she wac on my donald till i break the mcflurry machine
>>1059313 I dont suggest, eating ocopus brain. I did once and it regressed me in a way that I didnt have a good trip. But through the dreams that night I learned some thing very disturbing about my past/past life.
>Sometimes, the Stasi would play mischievous mind games with a target. They might, for example, enter his or her house and move the furniture around. Or, they might change the time on an alarm clock, or replace the tea bags with different types of tea. You know what they're doing nowadays? They hack your phone and give you the lowest gacha rolls everytime
#d3 (2) Remember that time RMS ate something from his foot on a live interview
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Nervousness, maybe some weird subconcious action dunno Guess we'll never know the true story
watering the garden feels good cleaning up the cat barf feels less good but also satifying i guess maybe helping other lifeforms was the key all along if only there were some kind of allegories with a narrativr structure to serve as a delivery vehicle for such wisdom
Gotta make a low-poly casual video game about wandering around a garden watering plants
>>1059452 a fascinating biology burgers are def a sometimes food for me
can't believe people worship that dude
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
scam after scam people get confused by popular and confident = admirable all the time its pretty shallow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this girl waa texting me today #humblebrag but we havent even met irl so like girl whats the point what if we meet and realize we have no irl chemistry i dont need to get invested in your food preferences yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i went to a wedding yesterday on the way there my uner driver was like "tell your friend not to get married" or rather tell him that my driver said not to do it sounds like the uber driver got in over his head
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he was sayin stuff along the lines that eventually his wife would find fault with everything and that nothing could ever be enough to satisfy her my brother in christ i think you just need to manage expectations and establish boundaries more properly to regain your wife's respect but i didnt tell him this im no marriage counselor im just a 4Head twitch chatter with an armchair and spotty relationship experience
still dont know who martin shrekli is after all this time assume it doesn't have anything to do with Shrek(not drek)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
he's the infamous Pharma Bro who raised the cost of insulin medicine from like 7 bucks to 300 or something thats all you need to know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
uhh rather Daraprim from 13 to 750 and then tried to justify it with a bunch of BS and then went to prison for securities fraud
Based free market
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no you see this is actually good we're exposing this corrupt capitalist medical system by raising prices
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
and all the money we'll make by bankrupting random people will ho to new drug research trust me bro
here i am at a random city event in a beer garden listening to live jazz i dont know anyone here so its a lil awkward to find a place to stand in the shade but other than that life is good
is the bonfire lit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the fire rises brother
smoke signals sent, smoke signals received.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its nice to go to a wedding once in a while reminds me what normal society is like and not my weird solitary existence i wanna break free of this two year isolation at the same time theres many aspects of society i dont really want to deal with but maybe some of the perks outweigh the small annoyances
I just now booked an appointment with one of those people you go to and talk about your problems or some shit.
Maybe they'll fix me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe they'll help you realize you never needed fixing in the first place or maybe they'll just go through the motions and you'll have to go find some other person you can vibe with the possibilities are excitingly endless
Yeah I'm not expecting much beyond generic platitudes tbh.
But Who knows We'll see. All I know is I gotta do something. The PRESENT STATE is not SUISTAINABLE.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im rooting for ya mate i'll also root ya if you'll just sign this waiver
>>1059471 Squire, you are a cad, the puzzle shall fit. In the down time, between partners Our, other senses are highented. You got this, plus the show must go on. Ez
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro be mad dissociating but okay i like the encouragement not sure what to make of being called a caf cad
no bromqnce, just verbage.
oh and dont be a kafir
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay you can fuck right off with the racial epithets
I was about to cook but then I remembered we have ants and I'm afraid they'll get into my food.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no not ants
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you see some ants near your food can't you just flick them away or something
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm afraid when I sit down to eat that they'll get into the pot. It's also not necessarily an entirely rational fear due to my ocd. And yes i hve a pot lid but i bet they can make it through the gap. At this point I'd rather just eat packaged foods that require no preparation. Yesterday the ants got into the toaster oven amd got onto the biscuits I made.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ANTS! ANTS! if theres a lot of ants and you cant watch it constantly that seems like a legit consideration
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I guess ill just not cook until the ant problem is dealt with. Oh wait I could use the grill. But the burger patties are still frozen so thats not happening.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Not tonight I mean. Maybe I'll habe eggs. But I judt had two Hostess Orange Cupcakes™ so I'll do eggs later.
you're not alone, I just tossed one out the front door 20 mins ago
>Pine Bluff had 29 homicides in 2021.[58] Pine Bluff had 23 murders in 2020 - a rate of 56.5 murders per 100,000 people. The national average was 6.5 murders per 100,000 people in 2020.[59]
>The per capita income for the city was $17,334. About 24.3% of families and 30.6% of the population were below the poverty line, including 45.6% of those under age 18 and 13.7% of those age 65 or over.
