Oh, now antifa just left the protest, went into the street, and now they're smashing shit like car windows and whatnot Truly, defenders of freedom and liberty
Someone threw a knife at someone It was collapsed though, pocket knife, so it didn't hurt anyone
And what his trouble was wasn't the cheating really, but the money it ended up costing Like you could say he was wrong to cheat, but it's not something that messed up his life or anything The cost is
And I at least think the BANG just removes the thing you're talking about, which is in his case the cheating being something he is fine with not happening
well he kinda said that it's ok that nothing happened
>attempt to play a video game on a play station >"as a security measure, you have to change your password for the 30th fucking time this year" Oh okay that's good, it's not like I wanted to play video games or anything when I turned this piece of shit console on
why is that a feature...
>>95199 weird, I've never had to change my password
i got all done with my 12-hour-day-in-eight-hours day just to check my shit and realized i booked myself a 16 hour day tomorrow, one week ago why would i do that now i have to work 16 hours tomorrow i'm going to get back at me if it's the last thing i ever do that fucking asshole needs to pay for doing this to me
hang on a second... 7:30-12 that's four and a half hours 12 to 5:30 that's five and half that's 10 hours not 8 working for different time zones fucks with me
all focus groups, too fuck me i promised to take a break this week i'm doing tomorrow and them i'm taking the rest of the week off before i lose it just one more day renaurdeau moon
you just finish up your day too? just mailed off all my crap got paid bought a whole bunch of milk but no food because i was in a hurry to get back to working
>>95211 a friend got pretty upset with me recently i hadn't spoken to her in a long time and she had put on some weight and i didn't know about it and i was telling her about how much milk i'm drinking to try to gain weight she told me to stop or i'm not going to be able to control it and i'll get really fat
i guess it's hard to stay in-between i've always been on the thinner side
>>95213 Everyone has their own relationship with weight. Some people struggle to keep it on, others to keep it off. I have trouble keeping the weight off during fall and winter and start to burn it when late spring and summer come around. I am a few points heavier than I'd like to be right now, but I'm starting the phase where I burn it off. My clothes felt a little loose today and I had to tighten my belt, so I'm sure that's a sign that I'm starting to lose weight.
>>95215 The jeans i'm wearing now have an extra notch i had to make in them because at this time one year ago they were too loose to wear without a belt, but they're not belt jeans now they fit snug i was at the unhealthy side of then for a bit there my body feels too frail lately to handle running, i actually envy you and kirara for doing it so diligently i want to be in shape again one day
oh yeah also are there any red tome cavalry? i've got like six blue ones and more cecilias than i can throw in a well but i havent seen any red ones
when i see my own posts it looks like i'm complaining all the time i'm usually not i'm just a daydreamer is all and /moe/ is dead a lot so i drop a little thing here and there to spur something
oh i mean about not having a car or there not being nice mexican restaurants around here or not having a valid ID or little things i just like thinking about things i would like to do probably like thinking about them more than actually doing them i'm just a daydreamer, i feel pretty dopy these days
I bought some carrot sticks a while ago from whole foods they were really good, i enjoyed having them i never think to buy any more of them though. i should do that
Yeah it expired on my birfday just like me and i was so overloaded with work that i couldn't go get a tennessee ID last week (which i still havent done despite being here 9 months) and i dont think they're open on the weekend oh, right, and most importantly i dont have my BIRTH CERTIFICATE THANKS MOM YEAH IM SURE YOU NEED THAT MORE THAN I DO (i need one to get an ID in a new state)
>>95223 I actually kind of really like snacking on carrots. If it wasn't easier to reach for something less healthy I'd probably munch on them more often when hungry. Some times when I'm cooking something in the kitchen I'll just wash and strip a carrot and eat it while I'm making the food.
