ah, 1 minute bullet chess truly the most sane of games
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im also at a massive disadvantage tryna play this on a trackpad god
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i love the mac trackpad the multi finger gestures are great its comfy and solid, a great tool for endless doomscrolling but its not that great for gaming
i have a nice bulky one I bought from the supermarket idk if it's the amount of lumens it said it was on the packet but it's bright enough for me and I like how bulky it is
well that was fast clearly they just have it chillin in da fridge
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
is it good?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its nice its got a subtle alcoholic tang in the oil and the skin and dark meat is good ive had malay chicken rice that was better than this tho the white meat isnt that tender
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its pretty damn tender compared to like a rotisserie chicken or something tho its not bad i will get the spicy version next time
Another hot August week, another day my AC breaks down and I can't cool my apartment off I guess I'm at least fortunate this didn't happen in the winter But I'm also tired of it breaking down like this
now am i supposed to connect with matches on a humanistic level or attempt to own them with autistic irony
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1058482 oof hope you got alternative ways to beat the heat
>>1058485 Yeah it's called "being inhumanely good at tolerating heat" I mean, I'm definitely not content here But as far as comfort goes, I'm not uncomfortable There just isn't really much I can do without some set-up, and I discovered the AC was broken pretty late on a Sunday afternoon So most places are closed or closing right about that time
The worst part is the sweat that gathers like at the back of my neck My hair is thick and long so there's not much to do about that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
have you done all the requisite stuff like blocking off windows and filling your tub with cold water thats what my parents do at the ACless house
sounds about right longest I've done was 10 days makes you goofy
i mean as long as you're getting your glucose and some basic necessary stuff like thiamine 10 or 5 or 15 are all about the same it's just hard with iron whether you take it or you don't since it's hard on the system to metabolize
the GI stasis is unpleasant too so i dont personally see a point going any longer than 3 or 4 days for me im sure meth or something would cause someone's body to reject food and not want to eat but mine already does that anyway without any drugs so im good there
ah, true about the thiamine, theres that and some other stuff you're supposed to take if you go past 5 days which is important cause refeeding syndrome can mess you up p bad or be lethal in some cases 1st time I went that long I was just at home not doing anything 2nd time was when I working doing heavy equipment stuff and really long hours so was very different with the energy
yeah the thiamine depletion can fuck your bones up fast alcohol accelerates it a ton too
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2654033/ good summary still havea big ol bottle of vitamins
would be cool if you could just put a big patch on your body and get nutrients through that they said in the 50s we were supposed to have flying cars and only have to eat a pill a day to survive what happened
>>1058518 i don't know, does wordle bring a lot of meaning to your life?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Guy near me at the gym rn has a tattoo of an owl gripping a human skull in its talons. I wonder if that's something which has brought a lot of meaning to his life
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058523 Bae did a marathon Ring Fit stream today.
>>1058522 is that a prerequisite for a tat? lotta ways to look at it its just some guy doodling on you in the end
And nothing short of something which will be on your skin for the foreseeable future in the end Maybe make sure it's something you'll be comfortable with It's not just like a shirt or a pin you can chuck in two years' time
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1058524 We're talking Gettin' Tatts not Sweaty Rats
might do the bowser on a surfboard playing a guitar one
>>1058531 I wouldn't get a tattoo at all, I'm not interested in permanently marking my body like that. Also it would make it harder to find a cemetery to get buried in.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Hmm That's moderately embarrassing..
