I'm going to see the Guardians of the galaxy, I'm not really all that interested in it since I've seen the first one, but it should be alright.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
i have not had any encounters with sea creatures
>we know this training packet is long, but it contains very helpful information >39 pages what i think i'm being trained alongside a bunch of rookies i usually consume more than that before breakfast
My digits always get so cold so easily. Even if the rest of my body is warm enough, my fingers are always uncomfortably cold.
same here, but instead of digits, it's my comforter and instead of cold, it gets tracked with cat poop because my cant clean herself right so i get cold in the night because i'm not using a poopy comforter basically the same concept
i find that sesame oil or just straight up lube helps prevent nicking and stuff i am really not graceful at shaving my legs but that helps me minimize damage
Faces are probably harder than legs. The only hard part of a leg is the ankle, which is where most problems happen. Faces seem like they would be hard.
>>103723 I've been doing it for more than two years.
I've got an absolutely miserable sense of coordination when it comes to mirrored movement. >>103726 I've been thinking of doing that lately, actually. I still dunno if it would help avoid razor nicks though.
don't shave in front of a mirror then just do it in the shower or something then spot check afterwards
That's how poeple used to do it! Sleepy time started around the time the sun went down and there would be some waking hours in the middle of the night for keeping watch or bumping uglies.
The darkness version of Cag that's in the latest pool is supposed to be really good. I don't see a way to get her other htan spending a fortune on gacha though, and I'm not going to do that.
Gachas are dumb though. You should be able to fight hard and get the characters you like in kancolle. wait You should be able to fight hard and get the characters you like, like in kancolle.
I don't think kancolle is representive of fighting hard to get what you want
Especially considering I played for so long and never got anything from LSC
RNG is RNG whether it's a gacha or a disguised gacha
Autistically slamming your head against a brick wall is considered fighting hard to some.
Cag is super cute. There are a few other cute characters I want but Cag is the cutest. The lazy tree stump girl is super cute too but I already have her.
>>103905 When I started there was a dual Street Fighter collab that started pretty much a week after I began playing. I still managed to get both loyalty characters from it.
>>103905 New event system: Assist Bonus - The upcoming scenario event will introduce a new buff for sub-rank 80 players, boosting their stats in the event battles - The lower the rank the stronker the buff (~200% boost for sub-rank 30 players) - Will be applied to future scenario reruns and celestial events as well - The upcoming scenario event will also see the abolishment of Bronze badge rewards. The silver/gold rewards will be adjusted accordingly.
>>103911 Loyalty is proportional to AP spent. Even if you're stuck doing small-scale AP quests it's not hard to get rank ups early on that revive your stamina You can even just go grind inane quests as long as the loyalty character is in your party.
wowww six's new ougi has a damage cap of 1.5m i guess all of them do
I got really annoyed with GranBlue constantly trying to force me into playing Earth. Like near-half my characters were all Earth. It's not like I had particularly good other element characters in the lesser amounts either.
>>103939 That sounds like it's the case I remember watcching it god knows how long ago
But isn't that a WEIRD fucking thing to have on the cover? This 40 year old dude rewinding his life to re-experience prom? I think that's kinda creepyt
I don't really see what's creepy about it. It's a major event in adolescence and as good a point as any for someone who wants to go back and start over.
>>104003 we'll see so far everyone is pretty equally useful ann and morgana kind of fall behind but only because their utility is more specific than the others
>>104005 I think Morgana and Haru are the best supports Morgana is like pure support but Haru gets some strong offensive skills and the reflection spells and stuff
I usually take morgana for the boss/miniboss fights because he's so good at keeping everyone alive but for the normal enemies I can replace him to make the fights go more smoothly
Yeah me too I use Ryuji and Yusuke for normal fights because they don't need to use SP too
ryuji is pretty good for bosses too just have him buff himself and get big damage all the time
fish said that she was doing like 1500 damage with Ryuji at the end of the game Thanks to charge
that seems perfectly possible I did 1000 to something in the fourth palace because he was buffed and it was debuffed he's a monster
Apparently Ann gets concentrate at some point and can do similar damage
I guess I'll see eventually, I've been making a lot of progress lately I need to work on confidants more though, I might have focussed a little too much on my social stats I only have tora maxed out
Yoshida is cool I'd vote for him
same also he helped me make 200k in 15 minutes with ONE WEIRD TRICK DEMONS HATE IT
who are you gonna romance?