That explains the crime. He should probably give up on the hackerspace unless he builds a gated community around it and attracts hackers from all over the country to live there and use his hackerspace.
I was looking at the list of stuff stolen. There's no way that shit is gonna be sold to anyone who knows what its worth. But fuck those retards for stealing it. Well Specifically The "turbo molecular pumps"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Would you let someone sketch a picture of your face and then cum on it for $50
>>1059591 The idea of living that far away from my friends and family is very anxiety provoking. Also Those places may have interesting fauna but there's not as much to do there as there in is the Chicago area. Speaking of Fauna You can't spell nature without ntr.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059583 as long as i dont have to see it yea i mean i cant really stop them from doing it maybe im desecrating my soul by taking money from it actually wait is this some kind of deal with a weird sex demon because if so hell yes
>>1059595 They'll release the new one before too long
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there's always the botw 2 reveal to look forward to i suppose but theres nothin like the Smash hype >>1059600 hope so hope they finally fix the networking
How the hell did I get a blister on my left index finger?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059602 yeah right anyway melee hd already exists >>1059603 any day now Clueless Clueless Copium
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the only thing that gives me hope is that the new Switch dock actually included a god damn ethernet port possibly the first time nintendo hardware has come with one built in?
More rare in 2022 than it would've been in 2012 Outside of a few specific cases everything is trending towards WiFi
Shit I left a tub of ice cream on the counter for five minutes since it was rock solid coming out of my freezer And then five minutes turned into an hour because I forgot about it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Enjoy your soup
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i could also just see internet being delivered over the USB-C cable that provides power tbh would be nice but we're not there yet
Setting aside power, could a USB-C transfer network bandwith at the same speeds as an Ethernet cable?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
of course i mean you can already do that, i just mean like, it would be cool if houses had USB-C ports everywhere instead of normal outlets then we wouldn't need nearly as many wall warts and electronic devices wouldn't have to ship with ACDC converters all the time some high powered appliances would need different power connectors tho of course but yeah anyway then you wouldn't even need a separate CAT6 cabling setup
there are also security concerns idk tech wizards gotta figure out how to make this stuff safe and software makers have got to stop writing drivers in C for god's sake
Can't wait until a child plugs a USB power socket into another USB power socket using one of the male-male USB cables lying around the house
what's the issue? usb c is a negotiated protocol its not just two or three dumb wires
Well if it's not a problem then yeah it'd be pretty sick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i literally have a power outlet with two usb c ports on it and a male to male macbook power cable so i could go test this out i won't but i could lol im sure they thought of this fairly obvious problem usb c // usb in general generally negotiates that one side is the host and the other side is the guest, which is how you can have like a laptop charging a phone, or even some android phones will let you toggle them into host mode and charge other devices
anyway this is obviously all superior to a freakin 120 volt socket a baby can stick a fork into
Kinda The consistency of re-frozen ice cream loses some of the creaminess and velvet texture of (good) ice cream It won't taste off or anything, unless you left it out for like, half a day But texture-wise it won't be as good
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
revisiting some old smash reveal reaction videos this man fuckin dies of laughter
Only one way in the end you can really avoid your taxes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
being really, really rich?