>>95226 they're great, but they're not so great on an empty stomach the issue i have with carrot sticks is they're so convenient that when i get hungry i'll just go to them instead of something that's good for a meal and then my stomach hurts all day and a stomach full of only milk and carrot sticks is not a happy stomach i can promise you it won't be a fun time
>>95225 my dad did that kind of stuff too when I moved out he kept insisting that he hang on to my passport and social security card because he thought I would lose them I guess those really came in handy when I was trying to get a job 100 miles away
>>95227 Yeah I can see that. Carrots especially are pretty close to being net-zero for caloric worth so while they might fill you up on the spot, they aren't great for actually powering yourself through the day.
i never had an adult passport i got one as a kid and never got one as an adult i have no valid license two invalid licenses with different names i'm basically off the grid i should just roll with it and invest in ethereum
>>95231 The plan is to take a train to missouri and go renew my drivers license there because i still have a valid MO address because getting a tennessee state ID and a tennessee driver's license are two different things So I want to go up there and do that, get me birth certificate and renew my license, then come back here and get a tennessee state ID i have been getting a lot of strange looks in the past months because the stores in walking distance all know me by now and they're like "why does this dude STILL have a missouri license" they probably think i'm using an alias or something and hiding from the law which is like half true probably
Oh, I see. My license was expired for like six months once, and I didn't know it. I went into a ton of bars during that time too. I didn't realize it had happened until I tried to buy champagne at the grocery store one day.
come to think of it I think my passport is going to expire next month guess I should renew that
My license has been expired for a couple years now I think.
do you still drive?
Heck no. I didn't even get to the point where my license is actually more useful for driving than for identification.
>>95233 the bars didn't care that it was expired? i haven't tried to use my ID to buy anything because it'd be awkward when they say "this is expired i can't sell you that" when they already know who i am if it was some place i never go to that'd be different >>95240 and the grocery store cashier must have just been envious and spiteful girl, huh?
And then once you have the wristband you don't get carded while buying booze. Though I don't recall buying booze all that often. I think I mooched twice as much alcohol as I bought, at least.
>>95247 I think mooching is something that comes naturally. They started giving me shit for being such a mooch for awhile, so I bought pitchers of beer for everybody for awhile and placated them. A cheap pitcher of beer is like 3 bucks so it was a small investment.
wow they got played for fools!
>>95242 that would normally be true but i have a fucking missouri license in tennessee do you know how confused these motherfuckers are when i show them my ID they're like "Wait, what is this" and they look for the birthday for like 30 seconds because it's not in the same place as on the tennessee IDs you should have seen kirara in nevada when he had to use his ID at the registration desk they're like "what is this shit" and he's just like "it's a Florida ID. I'm out of state hanging out with people i met on the internet" and they just didn't want to believe it was a real ID p.s. the florida ID is vertical instead of horizontal and it's really weird looking that's why they were so confused
it's their own fault at that point >>95250 haha that shit always gets people that happened to all of us when we were in the liquor store in philly, it took forever to get through
>>95254 I don't like snobby dark beers and that label screams snobby dark beer.
I only like the cheap watered down stuff.
I'm pretty sure that's a snobby IPA I like dark beers mostly but I really hate beer snobs cheap beer is fine enough
>>95254 fuck that noise dude back in saint louis i used to go to this huge liquor warehouse and they'd have everything local (saint louis has a huge local brew scene) and there'd be niggas specializing in these 12-15% ABV beers that you would only be able to buy at liquor stores because grocery stores/convenient couldn't do that these guys of whatever brand that image is sound like pussies trying to not sound like pussies
My otouto's hipster as fuck girlfriend uses bath products that are all like that. The labels on them are made to look like those old timey 1950 magazine advertisements that are just huge blocks of little text.
