Just make sure you don't accidentally absord something he said as though it was true or something, because it is no overstatement to say he literally doesn't know anything, at all about anything
carl is a through and through ignoramous on every single topic he's ever touched
>>1037680 i havent streamed since elden ring came out bc all my free time is elden ring and i dont want to stream that but im gonna get the new final fantasy soon and stream that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1037682 thats fair elden ring has rocked the gamer world
I haven't even looked at the anime charts for like, months >>1037743 well this is apparently a new season or probably reboot I'm just poking fun at the typo that made the description imply the roman empire is in the future
>>1037742 It got a live action movie in 2012. It actually did really well in the box office. Made $72 million.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>her current series is about an ancient greek who gets warped to 20th century Japan Eh, I guess if the formula works. https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=146139
good eats in today's sap casino turns out I actually didn't bet ALL my points the other day, I was just kinda drunk and misread without double checking lmao I did bet 17K
i checked my beater bicycle into the spa this is so sad can i get :trash: in the chat i guess i should keep maintaining it, the thing is basically unstealable at this point but also i wan to get a nice bicycle
rip in fin pieces i want to replace my bike too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
would be nice i dont know if i want a road bike or a gravel bike
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037808 >former binding of issac streamer ?? You can make a career off of binding of issac?
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037806 It's not really mtg until they make it so that new players have to pay ridiculous sums of money for the nine best pets ever made as dlc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1037818 yeah he did he streamed it for like ten years i'm not saying that was the key to his career, he admits as much that he should have quit earlier, but hey, since he pivoted to variety streaming and super auto pets, he's really poppin off
yo fuck the haligtree all my homies hate the haligtree
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wonder if people stream Nethack
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Actually you could literally just like "stream" it over like ssh or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nethack has awful optics for one two it's a massive grind seems p niche
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037825 Awful optics? You mean visuals? Or like reputation?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
don't even start i used to watch friends run nethack back before 2010 but it looks like ass
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think that autobattlers have a bright future SAP is great there is so much potential in the space i don't know a damn thing about autochess
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I wonder if there's a protocol for "streaming" terminal output Would definitely use much less bandwidth.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's called mosh still no one is gonna use it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
anime girl autobattler on L2 blockchains when
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Well What I want is just output Not a remote shell session
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just use mosh but use a output-only shell instead of an interactive shell
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm looking at the drawbacks section on Wikipedia >One port per connection
I don't know how many people would watch my stream but I'm not going to deal with manually setting up port forwarding for hundreds of ports. I don't think AWS would like me using hundreds of ports simultaneously if I used one of their VPSs either.
>>1037817 you own a mountain bike or road bike rn owned I am wondering too I'm worried about how many tyres you go through on a road bike
On the subject of Nethack There was a server I registered on and played a lot a while back But for the irc channel for it I couldn't register the same user name because someone else had it on the network So I had to manually add my nethack user name when querying the game statistics bot I was really tilted
Does every holomember just have god awful sleep hygiene
Nope, but it's a pretty common situation Ina has pretty consistent sleeping schedules but they are at weird times so she can be available for Japanese contacts I think most of the Japanese talents have pretty standard sleeping patterns, you just don't hear about them because there's nothing to talk about
Of course there's also Choco who tends sleep like 24+ hours straight which is a whole other kind of weird sleep hygeine
double run to the
double run to the north lgtss
the dude who was supposed to do this run got a false positive also the truck i am supposed to be using got bogged today
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bogged? flooded?
stuck in the ground whether it be sand, clay mud etc
these trucks have no guts so they can sink in the ground easy sometimes
Some days I just want to slit a truck's belly and see its guts spill out onto the freeway
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I spent about 12 hours reading since I got up today. 2 hours of it was even physical books because my single usb c cable broke and my phone battery is low.
kenneth haight a scumbag he stands there whining for help so I go over, he asks if I can go clear out his old fort, so I do that and come back and he's acting like he wasn't the one who told me to go there in the first place, hands me a fucking dagger for my troubles so I iced his dumb ass
he can go repudiate the fonz in hell
really I'm just cleaving my way through most of the NPCs at this point if I don't see a clear use for them, I might as well try to extract a drop
>>1037871 Hey man I got a whole three hours of sleep last night ... Mostly because I don't think I can be out of the house for twelve hours on an hour and a half of sleep but still
>>1037891 >multi-player only I was kinda interested for a while there
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Tadaimback I was off /moe/ for a while cause my phone's battery was low and my charging cable was broken. Now I guess i wont finish that book I stsrted reading anytime soon.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I should start allocating no screentime hours everyday.