Nah, even they gotta put out the occasional fifty bucks to satisfy the auditors
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i actually dont mind paying taxes at all i think it's fine i mean i wish less of it were wasted but like show me a country on earth where the majority of the tax money doesnt get lost into bureaucrats vi don't think i could start a country and do much better unless the whole damn thing was run by a superintelligent AI
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people generally seem to hate paying taxes and i think a lot of it is psychological like, number goes down feels bad
if they just took the taxes away from your pay in the first place it'd be fine
last year i made like 12.3k total and had to pay over 4k in taxes it's pretty brutal when you work hard to make only few bucks
Ah yeah I'm mostly just being snarky I think as far as things go, Canada is pretty okay at putting tax dollars towards good things Like at the very, barest minimum, at least we have public healthcare it goes towards funding If I made enough money to not be just barely over the local poverty line I'd happily pay whatever taxes they expect of me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059640 thats rough man i don't know how to comment on that in a particularly delicate way
just self-employment taxing is fucked up oh man especially in the earlier years when i had to pay an extra 1k+ penalty for being too foor // poor to afford obamacare lmao clowny shit
its all good im not there now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah the US is fucking savage when it comes to making poverty expensive
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i just dont understand people who chant "taxation is theft" like bro you did a job and got paid but like you had roads to drive to work? you didn't have to pay the local roving gangs protection money just to survive? you exist in an area of relative peace and co-operative population that makes the business and commerce possible in the first place? maybe you don't get a choice but obviously running the state isn't free
in general i agree but illinois has chicago which soaks up all the taxes from rural areas in 99% of the state just to funnel it all to chicago where none of them actually live but the population of chicago blows up the rest of the state's ability to vote at all
an actual dogshit state but i see it as a horrible exception and not the standard
I see it in the same vein as "All cops are bastards" and other very absolutist beliefs It's not that all taxation is theft but that because of corruption or incompetence or other aspects of greed, far too much of the money paid in taxes goes towards things the payee either does not benefit from, is directly harmed by, or does not want their taxes going towards, which taps into the primal American philosophy of "No taxation without representation" The chant and belief is the extreme version of a stance which has nuance but you can't boil that stance down into a nice easy phrase to chant without losing all that nuance
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1059646 I'm not Nevermind Dumb argument cancelled
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059646 idk the politics i guess?? i would have assumed chicago would generate 99% of the tax revenue in the first place
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1059649 It does Maybe not 99% exactly But the overwhelming majority.
its crazy like 50% of US taxes are paid to the military the us is basically a socialist state so long as you work for the army otherwise you can get fukd
>>1059649 yeah but they also decide what gets done with it so the rurals get railroaded with whatever the city wants to do
anyway i dont have any personal investment i was just waiting for youtube to finish my upload >>>/watch?v=xVM0_IuTf7o yes very productive im glad im staying up for this when i have to work in the a.m.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059653 i mean they have all the people and its a democracy so that kinda makes sense to me theres lots of areas in the us that get gerrymandered to hell and you get weird ass counties having all the power and i dont think that produces good outcomes overall
>>1059654 do you know what the alternative to gerrymandering is do you know what happens if you don't have it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this seems kinda intense but do go on
i dont know i was asking you but it's a legitimate question it must have some pressure valve value
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Huh Interesting
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i think there was a point you were tryna make there it really reads that way
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Looks like cook county actually pays more in taxes than it gets back from the state.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you don't have gerrymandering then the ruling class can't stay in power sounds good to me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Argh It's like 3am Why am i discussing Illinois politics on an anike imageboard while taking a shower
i think it still gets exploited all the same but just through a different pathway gerrymandering lets you do it on paper instead of enacting it with zoning legislations and stuff maybe i really dont know but it's getting to be that time of season again when i gotta shut this part of my brain off
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I was reading Programming Pearls 1e a while ago and was amused to see that one if the first examples in the book was an automatic gerrymandering system.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it is really sad what the shitty fucked up voting system in the US has wrought upon this planet we coulda had Al Gore in charge instead of that imbicile maybe we wouldn't have such a fricked up planet by now if that insane florida hanging chad bullshit didn't go through ah sigh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1059666 My dad's highschool classmate's exwife was one of the people who was directly responsible for rigging that election. Don't remember what county she was in charge of
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's like four degrees of separation lmao funny that you can make that connection tho i hope you piss in her oatmeal
