That's a lot of freemasonry I always wonder if people with like, all 10 volumes of "Freemasonry: the hidden codes and messages, history and culture" or whatever, actually sit down and READ them, or just use them to look shit up Or just have them for the visuals
>>104496 Yeah no, I mean in general though I'm sure those books are real, but that's not really the point here
Like if you have 10 volumes, thick volumes of some random subject, are you gonna sit down and read them back to back? Like what kinda purpose do they serve here
Those books are from 1919 Wow
>>104494 Haha this is all real Freemason stuff They belonged to a Master Freemason
>>104494 A Freemason would My family is full of Freemasons so lots of them have read them probably My stepdad probably has His dad was master of the local chapter three times
My great grandfather was a Master Freemason and a Shriner
Masons are more hardcore than I thought It seems like some serious geek shit, honestly
You don't need a secret symbol or nothing dude
I just figured masons were like A group of people who got into high positions and now they collude and I dunno have a forum they chat on or whatever
But a million secret codes and shit? Like dude, a single like symbol to have on you and a hand sign is all you need to signal you're a mason to someone
I'm a little impressed it only takes 100K signatures that's not even like a percentage of the population It's like having 50 guys in Norway be able to demand the government address something, it's madness
Yeah the 50k needed signatures makes sense here, cause that is 1% of the population and like 2% of the voting block but in the US 100k is fucking nothing
I don't actually think we HAVE this kind of thing here >>104510 If you're up for getting your ass dragging in on a felony for the sake of a meme, go for it
Like a decently sized youtube channel could pull off 100K for a mee meme
Sargon could definitely pull off a petition as a meme He couldn't be the one making it because he's not American, but he could promote it and it'd likely get through
Oh I thought they had to like, give a legitimate r- No wait even if they did, there's no such thing as a legitimate response from the current white house
Identify the next totalitarian state before it truly takes off in this simple step: Is it like the empire in Star Wars?
>>104527 Why would they make the empire look good I thought they were supposed to be evil Is Star Wars telling me that equal oppurtunities for women is evil?
Maybe even someone as evil as The Empire still had equal opportunity for people who wanted to slaughter farmers without remorse Women and men are both just as good at pointing a blaster at something and not hitting it
No you see, because they employ women they are actually good don't rebel against empires empires are good for you just because they do horrible atrocities, you need to stick to the rnaks Vader can't do it alone Enlist today!
The empire didn't have female stormtroopers until Disney So dumb
>>104529 I'm surprised the death star didn't miss Alderran tbh
But never both, seemingly Or wait, was that one at the start of 7 black? I can't remember
>>104534 I thought stormtroopers were just like average soldiers
I guess at some point it becomes more efficient to just pay people to be in the army than having to get a new batch of clones
Every time I or someone else tries to start a thread on 4chan about sharing stories Everybody just argues about the OP story instead of sharing their own
In episode 7, they just start pulling people off the street and making them Stormtroopers or something
Nop they stopped using clones post ep3
>>104542 No I thought they stopped using clones I remember in Battlefront all the veteran clones got their own special batallion Then they started recruiting new non clone people
Clones are expensive man Au naturale is way more expendable
>>104548 Yeah the older clones were still around but they didn't produce new ones
Both canon and legend, though the stories are different I think in legends, the kaminoans revolted and in canon palpatine just went "you know, clones, droids, the idea that someone can just "poof an army" isn't sitting well in my empire"
>comics Were they doing that well before Disney got their paws on them, or did Disney get their paws on them because they were already tanking?
>>104555 Because Disney has no control over Marvel Studios
Disney isn't doing anything to them. It appears that the comics industry has problems and Marvel is really bad at handling those problems. They just happen to have a lot of things good going for them so they can still be a big name.
How often do people go out and buy comics I've never actually met anyone who buys comics Actually there was maybe one girl in HS but that was it
>>104554 Disney is evil and soulless in ways that make EA look tame.
>>104555 I thought comic books in general were in a difficult place right now?
I know a lot of people who buy comics. Note that I live in the city where at least one of everything exists. I also used to play Magic which meant being in comic shops. >>104561 No.
>>104560 Last comic I bought was Donald Duck and that was like 10 years ago And I've not seen anyone buy a comic magazine since, outside of Outland, which is manga
Did any of you read that Shut the Fuck Up, Marvel thing I linked? It's long but it's pretty good for the most part.
