she talks like an old man when angry/upset/smug/being herself
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:31 No. 105508
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When Cag is pissed yeah
cute girls that talk like a old man are fun
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:31 No. 105510
in fact, the talking like an old man using the voice of sakura from cardcaptor sakura is part of why she is so popular
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>>105507 She uses a rough manner of speaking, but her enunciation of individual words uses female inflection.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:32 No. 105512
>>105511 in the single tidbit of cag that you have experienced (roughly 1/40 scenes including cag) that is correct
also cute
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>>105504 One of my charm points is that I hold to my convictions even if the whole world is against me. When you're all brainwashed by the devil and putting computer chips in your hands, I'll be the one to save you.
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:33 No. 105516
it's like being tucker carlson
>>105514 I thought this world was supposed to be beyond saving
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It's not beyond saving. It's just not worth saving.
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>>105517 There's still hope as long as I'm here.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:34 No. 105520
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siztra said the same thing
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>>105519 As long as Sakurako exists, everything will be fine
>>105520 Can't we talk about the GOOD namefags? Like Blue.
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>>105520 Did he say that? All I ever saw him do was try to flirt with other boys.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:35 No. 105524
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Well, what other granblues does rika like
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:35 No. 105525
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>>105522 We talk about you and Rika all the time.>>105523 Yeah, that's what he said whenever called him cancer.
>>105514 One of your delusions is also the notion that people find you charming.
>>105525 kyaa
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>>105525 You guys would never call me cancer, though.>>105526 People do find me charming, though.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:36 No. 105529
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>>105526 Rika can be charming.>>105528 That's true.
I've yet to see it.
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do you guys oh wow wrong image
You know what would charm me right now? Food.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:38 No. 105533
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Charm Points
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>>105530 See, this is why I call you tsundere. You wouldn't watch anime with me every night if you didn't find me charming on some level.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:39 No. 105536
>>105534 Come get some food
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what do you guys think about oh no why does this keep happening fuck
>>105535 Of course I would. I don't need something like that to watch anime with someone.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:40 No. 105539
this is fine
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:41 No. 105540
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>>105530 She's an endearing kind of frustrating person.
No, she's a frustrating kind of frustrating person.
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>>105538 It's okay to admit you like my company!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:42 No. 105543
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>>105541 Sure, but if I had to be frustrated by someone, Rika would probably be top of the list.
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I'm not frustrating! If you're frustrated it's your fault, not mine! Frustrated like the waves crashing upon the rocks!
moon has the storm hit were you are yet?
>>105542 That has nothing to do with your total lack of charm. I know you suffer from a one-track mind but charm is not the only facet of human interaction.
>>105545 i didn't really notice it until you mentioned it but there's a severe thunderstorm warning for seven minutes now
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:44 No. 105548
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>>105544 I often become frustrated with you! Maybe often isn't the right word. It doesn't happen that often/ Sometimes I become frustrated with you. But it's a special kind of frustration with you.
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>>105547 stay safe
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>>105546 If you enjoy a person's company, you see their charm!>>105548 That's strange, I never become frustrated with you. Even when you kill the kids and then die in the lava.
>>105549 have you met me before i'm the safest person on moe
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:46 No. 105552
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>>105550 I become frustrated with you because we get into long, stupid arguments that I often want to exit but can't without losing. But it's an enjoyable frustration that I don't get anywhere else.
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>>105546 I also don't think I have a one track mind. I think I am scatterbrained and always going from one thing to the other.
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>>105552 There's nothing wrong with admitting you're wrong, you know!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:47 No. 105555
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>>105554 I think this encapsulates the Rika charm well. I'm complimenting you, so you should be grateful!
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>>105554 this is bait
whenever i'm wrong it means i'm learning something new that's a treat in a way i just rarely get to experience it
>>105550 If you actually had the patience to wait or decency to go back and read you would see that you're wrong in that belief.
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>>105555 You know you're equally stubborn, right?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:50 No. 105560
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>>105559 Of course I know that.
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though its nice to have people you can chat with.
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>>105558 I read everything you posted. It's okay to admit you enjoy my company!>>105560 Actually, you may be more stubborn than I am! I'm very quick to compromise about the important stuff.>>105563 I read that statement but I disagree with it. If you enjoy someone's company, you see charm in them.
>>105562 >>105546
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:51 No. 105564
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>>105562 I'm also very quick to compromise on important stuff. Conflict over important things isn't fun and nothing will get done if there's conflict blocking it, so I like to compromise.
>>105562 It's fine that you disagree with it but we're taking about me here. So the final say in how I consider social interactions lays with me.
>MTG bans a card >almost immediately after coming out oh wait no, nevermind. lol. I thought this was a new card. I miss infinite combos though
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>>105564 Oh, I didn't mean to imply that you weren't. I just think that my being stubborn is a bit of a meme.>>105565 You're just being tsundere, though. It's okay to admit you enjoy spending him with me!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:52 No. 105568
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>>105567 No way. I think we're about as stubborn as one another.
>>105567 >>105546
>>105568 I like that shimakaze
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>>105569 It does, though! You wouldn't want to be around someone with zero charm.>>105568 I don't know, I'm pretty sure you're more stubborn since you're always carrying the banner for the side that is completely wrong. If I were wrong about things in such extreme ways I think i'd be a bit quicker to give up.
