>>1053621 That's what happens when I long press the actual filename on firefox. It's irritated me for a while that I can't save images from /moe/ with their real filenames in Firefox but I never bothered you about it because its not important.
>>1053667 Aussie holomem that isn't Bae. Barely streams Iirc also has a full time job Back problems This is the only non lewd image of her when I searched my big image folder for sana.
The rest of the results were Sanae. >>1053669 You ever been to Japan?
no i have not, surprisingly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1053672 Me neither :v( Anyways Unfortunately The biggest doujinshi store in Akiba is closing.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I plan on buying a shit ton of manga in Japan and having to order stuff online while staying in a hotel sounds like a pain.
i heard about that closing, kind of a bummer for the going to store experience side for otakus for sure
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>amber alert I know these are ostensibly useful But damn It's almost 11:30pm and people are trying to sleep My dad will be pissed if that wakes him up. I hope they find the kid (safe) soon.
Oh cool (probably) Cause a major flaw in Honda remote unlocking/ignition systems was recently discovered and every model from 2012 to currebt day is affected. So if you had one I was going to suggest gettimg a steering wheel lock before this blows up in mainstream media and prices go up. Might be a good idea to get one anyways though because the team that discovered it said that it probably affects most cars on the market but they only tested Hondas.
I always said that keyless ignition was a mistake. Oh and also Honda said a few years ago in response to a less bad vulnerability that they probably wouldn't patch a big vulnerability that effects their cars except on relatively recent models.
>>1053687 Source on that? I think it differs on a per vehicle basis but according to the rollingpwn website it is possible. I think the only reason it can't start all of them is that remote ignition is not a standard feature.
woke up in the middle of the night its 16C out and probably lightening out at 5am maybe ill go for a walk not lightning but like twilight you know what i mean
Feeling an urge to be productive But also Decision paralysis
do you actually have anything productive to do or do you mean "read a book"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
feeling an urge to put my junk in a tub of chunky mayo but also allergies
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I want the dopamine hit of telling everyone I did something but without the commitment and hard work of actually doing it so I'm gonna just hedge my pontification of maybe someday doing it, potentially
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what you thought i was making a dig nah im putting myself on blast for talking about rewriting this cursed codebase for like five years straight
It's never actually stated whether this tiny one is a player or like, a companion NPC, is it? She's always around this girl, and she never speaks, so is she just a minion?
Yeah seems like it It seems to have understood the general military feel though, somehow or other Which is pretty impressive, really I wonder if they're both depicted with a table cutting off the lower part of their body due to some non-adult setting on the server or if you've just selected the sfw ones though?
in a flowery meadow, maybe, then? Hm I dunno what more to add to it Though going by previous attempts with specific characters, it's not very good at it I just figure since she's a 2hu and one of the more popular ones at that, it might have a lot of data
idk which are good cu i dont play gEm anyway im outta here
>>1053875 The bottom right one understood everything except the location Well, that and you can't actually be a golden raccoon but it didn't get fed player data so it just made 2 I guess
I'm here cause my friend who pestered me into getting in plays on NA, cause the one paying for his subscription is there Astoundingly enough, the lag isn't even bad It's noticable for some stuff, but for most stuff it's actually fine >>1053899 oh, nicu nicu I'm still like, level... 64 I think? But I've been leveling crafting and gathering a lot these last few days I wanna get culinarian, alchemist and botanist up to a decent level so I can make some golds I need golds, because Fashion Fantasy is real
I've spent fucking 400K of my 725K just leveling I mean a lot of that was me overpaying to save time, but still
But I figure it'll be alright, I can grind through some more of the story and stuff to get some gil later I only started stormblood, haven't gotten further than a little bit in Ain't seen a dungeon yet
powerleveling crafters thru leves can be pricy if u go all HQ
