It came to light by him and his wife making an entire several year old youtube channel monetizing the abuse The world is a horrible fucking place and I wanna leave
what did they do exactly i think most stuff would just get removed from youtube if it's concerning
>>>/watch?v=fvoLmsXKkYM I'm just gonna give you this to watch about it, because I already watched a lot and it's way too much for me to properly covver >>97037 That's the one
>>97041 Oh yeah, they've been at it for a while day in day out
I can't even watch beyond the first minute and a half of >>97036 without getting angry It reminds me of my stepmom, but in her defense she never fabricated shit
And now I'm upset again
Apparently they've been gaslighting their kids, screaming at them constantly, making them cry, abusing them for having ADHD, etc That's just what I've read though
Someone said they started claiming it was all fake
i kinda imagine the kids being a bit messed up after 7 years of this so at this point they are ok with it
>>97044 "at least you don't beat us like other parents" Direct quote by one of their kids in a video defending it all
They would probably have lasting trauma and psychological problems that will affect them for
>>97036 >there are some people out there who don't think this is abuse but they're just asshole parents and exploiting their kids for money yep
>it's not abuse, they're just systematically singling out one kid to step on, throw into things, throw into the floor headfirst and make it impossible for the kid to tell the difference between a "prank" and his own parents being minutes from fucking murdering him
If anyone thinks this is even remotely acceptable, I legitimately don't want to talk to you again
They would probably have lasting trauma and psychological problems that will affect them for the rest of their lives
See the thing here is, and I can tell you this because I know what it's like to be bullied If you ask "what they did", the kid will not tell you shit because every individual thing, on its own and in a vacuum, isn't THAT bad Getting pushed once into a bookshelf isn't the end of the world, you'll live Getting roughly handled isn't that bad one time Getting pranked in poor taste one time isn't that bad
Also, wasn't there even a whole simpson episode about homer having made big money by having bart be on a commercial as a baby and then bart sued him and got all that money does that have any precident in reality? and could the same happen with these abused kids in future?
I mean the parents are profiting of them and their abusement
Oh that's just one, don't worry There's more There's a lot fucking more
they went on this other youtuber's show, he's fairly popular and does youtube drama shit, and he gave them the chance to tell their story Which was that the audience just doesn't get to see how loving a family they are
But really regardless of whether its right or wrong who actually WANTS to watch this shit
>>97063 when did this story started getting coverage?
Going headfirst into the floor was just an act, probably a midget stunt double
I'm joking but I'm mad
Seeing him screamed at, blamed for something he didn't do and having no chance of being believed hits way too close Especially when they fucking fabricated the situation completely
these people's fans likely have kids of their own, or will
what if the audience is kids
The admittedly few people I've seen on twitter defending it at adult normies
>normie >defending child abuse
I have literally not seen ONE weeb defending this I've seen at least 10 normies
well yeah weebs have better things to watch
I've seen weebs talk about this though, but 0 defending
weebs and the alt right actually care about the wellbeing of other people to some degree the left has people that care but the left is populated mostly by people pretending to care because they feel like they're supposed to so when stuff happens there's no genuine outrage except for by people on the right and in the middle for the most part
Some people in my threads and stuff are saying they're deleting their videos Or some of them at least I've been looking at the page but nothing so far >>97089 This isn't really a political issue though I've seen fucking swastika avatars moan about this
i want the crazies to find out that there a re hidden messages from cody on the videos asking for help
Kirara☆ !Sh0sAiDORU
>>97091 it's not about politics, i'm saying that you can generally see how much people actually care about others by their political orientation, though weebs on twitter are generally anime right which is why they're appalled by this stuff
>>97100 Oh uh a disclaimer on that They have on Keemstar's video at least SAID that was Cody overflowing the toilet or something Not him smearing shit around