>>104563 You also literally live in the city the entirety of comics exists in I don't think there is a city other than New York in Marvel or DC universe There's more than one city, but all of them are New York
>>104563 We'll probably be arriving in the Philly area on the 8th and spending the 9th in Philly if you want to come hang out Idk your financial situation but if you want to come, I can spot you some cash for an amtrak Or you can stay the night with us in a hotel on the 8th and hang out on the 9th If you want to, I don't want to pressure you
>>104567 There's Superman's city which is more like Boston.
Or at least I always felt like it was !Boston or !Philly and he just flies over to Gotham which is !NYC Close but not quite >>104571 I mean, I really don't know. >>104572 what
tilde, this is my preliminary itinerary gotta make sure rook is still good on the 6th if everything seems good to everyone involved then i'll work on getting us some hotels
>>104586 Trains are expensive man way more expensive to run a tram on tracks than to ship a giant boat over the water or fly a big metal thingie in the skies
>>104588 All right, thanks for putting it together. I'll check around the airports, though I'll probably still plan to arrive in Orlando with an hour or so of Jan. The r real Whoops. The real thing I need to take into account is when I leave. I'll look into that tonight.
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
also the times are just general estimates like we could leave at 10am instead in the mornings
In this one class that I've had to turn in like a 20 page paper and 4 reports, I got my 20 page paper graded today I've lost points on every assignment for not being "comprehensive" enough, just a few points so on my paper today, my professor wrote that it was very well written but that i have a "penchant for brevity" and lost some points for it
a penchant for brevity sounds awesome i really like the sound of it i'll lose some points for a cool sounding descriptor any day
They say brevity is the soul of wit. Maybe the professor is just trying to say you're exceptionally witty.
A new Zounose is out. But I am at the library. And I can't go on hentai sites to read non-H doujins
I'm pretty happy with having a penchant for brevity. It's a really attractive sounding statement.
I don't think I have a lot of brevity in most situations, though. I do in my academic writing, but when I'm somewhere like /moe/, I don't have much, do I?
Yeah, I'm constantly told my stuff is well-written or very accurate, but then my points are deducted for my brevity. It's kind of silly. Why should I fill something with excessive and needless fluff?
>>104625 They were kinda frozen into a weird shape for a few minutes because it was hard to get them into the ziploc bag size I had, but all in all it worked out pretty okay. The smell was much better.
I'm glad it worked out Try microwaving them next time for a bigger boost !
Bees are like the honey they make, just need to microwave them to get them flowing.
>>104634 I don't even know. This climb feels natural. I can't actually picture a drop in sight because nothing perceptively crazy is happening. It's just... going up.
This is like... shit, was this a stop order from back when it crashed? wow, I fucking played myself This whole month I thought I was cruising up and didn't pay attention. I sold at fucking $902 holy crap. That's a whole lost coin I did hold onto one coin at least. That's been going up. But I've lost about a coin's worth of total value.
that sucks sorry bloob i never hang on to mine i just spend it all on drugs because thanks obama for making me not be able to afford health insurance and then taxing me 55 dollars a month for not being able to afford health insurance
It's weird to think about. One side looks like a missed gain, the other side looks like an actual loss. When you look at it as dollars, it's like I missed out on profit. But having spent and used coins on lots of things itself, I feel like I just wasted money itself. Ah well, it's not terrible. This is still a decent amount of money to work with.
