>52 minutes not like I have anything better to do admittedly the different wagers and odds is what makes it look complicated I guess simple mode is fine
yeah that's probably too advanced for us #2d6 (1, 2 = 3) ... that's a loss?
maybe another time methinks you're always welcome to play with someone else
Some mornings I really wish I could call in sick But because of my job's Covid precautions that would take a full two days instead of one Which still would be kind of nice, but it's hard for me to rationalize it against the trouble I'd make for my coworkers
>>1042336 what would the stats be? Im kinda curious about such things, trying to learn more etc I saw a claim that a higher traffic liveboard ran on a 50gb HD 4gb ram instance I think
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042336 How much ram does the server habe anyways? 2GB? 4?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Will I finally be able to upload my small file size high resolution shitposts?
Can I upload my Blu-Rays of James Cameron's Avatar?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1042351 jeez thats insane its like 1 gb ram i think and because my choice of database is stupid the database takes all the ram
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
like if i had a normal database and i did image resizing with an API the site could run on like a 256mb vps easily
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the problem is image resizing takes al ot of ram in bursts, video thumbnailing too this would all go away if i just put image resizing on a separate server tbh
>>1042340 As a tales fan, vesperia is my favorite and the one that made me a fan. definitive edition is it but better, minus the loss of recent NFT enthusiast Troy Baker as the star role, but it was japanese voice now so hey. that said, i tried to play it in recent history and it is comparatively dated to other tales games. so proceed with caution.
>chrome with a couple dozen tabs crushes 8gb of ram >a website serving a couple dozen people uses less than a tenth of that explain that computer nerds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all the server gotta do is compile some javascript once or twice then shuttle some bytes back and forth between the db and websockets, and once in a while render some HTML its easy mode to be honest meanwhile chrome to display one emoji has to load like a 5 mb sprite sheet
tomodachi game is kind of a strange show, especially this second Game they're doing that's so easy to break they could have just all agreed at the start to just submit a single lie about themselves on the cards each time, and they'd be guaranteed to either smoke out the traitor or finish evenly, probably Either someone does something else than what was agreed, and they get fucking yeeted from then on, or they all submit the same inoffensive stuff about themselves each time until the ened
>>1042358 Well I've only played Phantasia, Symphonia and Berseria so I don't think I'll mind it being "outdated". Thanks for giving me your expert opinion on it.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Speaking of Berseria I can't wait to play it at a reasonable speed instead of slow motion when I get my new computer Soon™.
Hey Samu since the reboot earlier today my phone hasn't been able to properly connect to /moe/ I can load the page and see people's posts and access it fine, but the synch is constantly giving me a "Not synched." message and I can't post Also even inter-post embeds don't seem to work properly, and thumbnails don't expand, only open the image in a new page
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I had to clear cache and then that fixed that for me on PC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1042369 ouch websockets must be fricked oh or one of the scripts just eont load sounds like the main script doesnt load yea thx for lettin me know ill bump the urls to force all the caches to refresh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i woke up today and chose violence i went to the haircut place today and they made wait 50 minutes cuz of some stupid customer who couldnt stop talkin or something idk feels like i got passed over tho so anyway ill just go somewhere else
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
then i went to this brewery and they asked for my ID and i got a bit spicy about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
should be good
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042374 Having to get off for work would suck all the fun out of it.
getting spicy about showing your id doesn't make friends
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it is a pointless thing to do but i was already spicy from the haircut so the mood carried over, thats my excuse for being a fukken baby anyway neurons do be leaky
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
If the brewery employees can't handle you at your worst they don't deserve you at your best
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all i did was make like an ironic detached joke about my age maybe this is some kind of hipster mexican standoff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
by the way im turnin 17 tomorrow
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
And here I was imaging you had a full blown meltdown and flipped over a display stand
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but the white girl was like :I her lips were slightly pursed absolutely devastating
i got a couple crowns i need and 2 fillings so im outta pocket 1300 i did get a complementary cleaning and a weird credit card that only works for medical providers tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jeez well at least you got some value out of the plan i guess thats not much respite
yeah and i have the savings for it it's just really weird that our dental is so garbage
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kind of circus troupe have you joined?