I could always succumb to my base instincts and start playing the market though if I get real desperate Gilgamesh is one of the more expensive shards or whatever, after all, so I can hop to a cheaper one and buy stuff then sell it back on Gilgamesh for some hefty coin My alchemy isn't strong enough to make anything profitable yet, or I'd just do that
Log Horizon really is pretty interesting just by virtue of how far it goes with the logical end stations of the various mechanics it pulls in Like how everyone who was logged in getting pulled in meant the damn farming bots got pulled in too, and developed sentience in similar ways to the NPCs After all, they too were effectively player NPCs
It's really well fleshed out, and the developments feel very natural cause stuff is brought up so long in advance and then built upon later, even after the initial payoff
I was talking about it a bit with my ffxiv friend cause we were just hanging out on discord while I was leveling and stuff, but there really aren't any isekai where the MC is a healer, is there? Actually, there is ONE that we both remember existing, but that's... one neither of us want to touch with a ten foot pole cause it's just vile I mean it makes a lot of sense, it's much easier to have the MC of the power fantasy actually do power fantasy stuff if they're a DPS or Tank type, but as someone who always plays healer, I'd really like to see the particular characteristics of the healer main represented, too
You can make some pretty good stories based on it, I think. Log Horizon to some degree captures it because Shiroe's a bad-on-purpose DPS with decent support spells, but he's not a healer. And healers in these kinda stories tend to fall into a really stupid stereotype of being shy and kinda wimpy, even though anyone who's actually played with a consistent group in games like this know the healer's often the most easily ticked off in the whole damn group.
Really, not even restricted to isekai specifically, I can't think of any healer-centered anime It's kinda sad, it's an entire role, vital to most team-based games, and it's basically ignored Tank and DPS tend to be just like, the both of them when it's not an isekai, I guess, but they're still basically present, y'know Hell there's that one anime where the main character is JUST a tank without any other stats, just maxxed out defense and nothing in anything else, I don't remember the name but it aired a few seasons ago and I think the name legit was like "I don't wanna get hurt, so I put everything into defense" or something like that. That was pretty fun, what I watched of it anyway.
Actually was that even an isekai or just a video game in-series? hm I actually think that was just a game she was playing, now that I think about it
is "homeroom" a sorta uniquely japanese phenomenon in high school? In grades 1-10, we generally had one room we used unless we needed to use a different one for like, an actual reason, like the computer or science room, but once we got to high school we for real just had one room per subject that we sometimes shared with other classes and stuff I mean we did have a "homeroom", as in, the room specifically for what we were going to high school for (data tech in my case) but it's not like we had, I dunno, a specific slot in the schedule for anything analogous to "homeroom"
I guess it could just be a liberal arts thing, cause I didn't take that course so I wouldn't know?
holy shit Is that the norm in the US? We had different teachers for different subject from day one I'm pretty sure well, not literally day one, I vaguely remember the whole first year just being one teacher and barely anything I'd categorize as academic education
I moved for each stage of education so I actually dunno how normal my experience is to any degree lmao Maybe we're the odd ones out though my memory's fucking hazy though But I'm pretty sure in grade school, we barely left our designated classroom I did a handful of times because I didn't wanna participate in some sorts of outdoor skiing type events, if memory serves, so while I was in... 2nd grade? I took math with the 4th graders Which fucking ruled because I always liked math, and also the girl I had a bit of a crush on was in that class
I don't remember a damn thing about her though, only that she existed in that grade when that happened
I mean it was with certainty either the first or second grade, anyhow Cause I moved when I started the third grade
I'd like to say I did well, but I really do not know whether I kept up or not with those lessons, I just know it at least included math cause that's what I remember Pretty sure I got picked on by some of the kids in that grade during it too, now that I think about it
In middle school, our homerooms all had names so we were like teams. I think I was always a bird? I don't really remember. Eagle? Raven? Huh. It changed every year since you'd be in a different class with different people. My middle school only had 100 people in it altogether though so it wasn't too big. My high school only had I think 500 people altogether?
