Thread #103653
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anime dess
what is this, a dead animegirl storage
There isn't really a dead night this season. Something to watch airs every night of the week.
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Is it just shitty salesman tonight? I don't know how much I want to continue watching that.
Also Zero. There's also Little Witch Academia, which actually was out last night but slipped my mind until it was too late to get everyone together. And I GUESS we could also watch the last episode of Bang Dream.
But yeah I dunno how much I care to continue watching Salesman either.
hello domo please save little witch for a bit I'll be coming home soon
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Nice, there is stuff to watch.>>103660 Looks like we can watch tat in about an hour. plus whatever time it takes to make contact with ika
ok i dont mind dropping salesman eitehr
>>>/watch?v=ikuA6WfgTO8 here's an anime we can watch in the mean time
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okay do you guys want to start with zero or bang dream?
Agreed. I'm ready by the way.
>>103664 I liked may
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okay bang dream okay let's start
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imouto butt
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Arisa's spazzy tsundere voice is the best thing about this series.
Oh yeah it's also natsuyasumi for them. I wish it was summer.
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Summer soon.
>>103674 that reminds me, there's a new episode of natsuyasumi we can watch after this
There's a bunch of side characters in bands in thie series. They probably have more appearances in the other facets of the multimedia project.
>Talking to people in public washrooms
Search [iqdb] (92 KB, 538x688, [HorribleSubs] BanG Dream! - 0(…).jpg )
It's not thaaat uncommon. I hate these outfits they're wearing.
I hate it when people try to talk to me when I'm in the washroom. I like the Glitter Green outfits.
So lame.
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That cute mixed with punk style just doesn't work very often.
The traditional little ol' obaa-chan in a music house venue like this is funny to me.
>We'll perform again some day Not if I have anything to say about it.
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I'm sure you're downloading the app right now. okay on to zero whatever whatever okay let's start!
Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho
Is this another show where they waited 'till the third episode to drop the OP? I feel there's been a lot of those this season.
i think so i dont remember any op
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That OP seemed new to me.
How horrifying.
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>you stand out too much >says the 12 food tall tiger man
It makes sense in universe. He might be ostracized but it's still normal to see a giant catman. But someone dressed in rag-ish clothing will have a hard time being taken seriously in any respectable place of establishment.
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I liked the dress more.
that was funny
Geez this salesman.
Oh no that looks tasty. I haven't had anything to eat in like sixteen hours.
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It's inappropriate to share a room with a girl but it's a-okay to tie a young boy up in your room overnight
Well he doesn't want to lose his head.
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oops, forgot my memearrow
Man nothing's worse than a rude sobering up.
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A tiger beats a dog, he's picking a bad fight!
For that matter a tiger beats a wolf one on one anyway.
How embarassing.
Tigerman just takes it in stride now.
oops i pulled a rika
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You did something cool and cute?
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okay Let's wait a minute for Rook since we have lots of time tonight.
ok we waited a minute
No now we waited a minute.
so precise
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okay LWA okay let's start
Uitchi activity
>It's a "let's go to Finland" episode
that seemed really really evil
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Maybe she could find a safer emotion to use for power at a little less output.
Oh no more food. I'm still hungry.
I guess it looks better than it tastes.
>>103762 >go to finland >eat weird food >sauna 100% accurate so far
Someone needs to get TN to watch this episode to fact check it.
this seems pretty extreme
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Yeah, something pretty extreme suddenly happened!
This is all pretty weird. Very Finland-ish.
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Okay, now everyone is kind of in trouble.
pretty sure they're doomed
Poor reindeer.
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ugg boots
Which aren't even Finnish to begin with. I wonder if they were adopted up there. Poor Yeti-san.
this hasn't gotten any less weird
Sasuga Finland.
Oh no.
well shit
Now she's getting pestered by her past self in the middle of a snowstorm.
She's using the Shiny Rod as a stirstick.
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She has moss on her now.
>>103803 it makes sense to use a magic rod to stir a magic potion
she did it wew
that episode was really odd but I liked it
I wonder if they're gonna knock out a word every other episode or so. That would fit into the remaining episodes pretty well.
I really liked teh first ending
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That was a good episode. The best thing from Finland since ever.
thanks fora nime
yes arigatou