My friend was telling me this really serious, traumatic story about something that happened to him and then he got kind of pissed because I was being sorta flippant and facetious about it
and I'm like bro. I'm sorry I do care. That really sucks that this happened to you This is just the only way I know how to be...
>>1060244 Mostly just depressed. I usually hang out with friends on Saturday but the people I would have hung out with today are having a three day long drinking party this weekend.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesus christ I don't know how people can drink day to day never been into it I get through one day and can't hack it nevermind it's their loss
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I might be exaggerating, I just know that they spend a lot of time drinking when they visit J from college or have him visit. I haven't seen him in years because I don't want to hang out with them while they're drinking.
Running a kingdom in bannerlord is a lot more difficult than anticipated Turns out you're just prey for the first while, though you can buy a peace subscription for the low price of twice your total income
It'll be fine though For now, all I gotta do is uh, appropriate a few more fiefs so I can actually afford peace with the big boys It's not gonna be easy, and I sure as shit could lose everything with a wrong move, but I just have to go all in or I lose everything anyway
also: using the default example answers on the prompts
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this kind of date is my personal hell ive been on it once before and never again anyway i have an actual date with a down to earth girl tonight i need to figure out where to gooo
i've pretty much given up on dating apps/dating in general there just arent people my age here really
I gave up on online date 10 years or more ago. The algo C-blocked me so bad in every way, and ruined my life in so cases. In persons, the way nothing like being in the wrong place at the right time!
(You) don't wanna play this game. (I) don't know what the cheaters, going on here? (You) frequent this site, tell a guess player to make a move already. Been sitting waiting for gp for over 20 mins, after the clock expired, too. I won't resign doe. All princeables!
two hours till date why am i at a bar what is wrong with me i need to get home and put my feet in a hot water bath not crush cans
Well then get on your way home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will but first a toastt
Sounds like your date gonna be toast then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
she's wait for me she'll i know she will (i dont know this)
she'll be comming round the mountain, when you go! You got this!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont understand her intentions very well but she seems to be into me despite seeming incredibly bored and chill when we meet which is a vibe i guess but not one im used to
>>1060362 Get absolutely shitfaced before you meet up. She'll think it's charming.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you right im gonna eat like four LSDs
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuck the telephone service for bus arrival times is so verbose im five layers deep in the menu and its telling me the current time (which is off by three minutes) fail why didnt i just open google maps
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway im
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on d bus and some lady is explaini g what a shaggy dog joke is
>>1060378 that's how my brother in law met my sister took something like acid before the date and she had to babysit him the whole time but don't do that
bro I was trying to do some volunteer shit with the Court amnd my application all went well but then they're like >oh you can't do it if you're a lawyer
it's like well why the fuck not it's not as though it's a conflict of interest or anything. if anything I'm more qualified fuckin dumb ass rule.
>>1060397 fighting people down in the cells stop them getting too rowdy
>>1060396 The legal system generally doesn't like people who work inside the legal system or have had contact within it to do work which would operate against it Like how America doesn't like people who have experience with the FBI doing jury duty It's not quite conflict of interest but your knowledge of the system is beyond what they want from somebody serving jury I'm sure your situation is probably pretty similar
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 429 4/6*
⬜⬜⬜🟨🟨 🟨🟨🟨⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1060399 i was thinking you were giving handies to the people on death row
One of the things I remember about visiting the Old Melbourne Gaol is that they used to make the prisoners wear boxing glove type things in solitary to stop 'em wanking
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice I only remember the thing from Port Arthur was where you stand on hill and the sky spins when you look up
There's also this guy, who has a PhD in physics and wrote papers on the physics of didgeridoo sound.
I mean just the concept of ice tea monster fills me with desire Most energy drinks kinda taste about the same with a slight difference, but some stand out a lot like the lemon-lime battery that one's good as hell man And the green burn that's unfortunately no longer with us there's a few like that but most just kinda taste like varying levels of sweet red bull
the mcdonalds here has cookie shakes now, too I imagine that's been around for like half a decade in the US but we just got them I think And man they're actually real good
They're absurdly sweet, but I've always liked sweet things Never fully understood what people mean when they say something's "too sweet" How do you even accomplish that?
