>>1052697 Live dangerously Probably a 0.0000000000004% chance of getting shocked
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Thanks Biden Wordle 382 5/6
⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ ⬜🟩🟩⬜⬜ 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 >>1052698 It's definitely a few Orders Of Magnitude Higher Than That. Oh Hey It's That Rare /Moe/ Glitch Where the First Letter Of Most Words Get Auto Capitalized .
>>1052699 yah point im making is people are just as likely to be killed by bees or literally a vending machine tipping over on them as lightning yet nobody stays inside cause of former, they only freak out about the latter
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Test Test test test Okay refreshing it fixed it. >>1052700 Too late anyways. Plus I need to be in the basement to move stuff if it floods.
Every new thing I learn about your living situation makes it sound more bizarre Not that thats a bad thing, sounds like an adventure every day possibly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Funny story about the flooding Last year when it flooded, the local government started some program to pay for people to get pumps installed in their basements. But due to bureaucracy (afaik) we still haven't gotten ours installed yet. Iirc there's a wait-list and you can't just hire someone to do it for you, it has to be done by someone hired directly by the government. At least that's what I infer from what I heard from my mom who heard it from the landlord.
Would be funny if they finally put it in and its a $40 little giant from home depot
oh btw little giant is genericized trademark name for a pump that prob didnt make sense unless youre in the know in the pump world
>>1052699 Saw the clapping emoji in between each word in my mind upon re-reading
>>>/@ObsessedMonk_/1544677038853849088 ah yes then we'll post a little sign next to the nut storage container so the one (1) woodpecker knows where to store their nuts
>>1052782 I read that as Chad's corner. >>1052783 I don't think politicians here get fired over groping.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
We're doing birthday call-ins at 12:00 Everybody has to livestrean a discord call Post some MS paint Art And then describe where you would take me for our fantasy dream date location
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1052789 I would take you to the cosplay bar in Vegas.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh nvm It's not just anime themed Also they only have one particularly cute bartender. I was hoping the bartenders would be wearing bunny girl outfits or something.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1052788 it seems like everyone knew he had a history of repeatedly groping and still they hired him twice fuckin tories man
Tano solved the spam problem by the mods giving everyone a code you input in the identity pane that you need to post. Stops new members from being able to join without knowing existing members though.
weird cause I post there from different IPs/occasional new browser w/o cookies and no code and have never gotten the captch they probably just told you that to fuck with you
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah I post there just fine
gimme some riamu pics to steal
Find them yourself you lazy-ass thief
its not as fun that way tho better to have curated offerings
>>1052803 >>1052804 >>1052805 It's in the source code https://github.com/vampiricwulf/tanoshiine/blob/7dec6a48626ce430a3247d562ce7d06e3a393cfc/client/options.js#L887 Must've been disabled if you can post without it.
@Sam This is cool, this guy has some neat projects. https://github.com/nickbild/browzen He also found a way to port tensor flow lite models to the commodore 64.
>>1052834 Sometimes I forget how much of a barren wasteland Canada is. >>1052830 I was thinking about maybe getting a Jetson Nano but they're super expensive right now. Like $250+.
>>1052789 ok got em ur discord call >>>/watch?v=TZSRm9_z5ks ur ms paint <- and dream date location would be visiting hawaii and the sets where they filmed Lost
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would have
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck this wifi man
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuck this ten year old sync cose code
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's not that probably the way my roommate has set up the wifi is weird one end of the house has a different router the man cave bit is kind of a Faraday cage I think
>grocery shopping >buying canned beans, toilet paper and pasta sauce >group of young people come in >laughing and joking and talking about the party they're going to
what is life
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
fuckin beans!!
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oi oi marsh do you have rockclimbing places where you are
>>1052940 if you take that rightmost knight with your bishop, isn't that basically mate? I mean if they move the rook away from the king, it's not, but then you get their queen
Oh actually I guess they can fork your queen and king then, nevermind Though you can still just use the rook instead. won't get the queen if they move properly then, but stll
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1052941 thats what i did they were pretty much screwed but yeah if they had gone all out on my D pawn then id probably lose my queen
no wait, you'd be winning either way cause your rook could take the knight forking your king and queen anyway Yeah they were boned >>1052946 yeah pretty much And getting your queen isn't something they'll have an easy time with when you've got such a good position on them
I actually think you have mate in a few moves in this no matter how they play it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theyd have to sac their queen first then win mine
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they probably should have just pushed G6 but they did some passive queen move instead
i still play fighting games occasionally though so i guess there's a little bit of weeb left
fighting gays lol
i love myself
wrestling gays with olive oil and leather
i love myself
i just ordered a vibrator that you wear on your penis kinda want to get a collar and some shibari rope
wow 888
i love myself
alright now that i said way too much about myself i'm gonna go back into hiding lmao
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
come back when you like anime.