>>105571 No, you wouldn't. And maybe some other people. But I'm free to decide myself the standards on which I hang out with people.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:53 No. 105573
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>>105571 Wow, you're being really mean to someone that was just complimenting you! We agree on so many things! If you use a word like always, you're saying that you're wrong all the time, too!
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>>105571 What does charm mean to you?
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>>105573 That's true, you usually have really good judgement. It's just that you're way off sometimes, like with this Cag thing.>>105572 You totally see my charm though, even if you don't see that you see it.>>105574 A person's charm is their good side!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:54 No. 105576
but you literally don't know cag though we both have literally more experience with cag
>>105572 i mean i don't really have any investment in this but why would you complain about something when you set the standards for it yourself
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it never stop....................
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:55 No. 105579
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>>105578 What never stops?>>105575 I'm not off on that at all!
>>105577 Because sometimes can be the colour of mauve and I can still not care that I've forgotten where this metaphor is going.
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>>105576 Have you ever met someone and felt like you've known each other your whole lives? It's like that.>>105579 You're pretty off, but it's okay, I accept your apology.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 00:55 No. 105582
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>>105579 My burning desires
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>>105575 As in their social graces? Or just any positive feature?>>105582 Hero kenzan
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:55 No. 105584
>>105582 gay
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>>105579 A war over a certain 'girl' that i started as a joke.
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I've never been so popular in my life.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:56 No. 105587
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>>105581 I'm not apologizing for anything!>>105583 Charm is the part of someone that is enjoyable!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:57 No. 105588
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>>105585 This is just how Rika and I are. We once argued for like five hours about whether or not a gentleman stranded on a deserted island could keep his sword from rusting using coconuts. We even discussed the number of coconuts on the island and the rate at which they were produced.
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>>105583 It's their good points. I have a lot of good points so I'm charming. It's as simple as that.
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>>105587 I think it'd be enjoyable to meet and converse to a person with Aspergers But under know *no circumstances would I call them charming.
>>105580 oh okay thanks for clearing that up
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>>105588 You were so wrong on that one you can't even remember which side you were on. If you were right, it would have been immediately obvious to you which side you were on.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:58 No. 105593
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>>105592 I remembered what side I was on.
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>>105593 Is that so? Do tell!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 00:59 No. 105595
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You'll just claim I'm misremembering either way!
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>>105595 It's clever of you to see that, I was planning to do that. But now that you've pointed it out, I won't do it. So tell me which side you think you were on.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 01:00 No. 105598
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>>105596 No way, you're still going to do it!
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>>105593 thats a lewd saber
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 01:01 No. 105600
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I'm off to bed now! Bye bye!>>105601 I'm not running away! It's time for bed!
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I told you I wouldn't do it! You're running away! You don't remember after all!
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>>105600 good night
Search [iqdb] (129 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
>>105600 It's funny that you sitll don't remember. Now you're being tsundere too. It's okay to admit you don't remember.
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>>105600 Good night
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Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 01:10 No. 105608
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Rika, you're a demon lord, right? What kind of traps should be put into a wicked lord of necromancy's palace?
>>105608 I vote for actual traps
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Buzzsaw traps.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 01:11 No. 105611
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Noted. Thank you for helping me be one step closer to being prepared for tomorrow night.
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Also if he's a necromancer you can do the zombie thing. One of the terrifying things about necromancers in dwarf fortress is that they turn EVERYTHING into zombies. So if you chop a zombie in half, you get a zombie torso and a zombie pair of legs chasing you. So your fort eventually dies because the dismembered body parts all turn into zombies and turn into horrifying zombie tornadoes of body parts. The buzzsaws hasten this process because they dismember things at a high rate.>>105613 Yeah, they eventually nerfed it because it was turning into horrifying zombie tornadoes. But as a gamemaster, you can and should attack your players with horrifying zombie tornadoes!
Though later on the zombified parts were adjusted to be about as deadly as disembodied fingers can practically be.
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this is horrifying
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When I lost my first fort to that it was amazing. The tornado would descend on a dwarf, tear him apart, and his dismembered body parts would join in on the tornado and make it bigger. It did not take very long for my entire fort to be slaughtered by zombie parts.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 01:17 No. 105616
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I need a good puzzle lock for my main door. I'd love a riddle but that requires coming up with a riddle.
Didn't you study Cryptology in school? Apply that knowledge nerd.>>105618 GET CREATIVE.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 01:18 No. 105618
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I can encode messages but that's not really a riddle. And if I just use a caesar cipher that's easy enough but doesn't really require my cryptography knowledge. And it still presents the problem of having to give them clues to open the cipher -> fetch quest. A riddle with clues is a little different It hink.
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I am not very good at creating or solving puzzles. It's one of my weaknesses!
one of many.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:21 No. 105621
Montreal what are you doing to me
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
Put a crossword puzzle on the door. Everybody loves crossword puzzles.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:22 No. 105623
I prefer the Junior Jumble!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 01:22 No. 105624
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Obviously I take the pokemon crystal approach. Two passwords on opposite sides of the dungeon that you shove into one door. Foolproof.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:26 No. 105625
there are some outdoor swings here emitting music the benches are emitting bright fluorescent light spring is here
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though really the wind is blowing like hell i hope moon is ok.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:28 No. 105628
the wind is howling you're filled with determination
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 01:30 No. 105629
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:34 No. 105630
These swings play random musical notes when you swing on them
>>105630 were are are you magical swing land?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:38 No. 105632
>>105631 it's a random public installation in Montreal I just stumbled across there's like five groups of three swings and they play music
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>>105632 interesting
>>105624 Tell them only a catastrophe will open the door. Then have them hunt down a plaque with a cat's rear end mounted on it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:41 No. 105635
wher wheee* guess I can reset my "X days since swinging on a swing" counter delightful
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:42 No. 105636
>>105634 butts?!