>>1060475 That does make sense I guess, but I just can't really imagine what that'd be It's gotta be the manufacturing of some base ingredient right, like the soy or something? It's obviously not once it's at the mcd's, unless it's carry-over from another shake that has something that interfaces with crabs or something at some point, so I gotta wonder where in the line the shell animals are added in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this supposedly bougie italian gelato coffee place always has like twenty flies buzzing around i dont get it
I mean I steered clear of it cause I thought it was just a fanservice anime, but my friend told me it's still good if I can look past that And then it turns out not only is it not really a good gambling anime, it's not even really a fanservice anime So I just got ripped off
well it's good! as expected of Nathan Fielder, but still It starts out insane, and then it just keeps the pedal down for so long the first episode seems Normal again
he just has this knack for finding already crazy people and then putting them in even crazier positions and there's something so Real to them, it really does feel and seem like they're not acting or anything At least one guy who ended up on The Rehearsal was definitely his genuine self, which is utterly crazy his brother or whoever tweeted about it back while it was being filmed and it was rediscovered when the episode with him aired
you definitely should the final episode was so-so, but the rest is incredible Mostly because it was like, the finale of the show with a bit of behind-the-scenes 'damage control' Nothing super serious, but it was kinda sad
>>1060514 Oh no Although also I wouldn't be surprised if it got cancelled due to the author's political views and controversial statements. >>1060516 Yeah The anime was adapted from the novel It's by the same guy who wrote the girl who leapt through time.
>>1060514 wait, novel? is this related to the anime at all, or just a coincidence?
>>1060527 Carry over from old British colonialism-era laws which specifically criminalised sex between men, yes Technically no homosexual unions are legal still in the country, but at least now no one can go to jail for fucking the same sex
yeah probs she seems pretty into me i'm not that into her but enough to give it another shot
>>1060528 don't they still publically cane people for spitting gum on the sidewalk or whatevs
>>1060530 wow you can quarantine together hiw romantic
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think I could be trusted with Paprika
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ no not johnny:(
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel so weird calling into meetings at this remote job it doesnt feel like i really work there i have a hard time speaking in turn and i get anxious that everyone thinks im crazy sigh its probably in my head mostly im gonna go to a therapist on friday
yeah but my poisoned brain does not like being unable to set it to even numbers
>>1060543 I mean that's fair, but I meant like 75 and whole tens 25 too but let's be real if I need to put it down that much I'll adjust the volume on my headset and probably just accept I'm a superior specimen of human, some sorta cross with like, owls or something, I dunno Owls can hear real well right? Mice and stuff
Multiples of four are nothing but even numbers Hoh hoh hoh
Anyway turns out you can just edit the .ini file to set it to whatever number you want So now it's 5 What's kinda strange is it includes the over-amplification limit in its "100" Unlike VLC, where 100 is max regular, and then it goes up to... 200? with over-amplification I kinda prefer the way VLC does it tbh, though the GUI has a little nook on the audio slider for where the over-amp starts so it's not like it's a problem
>>1060545 I've always kinda liked the whole "what if black hole was wormhole" because it kinda implies the existence of "white holes" or whatever Like, points in space where gravity is straight up negative, or at least effectively negative, cause all the stuff from the black hole is showing up at massive speeds. Like relativistic speeds, approaching the speed of light
Well, whether gravity is effectively negative there isn't entirely set in stone, but it would certainly APPEAR as such from a distance it'd just be this absurdly bright light, burning without any sort of core
Really what's the most strange about that way of explaining things is like OK, you're gonna bend spacetime to connect the points, that's whatever, I'm willing to just go with the idea that the black hole can actually do that but like How are you gonna decide where you end up? Usually in these situations, you're only really considering it because you're either trapped in the escape horizon (or what is effectively the escape horizon because you can't do C) or you're just extremely far from home and need a hail mary In the first, it seems unlikely you have the power to actually manipulate the singularity to any real degree, since you'd probably prefer to just escape in that case But in the latter, it's like... do you even really know where you've gotta go beyond a vague direction? Space is fucking HUGE, a slight miscalculation even in the right direction might send you further away than you already are, just y'know, in the other direction from home
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1060548 Even if it was a wormhole you'd still be spaghettified. Also Yes That is the technical term for being stretched out into a black hole .
Well yeah, but I'm willing to accept that for whatever reason, you'll be fine. Maybe it just happens so fast and you're despaghetti'd on the other end or something, so it doesn't actually affect you physically, or whatever
Really my main confusion is how you're gonna direct this damn thing at all, like physically If you're gonna be bending space, it's not like you can just input the coordinates into your ship computer, the bending's gotta be done prior to entering, surely
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1060550 Do you know why you can't input the Oh NVM that would've been a bad analogy.
I mean the other reason is obviously that there's no actual way to have coordinates in space that make any damn sense >>1060554 That does make sense I suppose, yeah It still ends up a bit wonky though, I imagine, but on the other hand, you do have space-tech super computers handling the maths so I guess part of the buy-in for any story like this is that it Just Works
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1060550 This is why warping space is better than using wormholes.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1060552 Not exactly You just do it relative to your current position. Also related to that Part of the theory of relativity is that there cannot be an objective invariant coordinate system describing the universe.