>>95258 are you snooping through her bath products in some coincidental time when you'd be near them or are you just really perceptive that's pretty impressive
>>95257 that sounds pretty nice actually I really like local brew/microbrew stuff, it's a shame there's this shitty air of superiority surrounding so much of the scene like I drink and enjoy malt liquor from the gas station I can't feel superior to shit when it comes to alcohol if I see a label like >>95254 on something I'm never going to buy it though it's so tryhard
>>95260 Oh nah, not in saint louis man i talk trash on it because i grew up there, but it's actually great it's such a rustic city, it's full of scenes that are just yearning to integrate and be connected it's a low cost of living area and people don't get as hung up on the competitive bullshit like portland they aren't assholes on a deeper level, just the surface level if that makes sense it's an incredibly vibrant city, but it's just sort of beneath the surface. some cities are that "great to visit, terrible to live in" kind of thing saint louis is the opposite. it's shitty to visit and there's nothing there it's great to live in because there's like a whole beehive or ant colony or something metaphoric underneath the surface that is really connected >>95262 i guess that's true i just haven't shared a shower in like five years so i havent noticed there's a lot of time in the shower if there wasn't all that time for looking around at things i wouldn't know that methylchloroisothiazolinone is in like every shampoo ever made
>>95259 Sometimes when everyone is visiting home they leave their stuff in the shower. It's natural to snoop through someone's bath products when they're just in your shower like that. I always look at the bath products when I use someone else's shower too.
I've gotten three out of four responses on my "Does not meet deadlines reliably (may as well be honest about this)" resume and zero out of two on my version that doesn't use that but is identical otherwise
Somewhere low cost of living then Like Mississippi
are you considering living in the states? >>95271 saint louis you can get a one bedroom apartment for probably 400 a mo you can rent a pretty decent house in the city for like $650 a month that's just real estate stuff though i'd say expect to spend $10-$15 if you're going out for a meal, and about $2.50 per meal if you buy groceries and know how to cook and you can get by on about $0.60 a meal if you're on the college student diet and eating ramen with eggs and tap water saint louis has a lot of free entertainment, but no useful public transit so you'd expect a vehicle or to live within the city already in walking distance gas is super cheap in missouri, cigarrettes are $4 a pack, and you can get a fifth of whiskey for like eight dollars weather is changing on a daily basis, tons of rain, expect a lot of heating costs in winter and AC costs in summer, though a smaller place you could get by with blankets and a space heater
i know that's just one specific city but it's where i lived, and i can speak to it being probably the most city-like place with low costs of living
>>95277 To be honest I can only base my statements on what I see on people's income papers I see at work. I don't have any personal experience with having to figure out what a living wage is.
>>95274 i bust my bum to get like 16-22 an hour and it aint easy i would say this is bullshit, but i think i legitimately might now know what constitutes a low-income area what i think is an affluent area might just be lower-middle class, yknow
>>95286 Are you too chicken to ask for a higher wage?
>>95283 I guess it is kind of hard to tell without experience you'd be surprised how much you can go without when you don't have the means to get more living on minimum wage is barely possible here in TN but at my current $14 an hour I'm pretty comfortable and I was able to build up a decent savings as a safety net >>95285 if you're thinking of moving, why choose the states?
>>95288 I think people like me just flock towards shitty careers
Well I guess it's always impressive how well some people can get by on poultry wages.
>>95289 I don't think I'd be very surprised at that. I'm naturally stingy. I usually do without a lot because I don't see any need to get more. Don't forget that I was still using an iphone 1 until earlier this year!
>>95287 I see people on paper who are living decently on 20 an hour. A lot of them are dual income families though.
When i was a professionalscrabbleplayer i had no expenses and was on my dad's insurance every dollar i made was just sitting in my bank account i had more money at that time than i have had any time during my adult life at one instance it goes as fast as it comes well no that's not true i had a really huge project like five years ago and it was paid in lump but that doesnt count
>>95291 Too much white flight happening in america right now
>>95289 I'm already an Americlap. Just an ignorant one. Till like 5 hours ago I thought I was gonna go to college, but plans have changed
>>95297 I'm worried about affording the basics of living here, seeing as New England is expensive as hell. I'm not guaranteed stable housing here, so looking at other areas seemed prudent. Roughing it out for a year or two seems doable, maybe.
>>95296 Knowing you as well (little) as i do, i would suggest staying where you have friends find people to get an apartment with while you grind through the early stages of work experience you just gotta rough it out a year or two. after you have good work experience on the plate and a previous landlord you will be well-set for getting a place and having a higher paying job if you got folks to stay with that can be good too but family life is not always conducive toward a healthy adult life, but that depends on the family it's good to get out and spread your wings though
I might choose a career working with children Although, I am a disgusting MALE so that might not pan out
>>95298 It's not impossible but you will need to maintain a very high level of professionalism, much higher than what is expected of women. Making a habit of recording one on one meetings and such, particularly with girls in the 12-17 range, would be a good practice.
ah you'll probably be fine what kind of career are you thinking about?
