i have upgraded my linux on my personal PC wow so fresh more hardware compositing maybe i'll write a 3d triangle as a treat
I checked my reflection while I was in the washroom earlier and boy oh boy are the bags deep under my eyes today To the point where I think it actually looks worse with my mask off I knew I did not sleep well last night but I didn't expect it to be this bad
The keychain was kind of cute and the teacup and saucer combo was hella elegant Too bad I have no need for more teacups hah hah I kinda wanted Bae's giant-ass mug though
Apparently she's got a cute/yandere dynamic ASMR track in her voice packs for her birthday
I wonder if I'd take the plunge and try ayahuasca if I had the chance on one hand I might come out a better person on the other it might enhance all the worst traits I have and turn me into a nightmare maybe fi // if I were a trust fund baby I'd risk it
someone made a bunch of shit up about being abused by him or some shit trying to ride the wave of streamers being accused of that sort of stuff it all turned into nothing from what I can tell but he's been laying low just to be sure I guess
oh dang
im gonna need a coffer if want to make home in one piece
There's a concert I want to go to but I can't seem to find anyone to go with.
i love lappland
story of my life man i could invite a dozen different people out for a night of drinking and they'll show up i could invite those same individuals out to see a show and offer to cover the ticket and they're like "oh i don't know i think i'm busy or maybe my cat died and my house is on fire" even though going to a show is just like getting drinks but with more music and less talking
just go by urself
i love lappland
i do lol
i love lappland
tbh there's a lot of advantages to going solo like not having to give a fuck about what anyone thinks not having to play the part of yourself make shit up, say wild shit, get fuckin down on the floor i mean with a good enough friend you can do that shit but who has a good enough frien
cool, mountains and lake for fishing, fishies. I'd play, whats it called? I may reasearch the rules. rules are policys, and important to hghlight/dichotomous cheaters. hmmm ISW/MLI 3 shiny details. Thst a part of the game?
When I was getting ready to leave for work this morning, I didn't know by the afternoon that the wind chill would be making it feel like it's -6°C I would have brought a better jacket
sleept in -15 tge other day brrr. survive
AnnoSearch [iqdb](803 KB, 1332x3629, 1647496211566.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The Umbral Choir is such a unique faction I don't think I've ever played any game with a playable faction so wholly different from all the other options available I mean I've never even gotten to the midgame of a 4x game in my life, but even RTS games and stuff, they don't have anything like this It's like Splinter Cell: The Galactic Empire, it's cool as hell
The other factions are like "here's a twist on it, but basically you're gonna be harvesting resources, sending out colonizing ships, and growing your empire like a son of a gun, also make sure you get some Big Guns", but the choir just sits back in one nebula somewhere in the galaxy listening to techno music and chanting "hack the planet hack the planet" because that's how you fucking colonize, you don't even set up colonies really, you just fucking actually hack the planets and put cyber ghosts on them
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1036926 I recently found a programming language that has some of the worst behaviors I've ever seen. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/BLISS
>>A reference to a variable is always to the address of that variable. For example, the instruction Z+8 refers to adding 8 to the address of Z, not to its value. If one needs to add 8 to the value of Z, one must prefix the variable with a period; so one would type .Z+8 to perform this function, which adds 8 to the contents of Z.
>>Assignment is done with the standard = symbol, e.g. Z=8 – which says to create a full-word constant containing 8, and store it in the location whose address corresponds to that of Z. So Z+12=14 (or, alternatively 12+Z=14) places the constant 14 into the location which is 12 words after the address of Z. (This is considered bad practice.)
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
That second one is going into my top ten worst features I've ever seen in a non joke language.
Oh I forgot to mention It's a typeless language.
i love a good fruit that I have look up a youtube video to eat
>>1036941 Yeah I looked it up Pomegranate skin is fine to eat, it just tastes bad.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1036939 The book about the creation of the optimizing compiler is apparently considered a classic. Oh speaking of the language It was originally developed for the PDP-11. The more I learn about the history of computers the more I realize how important that computer was.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>book was funded in part by DARPA I wish they still threw money around like they used to.