>>1037893 it looked pretty chill but also like a grind
yeah I'm not gonna get it I think If it had a single-player option I'd look into it, but if the whole game revolves, like it seems to, around just killing each other while weaving through a million turrets, it's not for me
i ordered the popeye spicy chicken sandwich after that tweet said it was so spicy that it hurt their mouth for hours im gonna try it
I fucking knew I'd take the wrong streetcar on my way home damn it I'm already going from a thirty minute drive home to a roughly hour transit And now I won't get home until like an hour and a half after getting off work
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1037904 rest in peace >>1037905 oof that sucks it happens try not to beat urself up
I need this time thoughhhhhhhh More than anything I'm pissed at my work for giving us a day and a weekend's heads-up that the Uber program was being discontinued All of us had a pretty strong hunch it was ending soon but I at least was expecting they'd give us at least a week's notice. I could have prepared better if I knew further out
Also more than more than anything this just hardens my resolve to quit My job's not worth losing two and a half hours in transit and paying 6.50 in fare to exhaust myself for effectively minimum wage
>>1037950 That's not funny my brother died that way.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1037950 Are you going to work while enrolled in your master's program? I still find it weird that in Australia you can get a bachelor's and master's in law and still practice. In the US you need to go to law school and get a juris doctor degree. You obviously only get to go to law school after you finish undergrad.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
My dad actually wanted me to go into law because STEM degrees are really attractive to patent and related intellectual property law firms. He doesn't think I'll be able to make money as a physicist. Im sure I'd be able to do it but I really hate our intellectual property laws so I wouldn't enjoy it.
Brain turning to mush in a stew of sleep deprivation and caffeine Send help
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
bro just sleep
I'm at work!
Aaaand I got the wrong streetcar again Why does this wrong streetcar share the same number as the right bus and why does the icon for bus and streetcar look similar and why do I have to deal with this shit at the end of the day when I'm too far tired to deal with an overly nuanced part of the city when it comes to transit lines
>>1038002 That sounds cool, just for cataloging? You'd probably want the original/cropped image stored somewhere too. >>1038004 >I'm getting a team of people together for that. Haaaa....
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
I'm also planning on building a sorter but thats much mote involved. I'm getting a team of people together for that.
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1038003 I have some experience building robots but not like An actual useful machine that I want to run for hours at a time.
sabikui bisco was pretty fun A lot of it kinda felt like it was just pulled out of the writer's ass, but I mean, technically that's true for all fiction
Rei !p8eYCadcMo
>>1038012 Morning Speaking of things being pulled out of asses, there was a minor DC villain who had the power to pull just about anything out of his ass.
>>1038058 mostly everything afghanistan just showed how outdated their one final strenght, the army was.
afghanistan alone didn't collapse the soviet union, just sped it up and by that logic, stingers sped it up even further
but it is basically asking did the cancer killt he cancer patient or pneumonia they contracted during the stay in this case a cancer patient with a set date
>>1038067 kinda but their internal situation has been more stable so far but this won't result in a collapse outside of say nato invading etc more like regime change atmost, with an internal coup
it makes you think tho if you bap a woman in the stomach hard enough to miscarry, you get charged with murder but if she decides she doesn't want it, it becomes a clump of cells on the same day with a clinic
it is kinda weird yeah just like if I shoot your dog it's kind of a crime or something, but if a vet puts it down at your request, suddenly that's legal
Well, it wouldn't be a crime if I was a cop so maybe it's a profession thing
if you have a dog that obese and you take it to a vet, you get told to put it on a diet immeadiately as its a threat to its health but with a person its rude to bring it up and considered 'healthy at every size' so also weird
who ever said anything about obesity
nothing specific about that, just thinking about human/animal difference in perceptions and that kind of thing
yeah you seem kinda ignorant about the things you're talking about though which is strange
just observations I probably wouldn't have a good standup career
oh man the hops smell outside this brewery is strongk bleh sheeeesh also the oirish accent outside is strong
whatcha doin' at a brewery?
