The SZS book came damaged. The one that came wjth the bluray I pre-ordered. I have a few complaints The case is a boring generic bluray case with the blue plastic, for what I paid I expected it to look nicer. And also according to the back of the box the video is 1080i, which is not great because depending on what you're watching it on it might look bad because of issues deinterlacing.
📝 *writes all that down* Your call is very important to us
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm gonna email them about the book later.
What else are you going to do 2day?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041574 Listen to my dj friend's 5 hour all 80's special. It starts at 4pm us central time.
Actuallys sounds pretty fun If I had some big headphones to throw on I would
Does your phone have good splitscreen So you can watch stuff while posting
>>1041618 The kitchen smells fine but the living room still smells like gas so I opened the window down there and told my mom but then she said "close it, we can't leave that one open, it faces the parking lot" It's not big enough for someone to get in through, she's really paranoid about stuff like that and it drives me crazy.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
So now there's just a bunch of natural gas floating around in the living room.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ahh neurotic moms
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats super unhealthy
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well, the smell wasn't strong enough that either of them noticed it. I'm not sure if this is a case of me having a sensitive nose or them having insensitive noses.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
When I go down to take my meds I'll set up a fan down there.
why dont you move out already
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041628 Because I can't afford it. And I'm going off to school later this year anyways so there's no point.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Also I don't know if you heard, but rents are at like an all time high right now.
Yeah There's no real benefit to using a urinal over a conventional toilet and several benefits to the conventional toilet Outside of a few extremely fringe cases maybe
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't see a reason to have a urinal at your house, but there's clear advantages to having urinals in public restrooms.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
This is cool, I'd get one if I drank coffee.
a neat novelty but the tapered mouth would make drinking out of it kinda annoying
>>1041659 Better than troughs at baseball stadiums.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
look all im saying is we should genetically engineer a species of hybrid human-elephant-octopus with eight trunks that just go and suck up the pee as required
im good just had 3 beers at a brewery and now a spicy vietnamese soup how are you
i love lappland
i'm pretty good been working two full time jobs i've probably mentioned little else in recent times because my life doesn't really consist of anything else to talk about at the moment shoulder to the wheel
but somewhat surprisingly i don't mind it i kind of enjoy it it's kind of a rush having a worklife balance equivalent to a pendulum that's turned into a centrifuge and i'm too busy to be lonely or to think about anything, which is nice on the bright side actually, i might ask one of the girls at my second job on a date soon still feeling it out
i'll probably let my boss at my second job know that i can really only do this for a month more or so not because i can't do this indefinitely, but because my main job is going to make it worthwhile to be focused on
Got a little stroppy with the guy at the post office for shutting everything down in the middle of the day I mean i get that you're short staffed cus of covid but cmon You could at least stagger peoples breaks so you're not all off at once
>>1041684 sounds like a way to keep yourself occupied didnt something happen some thing happened right, that sparked this workaholism
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Mate seriously you can't shut down the entire post office in the middle of the afternoon Smh
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ken watanabe voice* i remembar...
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1041689 did you emigrate to the united kingdon or somethin mate
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i do miss the times when i was young in school and would volunteer for things and work diligently its not like my actual career wirh its psychodrama and weird abstractions
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I work two full time jobs if we're counting Runescape
i love lappland
>>1041688 well my boss was freaking out about something and thought he was gonna have to lay two of us off so after he told me about that, i phoned my buddy and had a job lined up basically immediately but i made sure to work it out so that i could either work for my main job still if my boss was just freaking out (yeah lmao) or if i wanted to do some freelance work so when my boss told me that he was just freaking out (which i figured, as you can see) i was like "fuck it, i'll just have two jobs now"
i'd been thinking about picking up a side hustle for a hot minute now so it worked out
ironically, his freaking out coincided with some other freak-outery and it's actually just my boss and me with the company now so i'm now like really importantly valuable and stuff or whatever i'm being nonchalant about it but like for real this small business is just two people now and there's a lot of work (and money) in the next two quarters for us so i'm most likely going to stick it out with him and drop my second job become a lead for whoever we hire but if things go tits-up, i'm back in the good graces of Panera again and they apparently really need managers with experience so that's a path open to me again now i'd rather things just work out peachy with the window tinting but it's not like i'd be unhappy doing restaurant management again and i'd likely be able to work towards a GM or district position
I don't know why but the first bus leg of my route to work has gotten a good bit longer the past couple days, I think If it doesn't get better I'll probably be stuck back at a full hour commute in the mornings
>>1041823 You still play FGO? I don't follow it but I heard that there was something that happened in the current event that confirms a bunch of joke things as canon.
there's boys in that game too I'm pretty sure and yeah I haven't been as committed lately but I do play fgo frequently. Waiting for caster artoria to drop this year in english
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041826 Are you gonna get the official English release of Mahoyo in December?