>>1060554 I mean this is also true, though thinking about it Presuming this super advanced space tech, it's not unthinkable that you'd have precise enough instruments to use the earth's own GPS satellites for it You're getting the signals anywhere in space, right, so you could kinda determine your position relative to where earth WAS ages and ages ago, and knowing the trajectory through space of earth relative to yourself and other cosmic entities, you should be able to figure it out, if combined with knowing which direction you were going in the first place Possibly
On this vague topic though, I really like how Ender's Game handles space traversal In the first book, which became a movie, it's already acknowledged that they don't have hyperdrives or nothing, they're just able to get close to light speed, and really it's not a major factor as far as that story goes, but in the later books, Ender is actually hyper-wealthy because of time dilation and having invested in stonks He's just been zooping around for a few years in his perspective, but the rest of the universe has sped on It's honestly pretty cool
The book Timeline has an interesting attempt at scientific description of time travel that could prob also be applied to going vast distances to other places
it's always pretty neat when sci fi tries to actually approach space travel with some scientific accuracy always ends up having a few holes or being pretty depressing, but still
Like either we managed to do C despite the lack of literally infinite energy, or we're effectively alone in the universe just cause we can't get anywhere in a reasonable timeframe
It sure would be nice to not lose my connection whenever I try to upload an image. >>1060574 An hour or more ago, either on discord or in the Kronii thread.
they kinda rip you off with the immunity it's like a month you're immune to it or something now no wonder my 2ic seemed to be getting it left right aa nd centre
oh baby the software for the eth Merge is out im gonna set it up later today
>WARNING: This release seems to contain a regression that can corrupt the local state. Please hold on with updating while we investigate the issue! fuk
gotta spend the rest of this week travelling to the city and sitting through a conference. something different I guess and work is putting me up at a nice hotel but still can't really be fucked...
There's meant to be a formal dinner or something too so gotta dress up which i don't like doing
some guy followed me on twitter after my latest runescape shitpost But then all I really use my twitter for is Liking pictures of Genshin Impact girls in swimsuits
Is this going to be a problem? should I have made two separate accounts?
Probably not Public degeneracy isn't necessarily a negative for a potential Vtuber Honestly in a controlled sense it's probably a positive Makes you seem relatable to all your fellow degenerate weebs
Several NIJISANJI talents even have subaccounts under their streamer persona for like two purposes, one being retweeting and liking NSFW art of themselves
It's all about trying to appeal to that niche cross section between horny weebs and Gen Y old-timey MMO players.
heh maybe I should put something to that effect in the bio
Man if I'd known it would take half an hour to get from work to the subway station I probably would've used the washroom before leaving I've still probably got at least thirty minutes of transit left after all
>>1060624 I don't even know if that's true I think it's more about being genuine and true to yourself, and knowing how to utilize that genuineness to be entertaining For a lot of talents, sure, that's being degenerate Because honestly there aren't going to be a whole lot of well-adjusted people who are going to see putting on a 2/3D anime avatar and streaming as a sensible career But if you can utilize your composed or comedic self to be entertaining, t hat brings success too
Amazingly, they skipped the whole damn theocracy arc in the overlord anime, and left all of it to the upcoming movie My worries were for naught, they know what they're doing
>>1060650 it's not the kind of craft you'd want to maximize surface area on like that especially if you've just got a glass cover over the top chinese engineering
I've been having trouble in the mornings making time to get breakfast before leaving for work recently But on top of that, there's been various things making my transit to work trend longer than it used to be Not enough to always make me late, but enough that getting food going into work is consistently out of the picture Which is to say, I'm hungry, and don't have anything to eat
if i had a transit and i ate breakfast i'd stock up on transferable, portable items like those plant-protein cookies that are supposed to be like a whole meal replacement nutrigrain bars, granola, maybe even some nuts or fruit if i had a small container or throw two eggs in an electric kettle a couple hours before leaving (or the night before) and then just having the boiled egg in the a.m.
>>1060658 I actually normally pack a nutrigrain bar each morning! But my box ran out over -ran out last week and when I went to buy some yesterday the store was sold out ;_;
>>1060661 I am not going to subject a horde of irritable morning passengers with something as volatile as that
take a tin can of sardines to eat on the bus ride
I do kind of like to get something warm or warmish in me for breakfast Usually in the form of a bagel or toast I have about a half-hour window in the mornings between waking up and leaving for work so I can't really do much more than that, I'm just too slow and meticulous to make anything I can't just throw in a heating device and let warm, plus I've got other things I need to do before leaving after all
Also and I'm sorry for being picky and stubborn on this but I just don't really like eggs They're not going to be a satisfying way to start a morning for me
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I like fried eggs or poached eggs but can't stand boiled never had polenta though
i like any form of egg if it's not a cheap brand of eggs egg quality variation is a massive spread fresh homegrown aren't even on the same scale as storebought
but i usually get my protein from nuts anyway cheese is easy too or those bonito flakes if you find somewhere that fucking sells any
Cheese is good A little prepackaged wedge or even just a chunk I break off that morning I had a big jar of peanuts but that finished last week too
>>1060653No answer? Perhaps it was a threat, that's not really what this place has been about in mi experience so far.