an MSP that mostly provides IT to law firms the pay's good, benefits other t han dental are good too i think we just went with a cheap dental plan to fit in pet insurance and vision
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oic oic
ive moved back to canada so im payin in imaginaty dollarjnos anyway
im sorry to hear that, i wouldn't wish the canadian government on my worst enemy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
every meal is now at least 20 loonies whyyy
wtf it's a gorilla
go go gadget inflato
hello im bored tonight so i popped in i no longer have to raid with my static and im not used to having the time off anymore
nah we finished the tier and reclears the red mage left after this tier but my friend is takin his place as you see i am very good at monk
just dragon kick spam ez clear
it's fucked up that dragon kick spam is an actual strategy
it's pretty funny imo I // an actual rotation is still better but it's funny you can just dragon kick and keep buffs up
dragon kick spam is more effective than six sided star for disengage assuming you have twin snakes up
>>1042425 they nerfed that to the ground but yes on EW launch BLM had an alternate 0 cast time rotation and our BLM never fucking used it and instead greeded casts and died
wasn't there some fucked up paradox rotation with BLM a while back that was cursed
>>1042470 Washu is good too. I just rewatched Ryo Ohki 1-8 today Well I skipped half of the baby episode
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wish GXP would get an hd release. I've only seen it in 480p
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Although I would much prefer an actual translation of the novels. There is a sort of fan translation but its really just like 30 page summaries of each or something. It actually has a lot of interesting lore that even connects the Ryo Ohki canon to the fourth or fifth most irrelevant spin off Dual Parallel Trouble Adventure.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042470 Which Tenchi series have you seen? Including spin offs.
>>1042477 No >>1042476 Tell me which dvds when you get a chance. A lot of the old Tenchi manga got translated but its hard for me to read because it was flipped to be left to right.
Uhh That's definitely Ryo Ohki Might be series 3 though
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Unless here comes the bride is the first 2 episodes for some reason??? He does have a fiance but she's not introduced until like episode 12. >>1042482 I'll link you a good torrent
>>1042496 I think that's what the kids call "blursed"
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
God i felt so fuckin 'middle class' watching two tradies hook up my washing machine today
>>1042498 yes its worse when they're doing doing actual manual labour like hammering stuff out there in their hi-vis while im milling around in a button-up shirt holding coffee.
teach the controversy people educated in the field say disease comes from like, viruses, bacteria, and that sort of thing, sometimes cells just go nuts and become immortal
But many people are also saying disease comes from bone ghosts and sometimes they're just gifts from god and your own fault
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm on the train and I can see part of the title of a woman's book. My brain tried to fill in the blanks and came up with "Jesus Yamero".
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1042558 if god kills you painfully it's because he loves you
Found a gun on the floor buried under trash Been there a while, year probably
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042582 Is it yours? *Was it yours If it wasn't its yours now.
I'll just let it get reburied by the trash pile eventually, dont have the motivation to pick it up and clean it Suppose Ill make a mental note of the position for emergencies
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042584 You should at least remove the magazine and make sure there's nothing in the chamber.
>>1042585 Too much effort Mags in but can tell that the chambers empty cause the extractor is depressed into the slide about 1mm. If it was chambered would be flush The garbage pile is like the tide, ebbing and flowing.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](551 KB, 773x1022, 76272940_p9.jpg)AnnoSearch [iqdb](689 KB, 1889x989, Arise_01.png)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
oh yep this is in fact a raunchy game of sorts Ive definitely seen this ip on danbooru somewhere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i have heard of it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Queen's Blade was really popular like 14 years ago. I remember that there was a psp game for it. I think a fighting game, but because it was super lewd you could press some buttons and it would switch over to a fully functional sprite based jrpg. Spiral Chaos I think I knew a guy who either owned or pirated it. He was sort of my weeb senpai and got me into Touhou.