Got trapped under the bar bench pressing and some random had to walk over and help lift it
is that some jewish burial restriction or are you messing with me
>>1058533 would you rather have your embarassing death averted by a random dude or die in a fairly painful but quick way so as not to have to feel the embarassment
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I wasn't gonna get hurt either way
But I would have had to squirm out like a little worm boy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think i care to get a tattoo about anything maybe i would get a circle inside a circle or something like on my inner arm idk something i could cover with jewelery if i wanted to get into an onsen
>>1058533 almost happened to me once wasn't trapped yet but was struggling and guy came over and spotted nice bro move whats ur bench
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also happened to me fwiw way back
and more recently but i just tilted the bar and let the weight fall off noisily
>>1058542 Note quite I got disgustingly out of shape during Covid lock downs and I'm still feelin the effects of that I do alright though Workout 5-6 times a week plus cardio
>>1058646 Well unless he was an abusive shit to his son and/or family, it's hard for me to seea situation where being killed by your own son is anything except depressing There aren't really any happy ways for that to go
But isn't it our faults which make us more complete, more perfect human beings?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Well yeah but shes not a human she's a kirin
Mythical beings are humans too! Besides I thought the more recent iterations of her lore has her trapping the actual embodiment of Nature in the body of a dinky little deer and she's a fake
it's a shame some of the beautiful pieces i had to sell back then times were hard ah well not like i was able to use them anyway
>sold your smellies unfortunate why not just use one to hold someone up for money instead
>>1058670 More of a VN scenario where Aqua is your personal maid, with Marine and Fubuki serve as senior maids I don't know how much romance factors in here
a lot of people are mad about it which i think is really funny
but more importantly the new bridget design is really cute
yeah the outfit was what i was referring to it is pretty cute and it kinda fits that change somehow dunno how really, more natural flow feeling to it i guess
It's like when other anime girls cut their hair Character growth
I dunno if it was always the case but the big pluses on her sleeves apparently say GROWTH now, which is kinda on the nose if it's new lmao
man the crazy dial on my life just gets cranked up two more notches every single day without fail i thought it was maxed out like a week ago it just never ends
>>1058721 how you been sc i havent heard from you in a hot kentucky-fried minute
I've been doing alright enough In a good period, if nothing else Mostly just been reading a lot lately
i got some things on an upswing and some things on a downswing and then some things veering off into another realm entirely you know how it goes balance in all things i guess, i'll just assume it evens out
That's how it is sometimes I guess I don't really have enough stuff going on in the first place for there to be much disparity between them, it mostly just comes down to how I feel at any given time more than anything And for a while now I've mostly felt good, even if I still stress out a bit about some stuff
very vibes based existence
that sounds good, not sure if it is but it sounds like it and im happy when that's the case with you
it just gets lonesome when there's nobody to hear you and those who try can only mishear you im tryin to get into making music to help facilitate that expression a little bit but we will see whether that actually happens or not i figure by telling people about it then im committing myself to it at least a little bit
yeah i had that problem of getting frustrated too quick before but now i did all the stuff besides actually making the music, like putting art and themes and album names/track titles together and everything that felt motivating to do besides actually making the music like filling the outer edge of a puzzle might work we'll see
It's overall good yeah Oh, music creation always seemed fun to me, but I'm too dependent on quick results so I never fully got into it
I dunno about using it as expression though, my interest has always just been in purely instrumental stuff Well, as far as me making anything, anyway
Would be interested in hearing it if you make something you're satisfied with though
i mean i got one ambient minimalism segue track that's supposed to transition between two real tracks it's kind of a thing but it's not really a thing since all the surrounding contextual pieces are stripped away and it's just two minutes if forgettable ambiance >>>/watch?v=M5BD-rWIGeQ
this isn't it but it is on my channel and you can navigate to it from there if you want to get a look at the placeholders and stuff i put up it all looks cool and motivating but still actually having to do it is intimidating maybe i'll get lucky and die before i have to actually try
I'll give it a look-see a bit later for sure Doing battle in bannerlord Well, more like trashing the enemy lords because my army's almost all high tier units in a wartorn Caladria, so even against larger armies I kinda steamroll as a result The new finance systems they've implemented really make it a lot easier to have a large fuckin' army I've got tributes from the kingdoms we've signed peace agreements with at swordpoint, I've got a fief pulling in steady money, got some caravans and some workshops, so I've got +1000 coins even with a really fucking stacked 133 unit party
Even if my fief was to be taken from me, I've got a fat wallet at like 90K coins right now so I'm good as far as money goes Unfortunately human resources are still somewhat scarce though so it's always important to reduce losses No amount of gold can hire manpower that isn't there, after all
you'd prolly like the rabbits more
no idea what that is but it sounds like fun if i think about it hard i can still remember what it feels like
>>1058726 I also forced my self to read yesterday, anything but look a at a screen for an hour outside. I glad to hear things are stabilizing in your life! Choppy waters latley for a lot of us. ez!
