had a 3 hour session with a client since nobody else came for group but it was good he's such a good kid suffering endlessly drowning in his own bullshit but he's a good kid
I can definitely sympathize with drowning in one's own bullshit
Marvel's What If is pretty fun I also really like that it's animation too Hopefully if it's received well we see more animated series The whole live-action cinematic universe is nice but I'd love to see more comics and graphics novel content imagined as animation
Also I watched Pixar's Soul earlier today I really liked it I think Pixar does a really good job of coating some heavier stuff in a fairly family friendly way Plus the music was absolutely stellar
I googled Jswipe and one of the results on the first page was an article about why it sucks One of the things I read iin tthe preview was that "all the men ae unattractive".
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is the square next to the names so big
>>978014 probably not i am not sure i am the target audience
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>978013 do you have a narrow or wide criteria mine is fairly wide usually idk might be different if you're not in a major city
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>978018 100 fuckin miles no filters and okcupid is like "there is no one between the age of 22 and 38 so have some 18yos" age is my only filter i guess bumble is just telling me there's nothing it's crazy idgi maybe dating apps really only work in a city
95% of the people on hinge here are like morbidly obese which is honestly really bizarre and i don't understand tinder is all bots
>>978019 woof yea sounds like a density thing my max is like 7 miles i think you could set ur location to Miami and see what happens but i bet you'd need to pay for a subscription for that
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah you do unfortunately miami is also a 4 hour drive from me orlando is included in my 100 miles or at least a large portion of it is it's crazy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but people in orlando probably don't also have 100 miles on theirs
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah true
if i switch to men there is tons of guys on the apps looking for men but i don't feel like dating a guy right now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
too many cooks too mannyy cooks
if you run out of matches you can always try deleting and remaking ur account idk there are so many factors
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my therapist told me I should ask my friends if they know anyone i might get along with and i was like "my friends my age are all online, everyone im friends with here is 10-50 years older than me bc i know them from work" and she was just stumped maybe i just need to moooove
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh, yeah. you should probably go somewhere where young people exist lol
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? fuckin old people everywhere
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
florida in a nutshell so i'm told
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where i grew up less than 10% of the population was under the age of 18 had to drive 40 minutes to get to a movie theater or a bowling alley it's so old
>>978201 yea i thought u were bein sarcastic and pointing at thr white circle on the ground at first
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i been to a playground in amsterdam while on mushrooms it was SICK wooden rope bridges fully safe everything contained by chains and shit big climbable wooden towers slides everything
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>978203 nah that's like a pretend little road circuit for bikes anyway the one in town (not the pictured one) could home a couple of homeless people >>978204 how does one be in such an environment on shrooms and not let the leaking paranoia in
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>978205 be there with friends who are also tripping and its fun!
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i suppose it's all about headspace and stuff like that and also not buying shitty pingas from the bloke at bar
aaa now i see the big square boys it could be worse
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did it take a refresh
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thanks for working on that btw sam i know I've bitched about it quite a bit
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you want to tinker it a little bit more aesthetically maybe you could chuck it on the right but otherwise >>>/watch?v=7umozGUhYY4
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right side would be weird maybe i need to do an SVG to make them high res its just annoying to do
>>978220 Go can't be Turing complete, probably i renember an explanation why involving the fact that you can't tell who is winning on an infinite go board.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you should make a website isitturingcomplete.com
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>renember heh
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>978222 we're talking the language right not the Japanese game
>>978225 no i meant the game Go the language is turing complete
also https://www.gwern.net/Turing-complete
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
very cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ill teach u code code is easy once you understand every layer of the computer stack and all of the interfaces and execution models within
The "Tesla is better at making cars now." at the end is probably the world's most potent backhanded compliment, and I don't even think it was meant as one
Also this is the IMPROVED state of the car company wanting to put the car itself in charge of driving?