i spent my entire day off drinking and sleeping i did get some chores done but still i think i slept half the day can i have a social worker write me a sick note
I slept like 2 or 3 hours I'd go back to sleep but my bed's like 50% water right now Which I guess means I'm probably not entirely well, now that I think about it
I usually don't sweat that much when I sleep Certainly not in just 3 hours
i sweat in bed a lot it's troublesome especially because the mattress soaks all that up you can fix it though by putting your mattress in a ziploc bag and sticking it in the freezer overnight with some baking soda
every time I sneeze I can feel it in my reduced wisdom tooth. too pretty annoying doesn't seem to actually do damage though
You open a consultation which is basically like I guess it's closer to email You just write in your issue and hit send and you check back later and there's a response
Something Wonderful 2017
>>104668 >Hi moon, how can I help you? What's wrong? >hold on, i'll send it over >page 1 of 326 transferring P interesting I dunno why they feel their source code is that safe though
Oh I'm on moe That's fine It's still p interesting
>>104716 >>104717 What WHAT Can't you just get a blender and I dunno, have some sorta vegetable... subscription? Why are you subscribing to what's essentially just a bag of juice? You might as well just hook that up with your local grocery store, they have juice and they're close by too
>>104724 I do weird shit like click a different image in a gallery than the one I want to see and then navigate to it so the website host can't use my preferences for something, no way am I getting a fucking juice-bag-squeezer that hooks up to the internet for no reason
I really want a device i can melt plastic bottles down for plastic for my 3D printer thats the only device i can see being useful at all to me. that juice device is the Keurig bullshit 2.0
>The first closed loop food safety system that allows us to remotely disable Produce Packs if there is, for example, a spinach recall. In these scenarios, we’re able to protect our consumers in real-time. Jesus fucking Christ NO
No that's a dealbreaker immediately Why the FUCK would I want some corporation to sit there with the controls to go "no more jus for you until you pay us again" Fuck you I'm getting a pair of SCISSORS and ditching the squeezing part
You give me like $50 and I'll hook an electric engine from a toothbrush or something up to a vice, and now you basically have the juicer It's not connected to the internet, which is itself a plus, and also it didn't cost you... whatever amount they require for the initial purchase and following subscription because they told us earlier it's connected to the net explicitly so they can remotely SHUT IT DOWN
>>104731 Yeah but this site is really about pr and not saying stupid things And damage control
>>104734 400 dollars for the juicer 5 to 8 dollars per glass of juice
Dude I can probably make something professional looking with that kind of funding, and I'm just a GUY I don't even have education in this kinda shit, but I bet you I could figure something out
All you need is like An electric can openers and some pliers
I think I could make this work But I'm not gonna dismantle shit around the house to prove I can make a machine that squeezes juice bags I ain't about that life
The value is in how easy it is for a frazzled dad to do something good for himself while getting the kids ready for school, without having to prep ingredients and clean a juicer.
It’s in how the busy professional who needs more greens in her life gets App reminders to press Produce Packs before they expire, so she doesn’t waste the hard-earned money she spent on them"
>>104741 >reminders on your phone to make sure to drink the juice you bought
OK but here's what I don't really get Why... why is the bag not vacuumed or something so it lasts a bit longer than if it was laying on the floor in my living room?
If it's not FRESH then it's not worth 8 dollars a glass
that sounds really unnatural like GMO tier
>>104744 That's honestly completely fair I guess if I was willing to pay 8 bucks for a glass of juice, it would HAVE to be farm fresh There's no way I'd accept non-fresh for 8 bucks a glass
>>104751 Oh we have those Well, different brand probably I bought one once, it wasn't bad but man it was way more expensive than what I got out of it
>the bags are $8 Wait how much is actually in a bag? If it's like 4 liters that's kinda acceptable 2 liters is pushing it, but if it's super fresh then I guess I can see it
>>104757 There's nothing inherently un-fresh about something that's in a bag >>104758 No but really though There's no way they're selling 2dl of juice for $8
>>104759 >There's no way they're selling 2dl of juice for $8 ha ha
No they're selling a bag of produce that can be pressed to make one glass
well at least they'll refund the overpriced vicegrip you bought if you send it back Of course You're still out like $16 because you drank a glass of juice for breakfast and lunch
Imagine all the shit you could instead get with those $8 though Like You could just buy... a lot of apples
ok lets kickstart an extension for the juicer we'll sell waffle batter packets and a waffle cast that will create the the optimal shaped and density waffles
>>104769 Let's put a little hand on it that slaps you every time you order more juice It knows you're ordering juice cause it's hooked up to the internet
And we can have a little tag you put in the bottom of the glass, so if you don't drink all the juice you just paid $8 for, the machine will chase you down and force you to finish your drink if so much as a drop is left
or create a office water cooler that serves cold V8
>>104769 >we'll sell waffle batter packets and a waffle cast that will create the the optimal shaped and density waffles I'd honestly buy that I'm not even joking, that sounds amazing
I mean they sell cold press juice at Whole foods for 6.99 I tried one on sale for 3 It was okay but just okay
I guess but making waffles is a bit more involved than juice And you can't just buy the finished product over the counter either Like you're gonna need to make those waffles anyway, a waffle machine that just pops them out would be pretty handy
Maybe you can outsource your stress ball usage to the machine We'll make a machine that squeezes your stress balls for you so you don't have to and can get back to work
I'd be surprised if even really rich people bought that thing If you have the money where the difference between this thing and a juice box in price is completely irrelevant, you're wealthy enough you could just hire a dude for a week to make you something better
So you gotta tweet with news that you're commenting on it gives context to your thought
Like this one It's not actually about any specific interaction, it's just the two groups' differing attitudes when someone comments on atrocities they've committed in the past
Meanwhile the commies when someone goes "but communism killed a LOT of people", they just go "yeah well the revolution isn't a happy event, they had to die" No bullshitting with the commies, they know they're fucking psycho
I've seen some commies go "nuh-uh they didn't die under REAL communism"
Which actually surprised me a lot, because I expected them to deny it as western propaganda Which would be a very reasonable response from someone who genuinely thinks the soviet union was a good idea
It takes time for shutdown of servers to be approved. The FBI doesn't just get to shut down any website even if it's criminal. It's policy. A bad policy, but still policy.