i love myself
i like how you made sure to leave a period at the end of the sentence
i love myself
i was purging my youtube subscriptions and i thought you were a genshin-related channel so i unsubscribed and then when i was finished i was like "oh shit where's marsh" and then i remembered and resubbed just wanted you to know
>>>/@PeterSchiff/1545542184312741888 what kind of bank has only $2m >Peter Schiff-owned Euro Pacific Bank has been suspended by Puerto Rico’s financial regulator. Schiff claims that there’s “no evidence of crimes,” warning that “accounts are frozen and customers may lose money.”
that's only like 90 bitcoins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or one detached home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
vocal critic of cryptocurrency runs insolvent tradfi bank oops
are those any good? I've got this big batch torrents with a HUGE amount of translated LNs, containing all the translated ones up to whenever the torrent was made, which seems to be fairly recently So I'm basically just checking off a folder for each series I wanna read, and right now I'm going through Log Horizon
Granted, I'm basically retreading the anime for the most part so far, but still
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theyre ok not really my thing i'd rather just watch the anime
i just bought all the GGO sigsawa LNs gonna read them soon
I kinda wonder if "like a marionette with its strings cut" is some sorta common Japanese phrase It's very prevalent in LNs, to the point where I can't consider it a 'genre' thing Overlord REALLY harps on it, but it's in a lot of others too
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i think its a common phrase are you still learning JP
Ye, it's going slow but I'm trudging through it one way or another I could get it to go faster I guess, but I end up distracted by reading and anime and video games I started up ffxiv again a few days ago, so that's eating some time too I dunno whether I'll stick with that long term or not, but I'm getting back into it cause MMOs are kinda fun
Though, I dunno what the endgame is like for ffxiv
I used to play a lot of MMOs but it's been a long time since last time ffxiv was the last one and that was at the tail end of '17 but before that I played a lot of ragnarok online, some flyff, wow for a short bit, tibia, a buncha others Even played a few browserbased text "MMOs" like cyberwars, and a MUD for a fairly long time Probably RO is what I remember the most of out of all though, that and cyberwars, but that's mostly because I pulled off some pretty interesting stuff there I managed to get fairly high up in a somewhat well known guild there just due to sheer capital I got from having people hire me to screw with people they didn't like, so that was fun Cyberwars doesn't exist anymore though
Isn't it kinda weird for so many of the people in Log Horizon to wanna get back home, by the way? They've been dragged kicking and screaming into a world where each one of them is basically fantasy main character-levels of important and powerful
I get it for the ones who have family and friends they miss a lot, but for a large chunk of the people in the story, I'd assume that's a fair trade to literally live in the world of their pass-time activity where they don't even gotta work or nothing. For a lot of players, most of their actual close friends are gonna be in the MMO they've been spending so much time in anyway, right?
Certainly I'd be like "fucking poggers, dude" cause you can just spend your time traveling around the world with a small group of friends, seeing the sights and stuff, if you wanna Sure it kinda stinks to lose the real world relationships and whatnot, but still, you're basically immortal now and you can make new friends, y'know >>1053108 4D I stopped playing after a while, but I did spend a lot of time there messing with aliases and scripts and stuff To some degree I guess I was RPing too, though it wasn't really that conscious a thing, it just sorta came naturally somehow
we are social creatures, we imitate those around us more than we would like to admit
The Overlord side story really is a good example of how I think a lot of people playing MMOs would end up reacting Like, "OK, so I'm stuck here as a fucking powerhouse. Going home wouldn't be the worst thing, but I mean... there's nothing holding me down now" I really like that side story, if for no other reason because it really shows how Nazarick screwed up Momonga's new situation He's not a bad dude by nature after all
I can't see the guaranteed mate, but it's definitely a losing position >>1053118 yeah ah, well, I woulda resigned too if I even got this far lmao Even if you avoid mate in a few moves, you're gonna be so down on materials you basically can't even win anymore, only delay and delay
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wait. o you're right if they move bishop first anyway they resigned at this point
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im getting jerk chicken at this carribean place they assured me it would be only a few minutes when i ordered i was like ???? dont you havw to cook it indeed it was not 2-3 minutes then they came by to assure me it would only be a few minutes maybe tjis is just a carribean figure of speech
Did Abe recently do something that prompted this or is it kinda up in the air? He's been in charge for a very long time, so I just dunno why it happened now rather than sooner if there wasn't some particular thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
totally random freak event as far as i know
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe japan will have a wave of NEETs build guns in their rooms and take out the ruling class who knows seems unlikely but also the plot to an anime
Come to think of it, that basically is the plot of an anime, yeah I didn't watch it but I vaguely remember a first episode of some anime a few years back that centered around domestic terrorism
there js alot of ways, too broaden anime. BC/ any genre can be incorparated into any story line.