I'll doe anno, one better, and say what does ethnics (Korean's Japanese, Chinese etc.) have to doe with anythang about what I posted? Is that what some would call a broken bone to pick, anno?
Still not entirely sure what it means for chainsawman eating a devil to erase their name and stuff though Does this mean the whole concept of nuclear weapons is gone, or just that people aren't scared of them anymore? Either way, for whatever reason, Control seems to be exempt though
>>1060727 control oopse oops control was eaten by denji, not chaomsawman
Ah Fair enough
>>1060727 at some point there probably comes a time // at some time there probably comes a point where everyone secretly wants the nukes to drop at which point it's not so effective as a threat or deterrent
depending how bad things are, it may actually encourage people to fuck with you just in hopes you'll finally do it (assuming "you" are the holder)
hello, I'd like to order one nuke to be dropped on my frontal lobe asap
feels like we're on the run up to superintelligent AI to me who knows maybe its just another maxima maybe its Maybelline
maybe it's been here a while and has no obligation to make us aware
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well then we're all fuckex i doubt it personally but it could be in a lab somewhere maybe
maybe it's me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
me? :)
>>1060737 i was thinking something more like having programmed itself onto social consciousness or something else greg egan-y and not embodied on any of our developments
>>1060727 Pro tip: Use spoiler tags on major spoilers. Its rude not to.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think its here yet social conaciouaness remains terribly capitalistic and predictable
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i want to build something cool i finally will have a space of my ow but still no time to spare, i have a job gah the endless procession of material wants
what other inorganic substractes could be a vector for it to thrive substrates >>1060744 >no time to spare same shit ive had two 60-70 hour weeks back to back im tryna squeeze in some music making but i can't learn much in just a few shitty hours
I think it's convincing. Blood is hard to clean up, and it's hard to find someone that won't ask questions. The only problem is that advertising that way could get attention you don't want if you have to clean up blood.
I got a new anime mug to addcto the collection Female summoner from fgo
Aren't there, like, multiple female summoners in F/GO
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I suppose. Technically But obviously i mean the Protagonist you pedant
how about you summon some bitches
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1060822 As a Master my only goal is to win the Holy Grail War through superior tactics and strategy. The fact that all my summons are beautiful women in revealing clothing is immaterial
SD can really give you some very beautiful outputs if you're looking for stuff that is relatively easy though
And since it runs locally, it's entirely free if you don't count electricity as a cost
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
stable diffusion is a cool idea mag a thousand AI generators bloom
I'm thinking I might use it to generate an image, and then edit it with DALL-E, so I can use the credits efficiently They give similar results overall, at the end of the day, and the differences can mostly be dealt with by altering the prompt
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its crazy how dreamlike the outputs are they're on to something
entirely fair Really, it just kinda highlights that while very impressive, these things are kinda limited in a lot of ways I'm sure with the proper inputs you can generate some very cool stuff, but it's still gonna have a fairly limited use-case
For now, anyway What they can already do is very impressive
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Somehow this is considered a hot take. But I don't consider Blade Runner (the original) to be cyberpunk. Primarily because it has very little cyber. >>1060868 :^(
maybe it's just a result of the overwhelming majority of art or at least drawings is gonna be god awful if you don't filter for popularity or something else to try to get some sort of consistent quality artstyles are gonna diverge massively either way, but these things spit out deviantart shit every time you ask for anime girls
That one image showing up twice as a seeming template is strange though, in any case
Oh, one of the cafés I like near my work is closing That's too bad They had better espresso than the other one close by Now if I want higher quality I've got to go further afield
the dude nrxy to me on the plane is watching the fireplace video on his tv
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whoa when r u comjn to. anada
dunno ill be in texas today yeehaw i thought u gave up ur canadian citizenship to become a new yorkian
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just abandon your wife child and responsibilities and head north
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah i gave up on the US it's a silly place
honey im sorry but... a dude on the internet told me to leave you its over
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1060933 No I can name bands from a lot of states though. I've asked a few people from other countries about naming musical artists from states/provinces/whatever but it seems that only Americans can name more than a few.