>>1058743 I rather take the bofy pillow, knowing, well, you know... body pillow* vP
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My transit card with like $30 on it wasn't working, I talked with the staff at the train stop and they said "sometimes cards just get cancelled for no apparent reason. So I have to call the transit card company later.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It didn't expire, the expiration date is November 2037.
the drag-drop accidental repost is outta control clicking anywhere there's like a 50/50 chance it'll start reposting a random image already posted just trying to scroll or occasionally view an image
there should be no legitimate reason to need to drag-drop to repost as it involves the image already being uploaded, posted, and in-view why does that specific functionality even exist is it carry-over from drop-dropping actual files it seems like it'd have to be separate
Ive used multiple browsers/forks and never had it happen yall must have rabies or smthn
>>1058758 idk the browsers just started doing that one day maybe there's some way to detect the image as originating from within the browser idk
more just curious than anything really
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i am in full don't care mode today
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oh no no no i need to sit thru 16 cybersecurity video modules fml
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1058763 actually probably could be solved by adding a CSS rule to prevent dragging or maybe an event handler hm
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
<img draggable="false"
but should only be on thumbnails not full expansions
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
TIL all public wifi networks are unsafe and they could be intercepting my data and one of the ways to mitigate this risk is to verify the name of the wifi network with the business owner (????) also, they don't mention HTTPS or VPNs at all in this security module
the scope of cybersec videos is a fucking joke it's all just basic data hygiene all the cool technical stuff is hidden behind the massive frontload of human error faults that make up like 95% of cases and learning resources
>>1058770 holy moly may as well add in to only trust sources fact-checked by snopes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
open source bad stick to facebook for your own good
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1058771 i mean that would be at least an improvement over seemingly 50% of the internet users' information hygiene habits
yeah but i don't believe in setting the rules based on how many people fuck things up we've already had too many good things taken away because there's a competency floor
idek even really know or care im just force-distracting myself i think i need to quit that shit
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
aren't computers great a billion little distractions coming at you
i could use some music recs if anyone has something they wish to share just please no breakcore for the love of god it's so fucking boring
nah dnb, dnb*, jungle, etc are all real things breakcore started and died with hard normal daddy in the '90s when squarepusher experimented with it and found out it sucked we don't need this fake ass sensationalism about it now
im biased i guess
it's like extending virtue-signalling identity politics into music genres
Someone in a unit near mine some times manages to get their laundry or shower/bath scents into my unit I don't entirely get how since my windows are all sealed up, so it's probably coming in through the vents, but I can't quite figure out the routing for that to make sense Either way it's a nice smell, kind of a tropical fruity scent, which nice by me The why of it just bothers me a bit
lower-quality, low detail stuff for some reason usually strikes a cord to me of being much cuter than super high quality, professionally-made counterparts not that anyone made this but still
iunno it's sloppy and straight up lacking but it has a different flavor of charm to it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
it is indeed quite charming
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
okay if you refresh thumbnails should no longer be draggable
huge absolutely amazing thank you sam can't tell you how many times that got me, sometimes just while trying to erase an image and now i'm suddenly posting
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
thanks man that makes those two lines of code all worth it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
ok now fix the CP spam
oh ok
AnnoSamu !KW2DbpWwls
bless the maker and his water
bless tifa and her creator tifa more like tima tima to creme lol
Tuesday I can kind of look forward to because it's payday and Thursday is when the roster comes out so there's that it's all kind of meh between been thinking of changing my availability so it's only nights or only mornings but iunno
After reading so much Youjo Senki, Honzuki is just so refreshing to read again The way it's written is just so much more pleasant to read. It skips time, but it only skips the uninteresting parts that'd be waffing about between the stuff you're actually there for
the very same I was considering holding off on it for the train ride tomorrow, but it's gonna take me longer than the ride to read it, and besides I don't wanna read something I enjoy so much on the train in the first place, it's not as comfortable
trains are for daydreaming anyway
Yeah, that's mostly what I end up doing Well, that or actually dreaming, depending on how the seating arrangements work out When I go to my mom's, the last stop is my stop, so I can safely fall asleep On the way back I gotta be awake though
The leftmost one looks like it might actually be hand drawn very impressive
they're all collaborations with dall-e the rightmost one is just "... spilling red spaghetti on the floor" and dall-e came up somehow with a fleshy pile of viscera pulp it was like christmas in august
though this is just about the only time that really comes up as something she's got any issues with rarely even mentioned otherwise, mostly she's more annoyed about being a kid, and thus short, than anything
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Just realized something If she committed war crimes, would she go to a juvenile facility since she's a minor? Like if charged and brought to trial >>1058917 Oh I thought it was fantasy WWII So no fantasy Nuremberg? >>1058917 F
It's in the anime There's two instances that are basically war crimes, but in terms of in-universe legal technicality, not actually Letter of the law rather than spirit of the law
waiting for the rain to pass...