I've got Chihaya I'll do Haru on NG+
Wow, so Haru is your second fiddle. Maybe SOMEONE should tell that Haru Discord.
I found out why that song and dance number wasn't in the show I watched It's cause it's a netflix show so all the episodes are already out, but I only got ep 1
>>104027 Ann isn't bad but she is kind of boring compared to the rest worst confidant is definitely devil though if the rest of her abilities are like her first rank then I don't think I'll work on her at all until everyone else is done
If it's not a sufficiently different game I might just wait out for one of those. Or the only one. If there's gonna be an expanded version coming out I might just wait for that.
>>104039 I'll play it >>104037 if it's anything like golden it'll add a character plus some bonus type stuff not huge if you play the original and miss it but probably worth waiting for
i'm just so happy i'm just so happy i'm just so happy i'm having the time of my life i know it will ened end i know i'll go back to work i know that there will be strife and labor and suffering but at least i'll always know what it felt like to be this happy these are the fruits of that labor these are the strengths that come from the strife this is the purpose of suffering
The bill nye show had a cartoon where some racist vanilla ice cream was trying to force other ice cream to also be vanilla, and then he got convinced to stop being just vanilla himself And pol is pretty upset
Olympic sports mostly make sense, and then you have the one where some asshole just put a bunch of shit in the way for the people doing the 100m dash, and people mistook it for an actual separate sport
Hurdling requires distinctively different legwork than just running. It makes as much sense as having different sorts of swimming motions in competitive swimming.
Why... isn't there a swimming hurdle event? It sounds interesting
Because the different swimming motions already serves the same purpose.
>>104085 I don't think there's a swimming competition that adequately simulates and compares your ability to make dolphin-like jumps out of the water and over an object
make a barrier that forces the swimmer to dive to the bottom to go under surely that's not something that's tested
>>104086 Pretty much any proper hurdler doesn't actually gain any height when clearing hurdles.
Yeah but swimmers would have to because they can't touch the thing they're jumping over That'd be a rule
But then that wouldn't be adequately simulating hurdling.
It's not for simulating hurdling it's for having hurdles in the water We already have hurdling, we can't just do the exact same thing but in water, that'd be dumb
Also turns out capri sun is p good Not really worth the cost though
Not a lot of liquid in each bag
Oh also on the topic of sports Did you know in speedwalking, they don't \\ they've deliberately avoided improving their methods for checking if people break the ONLY REAL RULE OF THE SPORT which is both feet shall never leave the ground at the same time And the reason for this is that LITERALLY everyone cheats There is nobody speedwalking who doesn't break that rule It doesn't happen
I know But it's hilarious to me that this in particular happened
It's like "I have the largest house in all of the world, it might even be the largest in my home town" Like that's not how that one goes, dude I think you fucked something up
>>104098 what gets me that some /pol/s are still larping for trump
I think most of pol has realized Trump was a bad idea, but maintain he was a better idea than Clinton
larping for trump at protests
cast mighty blow
Antifa used fireball, it's not very effective Trumpet used Call Police, but nothing happened
>>104103 i do fear were we are going in us politics
It'll be fine Next election, you're gonna have a more centrist Republican nominee who isn't actually insane, and maybe like I dunno, another Clinton for the Dems The world will forever remember the 4 years a man who didn't know terrorism existed before 2001 was president of the largest military force in the world, and you might never live it down, but it'll be fine
>>104099 A friend or two of mine has become completely brainwashed by /pol/ on the matters concerning this and a bunch of other affairs. It's really kind of upsetting.
Isn't it kinda weird how some nationalities seem to stick to their own, even online? Like japs mostly hang out on exclusively japanese sites like nico nico douga or 2ch or whatever Germans have their own chan and social networks
I think it's weird
>>104107 As long as humanity exists, so does /pol/ It just shifts shapes
>>104108 That would only involve the people who stay cooped up in the board to flood out into the rest of 4chan. As it stands, /pol/ is a pile of shit but it's also a pile of shit that keeps a bunch of fucks away from everyone else.
But like Japs have fairly good english education, don't they?
>>104115 japanese moot turned /pol/ int mlpol for apr fools and they liked the horsefuckers
Also you can have some weird really good ESL education all you want, speaking your native language is always going to more comfortable to you. Communities where you are most comfortable are where you are likely to stay the longest on the Internet, so it makes sense that if you're to grow roots, it will be where you can speak your native language freely.