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1059668 My dad also knew Lisa Levy, one of uh Fuck That one serial killer Played by Zac Efron Ted Bundy She was in the sister sororityof his fraternity At FSU He was at UF but he met her at some greek events.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway the only way forward is through we gotta somehow fix this place terraform this planet into a solarpunk enlightenment
alright well have fun with those ideas
Or raze it all to the ground and let the rest of the planet reclaim its birthright from us tyrants
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like that would be more suffering than the alternative so i hope that doesn't come to pass current trajectory not looking good tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's crazy the amount of doomerism i encounter these days everyone's too used to burning oil to think that maybe we could like alter our habits my lifestyle isnt particularly green i eat meat and all but like man there's gotta be a better way to live so im big into urbanity and economies of scale and interested in how we could use technology to like grow lab meat and build like livable walkable cities and to be able to manufacture stuff locally rather than hauling it from the other side of the globe through container ships although honestly shipping stuff is highly efficient when you consider the energy expenditure vs utility provided, i just wish the container ships weren't allowed to use like the shittiest cheapest fuel possible
but driving these enormous F150s around for one guy to go pick up his starbucks is hilariously inefficient use of energy
im highly self-subsistent without any tech or an urban grossness a lil plot of land is all i need im good without power
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i uh have to wonder how much land you need to survive to have food every day year round? what's the minimum amount of crops and livestock required i wonder
for me living alone a single lot is enough so like 40x40 total feet of yardspace >>1059678 meat rabbits
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how the heck are you getting enough nutrition from a single lot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay you just have infinite rabbits multiply? what are they eating
grass and your crops and hay they're really low maintenance
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do you get hay out of a single lot and how much grass could you possibly grow there it still seems kinda unrealistic to survive on
you walk over and grab the hay from the area that's not your yard or even in your yard idk man you gotta get out of the city sometime you don't realize what it's doing to you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
man im a city slicker i can't survive out in the boonies
what the heck you can't just take hay from somewhere else that's breaking the idea of self subsidience
there's fields of dead tall grass or other weeds/crops all over the fucking place you have to clear it out of your own yard the rabbits just need dead fiber to eat to maintain their gastric motility you can use them instead of mowing your lawn with a tractor pen and they'll keep the grass pretty well eaten with one or two litters and you gotta get them water supplement a bag of pellets normally but that's just good husbandry, if we were really talking survival, they have enough to live off of
chickens are just as easy and comparable protein output for those that prefer it about a 20x20 farm plot should do pretty well for you. some berries somewhere they can vine and a pear tree i was born into a missionary family that had been living this way since the 1700s in germany bfeore fleeing in the wartime idk if anyone in the family is sitll keeping the tradition alive but we did learn it and spend summers tending to the stuff
amish are a little different they actually export stuff im talking an individual family self-subsisting off their own property it's become more and more unrealistic to do that with property values what they are now compared to the mid 1900s you gotta get a job and work a lot just to be able to get a small plot of land now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i see i see yea i could see surviving off a mass of multiplying rabbits being somewhat sustainable i guess that's a funny way to do it but rabbit meat ain't bad at all certainly eating cows every day seems fucking insane in comparison we used to keep rabbits when i was a kid as a pet not the greatest pet i think doesn't really love you like a cat or a dog but hey they still have feelings
people can and have done meat rabbits out of an apartment btw i wouldn't want to but there are methods of doing it that aren't torturous
yeah i loved my two rabbits i let a lady take them who wanted them she had a special needs child and she's a stay-at-home mom and they've got a yard so yeah they'll be happier there very smart and very caring critters they have a good memory too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's crazy how the land values have been so financialized by capitalism i want to like build new cities we need more desirable housing because this current system of infinitely increasing prices ain't it thats why i wanna build some kind of carless city
i just want a piece of land idc house fuck it i just want -something- i can go sit down on without being yelled at for violating some bureo of land management bullshit bureau just a place to simply exist even if it's in misery because there's nowhere i can simply exist without having to pay someone rent to do so
yeah i think it would be nice to like build some kinda co-op housing system i had a friend irl who was bugging me about it i don't even know where to start though, it requires some serious capitalization and buy in from local authorities
but ive been keeping my eyes open trying to understand how such a thing could be undertook
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think the key is robots and automation because as soon as you get humans into the equation everyone starts fiddling with the system and extracting rent from here or there i don't know though robots are getting better but they're still way impractical for most tasks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059689 it sucks theres just not enough desirable land theres plenty of undesirable land at least but it's far from all the good stuff