Yeah, unfortunately. In this case, it was also used as a sting in the meantime. People accessing the site were monitored.
It's no different than when police do a drug sting.
I don't necessarily agree with it, but it's completely typical. Moreover, this stuff happened in 2013 or 2014, a while ago, and policies have changed since then.
Im so tired i had to move 2 freezers from my dead grandmothers house ans a bunch of other shit.
>>104801 What's the reasoning behind this policy? It seems weird
>>104806 "Because that's the way we've always done it"
FBI is very slow to accept change Websites didn't exist in the Hoover days >>104809 Most likely "this is how we treat physical files, so we'll do the same with digital" Who knows FBI policies are retarded They are very resistant to policy updates
So if they cease files from any company that provides copies of those files to anyone who asks, FBI will have to do that, too? Because that's what they're doing And they not only provide those files, they allow those who ask to add to them in real time
Idk where you got that idea
That's what a server does
Like they could have just taken it offline Then they still wouldn't have destroyed the files, they just wouldn't be providing them to the public
If they did it because the rules for FILES, then the server itself must also be covered in those rules, or they could have just put the hard drives in a storage closet somewhere Because that's where the FILES are
That doesn't explain much I mean I get that's what happened, but if they used it for a sting that would be a separate decision, and only possible because they already hosted the content anyway
are you becoming rei
>>104819 I don't understand your reasoning >already hosted it anyway It was hosted BECAUSE of the sting Meanwhile the server existed because they can't immediately get rid of it
>>104821 Then why bring up how they have to keep it because of old rules
Because of my post
Well of course they can't just get rid of the server It has evidence It IS evidence
Waiting for the DMV to open in twenty minutes and there's already a dozen-odd people waiting too. It's still kind of cold, windy, and cloudy. How miserable.
There was a woman who, in the pre-daybreak early morning here, climbed up a crane and down its pulley cable onto a platform suspended something like a dozen-plus storeys in the air. The boots she was wearing during this also had something like two-inch heels on them. Even though she was formally charged with mischief for doing so, how the fuck did this all happen.
>>Trump slams 'massive federal land grab' and calls for review of national monuments >Trump slams 'massive federal land grab' and calls for review of NATIONAL MONUMENTS FUCKING ARGAGGAAS
>>104997 Also, >The woman, who was dressed in jeans, a button-down shirt and a light denim jacket, The temperature last night around that time would have been ~8C on the GROUND. She was twelve stories up, for at least around three hours.