I can think of one likely reason
I mean the thought of buying beer or something there crossed my mind, but I don't actually know if any breweries sell directly out of the brewery itself
I dunno about B.C. but I assume it's probably pretty similar to my province, where breweries are one of the few non-government-affiliated places (although that's changing where I am) that can sell packaged alcohol.
Or actually it's pretty common here for breweries which have the floorspace to have a bar section too where you can get the brewery's beer on tap The one I worked at opened one, and I can think of several others which do too
tho up until just few years ago, this was illegal here, but there was a very easy way of making it legal by having some "other" things to sell so youw alked into a brewery attached "grocery store" that had one pack of coffee expired in 1952 an all the other shelves were filled with beer
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's crazy everywhere ive ever lived, brewerys always have at least a tasting room if not a full bar
we never ended prohibition
It's funny, since it's not like Canada, despite being fairly progressive, wasn't until like the past fifty or sixty years a fairly religiously Christian morals country But it's just all the insane hardline Protestant types ended up in America where we got the boring normal leftovers from the British Isles, so no prohibition
At least here in Ontario you couldn't even shop for liquor until like the 70s or something You had to go up to an attendant at a desk like you were getting a prescription filled
>>1038162 idk bro he was threatening to assault staff
unpop opinion they deserve it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>1038164 I do know that coles only hires the worst degenerates on the planet
Coles is the name of a small bookstore chain here so whenever I hear you guys talking about them it's always a little weird to set the scene in, like, one of those small airport or mall bookstores
do you have Woolworth I think that's a thing in America
and its not even consistent among all the devices ll lol
oh i was trying to see how much but it doesnt exist in jjapan so i cant
bout four fiddy a month to ruin your life
>Is Twitter Blue ad-free? No. Currently, ads continue to fund our ability to innovate as we grow this new part of our business. Twitter Blue does include an Ad-free Articles feature which offers subscribers a fast-loading, ad-free reading experience on the websites of publishers within the Twitter Blue Publisher Network. Read more about our Ad-free Articles feature wow what a gyp
A medical doctor tried to map my brain and told me that she's never seen something like it before even in the thousands of brains she's mapped. She said that my brain is abnormal and she has no idea what's wrong with it. Apparently my motor cortex is not where it's supposed to be.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>1038202 did she map your brain by placing her hand on your temple or was there some machinery involved?
They couldn't TMS me because my brain is unmappable. They spent 40 minutes trying to map it before they gave up and used someone else for the demonstration. The next person was mapped in like 10 minutes.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol rip maybe you could become a secrets launderer like in that murakami novel the unmappable cortex holds a pernicious secret
I think I'm just gonna make a list of shit to bring up next time I'm at the psychologist and just list all my bullshit Last ditch effort kinda thing, probably won't matter anyway but I'll have tried
no one really cares to be fair there is some heightened tension but overall it is just "Oh... well 'come and get us if they do'" attitude >>1038258 that was a jab at the policies of the usual politicians
i love lappland
>>1038256 it's strange and complicated, i suppose it depends on what country you are in what's considered progressive and conservative always seems to change depending on who it benefits
>>1038264 60-70k€ still more than double basically
ofc us medicine is 10-200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 more expensive than ours
and you do basically 100% private
but even then it doesn't work, so the opposite of state funded care doesn't work either
and a fusion doesn't either
i love lappland
the healthcare industry in the US is fucked so it's hard to compare yeah and it's not more expensive because it's better there are cases where it can be but mostly it's just expensive because we have engineered the least efficient way of doing medicine possible for the sake of generating income for a class of people who don't even work
i love lappland
before it's misunderstood, i'm referring to the shareholders and investors behind for-profit medicine companies not the medical workers themselves
I left my practice place with the place having 20 patients for 2 people to take care of
usual night shift the morning shift was the prtoblem with 3 maybe people coming in due to the strike
I don't actually know what kind of numbers the decisers look at when they design their "budgets for sustainable future" without ever actually trying to tackle the ever growing issue of "no nurses" in finland?