Also I can't even name every province.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I can name a lot of bands from Nova Scotia, and probably three or four from Ontario. Although if I know a band is Canadian then without knowing anything else about them, statistically its pretty likely that they're from Ontario cause of Toronto.
namie amuro mongol800 hy boom 3 from okinawa
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i could name a band from ontario and quebec and thatd be it idk whos even from BC and then the praries are country music mostly no thanks idk if you would count Grimes as from BC just cuz she was born here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like carly rae jepaen is from here too but is her band really from here or is it LA like all the other canadians
oh canada god shed his grace on thee
>>1060944 I think The New Pornographers are from BC but don't quote me on that
Great Big Sea was from Newfoundland
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if RTX 3080 prices have stabilized yet or should i wait for the merge/4080 announcement in october
holy fuck spy went from 418 to 405 today how the fuck i had a //have a single 8/29 $400 put that just made some money but holy shit grabbing some of those this morning at $9 each or some $415 calls for 150 each would have been 900% gain in a day wow damn wish i had leaned into it instead of withdrawing my funds this morning thought about it too at least i got the one
>>1060954 415 puts* yeah $77 for a 414 put this morning has a value of $889 now the dream of turning $500 into $5k was real i just didnt believe
>>1060922 >just how many of those do you think there are lots I was refering to the ones already posted. I like to save dalles people make cause they're unique, and had missed a few before the last thread died thats all
lets see was this one, this one this one and this one
What's kinda weird about these ai art machines is they vaguely recognize anime characters by name, and can associate them somewhat with some stuff, but they have NO IDEA who they are visually Like if you ask for art of a k-on character, you might get something vaguely k-on, or artwork with 4 anime girls, every now and then there's even an instrument But none of them have any characteristics of the cast the hair color, style and length are all wrong, they're wearing the wrong uniforms, etc etc same with 2hus, you'll get an anime girl, often with the correct color scheme though not always, vaguely reminiscent of "a 2hu" in the abstract with a dress and a hat or something but it never looks anything like the 2hu you asked for
I wonder how that happens during training Shouldn't it be able to infer those other data points through the training, even if the output it produces looks like ass?
me oh nvm
>>1060974 gradient ascent of broad fields it's gonna be heading towards a more accessible, straightforward local maxima a lot more often than it's going to ruch // reach a true global maxima even if there are enough data to allow it to navigate to a more maxilmal maxima, it'll settle for a local-er minimal-er maxima as long as it's still ascending
and a lot of those keywords ascend towards similar structures broadly it's not really built for specificity
i actually dont know how dalle is built at all i haven't even looked at it there's a trillion different ways it could lean in the ways it does but some of our architecture choices in general do build bad habits for the AI and for us
>>1060979 many touhou high empirical statistical reinforcement it might realize your prompt means something more specific, but also recognizes 6.8 trillion low-hanging touhou fruits to pick that are within adequate boundaries of acceptable
Oh, hold on, I think I might understand, sorry about interrupting and stuff Is it like, it recognizes "Cirno" as "a touhou", but because of how it learned its datasets, it hasn't really been able to suss out which one of them is cirno, just that the ones with "cirno" are often blue dominated and have winglike shapes? even if obviously the machine wouldn't put it that way, am I roughly accurate? It's bad at the specific 2hu, but it can somewhat confidently produce "a 2hu"?
im pretty sure it knows the individual touhous, at least cirno and the popular ones but statistically those other touhous are going to occasionally exist in an image recognized as cirno not that it's confusing them but it's probably recognizing those as elements or constituents of cirno, like part of the environment
like if you look up photorealistic emperor penguins they're all gonna be on the ice most likely you might even get some images that are -just- ice because that can happen sometimes the penguin itself is buried somewhere in the metadata like the adversarial algorithms do to fuck with the image-labeling AI or sometimes it thinks you want one of those wide-shots of a million emperor penguins huddled together but since you only put penguin it only has one and it's too small to really matter
I'm sure it is able to image-recognition a cirno accurately, but it's just not able to spit out a cirno when asked for one, instead giving some eldritch abomination consisting of the data points it uses to identify cirno
>>1060982 So in a very reductive way, it's sorta able to understand which 2hu is cirno, but it also thinks the elements of reimu and the rest in the images it's used are part of the overall package that makes something "a cirno"? It's specific enough that it can suss out cirno when asked if an image has her, but a lot of what it associates with cirno are actually other 2hus, just not enough weight to affect its ability to recognize what has been produced sorta
maybe. i don't really know that's what makes sense to me and im mostly AI anyway
but yeah not like cirno has a definite physical form and ALWAYS consists of specific things with boundaries that separate it from its environment, because it doesn't really know what those things are but like those are all recurring themes that come up within "cirno" so it's thinking "this thing plus this thing, and that thing over there, with these colors, is sufficient to communicate 'cirno' to the prompter"
like those pictionary-type games assuming you could do so instantly, you might opt to portray "cirno" to your teammates by drawing several touhou and then framing cirno as the obvious subject so they know that's the one you're talking about
>couldn't i draw just cirno let's arbitrarily say they only get one guess and you don't want them to mistakenly guess "Ice" "touhou" or "dumb bitch" so, paradoxically, you can emphasize you're talking about one specifically by drawing multiple >but sometimes cirno isn't even in the image yeah i dunno dalle's kinda weird
It does make a lot of sense to me, too I wonder what makes it so much better at more real\3dart stuff though Is it just sample size and a more complete description of the more photorealistic images its trained on?