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058919 Speaking of war crimes They are two in particular that are very often used by protagonists in fiction (not just anime) Perfidy And faking surrender Which are both pretty bad for war crimes not involving human rights violations.
faking a surrender is definitely among the more despicable acts you can commit without actually violating human rights or something
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058923 The Japanese faking surrender in the Pacific theater in order to kill US troops is why for a good part of the war Japanese soldiers who surrendered or looked injured were shot on sight. Well by looked injured i kean like, amongst surrendering soldiers they were nkt given mercy.
Oh wait Faking surrender falls under perfidy The thing I was thinking of was wearing enemy uniforms and engaging in combat.
>>1058926 She was wearing a robe, but with sort of a digital pattern instead of solid color >>1058931 unfortunate
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1058928 You hear about her new pet? It's probably going to die in a terrible manner, ideally sooner than later. I'd rather it not suffer for too long.
>>1058930 It's a bush baby, which make terrible pets.
They're nocturnal, and become wretched creatures if they are not socialized with other bushbabies in their infancy. They also pee on their hands and use it to mark things. >>1058933 In general people should not own primates.
:( Im pretty opposed to pet ownership in general but thats here nor there
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also I think being awake during the day burns their retinas. Not 100% sure about that one though.
>>1058934 maybe a custom small pair of those gamer shades would help
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i still dont understand what physically gay is supposed to mean lmao isnt gay just an orientation does it mean they have the gay gene or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think owning a medium sized cat or dog with good genetics is fine taking care of a less fortunate animal also fine breeding these genetic abombinations is the problem i have also screw tiny dogs they suck ass
>>1058937 it's just her making the distinctinction She's either gonna date men or women, so her male psyche or her female physical existence will be "gay"
Honestly I was hoping for YS to cover the gender difficulties a bit more, it seems really well set up for it, just like Log Horizon was Unfortunately, neither have any interest in exploring that aspect despite so deliberately putting the pieces in place for it
Yeah it's where isekai bullshit makes gender identity kind of weird Like if you're a male Japanese salaryman who getsgets reincarnated as a European girl and retain all your memories and personality of your former male life, and don't particularly try to come to terms with how you are now physically female, but also don't internally consider yourself not male Where really does your gender lay
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
shouldnt that be like trans or cis i dont know what the plot is here
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay well now i just regret belaboring the point on what is clearly a joke
>>1058941 Tanya, and likely the author himself, doesn't at all even recognize transness as a thing in the first place Tanya exists as both a girl and an adult man at the same time at all times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its fine they're twospirited or nonbinary or somethin
>>1058946 The entire subject is never addressed to any extent beyond... basically that one off-hand comment about potential dating in the future and the implications it'd have on her sexuality It's like the author doesn't even recognize it as something that would be noteworthy to the protagonist in the first place
It really does make one wonder why she was even written to turn into a girl at all though I mean there is the in-lore reason Being X did that, but like, that was still a choice that could have not been made, and at least so far there seems to have been no real reason to do it at all
It's just so disappointing
>>1058938 also if they can go outside thats better though I do wonder if some animals would be hikki by choice like a few humans
>>1058950 i think she's having appendicitis the img
it's just the ol' nicotine tummy
ah yeah ive had that when i eat a few too many cigarettes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres lots of fiction where theres a genderswap and basically no examination after that beyond haha wouldnt it be fun
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im still tryna get this apartment it might actually happen doesnt feel real yet
i mean it makes sense the male part of the soul had already been driven into the first body so the remainder is what's left the negative imprint of the bird on the glass who crashed into it and died years earlier and is altogether forgotten besides the mark on the window pane
The one that was a fun thought experiment for me was Slime Isekai with the MC being reincarnated into an RPG slime Which by nature of being slime is an asexual being and wouldn't have the biological components to produce chemicals like testosterone or estrogen, at least probably And what impact would that have on your neurobiology and your psyche In the end this is totally removed from the series and it's priorities that it would never got brought up But it was fun for me to think about
Rimuru mentions exactly once that now, as a slime, he doesn't really have a gender (he guesses) But that's it
well, I'm not even entirely sure what pronouns are used for Rimuru It's mostly first person after all but I think other characters use he