I've had Hopes and Dreams stuck in my head all day And occasionally that obamna meme popping up too
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042609 https://old.reddit.com/r/custommagic/comments/tkco2h/spiral_chaos_a_set_written_entirely_by_ai_curated/ Apparently Spiral Chaos is also the name of a magic set designed by a neural net.
I think I'm gonna read through Ciconia before I finish Higurashi It's been described as "for better or worse, definitely a ryukishi07 story", and I see that as a major plus
Ciconia begins! The install file didn't actually run on wine, but thankfully all it was trying to do was extract an archive, so I just did it manually, hah
>>1042669 line go down makes my serotonin line go up
The art in ciconia is definitely a lot better, apparently cause ryukishi just did sketches and had someone else do the actual drawing It still feels ryukishi though
Yeah, the new artist does a really good job of capturing the Ryuukishi vibes in their art I like that maintaining that seems to have been a priority
Also I can finally post on /moe/ again from my phone You fuckers aren't rid of me yet
skeleton isekai's a lotta fun isekais generally are, really, there's just some that are really really boring
I bounce between it being kinda fun and being a bit too on the nose The whole "Wow this is a real fantasy" bit got tired by episode three and I dunno, it just has a kind of shallowness which makes it hard to sink into
That much I agree with yeah, hopefully it mixes stuff up a bit soon. If it just continues to be "MC is OP and an uncomplicated good guy" the whole time through with occasional "cat ears, poggers!" gags, I might drop it
Otome Game Isekai is probably the most fun isekai this season The best isekai is probably Honzuki but it's on its third season now so kind of a high barrier of entrance But it has some really great characters and a living world
Oh, I was meaning to check that out, but I sorta forgot Partially "forgot" because to some degree it seemed kinda, I dunno, not fun for whatever reason
>>1042707 this season, or just, the best? 3 seasons is doable, I'm bored fairly often after all
Honzuki is the best isekai this season It's kind of cheating since, again, it is on its third season But none of the season ones are real knock outs Closest is probably Otome Game but I would also say it needs like 2-2.5 episodes to really get into the right speed The first episode especially is really meh and it was only because I gave episode two a shot that it got good
Well I mean, my favorite isekai is either Overlord or Muv Luv, depending on whether you count Muv Luv as an isekai considering the anime in a lot of ways isn't actually an isekai in any meaningful sense And I don't really like the Muv Luv anime all that much, some of the older ones are honestly better
So it's a tough call really. Overlord I have no real criticisms of beyond the obvious ones that come from adapting an LN into an anime I just love that series to bits, though I still gotta catch up on the LNs some day
I feel like you misunderstand, I'm specifically talking about shows airing this season
Fair, I just kinda got carried away Muv Luv really is in a kind of weird spot though The anime aren't isekai, meaningfully, but the VN absolutely is and it's the core of the MC's motivation So it's weird
I'll give otome game a look though, most of the time I end up enjoying stuff recommended here I wouldn't have checked out that black company isekai if kirara didn't mention it at some point And that show is incredibly good
The best shows in general this season I think are Paripi Koumei and potentially Summertime Rendering, as long as it doesn't go too dumb Koumei is just a blissful experience and celebration of fun Summertime is wild and has set up such a cool series of mysteries
Wait I totally forgot about Shokei Shoujo when it comes to this season's isekai mostly because the main character is a native of the world That's definitely the new isekai I'm most anticipating week after week
Of the shows I've looked at so far, my favorites are easily SpyxFamily, Summertime and annoying healer though I like the skeleton isekai a lot, but it's not like I'm itching to watch it when the next episode comes out Tomodachi Game seems like it might be either trash or pretty damn good, too, it just depends a lot on how it progresses from where it is I guess just because of the premise and name, I end up comparing it a lot to Liar Game in my head, and so far it's really not done well in that comparison, but it's a somewhat rare genre so I'm willing to give it a few more episodes >>1042717 Literally nothing with a new season this season is stuff I've actually watched the previous season of I think one or two of them, I watched the first season and never felt like watching the second