s c
Like I get those are two separate departments, but lining up the doors and lights with the rest of the car's chassis is shit that every other car company has had control over to the point where I'm not even sure I've ever seen a car where they weren't lined up before, so it's a bit worrying Speaks to an overall sloppyness
In other news, I'm now done with the rediagnosis stuff, just waiting on the results now She didn't need me to do much over again without the meds, it turns out, just some short term memory stuff and I filled out a... MMT-something? Just a fucking long-ass form with like 526 statements I answered yes or no on
Something like that yeah Half the questions were just like "are you schizophrenic" though Evenly spaced out through the whole thing like "do you see stuff?" "do you hear stuff?" "do you see people, specifically, who aren't there?" "do you see animals that aren't there?" Like at least just group them up together, it feels like you're trying to catch me out on not reading through it properly
oh well hopefully I didn't answer any of them in a contradictory way, but stuff like this always makes me worry I answered two similar questions differently just due to the wording
well hands washed with both alcohol and several soaps but I still have to remember for the rest of the day I just chopped and mortared a dozen or so naga morochi peppers or whatever
s c
If you just rub your eyes now you won't have to worry about it for the rest of the day
well i already touched my nose, so my nose is already slightly burning tho i did do a taste test and didn't feel anything but there always is that one spot somewehre, where the chili stuck and it will get in your eye
but alcohol based disinfectants, like almost pure stuff soap+wash+dry+alcohol rinse+wash+soap it will get rid of it pretty much
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just dip your arms in acid
also I do wonder how murder that oil is going to be... still it ain't going to be as bad as that one pure capsaicin diluted into naga jolokia sauce was
amusingly these were domestic didn't know they grew the super hot peppers here in finland
then again considering how many local hot sauce manufacturers we have, should be a given
s c
greenhouses are pretty advanced at this point, so at least in limited supply you can grow practically anything anywhere
>>978274 expenses can still get larger than importing well these were cheap maybe 3-4€
s c
Also I think just being able to say it was grown domestically lets you add a few percentages to the price cause it gives an air of being of higher quality, or at least safer overall
oh wait no 6,79€ well it was like I said about 12 peppers so good price
It's like how the mcdonalds here will all go "Real Norwegian beef" cause that makes it seem like it's better than imported beef Which, depending on where you import it from, might actually be true, I guess
Matters a little what you feed the cows, but I imagine that's gonna be about the same practically everywhere Disease and stuff is probably a more common concern
But there doesn't actually need to be a difference in quality as long as you project it Tobacco companies used to put "roasted" on their stuff, even though that was true of like, all cigs and rolling tobacco, it's kinda part of the production process But it implies a higher amount of care and quality to the product, just by highlighting one part of the process that everyone else does, but doesn't mention
Now tobacco companies don't put anything on the packaging other than the name here, by law, so that's not a real example anymore tho
Well the protectionist union of europe does have strict importing restrictions on meat, though. can't have weird vitamins or hormons or antibiotics in the fodder and so on dunno if the same applies to norway, since I am not informed on the "not-eu,but kinda" countries
Also I am quite sure finland doesn't import anything bovine from the UK
gah, the skin on my fingers is on fire
i really should stock up on plastic gloves, both for food and cleaning
>>978279 It's also about protecting local industry It might seem on paper that using local meat would be the cost-effective measure, but with subsidies and bulk production, it's certainly feasible that McDonald's would be saving money by buying their beef from another country, especially considering the close economic proximities of European countries Plus while no one's gonna really think better of McDicks for importing their meat, some people will think better of them for buying Our Country's™ meat
jfc something had blocked the water gathering hole in my fridge and it had really pooled at the bottom good thing I noticed it now and not when it completely broke down or something worse
i'll have to take it out later and check the condensation pipes and shit that everything is okay behidn the fridge too
i'm gonna play chibi robo it was my favorite game cube game
ah my desk is such a mess right now though way too many cables i gotta figure out how to simplify this shit gotta get a good USB hub so i don't need to use my front and back ports
すげええ I've finally set up japanese input on my linoox install a classic scenario: not hard to set up, but extremely annoying, because things like dbus are just very weird now I can fully utilize my very few japanese language skills
>>978331 i just found out that the head writer for futurama has a bachelors in physics, a masters in CS and wrote a paper on the pancake sorting problem https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0166218X94000093?via%3Dihub
Playing with this GameCube has really made me feel nostalgic. The buttons are so real. I miss real buttons. You press the button and it does a thing. What's more real than that? Pressing the open button causes the lid to open. That's so cool. I miss when things were like that. You really just can't beat the buttons of a GameCube. Even the power button feels so good to press.