At least in English localization I don't think I recall much, if any moments in the series where someone explicitly uses a gendered term to refer to Rimuru Mostly because Japanese is a very easy language to remove external gender from And Rimuru uses "boku", which while a male pronoun, is a popular one for more tomboyish girls or people who enjoy gender abiguousness to use Ambiguousness even
Besides he used to be a guy, so it's also easily seen as just how he used to talk anyway >>1058963 The novels explain it early on Basically every cell in a slime's body is a braincell It's all brain
Yeah but what snagged me is, a slime doesn't have a human brain Hell they don't even visibly seem to have a brain, period Which of course leads into the complex question of where are conscious thought being stored >>1058962 Fair, but a slime blob would still not be a human brain So it would likely evaluate thoughts about gender differently than a human brain Sure, by isekai magic you might still perfectly port a copy of a human's memories up until their death into a slime's body But after that point the memories and future observations are all through a lens of a being which is biologically a slime
Well, at least in slime's world, slime are neither social nor reproductive species in the first place, so it's very doubtful they have anything even approaching a concept of gender They're all asexual and neither communicate nor interact socially with other slimes Rimuru's also got Great Sage which handles like 90% of the computing at any given time, which throws another loop into things
In the end these kinds of questions are obviously not in the interest of most isekai authors who transplant their MCs into new bodies which are different species, biological sex, or age than their original So I get that it doesn't really come up much But it's a fun thing for me to consider
Even the fact he's become a slime stops mattering entirely within like, the second novel, and it's just another power fantasy (sim city edition)
It's one of the things I found fun in Mushoku Tensei where Rudy does occasionally come up against the limitations of being an adult consciousness in the physical brain and hormonal body of a little boy Again it doesn't really come up much, but if you think about it, de-aging yourself would also place yourself in a different brain and biochemistry than what you're familiar with And what effect would that have on someone? It's neat to think about
he's not an isekai author but there's a fella named roger penrose who had some neat ideas about the non-computability of consciousness and the role that microtubules (could) play in allowing consciousness to occupy the brain
and maybe assuming some mechanistics you could consider the brain itself not the holding container for the consciousness but more like an antenna that's generating the right electromagnetic frequencies through the neuron mechanisms to resonate at the right pace to receive conscious signals like a TV antenna so de-aging and stuff would possibly be more akin to just getting a clearer signal and not a different consciousness altogether
but that's certainly not canon
That's neat, this stuff obviously isn't solely the interest of isekai authors and as SC and I both got at, they don't really ever actually explore it and just use the idea to fulfill their wish to be the little girl or little boy or little monster I'm sure there's probably a few science fiction and adjacent authors who have explored this idea
The latter bit kinda reminds me of what Uchikoshi explores in the Zero Escape series with the pseudoscience theories of morphogenetic fields and if human consciousness actually resides outside the physical brain It's kind of neat stuff even if it all sounds like bunk
Overlord is, interestingly enough, one of the few series where him now being a bone man actually matters throughout the series rather than merely as a jumping off point Even the spider isekai effectively drops that thread a while down the line But Ainz is forever plagued by his nature as a skellington
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont think the brain is an antenna but my crackpot theory is that consciousness is what a bunch of electric fields interacting with each other feels like like in a very strange conductive environment such as the neuron potentials in the brain
Consciousness is overall strange anyway Can't even tell if a computer is conscious
>>1058971 antenna is a loose analogy for the lay i don't think it's an antenna either
i do think roger penrose is onto something with the microtubules though it sounded pretty bunk to me when i heard the idea, but actually looking into the technicals made it more and more interesting the opposite of how it usually is with things
guess I'll have to finish honzuki tomorrow normally I'd just stay up until I was done with the book, regardless of how late it gets, but I need to catch a bus tomorrow, and also prepare in advance Not a lot of prepwork, but more than nothing So I can't afford to sleep too late
That and I've gradually realized over an embarassingly long timespan that when I start feeling tired, I should go to bed I mean that seems obvious, but the problem for me is if I push it too long after I start feeling tired, my brain kinda flips a switch, and I stop being tired, and can't sleep
Yeah, learning to listen to your body is pretty useful Especially with basic needs
it's hard sometimes, especially with like eating and sleep but i agree i think our bodies are a lot smarter than we are and we should listen to them when they're telling you what they need at least smarter than us on that particular task set
man trad finance is so dumb its a bunch of people paid to sit in offices and pretend to be API endpoints oh you want to buy a property? we need to spin up a bespoke contract to interface with these other entities and rhen call each other on the phone sending instructions