Anyways I assume you ended up cutting it open. How was it? I haven't had a pomegranate in like 20~ years and can barely remember how they taste. I just remember they come up in Jewish culture.
very messy good though tangy I suppose i would call it
>>1036969 There's a saying that there is a mitzvot for each seed in a pomegranate. And there's like 613 mitzvot Or something around there I don't remember anything else
If enden ring is still crashing when i load it up after work today I ill cry
you don't have the right, O you dont' have the right
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
does it crash when you try to run it or just randomly while playing?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It's on the loading scree n after the main menu as soon as you press 'continue' Can't even get in
It might be worth trying to run a file integrity on the game Or just outright reinstalling it There could have been some corruption when Steam downloaded and patched in the most recent update
yeah try verifying the files I've had a few games install patches improperly before and that usually fixes it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1036985 Yeah I just hope the save cloud sync works if I have to reinstall
Otherwise I'll be a very salty boy
It should; or at least it's worked for me in similar situations Could also see if you can easily tell where character data is kept in the game's files and back it up Although that might not work for a game like Elden Ring I play a lot of indie games that tend to have more open data like that hah hah
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Also it takes like 10 hours to download so if I reinstall im not playing today either
Yeah If worst comes to worst you could also ask for a refund Steam policy is a guaranteed refund with certain restrictions, but they do evaluate case-by-case refunds which exceed that A bug that makes your game unplayable sounds like a solid argument for one
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
M8 i don't even care about the money i just wanna play video games
Fair enough, I'm just covering the bases
Considering it was working fine for you before the recent update/updates (I presume) and I haven't seen any other complaints about issues like it, I think there's a strong chance it was an issue with patching Your Internet could have hiccuped and corrupted the download, or just a stray error in patching; it happens
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Yeah Although if I had epilepsy it might be different
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The lighting effects randomly bug and it's like being at a rave
good god this folder of medical and related records on me is huge I'm supposed to bring it with me when I see the psych today, but I have no idea what's even really relevant here, so I'm just gonna bring the whole damn thing and she can sort through it There's just too much
When uncertain, go overboard, is definitely a mentality I can get behind
it's more like, the folder is actually EVERYTHING concerning me that my mom gathered up while I lived with her I've taken out everything related to mental health, and that's still an enormous amount And not really knowing or remembering what exactly she wanted to look at I'm just gonna bring all of this and let her look through it She can keep it for a while if she wants, I don't care
I don't know if this shirt is just too thick for spring or if the warehouse is just absurdly warm today My guess leans to the latter though, since I'm also feeling really dried out and sleepy
it happened, but that's about it nothing much gained, can't make myself trust her at all
apparently she didn't finish the question list last time, so we just went through what remained, and basically her reaction to my answers made me uncomfortable and everything went to hell cause once I'm uncomfortable around someone, I can't just like, go "oh yeah, I actually have enormous issues around sexual stuff, mere mention of it can send me into a paranoid, suicidal state" So basically, at some point a lot of the questions were halfway lies, halfway "honest but probably misinterpreted on my end"
Maybe I'm just fucking lost, honestly
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037076 Well I hope you can start trusting her at some point When's your next appointment?
I don't see myself trusting her at any point at all
I have a real bad habit of just sorta trying to manage the lies and halftruths that apply to different people, and that leads to it compounding until at some point it's simply not feasible to undo the damage
the big question that really sent the whole thing off track was "what do you do when in love?" or some shit like that, and like first off, that's hard to answer because it's come up twice and neither were 'doable' to begin with second, I have a lot of fucking issues around even conceptualizing myself in any sort of relationship with another human being that goes beyond the bare minimum qualifiers for friendship. I hate what I look like, I don't really like meeting people, and the mere thought of sex has like a 50% chance of sending me to the hell zone from which the only escape is planning my own suicide to calm down but when I go "it's not really something I've got a lot of interest in" and I'm met with condescension, I can't... ever trust this person with the actual reasons at the core here I can't just "go dating". The person I am is at best incomplete, more realistically actually wrong, I can't be in a relationship the way I am
it's probably apparent I've been drinking, but I'm not wasted or anything, just kinda woozy
Also just for reference, the "RIP" was directed at the "in fuckin' June", I did not intend for it to seem dismissive towards the rest of the post.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I assume seeing a psychologist is not an option? >>1037082 It was in part so people who see it later don't think I'm more of an asshole than I already am.