so we have to make more desirable land
even undesirable land is too expensive for me to ever get i'd take 3 or 4 acres of remote unprocessed land a dry cabin is not hard at all to build despite what people seem to think and i mean with the wood that's there not bringing in drywall that's literally all i want is just a place to exist and be left alone
all this other shit is participation by force. i have to survive within this society through its means and methods because im not allowed to leave it you're still subject to the federal land and its regulations
id have to just find someone with land and take them enough money to let me stay there forever and leave me alone but i still have o // to go through society and gainful employment to get the money to do that, and pay the rent to buy the time to be able to work to make the money to do that it's fucked and i dont want any of it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it sucks but hey theres 300 million people in the country so eventually someone is gonna stumble on your isolated spot and then there's a confrontation and a problem and the law has to be called in no one is an island
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
as long as theres two people on this planet we're gonna need lawyers it seems sigh if thats what it takes to enforce a fake idea of private property ownership then so be it i guess otherwise it's anarchy
idk i saw some thick woods in west virginia im pretty sure i could just go out there and fuck off and nobody'd find me the problem is that i'd have a car and can't take it off the paved paths and if i leave the car somewhere they'll eventually do a search of the area
like you can't escape there's always something pulling you back in always leashed to this bullshit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think personally there is an escape from other people we're social animals we're meant to live together it sucks though we also build these stupid ass hierarchies where people on the bottom get kicked around to death and people respect the powerful
but yea living off the grid seems like a move if you can't get what you need from society obviously the car needs to go drop it off at a junkyard i guess
society could offer me what i need to survive but no enrichment for my soul the soul gets taxed to hell in exchange for the opportunity to survive
i'd rather suffer and take the early death and live in some kind of self-harmony not divided from my soul i do what i can as it is and am very stubborn and it helps, but it's still not our natural inheritance and our natural connection to our world and our environment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
north american society certainly won't everything comes with a price
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i were to go off the grid i'd get a flight to portugal thats my non-expert opinion then just hide out in the country there
i just need a lil dry cabin but not in bear country i got no time for bears
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres sooo much empty space in the middle of the US its crazy but its all still divided and chunked up in property rights
bureau of land that matters
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but like hey here we are in a system that we didn't choose we can only choose how we respond to the challenge of it
that's too unilateral im always choosing what systems i engage in even if the broader domain is one i can't the physicality is arbitrary it's the one people get hung up on though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean yeah that's what im saying the broader domain offers no choice it's there and i have to live with it
im just trying to dig deep use the time and placement here as a resource to mine as much information as i can to send my soul back with whenever my body's done with me
and if i can't do that then the time spent in such intimate exchange with my soul was the most valuable way i could have spent it almost certainly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats a beautiful sentiment i wonder where you could get a land parcel i dont think the US has too much to offer but it is a vast country
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres some real cheap land out there that either requires building a house or is basically uninhabitable with no water so youd have to drive resources in all the time oof
you don't need a water line dry cabins are easy when you know what you're doing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you dont need water?? way wat*
i don't need a water line, no depending on the area you have different options most notably in alaska there's enough rain water but most other places you can find a spot to pump water from you can also clean your water
you dont have to haul up 50 gallons of water when you can grab a bag of water treatment supplies that weigh like half a pound and fit in a small bag but you don't really need to clean rainwater if you're in any of those areas that get consistent rain just keep some barrels out snow is fine too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the places i was mentioning that are cheap are like horribly hot desert
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this is like real survivalist grime hours living without a water line i can't fathom it
idk i did two years not long ago with no water or electric i still did the same online work as i do now id just have to drive 20 minutes and go do it from wifi somewhere keep a case of warm beer onhand and it's fine country living
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh ok you still have a car i want to live the opposite way no car running water proper sewage and cold beer
had a septic tank there but i mean i'd have been fine just camping honestly sleep in a tent wake up in the morning catch a ride into town come back out at night i'd like to do something like that long-term but no bears
i dont really care though im just doing anything to desperately keep my brain distracted so it doesn't break
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for me this is why i could never live in the country i need waste to flow away fast i cant bear to deal with storing waste water gotta flow in waste gotta flow out someplace else or i freak out