Oh, I think maybe we had something like that too in middle school Not sure though
You shook up the rosters already in middle school? I don't think we did ...actually maybe we did, we couldn't really do that in a reasonable way in high school, and I sorta remember it happening, so maybe Actually no, we did in high school too, but by that point your class wasn't really all that meaningful anyway We were all in like, trade courses, after all, so
>>1053944 nah not unless he takes the commissioned art and then puts it on the chain and hires a lawyer to draft some kinda IP assignment clause and then dunks his junk into a simmering cauldron of pure molten gold
>The film is set in “Barbieland,” a beautiful, colorful society with Kens and Barbies. Ryan Gosling's Ken, said to be a “complete doofus”, is obsessed with Barbie, but loves the real world for all the reasons Barbie hates it (beauty standards, sexism, etc). Gerwig’s film eventually becomes a “big fish out of water comedy” as Ken and Barbie leave “Barbieland” for the real world and the Mattel CEO (Will Ferrell) goes after the duo to bring them back to Barbieland.
Tano has an interesting error I'd never seen before today. "Out of sync: memory allocation failure" Oh wait its just "out of sync: allocation failure" Memory is implied I think Anyways It Became impossible to post Then was reboot And worked for like 20 minutes And is borked again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
redis eating all RAM for y maybe they dont have overcommit on
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm having three boiled eggs, a baked potato with butter and cheddar on it, a coke and a peach for dinner.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh Forgot to salt thepotato
i had 4 eggs scrambled for breakfast today and half a peach and half a mango
>>1053967 Would it be okay if I set up a tano refugee thread on /moe/ and invited people over?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1053967 Cheapo ai hardware kit https://pine64.com/product/soedge-ai-neural-module/ Not super powerful but unlike most other stuff on the market its under $100 amd also in stock. Needs this if you aren't a hardware wizard. https://pine64.com/product/soedge-model-a-baseboard/
>>1053972 only if they post anime girls approved by me
yeah i did but i still have a kind of insane amount of individually saved anime-related images just all over my fucking hard drives like enough that i feel somewhat anxious when someone uses my computer for too long
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054001 You let other people use your computer? I have a guest account on my computers in case someone else needs to use it. Basically just my sister wheny *when my parents forced me to let her use it. A common theme in my life was being forced to loan her something and then her losing an accessory or damaging it. I'm still mad about the canvas bag she lost when I was forced to loan her my gamecube, it was from a record label that no longer makes bags with their name on it.
>>1054015 No, but I am familiar with the meme format.
the one with the xbox is p. good
Whats also interesting/morbid is the murderer was from opchan, and including him there have been 3-4 other killers from the site, yet it has almost no media mention compared to the shooters from 4 and 8chan etc
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
easy money
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054018 Never heard of it. Meguca shut down (afaik, it might be a sekrit klub now) because of that German shooter.
he was from krautchan and meguca was down for like a day then went to shami
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh, then why did meguca shut down?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
And what's the actual url for shamichan? Google wasn't very helpful.
>>1054025 because some sperg from kc told spiegel and other journos to shift the blame and admin panicked
He's been feeling real fucked up for most of today, so he had me get him 2 rapid tests, one for him and one for his fiance beyond that I don't really know, but he seems to at least be "OK"
/moe/ do you think a good hard hat can replace a bike helmet
If you can get it to stay on, I don't see why not well, it might be a little problematic in the event of an actual accident, I suppose, they're mostly made to protect from stuff coming at you from above rather than the front, after all
The accident is what I'm worried about. Legally, I can ride my bike without a helmet.
My hard hat is pretty good, designed to protect all sides.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but i've never done it before so i'm a little worried
then I'd at least assume, though it is just an assumption, that it's as good if not better than a bike helmet bike helmets are fairly cheaply made after all, they're not professional tools like hard hats are
If I uber to work and home today, I spend $40 to go to work where I'll only make $50 today. So it becomes worthless for me to even go to work if I uber.
I guess I'll give it a try. Worst that could happen is I die.
No, we have 12 bus routes for a county of 500k people. Or 18? Some miniscule number. Getting there on bike would take 30 minutes. Taking a bus would take an hour and 30 minutes.