it's kind of a mixture of priorities for one, according to the neuropsychologist or whatever, I ain't got ADHD, which honestly has me kinda lost because I don't know what to make of my reality now, so that's something I wanna get sorted out I guess to some degree I wanna be able to manage my... not depression, it's something else dystemia? dysthymia something like that >>1037091 apparently not really dysthymia is like a constant state of just never being at an average level, depression is periods of really tanking into the abyss Though I mean, obviously they're not mutually exclusive because I do literally plan my own suicide as a coping mechanism, frequently
well, that's the diagnosis I was given in any case It's obviously gonna be problematic to diagnose someone like me though, because i'm actually conscious and won't ever tell anyone with any level of authority that I'm planning to end it cause they'll be forced to call the cops or some shit
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037095 Okay yeah bit *but You've already admitted to lying
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037095 I don't know how it is over there but over here you don't automatically get sent to the psych ward if you tell your psych you are considering suicide
if you're a legitimate threat to yourself or others, they're legally obliged to notify the authorities >>1037099 I did try once, and really I don't know how far away I am at any given time from trying again I really just don't know if the next time I spiral downwards is gonna be the one or not
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037098 Are you a legitimate threat to yourself? Have you ever done more than plan yoyr own suicide?
honestly I'm pretty sure you're like the only one on moe who hasn't already tired of my shit for good reason on everyone else's end, for the record It's been like... fucking 8 years? and I'm still the same fucking lunatic
I just do not fucking trust psychs with my issues quickly, cause I'm deeply ashamed of most of them so even when I do try to seek help, I end up lying and being evasive to avoid touching on the stuff that's really bothering me it's not even really conscious, for the most part, it's reflexive and intrusive, there's a hard lock on it that I can't actually get through around people I'm not familiar with
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037101 I've been in and out of therapy for most of my life and have had a lot of friends who have attempted suicide so I know a bit about being a mental health patient.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037101 Not trusting psychs quickly is pretty common. Part of the reason I'm worried is that seeing them every three months means you'll probably not get anywhere. Well, not quickly.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Is seeing them more frequently (I know you don't want to do this) an option?
>>1037113 Oh Those Uh Yeah but less so Sounds potentially dangerous though.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm not sure anyone here would be interested in this (aside from Rene) but Soft Cell just released a collaboration with The Petshop Boys and its pretty good. >>>/watch?v=cv4QNTg1Mps
so what the song is it called " I love being a nonce"
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I can't listen to it right now, I'll check it out later. I'm currently listening to a radio archive stream that cant be paused. >>1037124 I'm sure I've heard it at some point, I just don't remember it. Is that the one sampled in Doctorin the Tardis?
it's okay everyone is always a little bit awkward at the start but you adapt very quickly I uno sec test test test yeah I think it's every two words it becomes uneditable correct me if I'm wrong
There's a first time for everyone
>>1037196 I'll see how well I do. I ama going to grab some more chocolate. Can we agree that chocolate with nuts is the best?
Lmao, I hate saying fam. but I do it without thinking
Don't hate what you want to do Unless what you want to do is cruelty to other people
>>1037203 I'm not sure if that is what I want to do. I just pick up writing patterns from shitposting and they kinda stay no matter what. Kinda a bad habbit of mine
>>1037200 I have no clue who thought that was a good idea. Unless it's some genius marketing stunt by making a movie so bad, people watch it for I guess the ability to say they watched it
>>1037207 You will hate me, but I don't like caramel cause it always made my teeth hurt for some reason. A lot of sugary things do. Not sure why exactly. I had it for years. It's good thouhg, but I have to eat with only the right side of my jaw cause there it doesn't hurt.
I know, weird.
High sugary sensitivity like that can be a sign of cavities and enamel degredation
>>1037209 Wouldn't some dentist pick up something is wrong? I had it for years. I remember it when I was like 8ish or so. I will ask some dentist about It when I have a check up god knows when again. Thanks for mentioning it.
I'm not complaining about the heat, I'm worried it's a result of using more power than I intend I'm not opposed to 25 degrees, that's comfy as hell, I don't even really gotta get dressed
I can't seem to find the article I read about the subject. :v(
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways What happened to the ibises is really tragic. Humans invaded their habitats and built cities And now their population is in decline and they are treated as a pest.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>plug phone in >phone says its fast charging >battery decreasing by a few percent every 15 minutes I guess I need a new cable.