I wasn't really thinking of a career but a friend and ///// a friend recommended that I work for this afterschool program It's like a daycare type of thing but instead of needing your own space to do the babysitting you just babysit kids at their school after school ends for the day
I think the program is more than that but that's all that was described to me
I think working with kids can be a noble goal, and there is a need for men who do it. Kids need male role models and those are hard to come by these days. Kids raised exclusively by women tend to be messed up.
I've somehow managed to avoid all male career choices and did everything I could to do all the women's jobs
Well, there is a lot of demand for men in women dominated areas. In nursing, for example, men are worth their weight in gold. Because they can lift things and aren't lazy bitches like most women are.
>>95305 Mostly because of the social aspect too I certainly wouldn't fit well with a group of blue collar guys
>>95307 Man Let me tell you about male nurses They are literally ALL 6'+ hercules-esque gods among men The exact thing I was trying to avoid in the workplace
>>95311 Let me explain this to you in terms you can understand.
Have you ever observed a group of girls where most of them are below average, so the girl that is probably only a 6/10 looks really attractive? It's just like that with male nurses. Even if you are a manlet, as long as you have impressive looking forearms you will look like an adonis, because you will be surrounded by women.
>>95314 Yes, I am attempting to help your small little brain understand.
>>95313 You just ruined your own metaphor in your own metaphor you dolt Have you ever observed a group of girls who were mostly all really hot, so the girl who is just mid-level hot looks way less attractive? That's me in the hospital I'm a mid-level hot in a sea of high-level hots >>95317 That's true but whatever
>>95320 What if he is the buttjoke character in a yuri manga+
>>95320 Alright little hoe I guess I have no choice but to reply for real no no I'm not gonna reply for real I'm too smart for you rika you can't get me like this
I wasn't baiting you, I was helping you. Honestly, this is a valuable resource! You should listen to what I have to say.
Don't fall for her trap anon.
Thank you supportanon
All metaphors aside I do think the little old doctor dudes are cool At that age I think it's a lot more okay to be less masculine/good looking >>95337 Leave them aside
I'm about to nap a bit too. One thing I've noticed about this biphasic sleep schedule is that my body is very strict about when the naps are supposed to be.
i do the six-day week and do 28 hour days ive been doing it for a long time but i always have times when it fucks up and i just sleep for a whole day straight
It's funny how all over the place opinions are on sleep.
There are very few people who seem to have moderate opinions on sleep, either they are saying that it's unhealthy not to sleep 8 in one big chunk or that our ancestors slept in two periods with some waking time in between and that that's natural.
>>95361 I take a 3 hour nap, wake up and play around a bit, and then take another 3-4 hour nap before I go to work.
>>95360 I think that's pretty reasonable it's pretty natural to go to sleep around sundown after a long day and have some time in the middle of the night it makes sense for our ancestors because there were a lot of nocturnal predators, too and later in the stages, somebody had to be awake, yknow if you're dead weight during the night and there are swordtooth tigers around you're gonna be a vore fanfic on deviantart pretty quick
Yeah, it makes sense that someone would have to have been awake at most times. And that people would be in and out of sleep after sunset out of boredom, there's not much else to do at night except humping and you can't do that all the time.
I feel pretty well rested under this sleeping pattern, and I don't think my ability to think creatively is any less than it is usually.
i do think sleep is important but i dont think it's a // an efficient system I think being more prone to sleep than necessary was an aid in securing its proliferation i personally feel a few hours does the vesicles good and you're good to go until you need another nap though but circadian rhythms a bitch if you good at dealin with bitches it aint not // no thang tho
>>95367 I can do fine with a 24-hour straight job but i have trouble keeping a pattern day to day i'll tell you what, let's trade i'll give you all my waking hours, you give me all your sleeping hours you can be awake 24 hours a day and never have to sleep, and i can sleep all day and never have to be awake
nackt come back we need you
>>95369 I know eh. Unless I'm like drop dead tired my brain keeps me awake for long after I lay down for bed.