New seasons of continuing stuff are great too I'll happily eat up new seasons of Kaguya-sama and Machikado Mazoku getting its second season finally is glorious And like I said earlier, I'm loving Honzuki getting more episodes
>>1042718 oh that reminds me, I haven't been on vrchat in a long time now Just don't feel like it as much I guess
I generally just avoid sports focused shows, honestly Sometimes I'll watch one, but it's rare, and usually because they're just really good, like pingpong or whatever
There was a mother and her daughters on the bus today talking I think about going to see Sonic 2 Really young kids too, both were still kinda in the toddler babble stage
ill probably get it as well as Undertale some time in the near future not right now since I'm a bit out of pocket right now the extent of my switch use is using the cord as a usb c charger
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
o this is the power of unreal engin
or unity not same. thing but yknow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i saw a barmaid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
flipping chairs on the upper floor from this seat at the bar in a tight crinkly red vinyl dress ah, the absurdities of this world
Bring me down, with all the things that you know now, say enough, and maybe then we'll learn to stop ♡ You'll take the edge off of things... for me pretty baby~ I'll take the head off of me, before you awaken. Lay down, how could we know we were wrong? Spin round, dance with me before you go~
I'd listen to it again but I'm on my 15 with 2mins left and I'm listening to Undertale maybe on my thirty
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Ah Also the name kf the band is a pun. Jack Ruby is the guy who shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why did I think of the guy that rushed Reagan he uploads music often
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jack Hinkley iirc
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042882 I don't think his first name is jack. Something Hinckley though.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
John Hinckley Jr
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Speaking of crazy people who attacked people. >>>/watch?v=jWkMhCLkVOg The song is named after a phrase repeated by a guy who attacked Dan Rather (famous journalist).
this dnd club is playing quiet riot in the bathroom
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh I thought I read dnb
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're laughing and there's giant spiders
yes, and I'm tired of pretending there aren't
hmmm 30 minute wl walk back
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when im president obamna and my competitor is soda
>>1042948 he looks like you just defeated him in a boss battle and you cut him in half metal gear rising style >>1042958 nuts eh >>1042960 got a bad headache?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042961 Yeah, nuts Yeah my head really hurts. I took some paracetamol but it expired last year so I don't know if it will still work.
I mean sure, but after 2 finished seasons, we're at ep 3 of s3 and we're like... 6 of 29 books somewhere I'd obviously love for all of it to see animation, but I really think that's unlikely, we're talking like 15 seasons or something for that or 10 at least I guess And presumably there's a lot less fat you can cut out for animation purposes the further into the books you get, too Lots of stuff early in series like these can be visually shown much faster than the written word, but those things tend to become less prevalent later on
But man these counting methods on the LNs would piss Myne off There's parts, book-in-part, and also just which one it is counting from the very start, and they're not entirely consistently applied seemingly
Wikipedia says part 1 is the three first books, but this torrent claiming to have all of part 1 has 7 books
These volumes are all a lot shorter than I expected I guess that makes sense with the release schedule And it also means I'm gonna finish reading most of it by like, tomorrow probably
Light novels are often very, very thin If you've read the Overlord novels they're the exception to the rule
Also isn't it a bit strange for Urano\Myne to recognize she's obviously in a bit of a medieval time-setting, and then use the family's salt to make shampoo? Salt was SUPER valuable for a large part of our history, after all, and being a bookworm there's no way she's not aware right?