Well, I did my safety check and my cat chewed through one of the brakelines so biking is out of the question. I'll just uber there for $20 and then walk home.
also how does a cat chew through the metal cable inside the line, it would probably still work alright if the housing is a little damaged unless its some weird fluid setup didn't think many bikes use those
Something came up and now I can't go to uni this fall. :v(
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why not
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1054070 like a pushbike? maybe I've ridden 16km to work when my car was running out of rego granted that was early in the morning before the sun rose I did fall into a drain //ditch because I couldn't see well although you have concussion problems so you probably wouldn't want to risk it
>>1054119 a lot of australian houses, especially rentals, have poor insulation
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054120 I looked at the weather report for your area, I wear flip flops at those temps. Get a mylar blanket if you really can't deal with lukewarm temps.
i keep hearing this song in bars and being like "what is that song" but it's just some popular song its latin and it goes bam bam bam bam >>>/watch?v=-8VfKZCOo_I
>>1054131 no way I was just soaking my feet like the good old days when I had an infection 'cept my toenail is just fine after that one visit to the pediatrist I'm sure epsom salts have other benefits
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1054130 Why would you poor drink all over yourself like that?
It's really not all that complicated though Hell they basically tell you all of it by the end
I mean sure some bits are a bit confusing, but that's mostly because I didn't fully get it before after it had already happened But those are details, not the actual meat of it
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
i understood TENET all the way through completely on my first viewing Clueless
Well I'm gonna rewatch it later, and after that I expect you to tell me what I could have not understood the first time Unless I figure it out on my own, obviously
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
some of the beats are pretty predictable like protag fighting himself but other stuff is barely even audible
the final battle is VERY hard to follow, yeah, but mostly that's the details that are mostly for show rather than particularly important Granted, it wasn't until the very end it kinda clicked with me that holy shit, BOTH teams know everything already cause for both of them it already happened
well when I think about like "not getting it" or a time fuckery movie being "complicated", I sorta think like Primer Where you sit afterwards the first time and you're just going "what in the fuck? HUH? what? "
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
primer is also completely impossible to disentangle
Primer is SO FUCKING opaque
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
have you seen Upstream Color?
I have not Is it good?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
yea its by the guy who created Primer
holy shit Guess I gotta watch that too
It has nothing to do with time, but I feel it fits this flow, so You seen Chronicle?
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
another movie thats completely illegible without a reddit summary
You should It's like, "found footage" But it's NOT horror It's supernatural and stuff, and not really scifi or anything, but I think it sorta slots in just on account of being one of the more memorable movies I've ever watched
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
oic oic yeah sure
Cube also fits, but the sequel is ass and hopefully will suffer the curse of data rot so that the future will be free of its presence
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Shane Carruth the director of primer was supposed to create this sprawling epic called The Modern Ocean with like Keanu and a bunch of other A listers but i think it got into development hell and then he went mental. pretty sure the movie is dead
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>>1054164 makes me think of the cult classic with the big bunny Death figure and all
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
Donny Darko is also pretty interesting, but I don't have the same love for it that a lot of people seem to It was cool and all, but not that memorable to me
It's 4 minutes into Upstream Color and it has my entire interest I'm already super invested in whatever the hell is going on Thank for recommend Samsam
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
monka S ? what do you mean monka S chat its not going 3,000 its nevwr going 3,00
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i hear thar be some layoffs at opensea trimming the fat and whatnot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah lots of money that was sloshing around is gone all the tech companies being doin it rip bull market
directed by Hideo Kojima Kojima Productions Presents
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054192 >David Lowery From Campervan Beethoven? He's notable for being super anti piracy and pushing for the criminalization of it despite otherwise being relatively liberal. Well That and being a great musician.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh different David Lowery
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
John Davidsson Pog
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Oh I guess he also did help organize that big class action suit against Spotify.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The anti piracy stuff seems to have been removed from his Wikipedia article. I always forget that he has a math degree.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
He is also in Cracker. >>>/watch?v=gYdlqjiQPAc I saw them both in the same night in 2019. I'd actually missed seeing them three or four times in the past 20 years.