But that's not the reason he didn't get to come to Disneyland, the actual reason was something he's too embarassed to want them to talk about in public SO THEY SAY I dunno if it's true It could be true, it's not impossible
Kids like that are never gonna turn on their parents at that age
>>97110 "At least you don't beat us like most parents" t. Older Brother
Cody can't handle it because he's getting over 50% of it loaded on him alone It's easy to handle abuse when you're getting 3% of it and someone else is getting 70% of it You go "Oh I have it OK"
"Do you ever notice how the people defending the rights of others suspiciously are always alt-right or ANIME AVATARS on twitter? That's because recognizing people's rights is an alt-RIGHT signal"
It just could happen They've tried nprmalising pedophilia and hate family values so who can really say
"A common trend among those who identify with alt right, nazi beliefs is defending women and children from perceived evils such as abuse, or assault"
the ink prank and the tablet one have both been removed
Oh and here's something you'll never see coming That fucking whale of a woman in the videos? She's the stepmom of Cody and Emma She's not their actual mom
Step mothers are about the worst creatures on this planet
I think it's biological I think women when given any authority over both their own and others' children will not only prefer their own, but SABOTAGE the others'
Yeah it is too common an occurance for stepmothera to mistrest the new kids
Step parents in general are all fucked up
Probably does have biological factors
It should be illegal for two parents with separate kids to live together
I wonder if there is research on this
That's a law I'd support, by the way I'm not fucking around
>>97163 Doubt doing it on men would be okay, but on women Sexist!
The more of this shit I watch the more fucking enraged I get I gotta go take a walk or I'll fucking snap
Maybe I'll do research on it
You should, though I dunno how easy it would be I doubt that kind of thing is even explicitly mentioned in documents
Note though, it's likely only gonna be an issue when both parties have their kids living together If it's just one parent's kids, it's likely not gonna be too much worse than just bio parents
>truth about heaven by eben alexander change just one letter and you have memest name ever
I hope the kids are extracted, and someone swats that jabrony fucking faggot and his fat whale bitch wife If a shot goes off that's just what he gets
Not satisfied with being an abusive father, he also has to present himself like a fuccking 15 year old in an OBEY cap Like seriously, I've seen less primitive motherfuckers at the zoo
This guy is gonna wake up with a note on his nightstand saying "we know where you live" one of these days, dude
>>97204 I have completely ignored everything about his bio mom except for the fact that she is hhis bio mom and the harpy in the videos is his stepmom EVERYTHING his bio mom or anyone including the kids says about the custody case is biased by nature So I refuse to deal with that The mom has a vested interest in making the father appear as bad as possible
I think fucking with kids is the worst choice you can make when pol and b both exist Neither like kids, but a LOT of pol and b, and 4chan in general, WAS Cody
i hope CPS tells him that it's all fine and he can keep the kids and then when he's relieved they say "just a prank bro" and they take the kids
>>97212 I misread and thought you said "speaking of..." as a reference to the OP of that thread Assumed it was some anime with a whodunit plot or something
>>97222 i'm disgusted but i wouldn't say i'm appalled i guess i don't know what APPALLED precisely means but it wasn't particularly shocking to me or anything i don't condone it but it's not foreign to me because of my childhood i guess i really especially hate that whale bitch though
Well, reality isn't shocking to people that have experienced reality. They've already accepted reality generally. Someone that's only read about child abuse online or in a textbook wouldn't imagine what it actually looks like.
It's not foreign, that's what's so fucking infuriating about it
>>97242 I think so Cody and Emma are his with a different bio mom I dunno exactly if any of and if so how many of the other 3 are his
>>97246 sk i'm gonna let you in on something neat check this out the youngest boy is his son from a different mom the oldest boys are the sons of his current wife >>97250 i'm just sayin that's probably not too likely
>You can't have kids with one woman, marry a different one, have kids with her, and break off because she's bipolar, only to end up with the first one again This is white scum, dude This isn't outside the realm of possibilities
Probably, but I'm getting mixed messages on it from everywhere