Thread #105804
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sagrada reset machiavellianism sakura wars fukumenkei noise shuumatsu
tilde is dead>>105806 haise too haine Oh yeah tehre is a Persona 5 movie it supposably takes place between 2 and 3 a side story
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Wow, Tilde is dead again too? Haine is bad but we can watch it if you want.
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hmm Let's do Sagrada Machiavellianism Sakura Wars All three of those are good and Tilde will catch up on them.
Oh its not a movie Its a OVA
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We can do that one night we have less to watch and tilde. Are you find with the order I posted?
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fine, too
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Hmm we watched the persona 5 OVA hmmm Lets swap out Reset with something Reset is probably really boring to watch alone lets do shuumatsu instead of reset Shuumatsu Machivefewiagekwagjh Sakura wars okm
Search [iqdb] (86 KB, 620x874, 1493254574418.jpg )
that's fine shuumatsu okay lets start
Oh uploads are messing up again This blue girl seems to be perpetually death flagged.
>>105813 You seem to forget I might be the one enjoying Sagrada the most.>>105821 I'm not even out of bed, nothing is downloaded, and I'm hungry. You should have just kept watching.
you're awkae we're 5 mins in catch up stopped at 5
oh yeah we'll watch this then go get ready>>105814 restart at 5
okay seems like we're still waiting a minute on tilde though
tildes gonna skip ths show i cant upload images yeah cause i stopped
oh but we're retarting at 5 minutes anyway? okay we're both orange let's start
Search [iqdb] (101 KB, 572x689, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
she went noooooooooooh
wait is he the last human
Search [iqdb] (114 KB, 673x711, [HorribleSubs] Eromanga-sensei(…).jpg )
Yeah I think that's the gist of it.
now we wait for tudooru
I'm here.
what shows are we doing now
Well I started with downloading Machiavellianism and it's currently the only things that has finished.
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Since Tilde is here let's do Sagrada Reset. And then we can do Machiavellianism and Sakura Wars.
Though Sagrada is only a minute or so out so whatever.
ok lets wait for reset
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
sagrada haircut okay let's start
she should reset her hair
Visited by a ghost.
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Wow, she died. That's pretty heavy.
>Such information from the victim That's kind of terrifying.
That was kind of a rather nonspiritual way of defining a ghost. Interesting.
The PV from last episode had that blood gush. I guess someone dies violently soon anyway.
Guud morning Kei
Search [iqdb] (158 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Rokudenashi Maj(…).jpg )
>the macguffin was stolen
It was meant to happen, in the end. MacGuffin things never go long without getting stolen.
Phone man
Wow rude.
Search [iqdb] (73 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sakura Quest - (…).jpg )
Why is that girl such a bitch?
its her hair
Search [iqdb] (106 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Saekano S2 - 02(…).jpg )
Here we go again
Oh I guess it was h- Ow. Why.
Okay wow.
>Marble world We Fate now.
imagine if that message guy forgot
I think he can send timed messages. Remember he woke Kei up with the one that started this all up, and Kei took revenge by waking Messenger-kun up with a phone call.
Oh that pebble in the ED.
>Cast of characters >Witch - Sayaka Ohara FUCK WE AHAHA.WAV NOW.
Search [iqdb] (100 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs]_Rokudenashi_Maj(…).jpg )
okay machiavellianism okay let's starr t
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That tan girl from a minute ago isn't tan in the OP. I guess she was just on vacation.
It looks like she was in Hawaii. Oh wow she's already untanned.
Search [iqdb] (1.1 MB, 1280x720, 1436339232354.png )
She untanned fast.
She was untanned by the council meeting she held with Crazy Green.
dual wield
This show doesn't pull its punches for its characters.
Kuma sumo
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Making him fight a bear is a bit much!
She's bad with carbonation.
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Chugging a coke like that isn't easy though.
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He shouldn't have spent so much time talking!
It's the wearer's fault if the belt falls apart during the match.
Himesama is a bit of chuuni. Kind of an off-norm kind of one but a chuuni all the same.
gimme like 3 minutes
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okay let's sakura wars!>>105913 ika time okay let's start!
Says three, means six.
my time is so great it differs from regular time
I don't care if your time is great or terrible just be precise and use proper frame of reference when dealing with others.
OL-chan did a backwards somersault away from that centipede.
that guy looks like an orc
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Everybody in the country has strange tastes.
They're from the country, it can't be helped.
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That guy built a working exoskeleton though so he must know his stuff.
So many people take this queen thing seriously.
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It's like the only thing their town has going on.
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This guy makes really advanced robotics.
P.A. Works gets some really /fa/ character designers.
Oh man Crazy Guy is in the background. ...Apparently doing nothing.
hes playing his instrument
All these stuck-in-the-mudders. I mean the chief isn't helping much either. But I don't see how incorporating new modern functionality with old fashioned trades is a bad thing.
EEGDRASIL I don't think that first vowel needed to be drawn out that long.
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They're trying hard though and that's all that matters. thanks for anime!