Are chess ratings still a relativistic thing, or are they using a machine to evaluate people at this point btw? I'd think with the chess computers out there, you could theoretically make an algorithm that evaluates you based on how well you'd theoretically do against the machine? Stuff like how many of your moves were the best available and how many blunders you make and whatnot, I mean The machines nowadays are good enough they can say something's the best move or rank possible moves with a high degree of objectivity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont really know if there is like an objective meaning to the ratings like 1000 is a starting rating but like is 1200 the same as it was 5 years ago? the meta changes and people come and go i dont see how you would program an objective like "this skill is 1500s" even though chess people talk about various ranks in semi objective terms
It'd definitely be complicated, yeah I think it could be done, but at the same time there's no particular reason to I suppose
For most games that use ELO it'd be impossible for a multitude of reasons, but a chess game can be rated by a machine to a high degree since it's turn based and a lot of positions do have a "best move" if you look far enough into the future, and definitely a "worst move" because you're gonna get obliterated
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but to answer your question i think no, they just use the Elo formula anything else would invite like accusations of unfairness
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chess computers can evaluate your moves, but what about over 100s of games against all sorts of random opponents its not so clear anyway the reality is when yiu start a game they tell you like "win = +7 points loss =-9 points tie = -1" or whatever depending on the opponent rank
True I just figure you COULD do it anyway, even if it's unnecessary It'd probably just have to aggregate how Good the machine thinks your moves are and come up with a skill rating from 1 to 10000 or some other arbitrary number >>1053145 I suppose so, but the idea would really just be that It'd still translate well into who's likely to win between two players with known ratings I think, since a hypothetical player with the top rank is gonna play on par with the actual machine, and that's not gonna be feasible unless you genuinely are a machine brain Meanwhile the 1-100 ranks are all gonna be basically only making blunders lmao
I suppose it'd struggle with anything that deals with interpersonal dynamics though, like making a subpar move in a technical sense, but doing it because you know the person you're playing against has little experience or is bad at playing against that particular move Even super good players have positions they struggle with, even if technically another position would be worse for them in machine terms
It'd be interesting in any case, to see such a rating system
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also judging humans against a computer's ideal of a best move is a dubious measure
all i know is anything sub-1000 is pure ass including me in 5 min ranked this guy pushed a few pawns then brought his queen out and let me bully her for 5 moves
OOOOH That makes sense Though conventionally, wouldn't the ra-to be in katakana? I guess it doesn't matter for a hashtag, or really at all in the first place
It's also going to be a bit easier when typing in Japanese for it to be consistently either hiragana or katakana
>>1053168 that's also very true, yeah at the end of the day, the usage of katakana is more a signaling thing than a "correct" thing, I suppose? I mean it's pronounced the same either way, and native speakers are gonna easily pick up on something being a loanword regardless of which symbols are used For most things anyway, I'm guessing there's a few examples where you gotta specify to avoid confusion
>>1053155 late game is a desperate scramble of pawns against time
Man I still don't have internet back I've heard some Rogers services have been restored but I wouldn't be surprised if that's just emergency necessities or cell service Since cell users outnumber internet users by a factor of like three, I think Maybe I could try rebooting my router as a just in case since it's not like it's doing anything useful right now anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
our telecoms are such an embarrassment
It's just bizarre how literally every failsafe they have nation-wide has failed As much as I agree with the argument that it's a strong case for less monopolistic telecommunication services It's also an argument for not literally ever doing a full changeover when your infrastructure spans an entire continent
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
technology is a heap of old naive decisions polished to a sheen
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i feel like the premise of the second argument argues for the first
Kinda yeah But it could also serve for the services to internally segment their services That way you get the benefits (?) of a monopolized service while also preventing crippling an entire country
I've been invited over to a mate's house for birthday drinks but I think I'd rather stay home and play runescape. maybe have a frozen pizza for dinner.