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its gonna take at least a week of messing around like we havent done this 1000 times before in nearly the exact same way anyway here's your invoice
music is hard i keep pushing the sound towards what i feel and i don't think anyone would know wtf it is just dogshit noise i dunno how real people have real feelings
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
pretty sure you're a real person
there was a real person here at one point but i have no idea what happened to them or where they went im just left here all alone now i dunno what they expect me to do
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
you might not recognize what person you are, i think that's the inevitable result of time
but yeah i got a look at some finance uhh finance engineers? i dunno at some hedge funds and i always thought it'd be really cool technically modelling all the stuff and even some functional programming to pull in market data and automate the calculated risks and process the other stuff like to me that would be a lot of fun but no they're doing like nothing at all it looked so boring and soulless
they don't really even do anything they just find what's already available and just plug it in and write up some fake-ass projections there's so much data and so little attention bandwidth nobody will notice or care anyway
by that i mean survey the landscape then try to mimic the landscape and homogenize everything regardless of whether it's appropriate or not someone else is doing it so it must be good
getting behind the scenes at some of these jobs im convinced most careers could be adequately done by any degenerate who's got the time to just sit and pay attention for a few days it was actually really disappointing i want to engage something yknow not that i can access any cool jobs anyway
stop talking just to say nothing you stupid fuck what's wrong with you
All the jobs that are cool to me I'm either highly unqualified to do or require extensive groundwork before they could be sustainable And sov everything feels out of reach to me and I just stagnate
So when I tell people I don't want to work that's just shorthand for how everything just feels like menial unrewarding labour which would barely allow me to stay afloat in this city in conventional circumstances and I'd much rather do things I derive satisfaction out of but that won't pay my rent But oh I should be grateful for having this unrewarding dead-end job with limited prospects of being able to move into something which would bring me satisfaction even before the economy began to crunch
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1058990 it might look boring and soulless but you won't know until you try
>>1058995 yeah they tax the soul right out of you completely you can lead a horse to water and also make him buy the water from you with his one and only soul
what do they even do with all of them there must be a lot stored up do they keep them for themselves or use them or do they just want to make sure we don't have them
Well it's not like having a soul ever did me any good
how do you know did you get a do-over without one to compare it took me a long time to figure out how to use it and i'm still pretty bad at it
but i dunno all the things i do like about myself came about from persistent improvement from self-criticism and overpreparation i never wanna bring something into the world that isn't prepared to endure the worst things it can offer so i hold onto things and incubate them extra-long sure some stuff ends up never coming out like a few book ideas or business plans but that's just how it goes
i gotta actually stop posting before my brain snaps in half too im just making myself a nervous wreck thank you for entertaining my daydreaming and helping to distract me >>>/watch?v=nHZ1Ozl1X3U
>images randomly disappear from my image gallery app >show up in file browser >image app refuses to open them It asks me to rate it like every day They're lucky I don't give it one star.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1059028 Investing is dangerous Doesn't mean it's against the law
I don't actually think there's laws on the books keeping you from driving without wipers in the rain It's just Don't be a dumb fuck Don't be the idiot who makes it a law
>>1059030 investing isnt dangerous im not gonna get run over by a rogue GameStop meme trader
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anyway i checked and yes you must use your wipers it's heavy machinery folks
At least here, it's not so much specifically "you gotta use your wipers", it's just a traffic violation to drive if you can't reasonably fucking see the road in front of you And your windshield utterly covered in water count s
think I might rewatch the honzuki anime on the train Or at least, like, part of it Just to have a fallback in case I get bored or don't feel like reading after all
it kinda sucks ass to watch anime on a tablet, but I can't possibly justify getting a laptop just for the occasional train ride I have no fucking use for one beyond that
It's not an arc, it's been my damn life since I was like 5
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
That's a lot of filler
I should maybe get a new headset though This headset's good and all, but it's a bit cumbersome for trips, and also it kinda pushes on my glasses a bit too much
I didn't even notice it when I watched it the first time, but the buildings in Honzuki really do have the lower levels made out of stone They really did pay attention to details
A black and blue butterfly was in my garden two days ago, checking up on me. It's funny how I was just, commenting the day before, about how: when you set someone/something free out of love, and comes back to you, it's a grand indicator, it was mentioned to be!