Cause if I ask for a human face, it's not gonna spit out something with 3 eyes and a split mouth, most of the time, even though a lot of these things are deliberately trained wrong on faces specifically
>>1060985 ooh, naruhodo That does make a lot of sense I wouldn't draw cirno on her own if I COULD opt to draw everyone and put an arrow pointing to cirno without any real drawbacks, since they could guess wrong and think I was trying to draw a somewhat similar blue haired anime girl with wings putting reimu and marisa in the background would make it very obvious it's supposed to be cirno
for all the AI knows "cirno" is only that character when framed in the context of touhou maybe it's a universal character and has other names in different environments or maybe it's a language itself and by using the label in that language it's specifying the rest of the environment
like you really gotta break down your boundaries about how we associate and think about things and daydream about all the other ways to frame simple things like that which is itself actually really fun i think it's a pleasant distraction from the crippling constant suffering
yeah, it's not like the machine even knows what a character is at all it just knows that this amalgamation of shapes and colors often comes up as cirno, and especially when elements of the other 2hus are present It's sometimes hard to really accept how radically different computers process stuff like this
I really wish someone would come up with a way to train a bot to make decent looking anime art though, that'd be fucking sick you can always add a few more adjectives to make it look better, but it always comes out kinda scuffed, like something from the early days of a deviantart account
i did notice if i went too deep on "variation" re-interations it'd almost always start giving me a hat though and the hat would generally become larger and more frilly until it started morphing into the background
I just wondered whether you meant you fed it a picture of you, or a drawing to generate variations of >>1060995 right yeah, then I understand
I just got confused there for a second cause I couldn't imagine you actually feeding it a picture of yourself, even if chances are it has pictures of both of us in the dataset
oh, no giving me as the user providing me with images containing increasingly larger/frilly hats im not giving AI my picture i aint dumb i know what it do
what are you up to anyway >wonder if it's touhou influence when the prompt includes anime and becomes sufficiently indistinct from other labels through iterating, probably
>>1060997 i wanna ask you a question and you can feel free to not answer it if it's not in your interest but how are things going with that friend of yours you know the one are you guys on good terms
I wonder if that's touhou influence though >>1060996 Not much really lazy week, been watching some anime, read the newest overlord translation right now I'm just trying to fix my sleeping schedule cause I screwed it up again, waking up late into the afternoon, so I gotta just soldier on until bedtime tomorrow
Oh, that Yeah we seem to have made up pretty much There's some distance, but a lot of it is just down to him having a job and stuff now, and a boyfriend for that matter It took time and whatnot, but other than me just being a bit of an anxious baby, we're alright now I think
Still never gonna talk to him when I'm not sober again though I was fucking done with everything if he'd decided to call it the end of our friendship, honestly
yeah i was kind of feeling that way recently with some shit and i thought about you and your friend i definitely sympathized with you before that but feeling it that intensely myself was something i didn't know was a thing so i couldn't have empathized i suppose
It just sorta came out of the blue, is really what rips me up the most At least if I could remember it, I think I'd feel more at ease about it, not having to basically guess at the full contents of what I said I know some of the specifics, and those are bad enough, but I keep feeling like there are parts he just doesn't want to repeat, or maybe even were too slurred to fully understand past the apparent hostility I said it with
here's an example of that "too big" threshold kinda cool actually >>1061002 HOLD on i can make a gif of all of them progressively advancing
It looks kinda dreamy I really like it when the bots go too far like that like when their understanding kinda snaps and they just produce something that's vaguely similar to how things appear in dreams, just sorta merging into each other with shapes that aren't all that coherent, bleeding into everything It's something that humans don't really reproduce too well, but bots have a tendency to do when not thoroughly trained, I've found
>>1061000 yeah ive fortunate to have found one person who fills that kind of role with me i can't say it's my only friend since i value you guys here and other places but there's definitely a part of me who has only had the opportunity to ever be heard or felt through the kind of relationship only that person has ever filled for me or at least that currently does
so when that part of me is particularly noisy in my thoughtspace it certainly feels like it's the only friend, person, or thing i have left attaching me here to this place but man it's gotten so fucked up so fucked up >>1061006 you're not alone in that and ive always factored that into when im interacting with you and tried except when doing so might make you uncomfortable or feel vulnerable then id stop but yeah i feel you on all those parts
im a degen piece of shit and have to dissociate hard just to arrive at a place i can function and pretend to be normal and work or interact without that person lately ive had to kind of force myself back into old spaces and trying to keep up with the relationships i have with other people i actually care about like some of you guys here but that part of me is getting really noisy again and i feel like im gonna fuckin lose it