Salt is super valuable, but it's also not a rare commodity Per example, the Romans would pay their legionaires in salt; you can't exactly do that it salt is a rarity Now her family is poor, but generally a small portion of salt is not going to break the bank
That's true I guess It's just a little strange that at least in the anime, it wasn't even touched on, even if in this other world salt doesn't hold the same value as it does or did here, possibly
Her family being poor is also a bit strange honestly Sure it makes sense they're not wealthy, but her dad's the commander of the gate guard, right? That sort of position you'd think would carry a respectable purse
Though, I guess they're never actually going hungry or anything, which is probably in and of itself "not actually poor" in context
That's also kind of a view of modern capitalism on the aspect Myne lives in a world where economy was divided more into nobility, wealthy, and workers There wasn't a whole lot of upwards mobility aside from the rare occasion where someone made a mint and was able to move into the wealthy And becoming nobility was unheard of; Myne's ascension into religious nobility is mostly the thing of fantasy
That does make sense, yeah I guess I just figured her dad's position would result in a higher paycheck than it seemingly does, but when there's not exactly a lot of options for increasing your wages, they tend to be lower across the board It's not like everyone can do most work at a competent level, there not being any sort of public education or anything, the overwhelming majority can't read or write, and most of those who "can write" can write their own name at most So there's not a lot of leverage to negotiate for a higher paycheck, you can't even really go on strike or nothing cause you'll just not get fucking paid and then you're gonna be broke and unemployed instead
Probably even worse than unemployed If the gate captain tried to strike he'd probably get imprisoned and get to rot in jail
yeah I mean depending on who your employer is, you might just be fucking executed
Striking as the gate guard is effectively treason, after all
Actually, I really wish more fantasy settings would play around with the concept of religion being outright false, even if it's held in high esteem Most fantasy tends to either have the religions of the world all be true, or they're more of a cynical powerhungry thing, which I mean that's cool and all, but it'd be cool to see more interesting ways of handling it Even magic can be toyed with similarly, if you go with an unexplained technological aspect. People are led to believe a thing is magic, but actually it's just a device, that sort of thing.
Though, I don't mind magic and pantheons They're a staple of the genre for a good reason after all
forward and back and then forward and back and then go forward and back then put one foot forward
There are some surprising differences in the LN, actually For one, the parue pulp pancakes weren't made at Myne's place first Some strange choices made to save slight amounts of time I guess
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will become a best selling light novel author its super easy with GPT3 the only hard part is generating a plot
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
luckily i found a book about writing plots so thats also super easy now i just need to write a program that procedurally generates them money printer incoming
Generating a plot is easy for people still at least
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
plots are not too hard what the book made clear to me is that stories are all about the how the protagonist's inner motivations change over the course of the conflict which seems kinda obvious now that i write it out but like im autistic whatever so i just needs a program to plot the inner course and generate outer course as a byproduct which fuels the prose
i went down a queen this game with a gambit gone wrong and brought it back #NoVigNoProblem
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is gheesling such a great name
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay what if a supervillain took the japanese language from japan, erasing it from everyone's brains what happens next (this is totally not a code geass ripoff)
well for starters, you gotta decide whether it's replaced, or if japan is just without language now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
without their native language, but with any other languages learned. and the emotional language that we all share remains intact
>>1043033 hm hm Certainly you could have this lead to a lot of civilizational turmoil, perhaps even throwing the whole government out of balance and leaving Japan very vulnerable to outside aggression Their military is now unable to even read their own internal reports, all classified information is effectively relics from a lost civilization On a more base level, those who took their English studies seriously would have an extreme advantage for a fairly long time, being the only ones even capable of reading or writing anything at all They'd be in very high demand for businesses and stuff, and everyone else would necessarily be reduced to manual labor, number crunching, or learning a language, probably English considering that's likely what's most prevalent when Japanese is thrown out
Whole damn country would be thrown back several decades for a decent amount of time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1043034 probably just erase it from the whole world except for one orphan girl in amsterdam