>>978333 yeah it feels great i love buttons with large press distsnce
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>978333 i miss my old gamecube it was such a nice piece of hardware i always thought it was superior to the xbox and ps2 they had long load times and weird build quality imo not like the cube it was fuckin indestructible so many memories playin wind waker and double dash and all the other games
>>978335 it was graphicswise thanks ATI i can also attest to their indestructibility my friend's dog broke his gamecube by peeing on it and we decided to try to smash it up with a chair. we could make parts of the house shake but couldn't bust up the gamecube >>978337 that's a shame
>>978335 I plugged in my Xbox 360 the other day and it was red ringed. Was fine when I last used it like probably 8+ years ago. GameCube is definitely superior. No problems whatsoever even after all these years!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's funny i always thought 'this thing is a timeless piece of hardware' and i was eventually proved right
>>978339 good job soldier proceed to nav marker kappa and await deployment
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i didnt predict the longevity of melee tho that's pretty wild i tried to play melee a couple weeks ago and it's just impossible to even move around im used to having a perfect controller tho not these bottomed out janktrollers i still have a couple good condition controllers sitting in that storage locker in NY that hopefully didnt get flooded since it's above ground floor
speaking of flooding my dad is mad at me that I am waiting until the landlord fixes the drain and installs the sump pump before I set up the media server/gaymen pc. like dude, I'm not putting a pc on the floor of a basement that floods
>>978343 your dad is angry that he can't play gaems on your PC?? oh on the media pc ok you could always put it on a desk
>>978345 no room for a desk in the basement not until we put a bunch of shit in storage.
although we might move soon, I hope not i had a nervous breakdown and dropped out of college last time we moved having to do 90% of the lifting because my dad was in rehab was a major contributing factor.
Maybe. If someone spits on you, that's battery, so someone going out of their way to cough on you is probably the same. A decent lawyer could probably get you self defense for it especially if you had a video like that that showed them following you around and coughing on you.
Hm I suppose there's also something about "fighting words" or some such, too, which that behavior definitely falls under unless it's specifically verbal
Well, stuff like that seems pretty rare. One time I saw a guy go up to an employee at a supermarket and tell her she doesn't need a mask and that the vaccine is a trick and stuff, and she basically told him to off himself. And then he just got confused and walked away. That's usually what happens if someone is belligerent.
>>978375 I really just don't understand these people at all Like, absolute worst case scenario, some lizardman controlling the government behind the scenes tricked you into wearing a piece of cloth in front of your face for a while Literally the worst possible result is your ego takes a hit for being tricked
>>978382 You just want these people to live in FEAR, controlled by TYRANNY! I bet you don't think they should take the horse paste either! You're just another sheep, brainwashed into thinking that people can actually die. They can't!
yeah i was talking to my therapist this morning and we were saying that at the rate that people are destroying themselves, covid is bound to resolve in a couple years at the most because eventually everyone who can die will die
s c
Right? The people dead set on keeping this pandemic going are the same people blowing out their own vital organs with horse meds, that's hardly a problem Well, if not for them having kids, anyway >>978388 Pretty sure it fucks your stomach lining at least That and the dosage is just bound to be a lot more than a human should be taking in
Well, it's actually used for humans oftentimes. But the people using the horse paste are taking horse sized doses of it. Ivermectin is a serious neurotoxin that disrupts neurotransmitter functioning in parasites and causes them to become paralyzed and die.