True love, always finds a way. The butterfly also flew away and shocked me, as it came back to say, I senced w/ you said yesterday, and here's your reminder!!!
specifically inner-city hens raised in urban settings a weird comparison that seems irrelevant and arbitrary
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Today is the fourth anniversary of Terry Davis's death. I might buy a Temple OS hat.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059069 yea >Deeper analysis of the data showed older homes were much more likely to have high lead levels across soils, chickens and their eggs. This finding matches other studies that found older homes are most at risk of legacy contamination from the former use of lead-based paints, leaded petrol and lead pipes. this just seems like a proxy for how much lead paint was in old houses
i was thinking from the fumes from older older early cars but idk much about that im sure there was plenty of traffic in those cities but maybe that's too long ago
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1059072 It's nice to see you around again. I know we don't have a very good relationship but I'm glad you're back.
that tfw when youtube's algorithm recommends your own videos to you
Guess it knows you pretty well
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Imagine insisting on a 'wet ink' signature in 2022
does that mean with a real pen instead of digitally signed i had a bunch of shit to sign that all instructed real pen signatures only and i still just digitally imitated my signature with a blue line anyway they needed it three times in blue ink and three times in black ink they got none in actual ink
i wonder if they'll actually do the forensics to find that out like they'd have to pay one of those people who does it to look at it and it'd be wasteful to do that on everybody submitting a siggy
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
That and also insisting the original paper is sent through the post instead of emailing a scan
>>1059084 nice mallet i wonder what the thing in her hair is
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>1059093 the ultimate irony is that if anything it's gotta be much less secure. It's pretty easy to copy a squiggle on a page
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah si gs dont seem particularly unforgeable i mean your average windows pc laden with god knows what + the same password on docusign as everywhere else isnt exactly great either but at least it leaves some good traces
>>1059099 where at? im thinking of erdos'ing it after this lease is finally up realizing it'd be cheaper to literally be constantly traveling place to place
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro dont show up and take over my apartment just for like a night
>>1059104 that's what i mean if it's around other people i know i'd make a trip and pitstop once at each i mean probably not anyway but i thought it was a hypothetical offer to begin with
>>1059111 Wall to wall floor to ceiling weeb posters.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
how many of these do you want? https://www.amazon.com/LHX-557-Blanket-Anti-Static-Flannel-Microfiber/dp/B08B14Z2LX
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thss fuckin commercials on TV watch our smiling model press a sinus flooding machine over her face here's the 3D fluid simulation hope you used distilled water enjoy your municipal amoeba asshole
>she's just playing a character >it's totally fine >she's entitled to have a personal life, just like anyone else >she's allowed to have a boyfriend >it doesn't affect her performances as an entertainer >it doesn't bother me >if it did bother me it would be a sign of some sort of parasocial fixation
But no. I won't do it. Even if I want to.. Turn my brain off for a little while. Thinking and feeling. Because once you start again there are no brakes and it will ruin my life and career an' shit. Also I promised my brother and he was trying to help me to quit a few weeks before he offed himself. and staying sober is one way to honour his memory..
so. instead we're going to go for a 4 hour cardio session at the gym.
some jackass has parked their skidcar across our driveway I wish them many flat tyres
i love myself
i feel like whenever i'm doing nothing at home i wish i was living my best life and experiencing pain and happiness in the world around me and then whenever i'm doing exactly that i just wish i was doing nothing at home
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1059239 Please do not spank my shipfu. >>1059240 I kind of know that feel.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 420 3/6*
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/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gone now
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1059240 Yeah same. I used to say I wished I could have two divergent lives. One where I did all that and one where I did fuck all
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
mathler 193 4/6
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/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1059241 surprised your shipfu still gets fanart bruhther
>>1059241 surprised your shipfu still has an ass after i got doone with her