That joke showed up in an anime that's airing this season. It wasn't even a liberal translation; at least not a big one. The guy literally said he used to adventure but took an injury to the knee.
Wait is it operating on a similar premise as Black and White? The more popular they are, the more real they are, essentially?
>>104172 no but it seems to be that only popular characters appear and they are based on their popular version so if anime is more popular than LN then iit will be more influenced by anime
Oh that makes sense Yeah it'd be weird if both versions were real Capeshit would get WILD So many Supermans with vastly different power levels
Or more specifically, it'll pull characters chronologically from the anime, not necessarily the other adaptations.
I guess the rule seems to be that you need to be a)popular and b) have people have a same idea of what you should be like
And don't even get started on Marvel
I wonder if Jesus could show up
ALSO, it clearly wasn't related to where the work was at, but where the airing work was at Which makes me wonder what happens to the story in our world if MC shows one of them the manga or LN of their world, and they go back with knowledge of what is for all purposes the future They can change the future in their world, then, but what happens to the story left in our world? Does the author have a change of mind? Magical change? Nothing?
i'd say that becomes an alt universe
Yeah ultimately the creator is the omnipotent god of that world. So it's not like they could force the writing to change in the books being read.
Or alternatively Maybe stories are born FROM these worlds The total timeline of a world is dumped into someone in our world channeling it But then this story should have the main gril in her manga already acting with future sight Hm
Hot cocoa and cinnamon. Perfect thing for warming the heart. ...If not the shins...
what if their world is made up as well by a 3d world where its just an anime
and then they go and break the fourth wall
This guy with the sword is definitely a JoJo
He's got a fucking SUTANDO
Though in terms of style the people saying he was a Persona don't feel that wrong. He dresses and acts like someone out of a JRPG--in fairness though.
He doesn't look very JoJo, no
oh tilde is it just liberal translation when they call his game ubdetground exclusive
it sounds more like underground dark knight
Definitely looks more Persona or Final Fantasy
>>104191 I'm gonna say I have NO idea why the name in the English subs and what the Japanese audio is saying are totally different. But yeah, they're different.
also i wonder what the rules are regardinng powers restoration magic doesnt work but mamika is full power
It's probably a translation error what subs are you using
Amazon. At least I think they're the ones simulcasting Re:Creators. We're watching whoever HorribleSubs is ripping from.
there seems to be a lot of hardsubs this season?
That may have been a clerical error by HorribleSubs. They re-relased -re-released a tonne of stuff last week as version twos that may have fixed the hardsubs. But I dunno I don't care enough to go and check.
i feel a bit sad that the best thing about salesman is basically the opening
I like both the OP and the ED for it. The actual show material is repetitive and boring. There's an Aesopian vibe to it without there actually being an interesting lesson at the end.
Being a JRPG end boss makes him pretty OP really Cause they don't have like a weakness you can exploit, you just have to be way stronger to win the fight, and usually you have a whole party of like 5 people with different abilities End bosses in JRPG are WAY strong
He doesn't even need to have many settings, he's just insanely powerful by virtue of what he is
it would be fun if someone beat him only to find out that its a 3 stage fight with different forms
>>104201 But on the other hand, bosses are meant to be beaten by the protagonists.
>>104204 I'm talking about the metagame plot armour exploitation
>>104203 Yeah, once you reach the end and are super powerful
>>104202 Stage two involves him merging with his Persona to become a monster.
>>104202 Hahah, he has 3 phases and in the last one he IS a stand so you need the STAND ability of the protagonist to even touch him GG WP
imagine being a character from a game with a well known bug and have that materialize as well
>>104203 Oh yeah that too If the world and its story is king, he literally can't die to anyone other than the protagonist because the protagonist WILL be the one to beat him
like i jave triple attack speed when i use a spoon
>>104208 What if they bring out the ultimate technique and force him into realising that their real world is actually an anime, thus placing them as the protagonists who will defeat him.
But then That's the case for everyone else too, I guess All of them are alive at near the ending of their own stories, so they all have plot armor made of reinforced titanium
I'd figure there wouldn't be anything absurd like plot armor for him. At least plot armor that applies for things from his own world.
But the whole three-stage boss fight I could totally see happening.
Yeah hopefully the plot armor is a check-at-the-portal kind of thing, and you get it back when you return I mean, the authors don't have god powers in their reality, which is what they'd need to keep the characters alive if their head got sliced off BUT, if it's written as a part of the character, in their settings, that might circumvent it
For example, if Deadpool was to drop in through the portal, it would be reasonable for him not to be killable Because that's part of his character It's an intrinsic part, so maybe if the world is written in a way like that, the characters will be immune
>>104207 It's not quite the same thing, but I think the in-series explanation for why mage-chan is so emotionless is because she's a side character without much in-game development.