Well, of course, Japan is already fairly vulnerable as is due to the pact with the US, but even the US might become more aggressive when the whole damn country's unable to communicate effectively internally They may be able to keep it slightly under wraps if they act swiftly, though, but anything they do to keep that information contained will appear extremely authoritarian and fascistic from the outside, they'd have to cut their internet off and stuff to not make it obvious that literally nobody at all is writing so much as a single japanese character anymore anywhere, after all. That's something I could see happening, it'd make sense to keep something that big under very tight control Their whole legal code would need to be rewritten from memory, too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rewriting a legal code from memory sounds extremely dangerous
One would expect it to become tainted by the beliefs of those in charge of it They could even use it to their advantage, arranging the law to be more favorable towards certain things they hold in common Stuff like the right to an education could be left out even, creating a ruling class out of those proficient in a language now Potentially, anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the idea of erasing a language is pretty nonsensical so it would be hard to predict but i guess you would get people inventing new languages left and right? or just converging on english
Certainly, you could have the country end up with a lot of languages constructed out of commonalities for the area Our dialects are extremely diverse, at like a world-class level, despite being a relatively small country, and the differences can in large parts be traced to the economic staples of a given area I don't fully understand the process, but near the coast up in the north, the dialect is very distinct especially when relating to stuff like fish and whatnot And without a common language as a base, you'd definitely end up with very, very different languages developing Though, I think the government's inherent need for a common language would push something like English into at least being a very prominent basis for all of them. It can't function if it can't communicate between jurisdictions and stuff after all. There's a reason official languages exist
I think at least for writing a story, you'd want to lean more on a specific language being pushed very early on, just so you don't have to deal with the mental overhead of all the various distinctive languages that develop It's painful enough to develop one language that spans the whole world in fantasy settings, having to come up with a way to communicate many languages and their differences would be a lot of work, even if possibly more realistic in the short term
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that doesnt seem so bad you can make different factions and enemies with incommunicable dialects
well another issue is that even if those differences will develop in the short term, they all remember they are japanese and have like, economic needs that span those distinctions, so there's a big drive towards settling on some way to communicate effectively throughout the country Businesses have branches in several cities and stuff, so there's a lot of pressure to at least have some way to communicate between everyone
Long term, I just don't think it's believable for those impromptu languages to stick around in a country that already exists and has so many factors pushing towards a single common tongue Dialects will for sure become way more pronounced than they currently are though, since the ways they develop for communicating until everyone's brought up to speed will bleed into the official language
Of course, there could be a big effort towards just outright relearning japanese Though that seems like the most boring option
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no thats not allowed
honestly theyd probably just learn english boo
I think you could still do a lot of interesting stuff with it in the time between though The story would probably just mean anything anymore once an official language is adopted again
i like to work backwards i come up with an ending and then i figure out how to get there like, "i want them to blow up the moon at the end" and then i figure out a story to make that happen usually i build the ending, then the world, then i figure out how to get there
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that makes sense i think thats a dominant strategy otherwise how are you supposed to plan the story
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I slept all day and want to sleep more. Probably not a good thing, but its helping my headache.
Yeah the original LN illustrations are gorgeous Kind of a shame that the anime is kind of ... not as good
I still think the anime is plenty good too It's just obviously not feasible for something animated to be quite as detailed and polished as cover illustrations and stuff
It's kinda weird how the anime changed her hair so the bun's at the back rather than at the side of her head though That seems like a strange choice to make
There's a considerable difference in the cover and colour illustrations for the series and what the anime has put out I think especially with how sloppy Myne's potato face is and that there's almost never any kind of shading or gradient for depth in the animation colouring that it's clear they weren't trying particularly hard to animate the series
I suppose Though, it does make it cheaper, so we might have that to thank for even getting another, and even 2 more seasons Personally I don't really mind how the anime looks though, I guess I might just have a lower bar I think it looks pretty good, honestly, has kind of its own look overall