In humans, at a horse sized dose over a period of time, you'll see similar effects. Blindness, paralysis, painful muscle spasms sometimes ranging into seizures, etc. It's breaking down neurotransmitters so it's impossible for the body to continue functioning. It's easy to overdose on if you're buying it for horses, which is the only way to get it unless you have a documented problem like river blindness for example.
My guess on covid is the same one I made when the quarantees first began in 2020, it will become a constant yearly "influenza" with most of the population taking a shot for it, getting a near herd immunity to it at all times
come to think of it, I should go and get my vaccs refreshed and all the other shots medical personnel are required here.
But we are declaring victory basically basically everyone has gotten 1st shot and by october the 2nd too
Well a lot of people are still going to die From their own decisions, but decisions manipulated by lax education and a media propensity for shock and terror news delivery, and an over tolerance for giving absurd considerations the same platform as legitimate information
I don't really think there's much to celebrate here
I mean ultimately, anyone eating the horsepaste is wholly responsible for their own decision Blaming it on poor education is just not sensible when the only necessary education for not making that choice is like, literacy. Being able to read.
But it is due to decades of destroying education. You can not expect an uneducated populace to make educated decisions. Most people are incapable of the level of critical thinking or research necessary to differentiate fact from fiction, especially when you factor in governmental and systematic distrust.
>>978395 you fix your own problems, such is the nature of nations
>>978399 Nations are dumb, you're not going to convince me that we're not all responsible for eachother in how we can There's a lot of the world I can't help, not by myself But that's no excuse to not help what I can, regardless of imaginary things like nationality
>>978397 But it's easier to find the actually accurate information on this than the misinformation You have to be actively ignoring what's true in order to actually find the bullshit to begin with
>>978401' I just searched "covid cure" on duckduckgo and was greeted with articles about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquinex.
And when you factor in the distrust in the systems that govern us which has been building for decades, you end up with a populace that is more likely to believe there's a conspiracy going on than that everything is simple.
>>978400 I don't know the borders are quite real the people and culture and language are quite real the shared values are quite real and the society built upon those shared commonalities is quite real and the best way to keep it going is to co-operate amongst that group you have and then once you have your house up and steady, help others, if you can.
Borders are about the most imaginary thing on the planet Culture and language are imaginary things which have real implications, but they're still imaginary
the borders are result of clashing with other groups that don't share your commonalities
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
borders are abstractions they are, by definition, not real they're imagianry
calling piracy theft anyhow is a misnomer, theft implies removal of possession piracy is spreading or copying stuff, it can do economical damage too, but it doesn't ourtight remove anything from the holder
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah yeah yeah we all know that story it's just something we say to make ourselves feel better though
No True Scotsman would steal, after all
>>978415 nah is my solid value which I hope will pass unto law eventually I vote pirate party afterall
Your solid value is also pure imagination
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
In any case, the idea that theft is wrong is based on values, which are subjective
Well I'm not gonna leave the country to live and die with nothing but a revolver and some bullets, I'll just wait for the apocalypse It oughta be due soon enough
I think I'll enjoy my life more come the apocalypse than I could now, honestly It'll be shortlived, I'm definitely among the first to go, but it'll be fun while it last >>978442 I highly doubt it, but on a technical level I think I could survive But I don't have the social skills to get to the point where survival ability matters
If the world ended tomorrow, do you think you'd have the skills necessary to survive to an old age, SC?
neato bandito
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats you you're the neat bandito
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I do have a poncho it's got little alpacas on it
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn that sounds cute
just need a horse and a sombrero
>>978441 Yeah because you spend your time being excited for an apocalypse you're hoping is coming for you You're like a religious person content to suffer in life because there's a Heaven coming for you except you've replaced heaven with apocalypse
everyone always imagines themselves being in the post-apocalypse, surviving int he now abandoned world while statistically, you are more likely to be part of the "ones that died"
and no skills or such are going to help with that, just pure luck of not being in the wrong place.