It's very much like that for me too Though I still feel like I wear a mask in all my interactions with other people, I don't think I'm ever actually "the real me" anywhere though the closest is dutchfriend, that's where I'm the most real
It's just hard to be genuine with anyone because I really don't see myself as particularly worthwhile, and trust is hard
really this issue with never actually feeling like I'm being honest about who I am is probably why I ended up drinking so much, looking back at it evidently, what ended up happening is I exaggerated the parts I'm ashamed of when drunk though, so that was a big wakeup call It's like I recognize that person, as this sort of monstrous extreme of how I see myself so now I just sorta distract myself as much as possible so I don't gotta think about it too much and cut down on drinking a lot, cause even though it made it easier to talk to people, I clearly go off the rails when I drink too much, and I'm very bad at keeping it on the level
socializing really is a lot easier when you've had a bit of alcohol though, it's like you can throw an excuse at yourself like "I'm drunk, so it's OK to be more sociable and less reserved" Or at least that's how it is for me
>not going so well with them huh yeah it's actually really fucked up like it sounds like some hyperbolic anime plot they've actively done some things to ruin some things in my life too and i dont think they realize that i don't have many things left or anything really for that matter
>>1061009 i mean yeah i'd love to just have my friend back it'd mean the world to me and im the more mature one so i do try to steer it in the right direction but i think at this point the flailing and self-consciousness would just make things volatile (not that they aren't already but it would stoke the flames)
>to that extent / goes further than i thought yeah but not particularly out of malice, not entirely innocent either but the backpedaling and volatility means a lot of collateral damage in my life man it's all fucked
>>1061007 i decided to stop drinking on october 30 2018 when something unexpected kinda happened that gave me something i wanted to focus on again i missed being able to focus on things like that so i stopped and filled that empty space with a bunch of new stuff which wasn't easy ive slipped a couple times but never really gone deep usually ive bought a drink and had like a few sips and regretted it because i felt the initial buzz drawing me back out of the headspace i had grown to be comfortable and engaged with and interested in things i got 3 big bottles of bourbon here totally intending to one day break into them and either celebrate or grieve but they've been there for over 2 years untouched so idk
I doubt you could say something I'd think you were exaggerating on this topic, I know how fucked things can get oh, to that extent I was kinda expecting like, a big fuckup on one of your parts, but that goes further than I thought
is it something you want to salvage for its own sake, or? I don't mean to pry more than you want, so it's fine if you just don't wanna talk about it much
I decided to stop drinking, too, but I ended up giving up on it cause I just don't have that sort of self control, so really I just drink a lot less and more infrequently now It's overall an easy way to keep a lot of things at bay, including boredom
I hope you're able to even out the situation with your friend though, I know how it feels to lose someone like that even if I don't know the specifics at all, and really I'm fine with that, I wouldn't wanna ever go into details about my stuff either
yeah, I figured as much If you ever want to, I think you've got me on discord, but as sorta cold as it may sound, it's not like I'm particularly curious as far as I'm concerned you're a friend who's hurting and the particulars aren't all that important to me
i dont mind sharing but not publicly here but im not seeking out someone to listen to me either so up to you
>>1061010 >but as sorta cold as it may sound, it's not like I'm particularly curious nope that was the line i was intending to tread anyway and didn't expect any interest to know the personals at least not from this angle of approach
i appreciate that you've engaged with me along the intended interface and it means a lot just to be heard that little bit and just to visit with you i barely get to see you these days
I'm on most of the time, but I usually just have moe in the background while I watch or read stuff, and post whenever something interesting shows up in a lot of ways I just find you easier to interact with in a lot of ways, of the people here anyway just a sorta weird vibe based thing, just easier to talk to about stuff and kinda get what I expect back, I dunno hard to explain
I just tend to see my own actions in a very harsh light, is all, so I'm never really sure if I'm being overly cold or distant, or if it's to be expected
>I just tend to see my own actions in a very harsh light same if anyone were to wander into my headspace it'd likely traumatize them it's just how it is. i don't/can't and wouldn't treat other people like that but it's different
but i have to dissociate from that space to even interact socially so nobody really notices and they think im more resolved or secure than i am i just see myself as constantly fucking everything up and using all my restraint in social situations to not do that so it looks like im patient and collected and confident but im fucking not
thanks though i appreciate those words im around too im back to working from home for now unless something happens working or sleeping that's about it
>>1061041 nope they were exposed but got negative tests only and i got no symptoms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i still havent tested positive ever not sure if im just immune or i havent been exposed but i feel like i must have been exposed at some point just probably a low viral load
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I've definitely been exposed but never tested positive, not even when both my parents had it.