An ass, specifically.
[It's Oh man apparently I can't even remember to spoiler. It's a cat-ass trophy.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:43 No. 105639
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:44 No. 105640
>>105638 owwww
I claim no participation in the origin of that pun.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:45 No. 105642
But clearly you condone, perpetuate and cosponsor it!
Well of course. I love horrible puns.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:47 No. 105644
Do you like witch hunts?
Which hunts?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:49 No. 105646
I have a question is anything lewd alowed here?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:51 No. 105648
>>105647 nope! we are a wholesome board
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:52 No. 105649
Search [iqdb] (926 KB, 500x281, tumblr_n2urjfB0XW1s5yedeo1_500.gif )
Ok then.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 01:53 No. 105652
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Definitely take based admin Samurai's words as law.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:53 No. 105653
If you want lewdness, might I recommend
And may I suggest you reconsider your social Internet career.
As long as we're offering advice to the newbies I mean.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:54 No. 105656
I'm gonna produce /moe/ brand dildos uou'll see
Will they be sold on fire to be sufficiently moe?
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:56 No. 105658
Good idea they burn with eternal lust
> sees a /pol/ thread no thanks
>>105658 Or just some really flammable chemical solution.
they burn with thermite hot enough to melt steel
>Dildos can melt steel beams
oh wait i have no idea what im doing
Does anyone really ever.
wait actually thermite can't melt steel, what am i thinking it takes a significant amount to even reach the requisite temperature to damage a thin steel sheet because iron and copper boil at substantially lower temperatures (2400C-2800C) than required
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 01:59 No. 105666
it's all very silly black and white thinking yes
thermite can however easily burn through ceilings and floors so while you won't be getting through that bank vault door you can just bust a hole in the ceiling above it
just try not to set all that dosh on fire
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:01 No. 105669
did you know that kirino is garbage tier waifu
yeah i did know
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:02 No. 105671
i make puzzles for my dnd group but they're too autistic for my friends to figure out the puzzles are, i mean
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Your waifu is a shit
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 02:02 No. 105673
fightan words
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:02 No. 105674
>>105672 joke's on you i have a million waifus
bang is a normie he doesn't have a real waifu
i mean he's not autistic he doesn't have a real waifu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 02:03 No. 105677
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>>105674 so you have a million turds?
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:03 No. 105679
swirly-glasses-chan is CLEARLY the only waifu choice in that show unless you count kuroneko
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:03 No. 105680
but kuroneko is OBVIOUSLY the character the writer wants you to like where kirino is PROVEN TO BE the canon ending only because of fanbase mobbery
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>>105680 good bait kuroneckerfag
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 02:03 No. 105682
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Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:04 No. 105684
>>105682 porter?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 02:05 No. 105685
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Kirino is only good for being sexualized.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 02:05 No. 105686
>>105684 ¿Qué?
>>105684 わたしはちょうどうなにがじゅうようか
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:05 No. 105688
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>>105686 porter is too pure to be thrown under the EDM genre he changed my life
>>105685 you can say that about almost every anime girl.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 02:06 No. 105690
Search [iqdb] (61 KB, 600x618, b8ce481213df5b513fb76be265629702.jpg )
You seem to have misunderstood me. I didn't say "Kirino is good for being sexualized." I said "Kirino is only good for being sexualized."
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 02:06 No. 105691
>>105688 oh I seeee im happy for you dude!
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>>105690 samething
>>105688 he was clearly edm before he decided fuck this shit
kuroneko more like kuronigger
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:07 No. 105695
>>105687 重要か見つけようとしている
>>105694 tl note kuronigger means black nigger
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:08 No. 105697
>>105693 this is true
im just kidding i have a kuroneko doll i love her
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:08 No. 105699
i wonder what his next material will be like he promised by end of year but he's touring so much
the author littrally wrote a incestus after story as afuck you to the pub group of the light novel of oreimo
>>105695 me too ufufufu
though im not that insane to keep on. its true i like kirino because shes cute thats about it.
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I think the author's favorite character is Kirino.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:11 No. 105704
>>105701 VV w w w
Welcome back rika
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>>105703 indeed it seems that way.