It's not that much fun watching my friends get pissed and play table tennis
I already said I'd go though might.. be kind of rude ??
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
very expensive downtime much value lost
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1053182 frozen pizza is a life affirming treasure of this world yoy go boss
not to RUB IT IN or anything but my internet is workin fine Perfect for a comfy night in
You could compromise and go for a bit but leave before you've had too much that your frozen pizza is no longer appetizing
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I was at an outdoor concert earlier and it went past 10pm. In Chicago you get fined for having outdoor concerts go on past 10pm I think like thousands of dollars a minute.
Nobody makes a big deal about me not drinking especially the mates who used to hang around me when I DID drink (honestly they're probably the most happy out of everyone that I'm not that guy any more)
But it just you know they're all sloppy and loose and having fun and I'm just sitting there. Not really on the same wavelength. not having fun in the same way
>>1053261 I was reading about an old sitcom recently that I'm considering watching. It's called WKRP Cincinnati, its about a radio station. The radio station here that I listen to the most plays clips from it sometimes.
>>1053270 Games were doing it before Inception was cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did Metroid pioneer it i wonder
I dunno, the chronology is hard to just guess at Plus you could argue what iteration did the matryoshka of game objectives really begin in Like could you consider old point and click adventure games where you need one whosit to give to a guy to get a whatsit which fits into a machine to open a door
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yea so true
leisure suit larry, the great progenitor
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Before Leisure Suit Larry there was The Softcore Porn Adventure. Or something similarly titled also by Sierra.
Not in a lewd way. Just in a very mentally ill way. Everyone in Niji is mentally ill. That's the way it should be.
>>1053304 I don't want to relax. If I want to relax, I'll just sit zazen. I want to see cute anime girls mald, threaten to murder schoolbuses full of children, laugh about horrible things.
Playing runescape at that party last night actually gave me a good talking point people were coming up to me all evening like >ah shit is that runescape? they put it on phones now. my guy. what level are you
I don't want to escape! I want to dive into reality! I want to be in the shit every day of my life, indulging in the pain and the horrors of living in this god forsaken world. It's the only thing that brings me true joy.
>>1053313 No way, life is so crazy. It's way too fun. It's like living at the circus, and working at the circus, and sleeping at the circus. It's all fun all the time even when it's not fun at all. It's great. Even when I'm miserable, it's great. Why would I run from something like that? It's unsurpassably awesome. Someone almost killed me with their car yesterday. It felt so good.
absorb the actuality, while 3rd D's still resonating, has been idyllic, for those of us that dont take life for granted. Live every day to the fullest, even when others critical.
>>1053320 is that a paint roller ill paint your walls miss for free too >>1053318 there's a good rose tea at a speciality tea shop round town too bad it's like $20 a bag
I've only started Hoshi no Samidare so far Although Summertime Rendering will be continuing into the season so I get to count the That, even I need to catch up on my anime
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1053306 I've never wanted to watch NijiEN this much before.
this sort of smart mixed-use walkable infrastructure is illegal to build in many cities
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder how much covid is out here cpvid doesn't usually spread out doors really but i assume there's a critical mass where it becomes so concentrated
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
get some ice cream
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i went into a bar to get a beer finessed my way in witjout ID they checkin wveryone in the fenced off beer gardens
>>1053362 I got french dip sandwich, listened to Quadrophonia in its entirety, played two games of EDH, went 1-1 Sat around talking for a very long time too.
sounds like a nycc day gz on breaking even mb eat a salad next time
Rei !p8eYCadcMoSearch [iqdb](169 KB, 900x900, 110.png)
I forgot my decks so I had to borrow one. >>1053364 I don't like lettuce.