just bury it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
eugh too grimy im too prissy and bratty to do that any more than once in a while camping trip
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im gonna build the arcology from sim city 2000 no cars just parks and dense housing under a dome
how much does a potential SO's family play into your awareness and decisionmaking about whether you want to be with that person or not would you put up with someone you otherwise wouldn't if their family were really great
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats an unconventional question i would say no, that's pretty much the opposite like i can live with having to deal with shitty inlaws but im not gonna marry someone im not really into just to get access to a great family
i mean assume you don't have any family of your own and you're really lonely and the holidays are coming and you got nothin to look forward to
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay so uh is this question about my opinion or now about a decision made by a hypothetical alternate me cause i can't really speak for them
dont worry about it my brain is rattled
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i basically dont celebrate holidays or spend any time with my family anyway maybe im able to do so because of my fortunate circumstances and really i dont know how good i have it and will regret it when they're gone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but anyway i cant imagine settling on an SO id rather be alone forever
it's weird when you go meet someone's family and they're just like you didn't think people like that actually existed i dunno it's a whole lot of fuckery
>>>/watch?v=ttZpc4Cn-L0 god kung fu chess is so silly watching these long range bishop and rook moves get easily sidestepped because they're so damn slow and then the poor piece just sits there on cooldown what a game
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>ohnomyusername 1488 oh no is right
Seems like a hectic variant Wouldn't you have a bit of an advantage on defense, because shorter distance/time to move into attacking pieces?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah reacting to their move seems strong but they can attack other ways like pushing up a wall of pawns aggressively
being a big enough crypto shitposter you get federal agents sliding in your DMs trying to get you to send them some eth dust using the mixer Tornado Cash that just got sanctioned if only i had this level of shitpost
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Don't let your dreams be dreams
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pog the deed is done
If you're not going to let your dreams be dreams then you gotta not let your nightmares be nightmares as well Don't discriminate
>>1059823 You still doong that anime girl birthday twitter? It's Yumidzuka Satsuki's birthday today.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1059825 Girl who didn't get a route in Tsukihime because they didn't have time to finish it. The original Melty Blood games take place after her route. Part two of the Tsukihime remake will have her route. People have been waiting twenty years for it.
I went to the pharmacy today asked 'em if it was possible to get a dud batch of antidepressants since mine had suddenly stopped working - almost like being off the medication cold turkey... idk. maybe they mixed it wrong or something. Put in the wrong variety. Mislabeled something on the shelf.
They said probably not since they ship these things in mass all over the area and nobody else had said anything about it.
Greek place near my work has a deal for buy three gyro wraps and get one free, which is kind of a nice deal But what the fuck am I going to do with four wraps? Even one is kind of a decent enough meal for me unless I'm starving
Another morning discovering my apartment's AC isn't working Again This time the thermostat is responsive but setting the temperature isn't getting the cold air running into my unit Plus they just came in and "fixed" it last Thursday so I don't know what the fuck is going on at this point Man I know should be grateful to have a place this cheap to rent but I just hate this building so much
>>1059931 Because the tube going into 5 is at least level with its top if not minisculy below it, I do believe filing up 5 would result in water eventually getting into 4
>>1059934 It depends on the rate of flow, really, I guess
Actually speaking of rate of flow, with enough flow fr the original faucet, the actual answer to the question might be 1 Assuming the interconnecting tubes are cylindrical or at least square in hole shape, if the faucet is running strong enough, not enough water will be siphoned by the first tube and the first container will fill up regardless
My water was still kind of on the fritz this morning after the city messed up their work on the watermain the night before Also I noticed my apartment's AC was broken again Then I went to work, which was dreary and dull as usual I got a burger after work which was okay Then I tried to nap a bit after but there was a smell of wet paint in my unit and it was kind of making me a bit ill After I gave up on the nap I showered and played games for a bit Now I'm going to go sleep for a bit more
I hope you sleep well and rest up. Tomorows another day.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059976 in the early hours of the morning I could only sleep for two hours at a time I had some chest pain that was a bit concerning it mostly cleared up by later in the morning and I was able to sleep it off for the rest of the day I feel still kind of sick but a lot better now
Never tweet anything about comissioning art, joke or otherwise cause your DMs are gonna be assaulted by a deluge of artists and you either gotta ignore or turn them all down
>>1060009 this is a good set up for political bants ideally I would say >I thought that job was already taken by so-and-soi (and then name someone with infamously radical views on slashing old-age pension support) However Unfortunately I do not follow the political landscape and therefore do not know who that person would be. I am sorry I cannot participate.