>>1061050 I read this thing a while ago About these people who got addicted to making themselves sneeze. And at the time I thought it was just a weird thing to be into
But when I was doing the swab tests there was actually a moment where it did feel really really good. and it was like I get it now.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1061052 this better not awaken something within me
I could see it Honestly when I had to swab it just felt grating until slightly painful and then I couldn't contain my ... whatever a gag reflex but in your nose is
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1061052 I used to do that a lot as a kid. I remember staying up all night in the air conditioned computer room with the little tv and making myself sneeze while watching adult swim in the summers of middle school. And then watching anime on the 1999 iMac.
>>1061052 I don't think I get off from sneezing but at some point when I was younger I must of got into some weird combo chain, cause I can never just sneeze 2-3 times, there's always gotta be another chain of sneezes to follow
I do remember applying for a woolies job before I worked at coles and we had to take a piss test one of the guys failed and they told him to stay off the pot and come back in a month or something to that tune
>>1061080 When I workedd at woolies I tried smoking up before a shift once. Thought maybe it would make it better fuckin terrible idea. Couldn't do anything properly and a 4 hour shift felt like 12. First and last time Never again.
>>1061086 Have you seen the episode of king of the hill about grocery bagging competitions?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I kind of hate working with younger kids I'm a fully licensed guy who can serve alchohol and do all this shit and I'm being managed by someone way younger >>1061086 hey babe when do you get off :)
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
actually our recent duty manager moved to deli I do feel bad for him because he copped a lot of shit for being as hopeless as was but he also handwaved a lot of legitmate problems
well roomie got out of his isolation so he's out trainspotting til 8 so I have the house to myself so that's nice I guess I'm only limited by my imagination
man I'm finally trying to learn Inferno so I bought an Ely but it was probably pretty stupid timing cus Raids 3 just came out and the value has tanked like 100 Mil.
Luckily the t-bow has gone up but roughly the same amount so the overall bank value is still more or less the same. even so. should have waited.
I actually thought Raids 3 might have made the value for an Ely go up - if there was a sudden spike in demand. but I guess none of the rooms need it
i picked this light up from coles and it's actually half decent
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1061108 they connect your phone to the computer, grandpa
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
seems like convulated way to charge something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hung out with a couple of normie women this bar night its weird they be cool sometimes and then sometimes its like "haha look at that guy sitting behind you what a loser" like am i supposed to bond with you over treating a random stranger like a piece
some of those puddings would be really good right no w
the start of the year goes super slow and then we hit august we decide to speedrun >>1061118 be honest about what
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1061113 Is this the ultimate hunblebrag? Not only were you spending time with women, you're also compassionate towards the outsiders?
No. I know that's not how you meant it. Yeah. That is pretty brutal. But thays why You gotta shit all over the little guy to prove what an Alpha you are
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did i mention i completely alienated the girl i was dating today she was like "be honest with me" and i autistically obliged
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1061117 wow way to find a cynical angle on my authentic post m im gonna give you a big ole backrub
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1061116 she was like "are you interested in me? you're hard to read" and i was like nah not really
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
likely ruined her fuckin weekend but hey better than ruining her life by leading her on amirite boys surely this is the most tactful way i coulda handled everything
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
iunno I would figure you gotta play the gmae a little bit how do I put it well I would've probably gone along with it but I ain't no fuckin romantic
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1061120 Oof. That's pretty blunt You probably could have said the same thing but softened the blow Be like 'you seem great but it's just not what I'm looking for'
>>1061126 Hey could have been worse >ahh you're probably ok looking enough for blowing a couple of loads but definitely too dull for anything beyond tjat
this pussy of ours is getting pretty fat at the start of the year when we moved here he had the opposite problem, where he wouldn't put on any weight so we compensated to the point we are now we're gonna have to somehow bring him down which is gonna be a pain the ass
roomie is going on train tour soon and the tickets are like $100 and it's not even like a steam train it's a train from the 90s I hope you get a meal or something with it
>>1061120 having been on both sides of that equation, that's usually not too bad to hear sometimes it's a relief because there's always doubt and uncertainty on both sides during the date
i'm probs a lot more self conscious though so on the giving end i probably put a lot more blame on the self like "man you got a lot of good energy and seem like fun and i'm all lethargic and cynical and shit you'd get depressed around me" it's always unpleasant but it's probably not nearly as unpleasant as a pointless useless relationship that has no reason to be brought into this world
>>1061134 >>1061135 yeah not being able to be heard really sucks and only being surrounded by people / being with a person who can't hear you or only mishear you is arguably more lonesome than actually being alone getting anyone to see the big picture takes a lot more work but if they can hear you, at least it can be worked towards gradually