Akebi-chan no Sailor-fuku Cue! Futsal Boys! Episode 3-4 *Hakozume Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san *Kenja no Deshi wo Nanoru Kenja *Koroshi Ai *Leadale no Daichi nite *Tensai Ouji no Akaji Kokka Saisei Jutsu *Tokyo 24-ku
thank god it's not that show tokyo revengers was a mess so much suffering so little payoff
I'm looking forward to the eventual season two
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if a kid did something that cool at that age wouldn't they be like an internet superstar prodigy
Might be no one's got eyes on a slumkid in the depths of a low-economic class neighbourhood like that
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red and green gonna be at odds again
They're honestly pretty dysfunctional as a trio Blue's got a hero streak a mile long which makes him feel naive or ignorant Red's very anarchist and doesn't seem too interested in doing much more than what satisfies his creative urges And Green is pragmatic to a fault
But I think it's also the kind of dysfunction which ends up producing higher quality results as long as they can all eventually get their heads on the same level
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that song sounded really really cool that singing it was bone-chilling the way that voice was distorted in the background
Ran ran ruu
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WHOA it's a big conspiracy
I like fiction conspiracies That's the best environment for them so they don't muddle real life and cause trouble for people
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datsu raight
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i feel like red's being a little optimistic here kunai's definitely a criminal
He probably runs with people who have committed some kind of low-scale crime a bunch of times growing up So Red's idea of what makes someone really a criminal is likely a bit skewed, at the leat
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oh i see he's being threatened
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oh he's not? just sweetened up
Fuckin' RIP
>Vape >Dark mode I fucking love the Japanese and their extreme inexperience with actual drugs
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i love lappland
they've managed to completely reframe the entire situation with the way they presented information that's kidna cool
Yeah, it's a great demonstration how different something can seem if you don't get told everything going on Although I do think Kunai is still kind of going a bit hard here
Dankworth continues to be one of those great last names written by someone who doesn't understand what a normal last name for this culture ought to be There's a baseball game for some early-retro console, maybe even just the NES, where a bunch of the baseball players have really silly last names like this
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apparently it's a german surname that's not super common but it does exist
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oh i misread it's english, but it comes from a german forename
And she's got the word for a French country estate for a given name too
Hah hah Chateau seems to spend a lot of time with a resting bitch face or intended bitch face
yeah her first name being chateau is hilarious tho
My surname is probably really uncommon too Although there's likely a broader variety of people who "share" it but it's a different Anglic spelling of it I'm highly confident that for the time being I'm the only person in the world with my given and surname combination
What a rude assasination squad Shooting up a small church like this
Does she got to find out who killed her da'
I kinda wanted Ryang-ha to completely not recognize Hou Just rub insult into his injuries
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wait WHAT what the how does this even make sense what the hell is going on that passport
Maybe Ryang-ha is a kind of title?
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that kind of explains why she has a french first name and english/german last name
Guy just abducts this kid and brings her home hah hah
"Concerned about economic downturn" is such a great generic newspaper headline You could put it in any newspaper, in any era, and it would seem perfectly reasonable
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that seemed like a mistranslation
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i think i figured out why this has such a tv-drama feel to it the editing and scene composition is like straight out of one the director or editor or someone working on this uses a lot of editing choices that are more common in live action than anime
Wow Hou was such a non-issue for Ryang-ha that they didn't even animate his smackdown hah hah
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i wonder if next episode is just gonna start with ryang-ha droppin him with a couple shots
Something something knives and gunfights
>>1021753 Only after another minute and a half of recap
i wonder if ryong-ha killed the boy driving that car and left his passport there? i'm so confused about what the hell happened there is his name not really ryong-ha? what's going onnnnnn
I assume the passport matched the visual identity of the dead guy Otherwise that feels like a different kind of clue than what they were implying about it My money's on Ryang-ha being some kind of inherited name / title
the part they are assuming is that fat boy knows about the rebellion i feel like he doesn't
The gist I got was they were going to tip him off
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oh no they're playing 4d chess
The series is really building this ship between Wein and Lowa Two geniuses who are on the same wavelength when it comes to trying to outsmart people So they end up just trying to outplay each other
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It kinda reminds me of a lot of the early stuff in Kaguya-sama Wants To Be Confessed To
It's a good thing they're using wooden swords With this guy being as drunk as a skunk he'd be likely to poke his own eye out
WAIT that was ninym they sent ninym as the squire what the hell are they up to
Yeah I saw that too
Maybe they're trying to intimidate this guy or distract him from his plan to fracture the empire with rebellion
Oh maybe it it's not Ninym who they sent But that other white-haired girl who seems to act as his imouto's bodyguard
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or they're shuffling time around maybe or both
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or there's a 5th party at play
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wait yeah wtf did someone intend for gerard to die anyhow what if it was poison that killed him and the fall was coincidence or what if he died before he could be killed i'm so confused cause that kind of conspiracy is kinda harebrained but i can't help but wonder if there's another party at work
>>1021879 I dunno if the prince counts in the elders/sages but he's still the shota he roleplayed as Maybe there's some players among their count who are IRL the opposite gender as their avatars though
The other kenja show is also about a demon killing enthusiast
I dunno if Mira has Matty's dedication to exterminating demons This feels more like an enemy she just has to take down rather than Matty's systematic demon genocide
Damn this is some chuuni shit that I am super down for
yeah swords really aren't either these are strong enemies for npcs to have to deal with
Was that Ono Daisuke playing some nameless soldier guy It sounded a lot like him But he's not really the kind of seiyuu who needs to play tiny roles like this anymore
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well he's already playing skargo so it wouldn't be weird for him to do some tiny roles if he's already around