All the awe and terror of natural beauty Those people were fucking mental to not try and get away once it started heading their direction
tbf it was very impolite of the glacier didn't even try to stop once it saw them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1053381 very brave to stand their ground and film steadily but really theres no escaping something thta fast he was right to just hide behind a rock
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unless he had the bike from Death Stranding
It's human instinct to run from the terror of nature! We have a fight or flight instinct for a reason!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats true theres also a freeze response or higher brain activity which allows a variety of responses
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have been waking up and choosing violence every day this weekend maybe its the hot weather idk but im sick and tired of all the conspiracy theorists and their rampant bullshit
the city hs been working for the last two years to widen a five mile stretch of the interstate and they've recently fnished the portion I use to commute to work and wow my commute still takes the same amount of time even with the extra two lanes wonder why it had no impact 🤔
>>1053401 Just wait You should see him after he's all liquored up
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1053403 Idk who these young imposters are but they're certainly not the wiggles.
i love myself
database database
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1053405 that blue is still Anthony there, ain't it? idk looks like a hostage situation
do you think you get lag if you go to a different continent in Log Horizon? really it took balls to make a game like that where everyone playing would have a large amount of the content gatekept by a lag barrier lmao
>>1053409 I'm assuming content is distributed equally between the server regions to accomodate for fairness In the end, sure, you still get gated by lag, but if each server has its own equal content to pursue, does it really matter
>>1053412 I guess if they reproduce the content on each region, that's fine enough, but it does make it kinda redundant to even do the half gaia project, don't ya think? I guess as far as dungeons and that sort of stuff goes, that can be run through the closest server anyway since it's instanced though, so it's mostly just the overworld that's an issue at all
The anime does make a fair amount of changes from the LN, but some of them are actually just straight up improvements Like before Shiroe and crew get to Susukino, Nyanta has one short scene where he makes tea manually, which is good foreshadowing for the reveal about manually made food actually having taste a bit later. That isn't in the LN. I don't even think I noticed it the first time around
For whatever reason, these subs never capitalize Shiroe, but they do for every other name Weird
>>1053442 The search has ended. We are finally free.
We can never be truly free 'Tis not human nature Once one search ends A new one begins
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Dopamine causes you to want, desire, seek out, and search. It increases your general level of arousal and your goal-directed behavior. Dopamine makes you curious about ideas and fuels your searching for information.
if seeking behavior lasts 60 years or more ask your doctor
>>1053471 yeah pretty much with one of the most insanely specific contrived scenarios of all time
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
like i spend much of my day on twitter and half of it is strawman arguments and contrivances but the amount of insane tunnel vision you need to believe a basilisk scenario is off the charts
>>1053474 Well they're at least investigating themselves to determine if they did anything wrong Cops have a good track record of honest reports in that area
>>1053484 No I know the song Trust me as a Canadian born before '95, I know the song It's more like, Morrissette has a reputation for being kind of stuck up Seeing her shitpost about one of her songs on Twitter is a weird feeling
>>1053486 All the /moe/s I know who play/played it don't come 'round anymore The story has piqued my interest from time to time but I just don't have the free time to get into an MMO
can you make ice cubes outta red bull or will they be porous and shitty like when you use cola? I guess maybe you could with cola if you just got rid of the co2
>The past tense of hang in almost all situations is hung. You hung a picture on the wall, or you hung out at the mall. Only use hanged when referring to someone being sentenced to death via hanging
Despite only getting a new keyboard last November, I've ended up getting a new one now too Although the new one is a tenkeyless versus the full-size keyboard I have now I'll miss my numberpad but I just want more flexibility with what I can put directly in front of me at my desk and increasingly the width of my full keyboard has been a nuisance on that aspect Congratulations Samu, I'm a convert
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
whaaat i had an effect on this universe i was hereee
yeah who needs a numpad soon you'll be using 65%s and 55%s just wait
guh nevermind who wants to use a modifier key just to press a number 55% is too extreme 4 me
Hah hah I think the lowest down I could go is a 60% But I'm pretty sure I'll be content working with a 75% TKL Having used condensed laptop keyboards I've never really liked the squished-in arrow keys Oh whoops the one I picked up was an 80% The 75% was tempting but the shop I was looking at only had a super-basic keyboard and there were a few qualities of life I liked with the 80% one
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i can live without the F keys i barely use em but i need escape and tilde
and yeah squashed or horizontal arrow keys are kinda ass i dont mind the arrow keys on my macbook tho they still got the cardinals going on i am more than used to them (image stolen from google images not my finger)
>>1053547 Plus I think there are some other things that work different when in vkeys mode. Like Ctrl-D not doing kick God I hate typing extended commands
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
resident slashdotposter doesn't even use vi keys 🔔