>>978454 Not really I know the absolute basics everyone does, but nothing beyond that Like if you're bleeding heavily, you gotta tighten that shit up so you don't bleed out and stuff
>>978456 No. After the world ends, if you use a tourniquet, you're going to lose the affected area. Right now, we can restore functioning to a limb that's been tourniqueted but that won't be possible later. So you need to know how to pack a wound.
Yeah but at the same time, I don't know how to treat a severe wound, so it's kind of a "do I sacrifice this limb, or do I bleed out on purpose" situation
Maybe you should take some basic survival skills classes. If you can't pack a wound or have someone in your group that can, you're not going to survive an apocalypse.
realistically though I'd be fucked pretty quickly unless I could find a supply of prescription glasses that suit me I only have one pair now and if that breaks in an apocalypse scenario then I'm done
>>978473 Depends where you live if the collapse of population has already happened, just find a fjord that used to be a fishing farm most of those will prolly have gotten into the wild and fish
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
animals populate really quickly so if there's an area without people they'll fill that up but the real question is the nature of the apocalypse if it kills people it'll probably kill animals too
the city rabbits, if the people don't eat them in the first month, would keep a small population somewhat fed up here tho eventually rabbit starvation would happen
As pogged out as it would be, a zombie apocalypse isn't gonna happen, it's just gonna be like "the climate gradually fucks shit sideways until everything breaks down" That's really the main problem, it's not a "a few scruffy survivors" situation, it's a whole country ending up fighting for more and more limited resources as trade and infrastructure stops working
>>978479 and even this isn't going to be global there are going to be essentially "sanctuaries" prolly with fences and armed guards shooting anyone coming close
i dunno that has happened in cities always when starvation really hits unless there is a force keeping a really strict order up
There's definitely outliers who will resort to cannibalism in the face of total starvation But the vast majority of the population will starve to death before choosing that
yeah I should have prolly defined that it isn't going to be a common thing
oh yeah, first actual game session is this week, and tomorrow I'm getting everyone's character sheets the cleric seems to have chosen the actual deity I'm gonna need to replace, so that's gonna be pretty anxiety-inducing to bring up >>978519 I barely intend to plan much, I've just got some general stuff and I'm gonna take it as it happens
>>978516 I tried to look up what this is and an article with the title >Granny ‘Monkey Busters’ are battling apes with airguns suddenly pops up what the hell lol
And my biggest surprise is "how has no one died!?"
>However, as soon as a sighting is reported, the Monkey Busters are immediately notified and drop everything to rush to the scene with their airguns, often arriving in their aprons as they don’t want to waste a minute in responding They're pretty well organized too.
>>978527 what's particularly jojo about the TTRPG you're planning to play? is everyone a character from jojo's? is everyone making their own and sticking to some mannerisms known from jojo? also respect, somehow it's really hard to form and keep a TTRPG group up, even if everyone involved has a lot of fun >>978535 oh I see, that is pretty jojo
Yeah, the only cases in which I'd bully them are if I knew them well enough to know they could take it Or if they disgust me like Rei In which case I'd drop out of the campaign anyway
>>978540 Yeah, and I wouldn't have invited you if there were players I thought you wouldn't get along with.
>>978543 Yeah, and very little in Jojo is actually governed by hard and fast rules. The fewer mechanics, the better. It is a roleplay system, not a roll play system, after all.
it is jojo
I still think my approach to making my stand was the best possible way Name it first and then go from there
What sucks about 2.5 Far Side is that it's 13th Age, which is really bad for something that's supposed to be creative. It's too focused on combat mechanics and stuff like that. The rules drag it down for something like this.
yup, you have to really get innovative to get out of combat stuff to be anyfun
>>978547 Yeah, I wish there was goofier things I could do with Electric Feel that didn't make me feel like I was wasting the core focus of the system Though Electric Feel did have beefy Dev Potential so it exists for later Speaking of, do you want to knock that down after giving it the generation ability since it's kind of stronger than you intended?