all I can tell is they have good mountain climbing gear
i love lappland
i am not much into horror movies or horror anything really a or maybe more accurately i'm not really into things that are designed from the ground up to be "horror" i like media that is scary or that inspires fear or dread to powerful effect but generally things that are called "horror" end up seeming kinda shitty to me
>>1038298 it's like north of finland right or is it northern finland? it's near finland and sweden i know that much but i don't know exactly what is considered lappland
oh i thought it was a region specifically interesting in arknights, lappland is obsessed with texas so that means in real life you guys are obsessed with us, right? that's how that work
well the lappland is divided by "sami" people in the end so by finns in the ned so it is all "finland" right fully
but that isn't how borders go so it is "lappland" hailing from a finnish word sharing a territotory of the scandics
ohh didn't think they had those but I guess there's gonna be a meetup for just about any interest when I think of crypto people it's either quiet solo mr robot people or Twitter crypto-bros no in between
I mean there have been hacker meetups since like, the dawn on digital computing
well yeah I don't doubt the existence of these things, it was just far from my first guess because of my general notions on crypto people
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for sure theres been eth meetups for years now i bet there has been bitcoin meetups for like 10 years now this was a defi meetup and the talk was eth defi centric
cutting this tenderloin into thinner has it looking a lot better dunno about the taste yet, but it certainly LOOKS a lot better in the pan
i am not feeling it
taste also a lot better, turns out I guess it helps I could use a lot lower heat on it cause it was thinner
i went to this shitty bar on the strip and sat down next to an incredibly loud speaker thats why i got out of there after five minutes it was a weird vibe
"Theatrical Version Free! -The Final Stroke-" Part 1 4D 4d free i wonder if u can smell them
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
splash zone at the front
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my head water water water
Water you looking for
you :3
crushed a can for Jay Owen today
I just realized the date on this tenderloin is actually for yesterday, so I'm gonna have to eat the rest of it today It's still fully edible, but now that I've opened it, I don't wanna push it more than necessary
Yeah, Rika is good people. Even if I never really talked to her anymore, it was nice to see her doing anime threads and stuff. But I guess she got scared off.
if someone did in fact scare her off they'd have to be prettt subhuman to pull that off like refuse tier tbh
well, I suppose the only way to know is to ask her yourself it's been a pretty long time since I spoke with her but I d hope she comes back moe isn't the same without some anime nerds
sam I don't know shit about bikes but I'm in the market for one, to ride around the city any brands I should keep an eye on?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
umm i dont know bicycle brands just get any beater, for theft deterrence ideally dont get a bicycle with frickin expensive rotors like mine cuz you ride thru one oil slicked puddle and suddenly its squeal city and you gotta pay fifty bucks +
i want a roqd // road bicycle or a gravel bike as well but that would be for touring, not intra city travel
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this bicycle is a rusty POS its decent but i wish it had old style brakes and maybe was a bit lighter
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess caliper brakes can get contaminated too
i really wish i had a nice space and a stand for maintaining the bicycle
>>1038425 hmm maybe I should get something beat up I'd like to have something I'll use for te better part of a decade at least though got a bunch of research to do this weekend
Oh, something happened to Rika? Ripple... Er... maybe it'd be ripah...
i love texas
actually fuck all that, i don't need to air my private conversations y'all wanna know just ask it's not that complicated but i know a couple of you are predisposed against me but also i don't care enough to put any more effort into it
>>1038521 Well next time stop being a lazy cunt and actually get out of the truck
why don't people with covid stay inside their house i don't want your help go inside and spread your germs elsewhere >>1038522 that's it I'm throwing your groceries into the lake