It's another damn isekai, but this time the protagonist doesn't die at the start >>1037367 It's really not very good, but I'm also terribly bored
With a dignified veteran's body and a long white beard, summoner mage Dunbalf was one of the strongest player characters in the virtual reality online multiplayer roleplaying game Ark Earth Online, even heralded as a one-man army. Together with the "Nine Wise Mages" and King Solomon, they formed the mage player Kingdom of Alcait. But one day, Dunbalf and the other Nine Wise Mages suddenly go missing, leaving no trace behind.
In an effort to spend his expiring credits, Dunbalf had purchased a cosmetic kit and tinkered with his character; however, he accidentally fell asleep during the customization process. Upon waking up, Dunbalf not only notices that the world of Ark Earth Online has become more realistic, but also discovers that he has turned into a cute girl! After reaching Alcait, he learns it has been 30 years since he supposedly disappeared.
Now tasked with finding the other missing mages by King Solomon, the avid role player proclaims his new identity as Mira—the Pupil of the Wise Man Dunbalf—and ventures forth to prove his legacy.
sorry but im not gay so i dont think im allowed to watch this
i feel u man i watched bad animes when im bored in fact ive got one open as we speak but i have it on pause
well, unless I'm leaving the computer to take a piss or something
the cover band os playing at the pub again don't like that shit but I guess live musics back on the menu boys
I already miss dead music
well they just stops whooops
stopped i guess thee dogs can relax now
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037375 How many dogs do you guys have? 2 or 33?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
2 cats 2 dogs used to be three of each but we moved >>1037379 rude crude lewd dudw I like the company of thw cats more personally but I guess the dogs have their place
id rather have a kid tbh at least kids learn to not shit on the ground at some point usually
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I used to want kids (in the future) but I don't kmow anymore. I'm not sure if I'm capable of raising a child. I'm also terrified of having an autistic kid.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My sister doesn't want kids because she's afraid they'll be like me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how bad could you be
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037393 I'm almost 30 and I haven't finished college and have never had a job or a romantic partner and I've had crippling anxiety for over half of my life in addition to pretty bad depression for a bit over a decade in addition to ocd, autism and adhd.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you gotta do some heroic doses of acid or somethin my man
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037395 My brain is fucked up enough, I don't need to ruin it anymore woth recreational drugs.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ha if you're locked in a death spiral of thoughts then shaking it up is the play
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm not really in a "death spiral", I was just listing off some of my personal issues and demonstrably inheritae medical conditions.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
call it what you like, some kind of change is warranted
wow he's just like me fr
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037400 I'm in therapy and that's going well. I'm also actually going back to college later this year for real this time I swear™
I've been rejected for positions that could be done by trained chimpanzees and positions I know for a fact have been (in general not at this specific location) given to registered sex offenders with no work history.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna do some ayahuasca once i get past my current hangups and manage to exit the country
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well that one specifically was a stocking job at target Which is the same job Mad Thad got after he was released
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Urg I have a stomach ache And feel nauseous whenever I remember what I ate earlier. >>1037409 I actually don't habe issues with eye contact Also I wasn't called in for an interview
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1037405 yeah but the sex offenders had great eye contact while you were staring at your shoelaces
>>1037411 >>1037413 Either of you ever had honeycomb? I had some earlier fkr the first time today but I had it on a mostly empty stomach (because the sandwich shop messed up my sandwich and I couldn't eat it) amd now just thinking about honey comb makes me feel worse.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1037413 two beers and a negroni a drink is one beer or one cocktail or one glass of wine as standardized by provincial liquor laws
>ay bartender - pour me two standard provincial units of drink
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Pulling the wax out of your teeth is the worst though My friend said its edible but its feels gross in my mouth >>1037421 They don't habe grocery stores in Norway?