I'll prolly do another 13th age campaign using datp and whatever other new stuff has come out at that point with my finn crew but after that, I'll prolly switch to something else
13th Age was good for what we needed it for, which was introducing ourselves to the idea and rhythm of TTRPG, but we're reaching a point where we've goofed off with alot of what it offers already
I got to touch Pathfinder for all of like 5 minutes and it was fun I wish I could have gotten into it more My favorite part of 5e when we play is gonna be exp tracking Which means we can all wind up close to levels at different times depending on situations and it'll be fun
I don't really like combat when our group does it very much. And running combat is okay, but I prefer something creative. Combat in most games isn't very creative and therefore the least fun part of a game, in my opinion.
Which is why my dos2 run has becoem really interesting, since I am basically avoiding killing (aside magisters, fuck those guys) as much as possible playing as a hero and avoid generally doing anything outright wrong
>>978559 You already told me that. I don't mind doing combat. I just get bored with it easily unless things change a lot during it or if it's quick combat.
It's kind of dull either way unless there are a lot of chances to actually roleplay in it.
mmh or options to do something silly or creative
i try to design my encounters like that either by enemy design or map design or just on the spot inventing things and of course letting players do weird stuff and see whath appens
but it is a challenge to keep encounters, especially long ones, interesting, but that is part of the fun of gming
I love combat smashing things is fun what's even more fun is smashing demons on a train fuck those guys >>978565 Which 13th age really doesn't deliver well on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
do a campaign where you run a bar tavern*
would prolly work well in fate, tho there most likely are better systems for it
i made chili oil today out of a dozen or so naga morich or whatever the top 2 hottest chili inthe world or so
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh jeez i mean what do you mean by ready does it have to age and oxidize a bit
>>978576 ye oil based sauces need to marinade from few days to few weeks tho you can speed up the process by heating it and cooking some of the stuff for a while, of course without burning anything
okay I upgraded to a teaspoon of the oil
hmm i can sense a kick, but it isn't ready yet yeah it def needs a few days
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rest in peace
>>978570 Like skipping an entire floor of combat by abusing a luck granting magic item :)
>>978581 i was talking to my therapist this morning and said something about it's fun when people cause trouble in tabletop games and she was like "gotta watch out for those chaotic neutrals am i right?" and i almost cringed myself to death
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>978582 >>978582 not directly i bought some real hot sauces scorpion pepper does some nasty shit to my body
>>978597 every day i get a minimum of three emails from the state of florida saying ***LAST CHANCE*** CONTINUING EDUCATION CREDITS AVAILABLE 30% OFF ***TODAY ONLY***
Yeah, based off one of their VNs They actually had some other authors writing the routes for the game, like Ryuukishi (When They Cry) and Tanaka Romeo (Humanity Has Declined)
>>978630 hello just got done at the gym back at work now :) and by eork i mean looking st youtube until someone walks jn
I think the bulk of the storm has passed but there's still lightning and thunder in the distance Makes for a nice late night
Oh nevermind I think the rain is coming back
Actually nevermind it REALLY came back
I was going to step out on to the balcony to enjoy some sheltered rain-listening and got met through the screen door with a gust that blew rain right into my face So I don't think the weather is particularly suited to going outdoors right now
It's so fucking stupid I know why they CHANGED it, it used to be plastic and now it's not, and that's Cool and Good But they first went through this stage where it was 2 wooden pieces, and that worked very well cause you put them together and it was like, the same size as the plastic ones, but now it's just this tiny fucking thing you can't actually use because holding it between your thumb and index finger like a dainty 1700s upperclass lady STILL has your fingers covering the eating part of the spoon Like you can't HOLD THE THING without putting your fingers in the food It's so stupid
this fuckin midroll ad had one of those fake mouse cursors like oh here is the suggested course of action activate neurons immediately clicks the LOLI button what the fuck
>>978903 found this on the miegakure site https://marctenbosch.com/news/2021/01/siggraph-2020-talk-for-my-technical-paper-n-dimensional-rigid-body-dynamics/
I tried reading the paper, I kind of understand some of it but I downloaded a textbook he cited and will read some of it before trying to read the paper again. The techniques he uses seem really interesting and actually let him avoid using quaternions which is really nice. Geometric Algebra definitely seems very useful. I might buy a textbook on it since I learn better from physical books.