>>1054190 I get what is happening in the movie, but I literally don't even know where to begin in terms of understanding why... or even what question to exactly ask
The whole damn thing is just "what if there was a guy who did this lmao" And then it just ends
I mean I can appreciate some experimental and even audience-hostile film, but this is honestly excessive >>1054214 No I mean I finished it just now >>1054215 Yeah I mean I enjoyed parts of it, sure, but none of it like... had anything more to it than the literal things on the screen? >>1054217 ...what? no? I finished it just now, not 45 minutes ago
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1054211 sounds about right for the start of da movie
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy bursh its over alteady???
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah uh idk i liked the part where they were like "wtf is making that noise tho???"
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you weren't watching on 2x or 1.5 speed were you
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres like... a theme there is a system of shapes being rotated but zero narrative maybe
>>1054218 i...suppose so? I just dunno what I'm supposed to take away from it, or anything There was a guy who did some stuff with worms and pigs, the reasons are entirely absent beyond money, which seems an unlikely motivation and more like a side benefit to whatever he was actually up to But he didn't ACTUALLY seem to be up to much of anything I'm entirely fine with wormjuice turning you into an empath\psychic person, but like, at least give me a fucking vague hint why this guy is doing this?
i love myself
what's the fucking WORD what's good /moe/ i'm here for a brief amount of time before i disintegrate
>>1054226 I'm makingy hipster haji to hipster mecca tomorrow and Saturday.
i love myself
>>1054229 sounds like a really fun time for you but when you say it like that it makes me want to say spiteful things to you not rly sure why tbh
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054230 Yeah Gonna blow a bunch of money on records at pitchfork And see Spiritualized. Then Saturday buy more crap and see Low, Japanese Breakfast and Mitski.
>>1054235 if anyone is going to soil me tonight i guess it's best it's you
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054237 Japanese Breakfast or Mitski? I'm not very familiar with their stuff but my dad is really into them. He's way more aware of contemporary music than I am.
>>1054231 oh when you said hipster i kinda thought you were being a different kind of ironic like the kind that makes me want to say things that make you feel bad i feel much more neutral about it now that i see you meant pitchfork
mitski is dope, that sounds fun
>>1054243 nah i thought you were going to reference some kind of obscure interest convention that i don't give half a fuck about and neither would anyone else and were just calling it the most hipster thing ever i thought you were trying to be like multiple levels of ironic and not just like haha pitchfork hipsters haha which is fine that's alright
>>1054242 Those actually tend to be really expensive so I never go to those.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
World con is in Chicago thos year It's like $150 or something Cheaper for people who've never been before But like Basically every scifi author I like is dead And same for the most part with fantasy But I was always more into scifi
>>1054233 well yeah, that's like the whole base element of the plot I dunno, maybe the damn thing is just 2deep4me and there's like, metaphorical meaning to it and it's just not my kinda movie I often do enjoy that sort of thing, though, but this one really missed me Like I understood what I was watching, but I didn't at any point really understand why the authors wanted me to see it?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Michael Moorecock is still alive though. Dunno if any other Appendix N authors are still alive.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
The album I queued (Nevermind the Bollocks) ended and then my phone went to shuffle Two Campervan Beethoven songs came on in a row. It's a sign
I'm just gonna chalk it up to that honestly 2deep4me It's too competently made, and too deliberate for it to just be poorly executed, in my mind >>1054251 the monochrome turned me off so I never did no
oh yea Being John Malkovich is classic >>1054247 yeah its not really explained at all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
upstream color is pretty vague even possibly pretentious i think the message is lime like there are weird feedback loops that exist in the real world watch out for them
>>1054273 It's really not a particularly nice figure. It looks like either a small ufo catcher prize figure or maybe a slightly large blind box figure. One of the indicators of its low quality is that it isn't attached to a base. Not that bases are sufficient to judge the quality of a figure but generally nicer non posable figures are stuck to a base. It looks like one that probably had a snap on base (another sign of cheapness) that got lost.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I think the photos make it a bit hard to judge
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Yeah I just realized I misjudged the cale.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I retract my statements except that the lack of an affixed base implies loqlw quality.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's still funny though because it's fred fucking durst
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054284 He probably wouldn't know a quality Rei figure if it bit him on the ass.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
true true
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
y'all don't know what it's like being male middle class and white
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm 90% certain its a ufo catcher prize figure. I have a few of those. Including a Rei one.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
It's this one. https://myfigurecollection.net/item/46347
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
someone nearby has left their rm williams outside their door surprised they're not stolen
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054290 You wanna translate that from Australian?