>>105037 oh that's weird what browser are you using
>>105036 If it causes functional impairment, you want to get them treatment so any diagnosis of autism should be treated basically
>>105039 >what, is anime the emo of cartoons or something yeah but it's nice doesn't really matter what it is he just enjoyed it and he's allowed to enjoy it
>>105043 Yeah it doesn't matter if it's accurate if it's humorous That's the point, after all
And as long as he enjoyed it, who am I to tell him he's enjoying it wrong If he was enjoying something he SHOULDN'T enjoy I'd be there telling him his taste is shit but I'm not correcting a man about why he should like the show He's already on my side
>>105042 i think in some cases lifestyle changes could accommodate the condition and allow functioning like having my job i wish i was more autistic so i could do this all day long but i don't
I am sure i have something wrong with my head. but eeh its not like they could tell what was wrong instead of slaping a generic ADHD lable on my head and calling it a day.
i wish i had a job when i was a children but i didn't
if children with autism don't get treatment they often end up incapable of becoming successful unfortunately the deficits just get worse and worse
i understand that aside, i do wish i had dropped out of school at 16 and done transcription since then i could have saved up so much money and not wasted so much money on school and i'd probably be getting paid way more right now
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
you know what they say about hindsight
It's a dumb saying anyway, we're still in 2017
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
one year older tomorrow whoopee time to enTER CRiSIs
Ayase is the main reason I even have oreimo images
I never watched the show more than like 3 episodes though
>>105064 if you're already in california i think it's a waste to go to a waterpark when you have the whole coastline just go to the ocean it's way better
My whole system works on a balance between what I'm willing to tag and what I want to have in Hydrus I can't have a character in an image if I don't wanna tag them And eventually things I can stand tagging becomes things I'm willingly introducing to the system, and now I have nearly 18000 untagged images because it's overwhelming
I wanna see about setting up some sorta shared tag thing for moe But man it'd be a lot of work and I doubt we'd all agree on the tagging standards, and some of my tags are a little subjective too
i used to have way more images than i have now. my harddrive died in the past and i managed to save a few folders.
I set a reminder in Google to ask someone something Just put their first name Google found their email address from my address book and added it to the reminder
Thank you based google
>it would have had to have had ... why do people FUCKING do this
I never did watch the rest of this show either, now that I think about it
oreimo is rage worthy if you dont read is lightnovel and the afterstory the author left.>>105082 understandable its drAMA over takes and the author blantly loves to crush the hearts of people who ship.
I just think the whole genre isn't for me, really Can't seem to enjoy those kinds of shows, at least not anymore I probably did once
>>105085 Its been years now. im just want some heartwarming stuff and not hs romances. yeah you grow out of it. but i still like my collection of kirinos
Cause most anime I feel like I've already seen, or I'm just not interested in whatsoevver
Wow it's another anime where 5 girls with the same 5 archetypical personalities we've seen before take up a different activity than the other ones, but somehow end up blending in completely in terms of character design and interaction, the two factors everyone is there for
I mean power to you if you can continue enjoying Lucky Star for the 15th time, but I can't see the enjoyment in it
i never made it past episode 1 of lucky star i heard it gets good after the director change or whatever but i couldn't muscle my way to get through to episode 5 or whatever it was
Lucky Star was pretty great, but it should be noted I was still new to watching anime as it aired, which influenced a lot That, and Konata fit with what the current anime 'community' was about, so that added to it I don't think you'd enjoy it as much watching it for the first time now as those who watched it airing
>>105101 oh did you watch demi chan last season? >>105104 I littrally dont keep lists or anything
Yeah I kinda forgot to keep going, but I didn't dislike it It just dropped off my radar cause I've been sloppy setting up RSS feeds for a while, and I'm terrible at developing new habits
>>105099 watching kaiji as it was airing with /a/ was a fucking trip getting blue-balled (literally) episode after episode in that fucking season 2 arc
I want to watch Shuumatsu Nani Shitemasu ka? Isogashii desu ka? Sukutte Moratte Ii desu ka? but at the same time i dont. I know everyone is going to die horribly.... but the art makes me watch it. everyone is dying in the opening when the anime started dude.
wow did you just spoil it
>>105107 its as much as a spoiler as plastic memorys was
For the record, I was looking for this one I wasn't sure if this was an official flag used or not so I didn't write nazi explicitly, cause I'd just get, you know Red background, white circle, black swastika
It's signaling A lot of hardcore white supremacist think they're actually the silent majority who just doesn't dare speak out loud about it because of a social stigma around it that maintains itself
>>105128 >loud minority >thinks they are silent majority
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
yo /pol/ pls go
I got the audio from my monitor with audio capacity to feed into my PC. So I can play consoles through it while my headphones are plugged into the computer.