>>104215 i think that as well its gonna be sad seeing her heart break
Something like "Until the protagonists do <thing> right before the end boss fight, he actually IS immortal" That'd carry over, probably
And that's not that uncommon a thing in video games, either
oh and games are kinda strange like book or episode you just transfer the latest version but games who knows
Yeah games are really weird here From when in the game are they drawn out? Is it random?
Maybe it's the gamestate that was last received by the portal... thing Like it's drawing all of this from around the world, and whichever was first or last is what it bases it on
Well rasuto bossu-kun is still acting like the MC is his best friend in the whole world. So the popular fan interpretation still has them being friends? Fucking fujoshi, I bet they're behind this.
i think he can be frinds and rivals at the same time kinda like deku and his friends in the current arc
Oh though I guess they don't actually have that good magic so there are limits
>>104222 Oh Jesus what if he's from Guts' Bizarre Adventure: the JRPG
oh fujo affecting things is neat
I'm giving Shirobako another run. I'm pretty confident I never had a good reason for not finishing it, and whatever the reason was, it has been lost in the abyss of time. But I never finished it.
Shirobako is a lot of fun
the princess character, i think could be just a popular OC character drawing and maybe that being the case she doesn't have a world of her own which makes her upset?
You mean the one being played up as a Big Bad? I'm pretty confident she's a creation of the MC.
>a mary sue gained sentience and is mad they didn't get a full world to be in Oh no
yeah that's what i think as well but he doesn't seem to recognize her or at least gets interrupted at every chance to acknowledge her >>104231 i don't think there's any reason to call her that
woo, Zero Casualty Arena run bout to be rank 1 on the first day
What are you playing
FE Heroes Arena matches refreshed My assault team is super good
Like there is very little you can do about Hone Cavalry / Blade Tome >Adds total bonuses on unit to damage dealt >+6 Atk and +6 Spd to adjacent cavalry units at start of turn Run at people with +18 Atk It's pretty great
you can do the thing that turns bonuses into debuffs i guess
In the off chance that my opponent actually uses Panic, Gunter, the person who has Hone Cavalry, also comes with harsh command, which is the exact opposite. So I can just reverse that lol
It's always fun when one of the nazis or commies I follow find someone from the other side and there's just shitflinging for an hour and a half on twitter
I want Jagen so I can get Fortify Cavalry and run around with +30 attack
Gunter has nice art
He does. Some moe thinks he's out of place but I like it. He's old and gritty and not trying to bishonen his way through life.
i thought the style represented that he was from an older game since it kinda looks like old concept art but apparently thats not the case
Yeah, he's from Fates. They gave all the old characters the super new looks though. Like Eldigan and Lachesis. Eldigan fits his art but Lachesis is like... SUPER SUPER SOFT MOE with a deep harsh condescending tone
my main question is usually what the fuck is tharja and why is arthur so american
It's a lot more apparent if you see the Tharja figure leaning over all those books or whatever I remember seeing that before playing FEH And then when I first saw Tharja in the game, she ran around and ate my whole team. I want those legs.
sk is there some cool way to take youtube screenshots?
Uh, opening the youtube in livestreamer\streamlink and then taking a screenshot with the player, I guess Other than that, I don't know >>104275 Works with Streamlink Livestreamer is old and stopped being updated like 2 or 3 years ago
livestreamer breaks the seek bar though right? i see doesn't work out if i want subs though
At least I THINK it works with streamlink
Oh yeah, I don't know if it does subs at all I guess you can fullscreen it and just hit the screenshot when it gets to where you wanna
Also I guess the seekbar is still busted in streamlink, but you can seek with the arrow keys It still handles it, it just doesn't give you a seekbar
At least it does with twitch, I haven't tried with youtube
It's just got a few things that are really weird There's the song, of course, but that's not exactly... wrong scientifically because it's got nothing to do with science to begin with But there's the ice cream thing which either says literally nothing, or it says sexual conversion therapy works... but only for straight people becoming some manner of non-straight And I'm not even sure it is trying to say that, it's just that the alternative is that it has no message whatsoever
So just the finnish part of the pipe would cost up to 4 billion € to who? andw hat is this "is ready by 2021" when they havn't even gotten a prototype running.