I mean I'm never gonna have an opportunity to eat a damn honeycomb anyway If I were offered through some weird happenstance, I'd probably give it a shot though >>1037420 We have HONEY, but they don't sell the damn production facility there, they just sell the honey
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037421 Yeah I honestly don't know where my friend got it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm sure it was at a grocery store Just not sure which one
There's no way you can just buy honeycombs at the grocery store, that's not sustainable >>1037425 No, but like, I'm pretty sure they're real slow to repla- Actually I guess it doesn't matter if you sell the whole damn thing or just the honey, at the end of the day, it's not like you can just reuse them hm
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037424 ? Are you an expert on the economics of beekeeping?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Anyways Try it if you get the chance, but don't go out of your way to get it.
some people eat shrimp with the tails on but i cant get into it
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037431 I mean It's not like I had to pull the bees out of it first I cut it with a fork amd put it in my mouth. If I ever try it again I'll scrape the wax off first though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i miss travelling and eating novel stuff for the first tim its been a long time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i need to establish a home base here in my hometown first tho that's step one
I'm gonna eat some cheese Maybe that will help my mouth forget about the beeswax
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
before 5pm Cereal good luck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont want to jinx it but my sleep has been relatively good at the ripe old age of 17 years ive found myself getting tired around midnight and getting up around sunrise
my sleep has historically been pretty ass i would stay up till the wee hours and have mild sleep apneas plus the alcohol probably terrible sleep quality
i can sleep whereverr and whenever i want i do too many drugs to sleep sonetines
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i would sleep 10 hours but because it was total ass sleep it didnt help im payin more attention to my airway these days i hope it hepa helps*
the main thing that interests me in cryptography these days is zero knowledge proofs
I'm no proof but I do have zero knowledge
printer is low on melatoner
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean public-private key cryptography is already wild anyone can prove they have a private key, without revealing it it actually by itself makes all sorts of schemes possible zero-knowledge proofs are like a generalization of that
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037463 Lattice reduction comes up in analysis of public key crypto systems
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ive never had to work with lattices theyve always been peripheral to the space i work in formalisms dont do shit for me on their own, connect me to something tangible
You can always connect tangibly to me, baby
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ow owwww
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-knowledge_proof stuff is wild
theres a language called Cairo for writing ZK programs you write what looks like code but it gets converted into circuits of proofs built on proofs
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm on the opposite end I understand the math more than tge actual implementation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
https://www.cairo-lang.org/docs/hello_cairo/intro.html check it out rei programming in field elements
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037471 Interesting I'm not sure I really get it. But also I've been up for 18 hours.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its pretty wack but apparently it works i would like to write something in this constrained paradigm
bruh my whole build in elden ring is BLOCK and just being built like a brick shithouse. Can facetank anything in the game and now it's time to fight Malenia and that's all useless cus if you block she just lifesteals
Guess you gotta A D A P T
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
peepoTalk I am Malenia, blade of Miquella peepoTalk
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Wordle 280 5/6
⬜🟨⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ ⬜🟨⬜🟨⬜ 🟩⬜🟩⬜🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just press circles miyazaki's gift to gamers wverywhere
i love lappland
>>1037474 damn i know this feel i really, truly, down to my core i know this feel and it's a bad feel
i can appreciate a tanky lad for real but i would very much advise keeping the hell away from her until you can punish her safely it will save you the trouble of the lifesteal if you have a weapon with a kickass weapok art , especially one that staggers, use and abuse it
i honestly would believe either way if she heals or not in phase 2 because she's so hecking dangerous i want to keep a washing pole's distance from her
>>1037512 Wait, really? I just beat her for the second time and I didn't notice it. Although she also barely hit me in phase 2 so maybe that's why. I could have sworn it went away.
i thought they meant the npc who gives you shit for not having a maiden
oh varre he drops stuff if you finish his quest
yeah the bleedlord I didn't even know he had a quest lmao I just know he disappears from there sooner or later The boss drops a cool weapon But it's gonna be a while until I can use it
wow is nobody going to give me a 'grats' for finally beating the boss even if I had to cheese it a bit with bleed and the mimic tear...