>>105704 hear the bells is my favorite though
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:13 No. 105708
language is probably my favorite although after seeing fresh static snow live that might be it
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:13 No. 105709
i also really like the seconds
lionhearted is gr8 too
>>105703 elf is fucking cute its a shame shes doomed though.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:14 No. 105712
probably the only porter song i wouldn't consider great is 100% in the bitch and even that one has it's place
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:16 No. 105713
i'm a little sad i didn't get to see Shelter live show but the porter/madeon dj set i saw had some songs that probably only a few people will ever hear, like their Starboy remix
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>105711 Yeah, some shows are just like that.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:17 No. 105715
oh i just remembered, i was gonna catch up on some anime right now i need to watch the magic battle harem and the alice in wonderland show
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:19 No. 105716
hooters does ubereats now i've never been to a hooters but i hear their wings are good
their food is ok the waitresses are cute there's a local place that does the same shit but better
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:19 No. 105718
from what i've heard, the hooters in texas are closer to a family restaurant than a sleazefest this is from a guy who GM'd 7 different hooters in his life
it's pretty much on the dot there's not a lot of emphasis on the sleazy aspect Texas Roadhouse has the same kind of service but they don't advertise it, they just prefer to hire cute girls so they can put them in their tight T-shirt and boyshorts uniform
there's a place near me called Redneck Heaven that's closer to the media picture of Hooters and their food is fucking amazingggg
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:22 No. 105721
there's a place closer to the city here called Bone Daddy's and i've heard they're more hooters than hooters and also with amazing food
Bone Daddy's is also like that yeah, they also have amazing pulled pork sandwiches i'm not sure if the price hike is worth it though i guess if you like the sleaze-factor
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:23 No. 105723
nah when i go out to eat i like to look for things i haven't seen or tried before and when i do get american food it's usually with friends, who usually opt for pluckers
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 02:23 No. 105724
I'm gonna pre
Search [iqdb] (112 KB, 846x720, tamayura6.jpg )
pre parade>>>/watch?v=BHmE5fLoyUY
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:25 No. 105726
i'm about to order pizza because that's what everyone wants but goddamn i want some thai curry
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Thai curry pizza.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:26 No. 105728
that could definitely work
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There's a place near my work that makes good thai teriyaki chicken. My only complaint is that their spice levels aren't consistent. So if you get level 2 spicy you may get something kind of mild or something that will kill you.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:31 No. 105730
there's a masala wok near me that does that same thing i always get the tikka masala and i always ask for the "hot" option and sometimes it's mild, sometimes it's just right, and every now and then it's literally a biological weapon
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 02:32 No. 105731
i'm gonna preeee heeee eeeee
Search [iqdb] (332 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Alice to Zourok(…).jpg )
i've had the same experience at this korean place i go to the first time i went the guy was like 'nah dude spicy isn't that hot it's good' and it was good then it was way too hot then it was good then it was like they forgot i asked for spicy
Search [iqdb] (125 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Hinako Note - 0(…).jpg )
I usually just get the 1 because the 2 may be nuclear. One day the 1 was really bad too though, it was so hot I was sweating.>>105734 I think they make the spice out of different stuff. One day I went in at the owner went "we got some ghost peppers to make the spice today, so it may be hot!"
maybe it's just a problem of inexperienced cooks
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:34 No. 105735
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i love spicy food but there's a point where i can't taste the food anymore and i don't like that point
>>105733 >ghost peppers may be hot death valley might be a little hot
Search [iqdb] (82 KB, 557x691, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Well I think the implication he was making is that it may be hotter than usual.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:35 No. 105738
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i almost accidentally posted the gif of the guy with the nail clippers to his teeth
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i still dont understand whats going on in that gif why he clipped toof
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:35 No. 105740
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i really don't either but i assume it involves that guy being on drugs
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You may as well have bceause now I am remembering it in vivid detail because you mentioned it.
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you heard her bang might as well post it now
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:36 No. 105743
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is that an invitation? oh nooooooooooo
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:36 No. 105744
>>105742 >>105742 >this isn't video games LOL
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I will delete it if you post it though because it triggers me.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:37 No. 105746
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I bothered you enough this week probably I won't post it
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:38 No. 105747
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why is it so hard for me to watch anime i know as soon as i start it, i'm gonna love it but the act of actually starting to watch anime is so difficult for me
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i have a different kind of problem as soon as i start it i want to do literally anything else except waste my fucking life like this
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I have no problem watching or enjoying anime. On that note Tilde be here for anime tonight!
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on the other hand i don't do anything productive anyways so i usually just get drunk and force myself to do something leisurely
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:44 No. 105751
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Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:44 No. 105752
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Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:44 No. 105754
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Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:44 No. 105755
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>>105753 you RUINED it
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>>105753 yeah who fucking cares i can't believe you recognized that you fucking faggot
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:45 No. 105757
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Yuu in that image is still a girl, right? it's just shimakaze and whoever is on the left that is genderbent i though
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>>105757 i have no idea dude i just thought it was funny and saved it
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:46 No. 105760
the line "th-this isn't video games!" is pure gold
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>>105758 are you like 15 or something actually who the fuck are you
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>>105761 YOU WANNA GO?
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:48 No. 105763
some day you'll get used to pressing enter first
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>>105762 nope i'd get arrested for beating up a minor
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>>105764 Joke on you bud im 22
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:49 No. 105766
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>>105765 lol >>105766 >hamburger AND cup noodle this is too hardcore for me
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>reply to a post on youtube made like 11 months ago >get a reply back 8 minutes later what are the fucking odds
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>>105769 Ive had a fuck reply after 4 years. its like why the hell did you even try....
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 02:57 No. 105771
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time to watch this
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>>105771 The manga is really good
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:00 No. 105774
wow he's a bonepunchman
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:00 No. 105775
i thought he neutralized magic in the area though did he deactivate that?
if i remember right in the manga he could use it only in the location or on the things he was fighting with or something like that.
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:05 No. 105777
this guy's a fucking badass
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:17 No. 105778
their goofy uniforms are growing on me
>>105778 its to let more magic in... take that as you will
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:20 No. 105780
did /moe/ already watch episode 4?