Oh yeah Not sure if anyone here cares, but preorders opened up on that new fugure of Lucifer from Helltaker. I'm definitely getting it. I'll put it on the desk at my dorm.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
In other mews I finished my transfer application and now just need to send my transcripts and apply for financial aid
i met someone with fruit autism today and they taught me about all kinds of different mangos and about the fact that we are about to enter a banana shortage because of the panama 4 fungus that is going to destroy our bananas since all of our bananas are the same banana
>>1041837 they must be decent, not like the comercial junk.
>>1041845 The flat one is usually called a washer, and is often included with nuts or bolts you need to screw in to give a protecting layer between the bolt/nut you need to screw in and the surface it is being screwed into
yes its anout a senator shooting him self due to corruption
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1041921 Budd Dwyer wasn't a senator, he was in the Pennsylvania state government. And the song isn't about the corruption or politics so much as the suicide itself.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
God I've seen the gif of his suicide so many times. People used to post it everywhere, I even saw it as sprays in TF2. Mid 2000s internet was wild.
ya dial up modeming
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I think it was also in the header of every ED article about a person who killed themself.
its like the posterchild video for killing ones self
i just made that up i can't even remember what it was
fuck i deleted my history
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wow how nostalgic That thread has rika saying ridiculous things and trying to justify them while kirara calls her out on it.
mhmm I was just looking at that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I don't know if I miss Rika We got into it sometimes And really don't have much in common Sometimes I miss her But I think thats because I feel abandoned
feels bad man >just put a blindfold on her so she can't hear you man I miss moon
i somehow confused that for riamu that's more on brand
riamu is literally me
>I actually think there’s a way to beat roulette…but it’s not for the faint of heart. What you do is put an appliance in your shoe that’ll give you a fatal electric shock if your number doesn’t come up. You surf the wave collapse. You’re Schrodinger’s cat. Millions of people have already done this, winning untold billions of dollars; but we don’t live in the universes where they survived. Since you won’t be alive to see a losing number, the only thing you’ll perceive will be winning. On the other hand, in over 50% of universes per spin, the casino staff and/or your wife will have to scrape you off the carpet. Might try this Pipebomb over heart seems easier to make though
>>1042068 Figured might be kinda your thing, lots of older music, animated, inspired by psychadelic stuff I only saw it as a kid though, don't remember much.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1042069 You have a shift today or nah? Also happy Anzac day Well Actually happy probably isn't correct but have a good one
actually that does explain that thing about Superman being bi I suppose
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Red kryptonite is also cool. I remember seeing an explanation of what the different kryptonites do and the red kryptonite example was "it could turn your head into that of an ant".
>>1042108 Like this, you can do it for the sending and receiving points Or a little more detailed
i wonder if people are like going to Instagram to get a job just so they can hack these profiles if only we had some kind of trustless platform that didn't depend on a bunch of doods running a database and T mobile SMS and such... hmm...
Honestly Holmes doesn't do a whole lot of detecting even in the stories A lot of his solutions come from knowing shit like the specific colour of clay that you're likely to get on your boot when you walk through rainy weather in the south of Wales when the time of year is early spring Or the scent of tabacco grown in a precise province of northwest Africa that has been cured for three weeks before wrapped in paper pressed on the banks of the Avignon
Also if she was to take Sherlock's surname for the reference we would have never got the charming "Amelia hhhhWatsonn"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1042157 thats alright wait for thr next cycle sellin at 3 would have been the play but we dont get to live life in reverse
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
patience always wins
greed always gets the best of me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
people on twitter are always like "ykno if u sold ur eth at 4500 then bought back at 1300 u'd 3x your investment" just sell the top and buy the bottom 4Head
Yeah and if I'd bought bitcoins when they were several cents each or less, I'd literally be among the richest individuals on the planet, but unfortunately I didn't have the guts to convince my dad to let me
does the show with the demon lord reincarnating into the future count as an isekai? it's still the same world, but it's changed since he took a dirt nap so it's kinda also not the same world even if the basic laws of physics are the same
I don't know how to feel about Elon buying twitter. I imagine some parts of it will be worse but others will improve. I know a lot of people who've been banned for bullshit reasons.
>>1042226 maybe just maybe it's because someone slipped me molly a few days ago u can't remember what the hangover from those things are like since it's been a while something% of the time that is just meth cut with meth anyway
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you're not from min you call it Minnesota all the locals call it Minnepop