The creator of this game could probably write a masters thesis level paper on this subject.
Project Zomboid continues to be pretty fun I'm not really all that sure how the lategame is though, cause I ain't gotten there yet, but the early game can get really tense sometimes
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>978912 yea but sometimes you're a shitty 3dcg cat
>>978943 bang likes fighting games. maybe you'll have luck with him
rei is expressing distress at you two never playing a touhou game by using some strange meme edit involving three touhous who play music
>>978945 you doing anything for Cirno day tomorrow?
>>978946 old but gold image >>978947 [100 persuasion] by posting hotarun >>978950 I'm glad you asked, this discord community is having a cirno day all cirno tournament tomorrow I don't usually do advertising but maybe this will convince you to start playing lol https://hisouten.challonge.com/bakabrawl2021
>>978957 It's more that they're too boring for me to be willing to put in the time how to learn them. I wouldn't invest the time necessary to become skillful in something I don't think I would enjoy.
>>978951 I'm not entering a tournament for a game I've played like twice at most.
>>978958 fair, although it puzzles me how you can be bored for something that takes such a surreal amount of concentration >>978959 y-you could w-w-watch it
>>978958 i // to give you my perspective on it, twitch dodging and getting skilled at being able to read the bullet patterns on the fly is pretty thrilling
>>978961 Simply because I can't concentrate on it because it bores me. It takes concentration, but I can't concentrate on it because it bores me. Concentration is pretty difficult, too, so I would probably have to take ADHD meds to play them.
>>978962 Sure, but I can get a much more engaging experience of something like that by playing Sekiro. Or a fighting game or something.
i dont really care about the superhot people removing scenes it's their game and their vision and if they feel like some things don't fit into their vision or the effect they are having on people isn't what they want, they should change it in fact i think it's fantastic that they were willing to remove stuff
no way 2hu is worse than vtubers i mean look at 2hu fans
nothing is worse than vtubers vtuber fans are basically exactly the same as idol fans after all and that's the bottom of the barrel
>>978991 ten desires is really not that exciting, but it's mostly preference >>978994 one of them is corporate in nature and one of them isn't, or at least less so
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah but 2hu fans are worse than idol fans
>>978998 no way the only thing worse than idol fans is that skadi guy on twitter
the dark souls of assasins breath of the souls games
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i really dont like open world all that much but maybe elden ring will be different love exploring but open world games usually have so many side quests and stuff
>>979028 dark souls tends to have at least some of those kinds of neat side quests so maybe if it does have them theyll be interesting or linked in such a way that it keeps your focus. like some neat npcs who are likeable in the dark souls kind of way
the way dark souls does it is fine but most open world games just give you so many side quests that take you all over the place, to locations with nothing interesting, for no reason other than to show you how big the world is and that bothers me like the assassins creed games are the worst with that
>>979046 is Zestiria worth playing? I've heard its one of the worst Tales games
>>979048 kirara had a good time and the lore connects to Berseria but if // when i played it it was ok but berseria is closer to the tales standard pan basically forgot all of zestiria to give an idea of it the final boss is pretty kickass though
Hypnotism is the kind of thing that everyone wants to try. I'd be like, "oh, i know hypnotism" and everyone will say "wow hypnotize me!" And then I'll hypnotize them and they'll join my sleeper cell army.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a great party trick if you can pull it off at a party!
>>979049 Its bullshit that Zestiria has Eva costume dlc and Berseria doesn't.
Kirara 🍄 大医 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why is that bullshit
well it isnt really i just like complaining I would prefer there to be Eva dlc in the good tales game I own rather than the Tales game that I don't own