I wasn't trying to pol I just found it odd "white supremacist flag" would give me the confederates instead of an actual flag used by an actual nation founded on actual white supremacist principles
You brought up white supremacy. That's kind of a political topic.
>>105139 Is it useful for some sorta infinite stamina glitch?
No it's totally a comfort thing for me. On the cardinal controls for actions XABY, X is jump and B is dash. My platforming backgrounds make me crave a B jump scheme but at the same time being able to use it to dash feels good too. I'm also somewhat accustomed to X being a menu/sheathe etc. functionality like that so it's a bit weird for me to be using X so often.
wow i just got a really intense craving for a tall bag of buttered popcorn and an ice cold cherry pepsi i dont even eat popcorn i want to go to a movie theatre
BUT Dentist appointment is tomorrow at half past 1 so it's daijobu
>>105147 the hardware is literally a tegra tablet. hacking it will be easy. think. in the future you could dual boot android and the freebsd os the swtich has already. also the switch almost used android but cyanogen's retarded dev owner is horrible person
>>105148 Makoto Shinkai's new movie may be screening in a theatre around you. Other than that I have no clue about movies.
what's the next superhero movie
Guardians of the Galaxy is coming out soonish I think.
>>105152 more like ghost in the shitter from what ive heard
>>105151 That's great and all but it does not address the issue I put forth at all. Homebrew is -incredibly- minor in my interests when it comes to video games. If hacking a system to the point where it's feasible means a massive discontinue of support for the system by third-party game developers, I'll be frank--I don't want it.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
wow crude >>105156 good visuals, some nice action, weak plot but very cool vibe but yeah the plot is super predictable
was it any good or are people being what's the word whatever it is
holy shit there's a cinema here that's also a grill and sells beer and wine sasuga tennessee
That's showing up a bit here too. You get theatres that cater to the adult movie-going audience with niceties like that.
How many /moe/s live in Ten Icy now. That's not even a considerably large State, is it?
oh i'm just east of memphis >>105166 me, this anon, and rook ToN isn't far away actually yeah tennessee is fucking giant it would take me seven hours to drive to see rook even though we're in the same state
So is the KFC nashville hot chicken some sort of weird taboo paradox there?
>>105167 Hm yeah, I see now. It's not a particularly long State but it's pretty wide.
>>105171 I have ate the hot chicken its.... spicy and greasy as hell.
>>105173 how is nashville? ive never been memphis is kind of lame but i'm from saint louis so it reminds me of home as much as possible
>>105174 nashville has problems. after hurrcaine katren all the african americans came here and never went home so the crime rate is up a bit than it used to be.
its the truth not racist or anything its full of people that wear their pant on their knees in east nash. I know good people and bad people my freinds have decenty
>the blacks came so naturally the crime went up >that's not racist or nothing
>>105177 east nashville has projects and like 2 days ago someone drove threw a gas station and stole the damn atm. man im am really libral but theres good people and bad
>>105184 nah not really but i just dont want a bullet flying into my window as i sleep. thats all i wish for. people can do what they want as long as they dont kill me. like i said yesterday im like a rat that wants to live.
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
relax bro you'll be fine
i'll have you know i still havent filed my taxes and it's already april 26th you better get out while you still have your innocence, man
>>105190 is there any limit on how long you can do the nonjob thing
>>105192 Nope I mean there's a pracical limit in that you can't do it after you need to pay to survive You can get government help though Some people have been there 5 years and shit Old people People with 0 prospects for future employment
And by old I mean like 55 Like that's not OOOLD But it's old to step into the job market
>>105196 well yeah i got my money back but i wasn't able to file because of it i can do it now but it's already past the deadline was late on work too because of it fuck those nerds anyway it wasnt a big deal thanks for ask
>>105197 Is the IRS gonna be more lenient because it's not your fault Man that felt naive to type out I have no idea how tax collection works, I'm suprised they haven't hauled you away in a patty wagon yet
no i'll be fined a percentage late penalty but since i'm barely earning anything they're not going to really care it's the people paying hundreds of thousands in taxes who have a ton of property that they get upset with for not being punctual
>>105206 finite math has to do with the math computers cauculate at like 64 bit and 18bit 4bit its all fun chit i wish i did not have to learn oh aslo 16bit
the irs will track you down and beat you up and shove your face in the mud and steal your wallet TAXATION IS THEFT