oh yeah TN the latest LWA is a finland trip episode
>sami >seeing an anime Dude they barely have civilization They're running at like the beta version of civilization, and we're fully patched and updated
Indeed but their rights groups atleast here have started embracing all DECOLONIALISING YOUR MIND and that they have been treated as bad as native americans... You know Colonialism is so old and done by white people about 6000 years ago even
We're here in civilization stable release and they were like "I'm not paying $5 to get the full version, this works fine sorta", so they're hanging onto their pre-release beta version
Also for an oppressed minority... they have full language rights in all of the lappland region, practically own way more land than the average norr, swede or finn and with reindeer meat being fucking expensive,t hey also make quite good fucking money >>104321 and this too they have their semi-independent government but >we are oppressed
"It says this thing crashes under like... most circumstances, but you can use it if you really wanna, so let's"
And then there's a bunch of tribes around the world we haven't even informed about the package to begin with They're open to all sorts of malicious attacks, and the only reason nobody's fucking with them is they're really not worth it, they don't have anything worth taking Like on one hand, all they have to defend themselves with is sticks and rocks On the other hand, all they have to DEFEND is those very same sticks and rocks It's just not a very interesting target
I think it's interesting though We've decided as a SPECIES that these few tribes, we're not gonna let them get in on the good shit We are looking at entire peoples and going "Eh, you know what? Access to basic healthcare isn't something we should impose on them"
we're gonna strip this planet dry of resources while some tribesmen around here have NO clue what's happening, and when the planet is basically a husk, the western world will just take off and let them slowly die out Like the last few drops in a juice box, we're just gonna leave them with the trash
Oh jesus I think some weebs have started retweeting some samurai jack thing I said But I was just being sarcastic But I guess it was probably also correct, but that's not the point I was making at all
hmm what things? about whitwashing?
No I said in response to someone linking an article talking about how Samurai Jack isn't historically accurate, because samurai weren't actually like that I said that similarly, the show has other parts that aren't accurate, and shows a complete lack of understanding of Japan at the time For example, there wasn't an embodiment of pure evil in Japan
Now what I meant was that there wasn't actually an Aku historically But because of the character limit, it reads a bit ambigious so it seems I'm saying they didn't have that as a mythological creature Which is probably also true, but it's not what I was saying
Is jack even a samurai, he was mostly trained outside of japan
Well he said, you’ll be the greatest president in the history of, but you know what, I’ll take that also, but that you could be. But he said, will be the greatest president but I would also accept the other. In other words, if you do your job, but I accept that. Then I watched him interviewed and it was like he never even was here. It’s incredible. I watched him interviewed a week later and it’s like he was never in my office. And you can even say that
One of moon's conversation bots, or Donald J Trump, sitting President of the United States of America?
im getting like three followers a day i dunno what i'm even doing i think it just puts me in other people's who to follow list based on who i'm following
>>104354 would you like it to be toned down? i'll try not to ignite things
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>104357 ok thank you for your restraint i'm not sure you're really responsible for much if anything though i'm just getting tired of opening my browser and seeing political shit on this site every day
I'm in Florida still right now! But it's just about time for the annual philly trip
>>104370 hmm looks like the 11th, 12th, or 13th i'm not sure yet jan has to leave from philly on the evening of the 9th and then i plan to swing through kentucky to see ToN and maybe PAN and a dude from Tano and then i'll head home from there So it depends on whether or not I am staying in Philly past when Jan leaves
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
oh no philly i'm sorry
Oh I see, I didn't know Jan was flying out of Philly. I wonder if it would be cheaper to leave from there myself. On the other hand being able to make Tony's life miserable in person is tempting.
haha, you're welcome to tag along as long as you want If there's a cheaper flight somewhere along the way, on one of the days we're driving through that place, I can send you on your way from there, too
>>104376 Yeah I guess that's true eh. Stuff like that though, really opens up the realms of possibilities I would have to look at. Which I dunno if it's more of a nuisance than it's worth. I don't even KNOW which airports to even start looking at.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
okay that sounds pretty fun
>>104373 are you going through tennis sea to pick up rook
Rook can't tag along unfortunately but I'm planning on stopping by to hang out with him a little on the way >>104378 After classes and my errands tonight, I'll put together plan that I can share with you so you'll have an idea about where we'll be and when.