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:21 No. 105781
tfw no one is here when i can actually be on moe
Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:25 No. 105782
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Bang's chaotic salaryman life 2017/04/27 (木) 03:29 No. 105784
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thank you
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well if i'm gonna suffer i'm gonna be comfy doing it
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Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 03:36 No. 105787
obtain penguindrum beep boop
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samurai help
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 03:40 No. 105789
>>105788 okay
thanks pal
I'm going to keep
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 03:43 No. 105792
i'm gonna pre
i'm gonna groove>>>/watch?v=_DooLYhh21M
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 03:46 No. 105794
untz oh no my feet have left the ground
well time to pass out i guess
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
2017/04/27 (木) 03:48 No. 105796
good luck being unconscious
>unbreakable sequel
good night /moe/
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A post'
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Another post I only gotta be here 4 more hours Not particularly motivated today
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These are great
yeah theyre funny
anime >>105804 →
images are killed
Search [iqdb] (226 KB, 1280x1397, tabane.jpg )
They're fixed now.
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Sleeping better yet?
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Not really
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/moe/ has been pretty dead in the mornings lately.
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We were watching anime! Well we are still watching anime.
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Have you reconsidered your position on the issue we discussed yesterday?
Right on cue.
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>>105903 Why would I?
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Because you were wrong!
if that's what being wrong is like i don't wanna be right
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Sou kana
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Fish agreed with me! Ika did too. So the girl's team is all in agreeance!
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i dont even know cag that much
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Wow, everyone with Cag says one thing about her. Those who don't know the character say something else that's wrong. Should I be impressed?
did cag change his body to a girls or did his soul transfer
>>105917 He put his soul into a female body
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Her soul!
👻it is a mystery
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hey we watched the P5 OVA together giht? right*>>105925 i dont know when it was but it was p5 anime
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I don't remember watching it.
>>105922 The one from early 2016?
>>105922 Is it Daybreakers?
>>105922 The Daybreakers, right? I definitely remember watching that.
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Oh wait maybe we did watch it. It didn't have a whole lot to do with the game, did it?
>>105928 The contents of the anime occur in the game
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Maybe my memory just isn't very good regarding that.
It isn't very good regarding most things.
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It's fine whe nit needs to be.
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I've only got a limited number of tries. I gotta make sure I conserve them.
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Today hasn't even started yet.
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Classes are over now Just finals next week now
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today is almost over for me
>>105946 It's 4am
I don't know if the day is ending or beginning for me.
time has nothing to do with when the day starts and ends
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There is a mosquito that has been stalking me all day. It doesn't bite me. It just buzzes my ears and makes me think I'm crazy.
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>>105948 the day isn't over until I go to sleep
>>105951 just let it happen
>>105951 what if you are crazy?
Yeah maybe there's actually no mosquito and it's really just all a delusion.
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why are you so wrong on the topic of cag
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I'm not wrong.
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>trying to rehash this conversation
how stubborn
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>admit you're wrong because i said so >no >you're subborn!
a lot of people pointed out how exactly you are wrong
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Riruru says cag is a girl
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Wow look at this
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>>105971 Some people agreed with me. Most notably, the current other members of the girls team! Maybe it's just a matter of perspective. Riruru seems to agree with me too, whoever that is!
of the nocag team*
>>105974 who all lack in authority and competence on the subject
>>105976 >>105976 >>105976
Search [iqdb] (98 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>105976 We're all experts on the topic of being a girl though! Except Ika who gets in because fujo. Ika is a huge granblue nerd too.
Okay admitted that he doesn't know anything about Cag and is therefore unreliable here
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>>105979 I know plenty about Cag. I didn't comment on that statement, it's not an admission of anything.>>105973 wow facebook!
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i believe in potato
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>>105969 fuckin wonderful
Ika admitted*
>>105984 Thanks it's my new shitposting account
>>105981 I meant Ika, my phone corrected it Although you don't know either
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>>105988 I'm sure Ika is just being modest.
>>105973 wow
Also Fish only agrees with a statement we both agree with, the biological sex Fish doesn't believe in souls so she can't make a judgement on the full topic
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Which is all that matters! So she agrees with me.
Okay, but it doesn't support your argument.
>she agrees but X >oh ok she agrees
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hey bang how do you feel about this image?
i feel like that's an image specifically for shitposting
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She agrees in her own way. One day you'll understand, I hope!
>>105998 hi friendo!
>>105997 you're right sasuga bang
>>105999 She agrees with an argument we both agree on.
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>>106002 It's good of you to finally agree with me.
>>106003 To be fair, I affirmed Cag's biological sex before you did You technically agree with me on that point
oh you guys watched ep4 of magic battle harem like two days ago right
are you gonna tell us ladiva is a girl too
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cag was originally a man but right now shes probably a girl>>106005 yeah
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>>106004 Wow, you've really dug your feet in.
>>106005 Which one?
>>106008 Biologically female. Psychologically male.
>>106009 >oh no he's right >i'll call him stubborn
There's like 3 this season
>>106010 the best one bastard teacher
>>106011 So Tanya
Search [iqdb] (143 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>106012 I didn't call him stubborn and he's not right. He's just dug in.
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I have no idea what you all are talking about
>>106017 Rika is obsessed with her belief that something from a doujin is more canon than in-game content
something gay blue fantasy
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>>106018 Wow, that's totally misrepresenting my position!