I have yet to touch Elden Ring and I've been making a point of not looking too closely at what other people are doing I don't know the scale of praise needed here!
wordswordswords I only watch a couple of videos of gardening stuff infrequently and I still manage to get those ads somehow google thinks I'm a pothead
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you wot m8
doooooll day let's get these sono bitches
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sono bisque wa this flustered useless protagonist needs to just kiss her already
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe ill go to /a/ and start a "why dont they just fuck already" thread for ole time's sake
I've kinda come up against a wall in elden ring once more my STR build doesn't seem to do enough damage to be viable, and I dunno why my brick hammer is +5, I've got like 27 STR or something, so I gotta twohand it but it's just not really doing the sorta damage I'd expect maybe STR build is just stinky
like when I fought marghit, obviously I didn't yet have the hammer, but whenever I attacked I took out a sizable chunk of his HP but this grafted scumshit takes fucking chipdamage at best, I even tried changing back to the halberd I used and it's just not cutting it
>wiki says he's weak to physical maybe he's just got way, way more HP than I thought I only ever beat him with magic and bleed after all >>1037588 That does work, but the main issue is each stagger barely results in much damage at all since my crits are ass anyway It does function though
maybe prioritize jump attacks to cause more staggers since that's what big weapons are good at
Might just also go ahead and golden fowl foot that huge dragon you can get to real early on for massive soul gain Things don't scale with you in this game, after all
>>1037581 no its a isekai where the dude is normal with girls
>>1037590 well I'm gonna watch it based on your recommendation rather I am watching it 8 minutes in and while the isekai hasn't begun at least I get the impression it's gonna be good Just based on this MC being actually normal
>>1037592 But I've already dropped enormous amounts into STR I'm just gonna force my way through it with STR until I get bored DEX wasn't much fun anyway, doesn't even attack all that fast
quality builds are good and strong
saw a screenshot of someone who leveled vig, end, and str to 99 and left everything else at 10 I hope they are having a good day
...wouldn't they be far beyond the level you should be when you finish the game?
yes I'm pretty sure it was in ng+ they were dual wielding the brick hammers and had big beefy armor also leveling vigor past 60 is nearly worthless, I think between 60 and 99 you end up with a ~200hp increase
When people do things like that it is not because it is good but because it is fun
exactly sub-optimal builds are fun I dipped into faith to use the dragon incantations with the arcane scaling talisman and while I would have been better served putting those levels into dex or arcane it's been fun >>1037600 you keep everything but key items
you keep your stats in ng+`?
What's the point of playing an RPG if you're not going to role play as a dumbass beefcake
I wonder if there's any 100% speedruns out there yet any% speedruns aren't really all that fun since they end up just being one cheesy way to deal with the final boss and everything else is glitching through stuff
any% is fun if there's really goofy tech involved like run at this corner and get backstabbed and you teleport past the boss door type shit can't imagine what an optimal 100% run in this would look like what would even qualify as 100%? every boss and miniboss?
Open world games are kind of hard to gauge as 100% speedrun games Even if they have some kind of completion counter Because no sane speedrun is going to actually 100% a sixty-hour open world adventure game
Well, all bosses is enough to count as far as I'm concerned
I could see the speedrunning community going either way Either accepting there's no reasonable way to 100% the game so finding some conditional 100% But also maybe they'd refuse that on some principle of if you give Elden Ring a conditional 100% why not other games Where do you draw lines?
current runs seem to be focusing on all rememberance bosses which makes sense to me pre 1.03 patch there was a sub 25min run that kept popping up in my recommended vids
there's one joke category focusing on scaring a goat the only victory condition is scaring a goat, any goat
weirdly, all the runs I've seen actually go ahead and die to the grafted tree sentinel thing rather than jump off the map maybe they just hadn't considered it by the time they were made, but I've been doing that on all but my first runs
more like margit the fell BLOWmen >>1037611 weird does jumping off not take you to limgrave?
>>1037613 As long as the boss has actually spawned, it accomplishes the same as if you die to the boss, but it's obviously faster because you only need one damage trigger and there are no iframes between damage triggers when you fall to your death You also don't gotta wait for the guy to fully land and decide to attack, as long as he's spawned you can yeet yourself off the cliff
But is it faster to just run headlong into him and let him take you, rather than booking it towards the nearest cliff
>>1037615 By the time he's able to hit, I'm already dead >>1037617 o shit I thought the boss had to spawn
I wonder if you get anything for beating him the first time around In salt&sanctuary you can get something special if you actually beat cthulhu at the start, but you only get the one chance
I think I heard yes But I also don't remember what it is
there's a way back to him in liurnia, when I killed him then he dropped a cool set of paired swords and a shield I imagine you just get that plus the xp
Here is a cat who has a general understanding now of how to turn on the roomba, but has not connected all the dots yet Which would be fine, aside from the fact that she has already turned it on twice tonight with trial and error