>>95369 weren't you talking about stims? are you doin the modafinils? i'm not bullshitting here one valerian root 400mg capsule will knock that shit out. modafs dont inhibit sleep, it just decreases the urge to sleep But better yet for someone on stims or cawfee is trazadone it knocks ya ass out within about 30 minutes but it's a fast-acting pentacyclic that wakes you up usually 5 or 6 hours after you fall asleep, and it's the restful kind of rest, not the crappy kind that's what normal people say about trazadone anyway personally, i take it and i'm awake all night and then fall asleep and sleep for 12 hours like six hours after it's supposed to kick in meanwhile i sometimes take modafinil to sleep
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>95374 oh i haven't taken modafinil in a couple of years now interesting but where would one acquire such a potent potable
your canadesian so it should be easy talk to a doctor tell them that your friend is taking trazadone and tells you to ask your doctor about it to help with your sleep issues if // are you still a heavy CAWFEE user given your obsession with carlsagan42 im gonna assume yeah if not it might not have such a great effect on ya
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
>>95376 i have zero to one cups of coffee a day wait how is he associated with coffee he is cheesy spaghetti
also i mostly stopped watching his stuff, now i'm just doing game grumps for video games, Dan is the man
>>95377 nothing i'm just doing market research everything you say is fine and won't be shared with third parties
Samurai !KW2DbpWwls
Internet Comment Etiquette is my new shit
>>95379 i actually watched a few of those last night and enjoyed them but there was one that i didn't care for so i unsubbed i dont remember what it was though
is this the drunk shitposting thread
if i was drunk would i be stuttering in real life NO i wouldn't i wish i was drunk
my back really hurts >>95382 I'll trade you a bottle of cabernet sauvignon for one (1) back massage
I get absolutely incensed well I got absolutely incensed one time when I had to call in because my car broke down and my manager tried to make me feel bad about it that fat piece of shit
Being a traveling journalist seems like so much fun I wanna go to rallies and stuff where antifa show up and document what's happening
But it's not exactly the kind of thing you can just do without already having some sort of income, either And who knows how long it'd be fun at all
I think it would be kinda fun too. Though for different trails to chase because I don't give a shit about political news. But I'd like to travel the world and see stuff.
I couldn't do it Especially since wars now are like A government vs rebels who don't give a slight fuck about 'the rules of war', which includes a willingness to dome reporters
"this is how you reveal a narcissist" Man, news are getting so stupid Actually, not even getting, this is the 4th time I can remember seeing this exact kind of article
>>95397 That's the fun part about being a war journalist though. You get to really witness the horrific nature of humanity first hand!
>>95400 That's even better. Consider it gonzo journalism. Write about how you had to pretend to be dead underneath the corpse of the warband escorting you after they were ambushed by rebels for 14 hours until they unoccupied the area.
>>95410 all that will happen if you don't file is you'll lose some dollars unless you owe taxes in which case the late filing penalty can be enormously huge, 10 times higher than the actual taxes even on the other hand losing your means of living is clearly bad
>>95569 Because I'm not scared of butting heads with people. If I don't agree with someone on something I don't really like backing down. Neither does she and that kind of ends up with things like this.
>>95580 I'm pretty good at phrasing my lesser aspects in positive ways. Besides, out of all the people I've butted heads with the worst, I'm still pretty close friends with a bunch of them.
I guess that's true. There's a lot of apple types I can't enjoy that much. The tarter and more bitter apples are hard to enjoy. But a good Gala or Fuji or Red Delicious are really delicious for me. Red Delicious are a bit of a gamble though since they can be really average-tasting and mealy to the feel if they're bad. But a good, juicy, crisp Red Delicious is amazing.
The other day I wasn't sure how well a female protagonist would work, but not now that I've played some more I want the equivalent of whatever the golden version is to have a female protagonist so I can chase after Yusuke. Yusuke is great.