Simplifying it to its basest form
remember when rika was right i don't either
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>>106021 Well the basest form of your argument is that you have poop for brains!
Search [iqdb] (♫, 52s, 4.0 MB, 480x360, lolicatgirls.webm )
me doing the handstand
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:47 No. 106026
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>>106023 Wow, that was a really mean thing you just said to me. You hurt my feelings.
>>106023 please be nice on /moe/
>>106018 Ew Ew Wow it doesn't let me ew, it just becomes er
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 673x711, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>106026 It was inevitable once you started with the simplification thing!
Search [iqdb] (♫, 55s, 6.5 MB, 480x554, ame_ame_ame.mp4 )
help help
>>106030 oh i have something for you give me a second
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:50 No. 106032
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>>106029 I was just telling the truth.
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>>106030 check this out
Search [iqdb] (623 KB, 1256x1440, kanna.gif )
>>106030 >>>/watch?v=2wqTnwJGvtc
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>>106032 But it wasn't the truth at all.
Hey imats there's gonna be a sequel to Unbreakable
Search [iqdb] (613 KB, 500x968, type.png )
wait that movie with bruce willis where he can't swim or something?
Samuel Jackson as brittlebone super villain
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:52 No. 106041
Search [iqdb] (379 KB, 658x720, 1478982283768.png )
>>106037 Haha, for real?>>106036 It was.
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>>106034 >>106035
>>106038 is he imaginary is she imaginary is it a kimi no nawa reference is it a jojo reference
>>106033 have you been on my people's discord
>>106041 Defranco said so and he ain't lied yet
>>106043 are you imaginary
>>106046 yes
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>>106041 It's not true!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:54 No. 106051
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>>106050 me on top
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>>106052 no don't post that one it hurts
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>>106051 wrote a book about you
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:55 No. 106056
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>>106055 nice desu yo
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>>106051 and behind that smug face is poop for brains
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:56 No. 106058
Search [iqdb] (139 KB, 500x449, 1480406595614.png )
>>106057 said the chick posting a crappy forced meme
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Rokudenashi_Maj(…).jpg )
She's a pretty cute forced meme though. She's probably the cutest forced meme since Hestia.
Good gravy Jesus what the actual hell
Search [iqdb] (191 KB, 1280x1024, IMG_20170427_090429.jpg )
I dunno how people find our they're blocked I know Steve Shives blocked me but that's it
rika wins
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:57 No. 106063
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 327x311, 1484241862559.jpg )
>>106061 You lose the ability to see their content.>>106059 I think there have been cuter forced memes since Hestia.
>>106063 Yeah but how do you even realize
what's the forced meme here?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:58 No. 106066
>>106064 Gotta check the profile page I guess>>106065 the roleplaying AI girl on youtube
>>106065 this ol thing here>>106057
oh lol how is she a forced meme those videos are hilarious kirara is objectively wrong now
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I think she's pretty cute it's a fun idea and her design is good anyway I have to go have dinner/breakfast with all of my bosses goodbye
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:59 No. 106070
>>106068 you absolutely love memes though so your opinion isn't really valid plus you're siding with ton and ton's tastes no offense to ton
>>106069 bye rook
guy who thinks pen pineapple apple pen is a good mean hates virtual youtuber ? ? ?
hai domo
>>106069 bye rook
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 08:59 No. 106075
>>106072 i dom i don't think ppap is a good meme
Search [iqdb] (85 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
>>106070 ToN is on your side on the Cag issue.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:00 No. 106077
>>106076 That's a matter of information, not a matter of taste ToN is good when it comes to information but poor when it comes to matters of taste
>>106075 wow
i don't know who cag is but ms. hai domo is adorable
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>>106077 Or is it?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:00 No. 106081
>>106080 Yes, the cag debate is literally a debate about facts
well ton would clearly prefer it to be a man he's really biased here
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:01 No. 106083
That would only be true if Cag wasn't biologically female
people are what their parts are and if they think otherwise then they probably need actual help but we live in a society that is afraid to bring harsh realities to light
Search [iqdb] (497 KB, 782x1200, 1493242864075.jpg )
>>106079 Cag is this cute girl! They think she's a boy!
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:01 No. 106086
Cag is a male in a female's body Literally Objectively Factually
through supernatural means unavailable in the real world or through some kind of gender-confused system that allows people to live their lives ignorantly
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:02 No. 106088
>>106087 Through supernatural means. Cag is an extremely old man and master of alchemy that moved his soul into the body of a small girl.
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The body and the mind are connected.
okay well then while in that body, cag is female with the experiences and memories of a male
>>106089 then why is he such an asshhole
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:02 No. 106092
>>106090 Yes, psychologically male but biologically female
no there is no such thing as psychologically gendered the hormones and pheromones and nerves in their body are only what they are currently
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:03 No. 106094
the experiences and memories of a person makes up their psychology
Search [iqdb] (403 KB, 670x834, 1447818603608.jpg )
>>106091 I think the proper word is "bitch". Women are just like that.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:03 No. 106096
>>106093 this is also objectively wrong 1. pheromones don't determine anything about the body of the person emitting them 2. the brain patterns belong to that of a male and the soul belongs to that of a male
alright full metal alchemist is alphonse male?
Search [iqdb] (119 KB, 624x712, noukome80.jpg )
He's a suit of armor.
well cag is a pile of flesh then
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:04 No. 106100
>>106099 literally true
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>>106099 girl flesh!