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
boots that is really expensive often custom handmade made in Australia though
what i wouldnt do to be dancin to this in da clurb sadly even at the early age of 17 i dont know when i'll ever been in the clurb again mostly because i dont wanna catch da vid
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
im sure there are some safe events i also just feel very out of practice and such maybe i should do bachata lessons outdoors or somethin
>the companies bottom line is at steak as well Heh
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1054404 just go to the park near where I live there's bats 24/7
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1054404 do you like orchestral manoeuvres in the dark?
going batty hekp
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont ever see bats i dont think we have em here i wonder if ive ever seen one outside of like a cave
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054409 Yeah, was just listening to them the other day.
I was reading a biography about a smart guy once and as a child he was being bothered by a bat but didn't want to kill it, so he made a boomerrang and struck the batto and moved it far away The childs name? Albert Einstein
Coffee can be very good if you get the right kind Most just tastes kinda bland, but this one type I've been buying a bit of called blue java's real good
there's some types that at least claim to have some chocolatey flavor as well, but I don't really buy those so I haven't tried much the ones I have tried have just been bland though, maybe I'm just grinding them too fine or not fine enough
its almost obsolete, but kona coffee in yge 90's was really bomb. You dont see much of it coming iff tge big usland island** any mrore.
I've definitely had chocolatey coffees if you can find a good french roast those are usually chocolate forward
you can also take your fav bwan and add a little bit of cocoa powder into the grind. bean**.*
I guess that would work Really though, I'm fine with it just being coffee, I've just tried them outta curiosity a few times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1054474 most coffee is bland? what is this insane take maybe like instant coffee from the gas station
how do you normally brew it? some methods drown out the softer flavors
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054487 I'm guessing Norway just doesn't have a lot of good coffee. Or it's expensive.
>>1054503 Based on that being basic instead of acidic.
domestic based?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1054499 i mean its totally a once in a while drink i dont find it necessary to spend 6-7 canadian dollars every day on a handcrafted cup of joe every day that would be highly irresponsible of me
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>enroute to festival >headache starts Oh nyo!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nyo my gaw
>>1054507 eat cherrys for some b complex stay h20ed up.
>>1054506 and you arr, of course, highly responsible
that might have been too far I apologize
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1054412 buddy o mine loves them saw them when he was visiting the us
The Boys is great, but it's got the subtlety of the Bagger 288 lmao
yeah my biggest complaint about it tbh it's not on the nose, it IS the nose
Yeah Though, really, that's probably the best choice because any subtlety is lost on most people judging by a lot of other shows and movies that do what The Boys does
>>1054513 >>1054514 That's cause its by Garth Ennis He also did that super edgy Superman thing that was making fun of The Authority. He also did Hitman which is my all time favorite DC comic series.
>>1054516 wtf how could they turn stormfront into a villain???
Well, finished The Boys Hopefully it actually wraps up next season, cause it's getting close to being just an eternal show with no endpoint
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054530 Read the comic now. >>1054529 I just talked to an electrical engineer and he said "At least you remember V=IR, you'd be surprised at the amount of people I work with who don't know that.".
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1054526 Recorded be sweet to me for you, I'll upload it later. It's a raw video and I'm not encoding it so its pretty big.