>>104379 yeah! jan and tilde are flying in to florida and then we're gonna drive up to philly
i want to go buy some craft beer but i'm afraid of getting looked at weird for having an out of state, expired ID and also for buying alcohol at 1:00 in the afternoon but this is my first day off in almost three weeks but people will LOOK AT ME
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
what happens when people look at you
it destabilizes my internal wiring and causes a stir-up of all the things i use as functional anchors
>>104394 Yeah that is the thing what //how does it differ from buying large quantities of beer a morning, noon or early afternoon or in the evening? Either way you are going to drink them. Actually, if people drank during the day time, there'd be less complaints about noise and prolly less police work. Atleast the cops could concentrate on actual shit and not drunken people being drunk people
>>104396 most people are working during work hours including people working at the grocery store >>104394 it turned out fine it's a good thing i'm really good at pretending to be charismatic
i bought some wasabi snap peas and they don't taste like wasabi at all i looked at the ingredients and they tried to make artificial wasabi flavor by using tomato, onion powder, and garlic powder i'm so confused like they're really good but they're just not wasabi
Wasabi in North America is really weird. They try so hard to imitate it or use a relative plant. Like just import the stuff for crying out loud.
i usually dont have trouble finding real wasabi but these were a dollar 99 so i figured i'd grab them i love these snap pea crisps in general i just grabbed the wasabi flavored instead of regular or cracked pepper it's actually really good but i just dont know why it's called wasabi it's like tomato garlic soup
I'm not big on pea crisps but I love similar seasonings to those on peanuts. Wasabi peanuts are really nice.
The "owner comes home after long while" usually army I think vids are nice too
>>104414 there are so many of them though for that reason i can't really care a lot when i see someone post them some of the cat ones of that are pretty great though >>>/watch?v=Cx14ohE6nHs
>>104437 yup 2 mile run 2 minutes of push ups 2 minutse of sit ups >>104436 i just bought some mass gainer recently i think thats the only reason im starting to
>>104438 i had the second highest sit up count in my unit i'll have you know first one some tiny dude with abs of steel my run and pushups were pure ass though
>>104438 i work at a desk in a home office so it's hard all my exercise is in my hands, and it's a lot but i can't gain 10 pounds to my wrist and fingers that would be really weird
yeah im lucky morning pt we go to the gym lunch i go to the gym and usually they let us eat during work call hours then i go before dinner on my own time
I had a division run today and they flew helicopters above us it was funny
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Popeye mode
>>104441 so you're not still 6'4" and 125 pounds what are you at nowadays
I'm still pretty skinny thats why i bought my mass gainer im like 6'1 and 163 lbs im trying to hit like 180
>>104444 that's a pretty good weight you're at i think 180 might be on the heavy side for 6'1" i'm not sure i would suggest staying at 170 ignore talk you hear, people are just trying to compensate people get really fat in the army seriously the moment you stop being that active, all those guys that have +20 pounds of muscle will have a complete metamorphasis you really want to keep it as organic as possible. you're not a bodybuilder / powerlifter you dont need massive gains just natural improvement
I'm just trying to get some more muscle definition yeah i see a lot of fat people a lot of permanent profile people too im surprised so many can stay in
And yeah i agree with the not needing massive gains i still feel good when i get the pump though and i want to look good >>104449 because theyre undeployable
>>104448 bad for your heart dude just stay fit not fat
so I just checked it and it looks like I was wrong. You can't reverse Panic's effects with Harsh Command. lame
harsh command is a waste of an assist ability if it doesn't reposition an ally, get rid of it
I get a lot of mileage out of it from all the Seal skills and following up from Threatens. At least when I'm pairing Gunter with Eldigan. I usually use Eldigan as a shield. So he ends up sitting in Threaten range or Sealed by somebody. Harsh Command is fine to follow up with
why would you oh nevermind i'm doing that thing again sorry
That said, seeing as Ursula and Cecilia are my main hitters now, it might be good to get a different Support skil
I haven't had to use Eldigan as a damage shield in a while. Usually only to deal with Bow or Axe enemies that are too close and can't deal with immediately
I need to level Robin now so I can get those Orbs I now have more Robins. Make one 4 star so I can feed Ignis to someone.
I'm almost fine with my wisdom tooth being the way it is now But might as well get rid of it
Never know
http://bato.to/reader#320b6a3a73b0e9b6_8 I am 100% sure that this showed up because of United Airlines in the news. This guy loves our real life drama.
>>104459 yeah why didn't they just pull it off? wteeth are useless anyhow