>>106101 wow what a lewd term
Search [iqdb] (80 KB, 509x577, 1397969888666.jpg )
Yeah, it is kind of a lewd phrase.
Search [iqdb] (117 KB, 1280x720, worried silver-haired academy student.jpg )
so if he chose a frog body he wouldn't be a girl either
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:06 No. 106106
he'd be a man in a frog's body
Search [iqdb] (99 KB, 653x558, 1492590401491.jpg )
He'd be a frog.
wow rika didn't you see the fairy tails a prince in frog form is still a prince do you not value inner beauty at all are you that shallow of a person
Search [iqdb] (512 KB, 600x800, 1426420557122.jpg )
You kiss the prince to make him a prince again. You can't marry a frog.
but the frog is still a prince
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:07 No. 106111
Search [iqdb] (358 KB, 2000x2000, 1492920313628.jpg )
biologically a frog psychologically and spiritually a man
alphonse is a suit of armor that used to be a boy
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 580x715, ichigo36.jpg )
Just a frog. A frog that eats flies and everything.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:07 No. 106114
frogs in GBF eat meat fairly often
[citation needed]
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:08 No. 106116
there was an event with frog enemies they were eating townspeople
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:08 No. 106117
or at least one of the enemies was a frog
Search [iqdb] (55 KB, 680x400, 4chan-ad-hot-waifus.jpg )
bang post a picture that expresses your comfiness
Search [iqdb] (319 KB, 577x555, 1491005346810.png )
that's really comfy
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I have to go nap now.
Search [iqdb] (109 KB, 823x744, 1491537317592.jpg )
wow i just got here have fun napping
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:13 No. 106124
Search [iqdb] (440 KB, 1500x1500, 1487082137711.jpg )
>>106122 >have to Is someone forcing you?
>>106122 see you later bye
Search [iqdb] (370 KB, 629x1000, 1483505567120.jpg )
>>106124 Yes, circumstance! I need more than 3 hours of sleep for work.>>106123 You should have got here sooner though!>>106127 wow what an unprovoked attack!
is the circumstance old age
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:14 No. 106128
Search [iqdb] (269 KB, 1050x1500, 1486251983823.png )
>>106126 Circumstance is such a terrible thing.
>>106126 I was here before all of you! I fell asleep because no one was posting
>>106126 it's a friendly jab
Search [iqdb] (18s, 5.9 MB, 710x400, bZOiykl.mp4 )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:15 No. 106132
>>106131 this is terrible
it's beautiful
alright well the anime i'm going to catch up on is: magic battle harem, eromanga-sensei, alice, and then i can't remember the other one but there was definitely another one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 09:20 No. 106135
Search [iqdb] (145 KB, 500x500, 42a100bc1ff1057c714cf4ccccea350d.png )
? ? ?
Search [iqdb] (7.2 MB, 500x281, 1417502845403.webm )
bang since you've achived the promotion what's thhe next milestone
Search [iqdb] (1s, 207 KB, 1280x720, straps.webm )
>>106139 my own bedroom reliable vehicle trip to japan
>>106141 what is your transport situation right now?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:24 No. 106143
>>106138 nice
i ride a shitty fucked up scooter and i ride it on the toll road at 85 miles an hour tempting fate
you have to ride a toll road to work?
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:25 No. 106147
more like sovereign ancap
>>106146 that sounds really awful
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:27 No. 106150
Search [iqdb] (228 KB, 561x265, 1462340413867.jpg )
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
2017/04/27 (木) 09:28 No. 106151
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Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:31 No. 106153
Search [iqdb] (108 KB, 700x395, 1459955169959.jpg )
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
2017/04/27 (木) 09:44 No. 106154
Search [iqdb] (41 KB, 550x512, 1457388630329.jpg )
I got an email asking me to take a survey for someone's dissertation >The entire study will take approximately 45 minutes to 1.25 hours of your time, however you may take breaks and complete participation at your own pace. You will not be compensated for your time. that's so much time i am so not doing that
Search [iqdb] (303 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20170427-063659.png )
>>106156 Are they talking shit about Tesla?
>>106157 Yeah haha
What out of context quote are they mad at?