I'd like to take a moment to thank all of the brave souls who work in the tiktok mines to bring their meme videos to YouTube shorts so I don't have to download that app
can't remember if it was csupo klasky (folks behind Rugrats, Thornberrys other shows) or whoever replaced them that had to be reeled in because they animated the show too well >>>/watch?v=n3dqwTEfliU people like too point to this one episode I've never seen for good animation
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hm valerian root camomile lavender and passionflower letsdewit
>>1060081 did you forget to water your tarantulas what happen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no i watered the crap out of the tarantjnos and gambjnos and hydrazaulics but i also bicycled on the road in a frantic manner to get to an intake appointment then i realized i was 30 minutes early so i went to a bougie coffee shop then i went in the washroom without the key so then a girl tried to come in while i was peeing so that was awkward then i went to the appointment and found out it was actually not an appojntment just an intake call
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's 1 pm and i havent done any work yet qt leadt its a nice day
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1060084 ah sounds pretty hectic but not the worst day you could have at least you weren't late to the thing you shouldn't be late to the thing
sometimes locks don't always lock unfortunately that's the public toilet life
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no it was a setup where i was supposed to grab the key but the door had been left open so i just went in there and then wondered "hmm weird theres no lock oh well"
>>1060098 Force them to set the concrete number for a "reasonable number" of either fish/aquarium animals or caged mammals
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that sounds like something a rules lawyer would do a most despicable occupation instead i will simply buy ten 100 gallon tanks and fill them with fish AND hamsters at the same time
Create an entire apartment full of tanks which consist of terrariums where the fish and hamsters co-exist
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also a series of caged rabbit warrens linked by tunnels made of cage and then the biggest dog i can find and two parrots
Yeah actually the language of the rule doesn't indicate that hitting the limit of one type restricts you from hitting the limits of the other types
Rei !p8eYCadcMoSearch [iqdb](77 KB, 700x629, fridey.jpg)Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1060105 yeah it says "restricted to one or more" which seems like some absurd legalspeak for "any number"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or maybe they're saying i cannot have zero pets uh oh im gonna get in trouble
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*puts on collar*
Wait no I didn't expect this
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 199 2/6
⬜🟩🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
roomies got the covid dunno what I've got then cause I feel worse off then him hopefully a speedy recovery is due
I guess you did your test and came off negative?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I did two self tests and a pcr which came back neg although if I didn't have it before I have it after spending a car trip last night
a guy with a glass eye and bald head at the bar challenged the whole bar to guess what song was playing some kinda triumphant movie soundtrack or football intro was playing
i feel like i must have caught covid by now but idk i did mask and got triple vaccinated and didnt really take too many risks before i got vaccinated maybe i somehow dodged it havent had a positive test yet
i just stayed home and didn't go out at all but it wasn't because of covid in retrospect i should have seen the opportunity and tried a little harder while it was still deadly enough to kill me wasted effort if i get it now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
pretty sure it's still deadly as it was before if not moreso
oh sweet maybe i still have time
i think we're probably less overburdened by now to complicate the logistics of treatment though? maybe not maybe we're still just as fucked that's not really on my radar
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea the hospitals are doin better now so thats good
to me, meidicine and healthcare are distinctly different fields with a sharp dividing line and the latter is a frustrating and messy endeavor that i dont like to think about or be a part of
Omicron and its sub-variants are far less life-threatening but still dangerous to the unvaccinated And who knows where small pockets of previous highly dangerous strains are still kicking around Without hospital care it's likely that the way it attacks your lungs could suffocate you, or for people with weaker constitutions could render them incapable of rousing themselves to feed or hydrate, and especially in those who are isolated, end up wasting away Nevermind that even surviving might leave you with the debilitating effects of long Covid, weakened lungs, extensive coughing, enduring low stamina, etc. These are still concerns for the unvaccinated even if they get proper hospital care. Maybe there are more natural or holistic methods of treating them, but to my knowledge the most effective care is still within the professional medical field
>>>/watch?v=0K2-3-hZOf8 >>1060162 fuck yeah dude build little mountains for cars to drive on waste mum's hard earned money >>1060160 it's fridey night motherfuckher
for sure I've already got a cough from whatever infected me first maybe it is just corona and it's a cool new strain that doesn't show up but then roomie's test would be neg too
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
remember when the cia and the afp went for beers and came up with a honeypot "open source" phone actually ran with the idea and made it those crazy blokes me and my friends also do stuff like that but we're humble about it but it's still cool i guess