>>106159 Aniem guy said Tesla was stupid in response to a quote of Tesla saying he didn't like Einstein's theory of relativity
>>106160 Airplanes travel real fast and people genuinely believe it's possible to sit in one without being squashed into the back of the plane lmao
The earth orbits the sun even faster and people think it's possible to stand on earth without falling off Idiots
Our solar system orbits the center of the Galaxy way way way faster and people think we're able to stay in it
>>106162 No Earth doesn't orbit anything
There's KEBAB SPEAK behind me on the bus <right wing reeing>
Remove the kebab
Imma remove myself instead this is my stop #germany
world is a flat i am woke man 958410729 dead clones redpill em all 2017
Search [iqdb] (366 KB, 1047x983, Screenshot_20170427-043139.jpg )
>>106170 lol
all the dead spheres
Well theb
>>106174 >not found but i just looked at this link
weird looking mcdonalds
Search [iqdb] (974 KB, 500x280, 1492409367550.gif )
eromanga-sensei is fun
but is it konosuba level fun
i mean, that's asking for a lot konosuba has been one of the most fun shows of the last few years
Search [iqdb] (58 KB, 480x450, C-UmJPgWsAAzbou.jpg )
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can't show that on a christian imageboard
Search [iqdb] (42 KB, 682x468, IMG_20170309_064211.jpg )
The owner of Samurai Buyer is threatening Merry apparently
Search [iqdb] (388 KB, 872x632, 1492415305727.png )
I dunno who that is
>>106181 Im wondering why kanikama suddenly decided to draw dmg
>>106187 She does a popular webcomic
Search [iqdb] (163 KB, 606x600, 413a8ab7dbf782015d30752095335d(…).jpg )
2 less teeth I was not informed before I got there that they were removing 2 But I didn't feel a fucking thing and still don't because I got 5 doses of xylocain or whatever I'm probably gonna panic again but really hardcore if the anesthetic is what made that happened I got 2 from the other dentist this is more than double Witness as sk fucking dies live on moe
Search [iqdb] (187 KB, 470x800, 59451651_p15.jpg )
>If you buy from Samurai Buyer's website you're automatically signing a terms of service that allows them to charge you a mystery amount of money 1-2 weeks later fuckin nutso
>>106191 fall asleep before the panic sets in
>>106192 for rizzle>>106191 oh no yeah maybe going to sleep now is a good idea
It's 3pm dude
yes and?
Also this old lady next to me on the bus is about 15x more nosy than she has any right to be Stop looking at my phone or I'll get the weird images out and scroll through them
I've had one wisdom removed I'm gonna wait as long as I can until removing the others
Search [iqdb] (22 KB, 541x545, IMG_20170418_055357.jpg )
They cut one of them in half but the one they just ripped out hurt like way more As in I actually felt that one at all I bet I could take a spidey punch to the jaw right now and walk it off pain wise
Swallowing and breathing is a bit difficult cause the anesthesia spread to my nose Nande
>>106200 I have had that happen... thats fun
They didn't even sow shut my top tooth they were just like take this large dose of paracetamol and ibuprofen you'll be gucci
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What I'm wondering right now is what in the seven hells American dentists are doing that need you to be so out of it people rant about the Jewish conspiracy from the drugs
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they kill your teeth and rob you
>>106203 robbing you
>$2000+ to have a tooth removed i got my eye on you dentists
>$2000 Jesus fucking CHRIST I paid like $230 and I'm getting
>>106207 You can get it pretty cheap ($1000) if you spend like $5000+ a year on insurance
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teeth removal in my area does not cost a grand its like 300 bucks. though a reroot costs like 1500 in Tennessee
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>>106208 The US is fucking crazy holy shit And your dentists are so bad you need to be fucking unconscious?
our dentists are extremely rich because they get to bullshit you and there's no real alternative because they all want to rob you
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I got a free toothbrush and stuff too And dentistry from here on this year I don't gotta pay a cent for 0 dollars
We also get free toothbrushes wow wtf gonna cost me like $100 to get a cleaning
We pay max 200 bucks a year for dentistry or general health care They're separated that way, but both are around 200 bucks and then you're off the hook
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the tooth brush is marketing
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Fuck my heart went nuts when they just gave me three doses of adrenaline though Exciting
>>106216 is it the same anesthesia drug that causes you to feel like they dumped ice on you?
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5 doses not 3 I dunno why I said 3 I'm a little bit light headed >>106217 Yeah same kind, I looked at the vial I told the guy and he just went "yeah that happens sometimes. It's rough but you'll live"
>>106218 oh god i hate that shit
Oh my stop
>>106216 It's some good shit Almost dying feels really good in the same way
Like in an accident kind of way Or driving really dangerously So exciting
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pls no
It's so good
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I just like flooding my mind Sometimes it goes way overboard though, and everything is too much There was a period when I was on ritalin and more than two posts being open on moe at the same time made me freak out
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I was also prescribed a bottle of 30 0.6g ibuprofens That's a lot Not looking forward to the future that makes those necessary
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>>106226 they should have gave you real painkillers for that >>106230 for a total tooth removal?
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Oh, nice, finally one of the womanbots on facebook has a Norwegian name This is the 50th, and first one to have a name that occurs somewhat regularly in this country It's learning
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>>106227 Dude ibuprofens are good painkillers though
Like they're not useful if you got shot, but toothache they'll cover just fine
>>106231 you are going to hurt even with the ib or not
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Just take like 3 and get your liver a get well card later
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I'm gonna hurt no matter what I do, but the ibuprofen will cover the tooth thing at least
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They woulda told me if smoking was off limits, right? I didn't ask
>>106235 weed or cigs or what? cigs are fine i bet. the weed though could lower your blood pressure too much after that anasti
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Well I meant cigs specifically, but both are valuable information Is weed gonna fuck you up if you're tranqd?
Percocet is my favorite painkiller
Ritalin's a good pain killer
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>>106236 How bad would that be? I don't even really know what the drawbacks to low blood pressure is If it's just feeling a bit off that's not a big deal If it means my limbs will stop function that's real bad
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>>106240 I just told you what i know i dont know what it will do really. i could cause you to pass out or you could me fine.
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Also speaking of painkillers For all the praise pot seems to get in that department, I've literally never experienced that
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>>106241 >could cause you to pass out Oh well fug that then
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There's too much to read.
>>106243 If ok
2017/04/27 (木) 13:09 No. 106247
>>106245 → >>106245 →
>>106244 Read nigga read